diff --git a/bot/bot-eessi-aws-citc.cfg b/bot/bot-eessi-aws-citc.cfg
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a911182ca..0000000000
--- a/bot/bot-eessi-aws-citc.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,238 +0,0 @@
-# Also see documentation at https://github.com/EESSI/eessi-bot-software-layer/blob/main/README.md#step5.5
-# replace '123456' with the ID of your GitHub App
-app_id = 281041
-# a short (!) name for your app instance that can be used for example
-# when adding/updating a comment to a PR
-# (!) a short yet descriptive name is preferred because it appears in
-# comments to the PR
-# for example, the name could include the name of the cluster the bot
-# runs on and the username which runs the bot
-# NOTE avoid putting an actual username here as it will be visible on
-# potentially publicly accessible GitHub pages.
-app_name = eessi-bot-citc-aws
-# replace '12345678' with the ID of the installation of your GitHub App
-# (can be derived by creating an event and then checking for the list
-# of sent events and its payload either via the Smee channel's web page
-# or via the Advanced section of your GitHub App on github.com)
-installation_id = 33078935
-# path to the private key that was generated when the GitHub App was registered
-private_key = /mnt/shared/home/bot/eessi-bot-software-layer/eessi-bot-citc-aws.2023-01-12.private-key.pem
-# which GH accounts have the permission to send commands to the bot
-# if value is left/empty everyone can send commands
-# value can be a space delimited list of GH accounts
-command_permission = boegel trz42 bedroge laraPPr ocaisa casparvl satishskamath maxim-masterov TopRichard xinan1911 Neves-P
-# format of the response when processing bot commands
-command_response_fmt =
- Updates by the bot instance {app_name}
- (click for details)
- {comment_response}
- {comment_result}
-# name of the job script used for building an EESSI stack
-build_job_script = /mnt/shared/home/bot/eessi-bot-software-layer/scripts/bot-build.slurm
-# path to directory on shared filesystem that can be used for sharing data across build jobs
-# (for example source tarballs used by EasyBuild)
-shared_fs_path = /mnt/shared/home/bot/shared
-# Path (directory) to which build logs for (only) failing builds should be copied by bot/build.sh script
-build_logs_dir = /mnt/shared/bot-build-logs
-# The container_cachedir may be used to reuse downloaded container image files
-# across jobs. Thus, jobs can more quickly launch containers.
-container_cachedir = /mnt/shared/home/bot/eessi-bot-software-layer/containers-cache-dir
-# it may happen that we need to customize some CVMFS configuration
-# the value of cvmfs_customizations is a dictionary which maps a file
-# name to an entry that needs to be added to that file
-# cvmfs_customizations = {}
-# if compute nodes have no internet connection, we need to set http(s)_proxy
-# or commands such as pip3 cannot download software from package repositories
-# for example, the temporary EasyBuild is installed via pip3 first
-# http_proxy = http://PROXY_DNS:3128/
-# https_proxy = http://PROXY_DNS:3128/
-# directory under which the bot prepares directories per job
-# structure created is as follows: YYYY.MM/pr_PR_NUMBER/event_EVENT_ID/run_RUN_NUMBER/OS+SUBDIR
-jobs_base_dir = /mnt/shared/home/bot/eessi-bot-software-layer/jobs
-# configure environment
-# list of comma-separated modules to be loaded by build_job_script
-# useful/needed if some tool is not provided as system-wide package
-# (read by bot and handed over to build_job_script via parameter
-# --load-modules)
-# load_modules =
-# PATH to temporary directory on build node ... ends up being used for
-# for example, EESSI_TMPDIR --> /tmp/$USER/EESSI
-# escaping variables with '\' delays expansion to the start of the
-# build_job_script; this can be used for referencing environment
-# variables that are only set inside a Slurm job
-local_tmp = /tmp/$USER/EESSI
-# parameters to be added to all job submissions
-# NOTE do not quote parameter string. Quotes are retained when reading in config and
-# then the whole 'string' is recognised as a single parameter.
-# NOTE 2 '--get-user-env' may be needed on systems where the job's environment needs
-# to be initialised as if it is for a login shell.
-# note: hardcoded 24h time limit until https://github.com/EESSI/eessi-bot-software-layer/issues/146 is fixed
-# note: 16 cores which corresponds to *.4xlarge node types, see also arch_target_map
-slurm_params = --hold --time=24:0:0 --nodes=1 --ntasks-per-node=16
-# full path to the job submission command
-submit_command = /usr/bin/sbatch
-# which GH account has the permission to trigger the build (by setting
-# the label 'bot:build' (apparently this cannot be restricted on GitHub)
-# if value is left/empty everyone can trigger the build
-# value can be a space delimited list of GH accounts
-build_permission = boegel trz42 bedroge laraPPr ocaisa casparvl satishskamath maxim-masterov TopRichard xinan1911 Neves-P
-# template for comment when user who set a label has no permission to trigger build jobs
-no_build_permission_comment = Label `bot:build` has been set by user `{build_labeler}`, but only users `{build_permission_users}` have permission to trigger the action
-# script for uploading built software packages
-tarball_upload_script = /mnt/shared/home/bot/eessi-bot-software-layer/scripts/eessi-upload-to-staging
-# URL to S3/minio bucket
-# if attribute is set, bucket_base will be constructed as follows
-# bucket_base=${endpoint_url}/${bucket_name}
-# otherwise, bucket_base will be constructed as follows
-# bucket_base=https://${bucket_name}.s3.amazonaws.com
-# - The former variant is used for non AWS S3 services, eg, minio, or when
-# the bucket name is not provided in the hostname (see latter case).
-# - The latter variant is used for AWS S3 services.
-# endpoint_url = URL_TO_S3_SERVER
-# bucket name
-bucket_name = eessi-staging-2023.06
-# upload policy: defines what policy is used for uploading built artefacts
-# to an S3 bucket
-# 'all' ..: upload all artefacts (mulitple uploads of the same artefact possible)
-# 'latest': for each build target (eessi-VERSION-{software,init,compat}-OS-ARCH)
-# only upload the latest built artefact
-# 'once' : only once upload any built artefact for the build target
-# 'none' : do not upload any built artefacts
-upload_policy = latest
-# which GH account has the permission to trigger the deployment (by setting
-# the label 'bot:deploy' (apparently this cannot be restricted on GitHub)
-# if value is left/empty everyone can trigger the deployment
-# value can be a space delimited list of GH accounts
-deploy_permission = boegel trz42 bedroge ocaisa casparvl
-# template for comment when user who set a label has no permission to trigger deploying tarballs
-no_deploy_permission_comment = Label `bot:deploy` has been set by user `{deploy_labeler}`, but only users `{deploy_permission_users}` have permission to trigger the action
-# defines both for which architectures the bot will build
-# and what submission parameters shall be used
-# 5 c4.2xlarge haswell 8 vCPU, 15 GiB RAM (1 + generic)
-# 2 c4.4xlarge haswell 16 vCPU, 30 GiB RAM
-# 5 c5.2xlarge skylake_avx512 8 vCPU, 16 GiB RAM (1)
-# 1 c5.4xlarge skylake_avx512 16 vCPU, 32 GiB RAM
-# 5 c5a.2xlarge zen2 8 vCPU, 16 GiB RAM (1)
-# 1 c5a.4xlarge zen2 16 vCPU, 32 GiB RAM
-# 5 c5d.2xlarge skylake_avx512 8 vCPU, 16 GiB RAM + 200 GB NVMe
-# 5 c6a.2xlarge zen3 8 vCPU, 16 GiB RAM (1)
-# 1 c6a.4xlarge zen3 16 vCPU, 32 GiB RAM
-# 5 c6g.2xlarge neoverse_n1 8 vCPU, 16 GiB RAM (1 + generic)
-# 2 c6g.4xlarge neoverse_n1 16 vCPU, 32 GiB RAM
-# 1 c6g.8xlarge neoverse_n1 32 vCPU, 64 GiB RAM
-# 1 c6i.2xlarge cascadelake 8 vCPU, 16 GiB RAM (1)
-# 5 c7g.2xlarge neoverse_v1 8 vCPU, 16 GiB RAM (1)
-# 1 c7g.4xlarge neoverse_v1 16 vCPU, 32 GiB RAM
-# larger instances (*.4xlarge => 16 cores, 32GB RAM)
-arch_target_map = {
- "linux/x86_64/generic" : "--constraint shape=c4.4xlarge",
- "linux/x86_64/intel/haswell" : "--constraint shape=c4.4xlarge",
- "linux/x86_64/intel/skylake_avx512" : "--constraint shape=c5.4xlarge",
- "linux/x86_64/amd/zen2": "--constraint shape=c5a.4xlarge",
- "linux/x86_64/amd/zen3" : "--constraint shape=c6a.4xlarge",
- "linux/aarch64/generic" : "--constraint shape=c6g.4xlarge",
- "linux/aarch64/neoverse_n1" : "--constraint shape=c6g.4xlarge",
- "linux/aarch64/neoverse_v1" : "--constraint shape=c7g.4xlarge" }
-# defines for which repository a arch_target should be build for
-# only building for repository EESSI-pilot
-repo_target_map = {
- "linux/x86_64/generic" : ["eessi-2021.12","eessi-2023.06-compat","eessi-2023.06-software"],
- "linux/x86_64/intel/haswell" : ["eessi-2021.12","eessi-2023.06-compat","eessi-2023.06-software"],
- "linux/x86_64/intel/skylake_avx512" : ["eessi-2021.12","eessi-2023.06-compat","eessi-2023.06-software"],
- "linux/x86_64/amd/zen2" : ["eessi-2021.12","eessi-2023.06-compat","eessi-2023.06-software"],
- "linux/x86_64/amd/zen3" : ["eessi-2021.12","eessi-2023.06-compat","eessi-2023.06-software"],
- "linux/aarch64/generic" : ["eessi-2021.12","eessi-2023.06-compat","eessi-2023.06-software"],
- "linux/aarch64/neoverse_n1" : ["eessi-2021.12","eessi-2023.06-compat","eessi-2023.06-software"],
- "linux/aarch64/neoverse_v1" : ["eessi-2021.12","eessi-2023.06-compat","eessi-2023.06-software"] }
-# points to definition of repositories (default EESSI-pilot defined by build container)
-repos_cfg_dir = /mnt/shared/home/bot/eessi-bot-software-layer/repos
-# configuration for event handler which receives events from a GitHub repository.
-# path to the log file to log messages for event handler
-log_path = /mnt/shared/home/bot/eessi-bot-software-layer/eessi_bot_event_handler.log
-# path to the log file to log messages for job manager
-log_path = /mnt/shared/home/bot/eessi-bot-software-layer/eessi_bot_job_manager.log
-# directory where job manager stores information about jobs to be tracked
-# e.g. as symbolic link JOBID -> directory to job
-job_ids_dir = /mnt/shared/home/bot/eessi-bot-software-layer/jobs
-# full path to the job status checking command
-poll_command = /usr/bin/squeue
-# polling interval in seconds
-poll_interval = 60
-# full path to the command for manipulating existing jobs
-scontrol_command = /usr/bin/scontrol
-# variable 'comment' under 'submitted_job_comments' should not be changed as there are regular expression patterns matching it
-initial_comment = New job on instance `{app_name}` for architecture `{arch_name}` for repository `{repo_id}` in job dir `{symlink}`
-awaits_release = job id `{job_id}` awaits release by job manager
-awaits_launch = job awaits launch by Slurm scheduler
-running_job = job `{job_id}` is running
-success = :grin: SUCCESS tarball `{tarball_name}` ({tarball_size} GiB) in job dir
-failure = :cry: FAILURE
-no_slurm_out = No slurm output `{slurm_out}` in job dir
-slurm_out = Found slurm output `{slurm_out}` in job dir
-missing_modules = Slurm output lacks message "No missing modules!".
-no_tarball_message = Slurm output lacks message about created tarball.
-no_matching_tarball = No tarball matching `{tarball_pattern}` found in job dir.
-multiple_tarballs = Found {num_tarballs} tarballs in job dir - only 1 matching `{tarball_pattern}` expected.
-job_result_unknown_fmt = :shrug: UNKNOWN _(click triangle for detailed information)_
- Job results file `{filename}` does not exist in job directory or reading it failed.
- No artefacts were found/reported.