diff --git a/.env b/.env
index 5dd401a..0b0576f 100644
--- a/.env
+++ b/.env
@@ -16,5 +16,6 @@ RETRY_DELAY_BASE_SECONDS=1
 RAMDISK_PATH = "/mnt/ramdisk"
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index d1ff900..4e0816e 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ httpx
diff --git a/service_functions.py b/service_functions.py
index cb10888..10f9754 100644
--- a/service_functions.py
+++ b/service_functions.py
@@ -31,6 +31,8 @@
 from decouple import config
 from faster_whisper import WhisperModel
 from llama_cpp import Llama, LlamaGrammar
+from mutagen import File as MutagenFile
 logger = setup_logger()
@@ -45,6 +47,7 @@
 USE_RAMDISK = config("USE_RAMDISK", default=False, cast=bool)
 USE_VERBOSE = config("USE_VERBOSE", default=False, cast=bool)
 RAMDISK_PATH = config("RAMDISK_PATH", default="/mnt/ramdisk", cast=str)
 BASE_DIRECTORY = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
@@ -733,4 +736,113 @@ async def download_file(url: str, expected_size: int, expected_hash: str) -> str
     if hash_obj.hexdigest() != expected_hash:
         raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="File hash mismatch")
-    return temp_file_path
\ No newline at end of file
+    return temp_file_path
+def get_audio_duration_seconds(file_path: str) -> float:
+    audio = MutagenFile(file_path)
+    if audio is None or not hasattr(audio.info, 'length'):
+        raise ValueError("Could not determine the length of the audio file.")
+    return audio.info.length
+def start_resource_monitoring(endpoint_name: str, input_data: Dict[str, Any], client_ip: str) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+        return {}
+    # Capture initial system resource usage
+    initial_memory = psutil.virtual_memory().used
+    initial_cpu_times = psutil.cpu_times_percent(interval=None)
+    start_time = time.time()
+    # Placeholder for input-specific details
+    request_details = {}
+    # Extract endpoint-specific input details
+    if endpoint_name == "get_embedding_vector_for_string":
+        text = input_data.get("text", "")
+        request_details = {
+            "num_words": len(text.split()),
+            "num_characters": len(text)
+        }
+    elif endpoint_name == "get_all_embedding_vectors_for_document":
+        sentences = input_data.get("sentences", [])
+        file_size_mb = input_data.get("file_size_mb", 0)
+        mime_type = input_data.get("mime_type", "")
+        request_details = {
+            "num_sentences": len(sentences),
+            "total_words": sum(len(sentence.split()) for sentence in sentences),
+            "total_characters": sum(len(sentence) for sentence in sentences),
+            "file_size_mb": file_size_mb,
+            "mime_type": mime_type
+        }
+    elif endpoint_name == "compute_transcript_with_whisper_from_audio":
+        transcript_details = input_data.get("transcript_details", {})
+        file_size_mb = input_data.get("file_size_mb", 0)
+        audio_duration_seconds = input_data.get("audio_duration_seconds", 0)
+        request_details = {
+            "file_size_mb": file_size_mb,
+            "audio_duration_seconds": audio_duration_seconds,
+            "num_sentences": len(transcript_details.get("sentences", [])),
+            "total_words": sum(len(sentence.split()) for sentence in transcript_details.get("sentences", [])),
+            "total_characters": sum(len(sentence) for sentence in transcript_details.get("sentences", []))
+        }
+    elif endpoint_name == "get_text_completions_from_input_prompt":
+        input_prompt = input_data.get("input_prompt", "")
+        request_details = {
+            "num_words": len(input_prompt.split()),
+            "num_characters": len(input_prompt),
+            "llm_model_name": input_data.get("llm_model_name", ""),
+            "temperature": input_data.get("temperature", 0.7),
+            "grammar_file_string": input_data.get("grammar_file_string", ""),
+            "number_of_completions_to_generate": input_data.get("number_of_completions_to_generate", 1),
+            "number_of_tokens_to_generate": input_data.get("number_of_tokens_to_generate", 1000)
+        }
+    # Store initial state and request details in the context
+    context = {
+        "endpoint_name": endpoint_name,
+        "start_time": start_time,
+        "initial_memory": initial_memory,
+        "initial_cpu_times": initial_cpu_times,
+        "request_details": request_details,
+        "client_ip": client_ip,
+        "timestamp": time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(start_time))
+    }
+    return context
+def end_resource_monitoring(context: Dict[str, Any]):
+    if not USE_RESOURCE_MONITORING or not context:
+        return
+    # Retrieve initial state from context
+    endpoint_name = context["endpoint_name"]
+    start_time = context["start_time"]
+    initial_memory = context["initial_memory"]
+    initial_cpu_times = context["initial_cpu_times"]
+    request_details = context["request_details"]
+    client_ip = context["client_ip"]
+    timestamp = context["timestamp"]
+    # Capture final system resource usage
+    end_time = time.time()
+    final_memory = psutil.virtual_memory().used
+    final_cpu_times = psutil.cpu_times_percent(interval=None)
+    # Calculate the metrics
+    memory_used = final_memory - initial_memory
+    cpu_used = {
+        "user": final_cpu_times.user - initial_cpu_times.user,
+        "system": final_cpu_times.system - initial_cpu_times.system,
+        "idle": final_cpu_times.idle - initial_cpu_times.idle
+    }
+    time_taken = end_time - start_time
+    # Combine all metrics into a result dictionary
+    result = {
+        "timestamp": timestamp,
+        "client_ip": client_ip,
+        "endpoint_name": endpoint_name,
+        "request_details": request_details,
+        "memory_used": memory_used,
+        "cpu_used": cpu_used,
+        "time_taken": time_taken
+    }
+    # Append the result to the log file
+    log_file_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "resource_monitoring_logs.json")
+    try:
+        with open(log_file_path, "a") as log_file:
+            log_file.write(json.dumps(result) + "\n")
+    except Exception as e:
+        logger.error(f"Failed to write resource monitoring log: {e}")
+    logger.info(f"Request data and system resources used: {result}")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/swiss_army_llama.py b/swiss_army_llama.py
index 7279750..2d8d388 100644
--- a/swiss_army_llama.py
+++ b/swiss_army_llama.py
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@
 from embeddings_data_models import EmbeddingRequest, SemanticSearchRequest, AdvancedSemanticSearchRequest, SimilarityRequest, TextCompletionRequest, AddGrammarRequest
 from embeddings_data_models import EmbeddingResponse, SemanticSearchResponse, AdvancedSemanticSearchResponse, SimilarityResponse, AllStringsResponse, AllDocumentsResponse, TextCompletionResponse, AddGrammarResponse
 from embeddings_data_models import ShowLogsIncrementalModel
-from service_functions import get_or_compute_embedding, get_or_compute_transcript, add_model_url, get_or_compute_token_level_embedding_bundle_combined_feature_vector, calculate_token_level_embeddings, download_file
-from service_functions import parse_submitted_document_file_into_sentence_strings_func, compute_embeddings_for_document, store_document_embeddings_in_db, generate_completion_from_llm, validate_bnf_grammar_func, convert_document_to_sentences_func
+from service_functions import get_or_compute_embedding, get_or_compute_transcript, add_model_url, get_or_compute_token_level_embedding_bundle_combined_feature_vector, calculate_token_level_embeddings, download_file, start_resource_monitoring, end_resource_monitoring
+from service_functions import parse_submitted_document_file_into_sentence_strings_func, compute_embeddings_for_document, store_document_embeddings_in_db, generate_completion_from_llm, validate_bnf_grammar_func, convert_document_to_sentences_func, get_audio_duration_seconds
 from grammar_builder import GrammarBuilder
 from log_viewer_functions import show_logs_incremental_func, show_logs_func
 from uvicorn_config import option
@@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ async def lifespan(app: FastAPI):
 DEFAULT_MODEL_NAME = config("DEFAULT_MODEL_NAME", default="Meta-Llama-3-8B-Instruct.Q3_K_S", cast=str) 
 USE_RAMDISK = config("USE_RAMDISK", default=False, cast=bool)
 RAMDISK_PATH = config("RAMDISK_PATH", default="/mnt/ramdisk", cast=str)
 BASE_DIRECTORY = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
@@ -318,8 +319,12 @@ async def get_embedding_vector_for_string(request: EmbeddingRequest, req: Reques
         lock = await shared_resources.lock_manager.lock(unique_id)
         if lock.valid:
+                input_data = {"text": request.text}
+                context = start_resource_monitoring("get_embedding_vector_for_string", input_data, req.client.host if req else "localhost")
                 return await get_or_compute_embedding(request, req, client_ip, document_file_hash)
+                end_resource_monitoring(context)
                 await shared_resources.lock_manager.unlock(lock)
             return {"status": "already processing"}
@@ -329,6 +334,7 @@ async def get_embedding_vector_for_string(request: EmbeddingRequest, req: Reques
         raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail="Internal Server Error")
         summary="Retrieve Token-Level Embeddings and Combined Feature Vector for a Given Input String",
         description="""Retrieve the token-level embeddings and combined feature vector for a given input text using the specified model.
@@ -803,10 +809,8 @@ async def get_all_embedding_vectors_for_document(
     client_ip = req.client.host if req else "localhost"
     request_time = datetime.utcnow()
     if USE_SECURITY_TOKEN and use_hardcoded_security_token and (token is None or token != SECURITY_TOKEN):
         raise HTTPException(status_code=403, detail="Unauthorized")
     if file:
         _, extension = os.path.splitext(file.filename)
         temp_file_path = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=extension, delete=False).name
@@ -820,20 +824,16 @@ async def get_all_embedding_vectors_for_document(
         temp_file_path = await download_file(url, size, hash)
         raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Invalid input. Provide either a file or URL with hash and size.")
     hash_obj = hashlib.sha3_256()
     with open(temp_file_path, 'rb') as buffer:
         for chunk in iter(lambda: buffer.read(chunk_size), b''):
     file_hash = hash_obj.hexdigest()
     logger.info(f"SHA3-256 hash of submitted file: {file_hash}")
     if corpus_identifier_string is None:
         corpus_identifier_string = file_hash
     unique_id = f"document_embedding_{file_hash}_{llm_model_name}"
     lock = await shared_resources.lock_manager.lock(unique_id)
     if lock.valid:
             async with AsyncSession() as session:
@@ -846,8 +846,17 @@ async def get_all_embedding_vectors_for_document(
                     mime = Magic(mime=True)
                     mime_type = mime.from_file(temp_file_path)
                     logger.info(f"Received request to extract embeddings for document {file.filename if file else url} with MIME type: {mime_type} and size: {os.path.getsize(temp_file_path)} bytes from IP address: {client_ip}")
-                    strings = await parse_submitted_document_file_into_sentence_strings_func(temp_file_path, mime_type)
-                    results = await compute_embeddings_for_document(strings, llm_model_name, client_ip, file_hash)
+                    sentences = await parse_submitted_document_file_into_sentence_strings_func(temp_file_path, mime_type)
+                    input_data = {
+                        "sentences": sentences,
+                        "file_size_mb": os.path.getsize(temp_file_path) / (1024 * 1024),
+                        "mime_type": mime_type
+                    }
+                    context = start_resource_monitoring("get_all_embedding_vectors_for_document", input_data, client_ip)
+                    try:
+                        results = await compute_embeddings_for_document(sentences, llm_model_name, client_ip, file_hash)
+                    finally:
+                        end_resource_monitoring(context)                    
                     df = pd.DataFrame(results, columns=['text', 'embedding'])
                     json_content = df.to_json(orient=json_format or 'records').encode()
                     with open(temp_file_path, 'rb') as file_buffer:
@@ -949,20 +958,24 @@ async def get_text_completions_from_input_prompt(request: TextCompletionRequest,
     if USE_SECURITY_TOKEN and use_hardcoded_security_token and (token is None or token != SECURITY_TOKEN):
         logger.warning(f"Unauthorized request from client IP {client_ip}")
         raise HTTPException(status_code=403, detail="Unauthorized")
+    context = start_resource_monitoring("get_text_completions_from_input_prompt", request.dict(), client_ip)
         unique_id = f"text_completion_{hash(request.input_prompt)}_{request.llm_model_name}"
-        lock = await shared_resources.lock_manager.lock(unique_id)        
+        lock = await shared_resources.lock_manager.lock(unique_id)
         if lock.valid:
-            try:    
-                return await generate_completion_from_llm(request, req, client_ip)
+            try:
+                response = await generate_completion_from_llm(request, req, client_ip)
+                return response
                 await shared_resources.lock_manager.unlock(lock)
             return {"status": "already processing"}
     except Exception as e:
         logger.error(f"An error occurred while processing the request: {e}")
-        logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) # Print the traceback
+        logger.error(traceback.format_exc())  # Print the traceback
         raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail="Internal Server Error")
+    finally:
+        end_resource_monitoring(context)
@@ -1124,16 +1137,23 @@ async def compute_transcript_with_whisper_from_audio(
         temp_file_path = await download_file(url, size, hash)
         raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Invalid input. Provide either a file or URL with hash and size.")
+    audio_file_size_mb = os.path.getsize(temp_file_path) / (1024 * 1024)
+    input_data = {
+        "file_size_mb": audio_file_size_mb,
+        "audio_duration_seconds": get_audio_duration_seconds(temp_file_path)
+    }
+    context = start_resource_monitoring("compute_transcript_with_whisper_from_audio", input_data, req.client.host if req else "localhost")
         audio_transcript = await get_or_compute_transcript(temp_file_path, compute_embeddings_for_resulting_transcript_document, llm_model_name, req, corpus_identifier_string)
-        os.remove(temp_file_path)
         return JSONResponse(content=audio_transcript)
     except Exception as e:
         logger.error(f"An error occurred while processing the request: {e}")
         logger.error(traceback.format_exc())  # Print the traceback
         raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail="Internal Server Error")
+    finally:
+        os.remove(temp_file_path)
+        end_resource_monitoring(context)