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1. 找论点:STREEC法

  • Skill - Efficiency
  • Tethnology - Safety
  • Right - Responsibility
  • Environment - Health
  • Employment - Finance
  • Culture - Fun


2. 定类型:Argument型还是Report型


No. 提问方式 类型 频率 建议
1 Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. 双方讨论型(D & G型) 重点备考
2 Do you agree or disagree? / To what extent do you agree or disagree? 同不同意 重点备考
3 Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? 比较利弊 次重点备考
To what extent do you think the benefits outweigh the drawbacks?
4 What is your opinion? / What is your view? 你怎么看 看一两个模板就好


3. 定结构:采用4段式还是5段式


  • 4段式结构:开头段(1-3句)+正论点主体段(6-8句)+反论点主体段(4-6句)+结论段(1-3句)
  • 5段式结构:开头段(1-3句)+正论点主体段1(2-4句)+正论点主体段2(2-4句)+反论点主体段1(2-4句)+结论段(1-3句)



Argument - 双方讨论型(D & G型)一般套路是:转述背景1句+完整转述双方观点1-2句。这种题不需要你首先给出自己的观点(当然你非要给也行)。

Some people think that ... . Others, however, have a different view(believe) that ... .

Some people believe that ..., while other argue that ... .

Argument - 同不同意型一般套路是:转述背景1句+完整转述观点1句+表达意见1句。因为问你是否同意,所以需要你表达观点。

(Background). While some argue that ..., I tend to believe that ... .

(Background). Although I agree that ..., but I think(believe) that ... .

(Background). Some think that ... . I disagree with this view.

Argument - 比较利弊型一般套路是:转述背景1句+表达赞不赞成1句。

People have different views about ... . While ... can have benefits, I believe that ... .

People have different views about ... . Some people think that ..., I do believe that the advantages(benefits) of this outweigh the disadvantages(drawbacks).


There are several causes of/reasons for this trend.

I think A, B and C are responsible for this trend.


Various measures could be taken to solve/tackle this/the problem.


  • 双方讨论型:In my opinion, A would not be the best way to ..., we should instead do B.
  • 同不同意型:In conclusion, I agree that A would do ... . However, I believe that B ... .
  • 比较利弊型:Overall, it seems to me that the benefit of A outweighs the drawbacks.
  • Report型:In conclusion, there are various reasons for ..., but measures could be taken to solve the issue.

4. 定支撑句


分论点(Ideas) ----> 深入展开(Explain in Details) ----> 举例(Examples)


  1. 如果论点中有名词/子论点过于抽象,连What(在说啥)都不清楚,那么可以尝试从What入手充实一下
  2. 如果What是清楚的,但Why不是非常直白,那么就从Why入手分析一下原因
  3. 如果论点过于直白/常识,What/Why都非常清楚,那么就从So入手讲讲其带来的结果和影响

5. 连接词



展开方式 常用连接词
What 举例展开 For example .., for instance .., such as ..
下定义展开 This means that .., in other words ..
限定范围展开 Specifically, ..
类比展开 Similarly, ..
对比展开 By contrast, .., While .., Unlike ..
Why 让步展开 Although ..
假设展开 if, may, could, would, would .. if/without
So 因果展开 As a result, .., Therefore ..


注意写作中几个不可数名词:information, knowledge, feedback, advice, equipment, behaviour, potential



  • 主体段一:简要提出写信目的,是请求、建议还是感谢等(I'm writing to request ...)。一般1-2句
  • 主体段二:阐明写信动机,你想干嘛。具体内容视信件类型不同而不同。一般3-4句
  • 主体段三:进一步提出自己希望的效果。具体内容视信件类型不同而不同。一般4-5句
  • 主体段四:对于“请求/建议/邀请”信而言,表示希望尽快得到回复;对于“抱怨/道歉/感谢”信而言,表示希望强化行动(比如道歉就表示自己会有所行动、抱怨则希望对方有所行动、感谢就再谢一次)。一般1-2句


正式 半正式 非正式
开头 Dear Sir/Madam Dear Mr/Ms Smith Dear John
Dear Sir or Madam Dear Mrs Smith Hi Ann
主体段 I'm writing with regard to ... 同正式用语 I am writing about ...
I am interested in receiving ... 同正式用语 Please send me ...
结尾 I am looking forward to hearing from you ... 同正式用语 Hope to hear from you soon
落款 Yours faithfully, Yours sincerely, Regards,
Sincerely, Best wishes,

Making a request

  • 主体段二:具体来说,应说明自己面临的情况,如果希望更充实还可以初步提及自己的要求
  • 主体段三:具体来说,细化自己所需要的帮助,还可以再说明对方满足自己的请求确实具有可行性的理由
**I'm writing to** request some annual leave next month.

My wife and I were married last year, but the honeymoon has been postponed due to the coronavirus situation. We would really love to spend some time together as new couples, given the world is recovering and businesses are opening up. (简要说明背景,你想度蜜月了)

**To do this**, **I would need to take the time off for a next month**, from Monday 10th to Friday 14th. **My schedule for that week is relatively light**, apart from some coding work. **I'll transfer the knowledge before I leave, and Jeff would be able to pick it up easily**, since we were pairing at the piece I'm working on, and he has all the context needed. Besides that, **I don't have any urgent stuff to handle at that time**. (To do this从第二段的背景转折过来提出请求。接下来罗列理由:工作轻、有人接手、不紧急)

**I would be grateful if you could allow my leave**. **It'll be an important event in our lives that we don't want to miss**. **Please let me know your thoughts**. (希望请求被满足、强调事件重要性、表明希望收到回复。这三句都可作为模板背诵)

Best wishes, (工作信件应正式,不能写Yours等)

Making a suggestions

  • 主体段二:具体来说,应说明出现的情况(你想要提建议所针对的情况),如果希望更充实可以初步说明自己的建议
  • 主体段三:具体来说,细化自己的建议,若希望更充实还可以提出另一种备选方案
Dear Jan, (因为是朋友所以可以Dear)

As you know, we'll be moving to a new house soon and there are a few things that I won't be able to take with me. I need to sell some of my furniture, and **I'm writing to see if you would be interested**? (说明写信目的是看对方有无兴趣买家具,同时简单交代了背景)

**In particular** **I want to sell my couch**. Do you remember it - the yellow one in the living room? We used to sit together and watch TVs when you visited last time. It's soft, cozy and super comfortable. It's long, and it could cater 3 or 4 people. On the weekend, you can even lay there and reading books, it would be very relaxing. (简要介绍你要卖的东西)

**I know you've always liked this furniture**, **so I could let you have it at a good price**. **I'd prefer sell it to you than to a stranger**. (强化对方可买的理由:你喜欢、给你优惠、我跟你关系好)

**So why don't you come around and have a look yourself on Sunday**? I'll be here for all day, so **maybe we could have some lunch together**? (提出邀请、有人情味)

**Give me a ring and let me know.** (希望她来)

Yours, (这里就可以用Yours了)

Making an apology

  • 主体段二:具体来说,应说明自己做了什么对对方产生了什么影响
  • 主体段三:具体来说,应提出自己打算采取什么行动来停止影响
Dear James,

**I was very upset** (to get your letters saying/knowing) that <trouble source> **has been spoiling your evenings and causing you some distress**. **I am really, really sorry about that**. **I had no idea that** you would be able to hear so much, so **I hope you will accept my apologies**. (说知道了很不安,我十分抱歉,我原本不知道,希望你能接受我道歉。这四个句子都可以是模板,背诵之)

**As you may have guessed**, I'm trying to refit my kitchen in the evenings when I get home from work. Unfortunately it is all taking longer than expected and I have been having problems with getting things to fit properly. This has meant a lot of banging and hammering. (解释一下,留意句头的过渡)

As the kitchen is still not finished, **I have decided to** call in a professional builder who will finish the work in the next day or two. He'll work only during daytime hours, **so you won't be** disturbed in the evenings again, **I promise**. (将采取行动,因此你不会再收到影响,我保证)

**Sorry to have caused the troubles.** (不好意思给你添麻烦了)


Making a complaint


  • 主体段二:具体来说,应说明对方可能、或者已经造成的影响
  • 主体段三:具体来说,进一步说明对方已经造成或者可能造成的问题有多严重,充实一些还可以讲讲如何改变现状(或为什么不要改变)
Dear Sir or Madam,

My name is Irana Smirnova and **I am writing to raise my concerns regarding** the plans to close our local sports and leisure center. (表明写作目的,是要抱怨/表达关切)

**It is hard to underestimate the importance of this center for citizens.** **In fact**, it became the point where we all meet each other to share some positive emotions and spend free time. **Also**, one **cannot** miss the influence of sporting activities provided there on the health of the people. (理由一般讲两点,In fact/Also,用反义来讲似乎高级一点:不能低估重要性、不能低估影响,论点要高,比如运动使人健康,不运动就使人不健康)

My family is used to going to the center several times a week. My husband and I attended fitness lessons for adults on Monday and Friday after work. My two sons went to the center after school; they have a place there to do their homework, to play with other children and relax in safe environment. On weekends, we usually meet friends there and go to the swimming pool and open-air tennis courts. (题目要求,其实也是展开论述,不需要什么华丽的句子)

I can think of **several negative consequences** the closure of the center would do. **The first impact** is that people could become less engaged in sport activities which will definitely affect their health. **The second thing is going to cause** is that children will lose the opportunity to spend their time in a healthy atmosphere and will spend more time at the street. **Finally**, for the people interested in sports it will become more difficult to get to the place to exercise as the nearest sports center is in Toronto which is 30 miles away. (“不好的结果”用的是比较正式的文体,气势一下就出来了。一二三那个排比是从拜登的演讲里抄来的)

I believe this question **deserves close attention**. (再次强调需要重点关注,表达关切)

Yours faithfully,
Irina Smirnova.

Extending an invitation


  • 主体段二:具体来说,应说明邀请的原因,除了借助原题里的信息也允许适当的想象
  • 主体段三:具体来说,应进一步说明邀请的细节,如地点电话、其他参加人员情况、希望到达的具体时间
Dear Jeff,

**I'm writing to let you know** that we finally **moved into our new house**! You know, the previous one was a bit too small after we adopted this Alaska pet dog who is growing up so quick! (写信告知目的、搬新家常见说法)

**I bet you will like it**. Now we have a big live room, three bedrooms and a very modern kitchen. We even have a garden with a large lawn! We also bought a large Samsung TV with pretty sharp color and high resolution in the living room, so we could just sit back in the cozy couch and play video games if you pay a visit. Oh, and Lion, the Alaska, he's the happiest one, because he can run freely now and have fun in the large lawn outside! (介绍新房常见说法,你会喜欢的。其他的都是日常介绍)

**So why don't you come and take a look by yourself this weekend**? **We would all love to see you**. We could play games or have a barbecue in the garden if the weather is good. (邀请+约定时间+表达欢迎,这两句都可以当做模板背诵)

**Our new address and phone number are below**. **Just give me a call**, and **let us know when to expect you**. (告知地点和电话+表示希望收到回信)


Thank-you Letters

  • 主体段二:具体来说,应说明对方做了什么,并给自己带来了什么好处/方便
  • 主体段三:具体来说,更进一步地说明,对方做的事情对自己有多么多么重要
Dear Sir or Madam,

**I'm writing to you to express my delight with** the excellence service and high quality of food that your restaurant provided us **last Saturday night**, on the occasion of my 50th birthday. (表明目的是感谢+点明时间事件)

<introduce the background of event>

<how was it>

<how you feel>

**All in all**, our group **enjoyed a delicious meal at your establishment**, and **I had a very happy birthday**.

Congratulations once again,
Yours sincerely