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*Warm and Fuzzy DM *HMcode Original

Warm and Fuzzy DM

This addition is by David J.E. Marsh.

This modification is described in detail in the paper, WarmAndFuzzy: the halo model beyond CDM. When using this code please cite both that paper and the original paper by Mead et al.

WDM and FDM are implemented in three pieces:

  • Transfer functions
  • Mass dependent barriers
  • Concentration-mass relationship

WDM and FDM are turned on and off with ifdm and iwdm. WDM mass is measured in keV. FDM mass is measured in 1e-22 eV. It is assumed all the DM is EITHER one of these species: you can't have both, or mixed models with CDM. The modified linear transfer functions are given analytically: if you want to use an input numerical power, but still use the other features, you will have to work a little harder to make things consistent.

Mass dependent barriers are turned on and off with ibarrier. Added two functions, benson and marsh for the modified barriers. Use barrier function to create new look up table nuST which is the modified barrier. change mmin=1.e6, as otherwise you get NaNs way below the MF cut off.

NOTE: compared to HMcode, WFcode does the one halo integral as an integral over \sigma rather than \nu. This is necessary for consistency when the barrier is mass dependent.

Modified concentration mass relationship follows Schneider et al (2012) and treats WDM and FDM the same, using the half-mode mass. This is turned on and off with iconc, and requires additional lookup tables for the CDM c(M) relationship, computed from the CDM linear power.

HMcode Original

This code is produces the matter power spectrum using the halo-model approach described in Mead et al. (2015; Appendix B of that paper details the methods for doing the calculation. It also now includes some small updates from Mead et al. (2016).

If you use this work, or this code, I would be very grateful if you were to cite the original paper, and the updated paper if you use results from that. The code itself can also be cited: If you use the WDM and FDM results, please cite Marsh (2016), see below.

It should compile with any fortran compiler, and it doesn't need to be pointed to any libraries. I use 'ifort' and compile with '>ifort HMcode.f90' but it also works with gfortran.

When it starts the code fills up some arrays for the k and z values that the user wants the power spectrum for. It then calls 'assign_cosmology', which sets the cosmological parameters and tells the code where to look for an input linear power spectrum, if you want to change cosmology then you do it in this subroutine. The default is that this is taken from the Eistenstein + Hu (1998) approximation for the transfer function, but anything (e.g., a CAMB linear spectrum) could be wired in. See the notes at the end of this README if you are interested in feeding HMcode a tabulated linear spectrum. It then calls 'initialise_cosmology', which normalises the power spectrum to the correct sigma_8 and fills up arrays that contain the linear growth function and sigma(R).

There is now an option (imead) that can be changed. imead=0 means the code performs the standard halo model calculation (Dv=200, dc=1.686, Sheth & Tormen (1999) mass function, Bullock (2001) concentration-mass relation; although it neglects the standard bias term in the two-halo term, because this is not important for the matter spectrum), whereas imead=1 performs the accurate calculation detailed in Appendix B of

The code then loops through 'z' outer and 'k' producing power at each redshift and wave number. The ordering of loops (z then k) is important because for each new redshift the halo-model calculation needs to call 'halomod_init' to fill up look-up tables for the halo model calculation. This fills some look-up tables of various halo properties, such as mass, radius, nu, concentration etc. which are used in the one-halo integral and these change depending on z.

Once these tables have been evaluated the halo-model integral can then be carried out. This calculation is done by the routine 'halomod', which calls 'p_1h' and 'p_2h' to evaluate 1- and 2-halo terms and then uses these to compute the full power spectrum. The power spectrum at each k and z is then added to an array which is printed out to power.dat (k, pow(z1), pow(z2), ...) when the code finishes.

In testing I was able to get 16 redshifts, with 200 k-points, in 0.4 seconds (using ifort with -O3 optimisation).

The file 'plot.p' is a gnuplot script to plot the output. It can be run using "gnuplot> load 'plot.p'".

Please let me know if you need any help running the code. Or if you have any questions whatsoever.

For a version of HMcode that is integrated into cosmoMC please see

Alexander Mead ([email protected])

UPDATE - July 7th, 2015 One user reported crashes that occured for quite extreme cosmological models (n_s < 0.5, sig8 < 0.3 z>5). I have fixed this rather crudely by adding IF statements that catch problems (which manifest themsevles as extreme parameter values). The physical reason for these problems is that models with these odd cosmological parameters have R_nl<<1 Mpc and so have very few haloes. Some of the routines I was using previously had assumed that R_nl would not be so tiny.

UPDATE January 23rd, 2016 Updated the code a little so that it no longer calculates a range in nu and simply converts a mass range into a nu range to do the integral. The mass range is fixed from haloes of 1 Solar mass to 10^16 Solar masses, it is difficult to imagine an application of this code where this halo mass range would not be sufficient. This further helps when considering strange cosmological models at high redshift that suffer from a lack of haloes, for these models doing a nu to M inversion occasionally reached incredibly tiny halo masses that contribute negligbly to the power spectrum on cosmological scales due to their tiny sizes.

UPDATE February 4th, 2016 Included updates from Mead et al. (2016) including parameterising the two-halo damping term in terms of f(sigma_v) and slightly recalibrated values of alpha and f_damp. Now works for w(a)CDM models, where w(a)=w_0+(1.-a)*w_a.

Adding in a CAMB linear P(k)

Given the differences between CAMB and Eisenstein + Hu (1998) one might wish to make HMcode read in a linear CAMB power spectrum and work with that instead (or any other tabulated power spectrum). This is fine, and is what I did when comparing to Cosmic Emu in the paper (where the difference between CAMB and Eisenstein + Hu was important) but there is a subtle thing to bear in mind:

The halo-model calculation does integrals that are technically defined over the entire k range from 0 to inf. In practice contributions from very small and large scales are suppressed but the integration routines still need to know about the power at these scales sometimes, otherwise they may go bonkers. Obviously this is a problem given that one usually has a tabulated linear power spectrum defined on some finite range in k. The way I dealt with this was to read in the linear spectrum but then extrapolate if the code called 'p_lin' for k values below the minimum, or above the maximum, using physically motivated extrapolations. For example you know that the linear power spectrum is a power-law down to k->0 (\Delta^2 \propto k^{3+n}) and the high-k part can be approximated as \Delta^2 \propto k^{n-1}log(k)^2.

I have left my routines to do this in as 'find_Tk' and 'find_pk', and these carry out the correct extrapolation beyond the boundaries of either a P(k) table or T(k) table. These can be switched on using the 'itk' variable. Originally itk=3, which means the code uses Eisenstein + Hu (1998). If itk=4 is set then the code will look for an input table of k/h vs. T(k) and if itk=5 is set it will look for k/h vs. P(k). These input files need to be specified at run time (e.g. ./a.out input_tk.dat).