RFSec-ToolKit is a collection of Radio Frequency Communication Protocol Hacktools which are from the github platform,and Hacking Tutorial from youtube、blog post, including SDR、2G GSM、3G 、4G LTE 、5G、NFC&RFID、ZigBee and so on.
Wikipedia:List of software-defined radios
Some Cool things to do with SDR
Resources Collection by [雪碧 0xroot.com] (https://cn0xroot.com) Twitter@cn0xroot
RTL2832U:RTL-SDR is a very cheap software defined radio that uses a DVB-T TV tuner dongle based on the RTL2832U chipset.
HackRF:low cost software radio platform greatscottgadgets.com
BladeRF:bladeRF is a Software Defined Radio (SDR) platform designed to enable a community of hobbyists, and professionals to explore and experiment with the multidisciplinary facets of RF communication. Nuand.com
USRP: The USRP software defined radio products are designed for RF applications from DC to 6 GHz, including multiple antenna (MIMO) systems. ettus.com
LimeSDR:LimeSDR is a low cost, open source, apps-enabled software defined radio (SDR) platform that can be used to support just about any type of wireless communication standard.Lime Microsystems
GQRX:Software defined radio receiver powered by GNU Radio and Qt
SDRSharp:Airspy is a popular, affordable SDR (software defined radio) based communication receiver with the highest performance and the smallest form factor. It is a serious alternative to both cost sensitive and higher end scanners while featuring the best radio browsing experience of the market thanks to the tight integration with the de facto standard SDR# software.@airspy_com
SDR_Console:SDR-Radio.com is a Windows console for Software Defined Radio (SDR) receivers and transceivers. Designed for the commercial, government, amateur radio and short-wave listener communities, the software provides a powerful interface for all SDR users. Suport Hardware List
HDSDR:HDSDR is a freeware Software Defined Radio (SDR) program for Microsoft Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10.
CubicSDR:Cross-Platform Software-Defined Radio Application
sdrangel:SDR Rx/Tx software for Airspy, BladeRF, HackRF, LimeSDR, RTL-SDR, SDRplay RSP1 and FunCube
shinysdr:Software-defined radio receiver application built on GNU Radio with a web-based UI and plugins. In development, usable but incomplete. Compatible with RTL-SDR.
openwebrx:Open source, multi-user SDR receiver software with a web interface.
luaradio:A lightweight, embeddable software-defined radio framework built on LuaJIT.
qspectrumanalyzer:Spectrum analyzer for multiple SDR platforms (PyQtGraph based GUI for soapy_power, hackrf_sweep, rtl_power, rx_power and other backends)
PandwaRF:PandwaRF: RF analysis tool with a sub-1 GHz wireless transceiver controlled by a smartphone.
rpitx:RF transmitter for Raspberry Pi. rpitx is a radio transmitter for Raspberry Pi (B, B+, PI2, PI3 and PI zero) that transmits RF directly to GPIO. It can handle frequencies from 5 KHz up to 500 MHz.
pifm:Turning the Raspberry Pi Into an FM Transmitter.
rpidatv:Digital Television Transmitter on Raspberry Pi.rpidatv is a digital television transmitter for Raspberry Pi (B,B+,PI2,PI3,Pizero) which output directly to GPIO.
PSDR:PortableSDR - A Stand Alone HF Software Defined Transciever.
gr-cc11xx:GNU Radio OOT module for communicating with TI CC11xx based devices.
spektrum:Spektrum is spectrum analyzer software for use with rtl-sdr.
OpenUSRP:using LimeSDR to simulate USRP B210,OpenUSRP can using LimeSDR to simulate USRP B210 Device
kalibrate-rtl:GSM frequency scanner and frequency offset calculator use with rtl-sdr devices
kalibrate-hackrf:kalibrate for hackrf
kalibrate-bladeRF:kalibrate for bladeRF
GNURadio:GNU Radio is a Free & Open-Source Toolkit for Software Radio GNURadio.org
Universal Radio Hacker: The Universal Radio Hacker is a software for investigating unknown wireless protocols
gr-recipes:Main GNU Radio recipe repository for use with PyBOMBS
gr-etcetera:This repository stores additional recipes for GNU Radio.
RangeNetworks/dev:A collection of tools to make working with the numerous software components as painless as possible.
OpenBTS:GSM+GPRS Radio Access Network Node
YateBTS:YateBTS is a software implementation of a GSM/GPRS radio access network based on Yate and is compatible with both GSM/GPRS SS7 MAP and LTE IMS core networks integrated in our YateUCN unified core network server.
OpenLTE: OpenLTE is an open source implementation of the 3GPP LTE specifications. The focus is on transmission and reception of the downlink.
OpenBTS-UMTS:3G UMTS Data Radio Access Network Node
Cellular Infrastructure:This is a group of Osmocom programs implementing cellular network infrastructure components for GSM, GPRS, EDGE, UMTS, HSPA, LTE and their associated interfaces and protocol stacks. 360 Unicorn Team's Demo
OpenBSC:This is a project aiming to create a Free Software, (A)GPL-licensed software implementations for the GSM/3GPP protocol stacks and elements.
OsmoBTS:OsmoBTS is an Open Source GSM BTS (Base Transceiver Station) with A-bis/IP interface.
srsLTE:srsLTE is a free and open-source LTE library for SDR UE and eNodeB developed by SRS
srsUE:srsUE is a software radio LTE UE developed by SRS . It is written in C++ and builds upon the srsLTE library
srsGUI:srsGUI is a free and open-source graphics library for SDR using Qt and Qwt. The library provides a number of useful plots for graphing real and complex numbers.
IMDEA-OWL:OWL stands for Online Watcher of LTE. imdeaOWL is a free and open-source LTE control channel decoder developed by IMDEA Networks Institute and based on srsLTE, an LTE library for SDR UE and eNodeB developed by SRS
OpenAirInterface:The OpenAirInterface Software Alliance is a non-profit consortium to develop ecosystem for open source software/hardware development for the core network and both access network and user equipment (EUTRAN) of 3GPP cellular networks.
OpenAirInterface5G:Openairinterface 5G Wireless Implementation.
LTE Base Station Software:LTEENB allows to build a real 4G LTE base station (called an eNodeB) using a standard PC and a low cost software radio frontend. All the physical layer and protocol layer processing is done in real time inside the PC, so no dedicated LTE hardware is necessary. https://www.amarisoft.com/products-lte-ue-ots-sdr-pcie/#software
OsmocomBB: OsmocomBB is an Free Software / Open Source GSM Baseband software implementation. It intends to completely replace the need for a proprietary GSM baseband software.
gr-gsm:Gnuradio blocks and tools for receiving GSM transmissions
gr-lte:The gr-lte project is an Open Source Software Package which aims to provide a GNU Radio LTE Receiver to receive, synchronize and decode LTE signals.
LTE-Cell-Scanner:OpenCL, SDR, TDD/FDD LTE cell scanner, full stack from A/D samples to SIB ASN1 messages decoded in PDSCH, (optimized for RTL-SDR HACKRF and BladeRF board)
gps-sdr-sim:GPS-SDR-SIM generates GPS baseband signal data streams, which can be converted to RF using software-defined radio (SDR) platforms, such as bladeRF, HackRF, and USRP.
gr-fosphor:GNURadio block for spectrum visualization using GPU
gr-nordic:GNU Radio module and Wireshark dissector for the Nordic Semiconductor nRF24L Enhanced Shockburst protocol.
gr-lora:GNU Radio OOT module implementing the LoRa PHY
gr-ieee802-11:IEEE 802.11 a/g/p transceiver for GNU Radio that is fitted for operation with Ettus N210s and B210s.
gr-keyfob:Transceiver for Hella wireless car key fobs.
gr-rds:FM RDS/TMC Transceiver
gr-radar:GNU Radio Radar Toolbox
gr-air-modes:gr-air-modes implements a software-defined radio receiver for Mode S transponder signals, including ADS-B reports from equipped aircraft.
gr-ais:Automatic Information System decoder for shipborne position reporting for the Gnuradio project
gr-dvbt:DVB-T implementation in gnuradio
spectrum_painter:A tool to converts images to IQ streams that look like this when viewed in a waterfall plot.
gr-paint:An OFDM Spectrum Painter for GNU Radio Tutorial
gr-baz:Collection of new blocks for GNU Radio
HomeBrew:The missing package manager for macOS
MacPort:The MacPorts Project is an open-source community initiative to design an easy-to-use system for compiling, installing, and upgrading either command-line
Pybom:PyBOMBS (Python Build Overlay Managed Bundle System) is the new GNU Radio install management system for resolving dependencies and pulling in out-of-tree projects.
Audacity:Audacity® is free, open source, cross-platform audio software for multi-track recording and editing.
Baudline:Baudline is a time-frequency browser designed for scientific visualization of the spectral domain. Signal analysis is performed by Fourier, correlation, and raster transforms that create colorful spectrograms with vibrant detail.
Inspectrum:inspectrum is a tool for analysing captured signals, primarily from software-defined radio receivers.
Dspectrum:Automated RF/SDR Signal Analysis [Reverse Engineering]
rtl_433:Application using librtlsdr to decode the temperature from a wireless temperature sensor
ooktools:On-off keying tools for your SD-arrrR leonjza.github.io
Roberto Nóbrega: Michael Ossmann Software Defined Radio with HackRF )https://www.youtube.com/user/liquen17/playlists
Hardware Hacking By Samy Kamkar https://www.youtube.com/user/s4myk
Radio Hacking: Cars, Hardware, and more! - Samy Kamkar - AppSec California 2016 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1RipwqJG50c
GNURadio: GRCon [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCceoapZVEDCQ4s8y16M7Fng] (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCceoapZVEDCQ4s8y16M7Fng)
Balint256:GNU Radio Tutorial Series、Cyberspectrumhttps://www.youtube.com/user/balint256
Crazy Danish Hacker: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClg0eyJTbAZaYuz3mhwfBBQ/playlists
Ettusresearch https://www.youtube.com/user/ettusresearch/feed
Anders Brownworth Well Tempered HackerOpenBTS https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL892EE6BB9D10192F
Gareth's SDR Tutorial https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYJO5ecRhbWARNcsDIFffPg
Software Defined Radio Academy https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1GAlgAQrkjeeLmIkCB8pgQ
雪碧 0xroot's SDR Hacking https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVc4stniRjRfOi1eY-0Ij2Q
26C3: Using OpenBSC for fuzzing of GSM handsets https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oGPOscdLPFQ
27c3: SMS-o-Death https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-lUL3E-uPc
27c3: Wideband GSM Sniffing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fH_fXSr-FhU&feature=youtu.be 28c3: Introducing Osmo-GMR https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BSW-V94uZZQ&feature=youtu.be
29C3: Further hacks on the Calypso platform https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFjVcxMpA6c&feature=youtu.be
[FOSDEM 2014] osmocom: Overview of our SDR projects https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hsKvdga2eQg&feature=youtu.be
Sylvain Munaut: osmo-gmr: What's up with sat-phones ?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ROppOLeB6_I&feature=youtu.be
DeepSec 2010 OsmocomBB A tool for GSM protocol level security analysis of GSM networkshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9cBJV3yTaQo&feature=youtu.be
DeepSec 2010: Targeted DOS Attack and various fun with GSM Um by Sylvain Munaut https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7tc4hD7ckZY&feature=youtu.be
UnicornTeam of Ir0nSmith http://v.qq.com/vplus/9427cc31bad2413591069f1800862a96
Wireless frequency bands: Frequency / Arfcn caculator for LTE, UMTS, GSM and CDMA, and Carrier Aggregation combination info
@AndrewMohawk andrewmohawk.com
@cn0Xroot cn0xroot.com spriteking.com
@CrazyDaneHacker Crazy Danish Hacker
jxjputaoshuJiao Xianjun (BH1RXH)'s tech blog
ProxMark3:The proxmark3 is a powerful general purpose RFID tool, the size of a deck of cards, designed to snoop, listen and emulate everything from Low Frequency (125kHz) to High Frequency (13.56MHz) tags.
miguelbalboa/rfid:Arduino library for MFRC522 and other RFID RC522 based modules.
RFIDIOt:python RFID / NFC library & tools
RFIDler:RFIDler - Software defined RFID (LF) Reader/Writer/Emulator
libnfc:Platform independent Near Field Communication (NFC) library
mfoc:Mifare Classic Offline Cracker
mfcuk:Mifare Classic Universal toolKit (MFCUK)
Ubertooth:Ubertooth ships with a capable BLE (Bluetooth Smart) sniffer and can sniff some data from Basic Rate (BR) Bluetooth Classic connections.
TI CC2540:The CC2540 is a cost-effective, low-power, true system-on-chip (SoC) for Bluetooth low energy applications.
TI PACKET-SNIFFER:The SmartRF Packet Sniffer is a PC software application that can display and store radio packets captured by a listening RF device. The capture device is connected to the PC via USB. Various RF protocols are supported. http://www.ti.com/tool/packet-sniffer
libbtbb:A Bluetooth baseband decoding library
crackle:crackle exploits a flaw in the BLE pairing process that allows an attacker to guess or very quickly brute force the TK (Temporary Key). With the TK and other data collected from the pairing process, the STK (Short Term Key) and later the LTK (Long Term Key) can be collected.
spectool:Spectools is a set of utilities for using various spectrum analyzer hardware. It supports the suite of Wi-Spy devices (original, 24x, 24x2, DBX, DBX2, 900, 24i) by Metageek LLC and the Ubertooth. Spectools includes userspace drivers for the hardware itself, a graphing UI built GTK and Cairo, network protocols for remote device capture, and simple utilities for developing additional tools.
spectool-web:A web viewer for WiSPY and Ubertooth spectrum data
gatttool :Get Started with Bluetooth Low Energy on Linux
hcitool:hcitool is used to configure Bluetooth connections and send some spe- cial command to Bluetooth devices.
BLE-Security:Bluetooth door hacking scripts that require Ubertooth or other devices to passively sniff.
BLESuite: BLESuite is a Python package that provides an easier way to test Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) device (By NCC Group)
BLESuite-CLI:BLESuite_CLI is a command line tool to enable an easier way to test Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) devices
BLE-Replay:BLE-Replay is a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) peripheral assessment tool
Blue-Hydra Bluetooth device discovery service built on top of the bluez library. BlueHydra makes use of ubertooth where available and attempts to track both classic and low energy (LE) bluetooth devices over time.
BTLEJuice:BtleJuice is a complete framework to perform Man-in-the-Middle attacks on Bluetooth Smart devices (also known as Bluetooth Low Energy).
wireshark:Wireshark is the world’s foremost and widely-used network protocol analyzer.
BLE Hacking:ble scan and sniffer withu bertooth-one
Ubertooth – Bluetooth Sniffing Updated for 2014
Spectrum Tools and Ubertooth One
BLE Fun With Ubertooth: Sniffing Bluetooth Smart and Cracking Its Crypto
Ubertooth Spectrum Analysis (Kali/Chromebook)
Sniffing/logging your own Android Bluetooth traffic
Installing the Ubertooth One on BT5
gr-ieee802-15-4:IEEE 802.15.4 ZigBee Transceiver
SecBee:SecBee is a ZigBee security testing tool developed by Cognosec. The goal is to enable developers and security testers to test ZigBee implementations for security issues.
Zigator Security analysis tool for Zigbee networks
Low-Cost ZigBee Selective Jamming