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中文总榜 > 软件类 > PHP

数据更新: 2024-06-17   /   温馨提示:中文项目泛指「文档母语为中文」OR「含有中文翻译」的项目,通常在项目的「readme/wiki/官网」可以找到

# Repository Description Stars Updated
1 sebastianbergmann/phpunit The PHP Unit Testing framework. 19581 2024-06-16
2 piotrplenik/clean-code-php 🛁 Clean Code concepts adapted for PHP 12184 2024-05-09
3 z-song/laravel-admin Build a full-featured administrative interface in ten minutes 11097 2024-04-22
4 walkor/workerman An asynchronous event driven PHP socket framework. Supports HTTP, Websocket, SSL and other custom protocols. 11002 2024-06-04
5 w7corp/easywechat 📦 一个 PHP 微信 SDK 10237 2024-06-16
6 digininja/DVWA Damn Vulnerable Web Application (DVWA) 9589 2024-06-15
7 Anankke/SSPanel-UIM Multi-purpose proxy service management system 9205 2024-06-11
8 assimon/dujiaoka 🦄独角数卡(自动售货系统)-开源站长自动化售货解决方案、高效、稳定、快速!🚀🚀🎉🎉 8695 2024-05-23
9 top-think/think ThinkPHP Framework ——十年匠心的高性能PHP框架 7810 2024-05-05
10 linuxserver/Heimdall An Application dashboard and launcher 7395 2024-06-16
11 hyperf/hyperf 🚀 A coroutine framework that focuses on hyperspeed and flexibility. Building microservice or middleware with ease. 6022 2024-06-16
12 yansongda/pay 可能是我用过的最优雅的 Alipay/WeChat/Unipay 的支付 SDK 扩展包了 4959 2024-06-16
13 easy-swoole/easyswoole swoole,easyswoole,swoole framework 4730 2024-03-26
14 cakephp/phinx PHP Database Migrations for Everyone 4448 2024-06-14
15 solstice23/argon-theme 📖 Argon - 一个轻盈、简洁的 WordPress 主题 4420 2024-06-09
16 kuaifan/dootask DooTask是一款开源在线项目任务管理工具,提供各类文档协作工具、在线思维导图、在线流程图、项目管理、任务分发、即时IM,文件管理等工具;同时消息功能使用非对称加密技术让你的沟通更安全。 4353 2024-06-14
17 DenverCoder1/github-readme-streak-stats 🔥 Stay motivated and show off your contribution streak! 🌟 Display your total contributions, current streak, and longest streak on your GitHub profile README 4333 2024-06-12
18 endroid/qr-code QR Code Generator 4317 2024-05-14
19 overtrue/pinyin 🇨🇳 基于词库的中文转拼音优质解决方案 4255 2024-03-30
20 zyx0814/dzzoffice dzzoffice 3848 2024-04-25
21 hhxsv5/laravel-s LaravelS is an out-of-the-box adapter between Laravel/Lumen and Swoole. 3809 2024-04-23
22 jqhph/dcat-admin 🔥 基于 Laravel 的后台系统构建工具 (Laravel Admin),使用很少的代码快速构建一个功能完善的高颜值后台系统,内置丰富的后台常用组件,开箱即用,让开发者告别冗杂的HTML代码 3779 2024-03-15
23 zhuifengshaonianhanlu/pikachu 一个好玩的Web安全-漏洞测试平台 3506 2023-12-19
24 luolongfei/freenom Freenom 域名自动续期。Freenom domain name renews automatically. 3333 2024-02-29
25 nuwave/lighthouse A framework for serving GraphQL from Laravel 3330 2024-06-14
26 easychen/stack-roadmap 方糖全栈路线图2023,为「从螺丝钉到一人企业」补全技能栈 3328 2024-03-28
27 overtrue/easy-sms 📲 一款满足你的多种发送需求的短信发送组件 3100 2024-04-18
28 seatonjiang/kratos WordPress theme that focus on reading experience 3053 2024-03-12
29 teamtnt/tntsearch A fully featured full text search engine written in PHP 3047 2024-02-14
30 lizhipay/acg-faka 个人发卡源码,发卡系统,二次元发卡系统,二次元发卡源码,发卡程序,动漫发卡,PHP发卡源码,异次元发卡 3039 2024-05-23
31 antonioribeiro/tracker Laravel Stats Tracker 2880 2024-01-19
32 overtrue/laravel-wechat 微信 SDK for Laravel, 基于 overtrue/wechat 2854 2024-06-07
33 cocur/slugify Converts a string to a slug. Includes integrations for Symfony, Silex, Laravel, Zend Framework 2, Twig, Nette and Latte. 2850 2023-12-25
34 matomo-org/device-detector The Universal Device Detection library will parse any User Agent and detect the browser, operating system, device used (desktop, tablet, mobile, tv, cars, console, etc.), brand and model. 2796 2024-06-16
35 mirai-mamori/Sakurairo 一个多彩、轻松上手、体验完善,具有强大自定义功能的WordPress主题(基于Sakura主题,支持简繁英日多语言)A Colorful, Easy-to-use, Perfect Experience, and Powerful Customizable WordPress Theme (Based on Theme Sakura. Support Simplified Chinese, Tra ... 2764 2024-05-20
36 TIGERB/easy-tips A little Tips in my Code Career with Go&PHP 🥳🥳🥳 2719 2024-01-12
37 top-think/framework ThinkPHP Framework 2700 2024-06-15
38 SimpleSoftwareIO/simple-qrcode An easy-to-use PHP QrCode generator with first-party support for Laravel. 2650 2024-06-11
39 jae-jae/QueryList 🕷️ The progressive PHP crawler framework! 优雅的渐进式PHP采集框架。 2638 2024-06-14
40 PGYER/codefever CodeFever 是完全免费开源的 Git 代码托管服务,支持一行命令安装到自己服务器!CodeFever Community Edition (A Self-hosted Git Services)! 2634 2024-05-20
41 gptlink/gptlink 10分钟搭建可免费商用的AI对话环境,搭建简单,包含用户,订单,任务,付费等功能 2605 2024-03-27
42 icret/EasyImages2.0 简单图床 - 一款功能强大无数据库的图床 2.0版 2490 2024-06-14
43 ARCANEDEV/LogViewer 📃 Provides a log viewer for Laravel 2354 2024-05-16
44 5ime/video_spider 短视频去水印:抖音,皮皮虾,火山,微视,微博,绿洲,最右,轻视频,快手,全民小视频,巴塞电影,陌陌,Before避风,开眼,Vue Vlog 小咖秀,皮皮搞笑,全民K歌,西瓜视频,逗拍,虎牙,6间房,梨视频,新片场,acfun,美拍... 2341 2024-06-08
45 walkor/ A server side alternative implementation of in PHP based on workerman. 2274 2024-04-08
46 mochat-cloud/mochat 基于企业微信的开源SCRM应用开发框架&引擎,也是一套通用的企业私域流量管理系统! 2219 2024-04-26
47 Licoy/wordpress-theme-puock 🎨 一款基于WordPress开发的高颜值的自适应主题,支持白天与黑夜模式/无刷新加载/第三方登录等众多功能 A high-value adaptive theme based on WordPress, supports light and dark modes, no refresh loading, etc. 2196 2024-05-13
48 zoujingli/ThinkAdmin 基于 ThinkPHP6 的极简后台管理系统,内置注解权限、异步多任务、应用插件生态等,支持类 PaaS 更新公共模块和应用插件,插件可本地化定制开发。 2158 2024-05-31
49 magicblack/maccms10 苹果cms官网,苹果cmsv10,maccmsv10,麦克cms,开源cms,内容管理系统,视频分享程序,分集剧情程序,网址导航程序,文章程序,漫画程序,图片程序 2086 2024-06-11
50 kalcaddle/kodbox kodbox is a file manager for web. It is a newly designed product based on kodexplorer. It is also a web code editor, which allows you to develop websites directly within the web browser.You can run ko ... 2031 2024-06-13
51 mix-php/mix ☄️ PHP CLI mode development framework, supports Swoole, WorkerMan, FPM, CLI-Server / PHP 命令行模式开发框架,支持 Swoole、Swow、WorkerMan、FPM、CLI-Server 1930 2024-06-06
52 zorlan/skycaiji 蓝天采集器是一款开源免费的爬虫系统,仅需点选编辑规则即可采集数据,可运行在本地、虚拟主机或云服务器中,几乎能采集所有类型的网页,无缝对接各类CMS建站程序,免登录实时发布数据,全自动无需人工干预!是网页大数据采集软件中完全跨平台的云端爬虫系统 1886 2024-05-15
53 chillerlan/php-qrcode A PHP QR Code generator and reader with a user-friendly API. 1841 2024-05-10
54 typecho-fans/plugins Typecho Fans插件作品目录 1720 2024-05-23
55 nilsteampassnet/TeamPass Collaborative Passwords Manager 1623 2024-06-12
56 flucont/btcloud PHP开发的宝塔面板第三方云端 1555 2024-06-16
57 coduo/php-humanizer Humanize values that are readable only for developers. 1487 2024-04-11
58 HaoOuBa/Joe A Theme of Typecho 1477 2024-05-09
59 zoujingli/WeChatDeveloper 【新】微信服务号+微信小程序+微信支付+支付宝支付 1460 2024-03-06
60 a3vilc0de/PentesterSpecialDict Dictionary sets often used in penetration testing work , 渗透测试工作中经常使用的字典集。 1445 2024-03-31
61 stefangabos/world_countries Constantly updated lists of world countries and their associated alpha-2, alpha-3 and numeric country codes as defined by the ISO 3166 standard, available in CSV, JSON , PHP, SQL and XML formats, in m ... 1332 2024-05-17
62 overtrue/socialite Socialite is an OAuth2 Authentication tool. It is inspired by laravel/socialite, you can easily use it without Laravel. 1283 2024-06-07
63 pronamic/advanced-custom-fields-pro Advanced Custom Fields Pro, Git-ified. Automatically synced via GitHub Actions! This repository is just a mirror of the Advanced Custom Fields Pro plugin. Please do not send pull requests and issues. 1252 2024-05-27
64 easysoft/zentaopms Zentao is an agile(scrum) project management system/tool, Free Upgrade Forever!​ 1251 2024-06-14
65 cedar2025/Xboard 基于V2board二次开发支持新协议新特性的高性能面板 1196 2024-06-14
66 imiphp/imi imi 是一款支持长连接微服务分布式的 PHP 开发框架,它可以运行在 PHP-FPM、Swoole、Workerman、RoadRunner 等多种容器环境下。它支持 HttpApi、WebSocket、TCP、UDP、MQTT 服务的开发。特别适合互联网微服务、即时通讯聊天im、物联网等场景!QQ群:17916227 1159 2024-06-10
67 crazywhalecc/static-php-cli Build standalone PHP binary on Linux, macOS, FreeBSD, Windows, with PHP project together, with popular extensions included. 1139 2024-06-09
68 4x99/code6 码小六 - GitHub 代码泄露监控系统 1113 2024-04-17
69 geesondog/rhaphp RhaPHP是微信第三方管理平台,微信公众号管理系统,支持多公众号管理,CRM会员管理,小程序开发,APP接口开发、几乎集合微信功能,简洁、快速上手、快速开发微信各种各样应用。简洁、好用、快速、项目开发快几倍 。 1108 2024-02-09
70 fghrsh/live2d_api Live2D 看板娘插件 ( 上使用的后端 API 1101 2024-04-09
71 zoujingli/ip2region 准确率99.9%的ip地址定位库 1094 2024-03-21
72 yansongda/laravel-pay 可能是我用过的最优雅的 Alipay/WeChat/Unipay 的 laravel 支付扩展包了 1059 2024-04-27
73 walkor/GatewayWorker Distributed realtime messaging framework based on workerman. 1003 2024-03-07
74 aliyun/aliyun-oss-php-sdk Aliyun OSS SDK for PHP 991 2024-02-28
75 lkeme/BiliHelper-personal 哔哩哔哩(Bilibili)助手 - PHP 版(Personal) 988 2024-03-29
76 pplulee/appleid_auto 基于密保问题,自动解锁Apple ID,自动关闭双重认证,提供前端账号展示,支持多账号 986 2024-03-13
77 fightbulc/moment.php Parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates in PHP w/ i18n support. Inspired by moment.js 969 2024-02-27
78 scribu/wp-posts-to-posts Efficient many-to-many connections between posts, pages, custom post types, users. 969 2024-05-29
79 xiaochong0302/course-tencent-cloud 专注于网课系统,网校系统,在线教育系统,知识付费系统。名符其实的开源,可免费商用。docker容器化部署,极速搭建专属课程点播,课程直播学习平台。 960 2024-06-01
80 ZsgsDesign/NOJ ⚡ The most advanced open-source automatic algorithm online judge system 南京邮电大学开源 Online Judge QQ群:668108264 934 2024-03-26
81 qmcloud/momo php直播go直播,短视频,直播带货,语音聊天室,陪玩系统源码。 932 2024-05-05
82 Yurunsoft/PaySDK PHP 集成支付 SDK ,集成了支付宝、微信支付的支付接口和其它相关接口的操作。支持 php-fpm 和 Swoole,所有框架通用。宇润PHP全家桶技术支持群:17916227 883 2024-02-08
83 xiaomlove/nexusphp A private tracker application base on NexusPHP 837 2024-06-16
84 bixuehujin/blink A high performance web framework and application server in PHP. 832 2024-06-14
85 bs-community/blessing-skin-server Web application brings your custom skins back in offline Minecraft servers. 804 2024-05-16
86 ZeroDream-CN/SakuraPanel 樱花内网穿透网站源代码,2020 重制版 799 2024-02-08
87 shetabit/payment simple laravel payment package , supports multiple drivers 784 2024-03-07
88 dspurl/tfshop vue+php+uniapp轻量级多语言易二开跨终端商城系统,低代码,完全前后端分离,免费开源可商用,H5商城电商平台,微信小程序商城电商平台;支持H5、微信小程序,支付宝小程序、百度小程序、字节跳动小程序、安卓、IOS等等 772 2024-06-06
89 ernestwisniewski/kbin A reddit-like content aggregator and micro-blogging platform for the fediverse. 759 2023-12-20
90 Part-DB/Part-DB-server Part-DB is an Open source inventory management system for your electronic components 758 2024-06-14
91 likeshop-github/likeshop 🔥🔥🔥 likeshop开源免费商用电商系统,PC商城、H5商城、小程序商城、安卓APP商城、苹果APP商城,免费商用。场景:B2C商城,新零售商城,社交电商商城,分销系统商城,分销电商商城,小程序商城,商城源码,商城系统,单商户,多商户,电商系统,直播,uniapp,uni-app,B2B2C,B2B,O2O,ERP,Wechat,交易系统,内容系统,雷达,crm 753 2024-06-03
92 godruoyi/php-snowflake ❄ An ID Generator for PHP based on Snowflake Algorithm (Twitter announced). 752 2024-04-09
93 gmajian/sandphoto Layout ID/VISA photos in a single 6-inch photo 证件照片排版在线生成器 - 在一张6寸的照片上排版多张证件照 752 2024-03-19
94 zyx0814/Pichome 一款图片与媒体文件管理功能强大的开源网盘程序 739 2024-05-17
95 xaboy/form-builder PHP表单生成器,快速生成现代化的form表单,支持前后端分离。内置复选框、单选框、输入框、下拉选择框,省市区三级联动,时间选择,日期选择,颜色选择,文件/图片上传等17种常用组件。 722 2024-03-30
96 Tzwcard/ChinaTelecom-GuangdongIPTV-RTP-List 广州电信广东IPTV列表(IGMP/RTP组播地址) 672 2024-06-15
97 JaguarJack/catch-admin CatchAdmin是一个基于对Laravel和Element Plus进行二次开发的后台管理系统。CatchAdmin仍然采用传统的前后端分离策略,其中Laravel框架仅用作Api输出。通过这种设计,成功将管理系统模块之间的耦合降至最低。 661 2024-06-06
98 init-engineer/ 這是一份純靠北工程師的專案,請好好愛護它,謝謝。 650 2024-04-27
99 guanguans/notify Push notification SDK(AnPush、Bark、Chanify、DingTalk、Discord、Gitter、GoogleChat、IGot、Lark、Mattermost、MicrosoftTeams、NowPush、Ntfy、Push、Pushback、PushBullet、PushDeer、Pushover、PushPlus、QQ、RocketChat、ServerCh ... 624 2024-06-14
100 guanguans/music-dl Music Searcher and Downloader. - 音乐搜索下载器。 618 2024-06-11
101 WenPai-org/wp-china-yes 文派叶子 🍃(WP-China-Yes)是中国 WordPress 生态基础设施软件,犹如落叶新芽,生生不息。 605 2024-03-09
102 mineadmin/MineAdmin 🎉🎉🎉 MineAdmin是基于Hyperf框架 和 Vue3+Vite5 开发的前后端分离权限管理系统,自适应多终端。特色:后端 crud 生成 + 前端低代码 json 化配置 600 2024-06-14
103 wehaox/Typecho-Butterfly Hexo主题Butterfly的Typecho移植版———开源不易,帮忙点个star,谢谢了🌹 597 2024-06-09
104 Team-Tea-Time/laravel-forum A slim, lean forum package designed for quick and easy integration in Laravel projects 584 2024-06-15
105 juzeon/fast-mail-bomber Fast, multithreading, efficient and easy-to-use mail bombing/spamming tool. Sending mails via mailman services hosted by different providers. 538 2024-02-25
106 LyLme/lylme_spage 六零导航页 536 2024-05-05
107 overtrue/laravel-pinyin 🇨🇳 Chinese to Pinyin translator for Laravel 5 / Lumen 528 2024-03-29
108 andrewdwallo/erpsaas A Laravel and Filament-powered accounting platform, crafting a modern and automated solution for financial management. 522 2024-06-16
109 aliyun/openapi-sdk-php Alibaba Cloud SDK for PHP 518 2024-06-14
110 bingcool/swoolefy swoolefy是一个基于swoole实现的协程级、轻量级、高性能、开放性的API应用服务框架 513 2024-06-05
111 quasarstream/PHP-FFmpeg-video-streaming 📼 Package media content for online streaming(DASH and HLS) using FFmpeg 506 2024-04-22
112 xing61/zzz-api 优质稳定的OpenAI的API接口-For企业和开发者。OpenAI的api proxy,支持ChatGPT的API调用,支持openai的API接口,支持:gpt-4,gpt-3.5。不需要openai Key, 不需要买openai的账号,不需要美元的银行卡,通通不用的,直接调用就行,稳定好用!!智增增 503 2024-06-16
113 voku/portable-utf8 🉑 Portable UTF-8 library - performance optimized (unicode) string functions for PHP. 502 2024-06-10
114 youyingxiang/Discover Discover 是一个基于 Dcat-admin 开发的进销存系统 501 2024-04-29
115 jielive/initial A Typecho Theme 491 2024-01-27
116 emlog/emlog 轻量级开源博客及建站系统 485 2024-06-14
117 globalcitizen/php-iban Generate, parse, validate, error-correct and present IBAN (and IIBAN) bank account information in PHP. 469 2024-04-03
118 KitePig/FatRat-Collect 胖鼠采集 WordPress优秀开源采集插件 455 2024-05-20
119 top-think/think-swoole Swoole extend for thinkphp 450 2024-05-20
120 milwad-dev/laravel-validate Help to write easy & faster advance validation for Laravel 448 2024-06-09
121 ProxyPanel/ProxyPanel A web application managing multiple proxy protocols, including features like multi-payment systems, account management, admin notifications, and product models. 426 2024-06-12
122 bosnzt/wordscheck 敏感词检测,违禁词过滤,敏感词过滤,敏感词库,一键启动,本地运行,私有化部署,1分钟接入完成,开箱即用,支持docker,支持在线api 425 2024-06-12
123 coderello/laravel-nova-lang 🌌 Language files for Laravel Nova translated into 40+ languages. Feel free to submit your language or update an existing one! 422 2024-02-01
124 fastdlabs/fastD 🚀 A high performance PHP API framework. 422 2024-02-21
125 ash-jc-allen/laravel-exchange-rates A Laravel wrapper package for interacting with the API. 420 2024-03-19
126 yupoxiong/BearAdmin 基于ThinkPHP6.0+AdminLTE3.2的后台管理系统 418 2024-01-03
127 khsing/laravel-world provide countries, states, and cities relations and database. 417 2024-05-05
128 LasseRafn/php-initial-avatar-generator Generate avatars with initials from user names. 407 2024-04-29
129 usualtool/framework UsualTool Framework (UT) is based on PHP multi-end development framework, class library perfect, suitable for the development of various types of applications. 405 2024-06-08
130 Automattic/wp-super-cache [READ ONLY] WP Super Cache: A fast caching engine for WordPress. This repository is a mirror, for issue tracking and development head to: 405 2024-06-13
131 modstart/ModStartCMS 模块化内容管理系统 397 2024-06-12
132 excelwebzone/EWZRecaptchaBundle This bundle provides easy reCAPTCHA form field for Symfony. 396 2024-02-21
133 jfcherng/php-diff A comprehensive library for generating differences between two strings in multiple formats (unified, side by side HTML etc). 390 2024-04-02
134 jiix/xiunobbs Xiuno BBS 是一款高性能轻论坛程序,采用 MIT 协议发布,您可以自由修改、派生版本、商用而不用担心任何法律风险。 384 2024-06-09
135 txperl/Story-for-Typecho Typecho Theme Story - 爱上你我的故事 384 2023-12-30
136 xenocrat/chyrp-lite An ultra-lightweight blogging engine, written in PHP. 383 2024-06-16
137 xingwenge/canal-php Alibaba mysql database binlog incremental subscription & consumer components Canal's php client[阿里巴巴mysql数据库binlog的增量订阅&消费组件 Canal 的 php 客户端 ] 380 2023-12-18
138 weeshop/WeeShop 优雅易用的微信小程序商城,PHP商城。 基于Laravel的基因,来自Symfony的底层技术,来自Drupal Commerce的核心技术,由Drupal中国开源社区维护。QQ群:714023327 379 2024-03-26
139 stechstudio/laravel-zipstream Easily create Zip files on-the-fly and provide a streaming download 373 2024-06-10
140 ijry/uiadmin UiAdmin是一套渐进式模块化开源后台,采用前后端分离技术,数据交互采用json格式,功能低耦合高内聚;核心模块支持系统设置、权限管理、用户管理、菜单管理、API管理等功能;我们按照统一的API风格,开发了支持spring-boot3.0、Flask、Express、thinkphp6.0、laravel9.0、Hyperf3.0版本的后端实现。 371 2024-05-29
141 houdunwang/v2015 后盾人2015-2018年视频代码 369 2024-01-10
142 xiaoxuan6/SMSBombing 短信轰炸 368 2024-06-08
143 jiannei/lumen-api-starter Lumen 10 基础上扩展出的API 启动项目,精心设计的目录结构,规范统一的响应数据格式,Repository 模式架构的最佳实践。 356 2024-01-22
144 caiweiming/DolphinPHP 海豚PHP——基于ThinkPHP5.1.41LTS的快速开发框架 356 2024-03-18
145 zqzten/alfred-web-search-suggest Alfred search suggest workflow for various popular websites. 350 2024-02-13
146 TencentCloud/tencentcloud-sdk-php Tencent Cloud API 3.0 SDK for PHP 348 2024-06-13
147 iiDestiny/laravel-filesystem-oss 💾 Oss storage filesystem for Laravel. 347 2024-04-30
148 inhere/php-console 🖥 PHP CLI application library, provide console options,arguments parse, console controller/command run, color style, user interactive, format information show and more. 功能全面的PHP命令行应用库。提供控制台选项、参数解析, 命 ... 344 2024-02-07
149 simps/mqtt 🕹 MQTT Protocol Analysis and Coroutine Client for PHP. Support for 3.1, 3.1.1 and 5.0 versions of the MQTT protocol. 338 2024-06-12
150 outl1ne/nova-multiselect-field A Laravel Nova package that adds a multiselect to Nova's arsenal of fields. 326 2024-05-15
151 tznb1/TwoNav TwoNav 第二代云导航 云书签管理系统 316 2024-05-26
152 yujiandong/simpleforum Simple Forum 309 2024-03-22
153 hunzhiwange/queryphp ++🔥High Performance PHP Progressive Framework. 308 2024-05-20
154 slowlyo/owl-admin 🎈 Owl Admin : 基于 laravel 和 amis 开发的后台框架, 友好的组件使用体验, 可轻松实现复杂页面, 内置代码生成器, 让开发者快速搭建后台管理系统 306 2024-06-15
155 funson86/funboot 基于Yii2的Saas快速开发平台,内置多商户并内置商城、论坛、CMS等子系统。Yii2/Mysql/Mongodb/Redis/Elasticsearch/SnowFlake雪花算法ID生成 RBAC动态权限 数据权限 定时任务 日志/消息 代码生成Gii升级 299 2024-05-09
156 dyedd/lanstar 一款三栏、简约、个性的typecho主题 297 2024-01-16
157 lpilp/phpsm2sm3sm4 php版本,支持国密SM2的签名算法,非对称加解密,SM3的hash, SM4的对称加解密 281 2024-05-29
158 deatil/larke-admin larke-admin 是一套使用 Laravel 、JWT 和 RBAC 鉴权的前后端分离的通用后台管理系统。/ An admin api system with Laravel, JWT and RBAC. 280 2024-06-15
159 hyperf-plus/admin 【全新架构】使用体检和laravel-admin类似,无需写前端vue代码即可实现漂亮的ElementUI框架页面,Auth组件和 laravel的auth 类似支持多用户认证功能,hyperf-admin 插件式快速开发框架 277 2024-04-06
160 witersen/SvnAdminV2.0 基于web的SVN管理系统,支持HTTP协议、SVN协议、支持LDAP认证、Docker部署 276 2024-04-16
161 yzmcms/yzmcms YzmCMS是一款基于YZMPHP开发的一套轻量级开源内容管理系统,YzmCMS简洁、安全、开源、实用,可运行在Linux、Windows、MacOSX、Solaris等各种平台上,专注为公司企业、个人站长快速建站提供解决方案。 276 2024-03-15
162 parsimonhi/animCJK Draw animated Japanese characters (Kanji and Kana), Korean characters (Hanja) and Chinese characters (Hanzi) in correct stroke order using svg, free open-source code. 272 2024-01-10
163 bfengj/CTF 关于我在CTF中的所有东西 271 2024-06-12
164 shiyiya/typecho-theme-sagiri 🍰 As lovely as sagiri 259 2024-03-18
165 swoole/phpkafka PHP Kafka client is used in PHP-FPM and Swoole. PHP Kafka client supports 50 APIs, which might be one that supports the most message types ever. 257 2024-02-21
166 Yurunsoft/YurunHttp YurunHttp 是开源的 PHP HTTP 客户端,支持链式操作,简单易用。完美支持Curl、Swoole 协程。QQ群:17916227 257 2024-01-17
167 LuckyPuppy514/automatic-theater 利用 Docker 打造自动化家庭影院,开箱即用 255 2024-01-14
168 pupuk/address 纯PHP版,收货地址智能解析,不需要数据库支持,简单易用。可解析(身份证号,电话,座机,区号,拆分省+市+区+街道地址) 252 2024-04-17
169 BigCoke233/matcha 🍵 Typecho Theme Matcha 247 2024-03-23
170 misaka19008/PerlinPuzzle-Webshell-PHP 使用分支对抗技术制作的PHP Webshell,截止2024年1月18日,共数十个查杀引擎免杀 242 2024-01-19
171 zhouaini528/exchanges-php This is a virtual currency SDK that brings together multiple exchanges 242 2024-01-02
172 masterking32/WoWSimpleRegistration Simple Registration page for TrinityCore/AzerothCore/AshamaneCore/CMangos 242 2023-12-29
173 Mosasauroidea/GazellePW Movie-based Gazelle 241 2024-06-09
174 iamxjb/rest-api-to-miniprogram REST API TO MiniProgram 为小程序提供 rest api 支持 241 2024-06-04
175 kkokk/poster PHP 海报生成、图片验证、HTML转图片,极速生成方便快捷。快速生成海报、生成签到日、生成二维码、合成二维码、图片添加水印、图片水印、水印 240 2024-06-05
176 whitebearcode/typecho-bearsimple 一款简洁大方的Typecho主题 237 2024-06-13
177 jiannei/laravel-response 🤖 Provide a standardized and unified response data structure for Laravel and Lumen API projects. - 为 Laravel 和 Lumen API 项目提供一个规范统一的响应数据结构。 236 2024-03-13
178 phpzlc/phpzlc PHPZlc是基于Symfony的脚手架工具 226 2024-06-12
179 tetranz/select2entity-bundle A Symfony2 bundle that integrates Select2 as a drop-in replacement for a standard entity field on a Symfony form. 218 2023-12-29
180 giterlizzi/dokuwiki-template-bootstrap3 Bootstrap-based template for DokuWiki 216 2024-02-06
181 hyperf/gotask ⚡️ A lightning speed replacement for Swoole TaskWorker in Go 214 2024-02-21
182 Jader/PcmToWav 🎵 PHP 实现 PCM 格式音波文件转 WAV 格式音频文件 213 2024-05-31
183 justmd5/pinduoduo-sdk 拼多多API SDK【多多客|多多进宝&拼多多开放平台】 204 2024-05-16
184 walkor/mqtt Asynchronous MQTT client for PHP based on workerman. 203 2024-06-04
185 guanguans/ai-commit Automagically generate conventional git commit messages with AI. - 使用 AI 自动生成约定式 git 提交信息。 194 2024-06-12
186 zeromicro/goctl-swagger - 194 2024-05-31
187 top-think/think-worker Workerman extend for ThinkPHP 193 2024-06-04
188 codeigniter4/translations System message translations for CodeIgniter4 191 2024-06-15
189 jimersylee/Andromeda This is a php framework,apply Di,Ioc,这是我写的一个使用了Di和Ioc的php框架 191 2024-06-11
190 phper666/jwt-auth 能直接在hyperf框架中使用jwt的组件. 用之前,请详细的看下下面的文档~ 188 2024-02-02
191 zjkal/time-helper 一个简单快捷的PHP日期时间助手类库。 a smart PHP datetime helper library. 186 2024-06-14
192 Fenguoz/tron-php Support TRON's TRX and TRC20, which include functions such as address creation, balance query, transaction transfer, query the latest blockchain, query information based on the blockchain, and query i ... 184 2024-02-23
193 guanguans/laravel-soar SQL optimizer and rewriter for laravel. - laravel 的 SQL 优化器和重写器。 183 2024-06-12
194 tencentyun/cos-php-sdk-v5 cos-php-sdk-v5 182 2024-05-28
195 top-think/think-throttle thinkphp 限制访问频率的中间件 181 2024-04-15
196 netcccyun/pan 彩虹外链网盘 179 2024-03-22
197 qbhy/hyperf-auth hyperf 的 auth 组件 175 2024-01-11
198 overtrue/weather 🌈 基于高德开放平台接口的 PHP 天气信息组件。 172 2024-04-04
199 hanximeng/LanzouAPI 蓝奏云直链,蓝奏api,蓝奏解析,蓝奏云解析API,蓝奏云带密码解析 171 2024-01-12
200 mrgeneralgoo/typecho-markdown A markdown parse plugin for typecho. 171 2024-06-15

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