Releases: Draylar/vanilla-hammers
Adds support for putting data-driven Hammers in separate Item Groups.
2.0.0, the data-driven update
Note: this version removes the old cross-mod-compatibility Hammers. Back up your world before updating! Normal old Hammers will not break.
2.0.0 is a new version of Vanilla Hammers with support for data-driven hammers! All Hammers are now loaded through static data in resources/static_data/hammers/..!
File size reduction update: 1.10.1
1.10.1-1.16.1 tweak to reduce file size, 1.10.1
1.10.0 for 1.16.1
Nothing much for the user (a few bug fixes were included), but contains a major refactor with most of the mechanics going into a separate library at
attempt to fix integration with RPG stats
1.9.0 for 1.16.1
1.9.0 introduces Autosmelting for the Fiery Hammer, fixes for the Curse of Gigantism, refactoring, version/gradle fixes, zh_cn translations, and a few other tweaks.
1.8.1 for 1.16 and 1.16.1
1.8.1-1.16.1 version bump to 1.8.1
Vanilla Hammers 1.8.0 for 20w17a
v1.8.0-20w17a version bump to 1.8.0
Vanilla Hammers 1.8.0 for 1.15.2
1.8.0 release for 1.15.2, which adds Adabranium Vibranium support, and a model bug fix.
Vanilla Hammers 1.7.3 for 20w15a
v1.7.3-20w15a add ItemGroup