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+title: "Applying constraints"
+At the beginning of your data migration journey with EDB Data Migration Service (EDB DMS), you [prepared and imported the schema](prepare_schema) of your source database. Now, connect to the target database and re-apply the constraints that were excluded from the schema and data migration.
+## Primary key and unique constraints
+For primary key and unique constraints, you have already created the tables and constraints in the target Postgres database. This allowed EDB DMS to map them to the source objects and migrate data successfuly. You don't need do to anything else.
+The same applies to not null constraints if you included them in your schema import.
+## Foreign key, check, and exclusion constraints
+You can now re-apply any foreign key, check, or exclusion constraints you excluded during the [schema preparation and import](prepare_schema).
+## Ensuring data integrity
+Rows in tables that don't have primary key or unique constraints were migrated with at-least-once delivery, therefore, it is possible that these rows are duplicate.
+Deduplication can be performed as part of the [verification](verify_migration).
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/advocacy_docs/edb-postgres-ai/migration-etl/data-migration-service/getting_started/config_reader.mdx b/advocacy_docs/edb-postgres-ai/migration-etl/data-migration-service/getting_started/config_reader.mdx
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+title: "Configuring and running the EDB DMS Reader"
+deepToC: true
+ - /purl/dms/configure_source
+## Getting credentials
+1. Access the [EDB Postgres AI® Console](https://portal.biganimal.com) and log in with your EDB Postgres AI Database Cloud Service credentials.
+1. Select the project where you created the database cluster.
+1. Within your project, select **Migrate** > **Credentials**.
+1. Select **Create Migration Credential** > **Download Credential**.
+1. Unzip the credentials folder and copy it to the host where the reader is installed.
+## Configuring the reader
+1. Open the EDB DMS reader located in `/opt/cdcreader/run-cdcreader.sh` and ensure you have write permissions.
+1. Set the variables according to your environment and uncomment the edited lines. See [parameters](#parameters) for further guidance.
+### set the following environment variables:
+# Data Migration Service Cloud Configuration #
+# This ID is used to identify the cdcreader.
+#export DBZ_ID=
+# Now we only support aws
+# No need to change about this field
+#export RW_SERVICE_HOST=https://transporter-rw-service.biganimal.com
+# You need to create migration credentials in EDB postgresAI platform and set these fields with the path of credential files
+# Data Migration Service Source DB Configuration #
+# A sample configuration to create a single postgres database connection:
+#export DBZ_DATABASES_0__HOSTNAME=localhost
+#export DBZ_DATABASES_0__PORT=5432
+#export DBZ_DATABASES_0__CATALOG=source
+#export DBZ_DATABASES_0__USERNAME=postgres
+#export DBZ_DATABASES_0__PASSWORD=password
+# You can increase the index to config more database for the reader
+#export DBZ_DATABASES_1__HOSTNAME=localhost
+#export DBZ_DATABASES_1__PORT=1521
+#export DBZ_DATABASES_1__USERNAME=oracle
+#export DBZ_DATABASES_1__PASSWORD=password
+# Optional Parameters Below #
+# Configure logging
+# Generic loglevel
+# Loglevel for a single package
+## Parameters
+### `DBZ_ID`
+This is the name you assign to identify a source. This name will later appear as a _source_ in the **Migrate** > **Sources** section of the EDB Postgres AI Console.
+Consider the following ID guidelines:
+- The maximum character length for the ID is 255 characters.
+- You can use lowercase and uppercase characters, numbers, underscores(_) and hyphens(-) for the ID. Other special characters are not supported.
+- The ID must be unique. The source instances cannot have the same ID.
+Specifies the URL of the service that will host the migration. `transporter-rw-service` is always https://transporter-rw-service.biganimal.com.
+Directory path to the `client-key.pem` private key you downloaded from the EDB Postgres AI Console.
+The HTTP client of the EDB DMS Reader uses it to perform mTLS authentication with the `transporter-rw-service`.
+Directory path to the X509 `client-cert.pem` certificate you downloaded from the EDB Postgres AI Console.
+The HTTP client of the EDB DMS Reader uses it to perform mTLS authentication with the `transporter-rw-service`.
+### `TLS_CA_PATH`
+Directory path to the `int.cert` Certificate Authority you downloaded from the EDB Postgres AI Console.
+It signs the certificate configured in `TLS_CERTIFICATE_PATH`.
+Directory path to the `client-keystore.p12` keystore location file you downloaded from the EDB Postgres AI Console.
+It is created from the private key and certificate configured in `TLS_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH` and `TLS_CERTIFICATE_PATH`.
+The Apicurio client uses it to perform mTLS authentication with the `transporter-rw-service`.
+Created from the Certificate Authority configured in `TLS_CA_PATH`.
+The Apicurio client uses it to perform mTLS authentication with the `transporter-rw-service`.
+This is a list of source database information you require for the EDB DMS Reader be able to read the correct source database information for the migration.
+You can configure the EDB DMS Reader to migrate multiple databases. The `DBZ_DATABASES_0__TYPE` section delimits the information for the first database. You can use `DBZ_DATABASES_1__TYPE` to provide data for a second database. Add more sections to the EDB DMS Reader (`DBZ_DATABASES_2__TYPE`, `DBZ_DATABASES_3__TYPE`) by increasing the index manully.
+This is the source database type. EDB DMS reader supports `ORACLE` and `POSTGRES`.
+The hostname of the source database.
+The port of the source database.
+The database name in the source database server.
+The database username of the source database.
+The password for the database username of the source database.
+## Running the EDB DMS Reader
+1. Start the migration:
+ ```shell
+ cd /opt/cdcreader
+ ./run-cdcreader.sh
+ ```
+1. Go to the [EDB Postgres AI Console](https://portal.biganimal.com), and verify that a source with the `DBZ_ID` name is displayed in **Migrate** > **Sources**.
+You can select this source for your [migration](create_migration).
diff --git a/advocacy_docs/edb-postgres-ai/migration-etl/data-migration-service/getting_started/create_database.mdx b/advocacy_docs/edb-postgres-ai/migration-etl/data-migration-service/getting_started/create_database.mdx
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+title: "Creating a database cluster"
+You can use an existing EDB Postgres® AI cluster or create a new cluster for the target of the database migration.
+To use an existing cluster as a target for the migration, ensure the tables you migrate and the load generated on target don't interfere with existing workloads.
+1. Access the [EDB Postgres AI Console](https://portal.biganimal.com) and log in with your EDB Postgres AI Cloud Service credentials.
+1. Select the project where you want to create the database cluster.
+ See [Creating a project](/biganimal/latest/administering_cluster/projects/#creating-a-project) if you want to create one.
+1. Within your project, select **Create New** and **Database Cluster** to create an instance that will serve as target for the EDB Data Migration Service (EDB DMS).
+ See [Creating a cluster](/biganimal/release/getting_started/creating_a_cluster/) for detailed instructions on how to create a single-node or a primary/standby high availability cluster.
+ See [Creating a distributed high-availability cluster](/biganimal/latest/getting_started/creating_a_cluster/creating_a_dha_cluster/) for detailed instructions on how to create a distributed high availibility cluster.
+1. In the **Clusters** page, select your cluster, and use the **Quick Connect** option to access your instance from your terminal.
+1. Create a new empty database that you will use as a target for the migration. Alternatively, you can use the default database `edb_admin`.
diff --git a/advocacy_docs/edb-postgres-ai/migration-etl/data-migration-service/getting_started/create_migration.mdx b/advocacy_docs/edb-postgres-ai/migration-etl/data-migration-service/getting_started/create_migration.mdx
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+title: "Creating a migration"
+After you use the EDB DMS Reader to read the source database, create a new migration in the EDB Postgres® AI Console.
+This establishes a sync between the source database and a target cluster in the EDB Postgres AI Console.
+1. Access the [EDB Postgres AI Console](https://portal.biganimal.com) and log in with your EDB Postgres AI Database Cloud Service credentials.
+1. Select the project where you created the database cluster.
+1. Within your project, select **Migrate** > **Migrations**.
+1. In the **Migrations** page, select **Create New Migration** > **To Managed Postgres**.
+1. In the **Create Migration** page, assign a **Name** to the migration.
+1. Select the **Source** of the migration. The ID for the EDB DMS Reader is listed in the drop-down menu.
+1. Under **Destination**, select a target cluster for the migration and enter the name of the database where you want the migration to copy data and select **Next**.
+1. Select the tables and columns to migrate. Modify the table and column names if needed.
+1. Select **Create Migration**.
+The EDB Postgres AI Console now displays a new migration. The EDB DMS Reader is constantly streaming data when the migration displays the **Running** state. Changes to data are replicated from the source to the target database as long as the migration is running.
+ The EDB DMS Reader streams data changes. It does not stream changes in the DDL objects.
diff --git a/advocacy_docs/edb-postgres-ai/migration-etl/data-migration-service/getting_started/index.mdx b/advocacy_docs/edb-postgres-ai/migration-etl/data-migration-service/getting_started/index.mdx
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+title: "Getting started"
+description: Understand how to create a migration from planning to execution.
+indexCards: none
+ - create_database
+ - prepare_schema
+ - installing
+ - preparing_db
+ - config_reader
+ - create_migration
+ - mark_completed
+ - apply_constraints
+ - verify_migration
+Creating a migration from an Oracle or Postgres database to EDB Postgres AI involves several steps.
+1. **[Create a target Postgres database cluster](create_database)**: In the EDB Postgres® AI Console, ensure you have created a database cluster. Connect to the cluster and create a database that will serve as a target for the migration.
+1. **[Prepare the source database schema](prepare_schema)**: In your source machine, prepare the source database by exporting it and excluding unsupported constraints. Then, import the adapted schema to the target database.
+1. **[Install the EDB DMS Reader](installing)**: In your source machine, install the EDB DMS Reader from the EDB repository.
+1. **[Prepare your source Oracle or Postgres database](preparing_db)**: In your source machine, prepare the source database by altering settings and creating users that are required for the migration. Ensure your source database can accept SSL connections.
+1. **[Configure the EDB DMS Reader](config_reader)**: In the EDB Postgres AI Console, download dedicated migration credentials. In your source machine, configure the EDB DMS Reader by exporting environment variables that allow the Reader to connect to the source. Execute the Reader.
+1. **[Create a new migration](create_migration)**: In the EDB Postgres AI Console, create a new migration by selecting the source generated by the Reader in the Console, and selecting the target database you created for this purpose.
+1. **[Mark the Migration as completed](mark_completed)**: In the EDB Postgres AI Console, mark the migration as completed to stop the streaming process.
+1. **[Reapply any excluded constraints](apply_constraints)**: Apply the constraints you excluded from the schema migration in the new database.
+1. **[Verify the migration completed successfully](verify_migration)**: Use LiveCompare to ensure the target database has the same data as the source database.
diff --git a/advocacy_docs/edb-postgres-ai/migration-etl/data-migration-service/getting_started/installing/index.mdx b/advocacy_docs/edb-postgres-ai/migration-etl/data-migration-service/getting_started/installing/index.mdx
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+navTitle: Installing
+title: Installing EDB Data Migration Service Reader on Linux
+ - linux_x86_64
+Select a link to access the applicable installation instructions:
+## Linux [x86-64 (amd64)](linux_x86_64)
+### Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) and derivatives
+- [RHEL 9](linux_x86_64/edb-dms-reader_rhel_9), [RHEL 8](linux_x86_64/edb-dms-reader_rhel_8)
+- [Oracle Linux (OL) 9](linux_x86_64/edb-dms-reader_rhel_9), [Oracle Linux (OL) 8](linux_x86_64/edb-dms-reader_rhel_8)
+- [Rocky Linux 9](linux_x86_64/edb-dms-reader_other_linux_9)
+- [AlmaLinux 9](linux_x86_64/edb-dms-reader_other_linux_9)
+### SUSE Linux Enterprise (SLES)
+- [SLES 15](linux_x86_64/edb-dms-reader_sles_15), [SLES 12](linux_x86_64/edb-dms-reader_sles_12)
+### Debian and derivatives
+- [Ubuntu 22.04](linux_x86_64/edb-dms-reader_ubuntu_22), [Ubuntu 20.04](linux_x86_64/edb-dms-reader_ubuntu_20)
+- [Debian 12](linux_x86_64/edb-dms-reader_debian_12), [Debian 11](linux_x86_64/edb-dms-reader_debian_11)
diff --git a/advocacy_docs/edb-postgres-ai/migration-etl/data-migration-service/getting_started/installing/linux_x86_64/edb-dms-reader_debian_11.mdx b/advocacy_docs/edb-postgres-ai/migration-etl/data-migration-service/getting_started/installing/linux_x86_64/edb-dms-reader_debian_11.mdx
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@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+navTitle: Debian 11
+title: Installing EDB Data Migration Service Reader on Debian 11 x86_64
+## Prerequisites
+Before you begin the installation process:
+- Set up the EDB repository.
+ Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
+ `apt-cache search enterprisedb`
+ If no output is generated, the repository isn't installed.
+ To set up the EDB repository:
+ 1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
+ 1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
+ 1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
+ 1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
+## Install the package
+Install the EDB DMS Reader (packaged as `cdcreader`):
+sudo apt-get install cdcreader
diff --git a/advocacy_docs/edb-postgres-ai/migration-etl/data-migration-service/getting_started/installing/linux_x86_64/edb-dms-reader_debian_12.mdx b/advocacy_docs/edb-postgres-ai/migration-etl/data-migration-service/getting_started/installing/linux_x86_64/edb-dms-reader_debian_12.mdx
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@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+navTitle: Debian 12
+title: Installing EDB Data Migration Service Reader on Debian 12 x86_64
+## Prerequisites
+Before you begin the installation process:
+- Set up the EDB repository.
+ Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
+ `apt-cache search enterprisedb`
+ If no output is generated, the repository isn't installed.
+ To set up the EDB repository:
+ 1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
+ 1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
+ 1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
+ 1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
+## Install the package
+Install the EDB DMS Reader (packaged as `cdcreader`):
+sudo apt-get install cdcreader
diff --git a/advocacy_docs/edb-postgres-ai/migration-etl/data-migration-service/getting_started/installing/linux_x86_64/edb-dms-reader_other_linux_9.mdx b/advocacy_docs/edb-postgres-ai/migration-etl/data-migration-service/getting_started/installing/linux_x86_64/edb-dms-reader_other_linux_9.mdx
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@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+navTitle: AlmaLinux 9 or Rocky Linux 9
+title: Installing EDB Data Migration Service Reader on AlmaLinux 9 or Rocky
+ Linux 9 x86_64
+## Prerequisites
+Before you begin the installation process:
+- Set up the EDB repository.
+ Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
+ `dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
+ If no output is generated, the repository isn't installed.
+ To set up the EDB repository:
+ 1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
+ 1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
+ 1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
+ 1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
+## Install the package
+Install the EDB DMS Reader (packaged as `cdcreader`):
+sudo dnf install cdcreader
diff --git a/advocacy_docs/edb-postgres-ai/migration-etl/data-migration-service/getting_started/installing/linux_x86_64/edb-dms-reader_rhel_8.mdx b/advocacy_docs/edb-postgres-ai/migration-etl/data-migration-service/getting_started/installing/linux_x86_64/edb-dms-reader_rhel_8.mdx
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@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+navTitle: RHEL 8 or OL 8
+title: Installing EDB Data Migration Service Reader on RHEL 8 or OL 8 x86_64
+## Prerequisites
+Before you begin the installation process:
+- Set up the EDB repository.
+ Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
+ `dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
+ If no output is generated, the repository isn't installed.
+ To set up the EDB repository:
+ 1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
+ 1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
+ 1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
+ 1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
+## Install the package
+Install the EDB DMS Reader (packaged as `cdcreader`):
+sudo dnf install cdcreader
diff --git a/advocacy_docs/edb-postgres-ai/migration-etl/data-migration-service/getting_started/installing/linux_x86_64/edb-dms-reader_rhel_9.mdx b/advocacy_docs/edb-postgres-ai/migration-etl/data-migration-service/getting_started/installing/linux_x86_64/edb-dms-reader_rhel_9.mdx
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@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+navTitle: RHEL 9 or OL 9
+title: Installing EDB Data Migration Service Reader on RHEL 9 or OL 9 x86_64
+## Prerequisites
+Before you begin the installation process:
+- Set up the EDB repository.
+ Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
+ `dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
+ If no output is generated, the repository isn't installed.
+ To set up the EDB repository:
+ 1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
+ 1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
+ 1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
+ 1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
+## Install the package
+Install the EDB DMS Reader (packaged as `cdcreader`):
+sudo dnf install cdcreader
diff --git a/advocacy_docs/edb-postgres-ai/migration-etl/data-migration-service/getting_started/installing/linux_x86_64/edb-dms-reader_sles_12.mdx b/advocacy_docs/edb-postgres-ai/migration-etl/data-migration-service/getting_started/installing/linux_x86_64/edb-dms-reader_sles_12.mdx
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@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+navTitle: SLES 12
+title: Installing EDB Data Migration Service Reader on SLES 12 x86_64
+## Prerequisites
+Before you begin the installation process:
+- Set up the EDB repository.
+ Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
+ `zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
+ If no output is generated, the repository isn't installed.
+ To set up the EDB repository:
+ 1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
+ 1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
+ 1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
+ 1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
+- Activate the required SUSE module:
+ ```shell
+ sudo SUSEConnect -p PackageHub/12.5/x86_64
+ sudo SUSEConnect -p sle-sdk/12.5/x86_64
+ ```
+- Refresh the metadata:
+ ```shell
+ sudo zypper refresh
+ ```
+## Install the package
+Install the EDB DMS Reader (packaged as `cdcreader`):
+sudo zypper install cdcreader
diff --git a/advocacy_docs/edb-postgres-ai/migration-etl/data-migration-service/getting_started/installing/linux_x86_64/edb-dms-reader_sles_15.mdx b/advocacy_docs/edb-postgres-ai/migration-etl/data-migration-service/getting_started/installing/linux_x86_64/edb-dms-reader_sles_15.mdx
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@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+navTitle: SLES 15
+title: Installing EDB Data Migration Service Reader on SLES 15 x86_64
+## Prerequisites
+Before you begin the installation process:
+- Set up the EDB repository.
+ Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
+ `zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
+ If no output is generated, the repository isn't installed.
+ To set up the EDB repository:
+ 1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
+ 1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
+ 1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
+ 1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
+- Activate the required SUSE module:
+ ```shell
+ sudo SUSEConnect -p PackageHub/15.4/x86_64
+ ```
+- Refresh the metadata:
+ ```shell
+ sudo zypper refresh
+ ```
+## Install the package
+Install the EDB DMS Reader (packaged as `cdcreader`):
+sudo zypper install cdcreader
diff --git a/advocacy_docs/edb-postgres-ai/migration-etl/data-migration-service/getting_started/installing/linux_x86_64/edb-dms-reader_ubuntu_20.mdx b/advocacy_docs/edb-postgres-ai/migration-etl/data-migration-service/getting_started/installing/linux_x86_64/edb-dms-reader_ubuntu_20.mdx
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@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+navTitle: Ubuntu 20.04
+title: Installing EDB Data Migration Service Reader on Ubuntu 20.04 x86_64
+## Prerequisites
+Before you begin the installation process:
+- Set up the EDB repository.
+ Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
+ `apt-cache search enterprisedb`
+ If no output is generated, the repository isn't installed.
+ To set up the EDB repository:
+ 1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
+ 1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
+ 1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
+ 1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
+## Install the package
+Install the EDB DMS Reader (packaged as `cdcreader`):
+sudo apt-get install cdcreader
diff --git a/advocacy_docs/edb-postgres-ai/migration-etl/data-migration-service/getting_started/installing/linux_x86_64/edb-dms-reader_ubuntu_22.mdx b/advocacy_docs/edb-postgres-ai/migration-etl/data-migration-service/getting_started/installing/linux_x86_64/edb-dms-reader_ubuntu_22.mdx
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+navTitle: Ubuntu 22.04
+title: Installing EDB Data Migration Service Reader on Ubuntu 22.04 x86_64
+## Prerequisites
+Before you begin the installation process:
+- Set up the EDB repository.
+ Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
+ `apt-cache search enterprisedb`
+ If no output is generated, the repository isn't installed.
+ To set up the EDB repository:
+ 1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
+ 1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
+ 1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
+ 1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
+## Install the package
+Install the EDB DMS Reader (packaged as `cdcreader`):
+sudo apt-get install cdcreader
diff --git a/advocacy_docs/edb-postgres-ai/migration-etl/data-migration-service/getting_started/installing/linux_x86_64/index.mdx b/advocacy_docs/edb-postgres-ai/migration-etl/data-migration-service/getting_started/installing/linux_x86_64/index.mdx
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+title: "Installing EDB Data Migration Service Reader on Linux x86 (amd64)"
+navTitle: "On Linux x86"
+ - edb-dms-reader_rhel_9
+ - edb-dms-reader_rhel_8
+ - edb-dms-reader_other_linux_9
+ - edb-dms-reader_sles_15
+ - edb-dms-reader_sles_12
+ - edb-dms-reader_ubuntu_22
+ - edb-dms-reader_ubuntu_20
+ - edb-dms-reader_debian_12
+ - edb-dms-reader_debian_11
+Operating system-specific install instructions are described in the corresponding documentation:
+### Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) and derivatives
+- [RHEL 9](edb-dms-reader_rhel_9)
+- [RHEL 8](edb-dms-reader_rhel_8)
+- [Oracle Linux (OL) 9](edb-dms-reader_rhel_9)
+- [Oracle Linux (OL) 8](edb-dms-reader_rhel_8)
+- [Rocky Linux 9](edb-dms-reader_other_linux_9)
+- [AlmaLinux 9](edb-dms-reader_other_linux_9)
+### SUSE Linux Enterprise (SLES)
+- [SLES 15](edb-dms-reader_sles_15)
+- [SLES 12](edb-dms-reader_sles_12)
+### Debian and derivatives
+- [Ubuntu 22.04](edb-dms-reader_ubuntu_22)
+- [Ubuntu 20.04](edb-dms-reader_ubuntu_20)
+- [Debian 12](edb-dms-reader_debian_12)
+- [Debian 11](edb-dms-reader_debian_11)
diff --git a/advocacy_docs/edb-postgres-ai/migration-etl/data-migration-service/getting_started/mark_completed.mdx b/advocacy_docs/edb-postgres-ai/migration-etl/data-migration-service/getting_started/mark_completed.mdx
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+title: "Mark migration as completed"
+The EDB DMS Reader will continue to stream any data updates performed on the source database to the target database until you mark the migration as completed.
+It is important that you carefully select the best time to stop the data migration stream. Ensure no new inserts are executed in the source and verify that the last known inserts have been synchronized in the target.
+After checking that your data is present in the target database you can stop the stream by marking the migration as completed.
+1. In the [EDB Postgres AI Console](https://portal.biganimal.com), in your project, select **Migrate** > **Migrations**.
+1. Select the **check icon** next to your migration to mark the migration as completed. This stops the streaming procedure.
\ No newline at end of file
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+title: "Preparing and importing the schema"
+deepToC: true
+Before you use EDB Data Migration Service (EDB DMS) to configure a data migration, you must prepare and import your schema to the target database.
+Some of your schema's constraints must be included before the data migration takes place, whereas others must be applied [after the data migration is completed](apply_constraints). This ensures you can migrate without performance degradation.
+## Schema integrity and performance considerations
+The presence of target database constraints, triggers, and WAL logging can impact the data migration performance. When possible, EDB recommends a two-step import of schema constraints.
+### Primary key and unique constraints
+Primary key and unique constraints are leveraged by EDB DMS to provide an exactly-once delivery when migrating data to the target database. Therefore, Primary key and unique constraints should be included in the schema import that you perform before the data migration begins. Other types of constraints should be excluded from the schema import.
+For rows in tables that do not have primary key or unique constraints it is only possible to achieve at-least-once delivery. Deduplication can be performed during the [data migration verification](verify_migration).
+ Not null constraints don't represent a significant performance impact for destination servers and can also be included in the schema import.
+### Foreign key, check, and exclusion constraints
+EDB DMS is able to apply change events in parallel against destination database clusters. However, migrating some constraint types can negatively affect the performance of the migration. These type of constraints lead to unnecessary CPU and memory utilization in the context of an in-flight data migration from a consistent and referentially integral source database.
+Accordingly, EDB recommends [applying foreign key, check, and exclusion constraints](apply_constraints/#foreign-key-check-and-exclusion-constraints) on the target database only after you have signalized the end of the CDC stream by [marking the migration as completed](mark_completed) in the Console.
+## Preparing your schema
+You can use several different methods to prepare your schema, exclude unsupported constraints and import it to the target database. This section provides guidelines of how to prepare your Oracle or Postgres source database with Migration Portal or Migration Toolkit, but other tools like `pg_dump` and `pg_restore` are also valid routes for migrating DDL.
+### Oracle to EDB Postgres Advanced Server migrations
+Use [EDB Migration Portal](/migration_portal/latest/03_mp_using_portal/03_mp_quick_start/) to assess Oracle database sources for schema compatibility before starting the data migration process.
+EDB Migration Portal offers the ability to separate constraints from other destination DDL with the [offline migration option](/migration_portal/latest/04_mp_migrating_database/03_mp_schema_migration/#offline-migration).
+Ensure you exclude foreign key, check, and exclusion constraints from the DDL before importing the schema to the target database.
+### Other migrations
+For data migrations from Postgres, EDB recommends using [EDB Migration Toolkit](/migration_toolkit/latest/) to manage the schema. MTK's [offline migration](/migration_toolkit/latest/07_invoking_mtk/08_mtk_command_options/#offline-migration-options) capability provides an easy way to extract a database's schema and separate constraints.
+Ensure you exclude foreign key, check, and exclusion constraints from the DDL before importing the schema to the target database.
+## Importing your schema to the target database
+After you have prepared the DDL and excluded foreign key, check, and exclusion constraints, connect to the target database and import the SQL-formatted DDL file.
+Importing the schema to the target database before the migration takes place is important as EDB DMS only migrates data. The target database must have the schemas in place for the migration to populate them with data.
+You can use different methods to import the schemas.
+If you used Migration Portal to export an Oracle source schema, continue using it to [import the schema in offline or online mode](/migration_portal/latest/04_mp_migrating_database/03_mp_schema_migration/#mp_schema_migration).
+If you used Migration Toolkit to export a Postgres source in offline mode, execute the generated [offline migration script to start the import](/migration_toolkit/latest/07_invoking_mtk/08_mtk_command_options/#offline-migration-options).
+Other alternatives to import Postgres schemas include manually creating the schemas in the target database, performing a [pg_restore](https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/app-pgrestore.html) (for example, if you used [pg_dump](https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/app-pgdump.html) to obtain the schemas), or employing [pgAdmin](https://www.pgadmin.org/docs/pgadmin4/latest/index.html), [psql](https://www.postgresql.org/docs/7.0/app-psql.htm) or the tool of your preference.
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+title: "Preparing databases"
+ - preparing_oracle_source_databases
+ - preparing_postgres_source_databases
+To prepare source databases, see either:
+- [Preparing Oracle source databases](preparing_oracle_source_databases)
+- [Preparing Postgres source databases](preparing_postgres_source_databases)
diff --git a/advocacy_docs/edb-postgres-ai/migration-etl/data-migration-service/getting_started/preparing_db/preparing_oracle_source_databases.mdx b/advocacy_docs/edb-postgres-ai/migration-etl/data-migration-service/getting_started/preparing_db/preparing_oracle_source_databases.mdx
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+title: "Preparing Oracle source databases"
+Configuring Oracle for EDB Data Migration Services (EDB DMS) requires `sysdba` privileges.
+Configure an Oracle source database to:
+- Enable archive log mode.
+- Enable supplemental logging for the database and table columns of interest.
+- Ensure adequate redo log space is available.
+- Create a user with limited privileges to carry out the data migration.
+Execute SQL statements with `sqlplus` or a similar client.
+This command propmpts you for the password for ``:
+sqlplus @:/ as sysdba
+ - `` is the Oracle DB hostname.
+ - `` is the Oracle DB port.
+ - `` is the Oracle System ID for the DB or CDB/PDB combination.
+ - `` is an Oracle DB username with sysdba privileges.
+## Oracle configuration
+To perform Oracle configuration:
+1. [Enable archive log mode](#enable-archive-log-mode).
+1. [Enable database supplemental logging](#enable-database-supplemental-logging).
+1. [Enable supplemental logging for table columns](#enable-supplemental-logging-for-table-columns).
+1. [Verify redo logs for adequate count and size](#verify-redo-logs-for-adequate-count-and-size).
+1. [Create a user with limited privileges for data migration](#create-a-user-with-limited-privileges-for-data-migration).
+1. [Grant `SELECT` on source tables](#grant-select-on-source-tables).
+1. [Validate configuration](#validate-configuration).
+### Enable archive log mode
+Oracle databases can operate in `ARCHIVELOG` or `NOARCHIVELOG` mode. In `ARCHIVELOG` mode, filled redo logs are archived rather than put back into log rotation to be overwritten. This mode is needed for the change data capture (CDC) process to use LogMiner and produce a complete history of changes after an initial consistent snapshot.
+To see the database mode:
+archive log list;
+The returned content indicates the database mode:
+Database log mode Archive Mode
+Database log mode No Archive Mode
+If `ARCHIVELOG` mode is enabled, confirm with your DBA that the size of your recovery file destination is appropriate for your workload.
+When enabling archive log mode, you need to enable a fast recovery area. For more information on enabling an Oracle fast recovery area, see [Enabling the Fast Recovery Area](https://docs.oracle.com/en/database/oracle/oracle-database/19/bradv/configuring-rman-client-basic.html#GUID-233338E2-3EE6-4248-A2B6-16A7899DB14F) in the Oracle documentation.
+To enable archive logging:
+ORACLE_SID= sqlplus /nolog
+alter system set db_recovery_file_dest_size = ;
+alter system set db_recovery_file_dest = '' scope=spfile;
+shutdown immediate
+startup mount
+alter database archivelog;
+alter database open;
+archive log list;
+ - `` is the Oracle DB system ID.
+ - `` is the name of a user with sysdba privileges.
+ - `` is the password for ``.
+ - `` is the size allowed for the recovery behavior, for example, `100G` for 100 gigabytes.
+ - `` is the file system path for an Oracle fast recovery area. This path can be a directory, file system, or Oracle Automatic Storage Management. Consult your DBA for guidance.
+The `archive log list` output shows the database is now in archive log mode.
+### Enable database supplemental logging
+Supplemental logging refers to the capture of additional information in Oracle redo logs, such as "before" state. This extra redo log information is needed for some log-based applications, such as EDB DMS, to capture change events. See [Supplemental Logging](https://docs.oracle.com/en/database/oracle/oracle-database/19/sutil/oracle-logminer-utility.html#GUID-D857AF96-AC24-4CA1-B620-8EA3DF30D72E) in the Oracle documentation for more information.
+You can enable supplemental logging at the database and table level. The following command enables minimal supplemental logging required for LogMiner to function at the database level:
+### Enable supplemental logging for table columns
+For every table you want to migrate, you must enable supplemental logging. To do
+so for all columns in a table, apply the following statement:
+Where `` is the identifier for the table to migrate.
+Use `ALTER` with all table columns you want to migrate.
+### Verify redo logs for adequate count and size
+The migration process involves two phases. The first is a consistent snapshot. The second is continuous streaming of database changes. This stream of database changes is powered by LogMiner and the Oracle DB redo logs.
+Database changes have a limited lifetime on the redo logs before the change is no longer present in the log history. This lifetime depends on the size of the redo logs, the number of redo logs, and the change throughput to the database. Also, undersized logs cause frequent log switching and affect migration performance.
+To examine the state of the database redo logs:
+---------- ------- --------------------------------------------------
+ 1 ONLINE /opt/oracle/oradata/ORCLCDB/redo03.log
+ 2 ONLINE /opt/oracle/oradata/ORCLCDB/redo01.log
+ 3 ONLINE /opt/oracle/oradata/ORCLCDB/redo04.log
+---------- --- --- ----------------
+ 3 NO 2000 CURRENT
+This example uses three log groups of size 2000MB. Each group has one file member. This might be too
+small for many production databases. You can safely adjust the redo logs with synchronous commands such as the following:
+ ALTER DATABASE ADD LOGFILE GROUP 4 ('/opt/oracle/oradata/ORCLCDB/redo04.log') SIZE 8G;
+ ALTER DATABASE ADD LOGFILE GROUP 5 ('/opt/oracle/oradata/ORCLCDB/redo05.log') SIZE 8G;
+ ALTER DATABASE ADD LOGFILE GROUP 6 ('/opt/oracle/oradata/ORCLCDB/redo06.log') SIZE 8G;
+ ALTER DATABASE ADD LOGFILE GROUP 7 ('/opt/oracle/oradata/ORCLCDB/redo07.log') SIZE 8G;
+These commands result in four new 8GB log groups. Each group has a single log file.
+Consult your DBA for appropriate production sizing.
+### Create a user with limited privileges for data migration
+#### Tablespace preparation
+Provide a database user with adequate roles to carry out the CDC process.
+Then, we recommend creating a tablespace for the CDC user. For container databases, you need to create a pluggable database as well.
+This example creates a tablespace and datafiles for CDC migration. Your database settings might vary, but a common configuration with `SMALLFILE` tablespaces and an 8kB database block size results in a maximum of 32GB of storage avaiable per `MAXSIZE` tablespace datafile. Therefore, you might need to add multiple `AUTOEXTEND` datafiles when this limit might be exceeded.
+-- Create the tablespace, or in the case of a CDB/PDB, create the CDB tablespace
+-- For CDB/PDB deployments we must specify at least one tablespace datafile for the PDB
+-- Additional data files can be added with as follows
+ - `` is the tablespace name for the CDC migration user to use.
+#### User creation and access grants
+With the tablespace files in place, you can create a user with appropriate access grants for CDC migration.
+For a CDB/PDB database setup, note the tablespace default and quota:
+For a non-CDB database:
+ - `` is the name of the user to create for CDC migration table access.
+ - `` is the password for the migration user.
+ - `` is the tablespace for ``.
+### Grant `SELECT` on source tables
+The new `` needs `SELECT` access to source tables. Oracle doesn't support
+granting access to an entire schema, so you need to do this for each table.
+ - `` is the name of the user to create for CDC migration table access.
+ - `` is the name of an individual table to migrate.
+### Validate configuration
+The EDB DMS Reader installation (packaged as `cdcreader`) comes with a helper script that validates the Oracle configuration and helps you identify any issues. After you configure the database, we recommend running the script to ensure all checks pass.
+Run the script without arguments to print the usage:
+## SSL configuration
+Ensure you configure your source database server to accept SSL connections to allow the EDB DMS Reader to connect to it. You must create a server certificate and a server private key, for example, with OpenSSL, to enable this configuration.
+## More information
+Your database is ready for CDC migration.
+For more information, see the [Debezium Oracle Connector](https://debezium.io/documentation/reference/2.2/index.html) documentation.
diff --git a/advocacy_docs/edb-postgres-ai/migration-etl/data-migration-service/getting_started/preparing_db/preparing_postgres_source_databases.mdx b/advocacy_docs/edb-postgres-ai/migration-etl/data-migration-service/getting_started/preparing_db/preparing_postgres_source_databases.mdx
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+title: "Preparing Postgres source databases"
+deepToC: true
+Configuring Postgres for EDB Data Migration Service (EDB DMS) requires administrative privileges. Create a change data capture (CDC) migration role with limited privileges for data migration.
+Execute SQL statements with psql or a similar client.
+To connect to the source database using `psql`:
+psql -h -p -U -d
+ - `` is the name of the Postgres database source to connect to.
+ - `` is the Postgres database host.
+ - `` is the Postgres database port.
+ - `` is an administrative user who can create and grant roles, alter ownership of tables to migrate, and create a replication slot.
+This command prompts you for the password associated with ``.
+## Postgres database configuration
+To prepare the source Postgres database configuration:
+1. [Set the Postgres configuration](#set-the-postgres-configuration).
+1. [Create new roles and grant acccess for CDC migration](#create-new-roles-and-grant-acccess-for-cdc-migration).
+1. [Grant usage of the source schemas to the CDC migration role](#grant-usage-of-the-source-schemas-to-the-cdc-migration-role).
+1. [Grant `SELECT` on source tables to the CDC migration role](#grant-select-on-source-tables-to-the-cdc-migration-role).
+1. [Grant `CREATE` privileges on the source database to the CDC migration role](#grant-create-privileges-on-the-source-database-to-the-cdc-migration-role).
+### Set the Postgres configuration
+Ensure the following configuration entries for Postgres are set as follows:
+1. Ensure `wal_level` is configured as `logical`.
+ The CDC migration process leverages Postgres logical decoding. Setting `wal_level` to `logical` enables logical decoding of the Postgres write-ahead log (WAL).
+2. Ensure `max_wal_senders` is configured appropriately.
+ If EDB Data Migration Service migration is the first streaming client for your database, set `max_wal_senders` to at least `1`. Other streaming clients might be present. Consult your DBA for the appropriate value for streaming client connectivity.
+3. Ensure `max_replication_slots` is configured appropriately.
+ `max_replication_slots` must be at least `1` for the CDC migration process. This value can be higher if your organization uses Postgres replication.
+ See the [Postgres replication documentation](https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/runtime-config-replication.html) for more information.
+4. Ensure `max_wal_size` is configured for adequate WAL LSN lifetime.
+ Set the `max_wal_size` value large enough that production traffic is generating mostly timed checkpoints and not requested checkpoints based on WAL size.
+ The streaming migration process also requires changes to be available in the WAL until they can be streamed to durable message storage in the cloud infrastructure of EDB DMS. Setting `max_wal_size` too small can affect performance. It can also interfere with the migration process by allowing Postgres LSNs to be dropped from the WAL before they can be streamed.
+ For more information, see this [EDB blog post on tuning `max_wal_size`](https://www.enterprisedb.com/blog/tuning-maxwalsize-postgresql) and the [Postgres WAL documentation](https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/wal-configuration.html).
+#### Config validation script
+The EDB DMS Reader installation (packaged as `cdcreader`) comes with a helper script that validates the Postgres configuration and helps you identify any issues. After you configure the database, we recommend running the script and ensuring all checks passed.
+Run the script without arguments to print the usage:
+### Create new roles and grant acccess for CDC migration
+First, create a new role for CDC migration with `LOGIN` and `REPLICATION` abilities granted:
+`` needs to own the source tables to autocreate Postgres publications. Because the source tables are already owned by another role, you create a role/user that can act as the new owner and grant the specified replication group role to both the current table owner and to ``:
+ - `` is the name of the Postgres role or user to use for CDC migration database access.
+ - `` is the original production owner of the table.
+ - `` is the name of a role used to own the source tables to migrate for publication autocreation.
+### Grant usage of the source schemas to the CDC migration role
+To select tables in a schema, the user must grant usage on the schema in addition to granting `SELECT` on the tables of the schema. This is necessary for all source schemas containing tables to be migrated.
+You can grant usage on a schema using the following command:
+### Grant `SELECT` on source tables to the CDC migration role
+The new `` now has schema access, but still needs `SELECT` access to the source tables of those schemas. You can grant access across a schema
+or for each table.
+For an entire schema's tables, use this command:
+For each table, use:
+ - `` is the database schema name for the tables to migrate.
+ - `` is the name of the Postgres role or user to use for CDC migration database access.
+ - `` is the name of a table to migrate.
+### Grant `CREATE` privileges on the source database to the CDC migration role
+Since the `pgoutput` plugin is being used, the migration user needs to be granted `CREATE` privileges on the source database in order for Debezium to be able to create publications. The `CREATE` privilege can be granted using the following command:
+## SSL configuration
+Ensure you configure your source database server to [accept SSL connections](https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/ssl-tcp.html) to allow the EDB DMS Reader to connect to it. You must create a server certificate and a server private key, for example, with OpenSSL, to enable this configuration.
+## Run the config validation script
+Now that you have stepped through the entire configuration process, validate your Postgres configuration using the [config validation script](#config-validation-script) with the correct parameters. To illustrate, consider the following example:
+1. First, create an array that contains the name of all the tables that need to be migrated in . format. In this example:
+arr=(test1.table1 test1.table2 test1.table3 test1.table4)
+2. Next, run the script with the necessary parameters. In this example:
+PG_USERNAME=postgres PG_PASSWORD=password PG_HOST=localhost PG_PORT=5432 DB_NAME=postgres DBZ_USERNAME=debezium DBZ_PASSWORD=dbz ./postgresConfigValidation.sh "${arr[@]}"
+You should get a response similar to the following:
+ *** [Transporter] - Validate WAL Level
+wal_level: logical
+[Pass] wal_level is 'logical'.
+ *** [Transporter] - Validate max WAL senders
+max_wal_senders: 10
+[Pass] max_wal_senders is at least 1.
+ *** [Transporter] - Validate max replication slots
+max_replication_slots: 10
+[Pass] max_replication_slots is at least 1.
+ *** [Transporter] - Validate max WAL size
+max_wal_size: 1 GB
+[Fail] max_wal_size (1 GB) is less than 8 GB
+ *** [Transporter] - Validate checkpoints
+checkpoints_timed: 378
+checkpoints_req: 3
+[Pass] Timed checkpoints are more frequent than requested checkpoints.
+ *** [Transporter] - Check debezium user role
+[Pass] User 'debezium' is present
+[Pass] User 'debezium' has replication permission
+ *** [Transporter] - Check SELECT privilege on the tables to be migrated
+[Pass] User debezium has select privilege on all tables to be migrated.
+ *** [Transporter] - Check presence of a replication slot
+[Fail] Replication slot 'debezium' is not present
+!!! Note
+In the previous example, the `max_wal_size` check failed, but the migration ran without any issues. Therefore, although this check might fail, a lower setting may be sufficient in certain use cases depending on the workload on the source database.
+Additionally, you can ignore the failure message related to the replication slot. This is an outdated check that is no longer required as the EDB DMS Reader automatically creates and manages the required replication slot. The check will be removed in a future version of the `postgresConfigValidation.sh` script.
+## More information
+Your database is ready for CDC migration.
+For more information, see the [Debezium Postgres Connector](https://debezium.io/documentation/reference/stable/connectors/postgresql.html) documentation.
diff --git a/advocacy_docs/edb-postgres-ai/migration-etl/data-migration-service/getting_started/verify_migration.mdx b/advocacy_docs/edb-postgres-ai/migration-etl/data-migration-service/getting_started/verify_migration.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d7f8502e458
--- /dev/null
+++ b/advocacy_docs/edb-postgres-ai/migration-etl/data-migration-service/getting_started/verify_migration.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+title: "Verifying the migration"
+Compare the source and target databases to verify that the all data was migrated.
+You can use [LiveCompare](/livecompare/latest/).
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/advocacy_docs/edb-postgres-ai/migration-etl/data-migration-service/index.mdx b/advocacy_docs/edb-postgres-ai/migration-etl/data-migration-service/index.mdx
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index 00000000000..e9c04317473
--- /dev/null
+++ b/advocacy_docs/edb-postgres-ai/migration-etl/data-migration-service/index.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+title: EDB Data Migration Service
+indexCards: simple
+deepToC: true
+ description: "EDB Data Migration Service is a PG AI integrated migration solution that enables secure, fault-tolerant, and performant migrations to EDB Postgres AI Cloud Service."
+ product: "data migration service"
+ iconName: EdbTransporter
+ - "#Concepts"
+ - terminology
+ - "#Planning"
+ - supported_versions
+ - limitations
+ - "#Get started"
+ - getting_started
+ - "#Reference"
+ - known_issues
+**EDB Postgres® AI migrations powered by EDB Data Migration Service**
+EDB Data Migration Service (DMS) offers a secure and fault-tolerant way to migrate database data to the EDB Postgres AI platform. Using change data capture or CDC and event streaming, source database row changes are replicated to the migration destination. You can select a subset of your schemas' tables to migrate including support for schema, table, and column name remapping.
+EDB DMS is currently a public preview capability that is available for use with EDB Hosted EDB Postgres AI Cloud Service deployments on AWS.
+EDB Data Migration Service is built on Apache Kafka and the open-source Debezium CDC platform.
+To migrate self-managed database sources, see [Getting started](./getting_started/).
diff --git a/advocacy_docs/edb-postgres-ai/migration-etl/data-migration-service/known_issues.mdx b/advocacy_docs/edb-postgres-ai/migration-etl/data-migration-service/known_issues.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..43548b9ae90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/advocacy_docs/edb-postgres-ai/migration-etl/data-migration-service/known_issues.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+title: "Known issues"
+description: Review the currently known issues.
+There are currently no known issues for EDB Data Migration Service.
diff --git a/advocacy_docs/edb-postgres-ai/migration-etl/data-migration-service/limitations.mdx b/advocacy_docs/edb-postgres-ai/migration-etl/data-migration-service/limitations.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e915c1ac2c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/advocacy_docs/edb-postgres-ai/migration-etl/data-migration-service/limitations.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+title: "Limitations"
+description: Revise any unsupported data types and features.
+## General limitations
+EDB DMS doesn’t currently support migrating schemas, tables, and columns that have case-sensitive names.
+## Oracle limitations
+A limited number of Oracle data types and features aren't supported by EDB Data Migration Service (EDB DMS).
+See the [Debezium documentation](https://debezium.io/documentation/reference/2.2/connectors/oracle.html#oracle-data-type-mappings) for detailed comments on supported data types.
+Unsupported Oracle data types include:
+- RAW
+- User-defined types (REF, Varrays, Nested Tables)
+- ANY
+- XML
+- Spatial
+EDB DMS supports replicating Oracle tables that contain BLOB, CLOB, or NCLOB columns only if these also have the primary key constraint. If the tables don't have the primary key constraint, the streaming replication will only support INSERT operations.
+`BINARY_FLOAT` and `BINARY_DOUBLE` types in Oracle that might contain `Nan`, `+INF`, and `-INF` values are not supported by EDB DMS.
+## Postgres limitations
+### Unsupported domain type definitions in columns
+The EDB DMS doesn't support migrating tables with columns that have user-defined domains as data types for the following data type domains:
+- XML
+### Incorrect failure messages
+The `postgresConfigValidation.sh` script referenced in [Preparing Postgres database sources](getting_started/preparing_db/preparing_postgres_source_databases) incorrectly reports failures for the `max_wal_size` database parameter check and for the replication slot check.
+The script reports a failure for the `max_wal_size` check, if the parameter is set to a value lower than 8 GB. Although this is a recommended setting for many production workloads, setting the parameter to a lower value doesn't prevent a migration from being performed.
+In addition, the Postgres configuration validation script also performs a check to see if a replication slot with a slot name matching the migration user/role was created. This is an outdated check that is no longer needed because the EDB DMS Reader automatically creates and manages the required replication slot. You can ignore the failure message related to the replication slot. The check will be removed in a future version of the `postgresConfigValidation.sh` script.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/advocacy_docs/edb-postgres-ai/migration-etl/data-migration-service/supported_versions.mdx b/advocacy_docs/edb-postgres-ai/migration-etl/data-migration-service/supported_versions.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..55f10f5bc9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/advocacy_docs/edb-postgres-ai/migration-etl/data-migration-service/supported_versions.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+title: "Product compatibility"
+description: Verify that your Oracle or Postgres database version is compatible with EDB Data Migration Service.
+## Supported EDB Postgres AI environments
+The EDB Data Migration Service (EDB DMS) is currently a public preview capability that is only for use with EDB Hosted Postgres AI Cloud Service deployments on AWS.
+## Supported source databases
+The following database versions are supported.
+| Database version | Supported |
+| Postgres 11 - 16 | Y |
+| EPAS 11 - 16 | Y |
+| Oracle 11g | Y |
+| Oracle 12c | Y |
+| Oracle 18c | Y |
+| Oracle 19c | Y |
+| Oracle 21c | Y |
+### Oracle
+The EDB DMS stack requires the Oracle database to have archive log mode enabled and supplemental logging data enabled at the table and database level. For details, see [Preparing Oracle source databases](getting_started/preparing_db/preparing_oracle_source_databases).
+Container databases (CDB/PDB) and non-CDB sources are supported.
+### Postgres/EDB Postgres Advanced Server
+Postgres and EDB Postgres Advanced Server sources require a database role or user that can manage replications. For details, see [Preparing Postgres source databases](getting_started/preparing_db/preparing_postgres_source_databases).
+## Supported target databases
+Data Migration Service supports migrating to EDB Postgres AI Cloud Services. The target Postgres database cluster must meet the following requirements:
+- The cluster was deployed with the [EDB Hosted Cloud Service](/edb-postgres-ai/cloud-service/getting_started/planning/choosing_your_deployment/edb_hosted_cloud_service/).
+- AWS is the provider for the EDB Hosted Cloud Service cluster.
+ Other Cloud Service providers and [Your Cloud Account](/edb-postgres-ai/cloud-service/getting_started/planning/choosing_your_deployment/your_cloud_account/) deployments are currently not supported.
+## Supported operating systems
+The EDB DMS Reader can run on Linux. For details, see [Installing EDB DMS Reader](getting_started/installing).
diff --git a/advocacy_docs/edb-postgres-ai/migration-etl/data-migration-service/terminology.mdx b/advocacy_docs/edb-postgres-ai/migration-etl/data-migration-service/terminology.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2dd2ffb7c45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/advocacy_docs/edb-postgres-ai/migration-etl/data-migration-service/terminology.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+title: "Terminology"
+description: Learn some basic concepts associated with EDB Data Migration Service.
+This terminology is important to understand EDB Data Migration Service (DMS) functionality.
+## Analytics Sync
+EDB Postgres® AI Analytics Sync is a type of replication/migration supported by EDB Data Migration Service. EDB Postgres Advanced Server and Postgres source database snapshots are transformed into Delta Lake format in CSP Object Storage. This object storage is exposed as Storage Locations in the EDB Postgres AI Console.
+## Change Data Capture (CDC)
+CDC is a set of software design patterns used to determine and track changes in data sets by calculating *deltas*. EDB Data Migration Service uses CDC to stream changes from a database cluster to another.
+## EDB DMS Reader
+The [EDB Data Migration Service Reader](./getting_started/installing/), packaged as `cdcreader`, uses Debezium to perform CDC operations on the source database and Kafka to produce messages containing the change events.
+### Apache Kafka
+[Apache Kafka](https://kafka.apache.org/) is an open-source, distributed-event streaming platform used by thousands of companies for high-performance data pipelines, streaming analytics, data integration, and mission-critical applications. EDB Data Migration Service uses Kafka to manage data streaming from the source to the target database.
+### Debezium
+[Debezium](https://debezium.io/) is a Java-based, open-source platform for CDC that is supported by the Red Hat community. The EDB DMS Reader uses Debezium to perform reading operations and capture data changes on the source database.
diff --git a/advocacy_docs/edb-postgres-ai/migration-etl/index.mdx b/advocacy_docs/edb-postgres-ai/migration-etl/index.mdx
index 23611433d5b..889724e9e51 100644
--- a/advocacy_docs/edb-postgres-ai/migration-etl/index.mdx
+++ b/advocacy_docs/edb-postgres-ai/migration-etl/index.mdx
@@ -5,13 +5,17 @@ indexCards: simple
iconName: Migration
description: About the migration and ETL tools that feed the EDB Postgres AI platform.
+ - data-migration-service
+ - migration-and-ai
Moving your data to Postgres is a challenge that EDB Postgres AI is built to solve. The EDB Postgres AI platform includes a set of tools that help you migrate your data to Postgres and keep it up-to-date.
-These tools include the EDB Postgres AI Migration Portal, Replication Server and Migration Toolkit.
+These tools include the EDB Data Migration Service, EDB Postgres AI Migration Portal, Replication Server and Migration Toolkit.
+## The EDB Data Migration Service
+The [EDB Data Migration Service](data-migration-service) is a cloud-based service that actively helps you migrate your data to Postgres.
## The EDB Postgres AI Migration Portal
@@ -36,10 +40,3 @@ The [EDB Postgres Replication Server](/eprs/latest/) is a tool that helps you ke
## The EDB Postgres AI Migration Toolkit
The [EDB Postgres Migration Toolkit](/migration_toolkit/latest/) is a set of tools that help you migrate your data from other databases to Postgres.
diff --git a/advocacy_docs/edb-postgres-ai/migration-etl/migration-and-ai.mdx b/advocacy_docs/edb-postgres-ai/migration-etl/migration-and-ai.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f8655c3373f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/advocacy_docs/edb-postgres-ai/migration-etl/migration-and-ai.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+title: EDB Postgres AI Tools - Migration and AI
+navTitle: Migration and AI
+description: The migration offering of EDB Postgres AI Tools includes an innovative migration copilot.
+EDB Postgres® AI Tools Migration Portal offers an [AI copilot](/migration_portal/latest/03_mp_using_portal/mp_ai_copilot/) to assist users who are migrating their databases to EDB Postgres.
+The AI copilot is an AI-driven chatbot tool that helps users with the migration process.
+The AI copilot is designed to help users with the following tasks:
+- **General migration assistance**: The AI copilot can help users with general migration questions.
+ For example, users can request information about available tools, and source and target database compatibility.
+- **Migration planning**: The AI copilot can help users plan their migration, and obtain an overview of the end-to-end migration paths.
+- **Migration assessment**: The AI copilot can help users assess their migration readiness.
+ For example, if there are compatibility issues between source and target databases, the AI Copilot can suggest compatible query alternatives.
+The AI copilot is designed to be user-friendly and easy to use. Users can interact with the AI copilot using natural language and improve the quality of answers with [good prompting](/migration_portal/latest/03_mp_using_portal/mp_ai_copilot/ai_good_prompts/). The AI copilot is also designed to be context-aware, so it can provide users with relevant information based on the context of the conversation.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/advocacy_docs/supported-open-source/postgresql/installing/linux_arm64/postgresql_debian_12.mdx b/advocacy_docs/supported-open-source/postgresql/installing/linux_arm64/postgresql_debian_12.mdx
index cf273d5b4f9..aab8978ea6e 100644
--- a/advocacy_docs/supported-open-source/postgresql/installing/linux_arm64/postgresql_debian_12.mdx
+++ b/advocacy_docs/supported-open-source/postgresql/installing/linux_arm64/postgresql_debian_12.mdx
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/advocacy_docs/supported-open-source/postgresql/installing/linux_ppc64le/postgresql_rhel_8.mdx b/advocacy_docs/supported-open-source/postgresql/installing/linux_ppc64le/postgresql_rhel_8.mdx
index c3e2e5237d4..ab2207861b7 100644
--- a/advocacy_docs/supported-open-source/postgresql/installing/linux_ppc64le/postgresql_rhel_8.mdx
+++ b/advocacy_docs/supported-open-source/postgresql/installing/linux_ppc64le/postgresql_rhel_8.mdx
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/advocacy_docs/supported-open-source/postgresql/installing/linux_ppc64le/postgresql_rhel_9.mdx b/advocacy_docs/supported-open-source/postgresql/installing/linux_ppc64le/postgresql_rhel_9.mdx
index 3e762aa7b0a..cb2ccbf5d76 100644
--- a/advocacy_docs/supported-open-source/postgresql/installing/linux_ppc64le/postgresql_rhel_9.mdx
+++ b/advocacy_docs/supported-open-source/postgresql/installing/linux_ppc64le/postgresql_rhel_9.mdx
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/advocacy_docs/supported-open-source/postgresql/installing/linux_ppc64le/postgresql_sles_12.mdx b/advocacy_docs/supported-open-source/postgresql/installing/linux_ppc64le/postgresql_sles_12.mdx
index bf8141f3d66..31ef0406b6e 100644
--- a/advocacy_docs/supported-open-source/postgresql/installing/linux_ppc64le/postgresql_sles_12.mdx
+++ b/advocacy_docs/supported-open-source/postgresql/installing/linux_ppc64le/postgresql_sles_12.mdx
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/advocacy_docs/supported-open-source/postgresql/installing/linux_ppc64le/postgresql_sles_15.mdx b/advocacy_docs/supported-open-source/postgresql/installing/linux_ppc64le/postgresql_sles_15.mdx
index 0d0439786f6..d7b97854082 100644
--- a/advocacy_docs/supported-open-source/postgresql/installing/linux_ppc64le/postgresql_sles_15.mdx
+++ b/advocacy_docs/supported-open-source/postgresql/installing/linux_ppc64le/postgresql_sles_15.mdx
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/advocacy_docs/supported-open-source/postgresql/installing/linux_x86_64/postgresql_debian_11.mdx b/advocacy_docs/supported-open-source/postgresql/installing/linux_x86_64/postgresql_debian_11.mdx
index 634d828fb8c..6c4d367cb14 100644
--- a/advocacy_docs/supported-open-source/postgresql/installing/linux_x86_64/postgresql_debian_11.mdx
+++ b/advocacy_docs/supported-open-source/postgresql/installing/linux_x86_64/postgresql_debian_11.mdx
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/advocacy_docs/supported-open-source/postgresql/installing/linux_x86_64/postgresql_debian_12.mdx b/advocacy_docs/supported-open-source/postgresql/installing/linux_x86_64/postgresql_debian_12.mdx
index bf4e8c0cde7..06633744517 100644
--- a/advocacy_docs/supported-open-source/postgresql/installing/linux_x86_64/postgresql_debian_12.mdx
+++ b/advocacy_docs/supported-open-source/postgresql/installing/linux_x86_64/postgresql_debian_12.mdx
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/advocacy_docs/supported-open-source/postgresql/installing/linux_x86_64/postgresql_other_linux_8.mdx b/advocacy_docs/supported-open-source/postgresql/installing/linux_x86_64/postgresql_other_linux_8.mdx
index 1c5326e35eb..a4563db76d3 100644
--- a/advocacy_docs/supported-open-source/postgresql/installing/linux_x86_64/postgresql_other_linux_8.mdx
+++ b/advocacy_docs/supported-open-source/postgresql/installing/linux_x86_64/postgresql_other_linux_8.mdx
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/advocacy_docs/supported-open-source/postgresql/installing/linux_x86_64/postgresql_other_linux_9.mdx b/advocacy_docs/supported-open-source/postgresql/installing/linux_x86_64/postgresql_other_linux_9.mdx
index 961fd1f24c2..6a626afd764 100644
--- a/advocacy_docs/supported-open-source/postgresql/installing/linux_x86_64/postgresql_other_linux_9.mdx
+++ b/advocacy_docs/supported-open-source/postgresql/installing/linux_x86_64/postgresql_other_linux_9.mdx
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/advocacy_docs/supported-open-source/postgresql/installing/linux_x86_64/postgresql_rhel_8.mdx b/advocacy_docs/supported-open-source/postgresql/installing/linux_x86_64/postgresql_rhel_8.mdx
index 5593f7c58bb..0b70caa86b8 100644
--- a/advocacy_docs/supported-open-source/postgresql/installing/linux_x86_64/postgresql_rhel_8.mdx
+++ b/advocacy_docs/supported-open-source/postgresql/installing/linux_x86_64/postgresql_rhel_8.mdx
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/advocacy_docs/supported-open-source/postgresql/installing/linux_x86_64/postgresql_rhel_9.mdx b/advocacy_docs/supported-open-source/postgresql/installing/linux_x86_64/postgresql_rhel_9.mdx
index 1b1142ede51..77a64e42dd1 100644
--- a/advocacy_docs/supported-open-source/postgresql/installing/linux_x86_64/postgresql_rhel_9.mdx
+++ b/advocacy_docs/supported-open-source/postgresql/installing/linux_x86_64/postgresql_rhel_9.mdx
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/advocacy_docs/supported-open-source/postgresql/installing/linux_x86_64/postgresql_sles_12.mdx b/advocacy_docs/supported-open-source/postgresql/installing/linux_x86_64/postgresql_sles_12.mdx
index e82458ca808..1996a604df0 100644
--- a/advocacy_docs/supported-open-source/postgresql/installing/linux_x86_64/postgresql_sles_12.mdx
+++ b/advocacy_docs/supported-open-source/postgresql/installing/linux_x86_64/postgresql_sles_12.mdx
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/advocacy_docs/supported-open-source/postgresql/installing/linux_x86_64/postgresql_sles_15.mdx b/advocacy_docs/supported-open-source/postgresql/installing/linux_x86_64/postgresql_sles_15.mdx
index 78d2ff80496..ed35b457fd6 100644
--- a/advocacy_docs/supported-open-source/postgresql/installing/linux_x86_64/postgresql_sles_15.mdx
+++ b/advocacy_docs/supported-open-source/postgresql/installing/linux_x86_64/postgresql_sles_15.mdx
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/advocacy_docs/supported-open-source/postgresql/installing/linux_x86_64/postgresql_ubuntu_20.mdx b/advocacy_docs/supported-open-source/postgresql/installing/linux_x86_64/postgresql_ubuntu_20.mdx
index b64d5d720c7..bf1f3820542 100644
--- a/advocacy_docs/supported-open-source/postgresql/installing/linux_x86_64/postgresql_ubuntu_20.mdx
+++ b/advocacy_docs/supported-open-source/postgresql/installing/linux_x86_64/postgresql_ubuntu_20.mdx
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/advocacy_docs/supported-open-source/postgresql/installing/linux_x86_64/postgresql_ubuntu_22.mdx b/advocacy_docs/supported-open-source/postgresql/installing/linux_x86_64/postgresql_ubuntu_22.mdx
index 482bb140ab1..275f937b397 100644
--- a/advocacy_docs/supported-open-source/postgresql/installing/linux_x86_64/postgresql_ubuntu_22.mdx
+++ b/advocacy_docs/supported-open-source/postgresql/installing/linux_x86_64/postgresql_ubuntu_22.mdx
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/install_template/config.yaml b/install_template/config.yaml
index 187d2eb3245..d67cab3420b 100644
--- a/install_template/config.yaml
+++ b/install_template/config.yaml
@@ -1,51 +1,80 @@
+ - name: EDB Data Migration Service Reader
+ platforms:
+ - name: RHEL 8 or OL 8
+ arch: x86_64
+ supported versions: [2]
+ - name: AlmaLinux 9 or Rocky Linux 9
+ arch: x86_64
+ supported versions: [2]
+ - name: RHEL 9 or OL 9
+ arch: x86_64
+ supported versions: [2]
+ - name: Debian 11
+ arch: x86_64
+ supported versions: [2]
+ - name: Debian 12
+ arch: x86_64
+ supported versions: [2]
+ - name: Ubuntu 20.04
+ arch: x86_64
+ supported versions: [2]
+ - name: Ubuntu 22.04
+ arch: x86_64
+ supported versions: [2]
+ - name: SLES 15
+ arch: x86_64
+ supported versions: [2]
+ - name: SLES 12
+ arch: x86_64
+ supported versions: [2]
- name: EDB JDBC Connector
- name: RHEL 8
arch: ppc64le
- supported versions: []
+ supported versions: []
- name: AlmaLinux 8 or Rocky Linux 8
arch: x86_64
- supported versions: []
+ supported versions: []
- name: RHEL 8 or OL 8
arch: x86_64
- supported versions: []
+ supported versions: []
- name: RHEL 9
arch: ppc64le
- supported versions: []
+ supported versions: []
- name: AlmaLinux 9 or Rocky Linux 9
arch: x86_64
- supported versions: []
+ supported versions: []
- name: RHEL 9 or OL 9
arch: x86_64
- supported versions: []
+ supported versions: []
- name: Debian 11
arch: x86_64
- supported versions: []
+ supported versions: []
- name: Debian 12
arch: x86_64
- supported versions: []
+ supported versions: []
- name: Debian 12
arch: arm64
- supported versions: []
+ supported versions: []
- name: Ubuntu 20.04
arch: x86_64
- supported versions: []
+ supported versions: []
- name: Ubuntu 22.04
arch: x86_64
- supported versions: []
+ supported versions: []
- name: SLES 15
arch: x86_64
- supported versions: []
+ supported versions: []
- name: SLES 12
arch: x86_64
- supported versions: []
+ supported versions: []
- name: SLES 15
arch: ppc64le
- supported versions: []
+ supported versions: []
- name: SLES 12
arch: ppc64le
- supported versions: []
+ supported versions: []
- name: Migration Toolkit
- name: RHEL 8 or OL 8
diff --git a/install_template/templates/platformBase/base.njk b/install_template/templates/platformBase/base.njk
index fea01437a43..90acfc8f0d6 100644
--- a/install_template/templates/platformBase/base.njk
+++ b/install_template/templates/platformBase/base.njk
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/install_template/templates/products/edb-data-migration-service-reader/almalinux-9-or-rocky-linux-9.njk b/install_template/templates/products/edb-data-migration-service-reader/almalinux-9-or-rocky-linux-9.njk
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..307f4a30f84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/install_template/templates/products/edb-data-migration-service-reader/almalinux-9-or-rocky-linux-9.njk
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+{% extends "products/edb-data-migration-service-reader/base.njk" %}
+{% set platformBaseTemplate = "almalinux-9-or-rocky-linux-9" %}
+{% block prerequisites %}{% endblock prerequisites %}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/install_template/templates/products/edb-data-migration-service-reader/base.njk b/install_template/templates/products/edb-data-migration-service-reader/base.njk
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..28b790b2c4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/install_template/templates/products/edb-data-migration-service-reader/base.njk
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+{% extends "platformBase/" + platformBaseTemplate + '.njk' %}
+{% set packageName = packageName or 'cdcreader' %}
+{% set writerPackageName = writerPackageName or 'cdcwriter=1.3-1.4766201953.4.1.jammy' %}
+{% import "platformBase/_deploymentConstants.njk" as deploy %}
+{% block frontmatter %}
+ If you modify deployment path here, please first copy the old expression
+ and add it to the list under "redirects:" below - this ensures we don't
+ break any existing links.
+deployPath: advocacy_docs/edb-postgres-ai/migration-etl/data-migration-service/getting_started/installing/linux_{{platform.arch}}/edb-dms-reader_{{deploy.map_platform[platform.name]}}.mdx
+{% endblock frontmatter %}
+{% block installCommand %}
+Install the EDB DMS Reader (packaged as `cdcreader`):
+sudo {{packageManager}} install {{ packageName }}
+{% endblock installCommand %}
diff --git a/install_template/templates/products/edb-data-migration-service-reader/debian-11.njk b/install_template/templates/products/edb-data-migration-service-reader/debian-11.njk
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e784520deb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/install_template/templates/products/edb-data-migration-service-reader/debian-11.njk
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+{% extends "products/edb-data-migration-service-reader/debian.njk" %}
+{% set platformBaseTemplate = "debian-11" %}
diff --git a/install_template/templates/products/edb-data-migration-service-reader/debian-12.njk b/install_template/templates/products/edb-data-migration-service-reader/debian-12.njk
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..616c5e4a751
--- /dev/null
+++ b/install_template/templates/products/edb-data-migration-service-reader/debian-12.njk
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+{% extends "products/edb-data-migration-service-reader/debian.njk" %}
+{% set platformBaseTemplate = "debian-12" %}
diff --git a/install_template/templates/products/edb-data-migration-service-reader/debian.njk b/install_template/templates/products/edb-data-migration-service-reader/debian.njk
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1d5f1b15665
--- /dev/null
+++ b/install_template/templates/products/edb-data-migration-service-reader/debian.njk
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+{% extends "products/edb-data-migration-service-reader/base.njk" %}
+{% block debian_ubuntu %}This section steps you through getting started with your cluster including logging in, ensuring the installation was successful, connecting to your cluster, and creating the user password.
+```shell{% endblock debian_ubuntu %}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/install_template/templates/products/edb-data-migration-service-reader/index.njk b/install_template/templates/products/edb-data-migration-service-reader/index.njk
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..379d81c6e28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/install_template/templates/products/edb-data-migration-service-reader/index.njk
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+{% extends "platformBase/index.njk" %}
+{% set productShortname="edb-dms-reader" %}
+{% block frontmatter %}
+deployPath: advocacy_docs/edb-postgres-ai/migration-etl/data-migration-service/getting_started/installing/index.mdx
+{% endblock frontmatter %}
+{% block navigation %}
+- linux_x86_64
+{% endblock navigation %}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/install_template/templates/products/edb-data-migration-service-reader/ppc64le_index.njk b/install_template/templates/products/edb-data-migration-service-reader/ppc64le_index.njk
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b470fcbbb41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/install_template/templates/products/edb-data-migration-service-reader/ppc64le_index.njk
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+{% extends "platformBase/ppc64le_index.njk" %}
+{% set productShortname="edb-dms-reader" %}
+{% block frontmatter %}
+{% endblock frontmatter %}
diff --git a/install_template/templates/products/edb-data-migration-service-reader/rhel-8-or-ol-8.njk b/install_template/templates/products/edb-data-migration-service-reader/rhel-8-or-ol-8.njk
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e2139a29cb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/install_template/templates/products/edb-data-migration-service-reader/rhel-8-or-ol-8.njk
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+{% extends "products/edb-data-migration-service-reader/base.njk" %}
+{% set platformBaseTemplate = "rhel-8-or-ol-8" %}
+{% block prerequisites %}{% endblock prerequisites %}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/install_template/templates/products/edb-data-migration-service-reader/rhel-9-or-ol-9.njk b/install_template/templates/products/edb-data-migration-service-reader/rhel-9-or-ol-9.njk
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0169b3a04ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/install_template/templates/products/edb-data-migration-service-reader/rhel-9-or-ol-9.njk
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+{% extends "products/edb-data-migration-service-reader/base.njk" %}
+{% set platformBaseTemplate = "rhel-9-or-ol-9" %}
+{% block prerequisites %}{% endblock prerequisites %}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/install_template/templates/products/edb-data-migration-service-reader/sles-12.njk b/install_template/templates/products/edb-data-migration-service-reader/sles-12.njk
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..13b02b935f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/install_template/templates/products/edb-data-migration-service-reader/sles-12.njk
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+{% extends "products/edb-data-migration-service-reader/base.njk" %}
+{% set platformBaseTemplate = "sles-12" %}
+{% set packageManager = "zypper" %}
diff --git a/install_template/templates/products/edb-data-migration-service-reader/sles-15.njk b/install_template/templates/products/edb-data-migration-service-reader/sles-15.njk
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..135cbdce581
--- /dev/null
+++ b/install_template/templates/products/edb-data-migration-service-reader/sles-15.njk
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+{% extends "products/edb-data-migration-service-reader/base.njk" %}
+{% set platformBaseTemplate = "sles-15" %}
+{% set packageManager = "zypper" %}
diff --git a/install_template/templates/products/edb-data-migration-service-reader/ubuntu-20.04.njk b/install_template/templates/products/edb-data-migration-service-reader/ubuntu-20.04.njk
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..bf8a7d59776
--- /dev/null
+++ b/install_template/templates/products/edb-data-migration-service-reader/ubuntu-20.04.njk
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+{% extends "products/edb-data-migration-service-reader/ubuntu.njk" %}
+{% set platformBaseTemplate = "ubuntu-20.04" %}
diff --git a/install_template/templates/products/edb-data-migration-service-reader/ubuntu-22.04.njk b/install_template/templates/products/edb-data-migration-service-reader/ubuntu-22.04.njk
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..292cef9d884
--- /dev/null
+++ b/install_template/templates/products/edb-data-migration-service-reader/ubuntu-22.04.njk
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+{% extends "products/edb-data-migration-service-reader/ubuntu.njk" %}
+{% set platformBaseTemplate = "ubuntu-22.04" %}
diff --git a/install_template/templates/products/edb-data-migration-service-reader/ubuntu.njk b/install_template/templates/products/edb-data-migration-service-reader/ubuntu.njk
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a3809155a2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/install_template/templates/products/edb-data-migration-service-reader/ubuntu.njk
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+{% extends "products/edb-data-migration-service-reader/base.njk" %}
diff --git a/install_template/templates/products/edb-data-migration-service-reader/x86_64_index.njk b/install_template/templates/products/edb-data-migration-service-reader/x86_64_index.njk
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ebd1b6b5856
--- /dev/null
+++ b/install_template/templates/products/edb-data-migration-service-reader/x86_64_index.njk
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+{% extends "platformBase/x86_64_index.njk" %}
+{% set productShortname="edb-dms-reader" %}
+{% block frontmatter %}
+deployPath: advocacy_docs/edb-postgres-ai/migration-etl/data-migration-service/getting_started/installing/linux_x86_64/index.mdx
+{% endblock frontmatter %}
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/edb_plus/41/installing/linux_arm64/edbplus_debian_12.mdx b/product_docs/docs/edb_plus/41/installing/linux_arm64/edbplus_debian_12.mdx
index 01354ee8566..697d3763066 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/edb_plus/41/installing/linux_arm64/edbplus_debian_12.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/edb_plus/41/installing/linux_arm64/edbplus_debian_12.mdx
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/edb_plus/41/installing/linux_ppc64le/edbplus_rhel_8.mdx b/product_docs/docs/edb_plus/41/installing/linux_ppc64le/edbplus_rhel_8.mdx
index eda2f3d9221..651aec3275a 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/edb_plus/41/installing/linux_ppc64le/edbplus_rhel_8.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/edb_plus/41/installing/linux_ppc64le/edbplus_rhel_8.mdx
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/edb_plus/41/installing/linux_ppc64le/edbplus_rhel_9.mdx b/product_docs/docs/edb_plus/41/installing/linux_ppc64le/edbplus_rhel_9.mdx
index c286ac2a369..f7d4c3ed342 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/edb_plus/41/installing/linux_ppc64le/edbplus_rhel_9.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/edb_plus/41/installing/linux_ppc64le/edbplus_rhel_9.mdx
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/edb_plus/41/installing/linux_ppc64le/edbplus_sles_12.mdx b/product_docs/docs/edb_plus/41/installing/linux_ppc64le/edbplus_sles_12.mdx
index 4a338d3d211..3352dd57c09 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/edb_plus/41/installing/linux_ppc64le/edbplus_sles_12.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/edb_plus/41/installing/linux_ppc64le/edbplus_sles_12.mdx
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/edb_plus/41/installing/linux_ppc64le/edbplus_sles_15.mdx b/product_docs/docs/edb_plus/41/installing/linux_ppc64le/edbplus_sles_15.mdx
index db1a678bcb9..4784f4672e7 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/edb_plus/41/installing/linux_ppc64le/edbplus_sles_15.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/edb_plus/41/installing/linux_ppc64le/edbplus_sles_15.mdx
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/edb_plus/41/installing/linux_x86_64/edbplus_debian_11.mdx b/product_docs/docs/edb_plus/41/installing/linux_x86_64/edbplus_debian_11.mdx
index 64c314072df..92a58d42a04 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/edb_plus/41/installing/linux_x86_64/edbplus_debian_11.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/edb_plus/41/installing/linux_x86_64/edbplus_debian_11.mdx
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/edb_plus/41/installing/linux_x86_64/edbplus_debian_12.mdx b/product_docs/docs/edb_plus/41/installing/linux_x86_64/edbplus_debian_12.mdx
index 6d657a81671..268580978a7 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/edb_plus/41/installing/linux_x86_64/edbplus_debian_12.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/edb_plus/41/installing/linux_x86_64/edbplus_debian_12.mdx
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/edb_plus/41/installing/linux_x86_64/edbplus_other_linux_8.mdx b/product_docs/docs/edb_plus/41/installing/linux_x86_64/edbplus_other_linux_8.mdx
index e0eb31596db..f4cd8498760 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/edb_plus/41/installing/linux_x86_64/edbplus_other_linux_8.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/edb_plus/41/installing/linux_x86_64/edbplus_other_linux_8.mdx
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/edb_plus/41/installing/linux_x86_64/edbplus_other_linux_9.mdx b/product_docs/docs/edb_plus/41/installing/linux_x86_64/edbplus_other_linux_9.mdx
index 891e5cd8b22..52d584d3577 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/edb_plus/41/installing/linux_x86_64/edbplus_other_linux_9.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/edb_plus/41/installing/linux_x86_64/edbplus_other_linux_9.mdx
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/edb_plus/41/installing/linux_x86_64/edbplus_rhel_8.mdx b/product_docs/docs/edb_plus/41/installing/linux_x86_64/edbplus_rhel_8.mdx
index 4bd591c3e01..7a9a6c34bdb 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/edb_plus/41/installing/linux_x86_64/edbplus_rhel_8.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/edb_plus/41/installing/linux_x86_64/edbplus_rhel_8.mdx
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/edb_plus/41/installing/linux_x86_64/edbplus_rhel_9.mdx b/product_docs/docs/edb_plus/41/installing/linux_x86_64/edbplus_rhel_9.mdx
index 4ae4c14418e..f52dc17351a 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/edb_plus/41/installing/linux_x86_64/edbplus_rhel_9.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/edb_plus/41/installing/linux_x86_64/edbplus_rhel_9.mdx
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/edb_plus/41/installing/linux_x86_64/edbplus_sles_12.mdx b/product_docs/docs/edb_plus/41/installing/linux_x86_64/edbplus_sles_12.mdx
index c3ebe2bc609..a74dc1d18d5 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/edb_plus/41/installing/linux_x86_64/edbplus_sles_12.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/edb_plus/41/installing/linux_x86_64/edbplus_sles_12.mdx
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/edb_plus/41/installing/linux_x86_64/edbplus_sles_15.mdx b/product_docs/docs/edb_plus/41/installing/linux_x86_64/edbplus_sles_15.mdx
index 3e50338e46c..290a681cf2a 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/edb_plus/41/installing/linux_x86_64/edbplus_sles_15.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/edb_plus/41/installing/linux_x86_64/edbplus_sles_15.mdx
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/edb_plus/41/installing/linux_x86_64/edbplus_ubuntu_20.mdx b/product_docs/docs/edb_plus/41/installing/linux_x86_64/edbplus_ubuntu_20.mdx
index 01546e822af..dba1deb90c2 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/edb_plus/41/installing/linux_x86_64/edbplus_ubuntu_20.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/edb_plus/41/installing/linux_x86_64/edbplus_ubuntu_20.mdx
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/edb_plus/41/installing/linux_x86_64/edbplus_ubuntu_22.mdx b/product_docs/docs/edb_plus/41/installing/linux_x86_64/edbplus_ubuntu_22.mdx
index ae58f88ef84..fb44bb940ad 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/edb_plus/41/installing/linux_x86_64/edbplus_ubuntu_22.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/edb_plus/41/installing/linux_x86_64/edbplus_ubuntu_22.mdx
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/efm/4/installing/linux_arm64/efm_debian_12.mdx b/product_docs/docs/efm/4/installing/linux_arm64/efm_debian_12.mdx
index 021918bccdb..647b87e4364 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/efm/4/installing/linux_arm64/efm_debian_12.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/efm/4/installing/linux_arm64/efm_debian_12.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/efm/4/installing/linux_ppc64le/efm_rhel_8.mdx b/product_docs/docs/efm/4/installing/linux_ppc64le/efm_rhel_8.mdx
index dbdac049b10..71794071fa1 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/efm/4/installing/linux_ppc64le/efm_rhel_8.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/efm/4/installing/linux_ppc64le/efm_rhel_8.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/efm/4/installing/linux_ppc64le/efm_rhel_9.mdx b/product_docs/docs/efm/4/installing/linux_ppc64le/efm_rhel_9.mdx
index af0e288c2d0..b2f07925afb 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/efm/4/installing/linux_ppc64le/efm_rhel_9.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/efm/4/installing/linux_ppc64le/efm_rhel_9.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/efm/4/installing/linux_ppc64le/efm_sles_12.mdx b/product_docs/docs/efm/4/installing/linux_ppc64le/efm_sles_12.mdx
index 976b1b041d3..44f4c567140 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/efm/4/installing/linux_ppc64le/efm_sles_12.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/efm/4/installing/linux_ppc64le/efm_sles_12.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/efm/4/installing/linux_ppc64le/efm_sles_15.mdx b/product_docs/docs/efm/4/installing/linux_ppc64le/efm_sles_15.mdx
index 83c9a7e2439..96a67f59d4e 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/efm/4/installing/linux_ppc64le/efm_sles_15.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/efm/4/installing/linux_ppc64le/efm_sles_15.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/efm/4/installing/linux_x86_64/efm_debian_11.mdx b/product_docs/docs/efm/4/installing/linux_x86_64/efm_debian_11.mdx
index e397619c938..7476dee27ba 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/efm/4/installing/linux_x86_64/efm_debian_11.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/efm/4/installing/linux_x86_64/efm_debian_11.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/efm/4/installing/linux_x86_64/efm_debian_12.mdx b/product_docs/docs/efm/4/installing/linux_x86_64/efm_debian_12.mdx
index b04fed2f5a5..d137ef5a689 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/efm/4/installing/linux_x86_64/efm_debian_12.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/efm/4/installing/linux_x86_64/efm_debian_12.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/efm/4/installing/linux_x86_64/efm_other_linux_8.mdx b/product_docs/docs/efm/4/installing/linux_x86_64/efm_other_linux_8.mdx
index 60d5e3c4eed..fa8c85c2629 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/efm/4/installing/linux_x86_64/efm_other_linux_8.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/efm/4/installing/linux_x86_64/efm_other_linux_8.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/efm/4/installing/linux_x86_64/efm_other_linux_9.mdx b/product_docs/docs/efm/4/installing/linux_x86_64/efm_other_linux_9.mdx
index 57d65f849dc..3d61b46f9f7 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/efm/4/installing/linux_x86_64/efm_other_linux_9.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/efm/4/installing/linux_x86_64/efm_other_linux_9.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/efm/4/installing/linux_x86_64/efm_rhel_8.mdx b/product_docs/docs/efm/4/installing/linux_x86_64/efm_rhel_8.mdx
index e6a5e5d70ea..b5e98a4455c 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/efm/4/installing/linux_x86_64/efm_rhel_8.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/efm/4/installing/linux_x86_64/efm_rhel_8.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/efm/4/installing/linux_x86_64/efm_rhel_9.mdx b/product_docs/docs/efm/4/installing/linux_x86_64/efm_rhel_9.mdx
index f0a9a09410a..589fbc553f3 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/efm/4/installing/linux_x86_64/efm_rhel_9.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/efm/4/installing/linux_x86_64/efm_rhel_9.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/efm/4/installing/linux_x86_64/efm_sles_12.mdx b/product_docs/docs/efm/4/installing/linux_x86_64/efm_sles_12.mdx
index 6c0d3eaa96a..e9bf1812904 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/efm/4/installing/linux_x86_64/efm_sles_12.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/efm/4/installing/linux_x86_64/efm_sles_12.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/efm/4/installing/linux_x86_64/efm_sles_15.mdx b/product_docs/docs/efm/4/installing/linux_x86_64/efm_sles_15.mdx
index cf2b386735b..9f2c0b9437e 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/efm/4/installing/linux_x86_64/efm_sles_15.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/efm/4/installing/linux_x86_64/efm_sles_15.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/efm/4/installing/linux_x86_64/efm_ubuntu_20.mdx b/product_docs/docs/efm/4/installing/linux_x86_64/efm_ubuntu_20.mdx
index 8eac11baeb1..fa10c581e36 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/efm/4/installing/linux_x86_64/efm_ubuntu_20.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/efm/4/installing/linux_x86_64/efm_ubuntu_20.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/efm/4/installing/linux_x86_64/efm_ubuntu_22.mdx b/product_docs/docs/efm/4/installing/linux_x86_64/efm_ubuntu_22.mdx
index a6ce0ef1a6d..5e3d661d541 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/efm/4/installing/linux_x86_64/efm_ubuntu_22.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/efm/4/installing/linux_x86_64/efm_ubuntu_22.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/epas/11/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_rhel_8.mdx b/product_docs/docs/epas/11/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_rhel_8.mdx
index 7a5593c9dc1..11e042dba32 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/epas/11/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_rhel_8.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/epas/11/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_rhel_8.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/epas/11/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_rhel_9.mdx b/product_docs/docs/epas/11/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_rhel_9.mdx
index bbabff65e34..fb78afcb4e4 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/epas/11/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_rhel_9.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/epas/11/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_rhel_9.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/epas/11/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_sles_12.mdx b/product_docs/docs/epas/11/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_sles_12.mdx
index 09b008e8882..2fb2aa06da2 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/epas/11/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_sles_12.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/epas/11/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_sles_12.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/epas/11/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_sles_15.mdx b/product_docs/docs/epas/11/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_sles_15.mdx
index 1e7d18b522a..c7ef15eb95b 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/epas/11/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_sles_15.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/epas/11/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_sles_15.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/epas/11/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_debian_11.mdx b/product_docs/docs/epas/11/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_debian_11.mdx
index 4e37db48dc7..4ae86e5c44a 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/epas/11/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_debian_11.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/epas/11/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_debian_11.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/epas/11/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_other_linux_8.mdx b/product_docs/docs/epas/11/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_other_linux_8.mdx
index 88d9444c8c8..26d53495fa4 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/epas/11/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_other_linux_8.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/epas/11/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_other_linux_8.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/epas/11/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_other_linux_9.mdx b/product_docs/docs/epas/11/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_other_linux_9.mdx
index 05f5953e152..d93707bcb76 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/epas/11/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_other_linux_9.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/epas/11/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_other_linux_9.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/epas/11/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_rhel_8.mdx b/product_docs/docs/epas/11/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_rhel_8.mdx
index a35599ddfac..60f9edbbf14 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/epas/11/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_rhel_8.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/epas/11/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_rhel_8.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/epas/11/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_rhel_9.mdx b/product_docs/docs/epas/11/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_rhel_9.mdx
index 4b2a0fda372..bdfc2816e88 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/epas/11/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_rhel_9.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/epas/11/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_rhel_9.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/epas/11/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_sles_12.mdx b/product_docs/docs/epas/11/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_sles_12.mdx
index fe09c100fd5..64bd1e9fcd7 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/epas/11/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_sles_12.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/epas/11/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_sles_12.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/epas/11/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_sles_15.mdx b/product_docs/docs/epas/11/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_sles_15.mdx
index ff0f0e9a040..7ae426e1b6f 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/epas/11/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_sles_15.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/epas/11/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_sles_15.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/epas/11/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_ubuntu_20.mdx b/product_docs/docs/epas/11/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_ubuntu_20.mdx
index 9d6d0a604c3..bed1046e813 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/epas/11/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_ubuntu_20.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/epas/11/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_ubuntu_20.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/epas/11/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_ubuntu_22.mdx b/product_docs/docs/epas/11/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_ubuntu_22.mdx
index ff0f358dd0d..071cc57f5a8 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/epas/11/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_ubuntu_22.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/epas/11/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_ubuntu_22.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/epas/12/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_rhel_8.mdx b/product_docs/docs/epas/12/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_rhel_8.mdx
index 0010ab9236c..f2155b78dc8 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/epas/12/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_rhel_8.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/epas/12/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_rhel_8.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/epas/12/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_rhel_9.mdx b/product_docs/docs/epas/12/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_rhel_9.mdx
index fda10633b0c..8014a63b072 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/epas/12/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_rhel_9.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/epas/12/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_rhel_9.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/epas/12/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_sles_12.mdx b/product_docs/docs/epas/12/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_sles_12.mdx
index 9476c1dd5a2..429b655dc46 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/epas/12/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_sles_12.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/epas/12/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_sles_12.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/epas/12/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_sles_15.mdx b/product_docs/docs/epas/12/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_sles_15.mdx
index ebf1923ea03..24a5e32ef0e 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/epas/12/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_sles_15.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/epas/12/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_sles_15.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/epas/12/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_debian_11.mdx b/product_docs/docs/epas/12/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_debian_11.mdx
index df61513501e..bde54c5a4f2 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/epas/12/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_debian_11.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/epas/12/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_debian_11.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/epas/12/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_other_linux_8.mdx b/product_docs/docs/epas/12/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_other_linux_8.mdx
index ae35d7c7550..a28eb778781 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/epas/12/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_other_linux_8.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/epas/12/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_other_linux_8.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/epas/12/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_other_linux_9.mdx b/product_docs/docs/epas/12/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_other_linux_9.mdx
index f0649c414ec..c30162a47f3 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/epas/12/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_other_linux_9.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/epas/12/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_other_linux_9.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/epas/12/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_rhel_8.mdx b/product_docs/docs/epas/12/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_rhel_8.mdx
index 83625c3a886..f9bd673b0c5 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/epas/12/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_rhel_8.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/epas/12/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_rhel_8.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/epas/12/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_rhel_9.mdx b/product_docs/docs/epas/12/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_rhel_9.mdx
index 161da8d3f70..654c55f78b2 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/epas/12/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_rhel_9.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/epas/12/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_rhel_9.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/epas/12/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_sles_12.mdx b/product_docs/docs/epas/12/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_sles_12.mdx
index 1297c547a24..38abf5dbf46 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/epas/12/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_sles_12.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/epas/12/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_sles_12.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/epas/12/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_sles_15.mdx b/product_docs/docs/epas/12/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_sles_15.mdx
index e6f35a0eff7..7958412f51c 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/epas/12/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_sles_15.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/epas/12/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_sles_15.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/epas/12/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_ubuntu_20.mdx b/product_docs/docs/epas/12/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_ubuntu_20.mdx
index 0c5a0e7acca..343b3a090b4 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/epas/12/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_ubuntu_20.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/epas/12/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_ubuntu_20.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/epas/12/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_ubuntu_22.mdx b/product_docs/docs/epas/12/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_ubuntu_22.mdx
index 398c47497e1..3923e035f19 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/epas/12/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_ubuntu_22.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/epas/12/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_ubuntu_22.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/epas/13/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_rhel_8.mdx b/product_docs/docs/epas/13/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_rhel_8.mdx
index 822bc595169..2bad33f70ec 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/epas/13/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_rhel_8.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/epas/13/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_rhel_8.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/epas/13/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_rhel_9.mdx b/product_docs/docs/epas/13/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_rhel_9.mdx
index 7c9316c3518..763ac090dc7 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/epas/13/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_rhel_9.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/epas/13/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_rhel_9.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/epas/13/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_sles_12.mdx b/product_docs/docs/epas/13/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_sles_12.mdx
index b99182814c6..7f76fdc0103 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/epas/13/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_sles_12.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/epas/13/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_sles_12.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/epas/13/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_sles_15.mdx b/product_docs/docs/epas/13/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_sles_15.mdx
index af85d987127..1cb5cf16073 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/epas/13/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_sles_15.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/epas/13/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_sles_15.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/epas/13/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_debian_11.mdx b/product_docs/docs/epas/13/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_debian_11.mdx
index c1a4a38f635..1f38741b6cc 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/epas/13/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_debian_11.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/epas/13/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_debian_11.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/epas/13/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_other_linux_8.mdx b/product_docs/docs/epas/13/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_other_linux_8.mdx
index 4a9de692cc5..1c3e8fe961c 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/epas/13/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_other_linux_8.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/epas/13/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_other_linux_8.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/epas/13/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_other_linux_9.mdx b/product_docs/docs/epas/13/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_other_linux_9.mdx
index 8c4e147116c..d6d50ff93dc 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/epas/13/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_other_linux_9.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/epas/13/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_other_linux_9.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/epas/13/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_rhel_8.mdx b/product_docs/docs/epas/13/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_rhel_8.mdx
index 1b678ac8458..c869ecaa3cf 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/epas/13/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_rhel_8.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/epas/13/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_rhel_8.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/epas/13/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_rhel_9.mdx b/product_docs/docs/epas/13/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_rhel_9.mdx
index 8206774534f..df4b3476006 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/epas/13/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_rhel_9.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/epas/13/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_rhel_9.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/epas/13/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_sles_12.mdx b/product_docs/docs/epas/13/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_sles_12.mdx
index 99ce0bf1248..de73f59e301 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/epas/13/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_sles_12.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/epas/13/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_sles_12.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/epas/13/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_sles_15.mdx b/product_docs/docs/epas/13/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_sles_15.mdx
index 1fdceabcd7b..6631d8b26c5 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/epas/13/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_sles_15.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/epas/13/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_sles_15.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/epas/13/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_ubuntu_20.mdx b/product_docs/docs/epas/13/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_ubuntu_20.mdx
index 2236d010cd2..7464262b900 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/epas/13/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_ubuntu_20.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/epas/13/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_ubuntu_20.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/epas/13/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_ubuntu_22.mdx b/product_docs/docs/epas/13/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_ubuntu_22.mdx
index a5a62e41266..ba2e294e211 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/epas/13/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_ubuntu_22.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/epas/13/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_ubuntu_22.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/epas/14/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_rhel_8.mdx b/product_docs/docs/epas/14/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_rhel_8.mdx
index eb347ba4af9..490de0af66c 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/epas/14/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_rhel_8.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/epas/14/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_rhel_8.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/epas/14/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_rhel_9.mdx b/product_docs/docs/epas/14/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_rhel_9.mdx
index 4c0336a162e..7aaea955615 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/epas/14/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_rhel_9.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/epas/14/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_rhel_9.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/epas/14/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_sles_12.mdx b/product_docs/docs/epas/14/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_sles_12.mdx
index ed9d182000d..f6f1992cf81 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/epas/14/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_sles_12.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/epas/14/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_sles_12.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/epas/14/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_sles_15.mdx b/product_docs/docs/epas/14/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_sles_15.mdx
index a1fddf9ff67..081b67dd24e 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/epas/14/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_sles_15.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/epas/14/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_sles_15.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/epas/14/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_debian_11.mdx b/product_docs/docs/epas/14/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_debian_11.mdx
index 157d57b1c71..2430b8282f4 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/epas/14/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_debian_11.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/epas/14/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_debian_11.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/epas/14/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_other_linux_8.mdx b/product_docs/docs/epas/14/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_other_linux_8.mdx
index 3c636980360..5a7af7ce782 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/epas/14/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_other_linux_8.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/epas/14/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_other_linux_8.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/epas/14/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_other_linux_9.mdx b/product_docs/docs/epas/14/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_other_linux_9.mdx
index 83d67097293..edcf4c77700 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/epas/14/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_other_linux_9.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/epas/14/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_other_linux_9.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/epas/14/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_rhel_8.mdx b/product_docs/docs/epas/14/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_rhel_8.mdx
index b5114902f44..1b9f89c383c 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/epas/14/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_rhel_8.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/epas/14/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_rhel_8.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/epas/14/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_rhel_9.mdx b/product_docs/docs/epas/14/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_rhel_9.mdx
index 7b98c9ecde1..c85e608c3c0 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/epas/14/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_rhel_9.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/epas/14/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_rhel_9.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/epas/14/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_sles_12.mdx b/product_docs/docs/epas/14/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_sles_12.mdx
index 612bd5dabb1..ac12331d7be 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/epas/14/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_sles_12.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/epas/14/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_sles_12.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/epas/14/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_sles_15.mdx b/product_docs/docs/epas/14/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_sles_15.mdx
index e05a12991a4..591c2f47b2e 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/epas/14/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_sles_15.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/epas/14/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_sles_15.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/epas/14/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_ubuntu_20.mdx b/product_docs/docs/epas/14/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_ubuntu_20.mdx
index 43bad223063..c4180958934 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/epas/14/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_ubuntu_20.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/epas/14/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_ubuntu_20.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/epas/14/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_ubuntu_22.mdx b/product_docs/docs/epas/14/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_ubuntu_22.mdx
index 8722d913a27..efcf4009995 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/epas/14/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_ubuntu_22.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/epas/14/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_ubuntu_22.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/epas/15/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_rhel_8.mdx b/product_docs/docs/epas/15/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_rhel_8.mdx
index b6f297c037c..7c796778c20 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/epas/15/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_rhel_8.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/epas/15/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_rhel_8.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/epas/15/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_rhel_9.mdx b/product_docs/docs/epas/15/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_rhel_9.mdx
index 1bee8706d33..352436057e0 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/epas/15/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_rhel_9.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/epas/15/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_rhel_9.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/epas/15/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_sles_12.mdx b/product_docs/docs/epas/15/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_sles_12.mdx
index 6ae29f774d5..59e376107a5 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/epas/15/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_sles_12.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/epas/15/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_sles_12.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/epas/15/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_sles_15.mdx b/product_docs/docs/epas/15/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_sles_15.mdx
index 83f0f02ab60..a75c861a213 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/epas/15/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_sles_15.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/epas/15/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_sles_15.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/epas/15/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_debian_11.mdx b/product_docs/docs/epas/15/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_debian_11.mdx
index ca7cf8580cc..67ed59b3c9c 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/epas/15/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_debian_11.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/epas/15/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_debian_11.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/epas/15/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_other_linux_8.mdx b/product_docs/docs/epas/15/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_other_linux_8.mdx
index 090eafc6c16..b7a24f9d6f4 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/epas/15/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_other_linux_8.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/epas/15/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_other_linux_8.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/epas/15/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_other_linux_9.mdx b/product_docs/docs/epas/15/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_other_linux_9.mdx
index 84c222f8d7e..99c5eec3a7b 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/epas/15/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_other_linux_9.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/epas/15/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_other_linux_9.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/epas/15/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_rhel_8.mdx b/product_docs/docs/epas/15/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_rhel_8.mdx
index 586872b7c15..d65d51ed6a7 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/epas/15/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_rhel_8.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/epas/15/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_rhel_8.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/epas/15/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_rhel_9.mdx b/product_docs/docs/epas/15/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_rhel_9.mdx
index befe179266c..73b5b7779b5 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/epas/15/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_rhel_9.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/epas/15/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_rhel_9.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/epas/15/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_sles_12.mdx b/product_docs/docs/epas/15/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_sles_12.mdx
index 314e526663e..f1dba6cf535 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/epas/15/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_sles_12.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/epas/15/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_sles_12.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/epas/15/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_sles_15.mdx b/product_docs/docs/epas/15/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_sles_15.mdx
index 4e4c71723fa..9b05e7d3a38 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/epas/15/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_sles_15.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/epas/15/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_sles_15.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/epas/15/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_ubuntu_20.mdx b/product_docs/docs/epas/15/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_ubuntu_20.mdx
index 211ef6e1821..cf3a22cac96 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/epas/15/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_ubuntu_20.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/epas/15/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_ubuntu_20.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/epas/15/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_ubuntu_22.mdx b/product_docs/docs/epas/15/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_ubuntu_22.mdx
index 07765cab13e..3677b3c18d5 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/epas/15/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_ubuntu_22.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/epas/15/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_ubuntu_22.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/epas/16/installing/linux_arm64/epas_debian_12.mdx b/product_docs/docs/epas/16/installing/linux_arm64/epas_debian_12.mdx
index fea68f28765..3f354f89629 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/epas/16/installing/linux_arm64/epas_debian_12.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/epas/16/installing/linux_arm64/epas_debian_12.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/epas/16/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_rhel_8.mdx b/product_docs/docs/epas/16/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_rhel_8.mdx
index 20a0de22043..394f8baf56c 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/epas/16/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_rhel_8.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/epas/16/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_rhel_8.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/epas/16/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_rhel_9.mdx b/product_docs/docs/epas/16/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_rhel_9.mdx
index 425f706c128..0772be02315 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/epas/16/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_rhel_9.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/epas/16/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_rhel_9.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/epas/16/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_sles_12.mdx b/product_docs/docs/epas/16/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_sles_12.mdx
index dc74ddfd3f4..23d1956bd24 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/epas/16/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_sles_12.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/epas/16/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_sles_12.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/epas/16/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_sles_15.mdx b/product_docs/docs/epas/16/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_sles_15.mdx
index a35630cff46..50705b7cade 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/epas/16/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_sles_15.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/epas/16/installing/linux_ppc64le/epas_sles_15.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/epas/16/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_debian_11.mdx b/product_docs/docs/epas/16/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_debian_11.mdx
index 8ed5ca43fb4..913ddf520a3 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/epas/16/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_debian_11.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/epas/16/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_debian_11.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/epas/16/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_debian_12.mdx b/product_docs/docs/epas/16/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_debian_12.mdx
index 0e090679225..146dc09c637 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/epas/16/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_debian_12.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/epas/16/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_debian_12.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/epas/16/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_other_linux_8.mdx b/product_docs/docs/epas/16/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_other_linux_8.mdx
index b4188e691f1..7a2a860940e 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/epas/16/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_other_linux_8.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/epas/16/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_other_linux_8.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/epas/16/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_other_linux_9.mdx b/product_docs/docs/epas/16/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_other_linux_9.mdx
index b53eb262949..52f218177a4 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/epas/16/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_other_linux_9.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/epas/16/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_other_linux_9.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/epas/16/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_rhel_8.mdx b/product_docs/docs/epas/16/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_rhel_8.mdx
index 5bb32697fc4..21464dd1602 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/epas/16/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_rhel_8.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/epas/16/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_rhel_8.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/epas/16/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_rhel_9.mdx b/product_docs/docs/epas/16/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_rhel_9.mdx
index 0f5c05bb931..030bdaa1332 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/epas/16/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_rhel_9.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/epas/16/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_rhel_9.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/epas/16/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_sles_12.mdx b/product_docs/docs/epas/16/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_sles_12.mdx
index d1ea27afc13..0003e2f05a1 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/epas/16/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_sles_12.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/epas/16/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_sles_12.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/epas/16/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_sles_15.mdx b/product_docs/docs/epas/16/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_sles_15.mdx
index bb314b369f6..ac0bc1b0d6c 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/epas/16/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_sles_15.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/epas/16/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_sles_15.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/epas/16/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_ubuntu_20.mdx b/product_docs/docs/epas/16/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_ubuntu_20.mdx
index 0c98d1e95a8..a198834ced3 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/epas/16/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_ubuntu_20.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/epas/16/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_ubuntu_20.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/epas/16/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_ubuntu_22.mdx b/product_docs/docs/epas/16/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_ubuntu_22.mdx
index 9190e710e6f..b1fcf9882c3 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/epas/16/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_ubuntu_22.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/epas/16/installing/linux_x86_64/epas_ubuntu_22.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/eprs/7/installing/linux_arm64/eprs_debian_12.mdx b/product_docs/docs/eprs/7/installing/linux_arm64/eprs_debian_12.mdx
index 70aadfbd86f..10c7f8875bd 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/eprs/7/installing/linux_arm64/eprs_debian_12.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/eprs/7/installing/linux_arm64/eprs_debian_12.mdx
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/eprs/7/installing/linux_ppc64le/eprs_rhel_8.mdx b/product_docs/docs/eprs/7/installing/linux_ppc64le/eprs_rhel_8.mdx
index bb612c4a6b6..703cdacb107 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/eprs/7/installing/linux_ppc64le/eprs_rhel_8.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/eprs/7/installing/linux_ppc64le/eprs_rhel_8.mdx
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/eprs/7/installing/linux_ppc64le/eprs_rhel_9.mdx b/product_docs/docs/eprs/7/installing/linux_ppc64le/eprs_rhel_9.mdx
index 7ad41edfe10..5a673cb930b 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/eprs/7/installing/linux_ppc64le/eprs_rhel_9.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/eprs/7/installing/linux_ppc64le/eprs_rhel_9.mdx
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/eprs/7/installing/linux_ppc64le/eprs_sles_12.mdx b/product_docs/docs/eprs/7/installing/linux_ppc64le/eprs_sles_12.mdx
index 069cd58bd0b..fde12967753 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/eprs/7/installing/linux_ppc64le/eprs_sles_12.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/eprs/7/installing/linux_ppc64le/eprs_sles_12.mdx
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/eprs/7/installing/linux_ppc64le/eprs_sles_15.mdx b/product_docs/docs/eprs/7/installing/linux_ppc64le/eprs_sles_15.mdx
index cc54fffccf3..efe482408b1 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/eprs/7/installing/linux_ppc64le/eprs_sles_15.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/eprs/7/installing/linux_ppc64le/eprs_sles_15.mdx
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/eprs/7/installing/linux_x86_64/eprs_debian_11.mdx b/product_docs/docs/eprs/7/installing/linux_x86_64/eprs_debian_11.mdx
index 60031e6aa56..dc01361569c 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/eprs/7/installing/linux_x86_64/eprs_debian_11.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/eprs/7/installing/linux_x86_64/eprs_debian_11.mdx
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/eprs/7/installing/linux_x86_64/eprs_debian_12.mdx b/product_docs/docs/eprs/7/installing/linux_x86_64/eprs_debian_12.mdx
index e47219ebdfe..8d44d4f2793 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/eprs/7/installing/linux_x86_64/eprs_debian_12.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/eprs/7/installing/linux_x86_64/eprs_debian_12.mdx
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/eprs/7/installing/linux_x86_64/eprs_other_linux_8.mdx b/product_docs/docs/eprs/7/installing/linux_x86_64/eprs_other_linux_8.mdx
index 5a2910994be..d756a6872eb 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/eprs/7/installing/linux_x86_64/eprs_other_linux_8.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/eprs/7/installing/linux_x86_64/eprs_other_linux_8.mdx
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/eprs/7/installing/linux_x86_64/eprs_other_linux_9.mdx b/product_docs/docs/eprs/7/installing/linux_x86_64/eprs_other_linux_9.mdx
index a3d4fd24779..c041f0bf32c 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/eprs/7/installing/linux_x86_64/eprs_other_linux_9.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/eprs/7/installing/linux_x86_64/eprs_other_linux_9.mdx
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/eprs/7/installing/linux_x86_64/eprs_rhel_8.mdx b/product_docs/docs/eprs/7/installing/linux_x86_64/eprs_rhel_8.mdx
index b05855c283a..3c66331f38f 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/eprs/7/installing/linux_x86_64/eprs_rhel_8.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/eprs/7/installing/linux_x86_64/eprs_rhel_8.mdx
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/eprs/7/installing/linux_x86_64/eprs_rhel_9.mdx b/product_docs/docs/eprs/7/installing/linux_x86_64/eprs_rhel_9.mdx
index 6ee7c0d1375..d9680d2997d 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/eprs/7/installing/linux_x86_64/eprs_rhel_9.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/eprs/7/installing/linux_x86_64/eprs_rhel_9.mdx
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/eprs/7/installing/linux_x86_64/eprs_sles_12.mdx b/product_docs/docs/eprs/7/installing/linux_x86_64/eprs_sles_12.mdx
index e6239326df1..bdf54fdc7b5 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/eprs/7/installing/linux_x86_64/eprs_sles_12.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/eprs/7/installing/linux_x86_64/eprs_sles_12.mdx
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/eprs/7/installing/linux_x86_64/eprs_sles_15.mdx b/product_docs/docs/eprs/7/installing/linux_x86_64/eprs_sles_15.mdx
index 942218bba9f..e18b463c2a2 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/eprs/7/installing/linux_x86_64/eprs_sles_15.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/eprs/7/installing/linux_x86_64/eprs_sles_15.mdx
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/eprs/7/installing/linux_x86_64/eprs_ubuntu_20.mdx b/product_docs/docs/eprs/7/installing/linux_x86_64/eprs_ubuntu_20.mdx
index 7d7f5fb819f..def855e945f 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/eprs/7/installing/linux_x86_64/eprs_ubuntu_20.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/eprs/7/installing/linux_x86_64/eprs_ubuntu_20.mdx
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/eprs/7/installing/linux_x86_64/eprs_ubuntu_22.mdx b/product_docs/docs/eprs/7/installing/linux_x86_64/eprs_ubuntu_22.mdx
index 8107682a390..7b7368b92d7 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/eprs/7/installing/linux_x86_64/eprs_ubuntu_22.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/eprs/7/installing/linux_x86_64/eprs_ubuntu_22.mdx
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/hadoop_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_arm64/hadoop_debian_12.mdx b/product_docs/docs/hadoop_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_arm64/hadoop_debian_12.mdx
index f784d506d7a..e4ef638d00c 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/hadoop_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_arm64/hadoop_debian_12.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/hadoop_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_arm64/hadoop_debian_12.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/hadoop_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_ppc64le/hadoop_rhel_8.mdx b/product_docs/docs/hadoop_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_ppc64le/hadoop_rhel_8.mdx
index f6752c48aa2..4d8dd180098 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/hadoop_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_ppc64le/hadoop_rhel_8.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/hadoop_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_ppc64le/hadoop_rhel_8.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/hadoop_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_ppc64le/hadoop_rhel_9.mdx b/product_docs/docs/hadoop_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_ppc64le/hadoop_rhel_9.mdx
index 2ab3c522d61..2098640d318 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/hadoop_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_ppc64le/hadoop_rhel_9.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/hadoop_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_ppc64le/hadoop_rhel_9.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/hadoop_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_ppc64le/hadoop_sles_12.mdx b/product_docs/docs/hadoop_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_ppc64le/hadoop_sles_12.mdx
index 6225bbc86b8..b6db7be62a0 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/hadoop_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_ppc64le/hadoop_sles_12.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/hadoop_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_ppc64le/hadoop_sles_12.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/hadoop_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_ppc64le/hadoop_sles_15.mdx b/product_docs/docs/hadoop_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_ppc64le/hadoop_sles_15.mdx
index 91c2fabc956..299f8da2f68 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/hadoop_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_ppc64le/hadoop_sles_15.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/hadoop_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_ppc64le/hadoop_sles_15.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/hadoop_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_x86_64/hadoop_debian_11.mdx b/product_docs/docs/hadoop_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_x86_64/hadoop_debian_11.mdx
index 0225c2563b1..ceb5ab8e659 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/hadoop_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_x86_64/hadoop_debian_11.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/hadoop_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_x86_64/hadoop_debian_11.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/hadoop_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_x86_64/hadoop_debian_12.mdx b/product_docs/docs/hadoop_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_x86_64/hadoop_debian_12.mdx
index 8dc55588b03..ea652a3cc76 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/hadoop_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_x86_64/hadoop_debian_12.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/hadoop_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_x86_64/hadoop_debian_12.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/hadoop_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_x86_64/hadoop_other_linux_8.mdx b/product_docs/docs/hadoop_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_x86_64/hadoop_other_linux_8.mdx
index 1d1e74cc8a4..eda284e872d 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/hadoop_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_x86_64/hadoop_other_linux_8.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/hadoop_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_x86_64/hadoop_other_linux_8.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/hadoop_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_x86_64/hadoop_other_linux_9.mdx b/product_docs/docs/hadoop_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_x86_64/hadoop_other_linux_9.mdx
index 0c621605aa5..51dfe8013ca 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/hadoop_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_x86_64/hadoop_other_linux_9.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/hadoop_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_x86_64/hadoop_other_linux_9.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/hadoop_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_x86_64/hadoop_rhel_8.mdx b/product_docs/docs/hadoop_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_x86_64/hadoop_rhel_8.mdx
index 3ff6fbf5aa6..7d943bcd095 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/hadoop_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_x86_64/hadoop_rhel_8.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/hadoop_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_x86_64/hadoop_rhel_8.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/hadoop_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_x86_64/hadoop_rhel_9.mdx b/product_docs/docs/hadoop_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_x86_64/hadoop_rhel_9.mdx
index 64354a2b850..e0374150d7d 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/hadoop_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_x86_64/hadoop_rhel_9.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/hadoop_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_x86_64/hadoop_rhel_9.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/hadoop_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_x86_64/hadoop_sles_12.mdx b/product_docs/docs/hadoop_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_x86_64/hadoop_sles_12.mdx
index 0fdc3978e65..552f342409b 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/hadoop_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_x86_64/hadoop_sles_12.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/hadoop_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_x86_64/hadoop_sles_12.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/hadoop_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_x86_64/hadoop_sles_15.mdx b/product_docs/docs/hadoop_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_x86_64/hadoop_sles_15.mdx
index 93fcf551493..51f291cd202 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/hadoop_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_x86_64/hadoop_sles_15.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/hadoop_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_x86_64/hadoop_sles_15.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/hadoop_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_x86_64/hadoop_ubuntu_20.mdx b/product_docs/docs/hadoop_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_x86_64/hadoop_ubuntu_20.mdx
index fc4f3f3d4c2..f747e6a0021 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/hadoop_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_x86_64/hadoop_ubuntu_20.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/hadoop_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_x86_64/hadoop_ubuntu_20.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/hadoop_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_x86_64/hadoop_ubuntu_22.mdx b/product_docs/docs/hadoop_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_x86_64/hadoop_ubuntu_22.mdx
index 0de24c6b486..b01ddaa1232 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/hadoop_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_x86_64/hadoop_ubuntu_22.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/hadoop_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_x86_64/hadoop_ubuntu_22.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/jdbc_connector/ b/product_docs/docs/jdbc_connector/
index d6c0b0fe8ee..d7f9ee2a60e 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/jdbc_connector/
+++ b/product_docs/docs/jdbc_connector/
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/jdbc_connector/ b/product_docs/docs/jdbc_connector/
index 6198c2fdd49..c66c19f61d7 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/jdbc_connector/
+++ b/product_docs/docs/jdbc_connector/
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/jdbc_connector/ b/product_docs/docs/jdbc_connector/
index 3c56972f580..971626c03e2 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/jdbc_connector/
+++ b/product_docs/docs/jdbc_connector/
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/jdbc_connector/ b/product_docs/docs/jdbc_connector/
index b8960c14d72..6e0f21c52d3 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/jdbc_connector/
+++ b/product_docs/docs/jdbc_connector/
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/jdbc_connector/ b/product_docs/docs/jdbc_connector/
index b33d4cf3d42..27bfdad1c8b 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/jdbc_connector/
+++ b/product_docs/docs/jdbc_connector/
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/jdbc_connector/ b/product_docs/docs/jdbc_connector/
index 62a02d0e80a..56a0d52de82 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/jdbc_connector/
+++ b/product_docs/docs/jdbc_connector/
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/jdbc_connector/ b/product_docs/docs/jdbc_connector/
index fce7edb2cfd..b709022749d 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/jdbc_connector/
+++ b/product_docs/docs/jdbc_connector/
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/jdbc_connector/ b/product_docs/docs/jdbc_connector/
index 041e81b63ea..694cf7d83c4 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/jdbc_connector/
+++ b/product_docs/docs/jdbc_connector/
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/jdbc_connector/ b/product_docs/docs/jdbc_connector/
index 39d10cd48da..ce2796f20b6 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/jdbc_connector/
+++ b/product_docs/docs/jdbc_connector/
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/jdbc_connector/ b/product_docs/docs/jdbc_connector/
index 0bc95e8dcfb..423c514265a 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/jdbc_connector/
+++ b/product_docs/docs/jdbc_connector/
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/jdbc_connector/ b/product_docs/docs/jdbc_connector/
index 84f622437fe..80aaa3f3d87 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/jdbc_connector/
+++ b/product_docs/docs/jdbc_connector/
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/jdbc_connector/ b/product_docs/docs/jdbc_connector/
index 0bfc62fa4f5..1799415eaca 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/jdbc_connector/
+++ b/product_docs/docs/jdbc_connector/
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/jdbc_connector/ b/product_docs/docs/jdbc_connector/
index e95fcf41065..e7a510dc675 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/jdbc_connector/
+++ b/product_docs/docs/jdbc_connector/
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/jdbc_connector/ b/product_docs/docs/jdbc_connector/
index f8eef9e6d49..d284df47324 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/jdbc_connector/
+++ b/product_docs/docs/jdbc_connector/
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/jdbc_connector/ b/product_docs/docs/jdbc_connector/
index 8a572e2ec77..ad08c56aeeb 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/jdbc_connector/
+++ b/product_docs/docs/jdbc_connector/
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/migration_toolkit/55/installing/linux_arm64/mtk_debian_12.mdx b/product_docs/docs/migration_toolkit/55/installing/linux_arm64/mtk_debian_12.mdx
index 38442a608e9..31b632c73cd 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/migration_toolkit/55/installing/linux_arm64/mtk_debian_12.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/migration_toolkit/55/installing/linux_arm64/mtk_debian_12.mdx
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/migration_toolkit/55/installing/linux_ppc64le/mtk_rhel_8.mdx b/product_docs/docs/migration_toolkit/55/installing/linux_ppc64le/mtk_rhel_8.mdx
index d9881403291..752d623eae2 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/migration_toolkit/55/installing/linux_ppc64le/mtk_rhel_8.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/migration_toolkit/55/installing/linux_ppc64le/mtk_rhel_8.mdx
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/migration_toolkit/55/installing/linux_ppc64le/mtk_rhel_9.mdx b/product_docs/docs/migration_toolkit/55/installing/linux_ppc64le/mtk_rhel_9.mdx
index 86ed5e3b3e2..959861d5f6d 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/migration_toolkit/55/installing/linux_ppc64le/mtk_rhel_9.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/migration_toolkit/55/installing/linux_ppc64le/mtk_rhel_9.mdx
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/migration_toolkit/55/installing/linux_ppc64le/mtk_sles_12.mdx b/product_docs/docs/migration_toolkit/55/installing/linux_ppc64le/mtk_sles_12.mdx
index 0ff1cd89512..1f9bcf267a6 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/migration_toolkit/55/installing/linux_ppc64le/mtk_sles_12.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/migration_toolkit/55/installing/linux_ppc64le/mtk_sles_12.mdx
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/migration_toolkit/55/installing/linux_ppc64le/mtk_sles_15.mdx b/product_docs/docs/migration_toolkit/55/installing/linux_ppc64le/mtk_sles_15.mdx
index 88ff831c2cd..9e7c436f844 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/migration_toolkit/55/installing/linux_ppc64le/mtk_sles_15.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/migration_toolkit/55/installing/linux_ppc64le/mtk_sles_15.mdx
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/migration_toolkit/55/installing/linux_x86_64/mtk_debian_11.mdx b/product_docs/docs/migration_toolkit/55/installing/linux_x86_64/mtk_debian_11.mdx
index 01a4c2e0e8b..2df2810bcdc 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/migration_toolkit/55/installing/linux_x86_64/mtk_debian_11.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/migration_toolkit/55/installing/linux_x86_64/mtk_debian_11.mdx
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/migration_toolkit/55/installing/linux_x86_64/mtk_debian_12.mdx b/product_docs/docs/migration_toolkit/55/installing/linux_x86_64/mtk_debian_12.mdx
index 31b22160b70..7da42954076 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/migration_toolkit/55/installing/linux_x86_64/mtk_debian_12.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/migration_toolkit/55/installing/linux_x86_64/mtk_debian_12.mdx
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/migration_toolkit/55/installing/linux_x86_64/mtk_other_linux_8.mdx b/product_docs/docs/migration_toolkit/55/installing/linux_x86_64/mtk_other_linux_8.mdx
index b897c4d1642..6f5210245c0 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/migration_toolkit/55/installing/linux_x86_64/mtk_other_linux_8.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/migration_toolkit/55/installing/linux_x86_64/mtk_other_linux_8.mdx
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/migration_toolkit/55/installing/linux_x86_64/mtk_other_linux_9.mdx b/product_docs/docs/migration_toolkit/55/installing/linux_x86_64/mtk_other_linux_9.mdx
index 014dcfec388..9d8366de242 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/migration_toolkit/55/installing/linux_x86_64/mtk_other_linux_9.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/migration_toolkit/55/installing/linux_x86_64/mtk_other_linux_9.mdx
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/migration_toolkit/55/installing/linux_x86_64/mtk_rhel_8.mdx b/product_docs/docs/migration_toolkit/55/installing/linux_x86_64/mtk_rhel_8.mdx
index eae4c82e479..abfde9faf14 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/migration_toolkit/55/installing/linux_x86_64/mtk_rhel_8.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/migration_toolkit/55/installing/linux_x86_64/mtk_rhel_8.mdx
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/migration_toolkit/55/installing/linux_x86_64/mtk_rhel_9.mdx b/product_docs/docs/migration_toolkit/55/installing/linux_x86_64/mtk_rhel_9.mdx
index b60fa098149..f1b75329491 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/migration_toolkit/55/installing/linux_x86_64/mtk_rhel_9.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/migration_toolkit/55/installing/linux_x86_64/mtk_rhel_9.mdx
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/migration_toolkit/55/installing/linux_x86_64/mtk_sles_12.mdx b/product_docs/docs/migration_toolkit/55/installing/linux_x86_64/mtk_sles_12.mdx
index ff2e9f31ff1..57ce22c305a 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/migration_toolkit/55/installing/linux_x86_64/mtk_sles_12.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/migration_toolkit/55/installing/linux_x86_64/mtk_sles_12.mdx
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/migration_toolkit/55/installing/linux_x86_64/mtk_sles_15.mdx b/product_docs/docs/migration_toolkit/55/installing/linux_x86_64/mtk_sles_15.mdx
index cd8dee359d7..d0372c468d4 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/migration_toolkit/55/installing/linux_x86_64/mtk_sles_15.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/migration_toolkit/55/installing/linux_x86_64/mtk_sles_15.mdx
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/migration_toolkit/55/installing/linux_x86_64/mtk_ubuntu_20.mdx b/product_docs/docs/migration_toolkit/55/installing/linux_x86_64/mtk_ubuntu_20.mdx
index 6db2bf2f52a..941db16e7eb 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/migration_toolkit/55/installing/linux_x86_64/mtk_ubuntu_20.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/migration_toolkit/55/installing/linux_x86_64/mtk_ubuntu_20.mdx
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/migration_toolkit/55/installing/linux_x86_64/mtk_ubuntu_22.mdx b/product_docs/docs/migration_toolkit/55/installing/linux_x86_64/mtk_ubuntu_22.mdx
index 3818dc25878..f0f41f80e44 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/migration_toolkit/55/installing/linux_x86_64/mtk_ubuntu_22.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/migration_toolkit/55/installing/linux_x86_64/mtk_ubuntu_22.mdx
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/mongo_data_adapter/5/installing/linux_arm64/mongo_debian_12.mdx b/product_docs/docs/mongo_data_adapter/5/installing/linux_arm64/mongo_debian_12.mdx
index 0d3242e42a8..b89496e0349 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/mongo_data_adapter/5/installing/linux_arm64/mongo_debian_12.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/mongo_data_adapter/5/installing/linux_arm64/mongo_debian_12.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/mongo_data_adapter/5/installing/linux_ppc64le/mongo_rhel_8.mdx b/product_docs/docs/mongo_data_adapter/5/installing/linux_ppc64le/mongo_rhel_8.mdx
index b40b6c28913..adb5d3f054d 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/mongo_data_adapter/5/installing/linux_ppc64le/mongo_rhel_8.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/mongo_data_adapter/5/installing/linux_ppc64le/mongo_rhel_8.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/mongo_data_adapter/5/installing/linux_ppc64le/mongo_rhel_9.mdx b/product_docs/docs/mongo_data_adapter/5/installing/linux_ppc64le/mongo_rhel_9.mdx
index cbced998c42..74f3f273248 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/mongo_data_adapter/5/installing/linux_ppc64le/mongo_rhel_9.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/mongo_data_adapter/5/installing/linux_ppc64le/mongo_rhel_9.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/mongo_data_adapter/5/installing/linux_ppc64le/mongo_sles_12.mdx b/product_docs/docs/mongo_data_adapter/5/installing/linux_ppc64le/mongo_sles_12.mdx
index 4b8f4d52fe7..7101f804182 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/mongo_data_adapter/5/installing/linux_ppc64le/mongo_sles_12.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/mongo_data_adapter/5/installing/linux_ppc64le/mongo_sles_12.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/mongo_data_adapter/5/installing/linux_ppc64le/mongo_sles_15.mdx b/product_docs/docs/mongo_data_adapter/5/installing/linux_ppc64le/mongo_sles_15.mdx
index ac8a223c48c..7511bafb5eb 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/mongo_data_adapter/5/installing/linux_ppc64le/mongo_sles_15.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/mongo_data_adapter/5/installing/linux_ppc64le/mongo_sles_15.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/mongo_data_adapter/5/installing/linux_x86_64/mongo_debian_11.mdx b/product_docs/docs/mongo_data_adapter/5/installing/linux_x86_64/mongo_debian_11.mdx
index e1bfdefc27d..2ae791fafc5 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/mongo_data_adapter/5/installing/linux_x86_64/mongo_debian_11.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/mongo_data_adapter/5/installing/linux_x86_64/mongo_debian_11.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/mongo_data_adapter/5/installing/linux_x86_64/mongo_debian_12.mdx b/product_docs/docs/mongo_data_adapter/5/installing/linux_x86_64/mongo_debian_12.mdx
index 42efffb3b86..002922a4153 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/mongo_data_adapter/5/installing/linux_x86_64/mongo_debian_12.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/mongo_data_adapter/5/installing/linux_x86_64/mongo_debian_12.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/mongo_data_adapter/5/installing/linux_x86_64/mongo_other_linux_8.mdx b/product_docs/docs/mongo_data_adapter/5/installing/linux_x86_64/mongo_other_linux_8.mdx
index 9fcbd9916d7..f7d79d2bafd 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/mongo_data_adapter/5/installing/linux_x86_64/mongo_other_linux_8.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/mongo_data_adapter/5/installing/linux_x86_64/mongo_other_linux_8.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/mongo_data_adapter/5/installing/linux_x86_64/mongo_other_linux_9.mdx b/product_docs/docs/mongo_data_adapter/5/installing/linux_x86_64/mongo_other_linux_9.mdx
index f5fd50b75d9..c28819559de 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/mongo_data_adapter/5/installing/linux_x86_64/mongo_other_linux_9.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/mongo_data_adapter/5/installing/linux_x86_64/mongo_other_linux_9.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/mongo_data_adapter/5/installing/linux_x86_64/mongo_rhel_8.mdx b/product_docs/docs/mongo_data_adapter/5/installing/linux_x86_64/mongo_rhel_8.mdx
index 32b06feb707..dc8ddd83064 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/mongo_data_adapter/5/installing/linux_x86_64/mongo_rhel_8.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/mongo_data_adapter/5/installing/linux_x86_64/mongo_rhel_8.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/mongo_data_adapter/5/installing/linux_x86_64/mongo_rhel_9.mdx b/product_docs/docs/mongo_data_adapter/5/installing/linux_x86_64/mongo_rhel_9.mdx
index b35166da234..d126b29f58e 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/mongo_data_adapter/5/installing/linux_x86_64/mongo_rhel_9.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/mongo_data_adapter/5/installing/linux_x86_64/mongo_rhel_9.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/mongo_data_adapter/5/installing/linux_x86_64/mongo_sles_12.mdx b/product_docs/docs/mongo_data_adapter/5/installing/linux_x86_64/mongo_sles_12.mdx
index d508004896c..368fcb49782 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/mongo_data_adapter/5/installing/linux_x86_64/mongo_sles_12.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/mongo_data_adapter/5/installing/linux_x86_64/mongo_sles_12.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/mongo_data_adapter/5/installing/linux_x86_64/mongo_sles_15.mdx b/product_docs/docs/mongo_data_adapter/5/installing/linux_x86_64/mongo_sles_15.mdx
index 7e554c6c541..29bc61f2c84 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/mongo_data_adapter/5/installing/linux_x86_64/mongo_sles_15.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/mongo_data_adapter/5/installing/linux_x86_64/mongo_sles_15.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/mongo_data_adapter/5/installing/linux_x86_64/mongo_ubuntu_20.mdx b/product_docs/docs/mongo_data_adapter/5/installing/linux_x86_64/mongo_ubuntu_20.mdx
index a2d650f261c..0455dc9135e 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/mongo_data_adapter/5/installing/linux_x86_64/mongo_ubuntu_20.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/mongo_data_adapter/5/installing/linux_x86_64/mongo_ubuntu_20.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/mongo_data_adapter/5/installing/linux_x86_64/mongo_ubuntu_22.mdx b/product_docs/docs/mongo_data_adapter/5/installing/linux_x86_64/mongo_ubuntu_22.mdx
index 184fc396711..f63fc65c989 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/mongo_data_adapter/5/installing/linux_x86_64/mongo_ubuntu_22.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/mongo_data_adapter/5/installing/linux_x86_64/mongo_ubuntu_22.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/mysql_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_arm64/mysql_debian_12.mdx b/product_docs/docs/mysql_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_arm64/mysql_debian_12.mdx
index e565b5dbbe7..3a64f2b5f3f 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/mysql_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_arm64/mysql_debian_12.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/mysql_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_arm64/mysql_debian_12.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/mysql_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_ppc64le/mysql_rhel_8.mdx b/product_docs/docs/mysql_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_ppc64le/mysql_rhel_8.mdx
index 8482a7a042c..29368485e99 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/mysql_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_ppc64le/mysql_rhel_8.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/mysql_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_ppc64le/mysql_rhel_8.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/mysql_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_ppc64le/mysql_rhel_9.mdx b/product_docs/docs/mysql_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_ppc64le/mysql_rhel_9.mdx
index 4c35aed83ed..d983cdf438e 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/mysql_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_ppc64le/mysql_rhel_9.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/mysql_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_ppc64le/mysql_rhel_9.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/mysql_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_ppc64le/mysql_sles_12.mdx b/product_docs/docs/mysql_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_ppc64le/mysql_sles_12.mdx
index 59abded9e62..22e2a0e81e5 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/mysql_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_ppc64le/mysql_sles_12.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/mysql_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_ppc64le/mysql_sles_12.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/mysql_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_ppc64le/mysql_sles_15.mdx b/product_docs/docs/mysql_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_ppc64le/mysql_sles_15.mdx
index 5faff91743c..ce7ec3495e7 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/mysql_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_ppc64le/mysql_sles_15.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/mysql_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_ppc64le/mysql_sles_15.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/mysql_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_x86_64/mysql_debian_11.mdx b/product_docs/docs/mysql_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_x86_64/mysql_debian_11.mdx
index 8595ec1d23f..7a154d86d57 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/mysql_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_x86_64/mysql_debian_11.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/mysql_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_x86_64/mysql_debian_11.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/mysql_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_x86_64/mysql_debian_12.mdx b/product_docs/docs/mysql_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_x86_64/mysql_debian_12.mdx
index fc71cb3f640..b23060cb121 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/mysql_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_x86_64/mysql_debian_12.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/mysql_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_x86_64/mysql_debian_12.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/mysql_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_x86_64/mysql_other_linux_8.mdx b/product_docs/docs/mysql_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_x86_64/mysql_other_linux_8.mdx
index 0f63cb9c164..0f391065d21 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/mysql_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_x86_64/mysql_other_linux_8.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/mysql_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_x86_64/mysql_other_linux_8.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/mysql_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_x86_64/mysql_other_linux_9.mdx b/product_docs/docs/mysql_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_x86_64/mysql_other_linux_9.mdx
index 64f9425eb30..9d2553e2b9d 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/mysql_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_x86_64/mysql_other_linux_9.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/mysql_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_x86_64/mysql_other_linux_9.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/mysql_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_x86_64/mysql_rhel_8.mdx b/product_docs/docs/mysql_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_x86_64/mysql_rhel_8.mdx
index ce7db33b977..26df00fb2a1 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/mysql_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_x86_64/mysql_rhel_8.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/mysql_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_x86_64/mysql_rhel_8.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/mysql_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_x86_64/mysql_rhel_9.mdx b/product_docs/docs/mysql_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_x86_64/mysql_rhel_9.mdx
index b2927cd3da7..cdf12284cc2 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/mysql_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_x86_64/mysql_rhel_9.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/mysql_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_x86_64/mysql_rhel_9.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/mysql_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_x86_64/mysql_sles_12.mdx b/product_docs/docs/mysql_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_x86_64/mysql_sles_12.mdx
index 572a531f1f4..976784db8f6 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/mysql_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_x86_64/mysql_sles_12.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/mysql_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_x86_64/mysql_sles_12.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/mysql_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_x86_64/mysql_sles_15.mdx b/product_docs/docs/mysql_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_x86_64/mysql_sles_15.mdx
index 1948041abc9..c6a2fd377b3 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/mysql_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_x86_64/mysql_sles_15.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/mysql_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_x86_64/mysql_sles_15.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/mysql_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_x86_64/mysql_ubuntu_20.mdx b/product_docs/docs/mysql_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_x86_64/mysql_ubuntu_20.mdx
index 1f0c26f0490..f2f68973920 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/mysql_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_x86_64/mysql_ubuntu_20.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/mysql_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_x86_64/mysql_ubuntu_20.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/mysql_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_x86_64/mysql_ubuntu_22.mdx b/product_docs/docs/mysql_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_x86_64/mysql_ubuntu_22.mdx
index 5461b1cf9ae..6e584b42e8f 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/mysql_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_x86_64/mysql_ubuntu_22.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/mysql_data_adapter/2/installing/linux_x86_64/mysql_ubuntu_22.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/14/installing/linux_ppc64le/ocl_rhel_8.mdx b/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/14/installing/linux_ppc64le/ocl_rhel_8.mdx
index c1055a103ee..4af24bcd8ac 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/14/installing/linux_ppc64le/ocl_rhel_8.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/14/installing/linux_ppc64le/ocl_rhel_8.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/14/installing/linux_ppc64le/ocl_rhel_9.mdx b/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/14/installing/linux_ppc64le/ocl_rhel_9.mdx
index 0effcb916b9..8aabd45134f 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/14/installing/linux_ppc64le/ocl_rhel_9.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/14/installing/linux_ppc64le/ocl_rhel_9.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/14/installing/linux_ppc64le/ocl_sles_12.mdx b/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/14/installing/linux_ppc64le/ocl_sles_12.mdx
index 877f4aa1ac4..730cf1b58a3 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/14/installing/linux_ppc64le/ocl_sles_12.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/14/installing/linux_ppc64le/ocl_sles_12.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/14/installing/linux_ppc64le/ocl_sles_15.mdx b/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/14/installing/linux_ppc64le/ocl_sles_15.mdx
index 7ea4e43f758..bd8baf6ebe6 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/14/installing/linux_ppc64le/ocl_sles_15.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/14/installing/linux_ppc64le/ocl_sles_15.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/14/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_debian_11.mdx b/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/14/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_debian_11.mdx
index 6f314f36fcb..a77f40f67bf 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/14/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_debian_11.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/14/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_debian_11.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/14/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_other_linux_8.mdx b/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/14/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_other_linux_8.mdx
index 8fae45e62f8..fa49d8a2d9d 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/14/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_other_linux_8.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/14/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_other_linux_8.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/14/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_other_linux_9.mdx b/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/14/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_other_linux_9.mdx
index 19768aadade..3f862386753 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/14/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_other_linux_9.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/14/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_other_linux_9.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/14/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_rhel_8.mdx b/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/14/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_rhel_8.mdx
index 9495c0d64d9..379cbb5cac5 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/14/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_rhel_8.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/14/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_rhel_8.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/14/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_rhel_9.mdx b/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/14/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_rhel_9.mdx
index 54e347c15b3..dd7df120d49 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/14/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_rhel_9.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/14/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_rhel_9.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/14/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_sles_12.mdx b/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/14/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_sles_12.mdx
index 957bc8e9ac5..6b7dcd3244a 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/14/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_sles_12.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/14/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_sles_12.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/14/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_sles_15.mdx b/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/14/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_sles_15.mdx
index efeb5329b9f..06bd2863702 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/14/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_sles_15.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/14/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_sles_15.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/14/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_ubuntu_20.mdx b/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/14/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_ubuntu_20.mdx
index 1d0e69515f3..cf442140923 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/14/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_ubuntu_20.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/14/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_ubuntu_20.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/15/installing/linux_ppc64le/ocl_rhel_8.mdx b/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/15/installing/linux_ppc64le/ocl_rhel_8.mdx
index c1710a43dfe..28676075d0f 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/15/installing/linux_ppc64le/ocl_rhel_8.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/15/installing/linux_ppc64le/ocl_rhel_8.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/15/installing/linux_ppc64le/ocl_rhel_9.mdx b/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/15/installing/linux_ppc64le/ocl_rhel_9.mdx
index 569f1ddea69..23b66aa4213 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/15/installing/linux_ppc64le/ocl_rhel_9.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/15/installing/linux_ppc64le/ocl_rhel_9.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/15/installing/linux_ppc64le/ocl_sles_12.mdx b/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/15/installing/linux_ppc64le/ocl_sles_12.mdx
index 44a3da2be2d..e48b6387050 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/15/installing/linux_ppc64le/ocl_sles_12.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/15/installing/linux_ppc64le/ocl_sles_12.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/15/installing/linux_ppc64le/ocl_sles_15.mdx b/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/15/installing/linux_ppc64le/ocl_sles_15.mdx
index d2025cb2003..9d86884cbc7 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/15/installing/linux_ppc64le/ocl_sles_15.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/15/installing/linux_ppc64le/ocl_sles_15.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/15/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_debian_11.mdx b/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/15/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_debian_11.mdx
index ff4d3b9e9b9..36cc67cf9ea 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/15/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_debian_11.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/15/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_debian_11.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/15/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_other_linux_8.mdx b/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/15/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_other_linux_8.mdx
index dbcca28e4d3..6dabbcfc7b1 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/15/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_other_linux_8.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/15/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_other_linux_8.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/15/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_other_linux_9.mdx b/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/15/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_other_linux_9.mdx
index 1819241b02c..be4dd0ce437 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/15/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_other_linux_9.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/15/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_other_linux_9.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/15/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_rhel_8.mdx b/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/15/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_rhel_8.mdx
index e14efa3fa22..f34976ee994 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/15/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_rhel_8.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/15/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_rhel_8.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/15/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_rhel_9.mdx b/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/15/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_rhel_9.mdx
index cc88eabf5c8..077b6a2b394 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/15/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_rhel_9.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/15/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_rhel_9.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/15/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_sles_12.mdx b/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/15/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_sles_12.mdx
index c436545933c..2b64805800b 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/15/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_sles_12.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/15/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_sles_12.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/15/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_sles_15.mdx b/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/15/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_sles_15.mdx
index 8bfd50be807..66a9a978ebd 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/15/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_sles_15.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/15/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_sles_15.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/15/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_ubuntu_20.mdx b/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/15/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_ubuntu_20.mdx
index 7f66a04065a..d215b987fde 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/15/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_ubuntu_20.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/15/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_ubuntu_20.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/15/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_ubuntu_22.mdx b/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/15/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_ubuntu_22.mdx
index 42572d799b9..3be624b0f8d 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/15/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_ubuntu_22.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/15/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_ubuntu_22.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/16/installing/linux_arm64/ocl_debian_12.mdx b/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/16/installing/linux_arm64/ocl_debian_12.mdx
index d1e561ecbe5..50bb9d5156e 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/16/installing/linux_arm64/ocl_debian_12.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/16/installing/linux_arm64/ocl_debian_12.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/16/installing/linux_ppc64le/ocl_rhel_8.mdx b/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/16/installing/linux_ppc64le/ocl_rhel_8.mdx
index b41b7754db4..30d787932ad 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/16/installing/linux_ppc64le/ocl_rhel_8.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/16/installing/linux_ppc64le/ocl_rhel_8.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/16/installing/linux_ppc64le/ocl_rhel_9.mdx b/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/16/installing/linux_ppc64le/ocl_rhel_9.mdx
index 7afb67b684b..08a7283e1a6 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/16/installing/linux_ppc64le/ocl_rhel_9.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/16/installing/linux_ppc64le/ocl_rhel_9.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/16/installing/linux_ppc64le/ocl_sles_12.mdx b/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/16/installing/linux_ppc64le/ocl_sles_12.mdx
index c8e2b1ab6eb..b15dc341bd0 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/16/installing/linux_ppc64le/ocl_sles_12.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/16/installing/linux_ppc64le/ocl_sles_12.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/16/installing/linux_ppc64le/ocl_sles_15.mdx b/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/16/installing/linux_ppc64le/ocl_sles_15.mdx
index c28a5dd4b45..63bccb6025a 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/16/installing/linux_ppc64le/ocl_sles_15.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/16/installing/linux_ppc64le/ocl_sles_15.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/16/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_debian_11.mdx b/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/16/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_debian_11.mdx
index c3e1ff2f6f7..3692a0d6405 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/16/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_debian_11.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/16/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_debian_11.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/16/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_debian_12.mdx b/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/16/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_debian_12.mdx
index 1ee9cf54f8b..220dc076cb1 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/16/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_debian_12.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/16/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_debian_12.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/16/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_other_linux_8.mdx b/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/16/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_other_linux_8.mdx
index 89d012d7464..d8972bc0844 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/16/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_other_linux_8.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/16/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_other_linux_8.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/16/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_other_linux_9.mdx b/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/16/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_other_linux_9.mdx
index 18d8c97e3e5..3b9b9d30fa3 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/16/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_other_linux_9.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/16/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_other_linux_9.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/16/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_rhel_8.mdx b/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/16/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_rhel_8.mdx
index 692cd52d3c5..b1faa7ddda4 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/16/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_rhel_8.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/16/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_rhel_8.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/16/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_rhel_9.mdx b/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/16/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_rhel_9.mdx
index a8f1c9aa4d0..8243959e6bd 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/16/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_rhel_9.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/16/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_rhel_9.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/16/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_sles_12.mdx b/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/16/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_sles_12.mdx
index 00764c7c419..75e80203eec 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/16/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_sles_12.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/16/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_sles_12.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/16/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_sles_15.mdx b/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/16/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_sles_15.mdx
index adf6f6ef0aa..81f1773c633 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/16/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_sles_15.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/16/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_sles_15.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/16/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_ubuntu_20.mdx b/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/16/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_ubuntu_20.mdx
index cdae37356a1..5b5fcd207e1 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/16/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_ubuntu_20.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/16/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_ubuntu_20.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/16/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_ubuntu_22.mdx b/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/16/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_ubuntu_22.mdx
index 0c2205eccb6..0f2962cd3e5 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/16/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_ubuntu_22.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/ocl_connector/16/installing/linux_x86_64/ocl_ubuntu_22.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/13/installing/linux_ppc64le/odbc_rhel_8.mdx b/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/13/installing/linux_ppc64le/odbc_rhel_8.mdx
index 2afc90d5a9a..f66ca590fbf 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/13/installing/linux_ppc64le/odbc_rhel_8.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/13/installing/linux_ppc64le/odbc_rhel_8.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/13/installing/linux_ppc64le/odbc_rhel_9.mdx b/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/13/installing/linux_ppc64le/odbc_rhel_9.mdx
index 62b1ec8a9d4..e58bfb03f25 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/13/installing/linux_ppc64le/odbc_rhel_9.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/13/installing/linux_ppc64le/odbc_rhel_9.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/13/installing/linux_ppc64le/odbc_sles_12.mdx b/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/13/installing/linux_ppc64le/odbc_sles_12.mdx
index ccb80ef335e..c7f1dcf9957 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/13/installing/linux_ppc64le/odbc_sles_12.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/13/installing/linux_ppc64le/odbc_sles_12.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/13/installing/linux_ppc64le/odbc_sles_15.mdx b/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/13/installing/linux_ppc64le/odbc_sles_15.mdx
index 8a23148bf0b..2a636bd5d73 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/13/installing/linux_ppc64le/odbc_sles_15.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/13/installing/linux_ppc64le/odbc_sles_15.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/13/installing/linux_x86_64/odbc_debian_11.mdx b/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/13/installing/linux_x86_64/odbc_debian_11.mdx
index 6f632486833..0072d1a8ea9 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/13/installing/linux_x86_64/odbc_debian_11.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/13/installing/linux_x86_64/odbc_debian_11.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/13/installing/linux_x86_64/odbc_other_linux_8.mdx b/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/13/installing/linux_x86_64/odbc_other_linux_8.mdx
index dac05a6b5fe..34418410e55 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/13/installing/linux_x86_64/odbc_other_linux_8.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/13/installing/linux_x86_64/odbc_other_linux_8.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/13/installing/linux_x86_64/odbc_other_linux_9.mdx b/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/13/installing/linux_x86_64/odbc_other_linux_9.mdx
index 9118d4fb9a5..ed00881aa8a 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/13/installing/linux_x86_64/odbc_other_linux_9.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/13/installing/linux_x86_64/odbc_other_linux_9.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/13/installing/linux_x86_64/odbc_rhel_8.mdx b/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/13/installing/linux_x86_64/odbc_rhel_8.mdx
index 9f83eeaf7eb..2d9dafcc569 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/13/installing/linux_x86_64/odbc_rhel_8.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/13/installing/linux_x86_64/odbc_rhel_8.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/13/installing/linux_x86_64/odbc_rhel_9.mdx b/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/13/installing/linux_x86_64/odbc_rhel_9.mdx
index 6f1a3544541..950680ffd07 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/13/installing/linux_x86_64/odbc_rhel_9.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/13/installing/linux_x86_64/odbc_rhel_9.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/13/installing/linux_x86_64/odbc_sles_12.mdx b/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/13/installing/linux_x86_64/odbc_sles_12.mdx
index 4eea918c602..0cec4185dff 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/13/installing/linux_x86_64/odbc_sles_12.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/13/installing/linux_x86_64/odbc_sles_12.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/13/installing/linux_x86_64/odbc_sles_15.mdx b/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/13/installing/linux_x86_64/odbc_sles_15.mdx
index 1f45fb89a05..e56729b2b33 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/13/installing/linux_x86_64/odbc_sles_15.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/13/installing/linux_x86_64/odbc_sles_15.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/13/installing/linux_x86_64/odbc_ubuntu_20.mdx b/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/13/installing/linux_x86_64/odbc_ubuntu_20.mdx
index f33cd4279df..f99905f2402 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/13/installing/linux_x86_64/odbc_ubuntu_20.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/13/installing/linux_x86_64/odbc_ubuntu_20.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/13/installing/linux_x86_64/odbc_ubuntu_22.mdx b/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/13/installing/linux_x86_64/odbc_ubuntu_22.mdx
index 8a09c388761..e0b0179b656 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/13/installing/linux_x86_64/odbc_ubuntu_22.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/13/installing/linux_x86_64/odbc_ubuntu_22.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/16/installing/linux_arm64/odbc_debian_12.mdx b/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/16/installing/linux_arm64/odbc_debian_12.mdx
index 972c3478c25..daa13f9a040 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/16/installing/linux_arm64/odbc_debian_12.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/16/installing/linux_arm64/odbc_debian_12.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/16/installing/linux_ppc64le/odbc_rhel_8.mdx b/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/16/installing/linux_ppc64le/odbc_rhel_8.mdx
index c44f2701cff..0305a18de6e 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/16/installing/linux_ppc64le/odbc_rhel_8.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/16/installing/linux_ppc64le/odbc_rhel_8.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/16/installing/linux_ppc64le/odbc_rhel_9.mdx b/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/16/installing/linux_ppc64le/odbc_rhel_9.mdx
index 6ab7fa344c3..5d14db2a69a 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/16/installing/linux_ppc64le/odbc_rhel_9.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/16/installing/linux_ppc64le/odbc_rhel_9.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/16/installing/linux_ppc64le/odbc_sles_12.mdx b/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/16/installing/linux_ppc64le/odbc_sles_12.mdx
index 8d0d47e154f..1bf1c23fc1d 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/16/installing/linux_ppc64le/odbc_sles_12.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/16/installing/linux_ppc64le/odbc_sles_12.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/16/installing/linux_ppc64le/odbc_sles_15.mdx b/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/16/installing/linux_ppc64le/odbc_sles_15.mdx
index d95a8169c2f..8325373d97b 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/16/installing/linux_ppc64le/odbc_sles_15.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/16/installing/linux_ppc64le/odbc_sles_15.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/16/installing/linux_x86_64/odbc_debian_11.mdx b/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/16/installing/linux_x86_64/odbc_debian_11.mdx
index 7590e2d21e7..d94435fb709 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/16/installing/linux_x86_64/odbc_debian_11.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/16/installing/linux_x86_64/odbc_debian_11.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/16/installing/linux_x86_64/odbc_debian_12.mdx b/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/16/installing/linux_x86_64/odbc_debian_12.mdx
index 1a3892c7cdf..8f9bc9a5023 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/16/installing/linux_x86_64/odbc_debian_12.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/16/installing/linux_x86_64/odbc_debian_12.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/16/installing/linux_x86_64/odbc_other_linux_8.mdx b/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/16/installing/linux_x86_64/odbc_other_linux_8.mdx
index d3857c9b0bd..4628cfaa1b4 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/16/installing/linux_x86_64/odbc_other_linux_8.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/16/installing/linux_x86_64/odbc_other_linux_8.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/16/installing/linux_x86_64/odbc_other_linux_9.mdx b/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/16/installing/linux_x86_64/odbc_other_linux_9.mdx
index 00a196be278..31d5e8121bf 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/16/installing/linux_x86_64/odbc_other_linux_9.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/16/installing/linux_x86_64/odbc_other_linux_9.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/16/installing/linux_x86_64/odbc_rhel_8.mdx b/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/16/installing/linux_x86_64/odbc_rhel_8.mdx
index 1928e55c573..3a3c6c6798b 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/16/installing/linux_x86_64/odbc_rhel_8.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/16/installing/linux_x86_64/odbc_rhel_8.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/16/installing/linux_x86_64/odbc_rhel_9.mdx b/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/16/installing/linux_x86_64/odbc_rhel_9.mdx
index edc170edc2a..2638f4ed0a4 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/16/installing/linux_x86_64/odbc_rhel_9.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/16/installing/linux_x86_64/odbc_rhel_9.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/16/installing/linux_x86_64/odbc_sles_12.mdx b/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/16/installing/linux_x86_64/odbc_sles_12.mdx
index 5cd8ef15f9c..8c456ab298c 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/16/installing/linux_x86_64/odbc_sles_12.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/16/installing/linux_x86_64/odbc_sles_12.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/16/installing/linux_x86_64/odbc_sles_15.mdx b/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/16/installing/linux_x86_64/odbc_sles_15.mdx
index 4262c6130cd..49ac0ab9edf 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/16/installing/linux_x86_64/odbc_sles_15.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/16/installing/linux_x86_64/odbc_sles_15.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/16/installing/linux_x86_64/odbc_ubuntu_20.mdx b/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/16/installing/linux_x86_64/odbc_ubuntu_20.mdx
index 556d755e809..f0e0ffb8ca0 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/16/installing/linux_x86_64/odbc_ubuntu_20.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/16/installing/linux_x86_64/odbc_ubuntu_20.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/16/installing/linux_x86_64/odbc_ubuntu_22.mdx b/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/16/installing/linux_x86_64/odbc_ubuntu_22.mdx
index e4622d391a5..5dc6c59b40e 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/16/installing/linux_x86_64/odbc_ubuntu_22.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/odbc_connector/16/installing/linux_x86_64/odbc_ubuntu_22.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/pem/9/installing_pem_agent/linux_arm64/pem_agent_debian_12.mdx b/product_docs/docs/pem/9/installing_pem_agent/linux_arm64/pem_agent_debian_12.mdx
index 76f2761edce..6d13c023365 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/pem/9/installing_pem_agent/linux_arm64/pem_agent_debian_12.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/pem/9/installing_pem_agent/linux_arm64/pem_agent_debian_12.mdx
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/pem/9/installing_pem_agent/linux_ppc64le/pem_agent_rhel_8.mdx b/product_docs/docs/pem/9/installing_pem_agent/linux_ppc64le/pem_agent_rhel_8.mdx
index 0c0ee921be9..36fdcd5b45f 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/pem/9/installing_pem_agent/linux_ppc64le/pem_agent_rhel_8.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/pem/9/installing_pem_agent/linux_ppc64le/pem_agent_rhel_8.mdx
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/pem/9/installing_pem_agent/linux_ppc64le/pem_agent_rhel_9.mdx b/product_docs/docs/pem/9/installing_pem_agent/linux_ppc64le/pem_agent_rhel_9.mdx
index c9b7635769a..ae248ddc954 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/pem/9/installing_pem_agent/linux_ppc64le/pem_agent_rhel_9.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/pem/9/installing_pem_agent/linux_ppc64le/pem_agent_rhel_9.mdx
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/pem/9/installing_pem_agent/linux_ppc64le/pem_agent_sles_12.mdx b/product_docs/docs/pem/9/installing_pem_agent/linux_ppc64le/pem_agent_sles_12.mdx
index 2c220ca8ac2..ffb13f8fd3d 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/pem/9/installing_pem_agent/linux_ppc64le/pem_agent_sles_12.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/pem/9/installing_pem_agent/linux_ppc64le/pem_agent_sles_12.mdx
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/pem/9/installing_pem_agent/linux_ppc64le/pem_agent_sles_15.mdx b/product_docs/docs/pem/9/installing_pem_agent/linux_ppc64le/pem_agent_sles_15.mdx
index b2dc06cfbe4..db724d44f6b 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/pem/9/installing_pem_agent/linux_ppc64le/pem_agent_sles_15.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/pem/9/installing_pem_agent/linux_ppc64le/pem_agent_sles_15.mdx
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/pem/9/installing_pem_agent/linux_x86_64/pem_agent_debian_11.mdx b/product_docs/docs/pem/9/installing_pem_agent/linux_x86_64/pem_agent_debian_11.mdx
index 9675be35346..08adeaf2a21 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/pem/9/installing_pem_agent/linux_x86_64/pem_agent_debian_11.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/pem/9/installing_pem_agent/linux_x86_64/pem_agent_debian_11.mdx
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/pem/9/installing_pem_agent/linux_x86_64/pem_agent_debian_12.mdx b/product_docs/docs/pem/9/installing_pem_agent/linux_x86_64/pem_agent_debian_12.mdx
index dce5c2a20a8..3311d21c3ed 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/pem/9/installing_pem_agent/linux_x86_64/pem_agent_debian_12.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/pem/9/installing_pem_agent/linux_x86_64/pem_agent_debian_12.mdx
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/pem/9/installing_pem_agent/linux_x86_64/pem_agent_other_linux_8.mdx b/product_docs/docs/pem/9/installing_pem_agent/linux_x86_64/pem_agent_other_linux_8.mdx
index 476b9269589..17a63e9b5fb 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/pem/9/installing_pem_agent/linux_x86_64/pem_agent_other_linux_8.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/pem/9/installing_pem_agent/linux_x86_64/pem_agent_other_linux_8.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/pem/9/installing_pem_agent/linux_x86_64/pem_agent_other_linux_9.mdx b/product_docs/docs/pem/9/installing_pem_agent/linux_x86_64/pem_agent_other_linux_9.mdx
index a397db9024d..c42dd0e4273 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/pem/9/installing_pem_agent/linux_x86_64/pem_agent_other_linux_9.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/pem/9/installing_pem_agent/linux_x86_64/pem_agent_other_linux_9.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/pem/9/installing_pem_agent/linux_x86_64/pem_agent_rhel_8.mdx b/product_docs/docs/pem/9/installing_pem_agent/linux_x86_64/pem_agent_rhel_8.mdx
index 71d311accb8..6950a44ade3 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/pem/9/installing_pem_agent/linux_x86_64/pem_agent_rhel_8.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/pem/9/installing_pem_agent/linux_x86_64/pem_agent_rhel_8.mdx
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/pem/9/installing_pem_agent/linux_x86_64/pem_agent_rhel_9.mdx b/product_docs/docs/pem/9/installing_pem_agent/linux_x86_64/pem_agent_rhel_9.mdx
index 72dc0095ea4..8ade2585ade 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/pem/9/installing_pem_agent/linux_x86_64/pem_agent_rhel_9.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/pem/9/installing_pem_agent/linux_x86_64/pem_agent_rhel_9.mdx
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/pem/9/installing_pem_agent/linux_x86_64/pem_agent_sles_12.mdx b/product_docs/docs/pem/9/installing_pem_agent/linux_x86_64/pem_agent_sles_12.mdx
index 3dfe4adae6c..6b63c79c68f 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/pem/9/installing_pem_agent/linux_x86_64/pem_agent_sles_12.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/pem/9/installing_pem_agent/linux_x86_64/pem_agent_sles_12.mdx
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/pem/9/installing_pem_agent/linux_x86_64/pem_agent_sles_15.mdx b/product_docs/docs/pem/9/installing_pem_agent/linux_x86_64/pem_agent_sles_15.mdx
index df37a56dbe1..ece43edebf0 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/pem/9/installing_pem_agent/linux_x86_64/pem_agent_sles_15.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/pem/9/installing_pem_agent/linux_x86_64/pem_agent_sles_15.mdx
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/pem/9/installing_pem_agent/linux_x86_64/pem_agent_ubuntu_20.mdx b/product_docs/docs/pem/9/installing_pem_agent/linux_x86_64/pem_agent_ubuntu_20.mdx
index 7ede7dd184d..9d9a08f075c 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/pem/9/installing_pem_agent/linux_x86_64/pem_agent_ubuntu_20.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/pem/9/installing_pem_agent/linux_x86_64/pem_agent_ubuntu_20.mdx
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/pem/9/installing_pem_agent/linux_x86_64/pem_agent_ubuntu_22.mdx b/product_docs/docs/pem/9/installing_pem_agent/linux_x86_64/pem_agent_ubuntu_22.mdx
index 06056d01bd6..b332234ce9a 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/pem/9/installing_pem_agent/linux_x86_64/pem_agent_ubuntu_22.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/pem/9/installing_pem_agent/linux_x86_64/pem_agent_ubuntu_22.mdx
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/pgbouncer/1/installing/linux_arm64/pgbouncer_debian_12.mdx b/product_docs/docs/pgbouncer/1/installing/linux_arm64/pgbouncer_debian_12.mdx
index 9f7c75c5826..f2b5f0d1e7e 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/pgbouncer/1/installing/linux_arm64/pgbouncer_debian_12.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/pgbouncer/1/installing/linux_arm64/pgbouncer_debian_12.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/pgbouncer/1/installing/linux_ppc64le/pgbouncer_rhel_8.mdx b/product_docs/docs/pgbouncer/1/installing/linux_ppc64le/pgbouncer_rhel_8.mdx
index 03fb6aec235..0ff28419b30 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/pgbouncer/1/installing/linux_ppc64le/pgbouncer_rhel_8.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/pgbouncer/1/installing/linux_ppc64le/pgbouncer_rhel_8.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/pgbouncer/1/installing/linux_ppc64le/pgbouncer_rhel_9.mdx b/product_docs/docs/pgbouncer/1/installing/linux_ppc64le/pgbouncer_rhel_9.mdx
index bb9775ad020..0d39421bede 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/pgbouncer/1/installing/linux_ppc64le/pgbouncer_rhel_9.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/pgbouncer/1/installing/linux_ppc64le/pgbouncer_rhel_9.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/pgbouncer/1/installing/linux_ppc64le/pgbouncer_sles_12.mdx b/product_docs/docs/pgbouncer/1/installing/linux_ppc64le/pgbouncer_sles_12.mdx
index af2481c478c..abcceba5d5b 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/pgbouncer/1/installing/linux_ppc64le/pgbouncer_sles_12.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/pgbouncer/1/installing/linux_ppc64le/pgbouncer_sles_12.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/pgbouncer/1/installing/linux_ppc64le/pgbouncer_sles_15.mdx b/product_docs/docs/pgbouncer/1/installing/linux_ppc64le/pgbouncer_sles_15.mdx
index b084a63dd0d..b3f619e5da5 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/pgbouncer/1/installing/linux_ppc64le/pgbouncer_sles_15.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/pgbouncer/1/installing/linux_ppc64le/pgbouncer_sles_15.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/pgbouncer/1/installing/linux_x86_64/pgbouncer_debian_11.mdx b/product_docs/docs/pgbouncer/1/installing/linux_x86_64/pgbouncer_debian_11.mdx
index 9a01a873f7e..1be505517c8 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/pgbouncer/1/installing/linux_x86_64/pgbouncer_debian_11.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/pgbouncer/1/installing/linux_x86_64/pgbouncer_debian_11.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/pgbouncer/1/installing/linux_x86_64/pgbouncer_debian_12.mdx b/product_docs/docs/pgbouncer/1/installing/linux_x86_64/pgbouncer_debian_12.mdx
index 02b38c88edd..64211170f96 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/pgbouncer/1/installing/linux_x86_64/pgbouncer_debian_12.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/pgbouncer/1/installing/linux_x86_64/pgbouncer_debian_12.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/pgbouncer/1/installing/linux_x86_64/pgbouncer_other_linux_8.mdx b/product_docs/docs/pgbouncer/1/installing/linux_x86_64/pgbouncer_other_linux_8.mdx
index 17ec0f8d3d1..9a9b514973c 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/pgbouncer/1/installing/linux_x86_64/pgbouncer_other_linux_8.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/pgbouncer/1/installing/linux_x86_64/pgbouncer_other_linux_8.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/pgbouncer/1/installing/linux_x86_64/pgbouncer_other_linux_9.mdx b/product_docs/docs/pgbouncer/1/installing/linux_x86_64/pgbouncer_other_linux_9.mdx
index 0bd1be6a887..94b81629e37 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/pgbouncer/1/installing/linux_x86_64/pgbouncer_other_linux_9.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/pgbouncer/1/installing/linux_x86_64/pgbouncer_other_linux_9.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/pgbouncer/1/installing/linux_x86_64/pgbouncer_rhel_8.mdx b/product_docs/docs/pgbouncer/1/installing/linux_x86_64/pgbouncer_rhel_8.mdx
index a473593cdbf..a2e874c2b28 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/pgbouncer/1/installing/linux_x86_64/pgbouncer_rhel_8.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/pgbouncer/1/installing/linux_x86_64/pgbouncer_rhel_8.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/pgbouncer/1/installing/linux_x86_64/pgbouncer_rhel_9.mdx b/product_docs/docs/pgbouncer/1/installing/linux_x86_64/pgbouncer_rhel_9.mdx
index b3c99c7a466..b615ee685f3 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/pgbouncer/1/installing/linux_x86_64/pgbouncer_rhel_9.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/pgbouncer/1/installing/linux_x86_64/pgbouncer_rhel_9.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/pgbouncer/1/installing/linux_x86_64/pgbouncer_sles_12.mdx b/product_docs/docs/pgbouncer/1/installing/linux_x86_64/pgbouncer_sles_12.mdx
index b4fcec4af05..2380c40e4c8 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/pgbouncer/1/installing/linux_x86_64/pgbouncer_sles_12.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/pgbouncer/1/installing/linux_x86_64/pgbouncer_sles_12.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/pgbouncer/1/installing/linux_x86_64/pgbouncer_sles_15.mdx b/product_docs/docs/pgbouncer/1/installing/linux_x86_64/pgbouncer_sles_15.mdx
index c79b0e71b47..59574c9335d 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/pgbouncer/1/installing/linux_x86_64/pgbouncer_sles_15.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/pgbouncer/1/installing/linux_x86_64/pgbouncer_sles_15.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/pgbouncer/1/installing/linux_x86_64/pgbouncer_ubuntu_20.mdx b/product_docs/docs/pgbouncer/1/installing/linux_x86_64/pgbouncer_ubuntu_20.mdx
index bedfb5cee8e..a2b14f0bb93 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/pgbouncer/1/installing/linux_x86_64/pgbouncer_ubuntu_20.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/pgbouncer/1/installing/linux_x86_64/pgbouncer_ubuntu_20.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/pgbouncer/1/installing/linux_x86_64/pgbouncer_ubuntu_22.mdx b/product_docs/docs/pgbouncer/1/installing/linux_x86_64/pgbouncer_ubuntu_22.mdx
index f25593f97c8..0fd08b0bd8f 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/pgbouncer/1/installing/linux_x86_64/pgbouncer_ubuntu_22.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/pgbouncer/1/installing/linux_x86_64/pgbouncer_ubuntu_22.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/pge/15/installing/linux_x86_64/pge_debian_11.mdx b/product_docs/docs/pge/15/installing/linux_x86_64/pge_debian_11.mdx
index 41e62cff495..1bc196dc5be 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/pge/15/installing/linux_x86_64/pge_debian_11.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/pge/15/installing/linux_x86_64/pge_debian_11.mdx
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/pge/15/installing/linux_x86_64/pge_other_linux_8.mdx b/product_docs/docs/pge/15/installing/linux_x86_64/pge_other_linux_8.mdx
index 961d2af83d0..8b9a447e322 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/pge/15/installing/linux_x86_64/pge_other_linux_8.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/pge/15/installing/linux_x86_64/pge_other_linux_8.mdx
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/pge/15/installing/linux_x86_64/pge_other_linux_9.mdx b/product_docs/docs/pge/15/installing/linux_x86_64/pge_other_linux_9.mdx
index 2bf1110c937..1c18c03e9ec 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/pge/15/installing/linux_x86_64/pge_other_linux_9.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/pge/15/installing/linux_x86_64/pge_other_linux_9.mdx
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/pge/15/installing/linux_x86_64/pge_rhel_8.mdx b/product_docs/docs/pge/15/installing/linux_x86_64/pge_rhel_8.mdx
index bdd7f1a8afc..de600af4057 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/pge/15/installing/linux_x86_64/pge_rhel_8.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/pge/15/installing/linux_x86_64/pge_rhel_8.mdx
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/pge/15/installing/linux_x86_64/pge_rhel_9.mdx b/product_docs/docs/pge/15/installing/linux_x86_64/pge_rhel_9.mdx
index 95eec216f19..4c2b5a51c6e 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/pge/15/installing/linux_x86_64/pge_rhel_9.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/pge/15/installing/linux_x86_64/pge_rhel_9.mdx
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/pge/15/installing/linux_x86_64/pge_ubuntu_20.mdx b/product_docs/docs/pge/15/installing/linux_x86_64/pge_ubuntu_20.mdx
index 54546e7ff5c..e4c490c09e1 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/pge/15/installing/linux_x86_64/pge_ubuntu_20.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/pge/15/installing/linux_x86_64/pge_ubuntu_20.mdx
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/pge/15/installing/linux_x86_64/pge_ubuntu_22.mdx b/product_docs/docs/pge/15/installing/linux_x86_64/pge_ubuntu_22.mdx
index 94b171bb595..e1caa18c9ae 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/pge/15/installing/linux_x86_64/pge_ubuntu_22.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/pge/15/installing/linux_x86_64/pge_ubuntu_22.mdx
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/pge/16/installing/linux_arm64/pge_debian_12.mdx b/product_docs/docs/pge/16/installing/linux_arm64/pge_debian_12.mdx
index e93d36d9739..3c03601a90c 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/pge/16/installing/linux_arm64/pge_debian_12.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/pge/16/installing/linux_arm64/pge_debian_12.mdx
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/pge/16/installing/linux_x86_64/pge_debian_11.mdx b/product_docs/docs/pge/16/installing/linux_x86_64/pge_debian_11.mdx
index 89fcd0759ed..2219fbb1d65 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/pge/16/installing/linux_x86_64/pge_debian_11.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/pge/16/installing/linux_x86_64/pge_debian_11.mdx
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/pge/16/installing/linux_x86_64/pge_debian_12.mdx b/product_docs/docs/pge/16/installing/linux_x86_64/pge_debian_12.mdx
index 4a795250b94..629f691f58a 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/pge/16/installing/linux_x86_64/pge_debian_12.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/pge/16/installing/linux_x86_64/pge_debian_12.mdx
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/pge/16/installing/linux_x86_64/pge_other_linux_8.mdx b/product_docs/docs/pge/16/installing/linux_x86_64/pge_other_linux_8.mdx
index 2a15150482b..378b109d0de 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/pge/16/installing/linux_x86_64/pge_other_linux_8.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/pge/16/installing/linux_x86_64/pge_other_linux_8.mdx
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/pge/16/installing/linux_x86_64/pge_other_linux_9.mdx b/product_docs/docs/pge/16/installing/linux_x86_64/pge_other_linux_9.mdx
index a42e1a19e3c..dad4bd97389 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/pge/16/installing/linux_x86_64/pge_other_linux_9.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/pge/16/installing/linux_x86_64/pge_other_linux_9.mdx
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/pge/16/installing/linux_x86_64/pge_rhel_8.mdx b/product_docs/docs/pge/16/installing/linux_x86_64/pge_rhel_8.mdx
index b72acdbacf7..98180e902ae 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/pge/16/installing/linux_x86_64/pge_rhel_8.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/pge/16/installing/linux_x86_64/pge_rhel_8.mdx
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/pge/16/installing/linux_x86_64/pge_rhel_9.mdx b/product_docs/docs/pge/16/installing/linux_x86_64/pge_rhel_9.mdx
index 58bb9175ec5..9fb8d89af1b 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/pge/16/installing/linux_x86_64/pge_rhel_9.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/pge/16/installing/linux_x86_64/pge_rhel_9.mdx
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/pge/16/installing/linux_x86_64/pge_ubuntu_20.mdx b/product_docs/docs/pge/16/installing/linux_x86_64/pge_ubuntu_20.mdx
index 3e5749b46fe..083d38bbf35 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/pge/16/installing/linux_x86_64/pge_ubuntu_20.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/pge/16/installing/linux_x86_64/pge_ubuntu_20.mdx
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/pge/16/installing/linux_x86_64/pge_ubuntu_22.mdx b/product_docs/docs/pge/16/installing/linux_x86_64/pge_ubuntu_22.mdx
index a93b4c3ca45..5dd8c6ecb57 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/pge/16/installing/linux_x86_64/pge_ubuntu_22.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/pge/16/installing/linux_x86_64/pge_ubuntu_22.mdx
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing/linux_arm64/pgpool_debian_12.mdx b/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing/linux_arm64/pgpool_debian_12.mdx
index 5aea26704fe..1739179f996 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing/linux_arm64/pgpool_debian_12.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing/linux_arm64/pgpool_debian_12.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing/linux_ppc64le/pgpool_rhel_8.mdx b/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing/linux_ppc64le/pgpool_rhel_8.mdx
index f7895e0a110..2c3b87e7fde 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing/linux_ppc64le/pgpool_rhel_8.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing/linux_ppc64le/pgpool_rhel_8.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing/linux_ppc64le/pgpool_rhel_9.mdx b/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing/linux_ppc64le/pgpool_rhel_9.mdx
index 3dccb0a1515..10ffb5f6999 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing/linux_ppc64le/pgpool_rhel_9.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing/linux_ppc64le/pgpool_rhel_9.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing/linux_ppc64le/pgpool_sles_12.mdx b/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing/linux_ppc64le/pgpool_sles_12.mdx
index fcf195ae82e..8384eb69290 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing/linux_ppc64le/pgpool_sles_12.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing/linux_ppc64le/pgpool_sles_12.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing/linux_ppc64le/pgpool_sles_15.mdx b/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing/linux_ppc64le/pgpool_sles_15.mdx
index 7099f029152..f0ab2fff227 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing/linux_ppc64le/pgpool_sles_15.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing/linux_ppc64le/pgpool_sles_15.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing/linux_x86_64/pgpool_debian_11.mdx b/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing/linux_x86_64/pgpool_debian_11.mdx
index f65cae5f1d3..d33e0ea9a67 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing/linux_x86_64/pgpool_debian_11.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing/linux_x86_64/pgpool_debian_11.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing/linux_x86_64/pgpool_debian_12.mdx b/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing/linux_x86_64/pgpool_debian_12.mdx
index 642ee857fda..a33a2170ea9 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing/linux_x86_64/pgpool_debian_12.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing/linux_x86_64/pgpool_debian_12.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing/linux_x86_64/pgpool_other_linux_8.mdx b/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing/linux_x86_64/pgpool_other_linux_8.mdx
index a3071150cd1..ae0de67f54f 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing/linux_x86_64/pgpool_other_linux_8.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing/linux_x86_64/pgpool_other_linux_8.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing/linux_x86_64/pgpool_other_linux_9.mdx b/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing/linux_x86_64/pgpool_other_linux_9.mdx
index db31647aff5..6e5d0409a92 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing/linux_x86_64/pgpool_other_linux_9.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing/linux_x86_64/pgpool_other_linux_9.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing/linux_x86_64/pgpool_rhel_8.mdx b/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing/linux_x86_64/pgpool_rhel_8.mdx
index db1358c3db4..d7d46844e4b 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing/linux_x86_64/pgpool_rhel_8.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing/linux_x86_64/pgpool_rhel_8.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing/linux_x86_64/pgpool_rhel_9.mdx b/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing/linux_x86_64/pgpool_rhel_9.mdx
index e65e1d35d13..74f62bd3f30 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing/linux_x86_64/pgpool_rhel_9.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing/linux_x86_64/pgpool_rhel_9.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing/linux_x86_64/pgpool_sles_12.mdx b/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing/linux_x86_64/pgpool_sles_12.mdx
index b73d47dae4a..0e3ce060b99 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing/linux_x86_64/pgpool_sles_12.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing/linux_x86_64/pgpool_sles_12.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing/linux_x86_64/pgpool_sles_15.mdx b/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing/linux_x86_64/pgpool_sles_15.mdx
index dd23ff0e6ae..11189d975cc 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing/linux_x86_64/pgpool_sles_15.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing/linux_x86_64/pgpool_sles_15.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing/linux_x86_64/pgpool_ubuntu_20.mdx b/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing/linux_x86_64/pgpool_ubuntu_20.mdx
index 6817fa5e045..9fc245cbd50 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing/linux_x86_64/pgpool_ubuntu_20.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing/linux_x86_64/pgpool_ubuntu_20.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing/linux_x86_64/pgpool_ubuntu_22.mdx b/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing/linux_x86_64/pgpool_ubuntu_22.mdx
index 372af97a817..4c92e0caca0 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing/linux_x86_64/pgpool_ubuntu_22.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing/linux_x86_64/pgpool_ubuntu_22.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing_extensions/linux_arm64/pgpoolext_debian_12.mdx b/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing_extensions/linux_arm64/pgpoolext_debian_12.mdx
index 391daa36433..263ca069532 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing_extensions/linux_arm64/pgpoolext_debian_12.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing_extensions/linux_arm64/pgpoolext_debian_12.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing_extensions/linux_ppc64le/pgpoolext_rhel_8.mdx b/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing_extensions/linux_ppc64le/pgpoolext_rhel_8.mdx
index bdca1f6eba6..4c390b08945 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing_extensions/linux_ppc64le/pgpoolext_rhel_8.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing_extensions/linux_ppc64le/pgpoolext_rhel_8.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing_extensions/linux_ppc64le/pgpoolext_rhel_9.mdx b/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing_extensions/linux_ppc64le/pgpoolext_rhel_9.mdx
index 2f798384599..aff6cc219ea 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing_extensions/linux_ppc64le/pgpoolext_rhel_9.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing_extensions/linux_ppc64le/pgpoolext_rhel_9.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing_extensions/linux_ppc64le/pgpoolext_sles_12.mdx b/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing_extensions/linux_ppc64le/pgpoolext_sles_12.mdx
index f87d8f121ad..0dfc09048a4 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing_extensions/linux_ppc64le/pgpoolext_sles_12.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing_extensions/linux_ppc64le/pgpoolext_sles_12.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing_extensions/linux_ppc64le/pgpoolext_sles_15.mdx b/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing_extensions/linux_ppc64le/pgpoolext_sles_15.mdx
index d2c7a6cc071..85aefa88581 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing_extensions/linux_ppc64le/pgpoolext_sles_15.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing_extensions/linux_ppc64le/pgpoolext_sles_15.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing_extensions/linux_x86_64/pgpoolext_debian_11.mdx b/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing_extensions/linux_x86_64/pgpoolext_debian_11.mdx
index 4967e4d6099..840b40b6990 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing_extensions/linux_x86_64/pgpoolext_debian_11.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing_extensions/linux_x86_64/pgpoolext_debian_11.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing_extensions/linux_x86_64/pgpoolext_debian_12.mdx b/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing_extensions/linux_x86_64/pgpoolext_debian_12.mdx
index a3acd1e5980..40aa5c542ab 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing_extensions/linux_x86_64/pgpoolext_debian_12.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing_extensions/linux_x86_64/pgpoolext_debian_12.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing_extensions/linux_x86_64/pgpoolext_other_linux_8.mdx b/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing_extensions/linux_x86_64/pgpoolext_other_linux_8.mdx
index 6255be0f831..6c1a6a86272 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing_extensions/linux_x86_64/pgpoolext_other_linux_8.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing_extensions/linux_x86_64/pgpoolext_other_linux_8.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing_extensions/linux_x86_64/pgpoolext_other_linux_9.mdx b/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing_extensions/linux_x86_64/pgpoolext_other_linux_9.mdx
index f11f919d87c..c4c94b1aa29 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing_extensions/linux_x86_64/pgpoolext_other_linux_9.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing_extensions/linux_x86_64/pgpoolext_other_linux_9.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing_extensions/linux_x86_64/pgpoolext_rhel_8.mdx b/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing_extensions/linux_x86_64/pgpoolext_rhel_8.mdx
index 7cc9d4d4ded..f5742f9aedd 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing_extensions/linux_x86_64/pgpoolext_rhel_8.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing_extensions/linux_x86_64/pgpoolext_rhel_8.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing_extensions/linux_x86_64/pgpoolext_rhel_9.mdx b/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing_extensions/linux_x86_64/pgpoolext_rhel_9.mdx
index 3c555e2fdcd..94f68c73ab3 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing_extensions/linux_x86_64/pgpoolext_rhel_9.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing_extensions/linux_x86_64/pgpoolext_rhel_9.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing_extensions/linux_x86_64/pgpoolext_sles_12.mdx b/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing_extensions/linux_x86_64/pgpoolext_sles_12.mdx
index 1f2d95c7843..c6c4f84c874 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing_extensions/linux_x86_64/pgpoolext_sles_12.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing_extensions/linux_x86_64/pgpoolext_sles_12.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing_extensions/linux_x86_64/pgpoolext_sles_15.mdx b/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing_extensions/linux_x86_64/pgpoolext_sles_15.mdx
index 13d576fde74..0fe01e52ac1 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing_extensions/linux_x86_64/pgpoolext_sles_15.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing_extensions/linux_x86_64/pgpoolext_sles_15.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing_extensions/linux_x86_64/pgpoolext_ubuntu_20.mdx b/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing_extensions/linux_x86_64/pgpoolext_ubuntu_20.mdx
index 0f7047c38f0..11973d9f89d 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing_extensions/linux_x86_64/pgpoolext_ubuntu_20.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing_extensions/linux_x86_64/pgpoolext_ubuntu_20.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing_extensions/linux_x86_64/pgpoolext_ubuntu_22.mdx b/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing_extensions/linux_x86_64/pgpoolext_ubuntu_22.mdx
index d1ac1cfd406..29c0ee2f219 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing_extensions/linux_x86_64/pgpoolext_ubuntu_22.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/pgpool/4/installing_extensions/linux_x86_64/pgpoolext_ubuntu_22.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/postgis/3/installing/linux_arm64/postgis_debian_12.mdx b/product_docs/docs/postgis/3/installing/linux_arm64/postgis_debian_12.mdx
index 16c2f65f43a..a8a3ff62717 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/postgis/3/installing/linux_arm64/postgis_debian_12.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/postgis/3/installing/linux_arm64/postgis_debian_12.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/postgis/3/installing/linux_ppc64le/postgis_rhel_8.mdx b/product_docs/docs/postgis/3/installing/linux_ppc64le/postgis_rhel_8.mdx
index 68abfb7dfcc..f4d8d2a7b53 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/postgis/3/installing/linux_ppc64le/postgis_rhel_8.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/postgis/3/installing/linux_ppc64le/postgis_rhel_8.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/postgis/3/installing/linux_ppc64le/postgis_rhel_9.mdx b/product_docs/docs/postgis/3/installing/linux_ppc64le/postgis_rhel_9.mdx
index b4fec1e465f..fa9ce889abc 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/postgis/3/installing/linux_ppc64le/postgis_rhel_9.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/postgis/3/installing/linux_ppc64le/postgis_rhel_9.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/postgis/3/installing/linux_ppc64le/postgis_sles_12.mdx b/product_docs/docs/postgis/3/installing/linux_ppc64le/postgis_sles_12.mdx
index 5838140353f..04f597c30c3 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/postgis/3/installing/linux_ppc64le/postgis_sles_12.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/postgis/3/installing/linux_ppc64le/postgis_sles_12.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/postgis/3/installing/linux_ppc64le/postgis_sles_15.mdx b/product_docs/docs/postgis/3/installing/linux_ppc64le/postgis_sles_15.mdx
index 2640b3428fd..05a515c196c 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/postgis/3/installing/linux_ppc64le/postgis_sles_15.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/postgis/3/installing/linux_ppc64le/postgis_sles_15.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/postgis/3/installing/linux_x86_64/postgis_debian_11.mdx b/product_docs/docs/postgis/3/installing/linux_x86_64/postgis_debian_11.mdx
index 40e8c1cbb02..fc1c04d0781 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/postgis/3/installing/linux_x86_64/postgis_debian_11.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/postgis/3/installing/linux_x86_64/postgis_debian_11.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/postgis/3/installing/linux_x86_64/postgis_debian_12.mdx b/product_docs/docs/postgis/3/installing/linux_x86_64/postgis_debian_12.mdx
index 64a20eab624..e15095f8b60 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/postgis/3/installing/linux_x86_64/postgis_debian_12.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/postgis/3/installing/linux_x86_64/postgis_debian_12.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/postgis/3/installing/linux_x86_64/postgis_other_linux_8.mdx b/product_docs/docs/postgis/3/installing/linux_x86_64/postgis_other_linux_8.mdx
index 370cd4a54e3..c11a43d6f6a 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/postgis/3/installing/linux_x86_64/postgis_other_linux_8.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/postgis/3/installing/linux_x86_64/postgis_other_linux_8.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/postgis/3/installing/linux_x86_64/postgis_other_linux_9.mdx b/product_docs/docs/postgis/3/installing/linux_x86_64/postgis_other_linux_9.mdx
index 973eeeda5a1..79641e3e1d5 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/postgis/3/installing/linux_x86_64/postgis_other_linux_9.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/postgis/3/installing/linux_x86_64/postgis_other_linux_9.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/postgis/3/installing/linux_x86_64/postgis_rhel_8.mdx b/product_docs/docs/postgis/3/installing/linux_x86_64/postgis_rhel_8.mdx
index 6778bf43495..b2a747f3e80 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/postgis/3/installing/linux_x86_64/postgis_rhel_8.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/postgis/3/installing/linux_x86_64/postgis_rhel_8.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/postgis/3/installing/linux_x86_64/postgis_rhel_9.mdx b/product_docs/docs/postgis/3/installing/linux_x86_64/postgis_rhel_9.mdx
index fbf4e87d669..edb377812bb 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/postgis/3/installing/linux_x86_64/postgis_rhel_9.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/postgis/3/installing/linux_x86_64/postgis_rhel_9.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`dnf repolist | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/postgis/3/installing/linux_x86_64/postgis_sles_12.mdx b/product_docs/docs/postgis/3/installing/linux_x86_64/postgis_sles_12.mdx
index 2ce94a7c6df..bcf8c98f504 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/postgis/3/installing/linux_x86_64/postgis_sles_12.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/postgis/3/installing/linux_x86_64/postgis_sles_12.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/postgis/3/installing/linux_x86_64/postgis_sles_15.mdx b/product_docs/docs/postgis/3/installing/linux_x86_64/postgis_sles_15.mdx
index 4afcb64515c..2b98bcd698f 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/postgis/3/installing/linux_x86_64/postgis_sles_15.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/postgis/3/installing/linux_x86_64/postgis_sles_15.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`zypper lr -E | grep enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/postgis/3/installing/linux_x86_64/postgis_ubuntu_20.mdx b/product_docs/docs/postgis/3/installing/linux_x86_64/postgis_ubuntu_20.mdx
index dda004356d3..f0a07faa4ff 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/postgis/3/installing/linux_x86_64/postgis_ubuntu_20.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/postgis/3/installing/linux_x86_64/postgis_ubuntu_20.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/product_docs/docs/postgis/3/installing/linux_x86_64/postgis_ubuntu_22.mdx b/product_docs/docs/postgis/3/installing/linux_x86_64/postgis_ubuntu_22.mdx
index e53ba8ce42e..07a5dc1efe0 100644
--- a/product_docs/docs/postgis/3/installing/linux_x86_64/postgis_ubuntu_22.mdx
+++ b/product_docs/docs/postgis/3/installing/linux_x86_64/postgis_ubuntu_22.mdx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
Setting up the repository is a one-time task. If you have already set up your repository, you don't need to perform this step.
- To determine if your repository exists, enter this command:
+ To determine if your repository exists, enter:
`apt-cache search enterprisedb`
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Before you begin the installation process:
1. Go to [EDB repositories](https://www.enterprisedb.com/repos-downloads).
1. Select the button that provides access to the EDB repository.
1. Select the platform and software that you want to download.
1. Follow the instructions for setting up the EDB repository.
diff --git a/src/pages/index.js b/src/pages/index.js
index 91cd090c99c..abd5f6d3829 100644
--- a/src/pages/index.js
+++ b/src/pages/index.js
@@ -330,15 +330,12 @@ const Page = () => {
headingText="Migration and ETL"
- {/*
Data Migration Service
- */}
Migration Portal with AI Copilot
- Replication Server
Migration Toolkit
@@ -467,9 +464,9 @@ const Page = () => {
Oracle Migration Handbook
+ {/*
Migration Toolkit
+ */}
Replication Server
diff --git a/src/templates/doc.js b/src/templates/doc.js
index bd9e55eb9e1..29906fdf260 100644
--- a/src/templates/doc.js
+++ b/src/templates/doc.js
@@ -185,13 +185,13 @@ const DocTemplate = ({ data, pageContext }) => {
const sections = depth === 2 ? buildSections(navTree) : null;
// newtoc will be passed as the toc - this will blend the existing toc with the new sections
- const newtoc = { items: [] };
+ var newtoc = [];
if (tableOfContents.items) {
- newtoc.items.push(...tableOfContents.items);
+ newtoc.push(...tableOfContents.items);
if (sections) {
sections.forEach((section) => {
section.slug = "section-" + slugger.slug(section.title);
- newtoc.items.push({
+ newtoc.push({
url: "#" + section.slug,
title: section.title,
@@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ const DocTemplate = ({ data, pageContext }) => {
{showToc && (
diff --git a/src/templates/learn-doc.js b/src/templates/learn-doc.js
index 100b5dad3b0..1d2d3d19ccf 100644
--- a/src/templates/learn-doc.js
+++ b/src/templates/learn-doc.js
@@ -223,10 +223,7 @@ const LearnDocTemplate = ({ data, pageContext }) => {
{showToc && (