Farset Labs is funded through a mix of membership dues, event/programme sponsorship and donations.
It currently receives no funding support from any grant giving organisations. We do not receive funds from InvestNI.
We are actively seeking sponsorship from relevant areas of technology, arts, and culture to improve the equipment and facilities that this community has build from nothing into a keystone in the NI technology community.
Sponsorship will allow us to grow our capabilities and our remit, to bring technology to a wider audience, and to advance the skillsets available across Northern Ireland, as well as creating a sense of community that simply doesn't exist anywhere else.
The organisations who step forward to support Farset Labs in turn support the entire digital-creative community; they make it possible for us to keep the doors open and the heat on, enabling the next generation of technologists and cultural leaders to excel and experiment in a open space, and for the world to watch along.
It's fairly clear what we get out of sponsorship; financial security and better equipment/resources, but what about for you?
What better place to find software engineers / digital creatives / product managers than in a hackerspace! These are people who are so passionate about what they do, the go somewhere-else to do it after their 9-5.
Contributing to and engaging with the community has long been a great way to find the exceptional talent so many companies are searching for.
Getting your name and product our there through the promotional aspects of our sponsorship packages is a great competitive advantage; if your business is built on serving technologists, or even serving the companies those technologists may create, they get to be introduced to your brand in a collaborative space.
If you go for one of our equipment/resource sponsoring programmes, you'll get near-real-time feedback on your technologies from people who are happy to experiment with the bleeding edge, and push it to the limit.
Selecting one of our Event Sponsoring Programmes will allow you to reach out and get more face time with the community.
Given the amount of notoriety Farset has attained in its short existence, now is the time to jump on and be part of one of the most news-worthy programmes in Northern Ireland today.
Farset's growing community put your organisation in front of a wide variety of people, From Beginners to Experts, Software Developers to Artists, Mad-Scientists to Ponderous Polymaths, Farset draws not only it's membership but its wider audience from the province-wide technical and creative community, young and old.
Sponsorship of our STEM Outreach programme would generate an audience of thousands of the most talented children and teenagers who can be brought into STEM with such passion and energy that business of the future will be forced to stand back and let them run through!
Supporting our Knowledge Sharing programme would expose you to our wider network of creative and innovative agencies and people, pulled together in a synergistic hot-pot of ideas and inspiration.
When compared to other opportunities to tick the box of Corporate Social Responsibility, Farset Labs is a no-brainer for any scale of industry. Our basic, un-focused corporate package sits at a manageable £2,400 pa, up to major one off capital improvements that can be taken wholesale for £10,000 or contributed in-part to.
Farset Labs has a track record of delivering amazing results with very little. In its first year, it was completly self-supported and still managed to run a full year of exciting events, ranging from weekend events like the 48hr Global Game Jam or Spring-Up rapid-incubator, to the test-cases of our STEM Outreach programme with Dalriada School and Coláiste Feirste, culminating in the launch of our CoderDojo, only Belfast's Second Dojo (the other being supported by BMC).
Imagine what we could do with your help?
At year end 2012 (April '13), Farset Lab's income breakdown was approximately;
Sector | Sector Breakdown | % contrib |
Memberships | Individual | 35% |
Corporate | 30% | |
Events | Sponsored | 22% |
Venue Hire | 11% | |
Donations | 2% |
At year end 2012 (April '13), Farset Lab's outgoings breakdown was approximately;
Sector | Sector Breakdown | % contrib |
Overheads | Rent | 36% |
Service Charge | 24% | |
Utilities | 9% | |
Exceptional | 24% | |
Event Expenses | 7% |