This package is intended to provide a common and consistent environment design for building out complex demo environments. It may be used as a Python module directly, or via an included command line tool.
This python script will create a VPC that should deploy cleanly into any region across the publicly available AWS regions. The VPC network, by default, will include:
- A public (/24) and a private subnet (/22) in two different Availability Zones
- A NAT instance per AZ
- A bastion host
- An S3 bucket configured to allow Amazon ELB (within the same region) and AWS CloudTrail to aggregate logs
There are a number of configuration options documented within the script itself using docopt. An overview of the general capabilities and features is as follows:
- This script queries the AWS VPC API to ensure that the AZ's selected for deployment will allow subnets to be deployed to them (sometimes an issue in older accounts)
- Modify the base network CIDR block and subnet size and count via parameters
- Set prefixes for S3 key names for ELB and CloudTrail logging paths within the created bucket
Used from the command line, this will generate the network alone, but when used as a Python module, it's a powerful building block to help generate the basic structures for more complex environments in CloudFormation very easily.
The Python class EnvironmentBase is designed to be useful from command line tools, but has further utility as a base class for more complicated environments. The original aim of this script was to build a reusable artifact that could serve as the common networking design for multi-AZ, multi-subnet demo environments. As such, the script contains a number of methods that are meant to be used by sub-classes and provide abstractions for common workflows and use cases. To use this class, simply place it in your project folder (this is not yet packaged in a deployable artifact). The import and class definition for your class will look similar to the following:
from environmentbase .environmentbase import EnvironmentBase
class ElkDemo(EnvironmentBase): def __init__(self, class_args):
EnvironmentBase.__init__(self, class_args)
Documentation within the class takes a modified usage of the doxygen standard by adding a @classarg identifier that indicates that a given method utilizes an argument that's passed in via the class constructor along with the type and description of that parameter.
To use this script, you must install the following Python libraries:
This can be done by running the following command from this directory:
sudo pip install -r requirements.txt --upgrade
To use the script itself, you can run it directly from the command line:
python -h
This script uses Docopt to collect and parse arguments per the help documentation included. You do have the option of either passing in a configuration file representing these values or using the command line arguments to set them individually. A sample (with defaults) of the configuration file is located in the config_args.json file. To run this, you must have a boto.cfg file set with the credentials for the target account where you'd like to deploy the CloudFormation template to.
The IAM permissions required to perform the VPC lookups are the following:
{"Statement": [ {"Action": ["ec2:DescribeAvailabilityZones",
"ec2:DescribeRegions"], "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": "*" }]}
Once you have either set up your boto.cfg file or have gathered an access key and secret key for a user with the requisite permissions, you can run the process as follows:
python create --config config_args.json
python create --aws_access_key_id <ACCESS_KEY_ID> --aws_secret_access_key <SECRET_ACCESS_KEY>
This file is a simple JSON dictionary to use when assembling the 'RegionMap' object within the CloudFormation template. This is a simple way to abstract AMI Id's out of the solution and can be used in conjunction with Packer to populate custom AMIs directly from external tools.
This is a sample 'config' file to be passed into the command line use case and identifies a simple dictionary of configuration keys and values to be used within the execution of the script.
This is the actual python script and can be used as a stand-alone class or as a command line tool. Documentation is in pseudo-doxygen format and the command line argument parsing process is implemented in Docopt. This script requires that all packages in the requirements.txt file are installed.
This is a sample output from the script run from the command line with all arguments set to their defaults.
A Microsoft Word-formatted version of this documentation.
This file--documentation for usage of this set of scripts and files.