Link to NodeCG documentation for reference.
There are many messages used for interal communication between dashboard and extensions. These are not meant to be used in external uses and will remain undocumented.
- hlae:playerDeath
- hlae:weaponFire
Example code
nodecg.listenFor('message-name', 'nodecg-csgo-manager', (data) => {
When the round is in a new phase this will transmit the output as newPhase:
+ the phase name.
No data is sent with this message
- 'newPhase:live'
- 'newPhase:bomb'
- 'newPhase:over'
- 'newPhase:freezetime'
- 'newPhase:paused'
- 'newPhase:defuse'
- 'newPhase:timeout_t'
- 'newPhase:timeout_ct'
- 'newPhase:warmup'
When the bomb is in a new state this will transmit the output as newBomb:
+ the state name.
No data is sent with this message
- 'newBomb:planted'
- 'newBomb:exploded'
- 'newBomb:carried'
- 'newBomb:planting'
- 'newBomb:dropped'
- 'newBomb:defusing'
- 'newBomb:defused'
When the game is over send this message.
The final CSGO output data when the message gets sent.
See csgo-example.json for example data.
Types available in ./src/types/csgo-gsi.d.ts
Types available in ./src/types/hlae.d.ts
Message sent everytime a player is killed. Used for killfeeds.
"name": "player_death",
"clientTime": 168.671875,
"keys": {
"userid": {
"value": 4,
"xuid": "0",
"eyeOrigin": [-373.6505126953125, 1573.7967529296875, -62.60200500488281],
"eyeAngles": [355.6109619140625, 260.3814697265625, 0]},
"attacker": {
"value": 5,
"xuid": "0",
"eyeOrigin": [-407.38153076171875, 122.61137390136719, 65.26649475097656],
"eyeAngles": [6.102906227111816, 88.37369537353516, -2.1465999111569545e-7]
"assister": {
"value": 0,
"xuid": "0",
"eyeOrigin": [0, 0, 0],
"eyeAngles": [0, 0, 0]
"assistedflash": false,
"weapon": "ak47",
"weapon_itemid": "0",
"weapon_fauxitemid": "17293822569102704647",
"weapon_originalowner_xuid": "0",
"headshot": false,
"dominated": 0,
"revenge": 0,
"wipe": 0,
"penetrated": 0,
"noreplay": true,
"noscope": false,
"thrusmoke": false,
"attackerblind": false,
"distance": 36.895103454589844
"round": 1
Used to show weapon fire on the mini map. Remember to not show if the weapon is a knife or grenade.
"name": "weapon_fire",
"clientTime": 214.359375,
"keys": {
"userid": {
"value": 5,
"xuid": "0",
"eyeOrigin": [-413.68939208984375, 203.57778930664062, 64.22528839111328],
"eyeAngles": [4.4766716957092285, 90.26315307617188, 4.2819314671760367e-7]
"weapon": "weapon_ak47",
"silenced": false
"round": 2