Ideal candidate: skilled software engineer versed in application infrastructure and DevOps
The aim of this task is to create a simple application package (either python or javascript) that includes complete application testing infrastructure as well as a complete CICD solution using Github workflows.
- A non-trivial application, e.g. a Flask server with a UI or a React app with a UI with testable components
- An appropriate end-to-end testing framework implementation (e.g. Cypress) for the application
- An automated workflow using Github actions to verify that the tests pass
- The application may be relatively simple, this is focused more on application infrastructure and DevOps, but the tests must actually verify functionality
- Correctly passes the tests in automation and displays coverage metrics
- Clean workflow logic
We leave exact timing to the candidate. Must fit Within 5 days total.
As a developer of this application I can:
- view important coverage metrics of my application
- be aware of the number of tests running/passing when developing
- Commit early and often