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##EXERCISE 2: Running the basic Stacks pipeline to call SNPs

Stacks is a fairly sophisticated and rather complicated pipeline for identifying SNPs from RAD-Seq or GBS data. It can be used with or without reference genome, although it is most popular when a reference is not available as in most non-model organisms. There is also a popular Google Group for asking questions and troubleshooting. For this exercise, we will start with the basic de novo SNP calling pipeline and then you will have an opportunity to try the reference based pipeline. We will start with the data we converted to FASTQ yesterday to demonstrate the quality filtering portion of the pipeline, but then we will switch to some real samples from Quercus rugosa for the rest.

###Demultiplexing and removing low quality reads

Stacks provides a convenient tool called process_radtags for simultaneously demultiplexing and removing low quality reads. To demultiplex (separate the reads into new files by sample), it requires a file that lists all the barcodes, which I included here as barcodes.txt. First, navigate to /home/genomics/Desktop/QSEQ_Data/ and mkdir Processed_Radtags.

Now run the process_radtags command as follows (all one line).

process_radtags -p ~/Desktop/QSEQ_Data/FASTQ/ -i fastq -o ~/Desktop/QSEQ_Data/Processed_Radtags/ -y fastq -b barcodes.txt -e apeKI --adapter_1 AGATCGGAAGAGCGGTTCAGGAATGCCGAG --adapter_mm 2 -r -c -q -s 10 -t 92

Every command in Stacks has many options, so it's best to construct each with the help on the online manual. Let's dissect this command while it's running. With -p we indicate the directory with the sequence data, -i the type of sequence file, -o the output directory, -y the output format, -b the barcode file to use for demultiplexing, -e the restriction enzyme so it knows what cut site sequence to expect after the barcode, --adapter_1 to indicate the adapter sequence to identify and remove contaminants, --adapter_mm the number of mismatches allowed between the read and real adapter sequence, -r to "rescue" (keep) a sequence if there is one error in the barcode, -c to remove reads with uncalled bases (N), -q to discard reads with low quality scores which are defined by a sliding window if the average score is less than -s, and finally -t to trim all the reads to the same length of 92 bases. Take a minute to review the process_radtags webpage and see if you understand each part or find additional arguments that could be useful.

We will now switch to using a real data set, so remove the Processed_Radtags folder and data with rm -r Processed_Radtags or if you want to keep it, then compress it with tar -zcvf Processed_Radtags.tar.gz Processed_Radtags and then remove Processed_Radtags/.

###The core Stacks pipeline

The core of the Stacks pipeline is

  1. ustacks or pstacks
  2. cstacks
  3. sstacks
  4. populations

ustacks is for de novo SNP calling and pstacks for reference guided SNP calling. ustacks finds sets of exactly matching sequences (i.e. "stacks"). cstacks merges similar stacks (alleles) into a set of consensus loci that they call the "catalog", which is a sort or "reference" library of fragments (one per locus). sstacks calls SNPs in each sample by matching them to the catalog. populations will filter SNP data, rearrange it into common file formats, and calculate a variety of population genetic summary statistics. Let's run each step of the pipeline using a few samples of genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) (Elshire et al. 2011 PLoS ONE) data from Quercus rugosa.

###De novo SNP calling pipeline Navigate to ~/Desktop/GBS_Data/ and list the directory contents. You will see six compressed FASTQ files (.fq.gz) named by sample ID, the barcodes.txt file you saw earlier, and a popmap file which we will discuss later. Now, create an output folder for the Stacks results: mkdir Stacks_Output. Then, we are ready to run ustacks for each sample. Try running the first of the following commands. If you have more than 2 processors on your virtual machine, change the -p value accordingly.

ustacks -t gzfastq -f ~/Desktop/GBS_Data/SC1.fq.gz -o ~/Desktop/GBS_Data/Stacks_Output/ -i 1 -m 3 -M 2 -p 2
ustacks -t gzfastq -f ~/Desktop/GBS_Data/SC6.fq.gz -o ~/Desktop/GBS_Data/Stacks_Output/ -i 2 -m 3 -M 2 -p 2
ustacks -t gzfastq -f ~/Desktop/GBS_Data/SC9.fq.gz -o ~/Desktop/GBS_Data/Stacks_Output/ -i 3 -m 3 -M 2 -p 2

Its progress will be printed to the screen. While its running, look up what each argument does on the website (-m and -M are especially important.). Notice that the only things that change from one line to the next are the input file (i.e. the sample) and -i. -i is an sample number that should be unique for each sample.

Even with only six samples, you might be noticing how tedious it would to type each command in sequence and then wait for it to finish. Instead, we can write a script to run them all at once using a for loop. Copy the following example into an empty text file and save it as



for sample in $samples
   ustacks -t gzfastq -f ~/Desktop/GBS_Data/${sample}.fq.gz -o ~/Desktop/GBS_Data/Stacks_Output/ -i $i -m 3 -M 2 -p 2
   let "i+=1";

The first line indicates that it is a certain kind of script that runs in the bash shell (don't worry about this). Then, it defines the list of samples and assigns them to the variable called samples. Then, its sets the variable i = 1. Once a variable is defined, you can recall it later with the notation $variable, so if you typed i=1 into your Terminal and then typed echo $i, it will return the value 1.

Then, we get to the for loop, which says for each sample in the variable samples, do some command (i.e. ustacks ...). Notice how $sample and $i recall the variables defined earlier as samples and i. When run the first sample name will be inserted in place of ${sample} and the value for i in place of $i.

After it runs that command it adds 1 to i and then goes back to the beginning of the loop. So when the loop runs again, it uses the second sample and $i is now 2. It does this until all the samples in the list have been processed.

To run the script, we first need to make it executable.

chmod +x

Then, run it. It should take about 30 minutes.


That's it! You just wrote your first shell script and your first loop. This skill will be useful in other parts of Stacks and for bioinformatics in general. When it finishes take a look at the output files using zcat and less. These files are not very useful at this stage, but it is good to know what each part of the program generates.

For cstacks, we run one command that includes all the samples we want to use to build the catalog (~reference). Let's just use 3 samples (one from each sample site) to build the catalog

cstacks -b 1 -o ~/Desktop/GBS_Data/Stacks_Output -p 2 -n 2 -s ~/Desktop/GBS_Data/Stacks_Output/SC6 -s ~/Desktop/GBS_Data/Stacks_Output/SR6 -s ~/Desktop/GBS_Data/Stacks_Output/TE11

When there are more samples, it can be helpful to generate the input command using a for loop. If you want to know more, there are examples for Stacks here. While the command is running read what each argument does (-n is especially important).

When cstacks finishes, look at the output files.

sstacks also needs to be run on each sample to call SNPs for each individual relative to the catlog. Write a script with a for loop that will run the following example command on the 6 samples we ran with ustacks. Consult the Stacks manual for help here.

sstacks -b 1 -c ~/Desktop/GBS_Data/Stacks_Output/batch_1 -s ~/Desktop/GBS_Data/Stacks_Output/SC1 -o ~/Desktop/GBS_Data/Stacks_Output -p 2

When you have created your script and run it, take a look at the output files. So far none of them are easy to read or use in common population genetics software packages.

To filter the outputs of the previous steps, as well as reformat the data for other programs, we will run populations. It will also calculate summary statistics per population, and to do so requires and additional file that defines the populations. I have included a file called popmap, which defines all the samples as part of the same population called 1. I did this because it will run faster, but with your own data you can specify the population names or numbers in the second column to get population-specific estimates of summary statistics.

Take a look at popmap. Then run

populations -P ~/Desktop/GBS_Data/Stacks_Output/ -M ~/Desktop/GBS_Data/popmap -t 2 -r 1 -b 1 --fasta --plink --structure

The output files are the ones that are not compressed. There is a FASTA file of all the loci, a file defining the haplotypes, files in the PLINK and STRUCTURE formats that we requested, and finally two files with summary statistics. Go through each and try to understand what they contain. More details are on the Stack website.

Do you think the summary statistics, such as nucletide diversity (pi) and heterozygosity, look reasonable for a tree?

###The whole basic de novo pipeline in one script The easiest way to run Stacks is to write one script that combines all the steps above. Here it is:



for sample in $samples
   ustacks -t gzfastq -f ~/Desktop/GBS_Data/${sample}.fq.gz -o ~/Desktop/GBS_Data/Stacks_Output/ -i $i -m 3 -M 2 -p 2
   let "i+=1";

cstacks -b 1 -o ~/Desktop/GBS_Data/Stacks_Output -p 2 -n 2 -s ~/Desktop/GBS_Data/Stacks_Output/SC6 -s ~/Desktop/GBS_Data/Stacks_Output/SR6 -s ~/Desktop/GBS_Data/Stacks_Output/TE11

for sample in $samples
   sstacks -b 1 -c ~/Desktop/GBS_Data/Stacks_Output/batch_1 -s ~/Desktop/GBS_Data/Stacks_Output/${sample} -o ~/Desktop/GBS_Data/Stacks_Output -p 2 &>> ~/Desktop/GBS_Data/Stacks_Output/Log

populations -P ~/Desktop/GBS_Data/Stacks_Output/ -M ~/Desktop/GBS_Data/popmap -t 2 -r 1 -b 1 --fasta --plink --structure

I added a small change to sstacks that will append the log file with info for each sample instead of overwriting it (&>> ~/Desktop/GBS_Data/Stacks_Output/Log).

You can use this script as a foundation to build a "master" script.

###Reference-based SNP calling pipeline The main difference between the reference based and de novo pipelines is that one needs to align the reads the the reference sequence first. This can be acheived with a short-read aligner, such as Bowtie2, BWA (specifically, bwa mem), or GSNAP. Let's try it with Bowtie2.

To prepare for Bowtie2 make an output directory mkdir Bowtie2_Alignments. Then, extract all the compressed FASTQ files with gunzip.

While the files are extracting, try to understand the Bowtie2 command below by finding the relevant arguments in the online manual. When the files are extracted, run Bowtie2 to align each file to the Quercus lobata reference transcriptome (there is no Quercus genome sequence yet!). I have already "indexed" the reference in Bowtie2 format for you, and it can be found in ~/Desktop/Genomes/bowtie2_indexed/Qlobata_transcriptome/.

bowtie2 --very-sensitive-local --no-unal -p 2 -x /home/genomics/Desktop/Genomes/bowtie2_indexed/Qlobata_transcriptome/Qlobata_transcriptome -U SC1.fq -S ./Bowtie2_Alignments/SC1.sam

Instead of running the command once for each file and waiting we can make a script using a for loop, as we did in the Stacks pipeline. Copy the following text into an empty text file and name it



for sample in $samples
   bowtie2 --very-sensitive-local --no-unal -p 2 -x /home/genomics/Desktop/Genomes/bowtie2_indexed/Qlobata_transcriptome/Qlobata_transcriptome -U ${sample}.fq -S ./Bowtie2_Alignments/${sample}.sam

Then make the script you just wrote executable.

chmod +x

Run the script by typing


While its running, think about how to run the reference-based pipeline. What do you need to change in comparison to the de novo pipeline?

When it finishes, compress all the FASTQ files using gzip *.fq to save space. Then, take a look at one of the SAM files. Look up what each column means online.

Now, on your own or with your neighbors, write a script to run the reference-based Stacks SNP calling pipeline starting with pstacks and ending with populations. You can use the de novo script above as a template. Have it save the results to a different output folder than the de novo pipeline output. I will walk around to answer questions.

When you have created your script, run it and then look at the output files. How do the results compare to the de novo pipeline that we did earlier? Why might they differ?

###Other considerations For the basic pipelines there are a "wrapper" scripts available called and that allow you to do all the above steps at once. However, I do not recommend them because there are several other steps worth including and customizing that you will learn tomorrow. In addition, if you have a reference genome sequence you might be better off using the GATK SNP calling pipeline, which is a bit more rigorous.