To compile RHVoice the following programs must be installed on your system:
Before compiling RHVoice make sure that at least one of the following audio libraries is installed on your machine:
- PulseAudio
- Libao
- PortAudio V19
Please note that many distributions provide a separate development package for a library, which is necessary to compile the programs using the library. You need to install both runtime and development packages.
To start compilation execute the command:
You can change some compilation options. For more information run the command:
scons -h
To install RHVoice execute the following commands:
# scons install
Now you can check if the synthesizer is working:
echo test|RHVoice-test
To enable Speech Dispatcher to find the output module which allows it to communicate with RHVoice, create a symlink to the module in the directory where Speech Dispatcher has installed its built-in output modules. For example:
# ln -s /usr/local/bin/sd_rhvoice /usr/lib/speech-dispatcher-modules