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title: Upper-Confidence-Bound Action Selection
date: 2020-09-29 19:49
tags: :reinforcement-learning:method:algorithm:exploration:
type: note
- Exploration actions is necessary to achieve better rewards.
- However, when the algorithm will choose a non-greedy action, it normally doesn't use any kind of preference
- Selecting non-greedy with potential to be optimal, taking into account both how close their estimates are to being maximal and the uncertainties in those estimates.
$N_t(a)$ denotes the number of times that action a has been seelcted prior to time t -
$c$ controls the degree of exploration. -
$ln(t)$ logaraithm natural of t - Square-root: MEasure of the uncertainty or variance in the estimate of action value.
- Each time a action is selected the uncertainty term in equation above reduce as
$N_{t}(action)$ increases, and as it appears in the denominator, the uncertainty term decreases. - If any another action than A is selected, the t increases, and uncertainty about action A increases also.
- Logarithm natural means that the increases get smaller over time, but are unbounded
- "All actions will eventually be selected, but actions with lower value estimates, or that have already been selected frequently, will be selected with decreasing frequency over time." Sutton, Page 58
- UCB is not pratical for nonstationary problems and can really complexy when using function approximation to deal with values