My session is stuck in the
state - This can imply that the platform is unable to launch your image. There are a number of potential causes:- Often skaha fails to authorize you to https://images.canfar.net due to an expired
CLI Secret
. Try resetting this value by logging into https://images.canfar.net (using the OIDC Login button), going to your User Profile, and updating your CLI Secret. Once done you should delete the Pending session and try launching it again. - If the image is proprietary and the CLI Secret update did not work, check with your project administrator to ensure you have been granted access to the project in https://images.canfar.net
- The session could be in a Pending state waiting for resources so that it can be scheduled.
- More information about the reason for the Pending state can be found using the logging mechanisms explained in Programmatic Access.
- Often skaha fails to authorize you to https://images.canfar.net due to an expired
How do I test a graphical container on my Mac?
Enable "Allow connections from network clients" in XQuartz settings. Relaunch XQuartz.
In terminal execute
> xhost +
Launch docker run with the option
-e DISPLAY=host.docker.internal:0
These steps were taken from https://medium.com/@mreichelt/how-to-show-x11-windows-within-docker-on-mac-50759f4b65cb