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Prashanth Dwarakanath edited this page Feb 16, 2018 · 75 revisions

Upgrade Procedure

2.5.17 - Make sure that answer 'Y' to the questions regarding SOLR installation of replica shards for both you MASTER and SLAVE shards. This is the only way that the installer will upgrade SOLR.

Instructions specific to upgrading to version 2.4.24 Master release is available here: Please read that carefully and also refer to instructions here.


selinux needs to be set to Disabled. This can be done by ensuring that the line SELINUX=disabled is present and uncommented in the /etc/sysconfig/selinux file. To confirm, reboot the machine and run getenforce; the output should be Disabled.

Unix User

You must be root or effectively root to run this program, prefixing the command with sudo will not allow the use of needed environment variables! If you must use sudo, do so only to become root proper then source your user's .[bash]rc file so that root has it's environment set accordingly! Or you can more simply become root using sudo's "-s" flag.

Stop the Node

cd /usr/local/bin
esg-node stop

Clean the webapps directory

Some time, after upgrading ESGF, tomcat fails to initialize the servlet context (e.g. thredds is not available). Wipe out the webapps content before upgrading, is a good practice.

rm -fr /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/*
rm -fr /usr/local/src

Download and Execute the Bootstrap Script

To upgrade a 'devel' install

cd /usr/local/bin
wget -O esg-bootstrap --no-check-certificate  
chmod 555 esg-bootstrap  
./esg-bootstrap --devel   

To upgrade a 'master' install [FIXME]

wget -O esg-bootstrap --no-check-certificate  
chmod 555 esg-bootstrap  

Check Installer Script Version

esg-node --version
Version: v2.6.2-devel-release
Release: Asgard
Earth Systems Grid Federation (
ESGF Node Installation Script

Start the installation process

script -c 'esg-node --upgrade' upgrade.log

Primary Configuration

Please select the ESGF distribution mirror for this installation (fastest to slowest): 

Are you ready to begin the installation? [Y/n] Y

Some notes on choices during the upgrade process

You may see questions related to adding of replica shards. If prompted whether you'd like to add a NEW replica shard for port 8983/8984, please answer 'Y'.

If you plan to publish CMIP6 data make sure you answer Y to the question regarding that (not a default).

Most sites should automatically "peer with supernode" (this is Node Manager module specific). Exceptions are the several Tier 1 sites yet to install their supernode (answer N) which should run n the index node at LLNL, JPL, CEDA, DKRZ, and IPSL.

Tier 1 IDP only - We encourage all sites to deploy the SLCS service so please answer Y.

Expert Options

You can specify a local mirror for use, by specifying the --use-local-mirror option. You'll be then prompted interactively for a mirror url.


  • Recommended to restart the node after upgrading: esg-node restart

  • Recommended to run esg-node --install-local-certs if you have your signed certs in place for gridftp/myproxy as the certificates might be replaced by temporary ones (they last only 1 month and some services will be unavailable without clear message), as frequently observed to happen after upgrades. (TODO when this is fixed in the installer, we can remove this manual step)

  • An (additional) localhost shard may have be written to esgf_shards_static.xml. This will result in datasets listed twice in the facet counts.