Banners are notifications alerting an event that requires a user action. They are similar toasts except banners are not sparked by the user’s action, therefore they require a different design. Banners are primarily used for global messages about the system that can be simply informational (blue) or color coded to signal success (green), warning (yellow) and error (red).
Read more about when and how to use the Banner component on the internal wiki.
yarn add @hig/banner @hig/theme-context @hig/theme-data
import Banner from '@hig/banner';
<Banner type="primary">
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actions={({ isWrappingActions }) => (
<Banner.Interactions isWrappingActions={isWrappingActions}>
width={isWrappingActions ? "grow" : "shrink"}
"Resolve text",
t(languages, chosenLanguage, "BANNER_RESOLVE_BUTTON_TEXT")
width={isWrappingActions ? "grow" : "shrink"}
"Reject text",
t(languages, chosenLanguage, "BANNER_REJECT_BUTTON_TEXT")
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Use the className
prop to pass in a css class name to the outermost container of the component. The class name will also pass down to most of the other styled elements within the component.