All major and minor version changes will be documented in this file. Details of patch-level version changes can be found in commit messages.
Versions are in the form: [upstream_version]_[patch]
- Last documented upstream change: 1.0.2 (2020-07-01):
- Over 150 new HD textures! Includes many environment textures like hedges, leaves, bark, rocks, pillars, tiles, ladders, ropes and more. See these screenshots for examples!
- Improved performance and quality of the included shaders.
- Now in the .DDS BC7 format which dramatically reduces file size and improves performance without any noticable quality loss.
- Even easier install, now there's no installer at all! Simply extract the texture pack to your desktop and start using the provided "ZTP4K Dolphin Emulator.exe" file, which is a custom fork of Ishiiruka Dolphin.
- Fixed some bugs (not golden bugs, sorry!)