is simple to use open source discord cryptography bot
Harpocrates has 2 main cyther methods:
czrCode is a Cesar encryption method it takes arguments mode chrset czrkey and message
mode is a Harpocrates mode class this can be found by rerquesting allsets with argument modes
chrset is Harpocrates characterset (chrset) class this can be found by rerquesting allsets with argument chrsets
czrkey is the key (must be an integer) this is the displacement value for example if the input is ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ and the key is 5 the output is FGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZABCDE
message is a string
fernet is a much more sophisticated cipher method it takes in arguments hashMethod mode key (cannot include spaces ‘ ’) message
hashMethod is a Harpocrates hash class this can be found by rerquesting allsets with argument hashes
mode is a Harpocrates mode class this can be found by rerquesting allsets with argument modes
key that’s a single string with no whitespaces in itself
message is a string
if you wish to add Harpocrates to your discord server use the link below:
Credits: Equilibris#2431 and Tankie#8595