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Mattermost notifier

Post notification in a mattermost channel via incoming webhook

Just add the HTTParty gem to your Gemfile:

gem 'httparty'

To configure it, you need to set the webhook_url option. You can also specify an other channel with channel option.

Rails.application.config.middleware.use ExceptionNotification::Rack,
                                        email: {
                                          email_prefix: '[PREFIX] ',
                                          sender_address: %{"notifier" <[email protected]>},
                                          exception_recipients: %w{[email protected]}
                                        mattermost: {
                                          webhook_url: '',
                                          channel: 'my-channel'

If you are using Github or Gitlab for issues tracking, you can specify git_url as follow to add a Create issue link in you notification. By default this will use your Rails application name to match the git repository. If yours differ you can specify app_name.

Rails.application.config.middleware.use ExceptionNotification::Rack,
                                        email: {
                                          email_prefix: '[PREFIX] ',
                                          sender_address: %{"notifier" <[email protected]>},
                                          exception_recipients: %w{[email protected]}
                                        mattermost: {
                                          webhook_url: '',
                                          git_url: ''

You can also specify the bot name and avatar with username and avatar options.

Rails.application.config.middleware.use ExceptionNotification::Rack,
                                        email: {
                                          email_prefix: 'PREFIX] ',
                                          sender_address: %{"notifier" <[email protected]>},
                                          exception_recipients: %w{[email protected]}
                                        mattermost: {
                                          webhook_url: '',
                                          avatar: '',
                                          username: 'Fail bot'

Finally since the notifier use HTTParty, you can include all HTTParty options, like basic_auth for example.

Rails.application.config.middleware.use ExceptionNotification::Rack,
                                        email: {
                                          email_prefix: '[PREFIX] ',
                                          sender_address: %{"notifier" <[email protected]>},
                                          exception_recipients: %w{[email protected]}
                                        mattermost: {
                                          webhook_url: '',
                                          basic_auth: {
                                            username: 'clara',
                                            password: 'password'



String, required

The Incoming WebHook URL on mattermost.


String, optional

Message will appear in this channel. Defaults to the channel you set as such on mattermost.


String, optional

Username of the bot. Defaults to "Incoming Webhook"


String, optional

Avatar of the bot. Defaults to incoming webhook icon.


String, optional

Url of your gitlab or github with your organisation name for issue creation link (Eg: Defaults to nil and don't add link to the notification.


String, optional

Your application name used for issue creation link. Defaults to Rails.application.class.module_parent_name.underscore for Rails versions >= 6; Rails.application.class.parent_name.underscore otherwise.