-p The path to the directory with the bam files and cell cluster annotations files to be analyzed (required)
-org Organism, either Mm for mouse, or Hs for human (required).
-scp The path to the directory of scAPA.shell.script (required). Required for reading the configuration file.
-c The number of cores to use. The default is 30.
-wig Weather to generate cluster wig files. The default is false.
-ChangePoint weather to use Change Point. The default is false.
-sc If true, (default) counts read from individual cells (slower). Otherwise, counts read from clusters.
-int If true (default) performs intronic APA analysis as well as 3'UTR analysis
-cpm Consider only peaks with more than a total sum of CPMs over all cell clusters larger than -cpm. Default value: 10
-a Numeric value, filter out peaks with -a consecutive As in the region -u to -d downstream their 3' edge. Default value: 8
-u Numeric value, filter out peaks with -a consecutive As in the region -u to -d downstream their 3' edge. Default value: 10
-d Numeric value, filter out peaks with -a consecutive As in the region -u to -d downstream their 3' edge. Default value: 140
-Icpm Consider only peaks with more than a total sum of CPMs over all cell clusters larger than -Icpm.
-Ico Consider only peaks with more than a total sum of counts over all cell clusters larger than -Ico. Default value: 50
-Ia Numeric value, filter out peaks with -Ia consecutive As in the region -Iu to -Id downstream thire 3' edge Default value: 7
-Iu Numeric value, filter out peaks with -a consecutive As in the region -Iu to -Id downstream their 3' edge. Default value: 1
-Id Numeric value, filter out peaks with -Ia consecutive As in the region -Iu to -Id downstream their 3' edge. Default value: 200