Class iot.espressif.esp32.api.EspMeshApis
* Get API single instance
* @return implemented API instance
public static EspMeshApis getImplInstance();
* Starts a scan for Mesh BLE devices.
* @param listener the callback Mesh BLE device scan results are delivered.
abstract public void startScanMeshBleDevice(@NonNull MeshScanListener listener);
* Stops an ongoing Mesh BLE device scan.
* @param listener used to identify which scan to stop
* must be the same handle used to start the scan
abstract public void stopScanMeshBleDevice(@NonNull MeshScanListener listener);
* Configure the device to connect the specific AP.
* If the device connect the specific AP successfully, {@link MeshBlufiCallback#onWifiStateResponse(BlufiClient, BlufiStatusResponse)} will be invoked.
* @param device Mesh BLE device
* @param meshVersion the version from MDF manufacturer data
* @param params AP info and mesh options
* @param blufiCallback Blufi callback
* @return MeshBlufiClient
abstract public MeshBlufiClient startConfigureNetwork(@NonNull BluetoothDevice device, int meshVersion, @NonNull MeshConfigureParams params, @Nullable MeshBlufiCallback blufiCallback);
* Stop the configuring process
* @param client ongoing client
abstract public void stopConfigureNetwork(@NonNull MeshBlufiClient client);
* Scan all station devices in LAN
* @return station devices list
abstract public List<IEspDevice> scanStations();
* Scan all station devices in LAN
* @param callback the callback station device scan results are delivered
* @return station device list
abstract public List<IEspDevice> scanStations(@Nullable DeviceScanCallback callback);
* Start upgrade device rom version. The App will post the bin data to devices.
* @param bin bin file
* @param devices the devices need upgrade
* @param callback the callback ota progress is updated
* @return EspOTAClient
abstract public EspOTAClient startOTA(@NonNull File bin, @NonNull Collection<IEspDevice> devices, @Nullable EspOTAClient.OTACallback callback);
* Start upgrade device rom version. The devices will download bin data from the specific URL.
* The OTA task will running in an async thread.
* @param url bin url
* @param devices the devices need upgrade
* @param callback the callback ota progress is updated
* @return EspOTAClient
abstract public EspOTAClient startOTA(@NonNull String url, @NonNull Collection<IEspDevice> devices, @Nullable EspOTAClient.OTACallback callback);
* Stop OTA process.
* @param client ongoing client
abstract public void stopOTA(@NonNull EspOTAClient client);
* Update device info.
* @param device MDF device
* @return true if get device info successfully
abstract public boolean getDeviceInfo(@NonNull IEspDevice device);
* Update devices info.
* @param devices MDF devices
abstract public void getDevicesInfo(@NonNull Collection<IEspDevice> devices);
* Change the device status
* @param device MDF device
* @param characteristics the EspDeviceCharacteristic items require to set cid and value
* @return true if post request successfully
abstract public boolean setDeviceStatus(@NonNull IEspDevice device, @NonNull Collection<EspDeviceCharacteristic> characteristics);
* Change the devices status
* @param devices MDF devices
* @param characteristics the EspDeviceCharacteristic items require to set cid and value
abstract public void setDevicesStatus(@NonNull Collection<IEspDevice> devices, @NonNull Collection<EspDeviceCharacteristic> characteristics);
* Update specific status
* @param device MDF device
* @param cids the EspDeviceCharacteristic need to update
* @return true if update successfully
abstract public boolean getDeviceStatus(@NonNull IEspDevice device, int... cids);
* Update specific status
* @param devices MDF devices
* @param cids the EspDeviceCharacteristic need to update
abstract public void getDevicesStatus(@NonNull Collection<IEspDevice> devices, int... cids);
* Post a request to reboot the device
* @param device MDF device
* @return true if post the request succefully
abstract public boolean reboot(@NonNull IEspDevice device);
* Post a request to reboot the devices
* @param devices MDF devices
abstract public void reboot(@NonNull Collection<IEspDevice> devices);
Register in AndroidManifest.xml
// 1. Start scan Mesh devices MeshScanListener meshScanListener = new MeshScanListener() { @Override public void onMeshDeviceScanned(MeshBleDevice meshBleDevice) { // Get BLE device BluetoothDevice bluetoothDevice = meshBleDevice.getDevice(); // Get mesh version int meshVersion = meshBleDevice.getMeshVersion(); // Get station bssid String staBssid = meshBleDevice.getStaBssid(); // Get rssi int rssi = meshBleDevice.getRssi(); // Get device type id int tid = meshBleDevice.getTid(); } }; EspMeshApis.getImplInstance().startScanMeshBleDevice(meshScanListener); // 2. Stop scan Mesh devices EspMeshApis.getImplInstance().stopScanMeshBleDevice(meshScanListener); // 3. Configure network int meshVersion = 0; // Mesh version, get from MeshBleDevice BluetoothDevice device = null; // BLE device,get from MeshBleDevice List<String> whiteList = new ArrayList<>(); // Add station bssid into the list to configure the devices connect the same mesh network, get station bssid from MeshBleDevice whiteList.add("staBssid1"); whiteList.add("staBssid2"); MeshConfigureParams params = new MeshConfigureParams(); params.setAPSsid("ssid"); // Requirement params.setAPBssid("bssid"); // Requirement params.setAPPassword("password"); // Requirement params.setMeshID("meshid".getBytes()); // Requirement,6 bytes,configre the device connect the specific mesh network params.setMeshPassword("mesh password"); // Not requirement params.setWhiteList(whiteList); // Not requirement MeshBlufiClient meshBlufiClient = EspMeshApis.getImplInstance().startConfigureNetwork(device, meshVersion, params, new MeshBlufiCallback() { @Override public void onWifiStateResponse(BlufiClient client, BlufiStatusResponse response) { boolean success = response.isStaConnected(); // The device has connected the specific AP } // It will call different functions if configure failed, see the functions in class MeshBlufiCallback }); // 4. Stop configure network and release resources created in configuring progress EspMeshApis.getImplInstance().stopConfigureNetwork(meshBlufiClient); // 5. Get the devices in LAN, the results has no device information List<IEspDevice> deviceList = EspMeshApis.getImplInstance().scanStations(); // 6. Get device information EspMeshApis.getImplInstance().getDeviceInfo(IEspDevice); // Get one device info EspMeshApis.getImplInstance().getDevicesInfo(deviceList); // Batch get device info // 7. Change device status EspDeviceCharacteristic characteristic = EspDeviceCharacteristic.newInstance(EspDeviceCharacteristic.FORMAT_INT); // Create EspDeviceCharacteristic with format characteristic.setCid(0x01); // Set target cid characteristic.setValue(100); // Set status value List<EspDeviceCharacteristic> characteristics = new ArrayList<>(); characteristics.add(characteristic); EspMeshApis.getImplInstance().setDevicesStatus(IEspDevice, characteristics); // Change one device's status EspMeshApis.getImplInstance().setDevicesStatus(deviceList, characteristics); // Batch change devices' status // 8. OTA upgrade device version EspOTAClient otaClient = EspMeshApis.getImplInstance().startOTA(bin, deviceList, new EspOTAClient.OTACallback() { @Override public Handler getHandler() { return null; // Set callback handler, it is nullable } @Override public void onOTAPrepare(EspOTAClient client) { // Call before OTA start } @Override public void onOTAProgressUpdate(EspOTAClient client, List<EspOTAClient.OTAProgress> progressList) { // Call when OTA for (EspOTAClient.OTAProgress progress : progressList) { String mac = progress.getDeviceMac(); // Device MAC int progressValue = progress.getProgress(); // Upgrade progress String message = progress.getMessage(); // Upgrade message } } @Override public void onOTAResult(EspOTAClient client, List<String> sucMacList) { // OTA result // sucMacList is the list contain OTA success devices // The devices need reboot if OTA successfully EspMeshApis.getImplInstance().reboot(sucDevices); } }); // 9. Stop OTA and release resources created in OTA progress EspMeshApis.getImplInstance().stopOTA(otaClient);