Farset Labs is a private company limited by guarantee, with four current directors:
- Andrew Bolster
- Ben Bland
- Dylan Wylie
- David Kane
The currently enacted form of the Code of Conduct is on the Blog. There is also an abridged version but it is not guaranteed to be legally identical to the full legalese text.
There is also a wiki-version of the Code of Conduct that includes the latest proposed changes. This is not currently enacted until it is updated on the blog after unanimous director approval and community consultation, including but not limited to this wiki, the Town Hall meetings, or other ad-hoc community conversations. The community will always be notified of changes before publication.
- As a NFP we are exempt from certain sections of the DPA'98,
specifically processing which is only for the purporses of:
- establishing or maintaining membership;
- providing or administering activities for either the members or those who have regular contact with it
- A list of members names will be available to any other member. We may need to provide the members list to a member or non-member if requested for a suitable purpose, but we'd probably ask a lawyer or court to advise on whether the purpose is suitable or not.
|| |----|-----| |Opening Date|06/04/12| |Company Name|FARSET LABS| |Company Number|NI611278| |Incorporation Date|20/02/12| |HMRC Charity Reference|XT33366| |Date of effective charitable status|20/02/12|