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Content outline

Josh Heyer edited this page Aug 24, 2020 · 12 revisions

Site sections:

Getting Started

  1. Installing
  2. Connecting
  3. Developing
  4. Deploying

Going to Production

  1. Tuning PostgreSQL
  2. Securing PostgreSQL
  3. High Availability (HA)
  4. Patching PostgreSQL
  5. Deploying at scale
    1. Ansible
    2. Puppet
    3. Terraform
  6. Disaster Recovery (DR)
  7. Performance Tuning

Languages & Framework/Library Platforms

Are these structural or these tags that cross sections? Primarily tags: sections should be task-oriented, with articles covering specific platforms. That said, some tasks are primarily relevant to a subset of platforms: schema migrations are widely applicable, while mapping stored procedure results to objects is specific to ORM platforms. Identifying the root task is therefore essential to defining structure.

Key languages / libraries include (rough priority based on usage):

  1. Java
    1. Hibernate
    2. JDBC
    3. Spring Data
  2. Python
    1. Django
    2. SQLAlchemy
    3. psycopg2
    4. Pandas
  3. JavaScript
    1. sequelize.js
    2. knex.js
    3. node-postgres
  4. Ruby
    1. Rails
  5. C#
    1. Npgsql
    2. Entity Framework (Core)
  6. PHP
    1. PDO
    2. Laravel
    3. Doctrine
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