- 2 player game (WASD/Arrow Keys)
- Each player controls a ship that can shoot
- Each shot on target will have a small knockback
- Objective is to try to destroy the other player (will take multiple hits)
- The outside wall will gradually move in
- Life is drained the further out of the main area the player is
- Obstacles will stop you from moving and will block shots
- Powerups can be purchased in exchange for life
- Speed boost
- Accuracy boost
- Shot cooldown time reduction
- Damage boost
- Knockback boost
- Win counter like 1-0
- First to 3 (short game), 5 (medium game), or 7 (long game)
- Set up small logging system
- Link SDL with Visual Studio
- Open window using SDL
- Create player texture
- Create player in game to control
- Make player able to shoot
- Cooldown timer for bullets
- Spawn 2 players that can shoot each other
- Create circle moving inwards from edges
- Add life to players
- Add flames of different lengths for player at different speeds
- Drain life when player is outside the combat area
- Make life drain faster when further out
- Add start screen
- Add powerup purchasing on start screen
- Make powerups affect gameplay
- Show life left at top of screen
- Implement knockback on each hit
- Add a win counter
- Implement choosing between short/medium/long games
- Add game over screen