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We evaluate our program similitude analysis in two stages. First, we use algorithms from known domains to evaluate their semantic similitude. Second, we focus on the evaluation of our approach using a new corpus for program similitude analysis, to evaluate our algorithm on larger codebases. The programs in the corpus are divided in 5 domains, including for each domain implementations that are alike and that are structurally different --that is, differ further than small deltas, but still provide the same behavior.

Evaluation Environment

To execute all the evaluation scenarios we use a Intel core i5-5257U processor with 8GB RAM running Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS. Our evaluation uses version 3.3 of LLVM and C++11.

Effectiveness of Code Clone Detection

To start the evaluation of our proposed algorithm, we validate its effectiveness by analyzing the performance of our algorithm with a small example from well-known domains. Then, We validate the effectiveness of our approach with respect to the state-of-the-art, using the BigClone benchmark focusing on Type-4 code clone detection.

Known Domains

As explained before, our similitude evaluation does not look to detect small semantic changes between program deltas. Rather, we are interested in a metric for similitude for algorithms within a class of algorithms with the same pre- and post-conditions. That is, we want to analyze programs that can have different characteristics (e.g., black-box behavior).

Experiment Setup

We first evaluate our tool comparing 10 programs of well-known algorithms from three different domains: sorting (4 programs), search (2 programs), and aggregation (4 programs).

Table 1. Characterization of the knwon domains data set

Algorithm LoC Loops Conditionals Parameters Data structures CFG nodes
bubble sort 19 2 1 array - 9
gnone sort 16 1 1 array - 8
merge sort 54 5 2 array - 27
quick sort 36 2 2 array stack 13
binary search 16 1 2 array - 9
linear search 10 1 1 array - 8
min 10 1 1 array - 9
max 10 1 1 array - 9
sum 7 1 0 array - 4
sum odd 9 1 1 array - 6

The previous table shows the algorithms used as representative of each application domain, describing the algorithms' complexity and structure by their LoC, and the loops and conditionals used in the implementation. Additionally, we describe the input parameters the used data structures, and the nodes of the generated CFG. We can see from the table that most of the algorithms have a similar structure, as they iterate over an array to compute their functionality, usually described by a set of operations within a conditional. Our hypothesis for this evaluation is that the algorithms with a closest structure should be more similar to each other, than to the other algorithms.


Figure 1 shows the evaluation of the three application domains using our algorithm. From the figure, it is possible to see that the algorithms are not clustered as initially expected. Nonetheless, the observed clusters are close to our hypothesis. The difference in the clusters yields from the structure of the algorithms, as this metric takes precedence over the behavior metric. A first cluster (to the top left of the figure) is composed of the aggregation algorithms and the linear search algorithm. These algorithms all have the same structure, a loop over the input array parameter with an inner if condition to evaluate each array element with respect to the algorithm's goal. This similarity can be observed too from their corresponding CFG (Figures 1 and 2 in the paper), confirming that indeed the algorithms are
structurally related. The exception of this cluster is the sum algorithm, which does not have the conditional, this marks a difference in the comparison. However, its behavior is still closest to the other aggregation and linearsearch algorithms than to any other algorithm from the other domains. The second cluster, groups together the bubble and gnone sorting algorithms with binary search (towards the bottom of the figure). In line with our hypothesis, the sorting algorithms are close together. binary search is close to bubble sort given the similarity of the outer most loop in both algorithms. The conditionals in both algorithms also present a similar behavior that adds up to the similarity score. The third cluster (on the right of the figure) contains the two different algorithms of the data set merge and quick sort. These two algorithms are not similar with each other or any of the other algorithms. quick sort differs from all algorithms as it uses an additional data structure, a stack, to order the array iteratively. merge sort, differs from the other algorithms as the structure of the loops is quite different from the other algorithms, generating more nodes when building the CFG. The separation of the algorithms in this cluster form the other algorithms is confirmed by the similarity matrix shown in Table 2.

Results Figure 1. Clustering of algorithms from the known domains

Table 2 shows the 10x10 similarity matrix for the comparison between all the programs of the known domains. In the table, the diagonal (in bold) corresponds to the comparison of the algorithm with itself, which is the highest similarity for the algorithm. Therefore, in the table, the closer the values are to those in the diagonal, the more similar the algorithms. For example, in the min column (where the value in bold, representing similarity to itself, is 0.6231), the closest values are those corresponding to max 0.6231 as these two algorithms are semantically the same, and linear (0.6182). In this case, all sorting algorithms have a score lower than 0.3865, as these algorithms belong to a different domain and do not support the same pre- and post-conditions. In the case of quick sort, we observe that all values are bellow 0.3017, which is smaller than half, when compared to the self-similarity value of 0.6053.

Table 2. Similarity matrix for the known algorithms

sum sum_odd min linear quick binary merge bubble max gnone
sum 0.6475 0.3859 0.3884 0.3837 0.1309 0.2188 0.0824 0.2391 0.3884 0.2748
sum_odd 0.3859 0.6231 0.5866 0.5817 0.2087 0.3113 0.1158 0.3458 0.5866 0.3951
min 0.3884 0.5866 0.6231 0.6182 0.2005 0.3282 0.1130 0.3457 0.6231 0.3865
linear 0.3837 0.5817 0.6182 0.6231 0.2026 0.3314 0.1132 0.3471 0.6182 0.3830
quick 0.1309 0.2087 0.2005 0.2026 0.6053 0.2738 0.2108 0.3017 0.2005 0.2648
binary 0.2188 0.3113 0.3282 0.3314 0.2738 0.6123 0.1470 0.4191 0.3282 0.4091
merge 0.0824 0.1158 0.1130 0.1132 0.2108 0.1470 0.5953 0.1707 0.1130 0.1430
bubble 0.2391 0.3458 0.3457 0.3471 0.3017 0.4191 0.1707 0.6136 0.3457 0.4243
max 0.3884 0.5866 0.6231 0.6182 0.2005 0.3282 0.1130 0.3457 0.6231 0.3865
gnone 0.2748 0.3951 0.3865 0.3830 0.2648 0.4091 0.1430 0.4243 0.3865 0.6129

The results from Table 2 confirm our hypothesis and the validity and usefulness of our approach. That is, we are able to measure the similitude between a set of algorithms in a given domain. We observe that the algorithms in the search domain are structurally different, and their similarity score is low with respect to the self comparison. This suggests the algorithms are indeed diverse, in line with the motivation of our work. Likewise, in the sorting domain, we observe gnone and bubble are closely related, while merge and quick are further a part, constituting different versions of the sorting algorithms. Finally, in the aggregation domain, we observe indistinguishable features between max and min, while sum and sum_odd are correctly identified as semantically different to the other two algorithms in the set.

Similitude Analysis Corpus

To further evaluate our approach, we analyze more complex programs from different domains, and using different programming styles. With this purpose we build a corpus for the similitude analysis of different programs.

Data Corpus Description

Our corpus consists of 566 different C++ programs extracted from the Codeforces competitive programming online judge. The extracted programs are solution submissions to five problems (domains). The problems used present different implementation characteristics, ranging from simple straightforward implementations (the difficulty level of the problems is given by their accompanying letter starting with A as the simplest problem), to implementations using multiple functions, requiring to manage complex data structures (e.g., DSU) or advanced algorithms (e.g., dynamic programming (dp), or computational geometry). For each of the problems we extracted up to 50 submissions for each category: (1) submissions that complete all test cases (OK), (2) submissions that yield a runtime error (RUNTIME_ERROR), and (3) submissions that do not solve the problem properly (WRONG_ANSWER). \fref{tab:codeforces} shows the distribution of the data set classified by solution category, each containing the average LoC per submission.

Table 3. Characterization of the problems in the corpus

558B implementation 25 (avg. 28LOC) 44 (avg. 38LOC) 50 (avg. 26LOC)
922E dp 12 (avg. 27LOC) 47 (avg. 53LOC) 49 (avg. 26LOC)
1142C geometry 48 (avg. 34LOC) 25 (avg. 130LOC) 46 (avg. 31LOC)
1579A math, strings 50 (avg. 17LOC) 21 (avg. 35LOC) 41 (avg. 19LOC)
1553G brute force, constructive algorithms, dsu, hashing, number theory 46 (avg. 55LOC) 12 (avg. 57LOC) 50 (avg. 51LOC)

An important characteristic of the data set is that all OK solutions for a problem are assured to provide the same output to the same input. However, there is a wide disparity on the submissions for the other two categories, RUNTIME_ERROR and WRONG_ANSWER. In these cases, the submitted solutions may variate from empty programs, to programs close to a solution, to programs that solve completely different problems.

Experiment Design

The similarity evaluation of the programs in our corpus first computes a similarity matrix containing the similarity score for every pair of programs compared. We then use PCA to reduce the dimension of the matrix to two principal components, and plot these components using the PCA index. Furthermore, we use the silhouette coefficient on the similarity matrix to evaluate the cohesion and separation of the clusters per problem. The silhouette score is bounded between 1 and -1, similar programs have a score close to 1, overlapped clusters have a score close to 0, and dissimilar programs have a negative score.

We evaluate our algorithm using the LAV similarity analysis as a baseline. We take this baseline for our experiments, as this constitutes the state-of-the-art analysis for node-based similarity, which is closest to our approach. Other semantic analysis approaches in the literature are evaluated on small delta variations of the base-code, which are unfit for our purpose.
Here we focus on the comparison of functionally equivalent programs that satisfy problems' conditions (OK), which we use to identify different implementation techniques for a specific problem. In the evaluation we first compare all available programs in the cluster (each represented by a color in Figures 4 to 11), with the objective of observing whether our algorithm is capable of differentiating between the different problem submissions. We then focus in the comparison by type of submission (OK, RUNTIME_ERROR, or WRONG_ANSWER) to observe the relevance of functional equivalence of programs when analyzing their similitude. Finally, we use our algorithm to identify different implementation techniques from a given set of submissions for a specific problem.

Note that all programs in our corpus have common a behavior (e.g., I/O instructions), and therefore have a positive similarity score. Furthermore, as all the submissions that solve a problem (i.e., the OK category) have the same black-box behavior, we expect all solutions to a problem to be clustered. However, while the solutions to a problem behave the same, the algorithms used can have different implementations; therefore, we also expect to find sub-clusters for each problem. The case of incorrect solutions to the problems is not as well defined. These solutions may come from quite different algorithms in terms of the underlying solution strategy, structure, and data structures used, so not all solutions should be close together.

Corpus Results

Our evaluation calculates the similarity of the different problems from three perspectives. First, we generate the similarity matrix using the LAV method(labeled ORIGINAL in the figures). Second, we use our node similarity method to compare the submissions (labeled ORIGINAL-NODE-SYM in the figures). Third, we applied the normalization on the node similarity as described by our approach (labeled NORMALIZED-NODE-SYM in the figures).

Our first experiment compares all 566 available programs, generating a 566 x 566 similarity matrix. The LAV evaluation in Figure 4 shows some clustering of the submissions for each problem (identified by shape and color of the point in the figure). In particular, we observe scattering for all problems, predominately for problem 1579A, and a lot of overlapping between the submissions for the different problems, for example 922E, 558B, and 1553G. The overlapping of the clusters is confirmed using the silhouette score. In the case of the ORIGINAL similarity measure in Figure 4, we obtained a silhouette score of 0.14. Using the improved similarity method we obtain a similar clustering as before, shown in Figure 5, ORIGINAL-NODE-SYM, with a slight better silhouette score of 0.15. Finally, using our proposed approach, NORMALIZED-NODE-SYM in Figure 6, we observe the clusters are less defined, and the silhouette index decreases to 0.057.

The following figures present the PCA-x and PCA-y components evaluation for all types of submissions for all problems.

Similarity_Original Figure 4. LAV evaluation of the Corpus

Similarity_Original Figure 5. LAV normalized evaluation of the Corpus

Similarity_Original Figure 6. Our evaluation of the Corpus

This experiment supports our hypothesis that submissions to the same problem should be clustered together, as shown in the figures. However, we can attribute the low scores obtained to two factors. First, the structure of competitive programming solution programs are very well defined, always containing a block of code in charge of reading the information from standard input, a block solving the problem, and a block writing the solution to standard output. As a consequence, solutions across problems will have CFG nodes that naturally match, causing them to increase the similarity score between programs, as seen in the overlap between the submissions. Second, as we are comparing all submissions for all problems, we may take into account solutions to problems that are completely different from correct solutions (e.g., RUNTIME_ERROR or WRONG_ANSWER). This can cause the sparsity of the solutions for particular problems.

In response to these observations, we then analyze the submissions of a single type. When analyzing correct solutions (OK) to the problems, as shown in the following figures. Figure 4 shows some clustering for each problem (identified by shape and marker's color in the figure). The silhouette score is 0.234, but still presents overlapping and scattering between problems 1579A, 922E, and 1553G. Using our algorithm, Figure 7 shows a better clustering, %comparable to that of the LAV method, with a silhouette score of 0.204, and a 3.57x improvement over the evaluation of all problems. This suggests that, as problems have behavior equivalence, our approach significantly improves the similarity metric of the evaluated programs. We also analyze all RUNTIME_ERROR submissions for both the ORIGINAL method, shown in Figure 9, and the NORMALIZED-NODE-SYM method, shown in Figure 10. The silhouette scores for each method are 0.050 and 0.002, respectively. In this case, as in the comparison of all problem submissions, we see an overlapped clustering for our approach, in particular with problems 558B and 1579A. As before, we can attribute the scattering of the submitted solutions to the general structure of the programs for competitive programming capturing input/output interaction. The case of these two problems in particular is that they share a common algorithm which first cycles over the structures and use a conditional to verify the required property by the problem statement. This pattern, however incorrect, is repeated in many of the submissions for both problems.

Similarity_Original Figure 7. LAV algorithm for OK submissions

Similarity_Original Figure 8. NORMALIZED-NODE-SYM algorithm for OK submissions

Similarity_Original Figure 9. LAV for RUNTIME_ERROR submissions

Similarity_Original Figure 10. Normalized LAV for RUNTIME_ERROR submissions

Similarity_Original Figure 11. Our normalized algorithm for RUNTIME_ERROR submissions

Note program scattering can be attributed to specific algorithms. There might be different solutions for a given problem, therefore these solutions should not be as similar to each other, as other solutions with the same algorithmic principle.

To test this hypothesis, we analyze the correct solutions (OK). Figure 12 shows the OK submissions for problem 558B using the ORIGINAL method, with two clusters, showing two distinctive solutions to this problem. From the figure we see a tight cluster represented by the solutions using a circle, and a more scattered clustered represented by the solutions using an orange x. This explains the low silhouette score of 0.276. Figure 13 shows the PCA-x PCA-y component evaluation for our NORMALIZED method evaluating the same problem. Here we too obtain two distinctive clusters. In this figure we observe that the clusters are less scattered, explained by a silhouette score of 0.483. As there are two common solution patterns for the problem, we confirm our algorithm is effective in finding similar and dissimilar programs for particular problems with common black-box behavior.

Similarity_Original Figure 12. LAV algorithm for problem 558B OK

Similarity_Original Figure 13. Our normalized algorithm for problem 558B OK

Similar to this specific analysis, We use our approach to evaluate submission types for all the problems in the corpus. Table 5 presents the silhouette scores for all the programs in our corpus, with the best scores in bold. It is important to note, that the silhouette score for a specific problem, represents the ability of the algorithm to detect different implementations for the same problem. Not all problems contain different implementations within the same type of submission. Identifying such property is valuable for applications domains like diversity or N-version programming.

Table 5. Results of all combinations of problems and submission types.

All All 0.149 0.157 0.057
All OK 0.234 0.240 0.204
All WRONG ANSWER 0.207 0.210 0.101
All RUNTIME ERROR 0.050 0.067 0.002
558B OK 0.276 0.298 0.483
558B WRONG ANSWER 0.403 0.446 0.407
558B RUNTIME ERROR 0.350 0.373 0.342
922E OK 0.320 0.304 0.419
922E WRONG ANSWER 0.525 0.522 0.683
922E RUNTIME ERROR 0.555 0.418 0.622
1142C OK 0.331 0.541 0.694
1142C WRONG ANSWER 0.561 0.555 0.620
1142C RUNTIME ERROR 0.382 0.371 0.426
1579A OK 0.480 0.529 0.442
1579A WRONG ANSWER 0.508 0.530 0.482
1579A RUNTIME ERROR 0.322 0.337 0.351
1553G OK 0.284 0.307 0.640
1553G WRONG ANSWER 0.579 0.644 0.594
1553G RUNTIME ERROR 0.506 0.519 0.620


Our experiments help us validate the effectiveness of our algorithm to measure the similitude between different programs. Based on the validation we conclude our approach is appropriate to: (1) Identify features common to different problems, for example, in the case of the Codeforces corpus, in which we identify similarities across all analyzed submissions in the way the input and output of the problem are processed (independent of the specific instructions used). (2) Detect differences in the algorithms behind different programs, even when they are functionally equivalent. (i.e., have the same output for the same inputs). This is shown in the clusters for the correct (OK) solutions to a problem in our corpus.

The performance of our algorithm, measured using the silhouette score, is similar to the performance of the baseline, i.e., the LAV algorithm. Our evaluation shows that the use of our node similarity definition has a slight improvement over the baseline in most cases. Moreover, when analyzing specific algorithm pairs identified as similar/disimilar, we respectively note a great resemblance/disparity in the specific implementations. This is beneficial as a notion of diversity between algorithms. However, the validation shows that in some cases using node normalization is detrimental to the performance. We note that, as programs differ but have an important feature in common (e.g., input/output processing), the algorithm will detect these as similar, decreasing the silhouette score.