Please contact us before making use of the 'headless job' support--we are incrementally adding support for batch processing in the science platform.
Create an image as per the regular process of making containers available in the platform: Publishing
However, label it as headless
in to make it available for headless job launching.
For the full details of the job launching API, see this section of the akaha API documentation:!/Session_Management/post_session
All jobs will be run as the calling user. All jobs have the /arc
filesystem mounted.
Example: launch a headless job, overriding the command and providing two arguments:
curl -E ~/.ssl/cadcproxy.pem -d "name=headless-test" -d "" --data-urlencode "cmd=touch" --data-urlencode "args=/arc/home/majorb/headless-test-1a /arc/home/majorb/headless-test-1b"
skaha will return the sessionID
on a successful post (job launch). The job will remain in the system for 1 hour after completion (success or failure).
Job phases:
- Pending
- Running
- Succeeded
- Failed
- Terminating
- Unknown
To view all sessions and jobs:
curl -E ~/.ssl/cadcproxy.pem
To view a single session or job:
curl -E ~/.ssl/cadcproxy.pem<sessionID>
To view logs for session:
curl -E ~/.ssl/cadcproxy.pem<sessionID>?view=logs
This shows the complete output (stdout and stderr) for the image for the job.
To view scheduling events for session:
curl -E ~/.ssl/cadcproxy.pem<sessionID>?view=events
Scheduling events will only be seen when there are issues scheduling the job on a node.
Dicussions of issues and platform features take place in the Science Platform Slack Channel: Science Platform Slack Channel
Reporting of bugs and new feature requests can also be made as github issues:
Contributions to the platform (including updates or corrections to the documentation) can be submitted as pull requests to this GitHub repository.
General inquiries can be made to [email protected]
My session is stuck in the
state - This can imply that the platform is unable to launch your image. There are a number of potential causes:- Often skaha fails to authorize you to due to an expired
CLI Secret
. Try resetting this value by logging into (using the OIDC Login button), going to your User Profile, and updating your CLI Secret. Once done you should delete the Pending session and try launching it again. - If the image is proprietary and the CLI Secret update did not work, check with your project administrator to ensure you have been granted access to the project in
- The session could be in a Pending state waiting for resources so that it can be scheduled.
- More information about the reason for the Pending state can be found using the logging mechanisms explained in Programmatic Access.
- Often skaha fails to authorize you to due to an expired
How do I test a graphical container on my Mac?
- See the instructions to have container display shown on your Mac here: Display ENV on OSX