Releases: FedericoPecora/coordination_oru
Releases · FedericoPecora/coordination_oru
Current stable version before MS4 Iliad
It supports the abort mission functionality but not the replanning upon request.
Current stable version
Fixing Gradle of version 0.6.2
Current stable release
0.6.1 Added documentation to OccupancyMap and fixed inconsistency with map …
Current stable release
Now includes roadmap management (in class Missions), OccupancyMap support, and refactored OMPL-based motion planner.
Merge branch 'master' of…
Revert to maven plugin for jitpack
Note: this release is not correctly served by jitpack, due to the use of the maven-publish plugin. Please use release 0.5.4 instead.
Note: this release is not correctly served by jitpack, due to the use of the maven-publish plugin. Please use release 0.5.4 instead.
Added method to check if there is a deadlock or non-live situation
Last version of master without UDP live functionality
dead_end Merge branch 'master' of…