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: Language Design Document

Authored by

Goals and Objectives

  • What problem/needs are you trying to solve?
  • What tasks would be made easier using your language?
  • Do solutions exist already?
  • Are you designing a general purpose language or a domain-specific language?
  • Where do you see your language being used and by who?

Core Paradigms and Programming Model

  • Some possible paradigms and considerations (not mutually exclusive, and non-exhaustive)
    • Object-oriented
      • Inheritance model: classical vs prototypal, multiple inheritance,
      • Polymorphism, multiple dispatch
      • Encapsulation and protection
      • Handling primitives
      • Generics/templating
    • Functional
      • Purely functional or impure?
      • How do you deal with side effects and state
      • Handling anonymous functions and function references
      • Special forms such as functors or monads
      • Dealing with deep recursion and stack overflows
      • Dealing with mutual recursion
      • Function overloading and/or polymorphism
    • Imperative
      • Defining and navigating through procedures
      • What additional control structures are necessary?
    • Declarative
      • General approach/algorithm for handling control flow
      • How to define relations and entities
      • Use of logic or constraints
    • Event-driven
      • How events are handled (triggering and registering)
      • Synchronization when reacting to events
    • [Data-flow][flow]/Reactive
      • How do you listen and track dataflow changes
    • Pipes and filters
      • What unifying data structure would be used?
      • What protocols for communication would need to be established?
    • Automata/State-machine based

Type System

  • Static typing vs dynamic typing
    • Execution speed
    • Safety and exception handling
    • Tooling (e.g. IDEs, linters, etc.) support
  • Strong vs weak typing
    • Flexibility vs safety
    • Type coercion
  • Type inference
    • Is it even always possible?
  • Polymorphism derived from...
    • Duck typing
    • Structural typing
  • Is there a unified type system with a clear bottom and/or top type?
  • Native primitives that may be useful/fundamental

Core Control and Data Structures

  • Scoping rules
    • Block scope vs function scope
    • Implications on closures
  • Control Structures
    • Looping structures
    • Branching
    • Recursive calls
    • Premature exiting
    • Pattern matching
    • Eager vs lazy evaluation
    • Generators and list comprehensions
    • Continuations and coroutines
  • Data structures
    • Lists and collections
    • Messages
    • Events
    • Structures/records
    • Data storage: JSON, XML, etc.

Memory Model

  • Mutable vs immutable data
    • Varying levels of (im)mutability
  • Garbage collected or manual memory management
    • Performance vs convenience
    • Varying levels of GC
  • Shared memory model
    • Sharing data
    • Security/protection from other contexts
    • Dealing with distributed nodes
    • Built-in vs user-defined synchronization
    • Volatility and external

Implementation and Portability

  • Compiled vs interpreted
  • Target machine language
  • Dependencies and interoperability with other languages
  • Interfacing with IO devices


Reliability and Robustness

  • Exception and failure handling
    • Explicit control structures/types vs convention
    • Checked vs unchecked exceptions
  • Failure free vs expecting failure
    • How do you restore state?
  • Design by contract (see Eiffel)
  • Support for hot-swapping or updating code on the fly
  • How might your type system choices affect reliability?


  • Ability to extend language
    • Macro system
    • Code as data (e.g. Lisp)
  • Maintain meta-data for analysis or documentation
    • Annotations
    • Type hinting
    • Type dependencies/relations
  • Code introspection and generation

Code Organization

  • Namespaces
  • Packages
  • Modules
  • Libraries and linking
  • Separating headers and implementation

Tooling and Language Support

  • Can your language be easily analyzed statically
    • What level of hinting/support might be possible
  • Support for debugging and setting up traps
  • Any special considerations for using IO devices?

Other Unique Features

  • Whatever you can think of that you think would be useful
  • Examples
    • Syntactic sugar (or why not just make your syntax cleaner to begin with)
    • Native RegExp support if your language focuses on text manipulation
    • Code synthesis (e.g. generating getters and setters)


  • Overview of features
  • Differentiating characteristics or features
  • Practical uses

Code Examples and Syntax

# Include some code examples here...
# You can also do inline examples above if it helps to explain...