Changed hardcoded logo path to be fetched from env variable #127 / milkomeda-c1-testnet
Aug 2, 2024 in 3m 44s
Build succeed
You can preview build output on the link below.
Deploy started at 2024-08-02T18:32:06.887Z
2024-08-02T18:32:09.740Z: Deploy started
2024-08-02T18:32:14.709Z: Docker image: 'fleek/create-react-app:node-18'
2024-08-02T18:32:14.709Z: Build command: 'npm install && npm run build:milkomeda-testnet'
2024-08-02T18:32:14.709Z: Triggering build execution...
2024-08-02T18:33:05.773Z: npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: Use your platform's native and performance.timeOrigin.
2024-08-02T18:33:06.108Z: npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: Please upgrade to version 7 or higher. Older versions may use Math.random() in certain circumstances, which is known to be problematic. See for details.
2024-08-02T18:33:06.472Z: npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: Please use @jridgewell/sourcemap-codec instead
2024-08-02T18:33:06.560Z: npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: Modern JS already guarantees Array#sort() is a stable sort, so this library is deprecated. See the compatibility table on MDN:
2024-08-02T18:33:06.567Z: npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: [email protected]
2024-08-02T18:33:06.637Z: npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: This package has been deprecated and is no longer maintained. Please use @rollup/plugin-terser
2024-08-02T18:33:07.753Z: npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: request has been deprecated, see
2024-08-02T18:33:08.582Z: npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: This package is broken and no longer maintained. 'mkdirp' itself supports promises now, please switch to that.
2024-08-02T18:33:09.837Z: npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: this library is no longer supported
2024-08-02T18:33:10.241Z: npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: This module has been superseded by the multiformats module
2024-08-02T18:33:10.448Z: npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: This module has been superseded by the multiformats module
2024-08-02T18:33:11.011Z: npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: This SVGO version is no longer supported. Upgrade to v2.x.x.
2024-08-02T18:33:11.512Z: npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: Package no longer supported. Contact Support at for more info.
2024-08-02T18:33:11.909Z: npm WARN deprecated @walletconnect/[email protected]: WalletConnect's v1 SDKs are now deprecated. Please upgrade to a v2 SDK. For details see:
2024-08-02T18:33:13.062Z: npm WARN deprecated @walletconnect/[email protected]: WalletConnect's v1 SDKs are now deprecated. Please upgrade to a v2 SDK. For details see:
2024-08-02T18:33:14.827Z: npm WARN deprecated @json-rpc-tools/[email protected]: Package no longer supported. Contact Support at for more info.
2024-08-02T18:33:15.272Z: npm WARN deprecated @json-rpc-tools/[email protected]: Package no longer supported. Contact Support at for more info.
2024-08-02T18:33:15.383Z: npm WARN deprecated @json-rpc-tools/[email protected]: Package no longer supported. Contact Support at for more info.
2024-08-02T18:33:15.845Z: npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: This module has been superseded by the multiformats module
2024-08-02T18:33:18.236Z: npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: This module has been superseded by the multiformats module
2024-08-02T18:33:18.519Z: npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: This module has been superseded by the multiformats module
2024-08-02T18:33:41.906Z: added 2129 packages, and audited 2130 packages in 44s
2024-08-02T18:33:41.907Z: 313 packages are looking for funding
2024-08-02T18:33:41.907Z: run `npm fund` for details
2024-08-02T18:33:42.059Z: 47 vulnerabilities (2 low, 18 moderate, 26 high, 1 critical)
2024-08-02T18:33:42.059Z: To address issues that do not require attention, run:
2024-08-02T18:33:42.059Z: npm audit fix
2024-08-02T18:33:42.059Z: To address all issues possible (including breaking changes), run:
2024-08-02T18:33:42.059Z: npm audit fix --force
2024-08-02T18:33:42.059Z: Some issues need review, and may require choosing
2024-08-02T18:33:42.059Z: a different dependency.
2024-08-02T18:33:42.059Z: Run `npm audit` for details.
2024-08-02T18:33:42.060Z: npm notice
2024-08-02T18:33:42.060Z: npm notice New major version of npm available! 8.19.3 -> 10.8.2
2024-08-02T18:33:42.060Z: npm notice Changelog: <>
2024-08-02T18:33:42.060Z: npm notice Run `npm install -g [email protected]` to update!
2024-08-02T18:33:42.060Z: npm notice
2024-08-02T18:33:42.365Z: > [email protected] build:milkomeda-testnet
2024-08-02T18:33:42.365Z: > npx -y env-cmd -f ./env/milkomeda-testnet.env npm run build
2024-08-02T18:33:45.476Z: > [email protected] build
2024-08-02T18:33:45.476Z: > craco build
2024-08-02T18:33:46.781Z: Creating an optimized production build...
2024-08-02T18:33:46.898Z: Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run:
2024-08-02T18:33:46.898Z: npx update-browserslist-db@latest
2024-08-02T18:33:46.898Z: Why you should do it regularly:
2024-08-02T18:33:49.853Z: One of your dependencies, babel-preset-react-app, is importing the
2024-08-02T18:33:49.853Z: "@babel/plugin-proposal-private-property-in-object" package without
2024-08-02T18:33:49.853Z: declaring it in its dependencies. This is currently working because
2024-08-02T18:33:49.853Z: "@babel/plugin-proposal-private-property-in-object" is already in your
2024-08-02T18:33:49.853Z: node_modules folder for unrelated reasons, but it may break at any time.
2024-08-02T18:33:49.853Z: babel-preset-react-app is part of the create-react-app project, which
2024-08-02T18:33:49.853Z: is not maintianed anymore. It is thus unlikely that this bug will
2024-08-02T18:33:49.853Z: ever be fixed. Add "@babel/plugin-proposal-private-property-in-object" to
2024-08-02T18:33:49.853Z: your devDependencies to work around this error. This will make this message
2024-08-02T18:33:49.853Z: go away.
2024-08-02T18:35:36.301Z: Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run:
2024-08-02T18:35:36.301Z: npx update-browserslist-db@latest
2024-08-02T18:35:36.301Z: Why you should do it regularly:
2024-08-02T18:35:36.302Z: Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run:
2024-08-02T18:35:36.302Z: npx update-browserslist-db@latest
2024-08-02T18:35:36.302Z: Why you should do it regularly:
2024-08-02T18:35:36.364Z: Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run:
2024-08-02T18:35:36.364Z: npx update-browserslist-db@latest
2024-08-02T18:35:36.364Z: Why you should do it regularly:
2024-08-02T18:35:42.666Z: Compiled successfully.
2024-08-02T18:35:42.666Z: File sizes after gzip:
2024-08-02T18:35:46.572Z: Deployed to IPFS and got the hash:
2024-08-02T18:35:46.572Z: QmYg3r6HXPuh1CFDkvV3WPUCwUh2V3nHVCW8kowx3r7mUP
2024-08-02T18:35:46.572Z: Checking content availability on IPFS...
2024-08-02T18:35:42.928Z: 1.24 MB build/static/js/main.cbd3ab4d.js
2024-08-02T18:35:42.928Z: 71 kB build/static/css/main.273b2cbc.css
2024-08-02T18:35:42.928Z: 31.85 kB build/static/js/161.2b7b3b0e.chunk.js
2024-08-02T18:35:42.928Z: 29.47 kB build/static/js/969.b14e39e5.chunk.js
2024-08-02T18:35:42.928Z: 7.09 kB build/static/js/936.057d6325.chunk.js
2024-08-02T18:35:42.928Z: 6.92 kB build/static/js/745.232045e5.chunk.js
2024-08-02T18:35:42.928Z: 519 B build/static/css/745.2c5c17bb.chunk.css
2024-08-02T18:35:42.928Z: 519 B build/static/css/893.2c5c17bb.chunk.css
2024-08-02T18:35:42.928Z: 174 B build/static/js/893.af31dd90.chunk.js
2024-08-02T18:35:42.928Z: The bundle size is significantly larger than recommended.
2024-08-02T18:35:42.928Z: Consider reducing it with code splitting:
2024-08-02T18:35:42.928Z: You can also analyze the project dependencies:
2024-08-02T18:35:42.929Z: The project was built assuming it is hosted at /.
2024-08-02T18:35:42.929Z: You can control this with the homepage field in your package.json.
2024-08-02T18:35:42.929Z: The build folder is ready to be deployed.
2024-08-02T18:35:42.929Z: You may serve it with a static server:
2024-08-02T18:35:42.929Z: npm install -g serve
2024-08-02T18:35:42.929Z: serve -s build
2024-08-02T18:35:42.929Z: Find out more about deployment here:
2024-08-02T18:35:49.572Z: You can preview this build on :