This contains edelivery xsd schema proposals for edelivery message payloads (v0.5) in
- Gate to gate (g2g) communication:
- identifierQuery -> identifierResponse - find consignments (identifier subset only) matching the given identifier
- uilQuery -> uilResponse - find consignment (in a given subset) using uil
- Platform to gate (p2g) communication:
- saveIdentifiersRequest -> saveIdentifiersResponse - save consignment identifiers to the gate. This request is used to create and update the identifier dataset.
- Gate to platform (g2p) communication
- uilQuery -> uilResponse - find consignment (in a given subset) using uil
- edelivery/gate.xsd - edelivery message payloads for gates. Includes platform payloads and g2g payloads. This contains all the message payloads.
- edelivery/platform.xsd - edelivery message payloads for platforms. Contains message payloads for p2g and g2p.
- consignment-common.xsd - efti common dataset consignment
- consignment-identifier.xsd - identifier subset of efti common dataset consignment.
Data model is based on
- and
Efti common dataset and identifier subset are both based on this same model.
Data model is visualized here:
- common dataset:
- identifier subset:
Element names are derived from un/ccl as:
- use 82th column (Short Name) from un/ccl
- remove invalid characters -, _, /
- first character in lower case
- rename iD -> id
Complex type names are derived from un/ccl as:
- concat columns 8 (Object Class Term Qualifiers) and 9 (Object Class Term)
- remove invalid characters -, _, /
Element max cardinality is derived from un/ccl as (name : type):
- id : Identifier -> 1
- code : CountryIdentifier -> 1
- else: use column 21 (Occurrence Max)
XML example documents:
- consignment.xml - example consignment xml document (identifier subset of efti common dataset)
- consignment-common.xml - example consignment xml document of common dataset
- identifier-query - example payload for identifiers search request to other gate
- identifier-response - example payload for identifiers search response to other gate
- uil-query - example payload for uil query request to other gate
- uil-response - example payload for uil query response to other gate