- User login
- User logout
- Whether the user is logged in
- User login information
- Get aliyun binding device list
- Discovery a list of local config network devices
- Stop discovery local device
- Device binding
- Device unbind
- Get device status
- Get device properties
- Set device properties
- Query upgrade device information list
- Upgrade wi-fi device
- Device upgrade progress query
- Query the list of device information being upgraded
- Users bind taobao Id
- Query the user binding taobao Id
- User unbind taobao Id
1. User login
- (void)aliUserLogin;
Return method name: onAliUserLogin, Parameter format:
2. User logout
- (void)aliUserLogout;
No return parameter
- (void)isAliUserLogin;
Return method name: onIsAliUserLogin, Parameter format:
- (void)getAliUserInfo;
Return method name: onGetAliUserInfo, Parameter format:
- (void)getAliDeviceList;
Return method name: onGetAliyunDeviceList, Parameter format:
"isEdgeGateway": false,
"thingType": "DEVICE",
"categoryImage": "http:\/\/iotx-paas-admin.oss-cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com\/publish\/image\/1559630650729.png",
"netType": "NET_WIFI",
"nodeType": "GATEWAY",
"gmtModified": 1565332471000,
"productName": "乐鑫mesh_light001",
"owned": 1,
"productImage": "http:\/\/iotx-paas-admin.oss-cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com\/publish\/image\/1526474600174.png",
"identityId": "5051op63326c1491234567876ff4c90d303e284376089",
"productModel": "001",
"productKey": "a10BnLLzGv4",
"deviceName": "test5",
"identityAlias": "13661617154",
"iotId": "SrFIr31Ou41234rtyjhUzw6000100",
"status": 1
- (void)aliStartDiscovery;
Return method name: onAliStartDiscovery, Parameter format:
- (void)aliStopDiscovery;
No return parameter
// message is the information waiting for the binding device to get,Format for {"productKey":"","deviceName":"","token":""}
- (void)aliDeviceBinding:(NSString *)message;
Return method name: onAliDeviceBind, Parameter format:
// Successful format onAliDeviceBind
"code":"8000",//8010:There are failure tips and reasons for failure,8011:There are failure tips and reasons for no failure
// message is the iotId unbinding device,Format for ["iotId1","iotId2","iotId3".....]
- (void)aliDeviceUnbindRequest:(NSString *)message;
No return parameter
// message is the iotId of the device,Format for ["iotId1","iotId2","iotId3".....]
- (void)getAliDeviceStatus:(NSString *)message;
Return method name: onGetAliDeviceStatus, Parameter format:
{ "status":1 ,
"iotId": ""
{ "status":2 ,
"iotId": ""
Explain: status represents the device life cycle, There are several status, 0:inactive; 1:online; 3:offline; 8:disable; time represents the start time of the current state.
// message is the iotId of the device, Format for ["iotId1","iotId2","iotId3".....]
- (void)getAliDeviceProperties:(NSString *)message;
Return method name: onGetAliDeviceProperties, Parameter format:
"_sys_device_mid": {
"time": 1516356290173,
"value": "example.demo.module-id"
"WorkMode": {
"time": 1516347450295,
"value": 0
"_sys_device_pid": {
"time": 1516356290173,
"value": "example.demo.partner-id"
"_sys_device_mid": {
"time": 1516356290173,
"value": "example.demo.module-id"
"WorkMode": {
"time": 1516347450295,
"value": 0
"_sys_device_pid": {
"time": 1516356290173,
"value": "example.demo.partner-id"
"iotId": ""
// message is the iotId of the device, Format for {"iotId":["iotId1","iotId2","iotId3".....],"properties":{"Brightness":90}}
- (void)setAliDeviceProperties:(NSString *)message;
Modify the color properties data format for:
Modify switch properties data format for:
Return method name: onSetAliDeviceProperties, Parameter format:
"_sys_device_mid": {
"time": 1516356290173,
"value": "example.demo.module-id"
"WorkMode": {
"time": 1516347450295,
"value": 0
"_sys_device_pid": {
"time": 1516356290173,
"value": "example.demo.partner-id"
"iotId": ""
"_sys_device_mid": {
"time": 1516356290173,
"value": "example.demo.module-id"
"WorkMode": {
"time": 1516347450295,
"value": 0
"_sys_device_pid": {
"time": 1516356290173,
"value": "example.demo.partner-id"
"iotId": ""
- (void)getAliOTAUpgradeDeviceList;
Return method name: onGetAliOTAUpgradeDeviceList, Parameter format:
"data": [{
"status": 1,
"netType": "NET_WIFI",
"image": "http:\/\/iotx-paas-admin.oss-cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com\/publish\/image\/1526474600174.png",
"iotId": "SrFIr31Ou4123456345000100",
"deviceName": "mesh_light"
"code": "200"
// message is the iotId of the device, Format for ["iotId1","iotId2","iotId3".....]
- (void)aliUpgradeWifiDevice:(NSString *)message;
Return method name: onAliUpgradeWifiDevice, Parameter format:
"data": "",
"code": "200"
// message is the iotId of a device, Format for "iotId1"
- (void)aliQueryDeviceUpgradeStatus:(NSString *)message;
Return method name: onAliQueryDeviceUpgradeStatus, Parameter format:
"data": {
"otaFirmwareDTO": {
"desc": "",
"md5": "c632cb3b2db912345567493fec96f628e",
"currentVersion": "1.1.0",
"size": "1544032",
"currentTimestamp": 1567689273000,
"version": "0.1.1",
"timestamp": 1568102959000,
"name": "test2",
"url": "https:\/\/iotx-ota.oss-cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com\/ota\/5ee5b4366534b9f490ad0970e2d59e0f\/ck0dk0h6q0000246uc6mxq0mv.bin?Expires=1568709521&OSSAccessKeyId=cS8uRRy54RszYWna&Signature=qiN0qhy4SpG4BepqlRGUwxY4dRs%3D"
"otaUpgradeDTO": {
"iotId": "SrFIr31234565678Uzw6000100",
"success": false,
"needConfirm": false,
"upgradeStatus": 0,
"startTime": 1568623115000,
"step": 0,
"desc": "waiting"
"code": "200"
- (void)getAliOTAIsUpgradingDeviceList;
Return method name: onGetAliOTAIsUpgradingDeviceList, Parameter format:
"data": [{
"iotId": "xxxx",
"step": 10,
"desc": "xxxxxx",
"success": false,
"needConfirm": true,
"upgradeStatus": 0
"iotId": "xxxx",
"step": 10,
"desc": "xxxxxx",
"success": false,
"needConfirm": true,
"upgradeStatus": 0
"code": "200"
- (void)aliUserBindTaobaoId;
Return method name: onAliUserBindTaobaoId, Parameter format:
"data": {
"accountId": "2518246212",
"accountType": "TAOBAO",
"linkIdentityIds": [
"code": "200"
// Parameter message = {"accountType":"TAOBAO"}
- (void)getAliUserId:(NSString *)message;
Return method name: onGetAliUserId, Parameter format:
"data": {
"accountId": "795255212",
"accountType": "TAOBAO",
"linkIdentityIds": "50cbop901db40de4a**********f89728bf80584"
"accountType": "TAOBAO",
"code": "200"
// Parameter message = {"accountType":"TAOBAO"}
- (void)aliUserUnbindId:(NSString *)message;
Return method name: onAliUserUnbindId,Parameter format:
"data": {
"message": "remove account link success!"
"accountType": "TAOBAO",
"code": "200"