Releases: FCS-analysis/PyCorrFit
Releases · FCS-analysis/PyCorrFit
PyCorrFit 0.8.1
- Thanks to Alex Mestiashvili for providing initial files
and for debianizing PyCorrFit (@mestia) - Thanks to Thomas Weidemann for his contributions to the documentation (@weidemann)
- Bugfixes
- Improvements of the user interface
- The menus have been reordered (#47, #50)
- The fitting panel has been optimized (#49)
- the slider simulation got a reset button (#51)
- The Help menu contains documentation and wiki (#56)
- Model functions that are somehow redundant have been removed from the menu,
but are still supported - The model doc strings were fully converted to unicode
- Several text messages were modified for better coherence
- The background correction tool is more intuitive
- Statistics panel improvements (#43)
- Run information is included in the Data set title
- The page counter starts at "1" instead of "0" (#44)
- New handling of background correction (#46, #53)
PyCorrFit 0.8.0-2beta
- Thanks to Alex Mestiashvili for providing initial files (@mestia)
- Bugfixes
- Improvements of the user interface
- The menus have been reordered (#47, #50)
- The fitting panel has been optimized (#49)
- the slider simulation got a reset button (#51)
- The Help menu contains documentation and wiki (#56)
- Model functions that are somehow redundant have been removed from the menu,
but are still supported - The model doc strings were fully converted to unicode
- Several text messages were modified for better coherence
- The background correction tool is more intuitive
- Statistics panel improvements (#43)
- Run information is included in the Data set title
- The page counter starts at "1" instead of "0" (#44)
PyCorrFit 0.8.0-1alpha
PyCorrFit 0.8.0
PyCorrFit 0.7.9
- Support for Mac OSx
- Enhancements:
- Export file format (.csv) layout improved
- Model function info text in UTF-8
- Improved waring message when opening sessions from future versions
- New feature lets user set the range for the fitting parameters
- Bugfixes:
- Cleaned minor tracebacks and exceptions created by the frontend
- Mac version now works as expected, but .app bundling failed
- Latex plotting features now support more characters such as "[]{}^"
PyCorrFit 0.7.8
- Features:
- Averages can now be calculated from user-selected pages
- Pages selected in the Overlay tool are now automatically set
for computation of average and for global fitting - Source pages are now displayed in average title
- Graph normalization with particle numbers is now possible
- Bugfixes:
- Errors during fitting with weights equal to zero
- Overlay tool displayed last curve after all pages have been removed
- Global fit did not work with weights
- Session saving now uses 20 digits accuracy
- CSV export is now using tab-delimited data for easier Excel-import
- Added version checking for session management