Before starting you'll need apache and mod_perl installed. You are also advised to read the full installation instructions available on
Please note that the example supplied, conf/registryURLPointer.xml, contains details of Ensembl Genomes release 22 mart databases from the Ensembl Genomes public MySQL server
This should only be used for testing, and should NOT be used for running your own mart server. For running production marts, please download the MySQL dumps from and load onto your own local MySQL server.
Create a file conf/settings.conf (based on settings.conf.example).
Change the following line to a location where temporary files can be written by the web user:
Change the followings line in conf/settings.conf:
Change the following line in conf/log4perl.conf to specify the log location:
log4perl.appender.logFile.filename = /path/to/logs/log4perl_log
- Using helper scripts =======================
Alternatively, use the standalone shell scripts provided:
# configure and start Apache (accepts defaults)
cd eg-biomart-perl
export APACHE_HOME=[path to Apache]
./ conf/registryURLPointer.xml
# (re)start the apache server
# stop the apache server
Direct configuration =======================
cd eg-biomart-perl perl bin/ -r conf/exampleMartURLLocation.xml
Follow the prompts, if you unsure what to answer hit return.
# run your standalone apache instance
cd eg-biomart-perl
[path to Apache]/bin/httpd -d $PWD
(the path needs to be the same as chosen in step one of your configuration)
Point your browser to http://localhost:5555 (or change the port if you chosen a different option in the configuration step)
If you are having problems or need more information consult the documentation available on You can also consult the Ensembl Genomes development team on [email protected] or [email protected].