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A thin film iridescence approach for ThreeJS. The approach used is loosely based on Belcour and Barla 2017. The code setup and documentation could be a lot better, but since there's been an interest in this code, I decided to throw it online as is so people can already use it legally as open source (MIT).


See the example file in action.


Just grab the js/ThinFilmFresnelMap.js file and add it somewhere in your three.js project. This is a class providing a lookup texture containing the reflection colour replacing a normal PBR setup's fresnel colour. Metallic reflections are currently not supported, but a similar effect can be achieved by boosting the reflection values.

Create an instance of the texture:

let tex = new ThinFilmFresnelMap();


let tex = new ThinFilmFresnelMap(380, 2, 3, 64);  // respectively: thin film thickness (in nm), refractive index of the thin film, refractive index of the base layer, texture width)

In the shader using a regular PBR lighting model, you can replace the fresnel factor with the iridescence lookup, indexed by dot(V, N) (V pointing towards the camera, N pointing out of the surface). See js/IridescentMaterial.js for an example material. The texture contains the square roots of the camera, as a cheap approximation for gamma encoding, so be sure the square the result to get the correct linear value.

// Multiply by .99 to hide some glossy artifacts
vec3 airy = texture2D(iridescenceLookUp, vec2(NdotV * .99, 0.0)).xyz;
// convert from gamma 2 to linear
airy *= airy;
vec4 reflectionSample = textureCube(envMap, reflectedView);
// convert from gamma 2.2 to linear, if needed
reflectionSample = pow(reflectionSample, 2.2);
vec3 specularLight = * airy * boost;\n" +