Simplex is Python 3 command-line program for effortless processing of your data.
Simplex requires Python v3.8+ to run installed on your OS. Older versions could not work as expected.
- Install Python on your OS
- Download this code repository by clicking on the green 'Code' button and selecting Zip file.
- Unzip and save the folder somewhere you like.
- Open your OS command line/terminal and go to Simplex directory.* Help
- For the first time, run
$ python build
, if this fails, install all dependencies manually listed bellow
- For the first time, run
- Ready to go
The easiest way is to open your terminal and go to Simplex directory.
$ python [options] command
For all options and commands, type
$ python --help
This program can convert your .ocw and .P00 files into .csv + graphs. The only thing you need to tell the program is where your files are and what to do with them.
$ python [what type? -f for file or -i for directory] [where? path] [what to do? command]
Let's say I want to convert all files with .ocw extension in one directory, so I will use -i option for --input and type where the directory is and tell what to do with it by using jvc command(Current–voltage characteristic)
$ python -i myFilesDirectory jvc
Will tell the program to select all files with .ocw extension in myFilesDirectory and generate .csv + graps
You can also select one or multiple files to work with by using -f / --file option eg.
$ python -f myFile.ocw jvc
or for multiple files
$ python -f myFile.ocw -f mySecondFile.ocw jvc
$ python -m pip install -U pip
- Click - Python CLI
$ python -m pip install click==7.1.2
- Matplotlib - Matplotlib is a comprehensive library for creating static, animated, and interactive visualizations in Python.
$ python -m pip install matplotlib==3.3.2
If you find any problems running this program or you'd like the program to have other functionalities, please, do not hesitate and contact me.
Free Software, Hell Yeah!