diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 1180935..7f61fee 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -107,7 +107,6 @@ dist
# Azure deployment file
# Covers JetBrains IDEs: IntelliJ, RubyMine, PhpStorm, AppCode, PyCharm, CLion, Android Studio, WebStorm and Rider
diff --git a/.idea/codeStyles/Project.xml b/.idea/codeStyles/Project.xml
index a8be227..1632c38 100644
--- a/.idea/codeStyles/Project.xml
+++ b/.idea/codeStyles/Project.xml
@@ -7,8 +7,9 @@
@@ -18,8 +19,9 @@
diff --git a/src/app.controller.ts b/src/app.controller.ts
index 80f1a5e..5cf9f94 100644
--- a/src/app.controller.ts
+++ b/src/app.controller.ts
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ import {
} from '@nestjs/common';
import { AppService } from './app.service';
import { JwtAuthGuard } from './auth/jwt/jwt-auth.guard';
-import { SheetsService } from './sheets/sheets.service';
import { OpenaiService } from './openai/openai.service';
import { GoogledriveService } from './googledrive/googledrive.service';
@@ -18,13 +17,13 @@ export class AppController {
private readonly appService: AppService,
- private readonly sheetsService: SheetsService,
private readonly openaiService: OpenaiService,
private readonly googledriveService: GoogledriveService,
) {}
getHello(): string {
+ this.logger.log('Hello World!');
return this.appService.getHello();
@@ -43,12 +42,6 @@ export class AppController {
// return { text: chatGPTResponse.content };
// }
- @UseGuards(JwtAuthGuard)
- @Get('sheets')
- getSheets(@Request() req): Promise {
- return this.sheetsService.getContent(req.user.id, 15, 0);
- }
uploadURL(@Request() req): Promise {
diff --git a/src/app.module.ts b/src/app.module.ts
index 5f5784a..1926fcc 100644
--- a/src/app.module.ts
+++ b/src/app.module.ts
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ import { AppService } from './app.service';
import { AuthModule } from './auth/auth.module';
import { ConfigModule } from '@nestjs/config';
import { UsersModule } from './users/users.module';
-import { SheetsModule } from './sheets/sheets.module';
import { CommunicationsService } from './communications/communications.service';
import { CommunicationsModule } from './communications/communications.module';
import { ScheduleModule } from '@nestjs/schedule';
@@ -43,7 +42,6 @@ const ENV = process.env.NODE_ENV;
autoLoadEntities: true,
- SheetsModule,
diff --git a/src/sheets/sheets.module.ts b/src/sheets/sheets.module.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 59eaef8..0000000
--- a/src/sheets/sheets.module.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
-import { SheetsService } from './sheets.service';
-import { UsersModule } from '../users/users.module';
-import { CommunicationsModule } from '../communications/communications.module';
-import { AuthModule } from '../auth/auth.module';
-// import { OpenaiModule } from '../openai/openai.module';
-import { UtilsModule } from '../utils/utils.module';
- imports: [
- UsersModule,
- CommunicationsModule,
- AuthModule,
- // OpenaiModule,
- UtilsModule,
- ],
- providers: [SheetsService],
- exports: [SheetsService],
-export class SheetsModule {}
diff --git a/src/sheets/sheets.service.spec.ts b/src/sheets/sheets.service.spec.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index ffe2711..0000000
--- a/src/sheets/sheets.service.spec.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-import { Test, TestingModule } from '@nestjs/testing';
-import { SheetsService } from './sheets.service';
-describe('SheetsService', () => {
- let service: SheetsService;
- beforeEach(async () => {
- const module: TestingModule = await Test.createTestingModule({
- providers: [SheetsService],
- }).compile();
- service = module.get(SheetsService);
- });
- it('should be defined', () => {
- expect(service).toBeDefined();
- });
diff --git a/src/sheets/sheets.service.ts b/src/sheets/sheets.service.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 1bdcd07..0000000
--- a/src/sheets/sheets.service.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,276 +0,0 @@
-import { Injectable, Logger } from '@nestjs/common';
-import { UsersService } from '../users/users.service';
-import { ConfigService } from '@nestjs/config';
-import { google, sheets_v4 } from 'googleapis';
-import { CommunicationsService } from '../communications/communications.service';
-// import { Cron } from '@nestjs/schedule';
-import { GoogleOauth2ClientService } from '../auth/GoogleOauth2Client.service';
-import keys from '../config/devoteamnl-park-app.json';
-import { OpenaiService } from '../openai/openai.service';
-import { DateParserService } from '../utils/date-parser/date-parser.service';
-export class SheetsService {
- private readonly logger = new Logger(SheetsService.name);
- private readonly oAuth2Client;
- private readonly oauthSAClient;
- constructor(
- private readonly usersService: UsersService,
- private readonly configService: ConfigService,
- private readonly communicationsService: CommunicationsService,
- private readonly googleOauth2ClientService: GoogleOauth2ClientService,
- // private readonly openaiService: OpenaiService,
- private readonly dateParserService: DateParserService,
- ) {
- this.oAuth2Client = this.googleOauth2ClientService.getOauth2Client();
- this.oauthSAClient = new google.auth.JWT(
- keys.client_email,
- null,
- keys.private_key,
- ['https://www.googleapis.com/auth/spreadsheets.readonly'],
- );
- }
- // @Cron('0 9 * * 1-5') // Runs daily at 10 AM, on work week
- //@Cron('45 * * * * *') // Runs every 45th seconf of a minute
- async _cronUpdateVectorDB() {
- this.logger.log('Updating vector DB');
- const spreadSheetContents: SpreadSheetContents[] = await this.getContent(
- await this.retrieveGCPUserId(),
- 10,
- 0,
- );
- for (const spreadSheetContent of spreadSheetContents) {
- this.logger.log(
- `Updating vector DB for day: ${
- spreadSheetContent.day
- }, emails: ${spreadSheetContent.emails.toString()}`,
- );
- const dateToText = this.dateParserService.convertDateToText(
- spreadSheetContent.day,
- );
- const text_to_embed = `${dateToText} ${
- spreadSheetContent.day
- }: ${spreadSheetContent.emails.join(',')}`;
- this.logger.log('Following Text needs to be embedded:');
- this.logger.log(text_to_embed);
- // const embeddings = await this.openaiService.generateEmbedding(
- // text_to_embed,
- // );
- // await this.milvusParkingDataService.insertSheetTextAndEmbedding(
- // text_to_embed,
- // embeddings,
- // );
- // await this.pineconeService.listIndexes();
- // await this.pineconeService.upsertRecords({
- // vectors: [
- // {
- // id: 'vec1',
- // values: embeddings,
- // metadata: {
- // text: text_to_embed,
- // },
- // },
- // ],
- // namespace: 'example-namespace',
- // });
- // const quer_embedding = await this.openaiService.generateEmbedding(
- // '09/05',
- // );
- // await this.pineconeService.queryRecords(quer_embedding);
- // this.milvusParkingDataService.insertSheetTextAndEmbedding(
- //this.milvusParkingDataService.insertSheetTextAndEmbedding()
- }
- }
- //@Cron('0 9 * * 1-5') // Runs daily at 10 AM, on work week
- // @Cron('45 * * * * *') // Runs every 45th seconf of a minute
- async _cronEmailNotification() {
- const spreadSheetContents: SpreadSheetContents[] = await this.getContent(
- await this.retrieveGCPUserId(),
- 1,
- 1,
- );
- for (const spreadSheetContent of spreadSheetContents) {
- this.logger.log(`Sending Email for day: ${spreadSheetContent.day}`);
- this.logger.log(
- `Sending Emails to following:${spreadSheetContent.emails.toString()}`,
- );
- spreadSheetContent.emails.forEach((email) => {
- if (
- email !== undefined &&
- email.endsWith('@' + this.configService.get('EMAIL_DOMAIN'))
- ) {
- this.communicationsService.sendEmail(this.oauthSAClient, email);
- }
- });
- }
- return spreadSheetContents;
- }
- // Internal Function that run every day 8AM to refreshAccessToken
- //@Cron('45 * * * *') // Runs daily at 8 AM
- async _cronRefreshAccessToken() {
- const id = await this.retrieveGCPUserId();
- this.logger.log(`Geting user information for user id: ${id}`);
- const user = await this.usersService.findOne(id);
- this.oAuth2Client.setCredentials({
- access_token: user.google_token,
- refresh_token: user.refresh_token,
- });
- this.logger.log('Refreshing access token');
- await this.oAuth2Client.refreshAccessToken();
- this.logger.log('Access token refreshed');
- }
- // Function that return next work days in format 'dd-mm',
- // that has two paramter: 'no_of_days' and 'start_day' as number
- // getNextFewWorkDays(10,0) return next 10 work days from today
- // getNextFewWorkDays(10,-1) return next 10 work days from yesterday
- // getNextFewWorkDays(10,1) return next 10 work days from tomorrow
- getNextFewWorkDays(no_of_days: number, start_day: number) {
- const work_days = [];
- const today = new Date();
- today.setDate(today.getDate() + start_day);
- let count = 0;
- while (count < no_of_days) {
- if (today.getDay() !== 0 && today.getDay() !== 6) {
- let day: string | number = today.getDate();
- let month: string | number = today.getMonth() + 1;
- if (day < 10) day = '0' + day;
- if (month < 10) month = '0' + month;
- work_days.push(`${day}-${month}`);
- count++;
- }
- today.setDate(today.getDate() + 1);
- }
- return work_days;
- }
- async retrieveGCPUserId() {
- const user = await this.usersService.findByUsername(
- this.configService.get('EMAIL_SENDER'),
- );
- return user.id;
- }
- async setContextGPT() {
- const spreadSheetContents: SpreadSheetContents[] = await this.getContent(
- await this.retrieveGCPUserId(),
- 10,
- 0,
- );
- let context_text =
- 'Keep the answer very short. You are a helpful chatbot that can help people find reservation parking spots. ' +
- 'A total of 10 parking slots are available each workday. No parking slots available on weekends. ' +
- 'Following, you will find existing reservations done by people daily, separated by a new line. ' +
- `Formatted by 'day: names of people with reservation.' Be as concise as possible.` +
- `Only answer question from the context provided, for everything else just say: 'I am unable to help. Please Check with HR.' \n\n`;
- for (const spreadSheetContent of spreadSheetContents) {
- context_text =
- context_text +
- `${spreadSheetContent.day}: ${spreadSheetContent.emails.join(',')}\n`;
- }
- context_text = context_text + '\n\n ------------------\n';
- return context_text;
- }
- async getContent(
- id: number,
- numberofdays: number,
- start_day: number,
- ): Promise {
- this.logger.log(`Geting user information for user id: ${id}`);
- const user = await this.usersService.findOne(id);
- this.oAuth2Client.setCredentials({
- access_token: user.google_token,
- refresh_token: user.refresh_token,
- });
- this.logger.log('Refreshing access token');
- // await this.oAuth2Client.refreshAccessToken();
- // Service Account Client
- await this.oauthSAClient.authorize();
- const sheets = google.sheets({ version: 'v4', auth: this.oauthSAClient });
- return this.getSpreadsheetContents(sheets, numberofdays, start_day);
- }
- async getSpreadsheetContents(
- sheets: sheets_v4.Sheets,
- numberofdays: number,
- start_day = 0,
- ) {
- this.logger.log('Retrieving google spreadsheets content');
- const days = this.getNextFewWorkDays(numberofdays, start_day);
- this.logger.log(days);
- // const parker_column_range = 'B3:F11';
- const parker_column_range = 'P:P';
- const contents: SpreadSheetContents[] = [];
- const dayPromise = [];
- for (const day of days) {
- const promise = sheets.spreadsheets.values.get({
- spreadsheetId: this.configService.get('SPREADSHEET_ID'),
- range: `${day}!${parker_column_range}`,
- });
- dayPromise.push({ day, promise });
- }
- const promiseResult = await Promise.allSettled(
- dayPromise.map((obj) => obj.promise),
- )
- .then((results) =>
- results.map((result, index) => ({
- day: dayPromise[index].day,
- status: result.status,
- value:
- result.status === 'fulfilled'
- ? (result as PromiseFulfilledResult).value
- : null,
- })),
- )
- .catch((err) => {
- this.logger.error(err);
- return [];
- });
- const dayResponses = promiseResult.filter(
- (result) => result.status === 'fulfilled',
- );
- for (const dayResponse of dayResponses) {
- const day_content = {};
- day_content.day = dayResponse.day;
- const rows = dayResponse.value.data.values;
- if (!rows || rows.length === 0) {
- continue;
- }
- const emails = [];
- for (const row of rows) {
- const email = row[0];
- if (email !== undefined) {
- emails.push(email);
- }
- }
- day_content.emails = emails;
- /*
- Following function should generate embedding for day_content using openAI api and save it to
- open source vector database
- */
- contents.push(day_content);
- }
- return contents;
- }
-class SpreadSheetContents {
- day: string;
- emails: string[];