This project is somewhat a continuation of my first project, UFC Fight Prediciton Using Machine Learning, but is slightly different. This project constructs a Multi-Layer Neural Network Model in order to predict the winners of UFC Fights.
Ultimate UFC Dataset By Kaggle user: mdabbert.
Computer Science Learning Constructing a Binary Classifier Using Neural Network with Python
Keith Galli Introduction to Neural Networks in Python (what you need to know) | Tensorflow/Keras
How to choose the number of hidden layers and nodes in a feedforward neural network?
- ipykernel 6.9.0
- Tensorflow 2.8.0
- scikit-learn 1.0.2
- pandas 1.4.1
- seaborn 0.11.2
- matplotlib 3.5.1
- Install :-
pip install ipykernel pandas tensorflow sklearn matplotlib seaborn pickle-mixin streamlit
This Machine Learning Project is ran using Streamlit. The necessary python scripts for streamlit are included in repository. You can find a deployed version of this project