diff --git a/dictionary.md b/dictionary.md
index 18873377..5bc078d2 100644
--- a/dictionary.md
+++ b/dictionary.md
@@ -64,11 +64,17 @@ This is a work in progress; please add keywords as you find them in alphabetical
-*Default*: 0
-*eor_wrapper_defaults*: 1
-**kernel_window**: modify the gridding kernel by applying a window function to the primary beam according to a user choice. If set, but not a string and nonzero, assigns 'Blackman-Harris^2'
+**kernel_window**: modify the gridding kernel by applying a window function to the primary beam according to a user choice. If set, but not a string and nonzero, assigns 'Blackman-Harris^2'. Forces the value of psf_dim to be 18.
-*Options*: 'Hann', 'Hamming', 'Blackman', 'Nutall', 'Blackman-Nutall',
'Blackman-Harris', 'Blackman-Harris^2', 'Tukey'
-*Default*: Not set (not the same as setting to 0!)
+**psf_dim**: Sets the PSF dimension in UV space in units of pixels. By default calculated based on max antenna size, max frequency, and kbinsize (see `fhd_struct_init_antenna.pro` for calculation). Must be an even integer. Will be overwritten to 28 if debug_dim is set, and overwritten to 18 if kernel_window is set.
+ -*Default*: not set
+**psf_max_dim**: Must be an even integer. Will decrease psf_dim to this value if it is calculated to be higher.
+ -*Default*: not set
**psf_resolution**: super-resolution factor of the psf in UV space. Values greater than 1 increase the resolution of the gridding kernel.
-*Default*: 16
-*eor_wrapper_defaults*: 100
@@ -261,11 +267,14 @@ WARNING! Options in this section may change without notice, and should never be
### Beam debugging options
**debug_beam_clip_grow**: Set to grow the UV beam mask by one full-resolution pixel in all directions, after applying the clip set by `beam_mask_threshold`
- -*Turn on*:: 1
+ -*Turn on*: 1
**debug_clip_beam_mask**: Set to mask pixels in the UV beam model if the pixel would be masked for any super-resolution offset.
-*Turn on*: 1
+**debug_dim**: Set `psf_dim=28`. Will be overwritten if `kernel_window` is set.
+ -*Turn on*: 1
**debug_flip**: Swap the X and Y beams (use the Y beam for X and the X beam for Y).
-*Turn on*: 1
@@ -475,9 +484,9 @@ WARNING! Options in this section may change without notice, and should never be
-*Dependency*: `export_images` must be set to 1 in order for the keyword to take effect.
-*Turn off/on*: 0/1
-*Default*: 0
-**no_png**: do not export any pngs (this includes images and plots calibration solutions)
- -*Needs updating*: might be better to change the logic (avoid the double negative) !Q.
+**no_png**: do not export any pngs (including standard images and images of calibration solutions).
+ -*Dependency*: `export_images` must be set to 1 in order for the keyword to take effect.
-*Turn off/on*: 0/1
-*Default*: 0