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Resources and Mappings

The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails.
— William Arthur Ward

Reading and modifying accounts, account attribute synchronization, mapping of attribute values, their transformation using scripts – these are the very basic midPoint features. These are provisioning features (or rather fulfilment features as analysts like to have it). These features are absolutely essential for any self-respecting identity management deployment. Explaining the very basic mechanisms of identity management deployment is the primary purpose of this chapter. It covers the necessary configuration to use midPoint as a provisioning engine.

The first thing that engineers notice about identity management is that the systems we need to integrate are not exactly homogeneous. It is not very realistic to expect that all the systems will agree on the same interface, communication protocol and schema for identity management. There were several attempts to unify the identity and access management landscape, but none of them was entirely successful. The LDAP protocol was created in the 1990s. However, even for such a mature protocol, the implementations are sill not 100% interoperable. The situation is even worse for identity provisioning protocols. There were several attempts to specify a standard provisioning protocol since early 2000s, but all of them failed to deliver complete interoperability. SCIM version 2 is the latest attempt. SCIM 2 is, quite successfully, used for some cloud applications and simple cross-organizational scenarios. However, as almost all deployments of SCIM are using local variations, the interoperability is quite poor. Moreover, SCIM still lacks capabilities to cover all aspects of a complete provisioning solution.

The worst pain point of identity integration is undoubtedly the schema. Every application has its own data model for representation of accounts, groups, privileges and other identity-related objects. Even if the application tries to expose that data model using some kind of standard schema (such as SCIM schema), there will always be small (but important) differences, special cases and local peculiarities. Such deviations are a major obstacle to interoperability.

Instead of insisting on an idealistic universal schema for all applications, midPoint provides a practical solution to this problem. MidPoint admits the reality: every system and application has its own schema and local variations. Yet, we still need a common schema to be able to understand what is going on, to process and analyze the data. MidPoint has a common identity schema inside. Application schemas with all their peculiarities are aligned or mapped to the common schema. Once the mappings are in place, midPoint automatically translates the data as needed, maintaining a consistent data among all the systems. This chapter will tell you how to do it, how to set up the mappings.

Identity Resource Definitions

Identity resource is one of the most important concepts in midPoint. Any system connected to midPoint is an identity resource. Identity resources (or just resources for short) are typically target systems where midPoint manages accounts. Moreover, source systems, such as HR databases, are also considered to be identity resources. There is no strict distinction between the source and target resource in midPoint. Both source and target resources are defined in exactly the same way. Resource can even act as both source and target at the same time.

MidPoint needs a way to communicate with the identity resource. MidPoint has to know communication protocol, hostname, keys and passwords, and all other communication parameters. For that purpose midPoint has resource definition objects. These are midPoint configuration objects stored in midPoint repository. Resource definition usually contains:

  • Name of the identity resource and its description.

  • Reference to the connector which is used to communicate with the resource.

  • Connector configuration properties that define resource hostname, port, communication settings and so on. Those properties are used to initialize the connector.

  • Definition of object types that are interesting for midPoint. This is typically a definition that describes how a typical account looks like. However, there may be much more than just accounts: groups, entitlements, organizational units, …​

  • Object type definitions typically contain mappings. Mappings define how are the attributes moved and transformed from midPoint to resource, or from resource to midPoint.

  • Synchronization settings that define what midPoint should do if it discovers unknown account, if the account is deleted on the resource and so on.

Resource definition looks like this in its XML form (simplified):

<resource oid="b4101662-7902-11e6-9f14-53e18426fe81">
    <connectorRef oid="028159cc-f976-457f-be70-9e9fa079bcf7"/>

Resource definition is a very rich (and powerful) configuration object. It is maybe the richest configuration object in the entire midPoint platform. Creating resource definition from scratch is usually no easy task. There is a lot of things to consider: connector configuration, identifier conventions, mandatory attributes and attribute value formats to name just few. There are two practical ways to create resource definitions:

  • Start from a sample. Locate a resource definition sample for a similar resource. Then modify the sample to suit your needs. This is the usual midPoint method: edit the XML/JSON/YAML file, them import it to midPoint. Navigate to menu:Administration[Resources > Import resource definition].

    There are many resource samples to start from. Most of them are located in midPoint distribution package. However, there are other places to look for samples. Please see Additional Information chapter for suggestions.

  • Resource wizard. Believe it or not, there are people that do not like XML/JSON/YAML. There are also people that really want to start creating the resource from scratch. For all those people there is a resource wizard in the midPoint user interface. The wizard can be used to create and edit resource using a graphical user interface. Navigate to menu:Administration[Resources > New resource], select menu:From Scratch[] option.

    Resource wizard
Resource lifecycle state
Resource wizard is creating resources as proposed by default. The proposed state is a lifecycle state, specifying that this object is not ready for production yet. It is just proposed, i.e. it is a candidate, to be commissioned as a production configuration when properly tested. We will deal with lifecycle states later. All that is needed for now it to switch the resource to active state to operate correctly. This can be done in the first step of the wizard, or it can be changed later when editing the resource.

However, you need to understand how the resource definitions work to do this efficiently - even if you start with resource wizard. Next few sections will explain the structure and function of resource definitions.


Every resource needs a connector to work. Connectors are small pieces of Java code that are used to communicate with the source and target systems. Few popular connectors are part of midPoint distribution package (bundled connectors), other connectors can be downloaded and deployed in midPoint home directory.

MidPoint automatically looks for available connectors. MidPoint creates new configuration object for each connector that it discovers. The list of discovered connectors can be seen in midPoint user interface in menu:Configuration[Repository objects > All objects], selecting menu:Connector[] in the type field located at the top of the screen. The connector objects look like this:

<connector oid="028159cc-f976-457f-be70-9e9fa079bcf7">
  <name>ConnId com.evolveum.polygon.connector.ldap.LdapConnector v3.7</name>

The resource definition needs to point to the appropriate connector object. Therefore, select the right connector from the connector list and remember its OID. Then use the connector OID in the resource configuration like this:

    <name>My LDAP Server</name>
    <connectorRef oid="028159cc-f976-457f-be70-9e9fa079bcf7"/>
Resource wizard
Of course, resource wizard does all that connector stuff for you. All you need is to select the right connector.

This is a straightforward way how to link connector and resource. However, it is not the most convenient one. MidPoint creates connector objects automatically. Therefore, the OIDs of the connector objects are not fixed. Every midPoint instance will have different OID for the discovered connectors. Therefore, if we want a resource that is always using the LDAP connector in all the midPoint instances, we cannot do that by just using OIDs. There is another way. You can use search filter instead of fixed OID:

    <name>My LDAP Server</name>
    <connectorRef type="ConnectorType">
            <q:text>connectorType = "com.evolveum.polygon.connector.ldap.LdapConnector"</q:text>

The detailed explanation of the search filters will come later. For now, it is important to know just few basic principles. When this resource definition is imported, midPoint notices that there is no OID in the connectorRef reference. It also notices that there is a search filter. Therefore, midPoint executes that search filter. In this case it looks for an object of ConnectorType type that has property connectorType with value com.evolveum.polygon.connector.ldap.LdapConnector. Therefore, midPoint finds LDAP connector, regardless of the OID that was generated when midPoint discovered that connector. Then midPoint takes the OID of the object that it has found. The OID is placed to the connectorRef reference, so midPoint can find the connector directly, and it does not need to execute the search every time the resource is used.

This is the method that is frequently used to bind resource definition to a specific connector type. It has the advantage that it works in all midPoint deployments. Therefore, it is also used in the configuration samples.

Bundled and Deployed Connectors

Each type of resources needs its own connector. There is an LDAP connector that supports all the common LDAP servers. There are connectors that work with generic database tables. These connectors are quite generic. However, most connectors are built for a specific application or software system: Linux servers, SAP, Zoom, etc.

There is a handful of connectors that are so generic that they are used in almost all midPoint deployments. These connectors are bundled with midPoint. It means that they are part of the midPoint application package, and they are always available. These three connector bundles are part of midPoint:

  • LDAP Connector bundle, which contains:

    • LDAP connector that works with common LDAP servers.

    • Active Directory connector that can work with Microsoft Active Directory over LDAP protocol.

  • DatabaseTable connector bundle with a connector that can connect to a generic relational database table.

  • CSV connector bundle with a connector that works with comma-separated (CSV) text files.

These connectors are always available in midPoint. Other connectors must be deployed into midPoint. Connector deployment is a very straightforward process:

  1. Locate the connector binary (JAR file).

  2. Copy the binary into the connid-connectors directory which is located in midPoint home directory.

  3. Wait few moments for midPoint to discover the connector.

MidPoint periodically scans the connid-connectors directory. It discovers any new connectors, and creates a connector configuration objects for them.

Connector Configuration Properties

Connector needs a configuration to be able to work with the resource. This configuration usually consists of connection parameters such as hostname, port, administrative username, password, connection security settings and so on. The connector configuration properties are specified in the resource definition object. In a simplified from it looks like this:

<resource oid="690f9f44-8027-11e6-a248-3b5fe08dea36">
    <name>My LDAP Server</name>
    <connectorRef oid="028159cc-f976-457f-be70-9e9fa079bcf7"/>

There may be a very broad range of configuration properties - and every connector has its own set. While working just with the XML/JSON/YAML representation of the resource definition, you will need to find out the names of the configuration properties by looking at the samples, connector documentation or maybe even connector source code. It may look difficult, but this is a perfectly viable approach. However, there are other ways. Firstly, there is the resource wizard. The wizard knows all the connector configuration properties, and it will present the properties in a configuration form. The wizard takes the definition of the configuration properties from the connector schema. The connector schema is a definition of the properties that the connector supports: their names, types, multiplicity and so on. The connector schema is stored in the connector configuration object in the schema element. Therefore, even if you are working only with the XML/JSON/YAML files, you can have a look at that schema to figure out what connector configuration properties are supported.

The connector schema also defines the connector namespace. Generally speaking, namespaces in midPoint are used to isolate schema extensions that might have conflicting element names. The use of namespaces is optional in almost all parts of midPoint - but not in all the parts yet. Connector configuration is one of the few parts where namespaces must still be used. It also makes some sense, as namespaces are used here as an additional safety mechanism. To keep a long story short, the configuration properties should be properly namespace-qualified:

<resource oid="690f9f44-8027-11e6-a248-3b5fe08dea36">
    <connectorRef oid="028159cc-f976-457f-be70-9e9fa079bcf7"/>

The use of namespaces will be completely optional in later midPoint versions. For now, just copy the namespace URIs from the samples. You do not have to completely understand what is going on. Just one thing: the namespace of the configuration properties should be the same as the namespace defined in the connector object. This is a long URI that is composed of connector bundle name and connector name.

If the namespace does not match, then the connector will refuse to work. This is a safety mechanism that prohibits accidental use of configuration from one connector in another connector, where the configuration properties may have the same name but a completely different meaning.

Resource wizard
Resource wizard has a very convenient way to specify connector configuration properties. Resource wizard also support discovery of some configuration properties. For example, it can discover base context of an LDAP server, by connecting to the server and getting that information from server meta-data.

Testing the Resource

Minimal resource definition has just the name, connector reference and connector configuration properties. After that, the resource should show the first signs of life. Therefore, go ahead and select a suitable sample file now. Strip it down to the minimum, modify connector configuration properties and import the resource into midPoint. You should be able to see your resource in the list in menu:Administration[Resources > All resources]. The icon next to your resource is most likely black - not green and not red. Green icon means that the resource is working, red icon means that there is an error, black means "I do not know yet". Click on the resource label. The resource details page appears. There is a btn:[Test Connection] button at the top of the page. Click on that button. It may take a while now. MidPoint is initializing the connector with the configuration properties that you have specified. Then the connector is used to check connection to the resource. If the parameters were correct, and midPoint can reach the resource, you will see the green lights:

Test connection

If there are any errors during connector initialization, configuration or network connection you will see the errors here. In that case, correct the configuration properties, and try again. If everything works well, then the resource icon turns green. Now we have a very minimal working resource.

The test connection procedure is testing whether connector can connect to the resource. However, can the connector access the data as well? We would like to see some data now, to make sure that everything works fine. We cannot do that just yet. We have to talk about the schema first.

Resource Schema

The only thing that early identity management systems dealt with was an account. The world have evolved a lot since the early days of identity management in the 2000s. Today, identity management systems need to manage many different types of resource objects: accounts, groups, organizational units, privileges, roles, access control lists and so on. In midPoint, these are the object classes: types of resource objects that are made accessible to midPoint by the connector. A minimal resource supports at least one account object class, but a typical resource supports more object classes. Each object class may have a completely different set of attributes: different attribute names, different data types, some may be mandatory, some optional, single-valued or multi-valued.

The collective definition of the object classes and their attributes is what we call resource schema. Obviously, resource schema is different for every resource. Even resources that are using the same connector may have different resource schema. For example two LDAP servers with different custom schema extensions or two business systems with different customizations. MidPoint is a smart system, and it is capable of automatic resource schema discovery. MidPoint reaches out to the resource and retrieves the schema when the resource is used for the first time. Retrieved resource schema is stored as the schema element in resource definition object. You can have a look and examine the schema there. But beware, the schema may be quite rich and big.

Resource schema is an absolutely crucial concept. MidPoint takes advantage of resource schema whenever it needs to work with resource objects such as accounts or groups. MidPoint uses resource schema to validate mappings. The schema is used for automatic type conversions. Most importantly of all: resource schema is used to display resource objects in user interface. MidPoint adapts to resource schema automatically. Not a single line of custom code is needed to do that.

Accessing Resource Data

We would like to have a look at resource data before going on with configuration. It would be nice to make sure that the connector is configured correctly, that there are appropriate access rights in place for the connector to access the data and that everything works fine. However, some resources are very flexible and generic. LDAP servers are a prime example. They have lots of object classes to choose from, their resource schema is quite bit. We need only a couple of object classes from that huge LDAP schema. However, LDAP connector is very generic, it does not know which object classes are the right ones. Therefore, we have to tell midPoint which object class to choose from the schema.

<resource oid="690f9f44-8027-11e6-a248-3b5fe08dea36">
    <connectorRef oid="028159cc-f976-457f-be70-9e9fa079bcf7"/>

            <displayName>Normal Account</displayName>

We will learn about the schemaHandling section later. For now, this declaration of object type tells midPoint, that there are accounts on this resource. The accounts are using inetOrgPerson object class.

Now, as midPoint knows what "Normal LDAP Account" means exactly, we can have a look at such accounts. Navigate to the menu:Accounts[] panel in resource details page. This is the place to browse accounts on this resource. However, the list is empty! It is empty, as midPoint have not tried to access the accounts yet. Click on btn:[Reload] button does the trick. MidPoint is using the connector to list all the accounts (objects with inetOrgPerson object class) in our LDAP server.

List resource account

Now you can click on any object to see the details. This is a very useful feature for several reasons. By looking at several objects, you can get a basic overview of how the data are structured: what attributes are used and what are the typical values. You will appreciate that information later on when we will be setting up mappings.

Hub and Spoke

MidPoint topology is a star (a.k.a. "hub and spoke") with midPoint at the center. This is both physical and logical topology of midPoint deployments.

Hub and spoke

This means that the account A can be synchronized with midPoint user and then midPoint user can be synchronized with account B. However, account A cannot be synchronized directly to account B. This is a deliberate decision that was made very early in midPoint design. We have very good reasons for it.

Accounts and user that represent the same person are linked together. This link is a relation that midPoint creates and maintains. Therefore, midPoint knows who is the owner of a particular account. MidPoint also knows which accounts the user has. That is how midPoint knows which account needs to be synchronized with which user. It is critical for the links to be correct, otherwise midPoint cannot reliably synchronize the data. For that reason, midPoint takes great care to maintain the links. That is not always an easy task. There are strange corner cases, such as renamed accounts, or accounts that were deleted by mistake and re-created. Yet, midPoint is built to handle such cases. The links are always maintained. It is the link that allows midPoint to list all user’s accounts in the user interface.


The user in midPoint is known as focus in midPoint terminology. The accounts are known as projections. You can imagine a light projector that sends many light beams from its focal point to create a projection on the screen. This is the metaphor that we have chosen when developing midPoint. For the lack of better words, this terminology remains in use even today. We will get back to the concept of focus and projections many times in this book. For now, you just need to remember that projection means an account.

MidPoint knows which account belongs to which user by following links that it maintains. However, how does midPoint know which attributes to synchronize? How to transform the values? Which side is the authoritative one? Mappings take care of that. Mapping is like a flexible data replication recipe. MidPoint allows to define mappings for each attribute in any direction. The mappings are used to control the synchronization on a very fine granularity.

Perhaps the best way to summarize synchronization principles is to illustrate them using a couple of examples. The first example is a modification of user properties in midPoint user interface. When the btn:[Save] button is pressed, midPoint user interface sends the modification to midPoint core engine. The synchronization code in midPoint core follows the links to find all the accounts that belong to this specific user. Then the mappings are applied to synchronize the changed user properties to the accounts. Account changes are propagated to the resources, and user changes are stored in midPoint repository.

User-account GUI change

The second example is slightly different. This case starts with a change of account data. This may be a change of an employee record in HR system. MidPoint detects that change, and reads the changed account. MidPoint follows the link to find the user to which the account belongs. Then it follows other links from the user to find all the other accounts that may be affected. Similarly to the previous case, the mappings are applied. The mappings from the HR account to the user are applied first. The result is a modification of user properties. Then a process identical to the previous case takes place. User modifications are automatically applied to all affected accounts.

User-account GUI inbound mapping

Those two cases might look to be quite different. First case is a manual change of data by system administrator. Second case is an automatic data feed from the HR system. However, as you can see, the principles that are used to implement those two cases are almost exactly the same. This is the consequence of midPoint philosophy: radical reuse of functionality and generic application of principles. You define what you want to do (the policy) by setting up the mappings. MidPoint takes care that it is done when it needs to be done.

Why the star topology?
The star or "hub and spoke" were (and still are) the big buzzwords of system integration. Rightfully so, as the basic idea of star topology makes a lot of sense. If every node needs to be synchronized with every other node, then the number of required connections grows quite steeply. It is in fact proportional to the square of the number of nodes. Mathematicians say that is has O(n2) complexity. However, if you rearrange the connections so that they all point to the central "hub", then the number of connections is significantly reduced. It is proportional to the number of nodes: O(n) complexity. This is a huge difference, especially in deployments with many resources. However, this approach works well only if the star topology is both physical and logical. I.e. it makes very little sense to connect all resources to a central “hub” if that hub still internally needs O(n2) policies to synchronize the data. That would only hide the complexity in a black box, yet the complexity would still be there. However, midPoint is different. MidPoint is a real "hub". This is the reason why midPoint does not support synchronization of accounts directly with each other. We want to have simple, clean and maintainable system, both externally and internally.

Schema Handling

Resource schema is a very important concept. It defines what object classes are supported by the resource and how they look like. Yet, it is important to know not only how the objects look like. It is also important to know what to do with them. That is what the schema handling is all about.

Schema handling is a part of the resource definition object. It specifies which object classes from the resource schema are actually used by midPoint. Most importantly of all, it specifies how they are used. This is the place where mappings are stored. This is the place where account-group associations are defined. This is the place where schema can be augmented and tweaked. Consequently, this is the place where most of the resource-related configuration takes place.

Schema handling section contains definition of several object types. Each object type refers to one "thing" that midPoint works with: default account, testing account, group, organizational unit and so on. Let’s start with something simple. Let’s define just one object type now: default account. It looks like this:

<resource oid="b4101662-7902-11e6-9f14-53e18426fe81">
    <name>My LDAP Server</name>

This may seem trivial, but even such a minimal definition is important for midPoint. This definition tells midPoint that default account on this resource has inetOrgPerson object class. Resources such as LDAP servers may have dozens of object classes. Most of them are not used at all. There are often several alternative object classes that can be used to create accounts. It is important to tell midPoint which object class is the right one. That’s what this definition does. Once this definition is in place, the accounts appear on the menu:Accounts[] panel of the resource details page. This is a sign that the definition works correctly.

A clever reader surely noticed definition of kind in the above example. Setting kind to account indicates that this object type definition represents (quite surprisingly) an account. MidPoint supports many types of objects. However, two types have a special place: accounts that represents the users and entitlements that give privileges to the accounts. MidPoint can handle the objects in a smart way if it knows that it is either account or entitlement. The kind definition tells just that. There is also optional intent setting that can be used to define subtypes - but more on that later.

The schema handling section can also be used to augment (or even override) some parts of the resource schema. E.g. following example sets a display name for this object type. The display name will be used by the user interface when it displays the account.

<resource oid="b4101662-7902-11e6-9f14-53e18426fe81">
    <name>My LDAP Server</name>
            <displayName>Default account</displayName>

However, the most powerful feature that is used in the schema handling is the ability to deal with attributes. Following sections are all about that.

Attribute Handling

Resource objects such as accounts or groups are mostly just a bunch of attributes. Almost all the IDM magic is about setting the correct attribute to the correct value. The schema handling section of the resource definition is the place where that magic happens.

The object type definition contains sections that define behavior of each attribute that we care about:

<resource oid="b4101662-7902-11e6-9f14-53e18426fe81">
    <name>My LDAP Server</name>
                <!-- behavior of "dn" attribute defined here -->
                <!-- behavior of "cn" attribute defined here -->

There is an attribute element for every attribute that we need to handle. The attribute elements are used to set up the attributes that a typical user account has. They are used to assign identifiers, set up full name, set description and telephone number attributes and things like that. Lot of details can be defined here: display name of the attribute for use by the user interface, limitations, override settings and so on. However, the most important things that go there are the mappings. MidPoint evaluates the mappings in attribute elements to populate account attributes with the correct values. In the simplest form, a mapping looks like this:

<resource oid="b4101662-7902-11e6-9f14-53e18426fe81">
    <name>My LDAP Server</name>

The mapping specifies that the value of the cn attribute will be taken from the fullName property of the focal object (which is typically a user). This a very simple mapping, there is no value transformation, no condition – nothing complicated at all. This is how a lot of mappings look like. However, mappings can also be very powerful and complex. That will be described in next section.

Namespace prefixes ri and icfs
You may have noticed that ri and icfs namespace prefixes are used in some sample files when referring to object classes or attributes. Object classes and attributes are defined in resource schema, and the ri is the namespace prefix used for that schema. The ri stands for "resource instance", which refers to resource schema. Similarly, some attributes are defined in fixed schema originating in the old identity connector framework (ICF), a predecessor to ConnId. Such attributes are denoted by icfs prefix, which stands for "identity connector framework schema". This is used mostly by older connectors that were not yet fully updated to ConnId standards. The use of the ri namespace, similarly to almost all other namespaces, is almost always optional. The prefixes are kept in some sample files mostly due to nostalgic reasons. The use of icfs and ri prefixes may still be needed in case that attribute names in fixed icfs schema conflict with attribute names in resource schema. In such case the prefixes are used to resolve the ambiguity.


Mapping is a very flexible mechanism that takes one or more input properties, transforms them, and puts the result in another property. Mappings are used all over midPoint. However, perhaps the most important use of mappings is in the schema handling part of the resource definition, where they are used to set up account attribute values. We have already seen a very simple mapping that simply copies the values from one place to another. Now it is the time to look at mappings in their entirety.

Mapping consists of the three basic parts:

  • Source part defines the data sources of the mapping. These are usually understood as mapping input variables. Source defines where mapping gets its data from.

  • Expression part defines how the data are transformed, generated or passed on to the "other side". This is the most flexible part of the mapping as it contains the logic. There is a broad variety of possibilities, including support for scripting expressions.

  • Target part defines what to do with the results of the mapping, where the computed values should go. It specifies where mapping output should go.

The three parts of the mapping, as well as the basic principle, is illustrated in the following diagram:


The diagram shows a mapping that takes employeeNumber user property and transforms it to description account attribute by using a simple Groovy script expression.

The source part of the mapping specifies that there is a single source, which is based on employeeNumber user property. Source definitions are important for the mapping to correctly process relative changes (deltas), resolve mapping dependencies, etc. The source definition tells mapping that the value of employeeNumber user property should be passed to an expression.

The expression part contains a simple Groovy script that prepends the prefix emp# to the employee number value, specified by the source definition. The expression part of the mapping is very flexible. There is a lot of ways that can be used to transform a value, generate new value, use a fixed value, pass a value without any change and so on.

The target part defines how the result of the expression should be used. In this case, the result is to be used as a new value for description account attribute. The target definition is necessary, so the mapping can locate appropriate definition of the target property, and make sure that the expression produces a correct data type, and that other schema constraints are maintained (e.g. single vs multiple values).

This mapping can be expressed in XML:

            <code>'emp#' + employeeNumber</code>

Not all parts of the mapping are mandatory. If the expression is not present, then "as is" expression is assumed. Such expression simply copies the source to target without any transformation. Some parts of the mapping may be implicitly defined by the surrounding context. E.g. target or source is implicit if the mapping is used to define attribute behavior in the schema handling section. Therefore, it is usually sufficient to define either source or target for mappings in schema handling.

The following example specifies a mapping in element outbound. There is explicit definition of mapping source, specifying that mapping input is familyName property of a focal object (which is usually user). The mapping has no expression defined, therefore it defaults to the "as is" expression. Because the mapping is specified in attribute element, the mapping has an implicit target, which is the sn attribute.


In this case, the mapping notation can even be shortened even further. It is quite clear that the mapping source will be one of the properties of the focal object (user). Therefore, the $focus prefix can be omitted:


Those examples are still very simple. Mappings can do much more – as you will learn in a while. However, there is one more thing that we need to explain before going on. Mappings are designed to work with more than just a single source. Following diagram illustrates a mapping that takes two arguments: given name and family name. The mapping produces full name by concatenating these value with a space in between. This is the kind of mapping that is frequently used to construct user’s full name from its components. While the mapping may seem simple, there are some sophisticated mechanisms hidden inside.

Mapping with two sources

The mapping is represented in the XML form as follows:

            <code>givenName + ' ' + familyName</code>

There are two sources, specified by the source definitions: user property givenName and another user property familyName. The mapping is using script expression to combine the values into a single value, which is used to populate user’s fullName property.

This example also illustrates that the mappings are quite smart. The mapping may be evaluated only if one of the sources changes, or if a full recompute is requested. In case that neither givenName not familyName changes, there is no need to re-evaluate that expression. This is one of the reasons for requiring explicit source definition in the mappings. Without such definitions it is not (realistically) possible to reliably determine when and how the expression should be re-evaluated.

Obsolete $user and $account variables
Variables $focus and $projection were introduced way back in midPoint 3.0 as a consequence of the generic synchronization feature. The objects that the expression works with might not be just user or account. A much broader range of objects may be used. Therefore, generic concepts of focus and projections were introduced, and the variable names were changed to reflect that. The old variables $user and $account can still be used, but their use is deprecated. Despite that, they are still used in some older examples. It is never easy to completely eliminate historical baggage, is it?

Mappings are used all over midPoint, in many places and situations. Sometimes a mapping needs to be really authoritative. It has to enforce the value to the target. Yet sometimes, we want to provide a default value, and the mapping should never change the target value once it is set. Therefore, mapping can be set to various levels of strength: from weak to strong. Following table describes how that works:

Strength Description


Mapping is applied only if the target has no value. Weak mappings are used to set default values.


Mapping is applied only if there is a change in source properties. Normal-strength mappings are used to implement the last change wins strategy. If the source value was modified in midPoint, then the mapping is applied, and target is modified. If the target is modified directly, then the mapping does not overwrite the target value – until the next change in midPoint. This is the default behavior of mappings. If no strength is specified, then normal strength is assumed.


Mapping is always applied. Strong mappings enforce particular values.

The strength can be specified in any mapping, by using the strength element:


When it comes to mapping strength, the following rule of the thumb may be useful: If you want to enforce policy, use strong mappings. If you just want to set a default value, use weak mapping. If you are not sure what you are doing, then normal mappings will probably work just fine.


Expression is the most flexible part of the mapping. There is approximately a dozen different types of expressions ranging from the simplest as is expression, through the scripting expressions, all the way to a special purpose expressions that search through midPoint repository. Expression type is determined by the element that is used inside the expression part of the mapping. We refer to those elements as expression evaluators. You can find detailed description of expression evaluators in midPoint documentation. We are going to deal only with few popular types:

Expression Evaluator Element Description

As is


Copies the value without any transformation.



Stores literal (constant) value in the target.



Generates a random value.



Executes a script, stores script output in the target.

The simplest expression evaluator is asIs. It simply takes the source, and copies the value to the target. It obviously works only if there is just one source. It is also the default expression evaluator. If no expression is specified in the mapping, then asIs is assumed. It is used like this:


In the example above, the asIs expression was specified explicitly. As asIs is the default expression evaluator, we can save some typing and shorten the notation:


Literal expression evaluator is used to place a constant value in the target. This expression does not need any source at all. It always produces the same value. Following code sets the attribute o to fixed value ExAmPLE, Inc.:

            <value>ExAmPLE, Inc.</value>

The generate expression evaluator is used to generate a random value. As such it is used almost exclusively to generate passwords. We will deal with that expression later when we will be dealing with credentials.

Script Expressions

The most interesting expression evaluator is undoubtedly the script expression evaluator. It allows execution of arbitrary scripting code to transform the value. Basic principle is simple: values from source properties are stored in the script variables. Script is executed, and it produces an output. Return value of the script is stored in the target.

We have already seen a mapping that has a scripting expression:

            <code>givenName + ' ' + familyName</code>

There are two sources: givenName and familyName. The values of these user properties are placed in variables used by the script. The variables have the same names as the sources: givenName and familyName. Then the script may do whatever it needs to do. It may use input variables, or it may use any other data available in the platform. At the end, the script has to return a value. The script above is written in Groovy, therefore the return value is the value of the last evaluated expression. In this case it is the only expression in the script, which concatenates the two variables with a space in between. Script return value is placed in the target, which in this case is fullName user property.

Groovy is a scripting language similar to Java programming language. That is also the reason Groovy is a default scripting language in midPoint. As midPoint is written in Java, Groovy was an obvious choice. Groovy interpreter is readily available in Java ecosystem, it has familiar syntax (at least for midPoint developers) and all of midPoint functionality could be re-used in scripts. Since the early times of midPoint, support for more scripting languages was added, most notably JavaScript and Python. However, midPoint community seems to like Groovy, therefore it still remains the most popular choice.

Scripts are often used to transform the values before they are stored in account attributes. One very common case is construction of LDAP distinguished name (DN). The DN is a complex value in the form of uid=foobar,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com. However, it is easy to construct such value using a simple script:

                    'uid=' + name + ',ou=people,dc=example,dc=com'
A clever reader surely has a disapproving look on his face now. Of course, this is not entirely correct way to compose LDAP DN. Please bear with us. We will correct that later.

Midpoint supports three scripting languages:

  • Groovy: This is the default scripting language.

  • JavaScript (ECMAscript)

  • Python (must be explicitly installed)

All three languages can be arbitrarily mixed even in a single midPoint deployment - although, quite understandably, such a practice is not recommended. The language can be selected for each individual expression by using language URI:

            "Python is %s, name is %s" % ("king", name)
When writing scripting expression, please keep in mind that some characters must be properly escaped in the text format that you are using (XML, JSON or YAML). E.g. the ampersand character (&) so frequently used for logical operations needs to be escaped as &amp; in XML.

Scripting expressions can do almost anything. There is still more to them that meets the eye. This section provides only the very basic description to get you started. Will get back to the scripting expressions many times in this book.


In midPoint, the term activation is used to denote a set of properties that describe whether an object is active. This includes properties that describe whether the user is enabled or disabled, since when he should be enabled, to what date he should be active, and so on. The simple binary enabled/disabled flag might have been sufficient in the 1990s. That was a long time ago. We need much more than that. Therefore, midPoint activation is quite a rich data structure. We are going to describe just the basic idea now, the details will follow later.

The most important activation concept is administrative status. Administrative status defines "administrative state" of the object (user), i.e. the explicit decision of an administrator whether the user is enabled or disabled. Except for administrative status, there are also validity times, lockout status, various timestamps and metadata. We will get to that later.

The important thing to realize is that both user and the accounts have activation properties - and they are almost the same. The user and account activation are using the same property names, meaning and data formats. This is important, because you would probably want account activation to follow user activation. E.g. if user is disabled, then also all his accounts should be disabled. This is very easy to do in midPoint, because the user and account activation are compatible. Therefore, all it takes is a very simple mapping. There is a special place in the resource schema handling section for that:

<resource oid="b4101662-7902-11e6-9f14-53e18426fe81">
    <name>My LDAP Server</name>
            <!-- attribute handling comes here -->

It is as simple as that. Just an empty mapping represented by empty outbount element. User has administrativeStatus property, account has administrativeStatus property, therefore midPoint knows what is the source and target of the mapping. We do not need to specify these. The values of the administrativeStatus property has the same type and meaning on both sides. Therefore, the default asIs mapping is just fine. We do not need to specify that either. All that midPoint needs to know is that the mapping exists at all - that we want to pass the value from user to account. That is a reason for having outbound element there, even an empty one. MidPoint will fill in all the details.

When this mapping is in place and the user gets disabled, the account will be disabled as well. When the user gets enabled, the account will follow suit.

Lifecycle state
Activation is a common concept. Accounts could be enabled or disabled since time immemorial. However, in the 21st century, simple enabled/disabled binary state somehow lacks in expressive power. There is much more that we would like to say about the user, not just that it is active or inactive. User may not be fully active yet (e.g. before his first day at work), user may be temporarily inactive (e.g. maternal leave or sabbatical), user may be retired, and so on. Therefore, midPoint objects support a concept of lifecycle, which is composed of several states, with controlled transitions between them. However, unlike users, accounts seldom support anything more complex than enabled/disabled binary state. That is the reason we are ignoring lifecycle for a moment, and we are focusing on activation instead. Yet, lifecycle and activation are related, as we will see later.


Credential management is important part of identity management. There are many systems in an organization, almost all of them require a password. Users set up a password, then they forget the password, then they request password reset, setting a new password, which they forget as well. The endless cycle continues. While there is probably no magic formula to completely solve this problem (perhaps except for removing passwords altogether), the situation can be made less painful.

The usual method is to synchronize the passwords among all the systems in one organization. This does not make the problem go away. However, it reduces many set-forget-reset-forget cycles to just one. Moreover, as users are using that one password quite often, they are less likely to forget it. Of course, having the same password on many systems is not exactly the best security practice. However, security is all about trade-offs. Having the same password set for all systems in one organization is an acceptable risk in vast majority of cases.

MidPoint is designed to easily synchronize credentials to many accounts. Similarly to activation, credential data structures of user and account are aligned. Therefore, all that is needed to synchronize password to an account is a simple empty mapping:

<resource oid="b4101662-7902-11e6-9f14-53e18426fe81">
    <name>My LDAP Server</name>
            <!-- attribute handling comes here -->

When the user password in midPoint is changed, the changed password will be propagated to all the resources that have a mapping like this.

MidPoint sample collection
Now it is perhaps a good time for you to have a look at some sample resource definitions, to get a feel how a real-world resource definition looks like. The samples are located in the midPoint distribution package, or you can find them on-line. See Additional Information chapter for more details.

Complete Provisioning Example

This section describes a complete working example of connection to the LDAP directory. The configuration below is used to automatically create accounts in OpenLDAP server. Entire configuration is contained in a single resource definition file. Following paragraphs explain individual parts of the file. Simplified XML notation is used for clarity. Complete file in a form directly usable in midPoint can be found at the same place as all the other samples in this book (see Additional Information chapter for details).

Resource definition begins with object type, OID, name and description. These are self-explanatory:

<resource oid="8a83b1a4-be18-11e6-ae84-7301fdab1d7c">


        LDAP resource using a ConnId LDAP connector. It contains configuration
        for use with OpenLDAP servers.
        This is a sample used in the "Practical Identity Management with MidPoint"
        book, chapter 4.

Connector reference comes next. We want to point to the LDAP connector. Here we use dynamic reference that is using search filter to locate the connector:

    <connectorRef type="ConnectorType">
            <q:text>connectorType = "com.evolveum.polygon.connector.ldap.LdapConnector"</q:text>

The reference is resolved when this object is imported to midPoint. The resolution process takes the search filter, and it looks for connector object with the connectorType specified in the filter.

Connector configuration goes next. This block specifies connector configuration properties such as hostname, port, passwords and so on.


These parts alone should already define a minimal resource. If you define just the name, connector reference and connector configuration you should be able to import the resource to midPoint. The connection test should pass. However, there is absolutely no IDM logic or automation yet. That is what we are going to add next.

Connector configuration is usually followed by schema element. However, if you look at almost any file that contains resource definition, you will find no such element. The schema element is automatically generated by midPoint when midPoint connects to the resource for the first time. Therefore, there is no need to include schema element in the definition.

What we have to include in the definition is the configuration that tells midPoint how to handle the schema. This is defined in schemaHandling section. Our schemaHandling section contains just one objectType definition. We are going to define how to handle ordinary user accounts on our OpenLDAP server.

            <displayName>Normal Account</displayName>

This is the place where we define the kind of objects that we are going to handle. In this case it is account. This object is default account. Which means that it will be used in case that the account type is not explicitly specified. There is also specification of a display name. Display name is not used in automation logic. It is used by the user interface when referring to this definition. Finally, there is specification of the object class. The inetOrgPerson object class will be used to create new accounts. The object class specification determines what attributes the account have.

The objectType definition also includes a specification of attribute handling. There is one section for each attribute that we want to handle in automated or special way. It starts with the most important attribute: LDAP distinguished name (DN):

                <displayName>Distinguished Name</displayName>
                                basic.composeDnWithSuffix('uid', name, 'ou=people,dc=example,dc=com')

The ref element specifies name of the attribute that we are going to work with. In fact, this is a reference to automatically-generated schema part of resource definition. Definition of display name follows. Display name is used by the user interface as a label for the user interface elements (fields) that work with this attribute. This definition sets a nice "Distinguished Name" label instead of cryptic "dn" which would be used by default.

Let’s skip the limitation definition now. We will come back to that later.

The outbound mapping definition follows. This is where the automation logic is specified. This is the place where the DN value is computed. The name property of the user object is the source for this mapping. The name property usually contains username (login name). Its value is used by scripting expression in the mapping. The expression is supposed to create a DN in the form:


This expression is a clever one. It does not do the work all by itself. It invokes a library function to compose the DN. It may look like a good idea to use simple string concatenation to construct a DN. However, that fails in case that the DN components contain certain characters that need to be escaped in the final DN. The composeDnWithSuffix library function takes care of that, and it creates a proper DN.

The outbound mapping is evaluated whenever we need to construct a DN. This obviously happens when a new object is created. However, the same mapping is used when a user is renamed (i.e. his username changes). This is the reason that the mapping needs specification of source. Rename is often quite tricky and complicated operation. It may not be cheap, and in some cases it may not be entirely reversible. We definitely do not want to trigger DN changes unless they are really needed. The specification of the mapping source tells us when the DN change is needed. In this case, it tells us to change the DN if the name property of the user object changes.

Now it is the right time to go back to the limitations section. The dn attribute is defines as mandatory attribute by the schema. Strictly speaking, that definition is perfectly correct: LDAP object cannot be created without a DN. As midPoint is using schema for everything, when midPoint displays a form to edit this LDAP account, it will require that DN has a value, because it is a mandatory attribute. However, normally we do not want users to enter the DN in the user interface forms. We want to compute DN automatically - which is exactly the point of the outbound mapping above. Yet, midPoint does not know when the expression computes a value and when it does not. The expression is a generic piece of Groovy code, there is no telling what it does until it is executed. As far as midPoint can see, the expression can produce any value, including empty one. Therefore, even if there is an expression, midPoint sticks to the schema, and it still requires that DN value is entered by the user. However, we have written the expression, and we know that it will produce a value for any (reasonable) input. Therefore, we want to tell midPoint that the DN is no longer mandatory – that the user does not need to enter DN value in user interface forms. That is exactly what the limitations section does. This section overrides the automatically generated schema, and it turns the dn attribute from mandatory to optional.

Now we have defined the behavior of the dn attribute. We can use similar approach to define the behavior of other attributes as well. E.g. the handling of the cn attribute has similar definition:

                <displayName>Common Name</displayName>

In this case there is outbound mapping, but it has no explicit expression. Which means that the value is taken from the source without any change ("as is"). Therefore, the attribute cn will have the same value as user property fullName.

It is also possible to define an attribute without any mapping:

                <displayName>Entry UUID</displayName>

This means that midPoint will not provide any automatic handling for the entryUUID attribute. This definition is used just to set a user-friendly display name for the attribute.

Mappings and expressions have almost unlimited flexibility. E.g. the following definition sets a static value for the description attribute:

                        <value>Created by midPoint</value>

This mapping has no source, because the source does not make any sense for literal expressions. Static values are always the same, regardless of the source. You can also notice that this mapping is weak. It is used to set the description attribute only if that attribute does not have any value already. It does not overwrite existing values.

The inetOrgPerson object class has much more attributes than those defined in the schemaHandling section. Those attributes will be automatically displayed in the user interface. MidPoint uses the generated resource schema to determine their names and types. MidPoint displays these attributes, the user can change them and midPoint executes those changes. However, apart from that, midPoint does not do any special handling on those attributes. It is all right not to enumerate all the attributes in schemaHandling section. You only need to define those attributes which you want to handle in a special way.

There are two more definitions to describe, before our example is complete. First definition is the activation definition. It is very simple:


This is a definition that specifies handling of the activation administrative status. This status property specifies whether account is enabled or disabled. Activation properties are somehow special in midPoint. MidPoint understands the meaning and the values of activation properties. MidPoint also expects that user activation and account activation are usually mapped together. Therefore, it is enough to tell midPoint that you want such mapping. MidPoint already knows the source (user activation) and the target (account activation). If the user is disabled then the account will get disabled. If the user is enabled than the account will get enabled.

Clever reader is surely scratching his head now. There is no LDAP standard that specifies how to enable or disable accounts. In addition to this, OpenLDAP does not even have a concept of disabled account at all! Therefore, how can midPoint disable an OpenLDAP account? To tell the truth, midPoint does not know how to do it. We have taken a bit of a poetic license here, as we wanted to demonstrate a simple activation mapping. The configuration will not work just by itself. OpenLDAP resource does not have this capability. However, there is a way. Activation capability can be simulated. We will deal with that later. For now let’s just marvel in the beauty of this very elegant activation mapping that does absolutely nothing.

The last thing that we need for the resource to work well is to define a mapping for credentials. In this case it is a password mapping:


Similarly to activation, the credentials are handled in a special way. MidPoint understands how credentials work, what their values are, and how they are used. MidPoint also expects that user credentials, such as passwords, are usually mapped to the account credentials. Therefore, all that midPoint needs to know is that you want to do that mapping. It can automatically determine the source and target. The account will have the same password as the user. User’s password is used when a new account is created. When user changes his password, the change is also propagated to the account.

That is it. Now you have your first (almost) working resource. You can import the definition to midPoint and test it. Simply assign the resource to a user. The OpenLDAP account will be created - the DN and all the essential attributes will be automatically computed. When midPoint creates an account for a user, it remembers who is the owner of that account. Therefore, it can easily delete the account when needed. Unassign the resource, and the account will get deleted. This is how automated provisioning and deprovisioning works. No hardcore programming is needed, just a declarative specification, and a line or two of very simple scripting. Such configuration can be done in a couple of minutes. It is essentially the same process for all the applications, just the connector is different. The connector has different configuration properties, the attribute names are different - but the principles and the tools are the same. It is easy to connect many heterogeneous applications in this way. The connectors and the mappings are hiding the differences. In the end, all the "resources" look the same to midPoint. The same principles are used to manage them. Therefore, the management can be done efficiently, even at a large scale.

Yet this configuration is still extremely simple. We are just scratching the surface of what midPoint can do. There is much more to see in the next chapters. However, we still need to explain one more fundamental midPoint concept before getting there.


Linking users and accounts is one of the basic principle of any decent identity management system. However, it is surprisingly difficult to implement such link. There are numerous methods to reliably identify accounts, and they vary from system to system. Some systems identify accounts only by username - which makes reliable detection of rename operations quite difficult. Other systems improve on that by introducing another identifier, an identifier that is persistent. Identifier value is assigned by the resource, and it never changes. However, username is still used as secondary identifier, and it still has to be unique. Yet another system may have compound identifiers that consist of two or more values. Some system have globally-unique identifiers, while other systems have local identifiers that are only unique in their own object class. Some systems have hierarchically-structured identifiers, others have flat unstructured identifiers. Some identifiers are case-sensitive strings, others are case-insensitive, some identifiers follow complex normalization rules, and yet another identifiers are binary and completely opaque. To make long story short: reliable identification is really complicated.

We do not want to pollute user object with all the delicate details of account identification. Therefore, we have created a separate midPoint object that hides all the resource-related details and identification complexities. We call it shadow, because it behaves as a shadow of the real account. When midPoint detects new account, a shadow is automatically created to represent the account in midPoint repository. When midPoint detects that account has changed (e.g. it was renamed), then midPoint automatically updates the shadow. When the account is deleted, midPoint deletes the shadow. Technically, shadow is still an ordinary midPoint object. Therefore, it has object identifier (OID). Other objects can simply point to the shadow using ordinary object reference. That is exactly how user-account links are implemented:


The shadow objects contain all the data that are needed to reliably identify an account - or any other resource object such as group or organizational unit. In addition to the account identifiers, shadow points to the corresponding resource definition, to make the identification complete. Shadows are multi-purpose objects, and they have many uses in midPoint. Shadows record meta-data about resource objects. They are used to hold cached values of the attributes (this functionality is still experimental in midPoint {midpointversion}). Shadows can be used to hold the state of the resource objects for which midPoint does not have on-line communication channel and the operations are executed manually (a.k.a. "manual resources"). Therefore, shadows are quite complex objects. Following picture provides more substantial example of a shadow.


Do not worry if that picture looks a bit scary. Shadows may be complex, but they are almost always invisible to midPoint users. Shadows are automatically and transparently maintained by midPoint core engine. Under normal circumstances, MidPoint does all that is needed to maintain the shadow, and no special configuration is needed for that. We are describing the mechanics of the shadow objects mostly for the sake of completeness. There are situations when this knowledge may be useful. These are usually situations when midPoint was mis-configured, and the shadows were created incorrectly. In that case you may need to update the shadows, or even purge all shadows and start over.


MidPoint is configured as a simple provisioning engine now. We can use midPoint to create, modify and delete accounts on many diverse systems. However, we are still at the beginning. MidPoint is pushing the changes to other systems, but it is not listening for any changes yet. Similarly to people, systems that talk all the time and never listens do not make good companions. Therefore, the next task is to make midPoint a better listener, by configuring synchronization mechanisms.