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File metadata and controls

164 lines (119 loc) · 4.44 KB

ETL in PySpark with Spark SQL

Let's use PySpark and Spark SQL to prepare the data for ML and graph analysis. We can perform data discovery while reshaping the data for later work. These early results can help guide our deeper analysis.

NB: if this ETL needs to run outside of the bin/pyspark shell, first set up a SparkContext variable:

from pyspark import SparkContext
sc = SparkContext(appName="Exsto", master="local[*]")

Import the JSON data produced by the scraper and register its schema for ad-hoc SQL queries later. Each message has the fields: date, sender, id, next_thread, prev_thread, next_url, subject, text

from pyspark.sql import SQLContext, Row
sqlCtx = SQLContext(sc)

msg = sqlCtx.jsonFile("data").cache()

NB: note the persistence used for the JSON message data. We may need to unpersist at a later stage of this ETL work.

Question: Who are the senders?

Who are the people in the developer community sending email to the list? We will use this as a dimension in our analysis and reporting. Let's create a map, with a unique ID for each email address -- this will be required for the graph analysis. It may come in handy later for some named-entity recognition.

who = x: x.sender).distinct().zipWithUniqueId()

whoMap = who.collectAsMap()

print "\nsenders"
print len(whoMap)

Question: Who are the top K senders?

Apache Spark is one of the most active open source developer communities on Apache, so it will tend to have several thousand people engaged. Let's identify the most active ones. Then we can show a leaderboard and track changes in it over time.

from operator import add

top_sender = x: (x.sender, 1,)).reduceByKey(add) \
 .map(lambda (a, b): (b, a)) \
 .sortByKey(0, 1) \
 .map(lambda (a, b): (b, a))

print "\ntop senders"
print top_sender.take(11)

You many notice that code... it comes from word count.

Question: Which are the top K conversations?

Clearly, some people discuss over the email list more than others. Let's identify who those people are. Later we can leverage our graph analysis to determine what they discuss.

NB: note the use case for groupByKey transformations; sometimes its usage is indicated.

import itertools

def nitems (replier, senders):
  for sender, g in itertools.groupby(senders):
    yield len(list(g)), (replier, sender,)

senders = x: (, x.sender,))
replies = x: (x.prev_thread, x.sender,))

convo = replies.join(senders).values() \
 .filter(lambda (a, b): a != b)

top_convo = convo.groupByKey() \
 .flatMap(lambda (a, b): list(nitems(a, b))) \

print "\ntop convo"
print top_convo.take(10)

Prepare for Sender/Reply Graph Analysis

Given the RDDs that we have created to help answer some of the questions so far, let's persist those data sets using Parquet -- starting with the graph of sender/message/reply:

edge = (a, b): (whoMap.get(b[0]), whoMap.get(b[1]), a,))
edgeSchema = p: Row(replier=p[0], sender=p[1], count=int(p[2])))
edgeTable = sqlCtx.inferSchema(edgeSchema)

node = (a, b): (b, a))
nodeSchema = p: Row(id=int(p[0]), sender=p[1]))
nodeTable = sqlCtx.inferSchema(nodeSchema)

Prepare for TextRank Analysis per paragraph

def map_graf_edges (x):
  j = json.loads(x)

  for pair in j["tile"]:
    n0 = int(pair[0])
    n1 = int(pair[1])

    if n0 > 0 and n1 > 0:
      yield (j["id"], n0, n1,)
      yield (j["id"], n1, n0,)

graf = sc.textFile("parsed")
n = graf.flatMap(map_graf_edges).count()
print "\ngraf edges", n

edgeSchema = p: Row(id=p[0], node0=p[1], node1=p[2]))

edgeTable = sqlCtx.inferSchema(edgeSchema)
def map_graf_nodes (x):
  j = json.loads(x)

  for word in j["graf"]:
    yield [j["id"]] + word

graf = sc.textFile("parsed")
n = graf.flatMap(map_graf_nodes).count()
print "\ngraf nodes", n

nodeSchema = p: Row(id=p[0], node_id=p[1], raw=p[2], root=p[3], pos=p[4], keep=p[5], num=p[6]))

nodeTable = sqlCtx.inferSchema(nodeSchema)