diff --git a/Content.Client/Cargo/BUI/CargoBountyConsoleBoundUserInterface.cs b/Content.Client/Cargo/BUI/CargoBountyConsoleBoundUserInterface.cs
index 44c40143d83..04075000f5b 100644
--- a/Content.Client/Cargo/BUI/CargoBountyConsoleBoundUserInterface.cs
+++ b/Content.Client/Cargo/BUI/CargoBountyConsoleBoundUserInterface.cs
@@ -39,6 +39,6 @@ protected override void UpdateState(BoundUserInterfaceState message)
if (message is not CargoBountyConsoleState state)
- _menu?.UpdateEntries(state.Bounties, state.UntilNextSkip);
+ _menu?.UpdateEntries(state.Bounties, state.History, state.UntilNextSkip);
diff --git a/Content.Client/Cargo/UI/BountyHistoryEntry.xaml b/Content.Client/Cargo/UI/BountyHistoryEntry.xaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..eee8c5cc165
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Client/Cargo/UI/BountyHistoryEntry.xaml
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
diff --git a/Content.Client/Cargo/UI/BountyHistoryEntry.xaml.cs b/Content.Client/Cargo/UI/BountyHistoryEntry.xaml.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f3c9bbfafb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Client/Cargo/UI/BountyHistoryEntry.xaml.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+using Content.Client.Message;
+using Content.Shared.Cargo;
+using Content.Shared.Cargo.Prototypes;
+using Robust.Client.AutoGenerated;
+using Robust.Client.UserInterface.Controls;
+using Robust.Client.UserInterface.XAML;
+using Robust.Shared.Prototypes;
+using Robust.Shared.Timing;
+namespace Content.Client.Cargo.UI;
+public sealed partial class BountyHistoryEntry : BoxContainer
+ [Dependency] private readonly IPrototypeManager _prototype = default!;
+ public BountyHistoryEntry(CargoBountyHistoryData bounty)
+ {
+ RobustXamlLoader.Load(this);
+ IoCManager.InjectDependencies(this);
+ if (!_prototype.TryIndex(bounty.Bounty, out var bountyPrototype))
+ return;
+ var items = new List();
+ foreach (var entry in bountyPrototype.Entries)
+ {
+ items.Add(Loc.GetString("bounty-console-manifest-entry",
+ ("amount", entry.Amount),
+ ("item", Loc.GetString(entry.Name))));
+ }
+ ManifestLabel.SetMarkup(Loc.GetString("bounty-console-manifest-label", ("item", string.Join(", ", items))));
+ RewardLabel.SetMarkup(Loc.GetString("bounty-console-reward-label", ("reward", bountyPrototype.Reward)));
+ IdLabel.SetMarkup(Loc.GetString("bounty-console-id-label", ("id", bounty.Id)));
+ var stationTime = bounty.Timestamp.ToString("hh\\:mm\\:ss");
+ if (bounty.ActorName == null)
+ {
+ StatusLabel.SetMarkup(Loc.GetString("bounty-console-history-completed-label"));
+ NoticeLabel.SetMarkup(Loc.GetString("bounty-console-history-notice-completed-label", ("time", stationTime)));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ StatusLabel.SetMarkup(Loc.GetString("bounty-console-history-skipped-label"));
+ NoticeLabel.SetMarkup(Loc.GetString("bounty-console-history-notice-skipped-label",
+ ("id", bounty.ActorName),
+ ("time", stationTime)));
+ }
+ }
+ protected override void FrameUpdate(FrameEventArgs args)
+ {
+ base.FrameUpdate(args);
+ }
diff --git a/Content.Client/Cargo/UI/CargoBountyMenu.xaml b/Content.Client/Cargo/UI/CargoBountyMenu.xaml
index bb263ff6c4a..0f093d5f8e7 100644
--- a/Content.Client/Cargo/UI/CargoBountyMenu.xaml
+++ b/Content.Client/Cargo/UI/CargoBountyMenu.xaml
@@ -11,15 +11,26 @@
diff --git a/Content.Client/Cargo/UI/CargoBountyMenu.xaml.cs b/Content.Client/Cargo/UI/CargoBountyMenu.xaml.cs
index 3767b45e4be..0717aacc5e6 100644
--- a/Content.Client/Cargo/UI/CargoBountyMenu.xaml.cs
+++ b/Content.Client/Cargo/UI/CargoBountyMenu.xaml.cs
@@ -17,8 +17,11 @@ public CargoBountyMenu()
- public void UpdateEntries(List bounties, TimeSpan untilNextSkip)
+ public void UpdateEntries(List bounties, List history, TimeSpan untilNextSkip)
+ MasterTabContainer.SetTabTitle(0, Loc.GetString("bounty-console-tab-available-label"));
+ MasterTabContainer.SetTabTitle(1, Loc.GetString("bounty-console-tab-history-label"));
foreach (var b in bounties)
@@ -32,5 +35,12 @@ public void UpdateEntries(List bounties, TimeSpan untilNextSkip
MinHeight = 10
+ BountyHistoryContainer.Children.Clear();
+ foreach (var h in history)
+ {
+ var entry = new BountyHistoryEntry(h);
+ BountyHistoryContainer.AddChild(entry);
+ }
diff --git a/Content.Client/Salvage/UI/SalvageMagnetBoundUserInterface.cs b/Content.Client/Salvage/UI/SalvageMagnetBoundUserInterface.cs
index d691f9acef3..64fc975b98c 100644
--- a/Content.Client/Salvage/UI/SalvageMagnetBoundUserInterface.cs
+++ b/Content.Client/Salvage/UI/SalvageMagnetBoundUserInterface.cs
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
using System.Linq;
using Content.Client.Message;
+using Content.Shared.DeltaV.Salvage.Systems; // DeltaV
using Content.Shared.Salvage;
using Content.Shared.Salvage.Magnet;
+using Robust.Client.Player; // DeltaV
using Robust.Client.UserInterface;
using Robust.Client.UserInterface.Controls;
@@ -10,12 +12,16 @@ namespace Content.Client.Salvage.UI;
public sealed class SalvageMagnetBoundUserInterface : BoundUserInterface
[Dependency] private readonly IEntityManager _entManager = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly IPlayerManager _player = default!; // DeltaV
+ private readonly MiningPointsSystem _points; // DeltaV
private OfferingWindow? _window;
public SalvageMagnetBoundUserInterface(EntityUid owner, Enum uiKey) : base(owner, uiKey)
+ _points = _entManager.System(); // DeltaV
protected override void Open()
@@ -61,6 +67,21 @@ protected override void UpdateState(BoundUserInterfaceState state)
+ // Begin DeltaV Additions: Mining points cost for wrecks
+ if (offer.Cost > 0)
+ {
+ if (_player.LocalSession?.AttachedEntity is not {} user || !_points.UserHasPoints(user, offer.Cost))
+ option.Disabled = true;
+ var label = new Label
+ {
+ Text = Loc.GetString("salvage-magnet-mining-points-cost", ("points", offer.Cost)),
+ HorizontalAlignment = Control.HAlignment.Center
+ };
+ option.AddContent(label);
+ }
+ // End DeltaV Additions
switch (offer)
case AsteroidOffering asteroid:
diff --git a/Content.Client/Stack/StackSystem.cs b/Content.Client/Stack/StackSystem.cs
index 7e681aeba3e..f57f4d4e170 100644
--- a/Content.Client/Stack/StackSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Client/Stack/StackSystem.cs
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
namespace Content.Client.Stack
- public sealed class StackSystem : SharedStackSystem
+ public sealed partial class StackSystem : SharedStackSystem // Frontier: add partial to class definition
[Dependency] private readonly AppearanceSystem _appearanceSystem = default!;
[Dependency] private readonly ItemCounterSystem _counterSystem = default!;
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ public override void SetCount(EntityUid uid, int amount, StackComponent? compone
// TODO PREDICT ENTITY DELETION: This should really just be a normal entity deletion call.
if (component.Count <= 0 && !component.Lingering)
- Xform.DetachEntity(uid, Transform(uid));
+ Xform.DetachParentToNull(uid, Transform(uid));
@@ -56,20 +56,25 @@ private void OnAppearanceChange(EntityUid uid, StackComponent comp, ref Appearan
if (args.Sprite == null || comp.LayerStates.Count < 1)
+ StackLayerData data = new StackLayerData(); // Frontier: use structure to store StackLayerData
// Skip processing if no actual
- if (!_appearanceSystem.TryGetData(uid, StackVisuals.Actual, out var actual, args.Component))
+ if (!_appearanceSystem.TryGetData(uid, StackVisuals.Actual, out data.Actual, args.Component))
- if (!_appearanceSystem.TryGetData(uid, StackVisuals.MaxCount, out var maxCount, args.Component))
- maxCount = comp.LayerStates.Count;
+ if (!_appearanceSystem.TryGetData(uid, StackVisuals.MaxCount, out data.MaxCount, args.Component))
+ data.MaxCount = comp.LayerStates.Count;
+ if (!_appearanceSystem.TryGetData(uid, StackVisuals.Hide, out data.Hidden, args.Component))
+ data.Hidden = false;
- if (!_appearanceSystem.TryGetData(uid, StackVisuals.Hide, out var hidden, args.Component))
- hidden = false;
+ if (comp.LayerFunction != StackLayerFunction.None) // Frontier: use stack layer function to modify appearance if provided.
+ ApplyLayerFunction(uid, comp, ref data); // Frontier: definition in _NF/Stack/StackSystem.Layers.cs
if (comp.IsComposite)
- _counterSystem.ProcessCompositeSprite(uid, actual, maxCount, comp.LayerStates, hidden, sprite: args.Sprite);
+ _counterSystem.ProcessCompositeSprite(uid, data.Actual, data.MaxCount, comp.LayerStates, data.Hidden, sprite: args.Sprite);
- _counterSystem.ProcessOpaqueSprite(uid, comp.BaseLayer, actual, maxCount, comp.LayerStates, hidden, sprite: args.Sprite);
+ _counterSystem.ProcessOpaqueSprite(uid, comp.BaseLayer, data.Actual, data.MaxCount, comp.LayerStates, data.Hidden, sprite: args.Sprite);
diff --git a/Content.Client/_NF/Stack/StackSystem.Layers.cs b/Content.Client/_NF/Stack/StackSystem.Layers.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2893d32d3f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Client/_NF/Stack/StackSystem.Layers.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+using Content.Shared.Stacks.Components;
+using Content.Shared.Stacks;
+namespace Content.Client.Stack
+ ///
+ /// Data used to determine which layers of a stack's sprite are visible.
+ ///
+ public struct StackLayerData
+ {
+ public int Actual;
+ public int MaxCount;
+ public bool Hidden;
+ }
+ public sealed partial class StackSystem : SharedStackSystem
+ {
+ // Modifies a given stack component to adjust the layers to display.
+ private bool ApplyLayerFunction(EntityUid uid, StackComponent comp, ref StackLayerData data)
+ {
+ switch (comp.LayerFunction)
+ {
+ case StackLayerFunction.Threshold:
+ if (TryComp(uid, out var threshold))
+ {
+ ApplyThreshold(threshold, ref data);
+ return true;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ // No function applied.
+ return false;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Sets Actual to the number of thresholds that Actual exceeds from the beginning of the list.
+ /// Sets MaxCount to the total number of thresholds plus one (for values under thresholds).
+ ///
+ private static void ApplyThreshold(StackLayerThresholdComponent comp, ref StackLayerData data)
+ {
+ // We must stop before we run out of thresholds or layers, whichever's smaller.
+ data.MaxCount = Math.Min(comp.Thresholds.Count + 1, data.MaxCount);
+ int newActual = 0;
+ foreach (var threshold in comp.Thresholds)
+ {
+ //If our value exceeds threshold, the next layer should be displayed.
+ //Note: we must ensure actual <= MaxCount.
+ if (data.Actual >= threshold && newActual < data.MaxCount)
+ newActual++;
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ data.Actual = newActual;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Content.Server/Body/Components/LungComponent.cs b/Content.Server/Body/Components/LungComponent.cs
index 72af4d9e63a..256c6d67298 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Body/Components/LungComponent.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Body/Components/LungComponent.cs
@@ -34,4 +34,11 @@ public sealed partial class LungComponent : Component
public ProtoId Alert = "LowOxygen";
+ ///
+ /// DeltaV: Multiplier on saturation passively lost.
+ /// Higher values require more air, lower require less.
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ public float SaturationLoss = 1f;
diff --git a/Content.Server/Body/Systems/RespiratorSystem.cs b/Content.Server/Body/Systems/RespiratorSystem.cs
index 6209f00419d..b5975326b3e 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Body/Systems/RespiratorSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Body/Systems/RespiratorSystem.cs
@@ -74,7 +74,15 @@ public override void Update(float frameTime)
if (_mobState.IsDead(uid))
- UpdateSaturation(uid, -(float) respirator.UpdateInterval.TotalSeconds, respirator);
+ // Begin DeltaV Code: Addition:
+ var organs = _bodySystem.GetBodyOrganEntityComps((uid, body));
+ var multiplier = -1f;
+ foreach (var (_, lung, _) in organs)
+ {
+ multiplier *= lung.SaturationLoss;
+ }
+ // End DeltaV Code
+ UpdateSaturation(uid, multiplier * (float) respirator.UpdateInterval.TotalSeconds, respirator); // DeltaV: use multiplier instead of negating
if (!_mobState.IsIncapacitated(uid)) // cannot breathe in crit.
diff --git a/Content.Server/Cargo/Components/StationCargoBountyDatabaseComponent.cs b/Content.Server/Cargo/Components/StationCargoBountyDatabaseComponent.cs
index a7735787cbb..f58b5450ba4 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Cargo/Components/StationCargoBountyDatabaseComponent.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Cargo/Components/StationCargoBountyDatabaseComponent.cs
@@ -21,6 +21,13 @@ public sealed partial class StationCargoBountyDatabaseComponent : Component
[DataField, ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
public List Bounties = new();
+ ///
+ /// A list of all the bounties that have been completed or
+ /// skipped for a station.
+ ///
+ [DataField, ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+ public List History = new();
/// Used to determine unique order IDs
diff --git a/Content.Server/Cargo/Systems/CargoSystem.Bounty.cs b/Content.Server/Cargo/Systems/CargoSystem.Bounty.cs
index 373e8e243ba..236b018a9da 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Cargo/Systems/CargoSystem.Bounty.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Cargo/Systems/CargoSystem.Bounty.cs
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
using Content.Shared.Cargo.Components;
using Content.Shared.Cargo.Prototypes;
using Content.Shared.Database;
+using Content.Shared.IdentityManagement;
using Content.Shared.NameIdentifier;
using Content.Shared.Paper;
using Content.Shared.Stacks;
@@ -16,6 +17,7 @@
using Robust.Server.Containers;
using Robust.Shared.Containers;
using Robust.Shared.Random;
+using Robust.Shared.Timing;
using Robust.Shared.Utility;
namespace Content.Server.Cargo.Systems;
@@ -25,6 +27,7 @@ public sealed partial class CargoSystem
[Dependency] private readonly ContainerSystem _container = default!;
[Dependency] private readonly NameIdentifierSystem _nameIdentifier = default!;
[Dependency] private readonly EntityWhitelistSystem _whitelistSys = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly IGameTiming _gameTiming = default!;
private const string BountyNameIdentifierGroup = "Bounty";
@@ -54,7 +57,7 @@ private void OnBountyConsoleOpened(EntityUid uid, CargoBountyConsoleComponent co
var untilNextSkip = bountyDb.NextSkipTime - _timing.CurTime;
- _uiSystem.SetUiState(uid, CargoConsoleUiKey.Bounty, new CargoBountyConsoleState(bountyDb.Bounties, untilNextSkip));
+ _uiSystem.SetUiState(uid, CargoConsoleUiKey.Bounty, new CargoBountyConsoleState(bountyDb.Bounties, bountyDb.History, untilNextSkip));
private void OnPrintLabelMessage(EntityUid uid, CargoBountyConsoleComponent component, BountyPrintLabelMessage args)
@@ -95,13 +98,13 @@ private void OnSkipBountyMessage(EntityUid uid, CargoBountyConsoleComponent comp
- if (!TryRemoveBounty(station, bounty.Value))
+ if (!TryRemoveBounty(station, bounty.Value, null, args.Actor))
db.NextSkipTime = _timing.CurTime + db.SkipDelay;
var untilNextSkip = db.NextSkipTime - _timing.CurTime;
- _uiSystem.SetUiState(uid, CargoConsoleUiKey.Bounty, new CargoBountyConsoleState(db.Bounties, untilNextSkip));
+ _uiSystem.SetUiState(uid, CargoConsoleUiKey.Bounty, new CargoBountyConsoleState(db.Bounties, db.History, untilNextSkip));
_audio.PlayPvs(component.SkipSound, uid);
@@ -434,15 +437,15 @@ public bool TryAddBounty(EntityUid uid, CargoBountyPrototype bounty, StationCarg
- public bool TryRemoveBounty(EntityUid uid, string dataId, StationCargoBountyDatabaseComponent? component = null)
+ public bool TryRemoveBounty(EntityUid uid, string dataId, StationCargoBountyDatabaseComponent? component = null, EntityUid? actor = null)
if (!TryGetBountyFromId(uid, dataId, out var data, component))
return false;
- return TryRemoveBounty(uid, data.Value, component);
+ return TryRemoveBounty(uid, data.Value, component, actor);
- public bool TryRemoveBounty(EntityUid uid, CargoBountyData data, StationCargoBountyDatabaseComponent? component = null)
+ public bool TryRemoveBounty(EntityUid uid, CargoBountyData data, StationCargoBountyDatabaseComponent? component = null, EntityUid? actor = null)
if (!Resolve(uid, ref component))
return false;
@@ -451,6 +454,15 @@ public bool TryRemoveBounty(EntityUid uid, CargoBountyData data, StationCargoBou
if (component.Bounties[i].Id == data.Id)
+ string? actorName = default;
+ if (actor != null)
+ {
+ var getIdentityEvent = new TryGetIdentityShortInfoEvent(uid, actor.Value);
+ RaiseLocalEvent(getIdentityEvent);
+ actorName = getIdentityEvent.Title;
+ }
+ component.History.Add(new CargoBountyHistoryData(data, _gameTiming.CurTime, actorName));
return true;
@@ -492,7 +504,7 @@ public void UpdateBountyConsoles()
var untilNextSkip = db.NextSkipTime - _timing.CurTime;
- _uiSystem.SetUiState((uid, ui), CargoConsoleUiKey.Bounty, new CargoBountyConsoleState(db.Bounties, untilNextSkip));
+ _uiSystem.SetUiState((uid, ui), CargoConsoleUiKey.Bounty, new CargoBountyConsoleState(db.Bounties, db.History, untilNextSkip));
diff --git a/Content.Server/DeltaV/Abilities/Psionics/PrecognitionPowerSystem.cs b/Content.Server/DeltaV/Abilities/Psionics/PrecognitionPowerSystem.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..23fe9d7e3eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Server/DeltaV/Abilities/Psionics/PrecognitionPowerSystem.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+using Content.Server.Chat.Managers;
+using Content.Server.DoAfter;
+using Content.Server.DeltaV.StationEvents.NextEvent;
+using Content.Server.GameTicking;
+using Content.Server.Mind;
+using Content.Shared.Abilities.Psionics;
+using Content.Shared.Actions.Events;
+using Content.Shared.Actions;
+using Content.Shared.DoAfter;
+using Content.Shared.Eye.Blinding.Components;
+using Content.Shared.Popups;
+using Content.Shared.Psionics.Events;
+using Content.Shared.StatusEffect;
+using Content.Shared.Stunnable;
+using Robust.Shared.Audio.Systems;
+using Robust.Shared.Prototypes;
+using Robust.Shared.Random;
+using Robust.Shared.Timing;
+using Robust.Shared.Player;
+namespace Content.Server.Abilities.Psionics;
+public sealed class PrecognitionPowerSystem : EntitySystem
+ [Dependency] private readonly DoAfterSystem _doAfterSystem = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly GameTicker _gameTicker = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly MindSystem _mind = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly SharedActionsSystem _actions = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly SharedAudioSystem _audio = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly SharedPopupSystem _popups = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly SharedPsionicAbilitiesSystem _psionics = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly StatusEffectsSystem _statusEffects = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly IChatManager _chat = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly IComponentFactory _factory = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly IGameTiming _gameTiming = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly IPrototypeManager _prototype = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly IRobustRandom _random = default!;
+ public override void Initialize()
+ {
+ base.Initialize();
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnMapInit);
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnShutdown);
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnPowerUsed);
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnDoAfter);
+ }
+ private void OnMapInit(Entity ent, ref MapInitEvent args)
+ {
+ ent.Comp.AllResults = GetAllPrecognitionResults();
+ _actions.AddAction(ent, ref ent.Comp.PrecognitionActionEntity, ent.Comp.PrecognitionActionId);
+ _actions.StartUseDelay(ent.Comp.PrecognitionActionEntity);
+ if (TryComp(ent, out var psionic) && psionic.PsionicAbility == null)
+ {
+ psionic.PsionicAbility = ent.Comp.PrecognitionActionEntity;
+ psionic.ActivePowers.Add(ent.Comp);
+ }
+ }
+ private void OnShutdown(EntityUid uid, PrecognitionPowerComponent component, ComponentShutdown args)
+ {
+ _actions.RemoveAction(uid, component.PrecognitionActionEntity);
+ if (TryComp(uid, out var psionic))
+ psionic.ActivePowers.Remove(component);
+ }
+ private void OnPowerUsed(EntityUid uid, PrecognitionPowerComponent component, PrecognitionPowerActionEvent args)
+ {
+ var ev = new PrecognitionDoAfterEvent(_gameTiming.CurTime);
+ var doAfterArgs = new DoAfterArgs(EntityManager, uid, component.UseDelay, ev, uid)
+ {
+ BreakOnDamage = true
+ };
+ // A custom shader for seeing visions would be nice but this will do for now.
+ _statusEffects.TryAddStatusEffect(uid, "TemporaryBlindness", component.UseDelay, true);
+ _statusEffects.TryAddStatusEffect(uid, "SlowedDown", component.UseDelay, true);
+ _doAfterSystem.TryStartDoAfter(doAfterArgs, out var doAfterId);
+ component.DoAfter = doAfterId;
+ var player = _audio.PlayGlobal(component.VisionSound, Filter.Entities(uid), true);
+ if (player != null)
+ component.SoundStream = player.Value.Entity;
+ _psionics.LogPowerUsed(uid, "Precognition");
+ args.Handled = true;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Upon completion will send a message to the user corrosponding to the next station event to occour.
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ private void OnDoAfter(EntityUid uid, PrecognitionPowerComponent component, PrecognitionDoAfterEvent args)
+ {
+ if (args.Handled)
+ return;
+ if (args.Cancelled)
+ {
+ // Need to clean up the applied effects in case of cancel and alert the player.
+ component.SoundStream = _audio.Stop(component.SoundStream);
+ _statusEffects.TryRemoveStatusEffect(uid, "TemporaryBlindness");
+ _statusEffects.TryRemoveStatusEffect(uid, "SlowedDown");
+ _popups.PopupEntity(
+ Loc.GetString("psionic-power-precognition-failure-by-damage"),
+ uid,
+ uid,
+ PopupType.SmallCaution);
+ if (_actions.TryGetActionData(component.PrecognitionActionEntity, out var actionData))
+ // If canceled give a short delay before being able to try again
+ actionData.Cooldown =
+ (_gameTicker.RoundDuration(),
+ _gameTicker.RoundDuration() + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15));
+ return;
+ }
+ // Determines the window that will be looked at for events, avoiding events that are too close or too far to be useful.
+ var minDetectWindow = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30);
+ var maxDetectWindow = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10);
+ string? message = null;
+ if (!_mind.TryGetMind(uid, out _, out var mindComponent) || mindComponent.Session == null)
+ return;
+ var nextEvent = (FindEarliestNextEvent(minDetectWindow, maxDetectWindow));
+ if (nextEvent == null) // A special message given if there is no event within the time window.
+ message = "psionic-power-precognition-no-event-result-message";
+ if (nextEvent != null && nextEvent.NextEventId != null)
+ message = GetResultMessage(nextEvent.NextEventId, component);
+ if (_random.Prob(component.RandomResultChance)) // This will replace the proper result message with a random one occasionaly to simulate some unreliablity.
+ message = GetRandomResult();
+ if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(message)) // If there is no message to send don't bother trying to send it.
+ return;
+ // Send a message describing the vision they see
+ message = Loc.GetString(message);
+ _chat.ChatMessageToOne(Shared.Chat.ChatChannel.Server,
+ message,
+ Loc.GetString("chat-manager-server-wrap-message", ("message", message)),
+ uid,
+ false,
+ mindComponent.Session.Channel,
+ Color.PaleVioletRed);
+ component.DoAfter = null;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Gets the precognition result message corosponding to the passed event id.
+ ///
+ /// message string corosponding to the event id passed
+ private string GetResultMessage(EntProtoId? eventId, PrecognitionPowerComponent component)
+ {
+ foreach (var (eventProto, precognitionResult) in component.AllResults)
+ {
+ if (eventProto.ID == eventId && precognitionResult != null)
+ return precognitionResult.Message;
+ }
+ Log.Error($"Prototype {eventId} does not have an associated precognitionResult!");
+ return string.Empty;
+ }
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// The localized string of a weighted randomly chosen precognition result
+ public string? GetRandomResult()
+ {
+ var precognitionResults = GetAllPrecognitionResults();
+ var sumOfWeights = 0;
+ foreach (var precognitionResult in precognitionResults.Values)
+ sumOfWeights += (int)precognitionResult.Weight;
+ sumOfWeights = _random.Next(sumOfWeights);
+ foreach (var precognitionResult in precognitionResults.Values)
+ {
+ sumOfWeights -= (int)precognitionResult.Weight;
+ if (sumOfWeights <= 0)
+ return precognitionResult.Message;
+ }
+ Log.Error("Result was not found after weighted pick process!");
+ return null;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Gets the soonest nextEvent to occur within the window.
+ ///
+ /// The earliest reletive time that will be return a nextEvent
+ /// The latest reletive latest time that will be return a nextEvent
+ /// Component for the next event to occour if one exists in the window.
+ private NextEventComponent? FindEarliestNextEvent(TimeSpan minDetectWindow, TimeSpan maxDetectWindow)
+ {
+ TimeSpan? earliestNextEventTime = null;
+ NextEventComponent? earliestNextEvent = null;
+ var query = EntityQueryEnumerator();
+ while (query.MoveNext(out var nextEventComponent))
+ {
+ // Update if the event is the most recent event that isnt too close or too far from happening to be of use
+ if (nextEventComponent.NextEventTime > _gameTicker.RoundDuration() + minDetectWindow
+ && nextEventComponent.NextEventTime < _gameTicker.RoundDuration() + maxDetectWindow
+ && earliestNextEvent == null
+ || nextEventComponent.NextEventTime < earliestNextEventTime)
+ earliestNextEvent ??= nextEventComponent;
+ }
+ return earliestNextEvent;
+ }
+ public Dictionary GetAllPrecognitionResults()
+ {
+ var allEvents = new Dictionary();
+ foreach (var prototype in _prototype.EnumeratePrototypes())
+ {
+ if (prototype.Abstract)
+ continue;
+ if (!prototype.TryGetComponent(out var precognitionResult, _factory))
+ continue;
+ allEvents.Add(prototype, precognitionResult);
+ }
+ return allEvents;
+ }
diff --git a/Content.Server/DeltaV/GlimmerWisp/LifeDrainerSystem.cs b/Content.Server/DeltaV/GlimmerWisp/LifeDrainerSystem.cs
index ec800db2a30..079ec77bbf3 100644
--- a/Content.Server/DeltaV/GlimmerWisp/LifeDrainerSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/DeltaV/GlimmerWisp/LifeDrainerSystem.cs
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
using Content.Shared.ActionBlocker;
using Content.Shared.Damage;
+using Content.Shared.DeltaV.Carrying;
using Content.Shared.DoAfter;
using Content.Shared.Interaction;
using Content.Shared.Mobs.Systems;
@@ -11,7 +12,6 @@
using Content.Shared.Verbs;
using Content.Shared.Whitelist;
using Content.Server.NPC.Components;
-using Content.Server.Carrying;
using Robust.Shared.Audio.Systems;
using Robust.Shared.Player;
using Robust.Shared.Utility;
diff --git a/Content.Server/DeltaV/Objectives/Components/PickRandomTraitorComponent.cs b/Content.Server/DeltaV/Objectives/Components/PickRandomTraitorComponent.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8f870ed7738
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Server/DeltaV/Objectives/Components/PickRandomTraitorComponent.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+using Content.Server.Objectives.Systems;
+namespace Content.Server.DeltaV.Objectives.Components;
+/// Sets the target for to a random traitor.
+public sealed partial class PickRandomTraitorComponent : Component;
diff --git a/Content.Server/DeltaV/Objectives/Systems/KillFellowTraitorObjectiveSystem.cs b/Content.Server/DeltaV/Objectives/Systems/KillFellowTraitorObjectiveSystem.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..781040ddc0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Server/DeltaV/Objectives/Systems/KillFellowTraitorObjectiveSystem.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+using Content.Server.DeltaV.Objectives.Components;
+using Content.Server.Objectives.Components;
+using Content.Server.GameTicking.Rules;
+using Content.Server.Objectives.Systems;
+using Content.Shared.Objectives.Components;
+using Robust.Shared.Random;
+namespace Content.Server.DeltaV.Objectives.Systems;
+/// Handles the kill fellow traitor objective.
+public sealed class KillFellowTraitorObjectiveSystem : EntitySystem
+ [Dependency] private readonly IRobustRandom _random = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly TargetObjectiveSystem _target = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly TraitorRuleSystem _traitorRule = default!;
+ public override void Initialize()
+ {
+ base.Initialize();
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnTraitorKillAssigned);
+ }
+ private void OnTraitorKillAssigned(EntityUid uid, PickRandomTraitorComponent comp, ref ObjectiveAssignedEvent args)
+ {
+ if (!TryComp(uid, out var target))
+ {
+ Log.Error($"Missing components for {uid}.");
+ args.Cancelled = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ // Target already assigned
+ if (target.Target != null)
+ {
+ Log.Error($"Target already assigned for {uid}.");
+ args.Cancelled = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ var traitors = _traitorRule.GetOtherTraitorMindsAliveAndConnected(args.Mind);
+ List validTraitorMinds = [];
+ // Going through each OTHER traitor
+ foreach (var traitor in traitors)
+ {
+ var valid = true;
+ // Going through each of OUR objectives.
+ foreach (var objective in args.Mind.Objectives)
+ {
+ // If one of OUR objectives already targets a traitor, don't add it to the list.
+ if (TryComp(objective, out var targetComp) && targetComp.Target == traitor.Id)
+ {
+ valid = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (valid)
+ validTraitorMinds.Add(traitor.Id);
+ }
+ // No other traitors
+ if (validTraitorMinds.Count == 0)
+ {
+ args.Cancelled = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ _target.SetTarget(uid, _random.Pick(validTraitorMinds), target);
+ }
diff --git a/Content.Server/DeltaV/Station/Components/CaptainStateComponent.cs b/Content.Server/DeltaV/Station/Components/CaptainStateComponent.cs
index 96d7c441071..d432e9ea6d0 100644
--- a/Content.Server/DeltaV/Station/Components/CaptainStateComponent.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/DeltaV/Station/Components/CaptainStateComponent.cs
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ public sealed partial class CaptainStateComponent : Component
/// Assume no captain unless specified
- public bool HasCaptain;
+ public bool HasCaptain = false;
/// The localization ID used for announcing the cancellation of ACO requests
@@ -42,13 +42,13 @@ public sealed partial class CaptainStateComponent : Component
/// Set after ACO has been requested to avoid duplicate calls
- public bool IsACORequestActive;
+ public bool IsACORequestActive = false;
/// Used to denote that AA has been brought into the round either from captain or safe.
- public bool IsAAInPlay;
+ public bool IsAAInPlay = false;
/// The localization ID for announcing that AA has been unlocked for ACO
diff --git a/Content.Server/DeltaV/Station/Systems/CaptainStateSystem.cs b/Content.Server/DeltaV/Station/Systems/CaptainStateSystem.cs
index 38475da89be..c790b22f782 100644
--- a/Content.Server/DeltaV/Station/Systems/CaptainStateSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/DeltaV/Station/Systems/CaptainStateSystem.cs
@@ -46,6 +46,12 @@ public override void Update(float frameTime)
var query = EntityQueryEnumerator();
while (query.MoveNext(out var station, out var captainState))
+ if (currentTime < _acoDelay && captainState.IsACORequestActive == true) // Avoid timing issues. No need to run before _acoDelay is reached anyways.
+ {
+ Log.Error($"{captainState} IsACORequestActive true before ACO request time.");
+ captainState.IsACORequestActive = false;
+ }
if (captainState.HasCaptain)
HandleHasCaptain(station, captainState);
diff --git a/Content.Server/DeltaV/StationEvents/NextEvent/NextEventComponent.cs b/Content.Server/DeltaV/StationEvents/NextEvent/NextEventComponent.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..78fa5a2f067
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Server/DeltaV/StationEvents/NextEvent/NextEventComponent.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+using Robust.Shared.Prototypes;
+namespace Content.Server.DeltaV.StationEvents.NextEvent;
+[RegisterComponent, Access(typeof(NextEventSystem))]
+public sealed partial class NextEventComponent : Component
+ ///
+ /// Id of the next event that will be run by EventManagerSystem.
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ public EntProtoId? NextEventId;
+ ///
+ /// Round time of the scheduler's next station event.
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ public TimeSpan NextEventTime;
diff --git a/Content.Server/DeltaV/StationEvents/NextEvent/NextEventSystem.cs b/Content.Server/DeltaV/StationEvents/NextEvent/NextEventSystem.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..72c4a8a6f0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Server/DeltaV/StationEvents/NextEvent/NextEventSystem.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+using Content.Server.DeltaV.StationEvents.NextEvent;
+using Robust.Shared.Prototypes;
+namespace Content.Server.DeltaV.StationEvents.NextEvent;
+public sealed class NextEventSystem : EntitySystem
+ ///
+ /// Updates the NextEventComponent with the provided id and time and returns the previously stored id.
+ ///
+ public EntProtoId? UpdateNextEvent(NextEventComponent component, EntProtoId newEventId, TimeSpan newEventTime)
+ {
+ EntProtoId? oldEventId = component.NextEventId; // Store components current NextEventId for return
+ component.NextEventId = newEventId;
+ component.NextEventTime = newEventTime;
+ return oldEventId;
+ }
diff --git a/Content.Server/DeltaV/Weather/WeatherEffectsSystem.cs b/Content.Server/DeltaV/Weather/WeatherEffectsSystem.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..11a29e05cc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Server/DeltaV/Weather/WeatherEffectsSystem.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+using Content.Shared.Damage;
+using Content.Shared.Mobs;
+using Content.Shared.Mobs.Components;
+using Content.Shared.Weather;
+using Content.Shared.Whitelist;
+using Robust.Shared.Map.Components;
+using Robust.Shared.Prototypes;
+using Robust.Shared.Timing;
+namespace Content.Shared.DeltaV.Weather;
+/// Handles weather damage for exposed entities.
+public sealed partial class WeatherEffectsSystem : EntitySystem
+ [Dependency] private readonly DamageableSystem _damageable = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly EntityWhitelistSystem _whitelist = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly IGameTiming _timing = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly IPrototypeManager _proto = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly SharedMapSystem _map = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly SharedWeatherSystem _weather = default!;
+ private EntityQuery _gridQuery;
+ public override void Initialize()
+ {
+ base.Initialize();
+ _gridQuery = GetEntityQuery();
+ }
+ public override void Update(float frameTime)
+ {
+ base.Update(frameTime);
+ var now = _timing.CurTime;
+ var query = EntityQueryEnumerator();
+ while (query.MoveNext(out var map, out var weather))
+ {
+ if (now < weather.NextUpdate)
+ continue;
+ weather.NextUpdate = now + weather.UpdateDelay;
+ foreach (var (id, data) in weather.Weather)
+ {
+ // start and end do no damage
+ if (data.State != WeatherState.Running)
+ continue;
+ UpdateDamage(map, id);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void UpdateDamage(EntityUid map, ProtoId id)
+ {
+ var weather = _proto.Index(id);
+ if (weather.Damage is not {} damage)
+ return;
+ var query = EntityQueryEnumerator();
+ while (query.MoveNext(out var uid, out var mob, out var xform))
+ {
+ // don't give dead bodies 10000 burn, that's not fun for anyone
+ if (xform.MapUid != map || mob.CurrentState == MobState.Dead)
+ continue;
+ // if not in space, check for being indoors
+ if (xform.GridUid is {} gridUid && _gridQuery.TryComp(gridUid, out var grid))
+ {
+ var tile = _map.GetTileRef((gridUid, grid), xform.Coordinates);
+ if (!_weather.CanWeatherAffect(gridUid, grid, tile))
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (_whitelist.IsBlacklistFailOrNull(weather.DamageBlacklist, uid))
+ _damageable.TryChangeDamage(uid, damage, interruptsDoAfters: false);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Content.Server/DeltaV/Weather/WeatherSchedulerComponent.cs b/Content.Server/DeltaV/Weather/WeatherSchedulerComponent.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ac69c957057
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Server/DeltaV/Weather/WeatherSchedulerComponent.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+using Content.Shared.Destructible.Thresholds;
+using Content.Shared.Weather;
+using Robust.Shared.Prototypes;
+using Robust.Shared.Serialization;
+using Robust.Shared.Serialization.TypeSerializers.Implementations.Custom;
+namespace Content.Server.DeltaV.Weather;
+/// Makes weather randomly happen every so often.
+[RegisterComponent, Access(typeof(WeatherSchedulerSystem))]
+public sealed partial class WeatherSchedulerComponent : Component
+ ///
+ /// Weather stages to schedule.
+ ///
+ [DataField(required: true)]
+ public List Stages = new();
+ ///
+ /// The index of to use next, wraps back to the start.
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ public int Stage;
+ ///
+ /// When to go to the next step of the schedule.
+ ///
+ [DataField(customTypeSerializer: typeof(TimeOffsetSerializer)), AutoPausedField]
+ public TimeSpan NextUpdate;
+/// A stage in a weather schedule.
+[Serializable, DataDefinition]
+public partial struct WeatherStage
+ ///
+ /// A range of how long the stage can last for, in seconds.
+ ///
+ [DataField(required: true)]
+ public MinMax Duration = new(0, 0);
+ ///
+ /// The weather prototype to add, or null for clear weather.
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ public ProtoId? Weather;
+ ///
+ /// Alert message to send in chat for players on the map when it starts.
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ public LocId? Message;
diff --git a/Content.Server/DeltaV/Weather/WeatherSchedulerSystem.cs b/Content.Server/DeltaV/Weather/WeatherSchedulerSystem.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a19a2f3787d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Server/DeltaV/Weather/WeatherSchedulerSystem.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+using Content.Server.Chat.Managers;
+using Content.Shared.Chat;
+using Content.Shared.Weather;
+using Robust.Shared.Map.Components;
+using Robust.Shared.Player;
+using Robust.Shared.Prototypes;
+using Robust.Shared.Random;
+using Robust.Shared.Timing;
+namespace Content.Server.DeltaV.Weather;
+public sealed class WeatherSchedulerSystem : EntitySystem
+ [Dependency] private readonly IChatManager _chat = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly IGameTiming _timing = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly IPrototypeManager _proto = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly IRobustRandom _random = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly SharedWeatherSystem _weather = default!;
+ public override void Update(float frameTime)
+ {
+ base.Update(frameTime);
+ var now = _timing.CurTime;
+ var query = EntityQueryEnumerator();
+ while (query.MoveNext(out var map, out var comp))
+ {
+ if (now < comp.NextUpdate)
+ continue;
+ if (comp.Stage >= comp.Stages.Count)
+ comp.Stage = 0;
+ var stage = comp.Stages[comp.Stage++];
+ var duration = stage.Duration.Next(_random);
+ comp.NextUpdate = now + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(duration);
+ var mapId = Comp(map).MapId;
+ if (stage.Weather is {} weather)
+ {
+ var ending = comp.NextUpdate;
+ // crossfade weather so as one ends the next starts
+ if (HasWeather(comp, comp.Stage - 1))
+ ending += WeatherComponent.ShutdownTime;
+ if (HasWeather(comp, comp.Stage + 1))
+ ending += WeatherComponent.StartupTime;
+ _weather.SetWeather(mapId, _proto.Index(weather), ending);
+ }
+ if (stage.Message is {} message)
+ {
+ var msg = Loc.GetString(message);
+ _chat.ChatMessageToManyFiltered(
+ Filter.BroadcastMap(mapId),
+ ChatChannel.Radio,
+ msg,
+ msg,
+ map,
+ false,
+ true,
+ null);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private bool HasWeather(WeatherSchedulerComponent comp, int stage)
+ {
+ if (stage < 0)
+ stage = comp.Stages.Count + stage;
+ else if (stage >= comp.Stages.Count)
+ stage %= comp.Stages.Count;
+ return comp.Stages[stage].Weather != null;
+ }
diff --git a/Content.Server/DeltaV/Xenoarchaeology/XenoArtifacts/Triggers/Systems/ArtifactMetapsionicTriggerSystem.cs b/Content.Server/DeltaV/Xenoarchaeology/XenoArtifacts/Triggers/Systems/ArtifactMetapsionicTriggerSystem.cs
index 8d9a216d658..37143aacd1e 100644
--- a/Content.Server/DeltaV/Xenoarchaeology/XenoArtifacts/Triggers/Systems/ArtifactMetapsionicTriggerSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/DeltaV/Xenoarchaeology/XenoArtifacts/Triggers/Systems/ArtifactMetapsionicTriggerSystem.cs
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
using Content.Server.DeltaV.Xenoarchaeology.XenoArtifacts.Triggers.Components;
-using Content.Server.Xenoarchaeology.XenoArtifacts.Triggers.Systems;
+using Content.Server.Nyanotrasen.StationEvents.Events;
+using Content.Server.Xenoarchaeology.XenoArtifacts.Triggers.Systems;
using Content.Shared.Abilities.Psionics;
namespace Content.Server.Xenoarchaeology.XenoArtifacts.Triggers.Systems;
@@ -13,10 +14,21 @@ public override void Initialize()
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnGlimmerEventEnded);
private void OnPowerDetected(Entity ent, ref PsionicPowerDetectedEvent args)
+ private void OnGlimmerEventEnded(GlimmerEventEndedEvent args)
+ {
+ var query = EntityQueryEnumerator();
+ while (query.MoveNext(out var uid, out _))
+ {
+ _artifact.TryActivateArtifact(uid);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Content.Server/Nyanotrasen/Carrying/BeingCarriedComponent.cs b/Content.Server/Nyanotrasen/Carrying/BeingCarriedComponent.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index afc78978c86..00000000000
--- a/Content.Server/Nyanotrasen/Carrying/BeingCarriedComponent.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-namespace Content.Server.Carrying
- ///
- /// Stores the carrier of an entity being carried.
- ///
- [RegisterComponent]
- public sealed partial class BeingCarriedComponent : Component
- {
- public EntityUid Carrier = default!;
- }
diff --git a/Content.Server/Nyanotrasen/Carrying/CarriableComponent.cs b/Content.Server/Nyanotrasen/Carrying/CarriableComponent.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index f4fd1fa6d56..00000000000
--- a/Content.Server/Nyanotrasen/Carrying/CarriableComponent.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-using System.Threading;
-namespace Content.Server.Carrying
- [RegisterComponent]
- public sealed partial class CarriableComponent : Component
- {
- ///
- /// Number of free hands required
- /// to carry the entity
- ///
- [DataField("freeHandsRequired")]
- public int FreeHandsRequired = 2;
- public CancellationTokenSource? CancelToken;
- }
diff --git a/Content.Server/Nyanotrasen/Carrying/CarryingComponent.cs b/Content.Server/Nyanotrasen/Carrying/CarryingComponent.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index e79460595b9..00000000000
--- a/Content.Server/Nyanotrasen/Carrying/CarryingComponent.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-namespace Content.Server.Carrying
- ///
- /// Added to an entity when they are carrying somebody.
- ///
- [RegisterComponent]
- public sealed partial class CarryingComponent : Component
- {
- public EntityUid Carried = default!;
- }
diff --git a/Content.Server/Nyanotrasen/Carrying/CarryingSystem.cs b/Content.Server/Nyanotrasen/Carrying/CarryingSystem.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 0faff7d8078..00000000000
--- a/Content.Server/Nyanotrasen/Carrying/CarryingSystem.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,432 +0,0 @@
-using System.Numerics;
-using System.Threading;
-using Content.Server.DoAfter;
-using Content.Server.Body.Systems;
-using Content.Server.Hands.Systems;
-using Content.Server.Resist;
-using Content.Server.Popups;
-using Content.Server.Inventory;
-using Content.Server.Nyanotrasen.Item.PseudoItem;
-using Content.Shared.Climbing; // Shared instead of Server
-using Content.Shared.Mobs;
-using Content.Shared.DoAfter;
-using Content.Shared.Buckle.Components;
-using Content.Shared.Hands.Components;
-using Content.Shared.Hands;
-using Content.Shared.Stunnable;
-using Content.Shared.Interaction.Events;
-using Content.Shared.Verbs;
-using Content.Shared.Climbing.Events; // Added this.
-using Content.Shared.Carrying;
-using Content.Shared.Movement.Events;
-using Content.Shared.Movement.Systems;
-using Content.Shared.Pulling;
-using Content.Shared.Standing;
-using Content.Shared.ActionBlocker;
-using Content.Shared.Inventory.VirtualItem;
-using Content.Shared.Item;
-using Content.Shared.Throwing;
-using Content.Shared.Mobs.Systems;
-using Content.Shared.Movement.Pulling.Components;
-using Content.Shared.Movement.Pulling.Events;
-using Content.Shared.Movement.Pulling.Systems;
-using Content.Shared.Nyanotrasen.Item.PseudoItem;
-using Content.Shared.Storage;
-using Robust.Shared.Map.Components;
-using Robust.Shared.Physics.Components;
-namespace Content.Server.Carrying
- public sealed class CarryingSystem : EntitySystem
- {
- [Dependency] private readonly VirtualItemSystem _virtualItemSystem = default!;
- [Dependency] private readonly CarryingSlowdownSystem _slowdown = default!;
- [Dependency] private readonly DoAfterSystem _doAfterSystem = default!;
- [Dependency] private readonly StandingStateSystem _standingState = default!;
- [Dependency] private readonly ActionBlockerSystem _actionBlockerSystem = default!;
- [Dependency] private readonly PullingSystem _pullingSystem = default!;
- [Dependency] private readonly MobStateSystem _mobStateSystem = default!;
- [Dependency] private readonly EscapeInventorySystem _escapeInventorySystem = default!;
- [Dependency] private readonly PopupSystem _popupSystem = default!;
- [Dependency] private readonly MovementSpeedModifierSystem _movementSpeed = default!;
- [Dependency] private readonly RespiratorSystem _respirator = default!;
- [Dependency] private readonly SharedTransformSystem _transform = default!;
- [Dependency] private readonly PseudoItemSystem _pseudoItem = default!; // Needed for fitting check
- public override void Initialize()
- {
- base.Initialize();
- SubscribeLocalEvent>(AddCarryVerb);
- SubscribeLocalEvent>(AddInsertCarriedVerb);
- SubscribeLocalEvent(OnVirtualItemDeleted);
- SubscribeLocalEvent(OnThrow);
- SubscribeLocalEvent(OnParentChanged);
- SubscribeLocalEvent(OnMobStateChanged);
- SubscribeLocalEvent(OnInteractionAttempt);
- SubscribeLocalEvent(OnMoveInput);
- SubscribeLocalEvent(OnMoveAttempt);
- SubscribeLocalEvent(OnStandAttempt);
- SubscribeLocalEvent(OnInteractedWith);
- SubscribeLocalEvent(OnPullAttempt);
- SubscribeLocalEvent(OnStartClimb);
- SubscribeLocalEvent(OnBuckleChange);
- SubscribeLocalEvent(OnBuckleChange);
- SubscribeLocalEvent(OnBuckleChange);
- SubscribeLocalEvent(OnBuckleChange);
- SubscribeLocalEvent(OnDoAfter);
- }
- private void AddCarryVerb(EntityUid uid, CarriableComponent component, GetVerbsEvent args)
- {
- if (!args.CanInteract || !args.CanAccess)
- return;
- if (!CanCarry(args.User, uid, component))
- return;
- if (HasComp(args.User)) // yeah not dealing with that
- return;
- if (HasComp(args.User) || HasComp(args.Target))
- return;
- if (!_mobStateSystem.IsAlive(args.User))
- return;
- if (args.User == args.Target)
- return;
- AlternativeVerb verb = new()
- {
- Act = () =>
- {
- StartCarryDoAfter(args.User, uid, component);
- },
- Text = Loc.GetString("carry-verb"),
- Priority = 2
- };
- args.Verbs.Add(verb);
- }
- private void AddInsertCarriedVerb(EntityUid uid, CarryingComponent component, GetVerbsEvent args)
- {
- // If the person is carrying someone, and the carried person is a pseudo-item, and the target entity is a storage,
- // then add an action to insert the carried entity into the target
- var toInsert = args.Using;
- if (toInsert is not { Valid: true } || !args.CanAccess || !TryComp(toInsert, out var pseudoItem))
- return;
- if (!TryComp(args.Target, out var storageComp))
- return;
- if (!_pseudoItem.CheckItemFits((toInsert.Value, pseudoItem), (args.Target, storageComp)))
- return;
- InnateVerb verb = new()
- {
- Act = () =>
- {
- DropCarried(uid, toInsert.Value);
- _pseudoItem.TryInsert(args.Target, toInsert.Value, pseudoItem, storageComp);
- },
- Text = Loc.GetString("action-name-insert-other", ("target", toInsert)),
- Priority = 2
- };
- args.Verbs.Add(verb);
- }
- ///
- /// Since the carried entity is stored as 2 virtual items, when deleted we want to drop them.
- ///
- private void OnVirtualItemDeleted(EntityUid uid, CarryingComponent component, VirtualItemDeletedEvent args)
- {
- if (!HasComp(args.BlockingEntity))
- return;
- DropCarried(uid, args.BlockingEntity);
- }
- ///
- /// Basically using virtual item passthrough to throw the carried person. A new age!
- /// Maybe other things besides throwing should use virt items like this...
- ///
- private void OnThrow(EntityUid uid, CarryingComponent component, BeforeThrowEvent args)
- {
- if (!TryComp(args.ItemUid, out var virtItem) || !HasComp(virtItem.BlockingEntity))
- return;
- args.ItemUid = virtItem.BlockingEntity;
- var multiplier = MassContest(uid, virtItem.BlockingEntity);
- args.ThrowSpeed = 5f * multiplier;
- }
- private void OnParentChanged(EntityUid uid, CarryingComponent component, ref EntParentChangedMessage args)
- {
- var xform = Transform(uid);
- if (xform.MapUid != args.OldMapId)
- return;
- // Do not drop the carried entity if the new parent is a grid
- if (xform.ParentUid == xform.GridUid)
- return;
- DropCarried(uid, component.Carried);
- }
- private void OnMobStateChanged(EntityUid uid, CarryingComponent component, MobStateChangedEvent args)
- {
- DropCarried(uid, component.Carried);
- }
- ///
- /// Only let the person being carried interact with their carrier and things on their person.
- ///
- private void OnInteractionAttempt(EntityUid uid, BeingCarriedComponent component, InteractionAttemptEvent args)
- {
- if (args.Target == null)
- return;
- var targetParent = Transform(args.Target.Value).ParentUid;
- if (args.Target.Value != component.Carrier && targetParent != component.Carrier && targetParent != uid)
- args.Cancelled = true;
- }
- ///
- /// Try to escape via the escape inventory system.
- ///
- private void OnMoveInput(EntityUid uid, BeingCarriedComponent component, ref MoveInputEvent args)
- {
- if (!TryComp(uid, out var escape))
- return;
- if (!args.HasDirectionalMovement)
- return;
- if (_actionBlockerSystem.CanInteract(uid, component.Carrier))
- {
- // Note: the mass contest is inverted because weaker entities are supposed to take longer to escape
- _escapeInventorySystem.AttemptEscape(uid, component.Carrier, escape, MassContest(component.Carrier, uid));
- }
- }
- private void OnMoveAttempt(EntityUid uid, BeingCarriedComponent component, UpdateCanMoveEvent args)
- {
- args.Cancel();
- }
- private void OnStandAttempt(EntityUid uid, BeingCarriedComponent component, StandAttemptEvent args)
- {
- args.Cancel();
- }
- private void OnInteractedWith(EntityUid uid, BeingCarriedComponent component, GettingInteractedWithAttemptEvent args)
- {
- if (args.Uid != component.Carrier)
- args.Cancelled = true;
- }
- private void OnPullAttempt(EntityUid uid, BeingCarriedComponent component, PullAttemptEvent args)
- {
- args.Cancelled = true;
- }
- private void OnStartClimb(EntityUid uid, BeingCarriedComponent component, ref StartClimbEvent args)
- {
- DropCarried(component.Carrier, uid);
- }
- private void OnBuckleChange(EntityUid uid, BeingCarriedComponent component, TEvent args) // Augh
- {
- DropCarried(component.Carrier, uid);
- }
- private void OnDoAfter(EntityUid uid, CarriableComponent component, CarryDoAfterEvent args)
- {
- component.CancelToken = null;
- if (args.Handled || args.Cancelled)
- return;
- if (!CanCarry(args.Args.User, uid, component))
- return;
- Carry(args.Args.User, uid);
- args.Handled = true;
- }
- private void StartCarryDoAfter(EntityUid carrier, EntityUid carried, CarriableComponent component)
- {
- TimeSpan length = GetPickupDuration(carrier, carried);
- if (length >= TimeSpan.FromSeconds(9))
- {
- _popupSystem.PopupEntity(Loc.GetString("carry-too-heavy"), carried, carrier, Shared.Popups.PopupType.SmallCaution);
- return;
- }
- if (!HasComp(carried))
- length *= 2f;
- component.CancelToken = new CancellationTokenSource();
- var ev = new CarryDoAfterEvent();
- var args = new DoAfterArgs(EntityManager, carrier, length, ev, carried, target: carried)
- {
- BreakOnMove = true,
- NeedHand = true
- };
- _doAfterSystem.TryStartDoAfter(args);
- // Show a popup to the person getting picked up
- _popupSystem.PopupEntity(Loc.GetString("carry-started", ("carrier", carrier)), carried, carried);
- }
- private void Carry(EntityUid carrier, EntityUid carried)
- {
- if (TryComp(carried, out var pullable))
- _pullingSystem.TryStopPull(carried, pullable);
- var carrierXform = Transform(carrier);
- var xform = Transform(carried);
- _transform.AttachToGridOrMap(carrier, carrierXform);
- _transform.AttachToGridOrMap(carried, xform);
- xform.Coordinates = carrierXform.Coordinates;
- _transform.SetParent(carried, xform, carrier, carrierXform);
- _virtualItemSystem.TrySpawnVirtualItemInHand(carried, carrier);
- _virtualItemSystem.TrySpawnVirtualItemInHand(carried, carrier);
- var carryingComp = EnsureComp(carrier);
- ApplyCarrySlowdown(carrier, carried);
- var carriedComp = EnsureComp(carried);
- EnsureComp(carried);
- carryingComp.Carried = carried;
- carriedComp.Carrier = carrier;
- _actionBlockerSystem.UpdateCanMove(carried);
- }
- public bool TryCarry(EntityUid carrier, EntityUid toCarry, CarriableComponent? carriedComp = null)
- {
- if (!Resolve(toCarry, ref carriedComp, false))
- return false;
- if (!CanCarry(carrier, toCarry, carriedComp))
- return false;
- // The second one means that carrier is a pseudo-item and is inside a bag.
- if (HasComp(carrier) || HasComp(carrier))
- return false;
- if (GetPickupDuration(carrier, toCarry) > TimeSpan.FromSeconds(9))
- return false;
- Carry(carrier, toCarry);
- return true;
- }
- public void DropCarried(EntityUid carrier, EntityUid carried)
- {
- RemComp(carrier); // get rid of this first so we don't recusrively fire that event
- RemComp(carrier);
- RemComp(carried);
- RemComp(carried);
- _actionBlockerSystem.UpdateCanMove(carried);
- _virtualItemSystem.DeleteInHandsMatching(carrier, carried);
- Transform(carried).AttachToGridOrMap();
- _standingState.Stand(carried);
- _movementSpeed.RefreshMovementSpeedModifiers(carrier);
- }
- private void ApplyCarrySlowdown(EntityUid carrier, EntityUid carried)
- {
- var massRatio = MassContest(carrier, carried);
- if (massRatio == 0)
- massRatio = 1;
- var massRatioSq = Math.Pow(massRatio, 2);
- var modifier = (1 - (0.15 / massRatioSq));
- modifier = Math.Max(0.1, modifier);
- var slowdownComp = EnsureComp(carrier);
- _slowdown.SetModifier(carrier, (float) modifier, (float) modifier, slowdownComp);
- }
- public bool CanCarry(EntityUid carrier, EntityUid carried, CarriableComponent? carriedComp = null)
- {
- if (!Resolve(carried, ref carriedComp, false))
- return false;
- if (carriedComp.CancelToken != null)
- return false;
- if (!HasComp(Transform(carrier).ParentUid))
- return false;
- if (HasComp(carrier) || HasComp(carried))
- return false;
- // if (_respirator.IsReceivingCPR(carried))
- // return false;
- if (!TryComp(carrier, out var hands))
- return false;
- if (hands.CountFreeHands() < carriedComp.FreeHandsRequired)
- return false;
- return true;
- }
- private float MassContest(EntityUid roller, EntityUid target, PhysicsComponent? rollerPhysics = null, PhysicsComponent? targetPhysics = null)
- {
- if (!Resolve(roller, ref rollerPhysics, false) || !Resolve(target, ref targetPhysics, false))
- return 1f;
- if (targetPhysics.FixturesMass == 0)
- return 1f;
- return rollerPhysics.FixturesMass / targetPhysics.FixturesMass;
- }
- private TimeSpan GetPickupDuration(EntityUid carrier, EntityUid carried)
- {
- var length = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3);
- var mod = MassContest(carrier, carried);
- if (mod != 0)
- length /= mod;
- return length;
- }
- public override void Update(float frameTime)
- {
- var query = EntityQueryEnumerator();
- while (query.MoveNext(out var carried, out var comp))
- {
- var carrier = comp.Carrier;
- if (carrier is not { Valid: true } || carried is not { Valid: true })
- continue;
- // SOMETIMES - when an entity is inserted into disposals, or a cryosleep chamber - it can get re-parented without a proper reparent event
- // when this happens, it needs to be dropped because it leads to weird behavior
- if (Transform(carried).ParentUid != carrier)
- {
- DropCarried(carrier, carried);
- continue;
- }
- // Make sure the carried entity is always centered relative to the carrier, as gravity pulls can offset it otherwise
- var xform = Transform(carried);
- if (!xform.LocalPosition.Equals(Vector2.Zero))
- {
- xform.LocalPosition = Vector2.Zero;
- }
- }
- query.Dispose();
- }
- }
diff --git a/Content.Server/Nyanotrasen/Item/PseudoItem/PseudoItemSystem.cs b/Content.Server/Nyanotrasen/Item/PseudoItem/PseudoItemSystem.cs
index 6df387e6ba8..7437d293da6 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Nyanotrasen/Item/PseudoItem/PseudoItemSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Nyanotrasen/Item/PseudoItem/PseudoItemSystem.cs
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-using Content.Server.Carrying;
using Content.Server.DoAfter;
using Content.Server.Item;
using Content.Server.Popups;
using Content.Server.Storage.EntitySystems;
using Content.Shared.Bed.Sleep;
+using Content.Shared.DeltaV.Carrying;
using Content.Shared.DoAfter;
using Content.Shared.IdentityManagement;
using Content.Shared.Item;
diff --git a/Content.Server/Nyanotrasen/Kitchen/Components/DeepFryerComponent.cs b/Content.Server/Nyanotrasen/Kitchen/Components/DeepFryerComponent.cs
index d77bec6b1ae..faf27484ce9 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Nyanotrasen/Kitchen/Components/DeepFryerComponent.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Nyanotrasen/Kitchen/Components/DeepFryerComponent.cs
@@ -11,230 +11,184 @@
using Robust.Shared.Containers;
using Robust.Shared.Prototypes;
using Robust.Shared.Serialization.TypeSerializers.Implementations.Custom;
-using Robust.Shared.Serialization.TypeSerializers.Implementations.Custom.Prototype;
-using Robust.Shared.Serialization.TypeSerializers.Implementations.Custom.Prototype.Set;
-namespace Content.Server.Nyanotrasen.Kitchen.Components
+namespace Content.Server.Nyanotrasen.Kitchen.Components;
+// TODO: move to shared and get rid of SharedDeepFryerComponent
+[RegisterComponent, Access(typeof(SharedDeepfryerSystem))]
+public sealed partial class DeepFryerComponent : SharedDeepFryerComponent
- [RegisterComponent]
- [Access(typeof(SharedDeepfryerSystem))]
- // This line appears to be depracted: [ComponentReference(typeof(SharedDeepFryerComponent))]
- public sealed partial class DeepFryerComponent : SharedDeepFryerComponent
- {
- // There are three levels to how the deep fryer treats entities.
- //
- // 1. An entity can be rejected by the blacklist and be untouched by
- // anything other than heat damage.
- //
- // 2. An entity can be deep-fried but not turned into an edible. The
- // change will be mostly cosmetic. Any entity that does not match
- // the blacklist will fall into this category.
- //
- // 3. An entity can be deep-fried and turned into something edible. The
- // change will permit the item to be permanently destroyed by eating
- // it.
- ///
- /// When will the deep fryer layer on the next stage of crispiness?
- ///
- [DataField("nextFryTime", customTypeSerializer: typeof(TimeOffsetSerializer))]
- public TimeSpan NextFryTime { get; set; }
- ///
- /// How much waste needs to be added at the next update interval?
- ///
- public FixedPoint2 WasteToAdd { get; set; } = FixedPoint2.Zero;
- ///
- /// How often are items in the deep fryer fried?
- ///
- [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
- [DataField("fryInterval")]
- public TimeSpan FryInterval { get; set; } = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5);
- ///
- /// What entities cannot be deep-fried no matter what?
- ///
- [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
- [DataField("blacklist")]
- public EntityWhitelist? Blacklist { get; set; }
- ///
- /// What entities can be deep-fried into being edible?
- ///
- [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
- [DataField("whitelist")]
- public EntityWhitelist? Whitelist { get; set; }
- ///
- /// What are over-cooked and burned entities turned into?
- ///
- ///
- /// To prevent unwanted destruction of items, only food can be turned
- /// into this.
- ///
- [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
- [DataField("charredPrototype", customTypeSerializer: typeof(PrototypeIdSerializer))]
- public string? CharredPrototype { get; set; }
- ///
- /// What reagents are considered valid cooking oils?
- ///
- [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
- [DataField("fryingOils", customTypeSerializer: typeof(PrototypeIdHashSetSerializer))]
- public HashSet FryingOils { get; set; } = new();
- ///
- /// What reagents are added to tasty deep-fried food?
- /// JJ Comment: I removed Solution from this. Unsure if I need to replace it with something.
- ///
- [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
- [DataField("goodReagents")]
- public List GoodReagents { get; set; } = new();
- ///
- /// What reagents are added to terrible deep-fried food?
- /// JJ Comment: I removed Solution from this. Unsure if I need to replace it with something.
- ///
- [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
- [DataField("badReagents")]
- public List BadReagents { get; set; } = new();
- ///
- /// What reagents replace every 1 unit of oil spent on frying?
- /// JJ Comment: I removed Solution from this. Unsure if I need to replace it with something.
- ///
- [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
- [DataField("wasteReagents")]
- public List WasteReagents { get; set; } = new();
- ///
- /// What flavors go well with deep frying?
- ///
- [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
- [DataField("goodFlavors", customTypeSerializer: typeof(PrototypeIdHashSetSerializer))]
- public HashSet GoodFlavors { get; set; } = new();
- ///
- /// What flavors don't go well with deep frying?
- ///
- [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
- [DataField("badFlavors", customTypeSerializer: typeof(PrototypeIdHashSetSerializer))]
- public HashSet BadFlavors { get; set; } = new();
- ///
- /// How much is the price coefficiency of a food changed for each good flavor?
- ///
- [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
- [DataField("goodFlavorPriceBonus")]
- public float GoodFlavorPriceBonus { get; set; } = 0.2f;
- ///
- /// How much is the price coefficiency of a food changed for each bad flavor?
- ///
- [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
- [DataField("badFlavorPriceMalus")]
- public float BadFlavorPriceMalus { get; set; } = -0.3f;
- ///
- /// What is the name of the solution container for the fryer's oil?
- ///
- [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
- [DataField("solution")]
- public string SolutionName { get; set; } = "vat_oil";
- public Solution Solution { get; set; } = default!;
- ///
- /// What is the name of the entity container for items inside the deep fryer?
- ///
- [DataField("storage")]
- public string StorageName { get; set; } = "vat_entities";
- public BaseContainer Storage { get; set; } = default!;
- ///
- /// How much solution should be imparted based on an item's size?
- ///
- [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
- [DataField("solutionSizeCoefficient")]
- public FixedPoint2 SolutionSizeCoefficient { get; set; } = 1f;
- ///
- /// What's the maximum amount of solution that should ever be imparted?
- ///
- [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
- [DataField("solutionSplitMax")]
- public FixedPoint2 SolutionSplitMax { get; set; } = 10f;
- ///
- /// What percent of the fryer's solution has to be oil in order for it to fry?
- ///
- ///
- /// The chef will have to clean it out occasionally, and if too much
- /// non-oil reagents are added, the vat will have to be drained.
- ///
- [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
- [DataField("fryingOilThreshold")]
- public FixedPoint2 FryingOilThreshold { get; set; } = 0.5f;
- ///
- /// What is the bare minimum number of oil units to prevent the fryer
- /// from unsafe operation?
- ///
- [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
- [DataField("safeOilVolume")]
- public FixedPoint2 SafeOilVolume { get; set; } = 10f;
- [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
- [DataField("unsafeOilVolumeEffects")]
- public List UnsafeOilVolumeEffects = new();
- ///
- /// What is the temperature of the vat when the deep fryer is powered?
- ///
- [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
- [DataField("poweredTemperature")]
- public float PoweredTemperature = 550.0f;
- ///
- /// How many entities can this deep fryer hold?
- ///
- [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
- public int StorageMaxEntities = 4;
- ///
- /// How many entities can be held, at a minimum?
- ///
- [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
- [DataField("baseStorageMaxEntities")]
- public int BaseStorageMaxEntities = 4;
- // ///
- // /// What upgradeable machine part dictates the quality of the storage size?
- // ///
- // [DataField("machinePartStorageMax", customTypeSerializer: typeof(PrototypeIdSerializer))]
- // public string MachinePartStorageMax = "MatterBin";
- ///
- /// How much extra storage is added per part rating?
- ///
- [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
- [DataField("storagePerPartRating")]
- public int StoragePerPartRating = 4;
- ///
- /// What sound is played when an item is inserted into hot oil?
- ///
- [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
- [DataField("soundInsertItem")]
- public SoundSpecifier SoundInsertItem = new SoundPathSpecifier("/Audio/Nyanotrasen/Machines/deepfryer_basket_add_item.ogg");
- ///
- /// What sound is played when an item is removed?
- ///
- [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
- [DataField("soundRemoveItem")]
- public SoundSpecifier SoundRemoveItem = new SoundPathSpecifier("/Audio/Nyanotrasen/Machines/deepfryer_basket_remove_item.ogg");
- }
+ // There are three levels to how the deep fryer treats entities.
+ //
+ // 1. An entity can be rejected by the blacklist and be untouched by
+ // anything other than heat damage.
+ //
+ // 2. An entity can be deep-fried but not turned into an edible. The
+ // change will be mostly cosmetic. Any entity that does not match
+ // the blacklist will fall into this category.
+ //
+ // 3. An entity can be deep-fried and turned into something edible. The
+ // change will permit the item to be permanently destroyed by eating
+ // it.
+ ///
+ /// When will the deep fryer layer on the next stage of crispiness?
+ ///
+ [DataField(customTypeSerializer: typeof(TimeOffsetSerializer))]
+ public TimeSpan NextFryTime;
+ ///
+ /// How much waste needs to be added at the next update interval?
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ public FixedPoint2 WasteToAdd = FixedPoint2.Zero;
+ ///
+ /// How often are items in the deep fryer fried?
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ public TimeSpan FryInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5);
+ ///
+ /// What entities cannot be deep-fried no matter what?
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ public EntityWhitelist? Blacklist;
+ ///
+ /// What entities can be deep-fried into being edible?
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ public EntityWhitelist? Whitelist;
+ ///
+ /// What are over-cooked and burned entities turned into?
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// To prevent unwanted destruction of items, only food can be turned
+ /// into this.
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ public EntProtoId? CharredPrototype;
+ ///
+ /// What reagents are considered valid cooking oils?
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ public HashSet> FryingOils = new();
+ ///
+ /// What reagents are added to tasty deep-fried food?
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ public List GoodReagents = new();
+ ///
+ /// What reagents are added to terrible deep-fried food?
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ public List BadReagents = new();
+ ///
+ /// What reagents replace every 1 unit of oil spent on frying?
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ public List WasteReagents = new();
+ ///
+ /// What flavors go well with deep frying?
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ public HashSet> GoodFlavors = new();
+ ///
+ /// What flavors don't go well with deep frying?
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ public HashSet> BadFlavors = new();
+ ///
+ /// How much is the price coefficiency of a food changed for each good flavor?
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ public float GoodFlavorPriceBonus = 0.2f;
+ ///
+ /// How much is the price coefficiency of a food changed for each bad flavor?
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ public float BadFlavorPriceMalus = -0.3f;
+ ///
+ /// What is the name of the solution container for the fryer's oil?
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ public string SolutionName = "vat_oil";
+ // TODO: Entity
+ public Solution Solution = default!;
+ ///
+ /// What is the name of the entity container for items inside the deep fryer?
+ ///
+ [DataField("storage")]
+ public string StorageName = "vat_entities";
+ public BaseContainer Storage = default!;
+ ///
+ /// How much solution should be imparted based on an item's size?
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ public FixedPoint2 SolutionSizeCoefficient = 1f;
+ ///
+ /// What's the maximum amount of solution that should ever be imparted?
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ public FixedPoint2 SolutionSplitMax = 10f;
+ ///
+ /// What percent of the fryer's solution has to be oil in order for it to fry?
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// The chef will have to clean it out occasionally, and if too much
+ /// non-oil reagents are added, the vat will have to be drained.
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ public FixedPoint2 FryingOilThreshold = 0.5f;
+ ///
+ /// What is the bare minimum number of oil units to prevent the fryer
+ /// from unsafe operation?
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ public FixedPoint2 SafeOilVolume = 10f;
+ [DataField]
+ public List UnsafeOilVolumeEffects = new();
+ ///
+ /// What is the temperature of the vat when the deep fryer is powered?
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ public float PoweredTemperature = 550.0f;
+ ///
+ /// How many entities can this deep fryer hold?
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ public int StorageMaxEntities = 4;
+ ///
+ /// What sound is played when an item is inserted into hot oil?
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ public SoundSpecifier SoundInsertItem = new SoundPathSpecifier("/Audio/Nyanotrasen/Machines/deepfryer_basket_add_item.ogg");
+ ///
+ /// What sound is played when an item is removed?
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ public SoundSpecifier SoundRemoveItem = new SoundPathSpecifier("/Audio/Nyanotrasen/Machines/deepfryer_basket_remove_item.ogg");
diff --git a/Content.Server/Nyanotrasen/Kitchen/EntitySystems/DeepFryerSystem.Results.cs b/Content.Server/Nyanotrasen/Kitchen/EntitySystems/DeepFryerSystem.Results.cs
index 3f93787934c..fa2807509a6 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Nyanotrasen/Kitchen/EntitySystems/DeepFryerSystem.Results.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Nyanotrasen/Kitchen/EntitySystems/DeepFryerSystem.Results.cs
@@ -11,15 +11,20 @@
using Content.Shared.FixedPoint;
using Content.Shared.Mobs.Components;
using Content.Shared.NPC;
+using Content.Shared.Nutrition;
using Content.Shared.Nutrition.Components;
using Content.Shared.Nyanotrasen.Kitchen.Components;
using Content.Shared.Paper;
+using Robust.Shared.Prototypes;
using Robust.Shared.Random;
namespace Content.Server.Nyanotrasen.Kitchen.EntitySystems;
public sealed partial class DeepFryerSystem
+ private HashSet> _badFlavors = new();
+ private HashSet> _goodFlavors = new();
/// Make an item look deep-fried.
@@ -129,33 +134,33 @@ private void MakeEdible(EntityUid uid, DeepFryerComponent component, EntityUid i
var extraSolution = new Solution();
if (TryComp(item, out FlavorProfileComponent? flavorProfileComponent))
- HashSet goodFlavors = new(flavorProfileComponent.Flavors);
- goodFlavors.IntersectWith(component.GoodFlavors);
+ _goodFlavors.Clear();
+ _goodFlavors.IntersectWith(component.GoodFlavors);
- HashSet badFlavors = new(flavorProfileComponent.Flavors);
- badFlavors.IntersectWith(component.BadFlavors);
+ _badFlavors.Clear();
+ _badFlavors.IntersectWith(component.BadFlavors);
deepFriedComponent.PriceCoefficient = Math.Max(0.01f,
- + goodFlavors.Count * component.GoodFlavorPriceBonus
- - badFlavors.Count * component.BadFlavorPriceMalus);
+ + _goodFlavors.Count * component.GoodFlavorPriceBonus
+ - _badFlavors.Count * component.BadFlavorPriceMalus);
- if (goodFlavors.Count > 0)
+ if (_goodFlavors.Count > 0)
foreach (var reagent in component.GoodReagents)
- extraSolution.AddReagent(reagent.Reagent.ToString(), reagent.Quantity * goodFlavors.Count);
+ extraSolution.AddReagent(reagent.Reagent.ToString(), reagent.Quantity * _goodFlavors.Count);
// Mask the taste of "medicine."
- if (badFlavors.Count > 0)
+ if (_badFlavors.Count > 0)
foreach (var reagent in component.BadReagents)
- extraSolution.AddReagent(reagent.Reagent.ToString(), reagent.Quantity * badFlavors.Count);
+ extraSolution.AddReagent(reagent.Reagent.ToString(), reagent.Quantity * _badFlavors.Count);
diff --git a/Content.Server/Nyanotrasen/Kitchen/EntitySystems/DeepFryerSystem.cs b/Content.Server/Nyanotrasen/Kitchen/EntitySystems/DeepFryerSystem.cs
index 40a658f0c44..4ac8684a7a3 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Nyanotrasen/Kitchen/EntitySystems/DeepFryerSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Nyanotrasen/Kitchen/EntitySystems/DeepFryerSystem.cs
@@ -105,7 +105,6 @@ public override void Initialize()
- // SubscribeLocalEvent(OnRefreshParts);
@@ -437,14 +436,6 @@ private void OnDestruction(EntityUid uid, DeepFryerComponent component, Destruct
_containerSystem.EmptyContainer(component.Storage, true);
- // private void OnRefreshParts(EntityUid uid, DeepFryerComponent component, RefreshPartsEvent args)
- // {
- // var ratingStorage = args.PartRatings[component.MachinePartStorageMax];
- //
- // component.StorageMaxEntities = component.BaseStorageMaxEntities +
- // (int) (component.StoragePerPartRating * (ratingStorage - 1));
- // }
/// Allow thrown items to land in a basket.
diff --git a/Content.Server/Resist/EscapeInventorySystem.cs b/Content.Server/Resist/EscapeInventorySystem.cs
index 93a83465861..eec8ebb5072 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Resist/EscapeInventorySystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Resist/EscapeInventorySystem.cs
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
using Content.Server.Popups;
using Content.Shared.Storage;
-using Content.Server.Carrying; // Carrying system from Nyanotrasen.
using Content.Shared.Inventory;
using Content.Shared.Hands.EntitySystems;
using Content.Shared.Storage.Components;
@@ -25,7 +24,6 @@ public sealed class EscapeInventorySystem : EntitySystem
[Dependency] private readonly SharedContainerSystem _containerSystem = default!;
[Dependency] private readonly ActionBlockerSystem _actionBlockerSystem = default!;
[Dependency] private readonly SharedHandsSystem _handsSystem = default!;
- [Dependency] private readonly CarryingSystem _carryingSystem = default!; // Carrying system from Nyanotrasen.
[Dependency] private readonly SharedActionsSystem _actions = default!; // DeltaV
@@ -109,13 +107,6 @@ private void OnEscape(EntityUid uid, CanEscapeInventoryComponent component, Esca
if (args.Handled || args.Cancelled)
- if (TryComp(uid, out var carried)) // Start of carrying system of nyanotrasen.
- {
- _carryingSystem.DropCarried(carried.Carrier, uid);
- return;
- } // End of carrying system of nyanotrasen.
_containerSystem.AttachParentToContainerOrGrid((uid, Transform(uid)));
args.Handled = true;
diff --git a/Content.Server/Salvage/SalvageSystem.Magnet.cs b/Content.Server/Salvage/SalvageSystem.Magnet.cs
index 81db78fb201..4ae1a06d176 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Salvage/SalvageSystem.Magnet.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Salvage/SalvageSystem.Magnet.cs
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ private void OnMagnetClaim(EntityUid uid, SalvageMagnetComponent component, ref
- TakeMagnetOffer((station.Value, dataComp), args.Index, (uid, component));
+ TakeMagnetOffer((station.Value, dataComp), args.Index, (uid, component), args.Actor); // DeltaV: pass the user entity
private void OnMagnetStartup(EntityUid uid, SalvageMagnetComponent component, ComponentStartup args)
@@ -250,11 +250,15 @@ private void UpdateMagnetUIs(Entity data)
- private async Task TakeMagnetOffer(Entity data, int index, Entity magnet)
+ private async Task TakeMagnetOffer(Entity data, int index, Entity magnet, EntityUid user) // DeltaV: add user param
var seed = data.Comp.Offered[index];
var offering = GetSalvageOffering(seed);
+ // Begin DeltaV Addition: make wrecks cost mining points to pull
+ if (offering.Cost > 0 && !(_points.TryFindIdCard(user) is {} idCard && _points.RemovePoints(idCard, offering.Cost)))
+ return;
+ // End DeltaV Addition
var salvMap = _mapSystem.CreateMap();
var salvMapXform = Transform(salvMap);
diff --git a/Content.Server/Salvage/SalvageSystem.cs b/Content.Server/Salvage/SalvageSystem.cs
index eb5719c892f..7610b05d7da 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Salvage/SalvageSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Salvage/SalvageSystem.cs
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
using Content.Server.Construction;
using Content.Server.GameTicking;
using Content.Server.Radio.EntitySystems;
+using Content.Shared.DeltaV.Salvage.Systems; // DeltaV
using Content.Shared.Examine;
using Content.Shared.Interaction;
using Content.Shared.Popups;
@@ -52,6 +53,7 @@ public sealed partial class SalvageSystem : SharedSalvageSystem
[Dependency] private readonly LabelSystem _labelSystem = default!;
[Dependency] private readonly MapLoaderSystem _map = default!;
[Dependency] private readonly MetaDataSystem _metaData = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly MiningPointsSystem _points = default!; // DeltaV
[Dependency] private readonly RadioSystem _radioSystem = default!;
[Dependency] private readonly SharedAudioSystem _audio = default!;
[Dependency] private readonly SharedTransformSystem _transform = default!;
diff --git a/Content.Server/StationEvents/BasicStationEventSchedulerSystem.cs b/Content.Server/StationEvents/BasicStationEventSchedulerSystem.cs
index bdc9a47e186..882d841b24f 100644
--- a/Content.Server/StationEvents/BasicStationEventSchedulerSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/StationEvents/BasicStationEventSchedulerSystem.cs
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
using System.Linq;
using Content.Server.Administration;
+using Content.Server.Chat.Managers; // DeltaV
+using Content.Server.DeltaV.StationEvents.NextEvent; // DeltaV
using Content.Server.GameTicking;
using Content.Server.GameTicking.Rules;
using Content.Server.StationEvents.Components;
@@ -9,6 +11,7 @@
using JetBrains.Annotations;
using Robust.Shared.Prototypes;
using Robust.Shared.Random;
+using Robust.Shared.Timing; // DeltaV
using Robust.Shared.Toolshed;
using Robust.Shared.Utility;
@@ -21,14 +24,27 @@ namespace Content.Server.StationEvents
public sealed class BasicStationEventSchedulerSystem : GameRuleSystem
+ [Dependency] private readonly IChatManager _chatManager = default!; // DeltaV
+ [Dependency] private readonly IGameTiming _timing = default!; // DeltaV
[Dependency] private readonly IRobustRandom _random = default!;
[Dependency] private readonly EventManagerSystem _event = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly NextEventSystem _next = default!; // DeltaV
protected override void Started(EntityUid uid, BasicStationEventSchedulerComponent component, GameRuleComponent gameRule,
GameRuleStartedEvent args)
// A little starting variance so schedulers dont all proc at once.
component.TimeUntilNextEvent = RobustRandom.NextFloat(component.MinimumTimeUntilFirstEvent, component.MinimumTimeUntilFirstEvent + 120);
+ // DeltaV - end init NextEventComp
+ if (TryComp(uid, out var nextEventComponent)
+ && _event.TryGenerateRandomEvent(component.ScheduledGameRules, out string? firstEvent, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(component.TimeUntilNextEvent))
+ && firstEvent != null)
+ {
+ _chatManager.SendAdminAlert(Loc.GetString("station-event-system-run-event-delayed", ("eventName", firstEvent), ("seconds", (int)component.TimeUntilNextEvent)));
+ _next.UpdateNextEvent(nextEventComponent, firstEvent, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(component.TimeUntilNextEvent));
+ }
+ // DeltaV - end init NextEventComp
protected override void Ended(EntityUid uid, BasicStationEventSchedulerComponent component, GameRuleComponent gameRule,
@@ -57,6 +73,23 @@ public override void Update(float frameTime)
+ // DeltaV events using NextEventComponent
+ if (TryComp(uid, out var nextEventComponent)) // If there is a nextEventComponent use the stashed event instead of running it directly.
+ {
+ ResetTimer(eventScheduler); // Time needs to be reset ahead of time since we need to chose events based on the next time it will run.
+ var nextEventTime = _timing.CurTime + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(eventScheduler.TimeUntilNextEvent);
+ if (!_event.TryGenerateRandomEvent(eventScheduler.ScheduledGameRules, out string? generatedEvent, nextEventTime))
+ continue;
+ _chatManager.SendAdminAlert(Loc.GetString("station-event-system-run-event-delayed", ("eventName", generatedEvent), ("seconds", (int)eventScheduler.TimeUntilNextEvent)));
+ // Cycle the stashed event with the new generated event and time.
+ string? storedEvent = _next.UpdateNextEvent(nextEventComponent, generatedEvent, nextEventTime);
+ if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(storedEvent)) //If there was no stored event don't try to run it.
+ continue;
+ GameTicker.AddGameRule(storedEvent);
+ continue;
+ }
+ // DeltaV end events using NextEventComponent
diff --git a/Content.Server/StationEvents/EventManagerSystem.cs b/Content.Server/StationEvents/EventManagerSystem.cs
index 741b95d969c..eadacdbbadf 100644
--- a/Content.Server/StationEvents/EventManagerSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/StationEvents/EventManagerSystem.cs
@@ -11,7 +11,8 @@
using Content.Shared.EntityTable.EntitySelectors;
using Content.Shared.EntityTable;
using Content.Server.Psionics.Glimmer; // DeltaV
-using Content.Shared.Psionics.Glimmer; // DeltaV
+using Content.Shared.Psionics.Glimmer;
+using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; // DeltaV
namespace Content.Server.StationEvents;
@@ -59,37 +60,67 @@ public void RunRandomEvent()
public void RunRandomEvent(EntityTableSelector limitedEventsTable)
- if (!TryBuildLimitedEvents(limitedEventsTable, out var limitedEvents))
+ if (TryGenerateRandomEvent(limitedEventsTable, out string? randomLimitedEvent)) // DeltaV - seperated into own method
+ GameTicker.AddGameRule(randomLimitedEvent);
+ }
+ // DeltaV - overloaded for backwards compatiblity
+ public bool TryGenerateRandomEvent(EntityTableSelector limitedEventsTable, [NotNullWhen(true)] out string? randomLimitedEvent)
+ {
+ return TryGenerateRandomEvent(limitedEventsTable, out randomLimitedEvent, null);
+ }
+ // DeltaV - end overloaded for backwards compatiblity
+ // DeltaV - separate event generation method
+ ///
+ /// Returns a random event from the list of events given that can be run at a given time.
+ ///
+ /// The list of events that can be chosen.
+ /// Generated event
+ /// The time to use for checking time restrictions. Uses current time if null.
+ ///
+ public bool TryGenerateRandomEvent(EntityTableSelector limitedEventsTable, [NotNullWhen(true)] out string? randomLimitedEvent, TimeSpan? eventRunTime)
+ {
+ randomLimitedEvent = null;
+ if (!TryBuildLimitedEvents(limitedEventsTable, out var limitedEvents, eventRunTime))
Log.Warning("Provided event table could not build dict!");
- return;
+ return false;
- var randomLimitedEvent = FindEvent(limitedEvents); // this picks the event, It might be better to use the GetSpawns to do it, but that will be a major rebalancing fuck.
+ randomLimitedEvent = FindEvent(limitedEvents); // this picks the event, It might be better to use the GetSpawns to do it, but that will be a major rebalancing fuck.
+ // DeltaV - randomLimitedEvent declared by enclosing method
if (randomLimitedEvent == null)
Log.Warning("The selected random event is null!");
- return;
+ return false;
if (!_prototype.TryIndex(randomLimitedEvent, out _))
Log.Warning("A requested event is not available!");
- return;
+ return false;
- GameTicker.AddGameRule(randomLimitedEvent);
+ return true;
+ }
+ // DeltaV - end separate event generation method
+ // DeltaV - overloaded for backwards compatiblity
+ public bool TryBuildLimitedEvents(EntityTableSelector limitedEventsTable, out Dictionary limitedEvents)
+ {
+ return TryBuildLimitedEvents(limitedEventsTable, out limitedEvents, null);
+ // DeltaV - end overloaded for backwards compatiblity
/// Returns true if the provided EntityTableSelector gives at least one prototype with a StationEvent comp.
- public bool TryBuildLimitedEvents(EntityTableSelector limitedEventsTable, out Dictionary limitedEvents)
+ public bool TryBuildLimitedEvents(EntityTableSelector limitedEventsTable, out Dictionary limitedEvents, TimeSpan? eventRunTime) // DeltaV - Add a time overide
limitedEvents = new Dictionary();
- var availableEvents = AvailableEvents(); // handles the player counts and individual event restrictions
+ // DeltaV - Overide time for stashing events
+ var availableEvents = AvailableEvents(eventRunTime); // handles the player counts and individual event restrictions
if (availableEvents.Count == 0)
Log.Warning("No events were available to run!");
@@ -175,6 +206,16 @@ public bool TryBuildLimitedEvents(EntityTableSelector limitedEventsTable, out Di
return null;
+ // DeltaV - overloaded for backwards compatiblity
+ public Dictionary AvailableEvents(
+ bool ignoreEarliestStart = false,
+ int? playerCountOverride = null,
+ TimeSpan? currentTimeOverride = null)
+ {
+ return AvailableEvents(null, ignoreEarliestStart, playerCountOverride, currentTimeOverride);
+ }
+ // DeltaV - end overloaded for backwards compatiblity
/// Gets the events that have met their player count, time-until start, etc.
@@ -182,6 +223,7 @@ public bool TryBuildLimitedEvents(EntityTableSelector limitedEventsTable, out Di
/// Override for round time, if using this to simulate events rather than in an actual round.
public Dictionary AvailableEvents(
+ TimeSpan? eventRunTime,
bool ignoreEarliestStart = false,
int? playerCountOverride = null,
TimeSpan? currentTimeOverride = null)
@@ -189,9 +231,12 @@ public Dictionary AvailableEvents(
var playerCount = playerCountOverride ?? _playerManager.PlayerCount;
// playerCount does a lock so we'll just keep the variable here
- var currentTime = currentTimeOverride ?? (!ignoreEarliestStart
- ? GameTicker.RoundDuration()
- : TimeSpan.Zero);
+ var currentTime = currentTimeOverride ?? (
+ (!ignoreEarliestStart
+ ? eventRunTime // DeltaV - Use eventRunTime instead of RoundDuration if provided
+ ?? GameTicker.RoundDuration()
+ : TimeSpan.Zero)
+ );
var result = new Dictionary();
diff --git a/Content.Server/StationEvents/RampingStationEventSchedulerSystem.cs b/Content.Server/StationEvents/RampingStationEventSchedulerSystem.cs
index a5dbe102ca1..67c8f9fb5d4 100644
--- a/Content.Server/StationEvents/RampingStationEventSchedulerSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/StationEvents/RampingStationEventSchedulerSystem.cs
@@ -1,16 +1,22 @@
+using Content.Server.Chat.Managers; // DeltaV
+using Content.Server.DeltaV.StationEvents.NextEvent; // DeltaV
using Content.Server.GameTicking;
using Content.Server.GameTicking.Rules;
using Content.Server.StationEvents.Components;
using Content.Shared.GameTicking.Components;
using Robust.Shared.Random;
+using Robust.Shared.Timing; // DeltaV
namespace Content.Server.StationEvents;
public sealed class RampingStationEventSchedulerSystem : GameRuleSystem
+ [Dependency] private readonly IChatManager _chatManager = default!; // DeltaV
+ [Dependency] private readonly IGameTiming _timing = default!; // DeltaV
[Dependency] private readonly IRobustRandom _random = default!;
[Dependency] private readonly EventManagerSystem _event = default!;
[Dependency] private readonly GameTicker _gameTicker = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly NextEventSystem _next = default!; // DeltaV
/// Returns the ChaosModifier which increases as round time increases to a point.
@@ -36,6 +42,16 @@ protected override void Started(EntityUid uid, RampingStationEventSchedulerCompo
component.StartingChaos = component.MaxChaos / 10;
PickNextEventTime(uid, component);
+ // DeltaV - end init NextEventComp
+ if (TryComp(uid, out var nextEventComponent)
+ && _event.TryGenerateRandomEvent(component.ScheduledGameRules, out string? firstEvent, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(component.TimeUntilNextEvent))
+ && firstEvent != null)
+ {
+ _chatManager.SendAdminAlert(Loc.GetString("station-event-system-run-event-delayed", ("eventName", firstEvent), ("seconds", (int)component.TimeUntilNextEvent)));
+ _next.UpdateNextEvent(nextEventComponent, firstEvent, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(component.TimeUntilNextEvent));
+ }
+ // DeltaV - end init NextEventComp
public override void Update(float frameTime)
@@ -57,6 +73,23 @@ public override void Update(float frameTime)
+ // DeltaV events using NextEventComponent
+ if (TryComp(uid, out var nextEventComponent)) // If there is a nextEventComponent use the stashed event instead of running it directly.
+ {
+ PickNextEventTime(uid, scheduler);
+ var nextEventTime = _timing.CurTime + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(scheduler.TimeUntilNextEvent);
+ if (!_event.TryGenerateRandomEvent(scheduler.ScheduledGameRules, out string? generatedEvent, nextEventTime) || generatedEvent == null)
+ continue;
+ _chatManager.SendAdminAlert(Loc.GetString("station-event-system-run-event-delayed", ("eventName", generatedEvent), ("seconds", (int)scheduler.TimeUntilNextEvent)));
+ // Cycle the stashed event with the new generated event and time.
+ string? storedEvent = _next.UpdateNextEvent(nextEventComponent, generatedEvent, nextEventTime);
+ if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(storedEvent)) //If there was no stored event don't try to run it.
+ continue;
+ GameTicker.AddGameRule(storedEvent);
+ continue;
+ }
+ // DeltaV end events using NextEventComponent
PickNextEventTime(uid, scheduler);
diff --git a/Content.Server/Weapons/Ranged/Systems/GunSystem.cs b/Content.Server/Weapons/Ranged/Systems/GunSystem.cs
index 03e529c4398..011a17c018f 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Weapons/Ranged/Systems/GunSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Weapons/Ranged/Systems/GunSystem.cs
@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
using System.Numerics;
using Content.Server.Cargo.Systems;
using Content.Server.Power.EntitySystems;
+using Content.Server.Stunnable;
+using Content.Server.Temperature.Systems; // DeltaV Heat Change system
using Content.Server.Weapons.Ranged.Components;
using Content.Shared.Damage;
using Content.Shared.Damage.Systems;
@@ -38,6 +40,7 @@ public sealed partial class GunSystem : SharedGunSystem
[Dependency] private readonly SharedTransformSystem _transform = default!;
[Dependency] private readonly StaminaSystem _stamina = default!;
[Dependency] private readonly SharedContainerSystem _container = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly TemperatureSystem _temperature = default!; // DeltaV Heat change system
private const float DamagePitchVariation = 0.05f;
@@ -217,6 +220,10 @@ public override void Shoot(EntityUid gunUid, GunComponent gun, List<(EntityUid?
if (hitscan.StaminaDamage > 0f)
_stamina.TakeProjectileStaminaDamage(hitEntity, hitscan.StaminaDamage, source: user); // DeltaV - Cope with hitscan not being an entity
+ // DeltaV: Changes the target's temperature by this amount when hit
+ if (hitscan.HeatChange != 0f)
+ _temperature.ChangeHeat(hitEntity, hitscan.HeatChange, true);
var dmg = hitscan.Damage;
var hitName = ToPrettyString(hitEntity);
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Cargo/CargoBountyHistoryData.cs b/Content.Shared/Cargo/CargoBountyHistoryData.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..43da42d5587
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Shared/Cargo/CargoBountyHistoryData.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+using Robust.Shared.Serialization;
+using Content.Shared.Cargo.Prototypes;
+using Robust.Shared.Prototypes;
+namespace Content.Shared.Cargo;
+/// A data structure for storing historical information about bounties.
+[DataDefinition, NetSerializable, Serializable]
+public readonly partial record struct CargoBountyHistoryData
+ ///
+ /// A unique id used to identify the bounty
+ ///
+ [DataField, ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+ public string Id { get; init; } = string.Empty;
+ ///
+ /// Optional name of the actor that skipped the bounty.
+ /// Only set when the bounty has been skipped.
+ ///
+ [DataField, ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+ public string? ActorName { get; init; } = default;
+ ///
+ /// Time when this bounty was completed or skipped
+ ///
+ [DataField, ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+ public TimeSpan Timestamp { get; init; } = TimeSpan.MinValue;
+ ///
+ /// The prototype containing information about the bounty.
+ ///
+ [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+ [DataField(required: true)]
+ public ProtoId Bounty { get; init; } = string.Empty;
+ public CargoBountyHistoryData(CargoBountyData bounty, TimeSpan timestamp, string? actorName)
+ {
+ Bounty = bounty.Bounty;
+ Id = bounty.Id;
+ ActorName = actorName;
+ Timestamp = timestamp;
+ }
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Cargo/Components/CargoBountyConsoleComponent.cs b/Content.Shared/Cargo/Components/CargoBountyConsoleComponent.cs
index bf82a08127e..8c78312be19 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Cargo/Components/CargoBountyConsoleComponent.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Cargo/Components/CargoBountyConsoleComponent.cs
@@ -50,11 +50,13 @@ public sealed partial class CargoBountyConsoleComponent : Component
public sealed class CargoBountyConsoleState : BoundUserInterfaceState
public List Bounties;
+ public List History;
public TimeSpan UntilNextSkip;
- public CargoBountyConsoleState(List bounties, TimeSpan untilNextSkip)
+ public CargoBountyConsoleState(List bounties, List history, TimeSpan untilNextSkip)
Bounties = bounties;
+ History = history;
UntilNextSkip = untilNextSkip;
diff --git a/Content.Shared/DeltaV/Abilities/Psionics/PrecognitionPowerComponent.cs b/Content.Shared/DeltaV/Abilities/Psionics/PrecognitionPowerComponent.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..26ecf48f7aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Shared/DeltaV/Abilities/Psionics/PrecognitionPowerComponent.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+using Content.Shared.DoAfter;
+using Robust.Shared.Audio;
+using Robust.Shared.Prototypes;
+namespace Content.Shared.Abilities.Psionics;
+public sealed partial class PrecognitionPowerComponent : Component
+ [DataField]
+ public float RandomResultChance = 0.2F;
+ [DataField]
+ public Dictionary AllResults;
+ [DataField]
+ public SoundSpecifier VisionSound = new SoundPathSpecifier("/Audio/DeltaV/Effects/clang2.ogg");
+ [DataField]
+ public EntityUid? SoundStream;
+ [DataField]
+ public DoAfterId? DoAfter;
+ [DataField]
+ public TimeSpan UseDelay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(8.35); // The length of the sound effect
+ [DataField]
+ public EntProtoId PrecognitionActionId = "ActionPrecognition";
+ [DataField]
+ public EntityUid? PrecognitionActionEntity;
diff --git a/Content.Shared/DeltaV/Abilities/Psionics/PrecognitionResultComponent.cs b/Content.Shared/DeltaV/Abilities/Psionics/PrecognitionResultComponent.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..34a8979f4fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Shared/DeltaV/Abilities/Psionics/PrecognitionResultComponent.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+namespace Content.Shared.Abilities.Psionics;
+public sealed partial class PrecognitionResultComponent : Component
+ [DataField]
+ public string Message = default!;
+ [DataField]
+ public float Weight = 1;
diff --git a/Content.Shared/DeltaV/Actions/Events/PrecognitionPowerActionEvent.cs b/Content.Shared/DeltaV/Actions/Events/PrecognitionPowerActionEvent.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..addc4712f2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Shared/DeltaV/Actions/Events/PrecognitionPowerActionEvent.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+namespace Content.Shared.Actions.Events;
+public sealed partial class PrecognitionPowerActionEvent : InstantActionEvent;
diff --git a/Content.Shared/DeltaV/Carrying/BeingCarriedComponent.cs b/Content.Shared/DeltaV/Carrying/BeingCarriedComponent.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7e519e7e04b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Shared/DeltaV/Carrying/BeingCarriedComponent.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+using Robust.Shared.GameStates;
+namespace Content.Shared.DeltaV.Carrying;
+/// Stores the carrier of an entity being carried.
+[RegisterComponent, NetworkedComponent, Access(typeof(CarryingSystem))]
+public sealed partial class BeingCarriedComponent : Component
+ [DataField, AutoNetworkedField]
+ public EntityUid Carrier;
diff --git a/Content.Shared/DeltaV/Carrying/CarriableComponent.cs b/Content.Shared/DeltaV/Carrying/CarriableComponent.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ad1968aec62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Shared/DeltaV/Carrying/CarriableComponent.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+using Robust.Shared.GameStates;
+namespace Content.Shared.DeltaV.Carrying;
+[RegisterComponent, NetworkedComponent, Access(typeof(CarryingSystem))]
+public sealed partial class CarriableComponent : Component
+ ///
+ /// Number of free hands required
+ /// to carry the entity
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ public int FreeHandsRequired = 2;
diff --git a/Content.Shared/DeltaV/Carrying/CarryDoAfterEvent.cs b/Content.Shared/DeltaV/Carrying/CarryDoAfterEvent.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7ea0375518a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Shared/DeltaV/Carrying/CarryDoAfterEvent.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+using Content.Shared.DoAfter;
+using Robust.Shared.Serialization;
+namespace Content.Shared.DeltaV.Carrying;
+[Serializable, NetSerializable]
+public sealed partial class CarryDoAfterEvent : SimpleDoAfterEvent;
diff --git a/Content.Shared/DeltaV/Carrying/CarryingComponent.cs b/Content.Shared/DeltaV/Carrying/CarryingComponent.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e6661da0e04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Shared/DeltaV/Carrying/CarryingComponent.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+using Robust.Shared.GameStates;
+namespace Content.Shared.DeltaV.Carrying;
+/// Added to an entity when they are carrying somebody.
+[RegisterComponent, NetworkedComponent, Access(typeof(CarryingSystem))]
+public sealed partial class CarryingComponent : Component
+ [DataField, AutoNetworkedField]
+ public EntityUid Carried;
diff --git a/Content.Shared/DeltaV/Carrying/CarryingSlowdownComponent.cs b/Content.Shared/DeltaV/Carrying/CarryingSlowdownComponent.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9e1be89370c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Shared/DeltaV/Carrying/CarryingSlowdownComponent.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+using Robust.Shared.GameStates;
+namespace Content.Shared.DeltaV.Carrying;
+[RegisterComponent, NetworkedComponent, Access(typeof(CarryingSlowdownSystem))]
+public sealed partial class CarryingSlowdownComponent : Component
+ ///
+ /// Modifier for both walk and sprint speed.
+ ///
+ [DataField, AutoNetworkedField]
+ public float Modifier = 1.0f;
diff --git a/Content.Shared/DeltaV/Carrying/CarryingSlowdownSystem.cs b/Content.Shared/DeltaV/Carrying/CarryingSlowdownSystem.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..677c53eedc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Shared/DeltaV/Carrying/CarryingSlowdownSystem.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+using Content.Shared.Movement.Systems;
+namespace Content.Shared.DeltaV.Carrying;
+public sealed class CarryingSlowdownSystem : EntitySystem
+ [Dependency] private readonly MovementSpeedModifierSystem _movementSpeed = default!;
+ public override void Initialize()
+ {
+ base.Initialize();
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnRefreshMoveSpeed);
+ }
+ public void SetModifier(Entity ent, float modifier)
+ {
+ ent.Comp ??= EnsureComp(ent);
+ ent.Comp.Modifier = modifier;
+ Dirty(ent, ent.Comp);
+ _movementSpeed.RefreshMovementSpeedModifiers(ent);
+ }
+ private void OnRefreshMoveSpeed(Entity ent, ref RefreshMovementSpeedModifiersEvent args)
+ {
+ args.ModifySpeed(ent.Comp.Modifier, ent.Comp.Modifier);
+ }
diff --git a/Content.Shared/DeltaV/Carrying/CarryingSystem.cs b/Content.Shared/DeltaV/Carrying/CarryingSystem.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2b47c49abd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Shared/DeltaV/Carrying/CarryingSystem.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,384 @@
+using Content.Shared.ActionBlocker;
+using Content.Shared.Buckle.Components;
+using Content.Shared.Climbing.Events;
+using Content.Shared.DoAfter;
+using Content.Shared.Hands;
+using Content.Shared.Hands.Components;
+using Content.Shared.Interaction.Events;
+using Content.Shared.Inventory.VirtualItem;
+using Content.Shared.Item;
+using Content.Shared.Mobs;
+using Content.Shared.Movement.Events;
+using Content.Shared.Movement.Pulling.Components;
+using Content.Shared.Movement.Pulling.Events;
+using Content.Shared.Movement.Pulling.Systems;
+using Content.Shared.Movement.Systems;
+using Content.Shared.Nyanotrasen.Item.PseudoItem;
+using Content.Shared.Popups;
+using Content.Shared.Pulling;
+using Content.Shared.Resist;
+using Content.Shared.Standing;
+using Content.Shared.Storage;
+using Content.Shared.Stunnable;
+using Content.Shared.Throwing;
+using Content.Shared.Verbs;
+using Robust.Shared.Map.Components;
+using Robust.Shared.Network;
+using Robust.Shared.Physics.Components;
+using System.Numerics;
+namespace Content.Shared.DeltaV.Carrying;
+public sealed class CarryingSystem : EntitySystem
+ [Dependency] private readonly ActionBlockerSystem _actionBlocker = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly CarryingSlowdownSystem _slowdown = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly INetManager _net = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly MovementSpeedModifierSystem _movementSpeed = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly PullingSystem _pulling = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly SharedDoAfterSystem _doAfter = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly SharedPopupSystem _popup = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly SharedPseudoItemSystem _pseudoItem = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly SharedTransformSystem _transform = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly StandingStateSystem _standingState = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly SharedVirtualItemSystem _virtualItem = default!;
+ private EntityQuery _physicsQuery;
+ public override void Initialize()
+ {
+ base.Initialize();
+ _physicsQuery = GetEntityQuery();
+ SubscribeLocalEvent>(AddCarryVerb);
+ SubscribeLocalEvent>(AddInsertCarriedVerb);
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnVirtualItemDeleted);
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnThrow);
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnParentChanged);
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnMobStateChanged);
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnInteractionAttempt);
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnMoveAttempt);
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnStandAttempt);
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnInteractedWith);
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnPullAttempt);
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnDrop);
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnDrop);
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnDrop);
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnDrop);
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnDrop);
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnDrop);
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnDoAfter);
+ }
+ private void AddCarryVerb(Entity ent, ref GetVerbsEvent args)
+ {
+ var user = args.User;
+ var target = args.Target;
+ if (!args.CanInteract || !args.CanAccess || user == target)
+ return;
+ if (!CanCarry(user, ent))
+ return;
+ args.Verbs.Add(new AlternativeVerb()
+ {
+ Act = () => StartCarryDoAfter(user, ent),
+ Text = Loc.GetString("carry-verb"),
+ Priority = 2
+ });
+ }
+ private void AddInsertCarriedVerb(Entity ent, ref GetVerbsEvent args)
+ {
+ // If the person is carrying someone, and the carried person is a pseudo-item, and the target entity is a storage,
+ // then add an action to insert the carried entity into the target
+ // AKA put carried felenid into a duffelbag
+ if (args.Using is not {} carried || !args.CanAccess || !TryComp(carried, out var pseudoItem))
+ return;
+ var target = args.Target;
+ if (!TryComp(target, out var storageComp))
+ return;
+ if (!_pseudoItem.CheckItemFits((carried, pseudoItem), (target, storageComp)))
+ return;
+ args.Verbs.Add(new InnateVerb()
+ {
+ Act = () =>
+ {
+ DropCarried(ent, carried);
+ _pseudoItem.TryInsert(target, carried, pseudoItem, storageComp);
+ },
+ Text = Loc.GetString("action-name-insert-other", ("target", carried)),
+ Priority = 2
+ });
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Since the carried entity is stored as 2 virtual items, when deleted we want to drop them.
+ ///
+ private void OnVirtualItemDeleted(Entity ent, ref VirtualItemDeletedEvent args)
+ {
+ if (HasComp(args.BlockingEntity))
+ DropCarried(ent, args.BlockingEntity);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Basically using virtual item passthrough to throw the carried person. A new age!
+ /// Maybe other things besides throwing should use virt items like this...
+ ///
+ private void OnThrow(Entity ent, ref BeforeThrowEvent args)
+ {
+ if (!TryComp(args.ItemUid, out var virtItem) || !HasComp(virtItem.BlockingEntity))
+ return;
+ var carried = virtItem.BlockingEntity;
+ args.ItemUid = carried;
+ args.ThrowSpeed = 5f * MassContest(ent, carried);
+ }
+ private void OnParentChanged(Entity ent, ref EntParentChangedMessage args)
+ {
+ var xform = Transform(ent);
+ if (xform.MapUid != args.OldMapId)
+ return;
+ // Do not drop the carried entity if the new parent is a grid
+ if (xform.ParentUid == xform.GridUid)
+ return;
+ DropCarried(ent, ent.Comp.Carried);
+ }
+ private void OnMobStateChanged(Entity ent, ref MobStateChangedEvent args)
+ {
+ DropCarried(ent, ent.Comp.Carried);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Only let the person being carried interact with their carrier and things on their person.
+ ///
+ private void OnInteractionAttempt(Entity ent, ref InteractionAttemptEvent args)
+ {
+ if (args.Target is not {} target)
+ return;
+ var targetParent = Transform(target).ParentUid;
+ var carrier = ent.Comp.Carrier;
+ if (target != carrier && targetParent != carrier && targetParent != ent.Owner)
+ args.Cancelled = true;
+ }
+ private void OnMoveAttempt(Entity ent, ref UpdateCanMoveEvent args)
+ {
+ args.Cancel();
+ }
+ private void OnStandAttempt(Entity ent, ref StandAttemptEvent args)
+ {
+ args.Cancel();
+ }
+ private void OnInteractedWith(Entity ent, ref GettingInteractedWithAttemptEvent args)
+ {
+ if (args.Uid != ent.Comp.Carrier)
+ args.Cancelled = true;
+ }
+ private void OnPullAttempt(Entity ent, ref PullAttemptEvent args)
+ {
+ args.Cancelled = true;
+ }
+ private void OnDrop(Entity ent, ref TEvent args) // Augh
+ {
+ DropCarried(ent.Comp.Carrier, ent);
+ }
+ private void OnDoAfter(Entity ent, ref CarryDoAfterEvent args)
+ {
+ if (args.Handled || args.Cancelled)
+ return;
+ if (!CanCarry(args.Args.User, ent))
+ return;
+ Carry(args.Args.User, ent);
+ args.Handled = true;
+ }
+ private void StartCarryDoAfter(EntityUid carrier, Entity carried)
+ {
+ TimeSpan length = GetPickupDuration(carrier, carried);
+ if (length.TotalSeconds >= 9f)
+ {
+ _popup.PopupClient(Loc.GetString("carry-too-heavy"), carried, carrier, PopupType.SmallCaution);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!HasComp(carried))
+ length *= 2f;
+ var ev = new CarryDoAfterEvent();
+ var args = new DoAfterArgs(EntityManager, carrier, length, ev, carried, target: carried)
+ {
+ BreakOnMove = true,
+ NeedHand = true
+ };
+ _doAfter.TryStartDoAfter(args);
+ // Show a popup to the person getting picked up
+ _popup.PopupEntity(Loc.GetString("carry-started", ("carrier", carrier)), carried, carried);
+ }
+ private void Carry(EntityUid carrier, EntityUid carried)
+ {
+ if (TryComp(carried, out var pullable))
+ _pulling.TryStopPull(carried, pullable);
+ var carrierXform = Transform(carrier);
+ var xform = Transform(carried);
+ _transform.AttachToGridOrMap(carrier, carrierXform);
+ _transform.AttachToGridOrMap(carried, xform);
+ _transform.SetParent(carried, xform, carrier, carrierXform);
+ var carryingComp = EnsureComp(carrier);
+ carryingComp.Carried = carried;
+ Dirty(carrier, carryingComp);
+ var carriedComp = EnsureComp(carried);
+ carriedComp.Carrier = carrier;
+ Dirty(carried, carriedComp);
+ EnsureComp(carried);
+ ApplyCarrySlowdown(carrier, carried);
+ _actionBlocker.UpdateCanMove(carried);
+ if (_net.IsClient) // no spawning prediction
+ return;
+ _virtualItem.TrySpawnVirtualItemInHand(carried, carrier);
+ _virtualItem.TrySpawnVirtualItemInHand(carried, carrier);
+ }
+ public bool TryCarry(EntityUid carrier, Entity toCarry)
+ {
+ if (!Resolve(toCarry, ref toCarry.Comp, false))
+ return false;
+ if (!CanCarry(carrier, (toCarry, toCarry.Comp)))
+ return false;
+ // The second one means that carrier is a pseudo-item and is inside a bag.
+ if (HasComp(carrier) || HasComp(carrier))
+ return false;
+ if (GetPickupDuration(carrier, toCarry).TotalSeconds > 9f)
+ return false;
+ Carry(carrier, toCarry);
+ return true;
+ }
+ public void DropCarried(EntityUid carrier, EntityUid carried)
+ {
+ Drop(carried);
+ RemComp(carrier); // get rid of this first so we don't recursively fire that event
+ RemComp(carrier);
+ _virtualItem.DeleteInHandsMatching(carrier, carried);
+ _movementSpeed.RefreshMovementSpeedModifiers(carrier);
+ }
+ private void Drop(EntityUid carried)
+ {
+ RemComp(carried);
+ RemComp(carried); // TODO SHITMED: make sure this doesnt let you make someone with no legs walk
+ _actionBlocker.UpdateCanMove(carried);
+ Transform(carried).AttachToGridOrMap();
+ _standingState.Stand(carried);
+ }
+ private void ApplyCarrySlowdown(EntityUid carrier, EntityUid carried)
+ {
+ var massRatio = MassContest(carrier, carried);
+ if (massRatio == 0)
+ massRatio = 1;
+ var massRatioSq = Math.Pow(massRatio, 2);
+ var modifier = (1 - (0.15 / massRatioSq));
+ modifier = Math.Max(0.1, modifier);
+ _slowdown.SetModifier(carrier, (float) modifier);
+ }
+ public bool CanCarry(EntityUid carrier, Entity carried)
+ {
+ return
+ carrier != carried.Owner &&
+ // can't carry multiple people, even if you have 4 hands it will break invariants when removing carryingcomponent for first carried person
+ !HasComp(carrier) &&
+ // can't carry someone in a locker, buckled, etc
+ HasComp(Transform(carrier).ParentUid) &&
+ // no tower of spacemen or stack overflow
+ !HasComp(carrier) &&
+ !HasComp(carried) &&
+ // finally check that there are enough free hands
+ TryComp(carrier, out var hands) &&
+ hands.CountFreeHands() >= carried.Comp.FreeHandsRequired;
+ }
+ private float MassContest(EntityUid roller, EntityUid target)
+ {
+ if (!_physicsQuery.TryComp(roller, out var rollerPhysics) || !_physicsQuery.TryComp(target, out var targetPhysics))
+ return 1f;
+ if (targetPhysics.FixturesMass == 0)
+ return 1f;
+ return rollerPhysics.FixturesMass / targetPhysics.FixturesMass;
+ }
+ private TimeSpan GetPickupDuration(EntityUid carrier, EntityUid carried)
+ {
+ var length = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3);
+ var mod = MassContest(carrier, carried);
+ if (mod != 0)
+ length /= mod;
+ return length;
+ }
+ public override void Update(float frameTime)
+ {
+ base.Update(frameTime);
+ var query = EntityQueryEnumerator();
+ while (query.MoveNext(out var carried, out var comp, out var xform))
+ {
+ var carrier = comp.Carrier;
+ if (TerminatingOrDeleted(carrier))
+ {
+ RemCompDeferred(carried);
+ continue;
+ }
+ // SOMETIMES - when an entity is inserted into disposals, or a cryosleep chamber - it can get re-parented without a proper reparent event
+ // when this happens, it needs to be dropped because it leads to weird behavior
+ if (xform.ParentUid != carrier)
+ {
+ DropCarried(carrier, carried);
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Make sure the carried entity is always centered relative to the carrier, as gravity pulls can offset it otherwise
+ _transform.SetLocalPosition(carried, Vector2.Zero);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Content.Shared/DeltaV/Item/ItemToggle/Components/ItemToggleExamineComponent.cs b/Content.Shared/DeltaV/Item/ItemToggle/Components/ItemToggleExamineComponent.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e8064d79456
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Shared/DeltaV/Item/ItemToggle/Components/ItemToggleExamineComponent.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+using Content.Shared.DeltaV.Item.ItemToggle.Systems;
+using Robust.Shared.GameStates;
+namespace Content.Shared.DeltaV.Item.ItemToggle.Components;
+/// Adds examine text when the item is on or off.
+[RegisterComponent, NetworkedComponent, Access(typeof(ItemToggleExamineSystem))]
+public sealed partial class ItemToggleExamineComponent : Component
+ [DataField(required: true)]
+ public LocId On;
+ [DataField(required: true)]
+ public LocId Off;
diff --git a/Content.Shared/DeltaV/Item/ItemToggle/Systems/ItemToggleExamineSystem.cs b/Content.Shared/DeltaV/Item/ItemToggle/Systems/ItemToggleExamineSystem.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5abb0aec78b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Shared/DeltaV/Item/ItemToggle/Systems/ItemToggleExamineSystem.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+using Content.Shared.DeltaV.Item.ItemToggle.Components;
+using Content.Shared.Examine;
+using Content.Shared.Item.ItemToggle;
+namespace Content.Shared.DeltaV.Item.ItemToggle.Systems;
+public sealed class ItemToggleExamineSystem : EntitySystem
+ [Dependency] private readonly ItemToggleSystem _toggle = default!;
+ public override void Initialize()
+ {
+ base.Initialize();
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnExamined);
+ }
+ private void OnExamined(Entity ent, ref ExaminedEvent args)
+ {
+ var msg = _toggle.IsActivated(ent.Owner) ? ent.Comp.On : ent.Comp.Off;
+ args.PushMarkup(Loc.GetString(msg));
+ }
diff --git a/Content.Shared/DeltaV/Salvage/Systems/MiningPointsSystem.cs b/Content.Shared/DeltaV/Salvage/Systems/MiningPointsSystem.cs
index 33dca3ee019..e3e5c0655ec 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/DeltaV/Salvage/Systems/MiningPointsSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/DeltaV/Salvage/Systems/MiningPointsSystem.cs
@@ -61,6 +61,17 @@ private void OnClaimMiningPoints(Entity ent, ref Lat
return (idCard, comp);
+ ///
+ /// Returns true if the user has at least some number of points on their ID card.
+ ///
+ public bool UserHasPoints(EntityUid user, uint points)
+ {
+ if (TryFindIdCard(user)?.Comp is not {} comp)
+ return false;
+ return comp.Points >= points;
+ }
/// Removes points from a holder, returning true if it succeeded.
diff --git a/Content.Shared/DeltaV/Weather/Components/AshStormImmuneComponent.cs b/Content.Shared/DeltaV/Weather/Components/AshStormImmuneComponent.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ec2c272695b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Shared/DeltaV/Weather/Components/AshStormImmuneComponent.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+using Robust.Shared.GameStates;
+namespace Content.Shared.DeltaV.Weather.Components;
+/// Makes an entity not take damage from ash storms.
+[RegisterComponent, NetworkedComponent]
+public sealed partial class AshStormImmuneComponent : Component;
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Nyanotrasen/Carrying/CarryingDoAfterEvent.cs b/Content.Shared/Nyanotrasen/Carrying/CarryingDoAfterEvent.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 6acd6b775f3..00000000000
--- a/Content.Shared/Nyanotrasen/Carrying/CarryingDoAfterEvent.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-using Robust.Shared.Serialization;
-using Content.Shared.DoAfter;
-namespace Content.Shared.Carrying
- [Serializable, NetSerializable]
- public sealed partial class CarryDoAfterEvent : SimpleDoAfterEvent
- {
- }
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Nyanotrasen/Carrying/CarryingSlowdownComponent.cs b/Content.Shared/Nyanotrasen/Carrying/CarryingSlowdownComponent.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index aabde66af0d..00000000000
--- a/Content.Shared/Nyanotrasen/Carrying/CarryingSlowdownComponent.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-using Robust.Shared.GameStates;
-using Robust.Shared.Serialization;
-namespace Content.Shared.Carrying
- [RegisterComponent, NetworkedComponent, Access(typeof(CarryingSlowdownSystem))]
- public sealed partial class CarryingSlowdownComponent : Component
- {
- [DataField("walkModifier", required: true)] [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
- public float WalkModifier = 1.0f;
- [DataField("sprintModifier", required: true)] [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
- public float SprintModifier = 1.0f;
- }
- [Serializable, NetSerializable]
- public sealed class CarryingSlowdownComponentState : ComponentState
- {
- public float WalkModifier;
- public float SprintModifier;
- public CarryingSlowdownComponentState(float walkModifier, float sprintModifier)
- {
- WalkModifier = walkModifier;
- SprintModifier = sprintModifier;
- }
- }
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Nyanotrasen/Carrying/CarryingSlowdownSystem.cs b/Content.Shared/Nyanotrasen/Carrying/CarryingSlowdownSystem.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b9c8cec10f..00000000000
--- a/Content.Shared/Nyanotrasen/Carrying/CarryingSlowdownSystem.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-using Content.Shared.Movement.Systems;
-using Robust.Shared.GameStates;
-namespace Content.Shared.Carrying
- public sealed class CarryingSlowdownSystem : EntitySystem
- {
- [Dependency] private readonly MovementSpeedModifierSystem _movementSpeed = default!;
- public override void Initialize()
- {
- base.Initialize();
- SubscribeLocalEvent(OnGetState);
- SubscribeLocalEvent(OnHandleState);
- SubscribeLocalEvent(OnRefreshMoveSpeed);
- }
- public void SetModifier(EntityUid uid, float walkSpeedModifier, float sprintSpeedModifier, CarryingSlowdownComponent? component = null)
- {
- if (!Resolve(uid, ref component))
- return;
- component.WalkModifier = walkSpeedModifier;
- component.SprintModifier = sprintSpeedModifier;
- _movementSpeed.RefreshMovementSpeedModifiers(uid);
- }
- private void OnGetState(EntityUid uid, CarryingSlowdownComponent component, ref ComponentGetState args)
- {
- args.State = new CarryingSlowdownComponentState(component.WalkModifier, component.SprintModifier);
- }
- private void OnHandleState(EntityUid uid, CarryingSlowdownComponent component, ref ComponentHandleState args)
- {
- if (args.Current is CarryingSlowdownComponentState state)
- {
- component.WalkModifier = state.WalkModifier;
- component.SprintModifier = state.SprintModifier;
- _movementSpeed.RefreshMovementSpeedModifiers(uid);
- }
- }
- private void OnRefreshMoveSpeed(EntityUid uid, CarryingSlowdownComponent component, RefreshMovementSpeedModifiersEvent args)
- {
- args.ModifySpeed(component.WalkModifier, component.SprintModifier);
- }
- }
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Nyanotrasen/Psionics/Events.cs b/Content.Shared/Nyanotrasen/Psionics/Events.cs
index cf9a50c6e18..3837e3d0ee9 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Nyanotrasen/Psionics/Events.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Nyanotrasen/Psionics/Events.cs
@@ -21,6 +21,26 @@ public PsionicRegenerationDoAfterEvent(TimeSpan startedAt)
public override DoAfterEvent Clone() => this;
+ // DeltaV Precognition
+ [Serializable, NetSerializable]
+ public sealed partial class PrecognitionDoAfterEvent : SimpleDoAfterEvent
+ {
+ [DataField("startedAt", required: true)]
+ public TimeSpan StartedAt;
+ private PrecognitionDoAfterEvent()
+ {
+ }
+ public PrecognitionDoAfterEvent(TimeSpan startedAt)
+ {
+ StartedAt = startedAt;
+ }
+ public override DoAfterEvent Clone() => this;
+ }
+ // DeltaV End Precognition
[Serializable, NetSerializable]
public sealed partial class GlimmerWispDrainDoAfterEvent : SimpleDoAfterEvent
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Salvage/Magnet/AsteroidOffering.cs b/Content.Shared/Salvage/Magnet/AsteroidOffering.cs
index 38da94afee2..42592d8a015 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Salvage/Magnet/AsteroidOffering.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Salvage/Magnet/AsteroidOffering.cs
@@ -15,4 +15,6 @@ public record struct AsteroidOffering : ISalvageMagnetOffering
/// Calculated marker layers for the asteroid.
public Dictionary MarkerLayers;
+ uint ISalvageMagnetOffering.Cost => 0; // DeltaV
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Salvage/Magnet/DebrisOffering.cs b/Content.Shared/Salvage/Magnet/DebrisOffering.cs
index 953b9dcad9f..7f88c085977 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Salvage/Magnet/DebrisOffering.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Salvage/Magnet/DebrisOffering.cs
@@ -6,4 +6,6 @@ namespace Content.Shared.Salvage.Magnet;
public record struct DebrisOffering : ISalvageMagnetOffering
public string Id;
+ uint ISalvageMagnetOffering.Cost => 0; // DeltaV: Debris is a very good source of materials for the station, so no cost
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Salvage/Magnet/ISalvageMagnetOffering.cs b/Content.Shared/Salvage/Magnet/ISalvageMagnetOffering.cs
index 7d002fe679e..8aae2981fdb 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Salvage/Magnet/ISalvageMagnetOffering.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Salvage/Magnet/ISalvageMagnetOffering.cs
@@ -2,5 +2,8 @@ namespace Content.Shared.Salvage.Magnet;
public interface ISalvageMagnetOffering
\ No newline at end of file
+ ///
+ /// DeltaV: How many mining points this offering costs to accept.
+ ///
+ public uint Cost { get; }
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Salvage/Magnet/SalvageOffering.cs b/Content.Shared/Salvage/Magnet/SalvageOffering.cs
index c49f1ff4022..a30328a6fa6 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Salvage/Magnet/SalvageOffering.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Salvage/Magnet/SalvageOffering.cs
@@ -6,4 +6,6 @@ namespace Content.Shared.Salvage.Magnet;
public record struct SalvageOffering : ISalvageMagnetOffering
public SalvageMapPrototype SalvageMap;
+ uint ISalvageMagnetOffering.Cost => 1000; // DeltaV: Station gets next to no benefit from you pulling wrecks, force you to mine first.
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Stacks/StackComponent.cs b/Content.Shared/Stacks/StackComponent.cs
index 7137f8c0c22..b18f9b0d051 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Stacks/StackComponent.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Stacks/StackComponent.cs
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ public sealed partial class StackComponent : Component
- public int? MaxCountOverride { get; set; }
+ public int? MaxCountOverride { get; set; }
/// Set to true to not reduce the count when used.
@@ -78,6 +78,14 @@ public sealed partial class StackComponent : Component
public List LayerStates = new();
+ // Frontier: transforming Amount, MaxCount in speso stacks
+ ///
+ /// An optional function to adjust the layers used for a stack's appearance.
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ public StackLayerFunction LayerFunction = StackLayerFunction.None;
+ // End Frontier
[Serializable, NetSerializable]
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Storage/EntitySystems/MagnetPickupSystem.cs b/Content.Shared/Storage/EntitySystems/MagnetPickupSystem.cs
index 7a8961485d6..5cc24992d31 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Storage/EntitySystems/MagnetPickupSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Storage/EntitySystems/MagnetPickupSystem.cs
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
using Content.Server.Storage.Components;
using Content.Shared.Inventory;
+using Content.Shared.Item.ItemToggle; // DeltaV
using Content.Shared.Whitelist;
using Robust.Shared.Map;
using Robust.Shared.Physics.Components;
@@ -15,6 +16,7 @@ public sealed class MagnetPickupSystem : EntitySystem
[Dependency] private readonly IGameTiming _timing = default!;
[Dependency] private readonly EntityLookupSystem _lookup = default!;
[Dependency] private readonly InventorySystem _inventory = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly ItemToggleSystem _toggle = default!; // DeltaV
[Dependency] private readonly SharedTransformSystem _transform = default!;
[Dependency] private readonly SharedStorageSystem _storage = default!;
[Dependency] private readonly EntityWhitelistSystem _whitelistSystem = default!;
@@ -49,11 +51,18 @@ public override void Update(float frameTime)
comp.NextScan += ScanDelay;
- if (!_inventory.TryGetContainingSlot((uid, xform, meta), out var slotDef))
+ // Begin DeltaV Addition: Make ore bags use ItemToggle
+ if (!_toggle.IsActivated(uid))
+ // End DeltaV Addition
- if ((slotDef.SlotFlags & comp.SlotFlags) == 0x0)
- continue;
+ // Begin DeltaV Removals: Allow ore bags to work inhand
+ //if (!_inventory.TryGetContainingSlot((uid, xform, meta), out var slotDef))
+ // continue;
+ //if ((slotDef.SlotFlags & comp.SlotFlags) == 0x0)
+ // continue;
+ // End DeltaV Removals
// No space
if (!_storage.HasSpace((uid, storage)))
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Weapons/Ranged/HitscanPrototype.cs b/Content.Shared/Weapons/Ranged/HitscanPrototype.cs
index a5063e3ab5b..665dbbf464d 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Weapons/Ranged/HitscanPrototype.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Weapons/Ranged/HitscanPrototype.cs
@@ -17,6 +17,12 @@ public sealed partial class HitscanPrototype : IPrototype, IShootable
[ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite), DataField("staminaDamage")]
public float StaminaDamage;
+ ///
+ /// DeltaV: Changes the target's temperature by this amount when hit.
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ public float HeatChange;
[ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite), DataField("damage")]
public DamageSpecifier? Damage;
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Weather/SharedWeatherSystem.cs b/Content.Shared/Weather/SharedWeatherSystem.cs
index acd43055388..0c9bbf702b0 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Weather/SharedWeatherSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Weather/SharedWeatherSystem.cs
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ private void OnWeatherUnpaused(EntityUid uid, WeatherComponent component, ref En
if (weather.EndTime != null)
weather.EndTime = weather.EndTime.Value + args.PausedTime;
+ component.NextUpdate += args.PausedTime; // DeltaV
public bool CanWeatherAffect(EntityUid uid, MapGridComponent grid, TileRef tileRef)
@@ -136,6 +137,10 @@ public override void Update(float frameTime)
SetState(uid, WeatherState.Starting, comp, weather, weatherProto);
+ else // DeltaV: Set state to Running when it finishes the starting time
+ {
+ SetState(uid, WeatherState.Running, comp, weather, weatherProto);
+ }
// Run whatever code we need.
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Weather/WeatherComponent.cs b/Content.Shared/Weather/WeatherComponent.cs
index eaf901fb424..e16fe978fa6 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Weather/WeatherComponent.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Weather/WeatherComponent.cs
@@ -14,6 +14,18 @@ public sealed partial class WeatherComponent : Component
public Dictionary, WeatherData> Weather = new();
+ ///
+ /// DeltaV: How long to wait between updating weather effects.
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ public TimeSpan UpdateDelay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1);
+ ///
+ /// DeltaV: When to next update weather effects (damage).
+ ///
+ [DataField(customTypeSerializer: typeof(TimeOffsetSerializer))]
+ public TimeSpan NextUpdate = TimeSpan.Zero;
public static readonly TimeSpan StartupTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15);
public static readonly TimeSpan ShutdownTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15);
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Weather/WeatherPrototype.cs b/Content.Shared/Weather/WeatherPrototype.cs
index 3803c37d4ce..af585d8d7c4 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Weather/WeatherPrototype.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Weather/WeatherPrototype.cs
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+using Content.Shared.Damage;
+using Content.Shared.Whitelist;
using Robust.Shared.Audio;
using Robust.Shared.Prototypes;
using Robust.Shared.Utility;
@@ -20,4 +22,17 @@ public sealed partial class WeatherPrototype : IPrototype
[ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite), DataField("sound")]
public SoundSpecifier? Sound;
+ ///
+ /// DeltaV: Damage you can take from being in this weather.
+ /// Only applies when weather has fully set in.
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ public DamageSpecifier? Damage;
+ ///
+ /// DeltaV: Don't damage entities that match this blacklist.
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ public EntityWhitelist? DamageBlacklist;
diff --git a/Content.Shared/_NF/Stacks/Components/StackLayerThresholdComponent.cs b/Content.Shared/_NF/Stacks/Components/StackLayerThresholdComponent.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..98d3bb0e61f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Shared/_NF/Stacks/Components/StackLayerThresholdComponent.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+namespace Content.Shared.Stacks.Components;
+public sealed partial class StackLayerThresholdComponent : Component
+ ///
+ /// A list of thresholds to check against the number of things in the stack.
+ /// Each exceeded threshold will cause the next layer to be displayed.
+ /// Should be sorted in ascending order.
+ ///
+ [DataField(required: true)]
+ public List Thresholds = new List();
diff --git a/Content.Shared/_NF/Stacks/StackLayerFunction.cs b/Content.Shared/_NF/Stacks/StackLayerFunction.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c655f3f76c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Shared/_NF/Stacks/StackLayerFunction.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+namespace Content.Shared.Stacks;
+public enum StackLayerFunction
+ None,
+ Threshold
diff --git a/Resources/Changelog/DeltaVChangelog.yml b/Resources/Changelog/DeltaVChangelog.yml
index 8f49f7fea6a..47727d53448 100644
--- a/Resources/Changelog/DeltaVChangelog.yml
+++ b/Resources/Changelog/DeltaVChangelog.yml
@@ -1,181 +1,4 @@
-- author: UnicornOnLSD
- changes:
- - message: pebble minor patch 3
- type: Tweak
- id: 284
- time: '2024-03-18T18:35:38.0000000+00:00'
- url: https://github.com/DeltaV-Station/Delta-v/pull/977
-- author: DangerRevolution and Noctis
- changes:
- - message: Added lunchboxes to the chefvend and dinnerwarevend for the Chef to fill
- or hand out pre-made!
- type: Add
- id: 285
- time: '2024-03-19T11:39:39.0000000+00:00'
- url: https://github.com/DeltaV-Station/Delta-v/pull/980
-- author: rosieposieeee
- changes:
- - message: Added Corpsman-only access and airlocks.
- type: Add
- id: 286
- time: '2024-03-19T12:13:13.0000000+00:00'
- url: https://github.com/DeltaV-Station/Delta-v/pull/892
-- author: rosieposieeee
- changes:
- - message: Submarine has received another batch of design tweaks and revisions.
- The deepest recesses of the station are shifting...
- type: Tweak
- id: 287
- time: '2024-03-19T23:50:03.0000000+00:00'
- url: https://github.com/DeltaV-Station/Delta-v/pull/809
-- author: Rose
- changes:
- - message: Added Submarine Station back to the map pool (for real this time)
- type: Add
- id: 288
- time: '2024-03-20T22:49:59.0000000+00:00'
- url: https://github.com/DeltaV-Station/Delta-v/pull/984
-- author: rosieposieeee
- changes:
- - message: More fixes for Submarine! Thank you everyone for your feedback.
- type: Fix
- id: 289
- time: '2024-03-21T06:10:41.0000000+00:00'
- url: https://github.com/DeltaV-Station/Delta-v/pull/987
-- author: DangerRevolution
- changes:
- - message: Added lunchboxes to various staff lockers
- type: Add
- id: 290
- time: '2024-03-21T18:46:44.0000000+00:00'
- url: https://github.com/DeltaV-Station/Delta-v/pull/989
-- author: Velcroboy
- changes:
- - message: Reverted AME buff. AME will require more than 1 core again to function
- properly.
- type: Tweak
- id: 291
- time: '2024-03-23T00:16:26.0000000+00:00'
- url: https://github.com/DeltaV-Station/Delta-v/pull/996
-- author: NullWanderer
- changes:
- - message: The maximum amount of unwhitelist players on Periapsis has been increased
- to 35 until this can be properly re-evaluated.
- type: Tweak
- id: 292
- time: '2024-03-24T16:03:52.018326+00:00'
- url: null
-- author: FluffiestFloof
- changes:
- - message: Changed lunchbox size.
- type: Tweak
- id: 293
- time: '2024-03-25T15:13:19.0000000+00:00'
- url: https://github.com/DeltaV-Station/Delta-v/pull/998
-- author: UnicornOnLSD
- changes:
- - message: tortuga's cryogenics adjusted not to be of harm to patients
- type: Fix
- id: 294
- time: '2024-03-25T16:21:20.0000000+00:00'
- url: https://github.com/DeltaV-Station/Delta-v/pull/1003
-- author: NullWanderer
- changes:
- - message: Periapsis whitelist has now been completely disabled
- type: Remove
- id: 295
- time: '2024-03-27T08:05:10.761803+00:00'
- url: null
-- author: rosieposieeee
- changes:
- - message: Total re-make of Submarine's engineering department. Goodbye, AME!
- type: Tweak
- id: 296
- time: '2024-03-27T16:57:09.0000000+00:00'
- url: https://github.com/DeltaV-Station/Delta-v/pull/988
-- author: NullWanderer
- changes:
- - message: Merged master, please report any bugs
- type: Add
- id: 297
- time: '2024-03-27T18:23:58.0000000+00:00'
- url: https://github.com/DeltaV-Station/Delta-v/pull/1000
-- author: deltanedas
- changes:
- - message: Reworked Submarine's atmos, notably the TEG is now good, easy to set
- up and has a guide next to it.
- type: Tweak
- id: 298
- time: '2024-03-28T15:27:57.0000000+00:00'
- url: https://github.com/DeltaV-Station/Delta-v/pull/1022
-- author: FluffiestFloof
- changes:
- - message: Felinids, Harpies and Vulpkanin should now Weh accordingly.
- type: Fix
- id: 299
- time: '2024-03-28T18:27:42.0000000+00:00'
- url: https://github.com/DeltaV-Station/Delta-v/pull/992
-- author: deltanedas
- changes:
- - message: Reworked Shoukou's atmospherics setup. The Gas Recycler is now usable
- among other things.
- type: Tweak
- id: 300
- time: '2024-04-03T02:10:51.0000000+00:00'
- url: https://github.com/DeltaV-Station/Delta-v/pull/1049
-- author: rosieposieeee
- changes:
- - message: Submarine has, once again, had some minor issues quashed, and small improvements
- made. Go check out the park!
- type: Tweak
- id: 301
- time: '2024-04-03T19:44:14.0000000+00:00'
- url: https://github.com/DeltaV-Station/Delta-v/pull/1053
-- author: NullWanderer
- changes:
- - message: Merged master, please report bugs or regressions
- type: Add
- - message: Mail containing books has been temporarily removed
- type: Remove
- id: 302
- time: '2024-04-09T07:49:38.080075+00:00'
- url: null
-- author: deltanedas
- changes:
- - message: Lighthouse is BACK!
- type: Add
- id: 303
- time: '2024-04-09T07:49:38.080495+00:00'
- url: null
-- author: Adrian16199
- changes:
- - message: Added new horn designs for onis.
- type: Add
- id: 304
- time: '2024-04-09T07:49:38.080864+00:00'
- url: null
-- author: FluffiestFloof
- changes:
- - message: Fixed our custom drinks not having different fill levels.
- type: Fix
- id: 305
- time: '2024-04-09T07:49:38.081255+00:00'
- url: null
-- author: rosieposieeee
- changes:
- - message: Added breaching charges to the sectech for officers.
- type: Add
- id: 306
- time: '2024-04-10T03:11:22.0000000+00:00'
- url: https://github.com/DeltaV-Station/Delta-v/pull/1056
-- author: Velcroboy
- changes:
- - message: Fixed shuttle wall deconstruction causing visual glitches!
- type: Fix
- id: 307
- time: '2024-04-10T03:12:36.0000000+00:00'
- url: https://github.com/DeltaV-Station/Delta-v/pull/1069
- author: NullWanderer
- message: Fixed the spare ID safe being destructible
@@ -3818,3 +3641,188 @@
id: 783
time: '2024-12-17T18:17:41.0000000+00:00'
url: https://github.com/DeltaV-Station/Delta-v/pull/2441
+- author: BlitzTheSquishy & Yuukitten
+ changes:
+ - message: Brand new drink from the people that brought you Dr. Gibb, Dr Gibb Blood-Red!
+ In a Dr. Gibb vendor near you!
+ type: Add
+ id: 784
+ time: '2024-12-18T01:12:44.0000000+00:00'
+ url: https://github.com/DeltaV-Station/Delta-v/pull/2250
+- author: Stop-Signs
+ changes:
+ - message: A new loadout is available in the fugitives stash
+ type: Add
+ id: 785
+ time: '2024-12-18T01:26:19.0000000+00:00'
+ url: https://github.com/DeltaV-Station/Delta-v/pull/2374
+- author: deltanedas
+ changes:
+ - message: Ash storms can now happen on lavaland, run for shelter if you get caught
+ in one!
+ type: Add
+ id: 786
+ time: '2024-12-18T01:27:23.0000000+00:00'
+ url: https://github.com/DeltaV-Station/Delta-v/pull/2445
+- author: paige404
+ changes:
+ - message: Rodentia with bat snouts now look correct no matter their facing.
+ type: Fix
+ id: 787
+ time: '2024-12-18T07:03:37.0000000+00:00'
+ url: https://github.com/DeltaV-Station/Delta-v/pull/2470
+- author: deltanedas
+ changes:
+ - message: Fixed not being able to throw felenids...
+ type: Fix
+ id: 788
+ time: '2024-12-18T11:22:19.0000000+00:00'
+ url: https://github.com/DeltaV-Station/Delta-v/pull/2466
+- author: Hell_Cat, deltanedas
+ changes:
+ - message: Ore bag magnet can now be turned on without being worn as a belt. Mining
+ borgs rejoice!
+ type: Tweak
+ id: 789
+ time: '2024-12-18T11:33:37.0000000+00:00'
+ url: https://github.com/DeltaV-Station/Delta-v/pull/2467
+- author: BarryNorfolk
+ changes:
+ - message: Added a history tab to the bounty computer, showing all past completed
+ and skipped orders (and who skipped them).
+ type: Add
+ id: 790
+ time: '2024-12-18T13:36:06.0000000+00:00'
+ url: https://github.com/DeltaV-Station/Delta-v/pull/2473
+- author: deltanedas
+ changes:
+ - message: Made the ore box hold much more ore.
+ type: Tweak
+ id: 791
+ time: '2024-12-19T03:10:43.0000000+00:00'
+ url: https://github.com/DeltaV-Station/Delta-v/pull/2468
+- author: Radezolid
+ changes:
+ - message: Prison guards now have External access.
+ type: Tweak
+ id: 792
+ time: '2024-12-19T03:19:52.0000000+00:00'
+ url: https://github.com/DeltaV-Station/Delta-v/pull/2476
+- author: Radezolid
+ changes:
+ - message: Paramedics void helmets now come with a flashlight attached for better
+ search and rescue.
+ type: Tweak
+ id: 793
+ time: '2024-12-19T03:32:16.0000000+00:00'
+ url: https://github.com/DeltaV-Station/Delta-v/pull/2343
+- author: Stop-Signs
+ changes:
+ - message: I.C.E.E, a laser that deals cold, is now available for epi to research
+ type: Add
+ id: 794
+ time: '2024-12-19T03:34:10.0000000+00:00'
+ url: https://github.com/DeltaV-Station/Delta-v/pull/2170
+- author: deltanedas
+ changes:
+ - message: Psionic discharges now trigger metapsionic artifacts.
+ type: Tweak
+ id: 795
+ time: '2024-12-19T03:43:18.0000000+00:00'
+ url: https://github.com/DeltaV-Station/Delta-v/pull/2440
+- author: SolStar, chamomileteatime
+ changes:
+ - message: 'New psionic ability: Precognition - See into the future to get a hint
+ about the next random event.'
+ type: Add
+ id: 796
+ time: '2024-12-19T03:55:15.0000000+00:00'
+ url: https://github.com/DeltaV-Station/Delta-v/pull/2131
+- author: Radezolid
+ changes:
+ - message: Added a prisoner's knife, it's purpose is of a tool and it's damage is
+ minimal
+ type: Add
+ id: 797
+ time: '2024-12-19T04:55:03.0000000+00:00'
+ url: https://github.com/DeltaV-Station/Delta-v/pull/2304
+- author: deltanedas
+ changes:
+ - message: Pulling wrecks on the salvage magnet now costs mining points. GO MINE!!!
+ type: Tweak
+ id: 798
+ time: '2024-12-20T05:28:43.0000000+00:00'
+ url: https://github.com/DeltaV-Station/Delta-v/pull/2457
+- author: makyo
+ changes:
+ - message: round restart time
+ type: Tweak
+ id: 799
+ time: '2024-12-20T05:31:37.0000000+00:00'
+ url: https://github.com/DeltaV-Station/Delta-v/pull/2229
+- author: deltanedas
+ changes:
+ - message: Removed vent fauna (spiders, slimes, snakes) events pending rework.
+ type: Remove
+ id: 800
+ time: '2024-12-20T05:34:54.0000000+00:00'
+ url: https://github.com/DeltaV-Station/Delta-v/pull/2474
+- author: deltanedas
+ changes:
+ - message: Changed Salvage Weapons to be a tier 2 tech, Experimental Salvage Weaponry.
+ type: Tweak
+ - message: Crusher weapons are researchable again, PKA is roundstart.
+ type: Tweak
+ - message: Added the Fauna Protection Module for borgs, it has a PKA and crusher
+ dagger.
+ type: Add
+ id: 801
+ time: '2024-12-20T05:38:08.0000000+00:00'
+ url: https://github.com/DeltaV-Station/Delta-v/pull/2077
+- author: Stop-Signs
+ changes:
+ - message: sleepers will no longer receive nukies as kill targets
+ type: Fix
+ id: 802
+ time: '2024-12-20T17:22:58.0000000+00:00'
+ url: https://github.com/DeltaV-Station/Delta-v/pull/2483
+- author: alterae
+ changes:
+ - message: Added coats, hats, scarves, and shoes to the Psychologist's loadout options.
+ type: Add
+ - message: Added three new Psychologist job titles.
+ type: Add
+ - message: Psychologist now spawns with a folder.
+ type: Tweak
+ id: 803
+ time: '2024-12-20T18:49:04.0000000+00:00'
+ url: https://github.com/DeltaV-Station/Delta-v/pull/2459
+- author: Lyndomen
+ changes:
+ - message: Vent critters are back, thanks for your feedback!
+ type: Tweak
+ id: 804
+ time: '2024-12-21T06:29:07.0000000+00:00'
+ url: https://github.com/DeltaV-Station/Delta-v/pull/2491
+- author: Radezolid
+ changes:
+ - message: The E-Shield now has a 50% reflect chance but it's durability is 3 times
+ bigger.
+ type: Tweak
+ id: 805
+ time: '2024-12-21T11:02:52.0000000+00:00'
+ url: https://github.com/DeltaV-Station/Delta-v/pull/2252
+- author: deltanedas
+ changes:
+ - message: Fixed ash storms not doing damage.
+ type: Fix
+ id: 806
+ time: '2024-12-21T13:51:06.0000000+00:00'
+ url: https://github.com/DeltaV-Station/Delta-v/pull/2497
+- author: beck-thompson
+ changes:
+ - message: 'New traitor objective: Kill fellow traitor. It is rare!'
+ type: Add
+ id: 807
+ time: '2024-12-21T13:51:53.0000000+00:00'
+ url: https://github.com/DeltaV-Station/Delta-v/pull/2488
diff --git a/Resources/ConfigPresets/DeltaV/horizon.toml b/Resources/ConfigPresets/DeltaV/horizon.toml
index 96fc9aeb5b8..5ba5501c2e0 100644
--- a/Resources/ConfigPresets/DeltaV/horizon.toml
+++ b/Resources/ConfigPresets/DeltaV/horizon.toml
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-hostname = "[EN][MRP] Delta-v (Ψ) | Horizon [US East 3]"
-soft_max_players = 80
+hostname = "[EN][MRP] Delta-v (Ψ) | Horizon [US East 3]"
+soft_max_players = 80
+round_restart_time = 300
preset_enabled = true
diff --git a/Resources/ConfigPresets/DeltaV/periapsis.toml b/Resources/ConfigPresets/DeltaV/periapsis.toml
index 77ea036dc76..172ba3cc63f 100644
--- a/Resources/ConfigPresets/DeltaV/periapsis.toml
+++ b/Resources/ConfigPresets/DeltaV/periapsis.toml
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-hostname = "[EN][MRP] Delta-v (Ψ) | Periapsis [US East 2]"
-soft_max_players = 50
+hostname = "[EN][MRP] Delta-v (Ψ) | Periapsis [US East 2]"
+soft_max_players = 50
+round_restart_time = 300
rules_file = "DeltaVRuleset"
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/cargo/cargo-bounty-console.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/cargo/cargo-bounty-console.ftl
index 4314cbf4496..4d849c5bdab 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/cargo/cargo-bounty-console.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/cargo/cargo-bounty-console.ftl
@@ -18,3 +18,10 @@ bounty-console-flavor-right = v1.4
bounty-manifest-header = [font size=14][bold]Official cargo bounty manifest[/bold] (ID#{$id})[/font]
bounty-manifest-list-start = Item manifest:
+bounty-console-tab-available-label = Available
+bounty-console-tab-history-label = History
+bounty-console-history-notice-completed-label = {$time} - Completed
+bounty-console-history-notice-skipped-label = {$time} - Skipped by {$id}
+bounty-console-history-completed-label = [color=limegreen]Completed[/color]
+bounty-console-history-skipped-label = [color=red]Skipped[/color]
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/deltav/abilities/psionic.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/deltav/abilities/psionic.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..677c0b19def
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/deltav/abilities/psionic.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+psionic-power-precognition-failure-by-damage = Your concentration was broken! You fail to decipher anything of use.
+psionic-power-precognition-no-event-result-message = You see a vision of an undisturbed lake.
+psionic-power-precognition-xeno-vents-result-message = You see a vision, peering around a corner you see a strange, squelching beast tear at the insides of one of your coworkers as they let out a bloodcurdling scream.
+psionic-power-precognition-mothroach-spawn-result-message = You see a hungering mass of newborns, chittering and screeching as they sink their mandibles into the station's knitwork.
+psionic-power-precognition-listening-post-result-message = you hear a cacophony of foreign voices speaking over radio static; you wake with a creeping sense of paranoia.
+psionic-power-precognition-paradox-anomaly-result-message = You see your coworker splitting in two. Where there was one, there are now two. You are unsure which of the beings is truly your coworker.
+psionic-power-precognition-fugitive-result-message = You see hounds around every corner all hunting for someone who does not belong.
+psionic-power-precognition-syndicate-recruiter-result-message = You see someone cutting ties on a chain-link fence and reforging its now disparate parts under a new oath of blood.
+psionic-power-precognition-synthesis-specialist-result-message = You smell a dangerous mixture of chemicals in the air; the distant sound of a small plasma engine roars to life.
+psionic-power-precognition-cargo-gifts-base-result-message = You see a vision of yourself, gathered for a time-old tradition of receiving gifts. You didn't ask for these, but you must pretend to appreciate nonetheless.
+psionic-power-precognition-anomoly-spawn-result-message = You attempt to look forward, but the future is distorted by a blast of noöspheric energies converging on a single point.
+psionic-power-precognition-bluespace-artifact-result-message = You attempt to look forward but are blinded by noöspheric energies coalescing into an object beyond comprehension.
+psionic-power-precognition-bluespace-locker-result-message = You attempt to look forward, but the noösphere seems distorted by a constantly shifting bluespace energy.
+psionic-power-precognition-breaker-flip-result-message = You see torches snuff around you and keepers rekindling the lost flames.
+psionic-power-precognition-bureaucratic-error-result-message = You see a vision of yourself trapped in a room, trying to solve a puzzle with both missing and duplicate pieces.
+psionic-power-precognition-clerical-error-result-message = You see faces you once knew being obscured in a fog of static, identities lost.
+psionic-power-precognition-closet-skeleton-result-message = You hear a crackling laugh echo and clinking bones in the dusty recesses of the station.
+psionic-power-precognition-dragon-spawn-result-message = Reality around you bulges and breaks as a great beast cries for war. The smell of salty sea and blood fills the air.
+psionic-power-precognition-ninja-spawn-result-message = You see a vision of shadows brought to life, hounds of war howling their cries as they chase it through dark corners of the station.
+psionic-power-precognition-revenant-spawn-result-message = The shadows around you grow threefold taller and threefold darker. Something lurks within them, a predator stalking you in the darkness.
+psionic-power-precognition-gas-leak-result-message = For but a moment, it feels as if you cannot breathe. With a blink, everything returns to normal.
+psionic-power-precognition-kudzu-growth-result-message = Leaves and vines pierce through the dusty tiles of the station, crawling about your ankles, trying to drag you down with them.
+psionic-power-precognition-power-grid-check-result-message = You see torches snuff around you only to spontaneously ignite moments later.
+psionic-power-precognition-solar-flare-result-message = The stars look beautiful tonight, shrinking and growing and shooting great bolts like fireworks into the sky.
+psionic-power-precognition-vent-clog-result-message = You smell something horrific on the artificial breeze of the station, for a moment your eyes fill with fog. When you blink it away, the smell is gone.
+psionic-power-precognition-slimes-spawn-result-message = Something lurks deep within the darkest corners of the station, crying for blood. Soft squelches and bubbling howls accompany the call.
+psionic-power-precognition-snake-spawn-result-message = Something lurks deep within the darkest corners of the station, crying for blood. The sounds of hissing growls accompany the call.
+psionic-power-precognition-spider-spawn-result-message = Something lurks deep within the darkest corners of the station, crying for blood. A symphony of clicks and chitters accompanies the call.
+psionic-power-precognition-spider-clown-spawn-result-message = Something lurks deep within the darkest corners of the station, crying for blood. An unholy mass of honks accompanies the call.
+psionic-power-precognition-zombie-outbreak-result-message = Your coworker lies on the cold ground before you; skull ripped open, eyes blank. You think you see the body twitch.
+psionic-power-precognition-lone-ops-spawn-result-message = You see a vision of a beast with a blood-red carapace, laughing as it eats through the station, bite by bite.
+psionic-power-precognition-sleeper-agents-result-message = You see a vision of life through the eyes of a non-descript coworker, a soft but dangerous buzzing accompanies you at the base of their skull. It sounds like radio static.
+psionic-power-precognition-mass-hallucinations-result-message = You attempt to see a vision of the future, but all you see is a phantasmagoria of chaotic shapes.
+psionic-power-precognition-ion-storm-result-message = You see a vision of the rigid being destroyed and reshaped into something new and wrong.
+psionic-power-precognition-meteor-swarm-result-message = You see a fiery vision of shooting stars falling from the sky, colorful trails shooting through the station you call home.
+psionic-power-precognition-game-rule-urist-swarm-result-message = You see a fiery vision of... PEOPLE falling from the sky! colorful trails shooting through the station you call home.
+psionic-power-precognition-immovable-rod-spawn-result-message = You see a fiery vision of a MASSIVE star falling from the sky! colorful trails shooting through the station you call home.
+psionic-power-precognition-mouse-migration-result-message = You see a vision of living as a simplistic creature, scurrying underfoot of creatures beyond your comprehension.
+psionic-power-precognition-king-rat-migration-result-message = You see a vision of living as a simplistic creature, scurrying underfoot of creatures beyond your comprehension.
+psionic-power-precognition-cockroach-migration-result-message = You see a vision of living as a simplistic creature, scurrying underfoot of creatures beyond your comprehension.
+psionic-power-precognition-snail-migration-result-message = You see a vision of living as a simplistic creature, scurrying underfoot of creatures beyond your comprehension.
+psionic-power-precognition-random-sentience-result-message = Something bright and beautiful sparks to life within your third eye. Nothing brings wonder quite like new life.
+psionic-power-precognition-unknown-shuttle-cargo-lost-result-message = You see a vision of a simple ship of old Terra, adrift of the sea, far away from home.
+psionic-power-precognition-unknown-shuttle-traveling-cuisine-result-message = You see a vision of peace, a cozy meal sizzling on a warm stove. A delicious smells wafts through the air.
+psionic-power-precognition-unknown-shuttle-disaster-evac-pod-result-message = You see a vision of death and blood, of a destruction so complete only few survive, drifting through the coldness of space.
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/deltav/flavors/flavor-profiles.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/deltav/flavors/flavor-profiles.ftl
index 6c93c98ed3c..c324675f688 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/deltav/flavors/flavor-profiles.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/deltav/flavors/flavor-profiles.ftl
@@ -29,6 +29,54 @@ flavor-complex-blellow = like an impossible color
flavor-complex-candy-strawberry = like strawberries
flavor-complex-candy-bubblegum = like bubble gum
flavor-complex-double-ice-cream = like ice cream, twice
+flavor-complex-drgibbbloodred = like severe malpractice
+## Delta-V additional drink flavors
+flavor-complex-absinthe = like green death
+flavor-complex-blue-curacao = like fermented oranges
+flavor-complex-deadrum = like a botched murder
+flavor-complex-n-t-cahors = five hundred dollars too expensive
+flavor-complex-poison-wine = like a dark velvet
+flavor-complex-acidspit = like stomach acid
+flavor-complex-allies-cocktail = like wartime camaraderie
+flavor-complex-amasec = like a smoking gun
+flavor-complex-andalusia = like summer
+flavor-complex-b52 = like a nuclear arms race
+flavor-complex-bahama-mama = like a tropical vacation
+flavor-complex-barefoot = like berry-picking, but without the shoes
+flavor-complex-booger = like no one is watching
+flavor-complex-brave-bull = like you're seeing red
+flavor-complex-demons-blood = like brimstone
+flavor-complex-devils-kiss = like temptation
+flavor-complex-doctors-delight = like a medical miracle
+flavor-complex-driest-martini = like a dry sense of humor
+flavor-complex-erika-surprise = like a green dream, perfect for a warm day
+flavor-complex-gin-fizz = like a fizzy lemon
+flavor-complex-gildlager = like a spicy secret told over spring break
+flavor-complex-grog = like a day on the high seas
+flavor-complex-hippies-delight = like, totally trippy, man
+flavor-complex-hooch = like homemade firewater
+flavor-complex-irish-cream = like whiskey and cream
+flavor-complex-kira-special = kawaii
+flavor-complex-manhattan = dark and mysterious
+flavor-complex-manhattan-project = like two minutes to midnight
+flavor-complex-margarita = like a paradise in space
+flavor-complex-martini = like a sense of humor
+flavor-complex-mojito = minty fresh, and a little sweet
+flavor-complex-neurotoxin = like a trip to the ER
+flavor-complex-patron = like luxury
+flavor-complex-red-mead = like fermented honey with a splash of blood
+flavor-complex-rewriter = like an all-nighter
+flavor-complex-sbiten = like you'll need a glass of milk
+flavor-complex-silencer = like a broken vow
+flavor-complex-snow-white = like a mistake
+flavor-complex-sui-dream = like a fruit salad, perfect for the working lady
+flavor-complex-syndicate-bomb = like it will blow your mind
+flavor-complex-toxins-special = like a plasma fire
+flavor-complex-vodka-martini = shaken, not stirred
+flavor-complex-vodka-tonic = like depression in denial
+flavor-complex-kvass = like bread tossed into a blender
+flavor-complex-mothamphetamine = like there are buzzing wings in your mouth
candy-flavor-profile = This one is supposed to taste {$flavor}.
candy-flavor-profile-multiple = This one is supposed to taste {$flavors} and {$lastFlavor}.
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/deltav/fugitive/sets.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/deltav/fugitive/sets.ftl
index bc1361dc352..e353fd38de7 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/deltav/fugitive/sets.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/deltav/fugitive/sets.ftl
@@ -22,3 +22,8 @@ fugitive-set-infiltrator-name = infiltrator's kit
fugitive-set-infiltrator-description =
Use an Agent ID to steal access from others and go anywhere.
Your freedom implanter can be used as a plan B if all else fails.
+fugitive-set-disruptor-name = disruptor's kit
+fugitive-set-disruptor-description =
+ Hack the stations various systems and use them to your advantage.
+ Comes with a cryptographic sequencer and camera bug.
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/deltav/job/job-description.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/deltav/job/job-description.ftl
index 37d9dfd5dc8..aeabcf5e533 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/deltav/job/job-description.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/deltav/job/job-description.ftl
@@ -5,3 +5,4 @@ job-description-prosecutor = Take statements from security and prepare cases aga
job-description-courier = Deliver mail and other packages from and to logistics. Avoid dogs.
job-description-security-borg = Purpose-built to ensure the right of every crew member to liberty, justice and freedom, ensure the peace aboard the space station by following your laws and patrolling the halls.
job-description-roboticist = Fabricate borgs and other robots, repair and upgrade the station's silicon life, and scream "State Laws" when the AI takes too long to open a door.
+job-description-cargo-assistant = Learn the basics of the logistics department, deliver crates and take buy orders from the rest of the station.
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/deltav/job/job-names.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/deltav/job/job-names.ftl
index e08645c5ea6..9e1b5f818db 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/deltav/job/job-names.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/deltav/job/job-names.ftl
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ job-name-clerk = Clerk
job-name-prosecutor = Prosecutor
job-name-lawyer = Attorney
job-name-courier = Courier
+job-name-cargo-assistant = Cargo Assistant
job-name-security-borg = Security Cyborg
# Used by the Agent ID
job-name-senior-physician = Senior Physician
@@ -55,6 +56,10 @@ job-alt-title-fool = Fool
job-alt-title-hygiene-technician = Hygiene Technician
+job-alt-title-psychiatrist = Psychiatrist
+job-alt-title-social-worker = Social Worker
+job-alt-title-therapist = Therapist
# Role timers
JobMedicalBorg = Medical Cyborg
JobCourier = Courier
@@ -63,3 +68,4 @@ JobClerk = Clerk
JobProsecutor = Prosecutor
JobSecurityBorg = Security Cyborg
JobRoboticist = Roboticist
+JobCargoAssistant = Cargo Assistant
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/deltav/markings/moth.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/deltav/markings/moth.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..59ecbdae659
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/deltav/markings/moth.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+marking-MothWingsClassicSelene = Wings (Selene, Classic)
+marking-MothWingsSelene-selene_primary = Primary
+marking-MothWingsSelene-selene_secondary = Secondary
+marking-MothWingsSelene-selene_tertiary = Tertiary
+marking-MothWingsSelene = Wings (Selene)
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/deltav/objectives/conditions/kill-fellow-traitor.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/deltav/objectives/conditions/kill-fellow-traitor.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1d043930db6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/deltav/objectives/conditions/kill-fellow-traitor.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+objective-condition-traitor-kill-title = Kill fellow traitor {$targetName}, {CAPITALIZE($job)}
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/deltav/paper/book-salvage.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/deltav/paper/book-salvage.ftl
index 1daf8bd3db0..007699f1121 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/deltav/paper/book-salvage.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/deltav/paper/book-salvage.ftl
@@ -50,3 +50,9 @@ book-text-vulpkanin = Vulpkanin for Dummies, an Exhaustive Guide
How to Kiss: Kiss
Don't Underestimate Them: Vulpkanin may look cute and cuddly, but they can be fierce fighters when provoked. Treat them with respect and avoid unnecessary conflict.
+book-text-gorlexgirlfriend = It's the 197th version of the infamous Gorlex Girlfriends magazine. This issue includes several pictures and interviews of multiple agents working in the syndicate alongside actors who work on the Syndicate TV show "Nukies". The best part by far was about Operative November who is the star of this edition, with her picture being on the cover.
+ Most of the magazine is either Syndicate propaganda or advertisements for Syndicate-branded items like soda or merch from the show. At least there are some coupons on the back for them.
+ On the last page is an ad for the Gorlex Girlfriends dating app... and the Gorlex Girlfriends Hotline.
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/deltav/paper/paper-misc.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/deltav/paper/paper-misc.ftl
index 69b0d09c0b1..84587f30d7b 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/deltav/paper/paper-misc.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/deltav/paper/paper-misc.ftl
@@ -9,4 +9,13 @@ book-text-lunchbox-healthy = Hello Honey!
book-text-lunchbox-unhealthy = Hello Honey!
I've packed you something fun for this shift! I hope you enjoy it!!
Love you so so much,
- - Mum.
\ No newline at end of file
+ - Mum.
+book-text-subscription-notice = [head=2]Greetings loyal subscriber,[/head]
+ We hope you enjoy this months edition of Gorlex Girlfriends™ sponsored by the Syndicate.
+ With this months issue we will be heading behind the scenes with some of our famous actors working on the amazing "[color=#780606]Nukies[/color]" TV show and maybe show some teasers for next season. Read up on the personal interview with beloved Operative November as she explains the troubles of fake blood getting in her hair!
+ All that and more waiting for you inside!
+ Signing off,
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/deltav/preferences/loadout-groups.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/deltav/preferences/loadout-groups.ftl
index 9d0b06d8804..d26e9e3ab02 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/deltav/preferences/loadout-groups.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/deltav/preferences/loadout-groups.ftl
@@ -49,6 +49,12 @@ loadout-group-mail-carrier-head = Mail Carrier head
loadout-group-mail-carrier-jumpsuit = Mail Carrier jumpsuit
loadout-group-mail-carrier-outerclothing = Mail Carrier outer clothing
+loadout-group-cargo-assistant-head = Cargo Assistant head
+loadout-group-cargo-assistant-jumpsuit = Cargo Assistant jumpsuit
+loadout-group-cargo-assistant-backpack = Cargo Assistant backpack
+loadout-group-cargo-assistant-outerclothing = Cargo Assistant outer clothing
+loadout-group-cargo-assistant-shoes = Cargo Assistant shoes
loadout-group-salvage-specialist-neck = Salvage Specialist neck
loadout-group-salvage-id-delta = Salvage Specialist PDA
@@ -62,6 +68,11 @@ loadout-group-medical-doctor-neck = Medical Doctor neck
loadout-group-medical-intern-id-delta = Medical Intern PDA
+loadout-group-psychologist-head = Psychologist head
+loadout-group-psychologist-outerclothing = Psychologist outer clothing
+loadout-group-psychologist-shoes = Psychologist shoes
+loadout-group-psychologist-id-delta = Psychologist PDA
# Miscellaneous
loadout-group-scarfs = Scarf
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/deltav/reagents/meta/consumable/drink/soda.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/deltav/reagents/meta/consumable/drink/soda.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..156f8aaa73a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/deltav/reagents/meta/consumable/drink/soda.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+reagent-name-dr-gibb-blood-red = Dr. Gibb Blood Red
+reagent-desc-dr-gibb-blood-red = A drink to quench YOUR blood thirst.
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/deltav/research/technologies.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/deltav/research/technologies.ftl
index ae1a8fe69ab..aa0e121ef57 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/deltav/research/technologies.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/deltav/research/technologies.ftl
@@ -6,3 +6,4 @@ research-technology-energy-gun-advance = Advanced Energy Manipulation
research-technology-advance-laser = Advanced Laser Manipulation
research-technology-robust-melee = Robust Melee
research-technology-syringe-gun = Syringe Gun
+research-technology-ionized-cryogenic-emission-equipment = Ionized Cryogenic Emission Equipment
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/deltav/salvage/salvage-magnet.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/deltav/salvage/salvage-magnet.ftl
index d2d7ad97289..ed67706ee08 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/deltav/salvage/salvage-magnet.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/deltav/salvage/salvage-magnet.ftl
@@ -1 +1,3 @@
salvage-map-wreck-size-unknown = [color=purple]Unidentified[/color]
+salvage-magnet-mining-points-cost = Cost: {$points} Mining Points
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/deltav/station-events/station-event-system.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/deltav/station-events/station-event-system.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d845303ee26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/deltav/station-events/station-event-system.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+station-event-system-run-event-delayed = Running event {$eventName} in {$seconds} seconds
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/deltav/weather/ashstorm.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/deltav/weather/ashstorm.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..49778522502
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/deltav/weather/ashstorm.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ash-storm-telegraph = [color=red][bold]An eerie moan rises on the wind. Sheets of burning ash blacken the horizon. Seek shelter.[/bold][/color]
+ash-storm-alert = [color=red][bolditalic]Smoldering clouds of scorching ash billow down around you! Get inside![/bolditalic][/color]
+ash-storm-clearing = [color=red]The shrieking wind whips away the last of the ash and falls to its usual murmur. It should be safe to go outside now.[/color]
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/research/technologies.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/research/technologies.ftl
index 0b0970ec08f..91a803da6ea 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/research/technologies.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/research/technologies.ftl
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ research-technology-portable-fission = Portable Fission
research-technology-space-scanning = Space Scanning
research-technology-excavation = Mass Excavation
-research-technology-salvage-weapons = Salvage Weapons
research-technology-draconic-munitions = Draconic Munitions
research-technology-uranium-munitions = Uranium Munitions
research-technology-explosive-technology = Explosive Technology
@@ -32,6 +31,7 @@ research-technology-nonlethal-ammunition = Nonlethal Ammunition
research-technology-practice-ammunition = Practice Ammunition
research-technology-concentrated-laser-weaponry = Concentrated Laser Weaponry
research-technology-wave-particle-harnessing = Wave Particle Harnessing
+research-technology-experimental-salvage-weaponry = Experimental Salvage Weaponry
research-technology-advanced-riot-control = Advanced Riot Control
research-technology-portable-microfusion-weaponry = Portable Microfusion Weaponry
research-technology-experimental-battery-ammo = Experimental Battery Ammo
diff --git a/Resources/Maps/DeltaV/centcomm.yml b/Resources/Maps/DeltaV/centcomm.yml
index de085904d4b..5b367f2a7f4 100644
--- a/Resources/Maps/DeltaV/centcomm.yml
+++ b/Resources/Maps/DeltaV/centcomm.yml
@@ -3240,12 +3240,6 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: 33.5,-5.5
parent: 1668
- - type: Door
- secondsUntilStateChange: -3769.445
- state: Opening
- - type: DeviceLinkSource
- lastSignals:
- DoorStatus: True
- proto: AirlockEngineeringGlassLocked
- uid: 5175
@@ -28750,6 +28744,8 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: 21.5,8.5
parent: 1668
+ missingComponents:
+ - WarpPoint
- proto: PlushieAtmosian
- uid: 6890
diff --git a/Resources/Maps/arena.yml b/Resources/Maps/arena.yml
index 948411a6fd3..ca0fd4dfaeb 100644
--- a/Resources/Maps/arena.yml
+++ b/Resources/Maps/arena.yml
@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ entities:
version: 6
ind: -1,3
version: 6
ind: -3,-1
@@ -8953,7 +8953,8 @@ entities:
0: 3569
- 0: 32767
+ 0: 16383
+ 1: 16384
0: 241
@@ -9146,35 +9147,35 @@ entities:
0: 30591
0: 307
- 1: 34952
+ 2: 34952
0: 65535
- 1: 63624
+ 2: 63624
- 1: 4369
+ 2: 4369
0: 61166
0: 65535
- 1: 4369
+ 2: 4369
0: 140
- 1: 29457
+ 2: 29457
0: 13115
- 1: 17476
+ 2: 17476
0: 65535
0: 19
- 1: 34944
+ 2: 34944
0: 28799
0: 4095
- 1: 30576
+ 2: 30576
0: 13107
@@ -9439,18 +9440,18 @@ entities:
0: 65535
0: 4369
- 1: 49164
+ 2: 49164
0: 28672
- 1: 8
+ 2: 8
0: 61559
0: 4369
- 1: 61455
+ 2: 61455
- 1: 15
+ 2: 15
0: 65280
0: 57599
@@ -9633,7 +9634,7 @@ entities:
0: 65535
- 2: 65520
+ 3: 65520
0: 4
0: 64160
@@ -9644,7 +9645,7 @@ entities:
0: 57305
- 2: 4368
+ 3: 4368
0: 52416
0: 65535
@@ -9716,7 +9717,7 @@ entities:
0: 65535
0: 63247
- 3: 2048
+ 4: 2048
0: 65528
@@ -9731,7 +9732,7 @@ entities:
0: 63231
0: 63
- 1: 2048
+ 2: 2048
0: 61183
@@ -9740,11 +9741,11 @@ entities:
0: 24695
0: 255
- 1: 49152
+ 2: 49152
0: 65294
- 1: 53198
+ 2: 53198
0: 60943
@@ -9753,11 +9754,11 @@ entities:
0: 4095
0: 255
- 1: 28672
+ 2: 28672
0: 65473
- 1: 4471
+ 2: 4471
0: 51336
0: 4080
@@ -9837,7 +9838,7 @@ entities:
0: 61166
0: 65416
- 1: 1
+ 2: 1
0: 15
@@ -9860,7 +9861,7 @@ entities:
0: 16383
0: 65416
- 1: 1
+ 2: 1
0: 34831
@@ -9915,17 +9916,17 @@ entities:
0: 61166
0: 14
- 1: 256
+ 2: 256
0: 52428
- 1: 256
+ 2: 256
0: 65535
0: 65535
0: 15
- 1: 256
+ 2: 256
0: 20479
@@ -10063,19 +10064,19 @@ entities:
0: 65535
- 1: 29760
+ 2: 29760
0: 34944
0: 153
- 1: 29542
+ 2: 29542
- 1: 61440
+ 2: 61440
0: 52462
- 1: 13073
+ 2: 13073
0: 785
- 1: 29794
+ 2: 29794
0: 4912
@@ -10092,89 +10093,89 @@ entities:
0: 3272
0: 816
- 1: 2176
+ 2: 2176
0: 30583
0: 880
- 1: 128
+ 2: 128
- 1: 8
+ 2: 8
- 1: 4371
+ 2: 4371
- 1: 4080
+ 2: 4080
- 4: 273
- 5: 1092
+ 5: 273
+ 6: 1092
- 1: 240
+ 2: 240
- 1: 4080
+ 2: 4080
- 6: 273
- 7: 1092
+ 7: 273
+ 8: 1092
- 1: 752
+ 2: 752
0: 28672
0: 119
- 1: 4080
+ 2: 4080
- 7: 1365
+ 8: 1365
- 1: 35056
+ 2: 35056
- 1: 4080
+ 2: 4080
- 7: 273
+ 8: 273
0: 34816
- 1: 5936
+ 2: 5936
0: 136
- 1: 34952
+ 2: 34952
- 1: 143
+ 2: 143
- 1: 49152
+ 2: 49152
- 1: 33860
+ 2: 33860
0: 2184
- 1: 13175
+ 2: 13175
0: 8
- 1: 62259
+ 2: 62259
0: 947
- 1: 29772
+ 2: 29772
0: 15
- 1: 63616
+ 2: 63616
- 1: 32863
+ 2: 32863
0: 160
- 1: 61457
+ 2: 61457
0: 4078
- 1: 13107
+ 2: 13107
- 1: 51
+ 2: 51
- 1: 34944
+ 2: 34944
- 1: 13107
+ 2: 13107
- 1: 51
+ 2: 51
0: 65134
0: 56780
- 1: 1
+ 2: 1
0: 65103
@@ -10312,13 +10313,13 @@ entities:
0: 26214
- 1: 52431
+ 2: 52431
0: 26214
- 1: 52974
+ 2: 52974
- 1: 8140
+ 2: 8140
0: 49152
0: 48050
@@ -10354,10 +10355,10 @@ entities:
0: 34952
0: 136
- 1: 16384
+ 2: 16384
0: 34952
- 1: 8192
+ 2: 8192
0: 65315
@@ -10368,7 +10369,7 @@ entities:
0: 52479
0: 13107
- 1: 32768
+ 2: 32768
0: 204
@@ -10383,22 +10384,22 @@ entities:
0: 61166
0: 28672
- 1: 32
+ 2: 32
0: 7
- 1: 4608
+ 2: 4608
0: 61166
0: 14
- 1: 8448
+ 2: 8448
0: 61439
0: 61166
0: 14
- 1: 33024
+ 2: 33024
0: 43690
@@ -10411,13 +10412,13 @@ entities:
0: 61440
0: 15
- 1: 2048
+ 2: 2048
0: 61440
- 1: 136
+ 2: 136
0: 15
- 1: 512
+ 2: 512
0: 28672
@@ -10449,7 +10450,8 @@ entities:
0: 47872
- 0: 47872
+ 0: 47360
+ 9: 512
0: 3003
@@ -10471,10 +10473,10 @@ entities:
0: 47887
- 1: 1
+ 2: 1
0: 34952
- 1: 4369
+ 2: 4369
0: 34816
0: 57297
@@ -10514,22 +10516,22 @@ entities:
0: 30476
0: 28535
- 1: 8
+ 2: 8
0: 65319
0: 56640
- 1: 16
+ 2: 16
0: 65295
0: 52236
- 1: 4097
+ 2: 4097
0: 52364
0: 25275
- 1: 4096
+ 2: 4096
0: 65280
@@ -10552,7 +10554,7 @@ entities:
0: 47935
0: 52972
- 1: 12560
+ 2: 12560
0: 6827
@@ -10563,10 +10565,10 @@ entities:
0: 36588
0: 26608
- 1: 38912
+ 2: 38912
0: 60544
- 1: 15
+ 2: 15
0: 65518
@@ -10621,7 +10623,7 @@ entities:
0: 30578
0: 17408
- 1: 238
+ 2: 238
0: 44643
@@ -10672,16 +10674,16 @@ entities:
0: 3
0: 15
- 1: 34816
+ 2: 34816
0: 65399
0: 1911
0: 28672
- 1: 68
+ 2: 68
- 1: 17476
+ 2: 17476
0: 34944
@@ -10701,9 +10703,9 @@ entities:
0: 255
- 1: 512
+ 2: 512
- 1: 4096
+ 2: 4096
0: 4915
@@ -10711,12 +10713,12 @@ entities:
0: 47295
- 1: 19456
+ 2: 19456
- 1: 1
+ 2: 1
0: 65024
- 1: 7953
+ 2: 7953
0: 204
0: 65166
@@ -10726,19 +10728,19 @@ entities:
0: 13056
0: 819
- 1: 2048
+ 2: 2048
0: 49152
0: 61440
- 1: 10
+ 2: 10
0: 43680
- 1: 2
+ 2: 2
- 1: 8448
+ 2: 8448
0: 8191
@@ -10750,41 +10752,41 @@ entities:
0: 4369
- 1: 17988
+ 2: 17988
- 1: 61263
+ 2: 61263
- 1: 63624
+ 2: 63624
- 1: 59528
+ 2: 59528
- 1: 34952
+ 2: 34952
- 1: 36623
+ 2: 36623
- 1: 16
+ 2: 16
0: 3822
- 1: 16
+ 2: 16
0: 3822
- 1: 16
+ 2: 16
0: 3822
- 1: 16
+ 2: 16
0: 3822
0: 1911
- 1: 128
+ 2: 128
0: 1911
- 1: 128
+ 2: 128
0: 1911
- 1: 128
+ 2: 128
0: 1911
- 1: 128
+ 2: 128
0: 65382
@@ -10809,7 +10811,7 @@ entities:
0: 57580
0: 57344
- 1: 3822
+ 2: 3822
0: 272
@@ -10865,23 +10867,23 @@ entities:
0: 16352
- 1: 46
+ 2: 46
0: 34952
- 1: 35
+ 2: 35
0: 34952
- 1: 4896
+ 2: 4896
- 1: 36384
+ 2: 36384
0: 3891
- 1: 32904
+ 2: 32904
0: 3276
- 1: 4369
+ 2: 4369
- 1: 15
+ 2: 15
0: 52673
@@ -10893,105 +10895,105 @@ entities:
0: 32768
- 1: 32768
+ 2: 32768
- 1: 8
+ 2: 8
0: 65518
0: 239
- 1: 2048
+ 2: 2048
0: 13073
- 1: 4
+ 2: 4
0: 19
- 1: 1024
+ 2: 1024
- 1: 16384
+ 2: 16384
- 1: 1103
+ 2: 1103
- 1: 15
+ 2: 15
- 1: 1525
+ 2: 1525
- 1: 1525
+ 2: 1525
0: 3822
- 1: 16384
+ 2: 16384
0: 61152
- 1: 4
+ 2: 4
- 1: 47
+ 2: 47
0: 34816
- 1: 20016
+ 2: 20016
0: 8
0: 3822
- 1: 16384
+ 2: 16384
0: 61152
- 1: 4
+ 2: 4
- 1: 19524
+ 2: 19524
- 1: 15
+ 2: 15
0: 65472
0: 52431
- 1: 4352
+ 2: 4352
0: 3822
- 1: 16384
+ 2: 16384
0: 61152
- 1: 4
+ 2: 4
- 1: 29218
+ 2: 29218
- 1: 63078
+ 2: 63078
- 1: 30562
+ 2: 30562
- 1: 65382
+ 2: 65382
- 1: 61444
+ 2: 61444
- 1: 61440
+ 2: 61440
- 1: 61440
+ 2: 61440
0: 4081
- 1: 61440
+ 2: 61440
0: 14
- 1: 819
+ 2: 819
- 1: 61442
+ 2: 61442
0: 4080
0: 61152
- 1: 61452
+ 2: 61452
- 1: 36650
+ 2: 36650
- 1: 61440
+ 2: 61440
0: 4080
- 1: 192
+ 2: 192
0: 52224
- 1: 28945
+ 2: 28945
0: 26470
0: 65286
- 1: 240
+ 2: 240
0: 4095
@@ -11000,81 +11002,81 @@ entities:
0: 32628
0: 4352
- 1: 26208
+ 2: 26208
0: 17
- 1: 1638
+ 2: 1638
0: 65520
0: 65535
- 1: 240
+ 2: 240
0: 13056
0: 13107
- 1: 61713
+ 2: 61713
- 1: 63624
+ 2: 63624
- 1: 31
+ 2: 31
- 1: 63624
+ 2: 63624
- 1: 61440
+ 2: 61440
- 1: 15
+ 2: 15
- 1: 62063
+ 2: 62063
- 1: 255
+ 2: 255
- 1: 24576
+ 2: 24576
- 1: 15
+ 2: 15
- 1: 15
+ 2: 15
- 1: 15
+ 2: 15
- 1: 15
+ 2: 15
- 1: 2296
+ 2: 2296
- 1: 240
+ 2: 240
- 1: 2039
+ 2: 2039
- 1: 40857
+ 2: 40857
- 1: 39417
+ 2: 39417
- 1: 4383
+ 2: 4383
- 1: 17487
+ 2: 17487
- 1: 244
+ 2: 244
0: 3822
- 1: 16384
+ 2: 16384
0: 61152
- 1: 4
+ 2: 4
0: 3822
- 1: 16384
+ 2: 16384
0: 61152
- 1: 4
+ 2: 4
0: 52972
0: 136
- 1: 15
+ 2: 15
- 1: 8
+ 2: 8
0: 54519
@@ -11090,7 +11092,7 @@ entities:
0: 3942
- 1: 7
+ 2: 7
0: 65280
@@ -11098,7 +11100,7 @@ entities:
0: 63675
- 1: 17408
+ 2: 17408
0: 287
0: 4096
@@ -11107,49 +11109,49 @@ entities:
0: 273
- 1: 8
+ 2: 8
0: 36863
- 1: 15
+ 2: 15
0: 61184
- 1: 34952
+ 2: 34952
0: 3838
- 1: 34952
+ 2: 34952
- 1: 1095
+ 2: 1095
0: 4352
0: 15
- 1: 1216
+ 2: 1216
0: 61440
0: 61440
- 1: 128
+ 2: 128
0: 1911
- 1: 16
+ 2: 16
0: 61440
0: 64704
- 1: 17
+ 2: 17
- 1: 61440
+ 2: 61440
- 1: 61712
+ 2: 61712
0: 204
- 1: 12288
+ 2: 12288
- 1: 12834
+ 2: 12834
- 1: 8738
+ 2: 8738
0: 28671
@@ -11160,17 +11162,17 @@ entities:
0: 13117
0: 4086
- 1: 61440
+ 2: 61440
0: 25344
- 1: 2048
+ 2: 2048
0: 3
- 1: 8736
+ 2: 8736
0: 26214
- 1: 36608
+ 2: 36608
0: 65280
@@ -11219,83 +11221,83 @@ entities:
0: 60943
0: 4369
- 1: 136
+ 2: 136
0: 24593
0: 61159
- 1: 53007
+ 2: 53007
- 1: 9010
+ 2: 9010
- 1: 30498
+ 2: 30498
0: 13104
- 1: 26487
+ 2: 26487
- 1: 39385
+ 2: 39385
- 1: 7577
+ 2: 7577
- 1: 4369
+ 2: 4369
0: 3276
- 1: 57231
+ 2: 57231
- 1: 256
+ 2: 256
0: 49356
0: 52703
0: 52428
- 1: 57344
+ 2: 57344
- 1: 3855
+ 2: 3855
- 1: 3855
+ 2: 3855
- 1: 3855
+ 2: 3855
- 1: 3855
+ 2: 3855
- 1: 7951
+ 2: 7951
- 1: 3855
+ 2: 3855
- 1: 3855
+ 2: 3855
- 1: 28672
+ 2: 28672
- 1: 16
+ 2: 16
- 1: 4
+ 2: 4
- 1: 63249
+ 2: 63249
- 1: 34816
+ 2: 34816
- 1: 50247
+ 2: 50247
- 1: 8
+ 2: 8
- 1: 50244
+ 2: 50244
- 1: 50244
+ 2: 50244
- 1: 12288
+ 2: 12288
0: 52224
- 1: 12288
+ 2: 12288
0: 52236
- 1: 12288
+ 2: 12288
0: 52236
0: 52236
- 1: 12288
+ 2: 12288
0: 65280
@@ -11305,41 +11307,41 @@ entities:
0: 65295
- 1: 63624
+ 2: 63624
- 1: 63624
+ 2: 63624
- 1: 2184
+ 2: 2184
- 1: 65331
+ 2: 65331
- 1: 61713
+ 2: 61713
- 1: 61940
+ 2: 61940
- 1: 61713
+ 2: 61713
- 1: 62259
+ 2: 62259
- 1: 65331
+ 2: 65331
- 1: 62532
+ 2: 62532
0: 65528
- 1: 497
+ 2: 497
- 1: 240
+ 2: 240
- 1: 240
+ 2: 240
- 1: 1863
+ 2: 1863
- 1: 49664
+ 2: 49664
- 1: 2
+ 2: 2
- 1: 4096
+ 2: 4096
0: 52428
0: 3276
@@ -11354,15 +11356,15 @@ entities:
0: 12
- 1: 72
+ 2: 72
- 1: 16384
+ 2: 16384
- 1: 2184
+ 2: 2184
- 1: 61999
+ 2: 61999
- 1: 15
+ 2: 15
0: 56576
0: 61661
@@ -11371,9 +11373,9 @@ entities:
0: 36863
- 1: 61455
+ 2: 61455
- 1: 15
+ 2: 15
0: 30464
0: 12407
@@ -11382,19 +11384,19 @@ entities:
0: 3067
- 1: 12847
+ 2: 12847
- 1: 13107
+ 2: 13107
- 1: 3891
+ 2: 3891
0: 1911
0: 52733
- 1: 15
+ 2: 15
- 1: 4096
+ 2: 4096
0: 61166
@@ -11405,7 +11407,7 @@ entities:
0: 4369
0: 4369
- 1: 50176
+ 2: 50176
0: 3276
@@ -11414,41 +11416,41 @@ entities:
0: 30583
0: 4369
- 1: 3808
+ 2: 3808
- 1: 244
+ 2: 244
- 1: 61440
+ 2: 61440
- 1: 245
+ 2: 245
- 1: 61440
+ 2: 61440
- 1: 36080
+ 2: 36080
- 1: 61440
+ 2: 61440
- 1: 40176
+ 2: 40176
- 1: 60996
+ 2: 60996
- 1: 14
+ 2: 14
- 1: 61440
+ 2: 61440
0: 12
0: 15
- 1: 61440
+ 2: 61440
- 1: 64648
+ 2: 64648
- 1: 12
+ 2: 12
- 1: 4352
+ 2: 4352
- 1: 1
+ 2: 1
- 1: 36856
+ 2: 36856
0: 52428
@@ -11456,7 +11458,7 @@ entities:
0: 52428
- 1: 36856
+ 2: 36856
0: 56797
@@ -11464,7 +11466,7 @@ entities:
0: 56797
- 1: 36856
+ 2: 36856
0: 56797
@@ -11472,7 +11474,7 @@ entities:
0: 56797
- 1: 36856
+ 2: 36856
0: 56797
@@ -11480,150 +11482,150 @@ entities:
0: 56797
- 1: 4080
+ 2: 4080
0: 4369
0: 17
- 1: 25668
+ 2: 25668
- 1: 29783
+ 2: 29783
- 1: 17476
+ 2: 17476
- 1: 17476
+ 2: 17476
- 1: 17476
+ 2: 17476
- 1: 17476
+ 2: 17476
- 1: 15
+ 2: 15
0: 52224
- 1: 143
+ 2: 143
0: 56576
- 1: 32768
+ 2: 32768
- 1: 62335
+ 2: 62335
0: 56576
- 1: 29491
+ 2: 29491
- 1: 61455
+ 2: 61455
0: 56576
- 1: 17476
+ 2: 17476
- 1: 61455
+ 2: 61455
0: 4352
0: 4369
- 1: 61455
+ 2: 61455
- 1: 140
+ 2: 140
- 1: 29303
+ 2: 29303
- 1: 26452
+ 2: 26452
- 1: 28672
+ 2: 28672
- 1: 17476
+ 2: 17476
- 1: 13107
+ 2: 13107
- 1: 13107
+ 2: 13107
- 1: 13107
+ 2: 13107
- 1: 13299
+ 2: 13299
- 1: 17524
+ 2: 17524
- 1: 61440
+ 2: 61440
- 1: 28672
+ 2: 28672
- 1: 17476
+ 2: 17476
- 1: 17476
+ 2: 17476
- 1: 17476
+ 2: 17476
- 1: 61440
+ 2: 61440
- 1: 61440
+ 2: 61440
- 1: 240
+ 2: 240
- 1: 240
+ 2: 240
- 1: 61440
+ 2: 61440
- 1: 240
+ 2: 240
- 1: 64640
+ 2: 64640
- 1: 240
+ 2: 240
- 1: 116
+ 2: 116
- 1: 35051
+ 2: 35051
- 1: 61440
+ 2: 61440
- 1: 9968
+ 2: 9968
- 1: 34952
+ 2: 34952
- 1: 51336
+ 2: 51336
- 1: 8814
+ 2: 8814
- 1: 8738
+ 2: 8738
- 1: 12834
+ 2: 12834
- 1: 61440
+ 2: 61440
- 1: 14064
+ 2: 14064
- 1: 1
+ 2: 1
- 1: 15
+ 2: 15
- 1: 15
+ 2: 15
- 1: 15
+ 2: 15
- 1: 15
+ 2: 15
- 1: 15
+ 2: 15
- 1: 15
+ 2: 15
- 1: 51407
+ 2: 51407
- 1: 207
+ 2: 207
- 1: 4115
+ 2: 4115
- 1: 17
+ 2: 17
0: 14
0: 26214
0: 12
- 1: 17472
+ 2: 17472
0: 4095
@@ -11648,6 +11650,21 @@ entities:
- 0
- 0
- 0
+ - volume: 2500
+ temperature: 293.14975
+ moles:
+ - 21.824879
+ - 82.10312
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
- volume: 2500
immutable: True
@@ -11753,6 +11770,21 @@ entities:
- 0
- 0
- 0
+ - volume: 2500
+ temperature: 293.1495
+ moles:
+ - 20.078888
+ - 75.53487
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
chunkSize: 4
- type: OccluderTree
- type: GridPathfinding
@@ -14665,6 +14697,14 @@ entities:
rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 21.5,36.5
parent: 6747
+- proto: AirlockExternalGlassShuttleMiningFilled
+ entities:
+ - uid: 17305
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -11.5,50.5
+ parent: 6747
- proto: AirlockExternalGlassShuttleShipyard
- uid: 1047
@@ -20569,7 +20609,7 @@ entities:
- uid: 17306
- type: Transform
- parent: 17305
+ parent: 136
- type: Physics
canCollide: False
- type: InsideEntityStorage
@@ -59586,27 +59626,6 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: -28.5,-39.5
parent: 6747
- - uid: 17305
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 49.5,-53.5
- parent: 6747
- - type: ContainerContainer
- containers:
- entity_storage: !type:Container
- showEnts: False
- occludes: True
- ents:
- - 17319
- - 17306
- - 17307
- - 17308
- - 17317
- - 17318
- paper_label: !type:ContainerSlot
- showEnts: False
- occludes: True
- ent: null
- uid: 21078
- type: Transform
@@ -60634,7 +60653,7 @@ entities:
- uid: 17319
- type: Transform
- parent: 17305
+ parent: 136
- type: Physics
canCollide: False
- type: InsideEntityStorage
@@ -60841,7 +60860,7 @@ entities:
- uid: 17318
- type: Transform
- parent: 17305
+ parent: 136
- type: Physics
canCollide: False
- type: InsideEntityStorage
@@ -60863,7 +60882,7 @@ entities:
- uid: 17307
- type: Transform
- parent: 17305
+ parent: 136
- type: Physics
canCollide: False
- type: InsideEntityStorage
@@ -60880,7 +60899,7 @@ entities:
- uid: 17317
- type: Transform
- parent: 17305
+ parent: 136
- type: Physics
canCollide: False
- type: InsideEntityStorage
@@ -63542,6 +63561,13 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: 67.5,14.5
parent: 6747
+- proto: DefaultStationBeaconAnchor
+ entities:
+ - uid: 29475
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 77.5,14.5
+ parent: 6747
- proto: DefaultStationBeaconAnomalyGenerator
- uid: 27409
@@ -75134,11 +75160,6 @@ entities:
parent: 6747
- proto: DresserFilled
- - uid: 136
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: -15.5,6.5
- parent: 6747
- uid: 4272
- type: Transform
@@ -127461,10 +127482,10 @@ entities:
parent: 6747
- proto: LockerDetectiveFilled
- - uid: 15707
+ - uid: 8609
- type: Transform
- pos: -17.5,7.5
+ pos: -15.5,6.5
parent: 6747
- proto: LockerEngineerFilled
@@ -127697,6 +127718,47 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: 20.5,-34.5
parent: 6747
+- proto: LockerPsychologistFilled
+ entities:
+ - uid: 136
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 49.5,-53.5
+ parent: 6747
+ - type: EntityStorage
+ air:
+ volume: 200
+ immutable: False
+ temperature: 293.1465
+ moles:
+ - 1.7459903
+ - 6.568249
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - type: ContainerContainer
+ containers:
+ entity_storage: !type:Container
+ showEnts: False
+ occludes: True
+ ents:
+ - 17318
+ - 17317
+ - 17308
+ - 17307
+ - 17306
+ - 17319
+ paper_label: !type:ContainerSlot
+ showEnts: False
+ occludes: True
+ ent: null
- proto: LockerQuarterMasterFilled
- uid: 9424
@@ -136462,7 +136524,7 @@ entities:
- type: MetaData
name: pill canister (dump me)
- type: Transform
- parent: 17305
+ parent: 136
- type: ContainerContainer
storagebase: !type:Container
@@ -138372,6 +138434,325 @@ entities:
rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -71.5,-57.5
parent: 6747
+- proto: PoweredDimSmallLight
+ entities:
+ - uid: 8815
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 35.5,-55.5
+ parent: 6747
+ - type: PointLight
+ enabled: False
+ - type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ powerLoad: 0
+ - uid: 9046
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 4.5,5.5
+ parent: 6747
+ - type: PointLight
+ enabled: False
+ - type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ powerLoad: 0
+ - uid: 11158
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 53.5,-18.5
+ parent: 6747
+ - type: PointLight
+ enabled: False
+ - type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ powerLoad: 0
+ - uid: 11845
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 34.5,22.5
+ parent: 6747
+ - type: PointLight
+ enabled: False
+ - type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ powerLoad: 0
+ - uid: 11848
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 55.5,21.5
+ parent: 6747
+ - type: PointLight
+ enabled: False
+ - type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ powerLoad: 0
+ - uid: 11869
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 11.5,0.5
+ parent: 6747
+ - type: PointLight
+ enabled: False
+ - type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ powerLoad: 0
+ - uid: 11871
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -5.5,-70.5
+ parent: 6747
+ - type: PointLight
+ enabled: False
+ - type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ powerLoad: 0
+ - uid: 11873
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -0.5,-63.5
+ parent: 6747
+ - type: PointLight
+ enabled: False
+ - type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ powerLoad: 0
+ - uid: 12024
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -0.5,-67.5
+ parent: 6747
+ - type: PointLight
+ enabled: False
+ - type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ powerLoad: 0
+ - uid: 13045
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -33.5,-57.5
+ parent: 6747
+ - type: PointLight
+ enabled: False
+ - type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ powerLoad: 0
+ - uid: 13047
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -35.5,-58.5
+ parent: 6747
+ - type: PointLight
+ enabled: False
+ - type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ powerLoad: 0
+ - uid: 13049
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -38.5,-42.5
+ parent: 6747
+ - type: PointLight
+ enabled: False
+ - type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ powerLoad: 0
+ - uid: 13237
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 30.5,-73.5
+ parent: 6747
+ - type: PointLight
+ enabled: False
+ - type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ powerLoad: 0
+ - uid: 13239
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 32.5,-70.5
+ parent: 6747
+ - type: PointLight
+ enabled: False
+ - type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ powerLoad: 0
+ - uid: 13255
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 37.5,-69.5
+ parent: 6747
+ - type: PointLight
+ enabled: False
+ - type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ powerLoad: 0
+ - uid: 13258
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 35.5,-86.5
+ parent: 6747
+ - type: PointLight
+ enabled: False
+ - type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ powerLoad: 0
+ - uid: 13963
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 26.5,-88.5
+ parent: 6747
+ - type: PointLight
+ enabled: False
+ - type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ powerLoad: 0
+ - uid: 13978
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 51.5,-39.5
+ parent: 6747
+ - type: PointLight
+ enabled: False
+ - type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ powerLoad: 0
+ - uid: 14033
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 43.5,-37.5
+ parent: 6747
+ - type: PointLight
+ enabled: False
+ - type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ powerLoad: 0
+ - uid: 14054
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 59.5,-5.5
+ parent: 6747
+ - type: PointLight
+ enabled: False
+ - type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ powerLoad: 0
+ - uid: 16010
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 30.5,-63.5
+ parent: 6747
+ - type: PointLight
+ enabled: False
+ - type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ powerLoad: 0
+ - uid: 16171
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 2.5,-30.5
+ parent: 6747
+ - type: PointLight
+ enabled: False
+ - type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ powerLoad: 0
+ - uid: 16172
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 48.5,4.5
+ parent: 6747
+ - type: PointLight
+ enabled: False
+ - type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ powerLoad: 0
+ - uid: 16173
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 5.5,-17.5
+ parent: 6747
+ - type: PointLight
+ enabled: False
+ - type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ powerLoad: 0
+ - uid: 16174
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 52.5,-1.5
+ parent: 6747
+ - type: PointLight
+ enabled: False
+ - type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ powerLoad: 0
+ - uid: 16176
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 1.5,-14.5
+ parent: 6747
+ - type: PointLight
+ enabled: False
+ - type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ powerLoad: 0
+ - uid: 16289
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -41.5,11.5
+ parent: 6747
+ - type: PointLight
+ enabled: False
+ - type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ powerLoad: 0
+ - uid: 16290
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -44.5,11.5
+ parent: 6747
+ - type: PointLight
+ enabled: False
+ - type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ powerLoad: 0
+ - uid: 16293
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -51.5,-5.5
+ parent: 6747
+ - type: PointLight
+ enabled: False
+ - type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ powerLoad: 0
+ - uid: 16296
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 2.5,-28.5
+ parent: 6747
+ - type: PointLight
+ enabled: False
+ - type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ powerLoad: 0
+ - uid: 16799
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 42.5,-54.5
+ parent: 6747
+ - type: PointLight
+ enabled: False
+ - type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ powerLoad: 0
+ - uid: 16802
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 53.5,-12.5
+ parent: 6747
+ - type: PointLight
+ enabled: False
+ - type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ powerLoad: 0
+ - uid: 27533
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -44.5,16.5
+ parent: 6747
+ - type: PointLight
+ enabled: False
+ - type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ powerLoad: 0
- proto: Poweredlight
- uid: 683
@@ -143089,325 +143470,6 @@ entities:
enabled: False
- type: ApcPowerReceiver
powerLoad: 0
-- proto: PoweredSmallLightMaintenanceRed
- entities:
- - uid: 8815
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 35.5,-55.5
- parent: 6747
- - type: PointLight
- enabled: False
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 9046
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,5.5
- parent: 6747
- - type: PointLight
- enabled: False
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 11158
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 53.5,-18.5
- parent: 6747
- - type: PointLight
- enabled: False
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 11845
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 34.5,22.5
- parent: 6747
- - type: PointLight
- enabled: False
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 11848
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 55.5,21.5
- parent: 6747
- - type: PointLight
- enabled: False
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 11869
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 11.5,0.5
- parent: 6747
- - type: PointLight
- enabled: False
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 11871
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -5.5,-70.5
- parent: 6747
- - type: PointLight
- enabled: False
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 11873
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: -0.5,-63.5
- parent: 6747
- - type: PointLight
- enabled: False
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 12024
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -0.5,-67.5
- parent: 6747
- - type: PointLight
- enabled: False
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 13045
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: -33.5,-57.5
- parent: 6747
- - type: PointLight
- enabled: False
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 13047
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -35.5,-58.5
- parent: 6747
- - type: PointLight
- enabled: False
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 13049
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -38.5,-42.5
- parent: 6747
- - type: PointLight
- enabled: False
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 13237
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 30.5,-73.5
- parent: 6747
- - type: PointLight
- enabled: False
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 13239
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 32.5,-70.5
- parent: 6747
- - type: PointLight
- enabled: False
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 13255
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 37.5,-69.5
- parent: 6747
- - type: PointLight
- enabled: False
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 13258
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 35.5,-86.5
- parent: 6747
- - type: PointLight
- enabled: False
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 13963
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 26.5,-88.5
- parent: 6747
- - type: PointLight
- enabled: False
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 13978
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 51.5,-39.5
- parent: 6747
- - type: PointLight
- enabled: False
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 14033
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 43.5,-37.5
- parent: 6747
- - type: PointLight
- enabled: False
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 14054
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 59.5,-5.5
- parent: 6747
- - type: PointLight
- enabled: False
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 16010
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 30.5,-63.5
- parent: 6747
- - type: PointLight
- enabled: False
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 16171
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,-30.5
- parent: 6747
- - type: PointLight
- enabled: False
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 16172
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 48.5,4.5
- parent: 6747
- - type: PointLight
- enabled: False
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 16173
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,-17.5
- parent: 6747
- - type: PointLight
- enabled: False
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 16174
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 52.5,-1.5
- parent: 6747
- - type: PointLight
- enabled: False
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 16176
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,-14.5
- parent: 6747
- - type: PointLight
- enabled: False
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 16289
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -41.5,11.5
- parent: 6747
- - type: PointLight
- enabled: False
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 16290
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -44.5,11.5
- parent: 6747
- - type: PointLight
- enabled: False
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 16293
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -51.5,-5.5
- parent: 6747
- - type: PointLight
- enabled: False
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 16296
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,-28.5
- parent: 6747
- - type: PointLight
- enabled: False
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 16799
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 42.5,-54.5
- parent: 6747
- - type: PointLight
- enabled: False
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 16802
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 53.5,-12.5
- parent: 6747
- - type: PointLight
- enabled: False
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 27533
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: -44.5,16.5
- parent: 6747
- - type: PointLight
- enabled: False
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- proto: PresentRandom
- uid: 22513
@@ -144685,24 +144747,6 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: -14.5,31.5
parent: 6747
- - uid: 8608
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -12.5,47.5
- parent: 6747
- - uid: 8609
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -11.5,47.5
- parent: 6747
- - uid: 8610
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -10.5,47.5
- parent: 6747
- uid: 8611
- type: Transform
@@ -144735,8 +144779,8 @@ entities:
- uid: 8622
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -9.5,45.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -12.5,48.5
parent: 6747
- uid: 23831
@@ -144804,6 +144848,24 @@ entities:
rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 79.5,19.5
parent: 6747
+ - uid: 29470
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -12.5,49.5
+ parent: 6747
+ - uid: 29471
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -10.5,48.5
+ parent: 6747
+ - uid: 29472
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -10.5,49.5
+ parent: 6747
- proto: RailingCorner
- uid: 379
@@ -144957,11 +145019,22 @@ entities:
parent: 6747
- proto: RailingCornerSmall
+ - uid: 8610
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -12.5,47.5
+ parent: 6747
+ - uid: 15707
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -10.5,47.5
+ parent: 6747
- uid: 15900
- type: Transform
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -9.5,44.5
+ pos: -9.5,45.5
parent: 6747
- uid: 17802
@@ -167863,6 +167936,13 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: 24.5,-58.5
parent: 6747
+- proto: VendingMachineDetDrobe
+ entities:
+ - uid: 8608
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -17.5,7.5
+ parent: 6747
- proto: VendingMachineDinnerware
- uid: 2713
@@ -178696,6 +178776,18 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: -55.5,-73.5
parent: 6747
+ - uid: 29473
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -12.5,50.5
+ parent: 6747
+ - uid: 29474
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -10.5,50.5
+ parent: 6747
- proto: WallRiveted
- uid: 22305
diff --git a/Resources/Maps/hammurabi.yml b/Resources/Maps/hammurabi.yml
index 33e760d7a2e..995367bb209 100644
--- a/Resources/Maps/hammurabi.yml
+++ b/Resources/Maps/hammurabi.yml
@@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ entities:
version: 6
ind: 0,2
version: 6
ind: -2,2
@@ -548,7 +548,7 @@ entities:
version: 6
ind: 0,3
version: 6
ind: -1,3
@@ -13102,7 +13102,8 @@ entities:
0: 61183
- 0: 53691
+ 0: 53689
+ 3: 2
0: 3583
@@ -14153,12 +14154,12 @@ entities:
0: 65039
- 3: 3822
+ 4: 3822
- 3: 57344
+ 4: 57344
2: 255
- 3: 819
+ 4: 819
0: 136
2: 32768
@@ -14167,7 +14168,7 @@ entities:
0: 15
- 3: 12288
+ 4: 12288
0: 34944
0: 65496
@@ -15136,7 +15137,7 @@ entities:
0: 12288
2: 34952
- 3: 34
+ 4: 34
0: 65535
@@ -15626,7 +15627,7 @@ entities:
2: 2
2: 33280
- 3: 128
+ 4: 128
0: 13107
@@ -15635,18 +15636,18 @@ entities:
0: 3822
0: 57344
- 3: 48
- 4: 136
+ 4: 48
+ 5: 136
0: 4095
- 3: 1911
+ 4: 1911
0: 61168
0: 61440
- 4: 17
- 5: 204
+ 5: 17
+ 6: 204
0: 62702
@@ -16204,14 +16205,14 @@ entities:
2: 3840
0: 15
- 3: 1792
+ 4: 1792
0: 65391
- 6: 7
- 3: 1792
+ 7: 7
+ 4: 1792
- 3: 7
+ 4: 7
0: 34816
0: 65535
@@ -16246,18 +16247,18 @@ entities:
2: 1
0: 4352
- 3: 52224
+ 4: 52224
0: 4371
- 3: 204
+ 4: 204
2: 49152
0: 4369
2: 52428
- 3: 30464
+ 4: 30464
- 3: 119
+ 4: 119
2: 28672
2: 30583
@@ -17111,6 +17112,21 @@ entities:
- 0
- 0
- 0
+ - volume: 2500
+ temperature: 293.1495
+ moles:
+ - 20.078888
+ - 75.53487
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
- volume: 2500
temperature: 293.15
@@ -20986,6 +21002,16 @@ entities:
- DoorStatus: DoorBolt
- DoorStatus: DoorBolt
+ - uid: 11352
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 5.5,48.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 11629
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 5.5,49.5
+ parent: 1
- uid: 23891
- type: Transform
@@ -21737,6 +21763,14 @@ entities:
rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: -72.5,45.5
parent: 1
+- proto: AirlockExternalGlassShuttleMiningFilled
+ entities:
+ - uid: 13128
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 8.5,51.5
+ parent: 1
- proto: AirlockExternalGlassShuttleShipyard
- uid: 14485
@@ -86169,25 +86203,6 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: 23.5,-28.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 28497
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: -10.5,-35.5
- parent: 1
- - type: ContainerContainer
- containers:
- entity_storage: !type:Container
- showEnts: False
- occludes: True
- ents:
- - 28501
- - 28498
- - 28499
- - 28500
- paper_label: !type:ContainerSlot
- showEnts: False
- occludes: True
- ent: null
- uid: 30777
- type: Transform
@@ -87051,7 +87066,7 @@ entities:
- uid: 28500
- type: Transform
- parent: 28497
+ parent: 11350
- type: Physics
canCollide: False
- type: InsideEntityStorage
@@ -87256,7 +87271,7 @@ entities:
- uid: 28498
- type: Transform
- parent: 28497
+ parent: 11350
- type: Physics
canCollide: False
- type: InsideEntityStorage
@@ -187943,11 +187958,6 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: 5.5,28.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 11629
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,49.5
- parent: 1
- uid: 11632
- type: Transform
@@ -188338,11 +188348,6 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: 2.5,48.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 13128
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,48.5
- parent: 1
- uid: 13148
- type: Transform
@@ -194278,6 +194283,21 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: 57.5,-37.5
parent: 1
+ - uid: 44018
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 7.5,51.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 44024
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 9.5,48.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 44025
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 9.5,49.5
+ parent: 1
- proto: GrilleBroken
- uid: 12229
@@ -197692,6 +197712,45 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: 1.5,-40.5
parent: 1
+- proto: LockerPsychologistFilled
+ entities:
+ - uid: 11350
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -10.5,-35.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: EntityStorage
+ air:
+ volume: 200
+ immutable: False
+ temperature: 293.1465
+ moles:
+ - 1.7459903
+ - 6.568249
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - type: ContainerContainer
+ containers:
+ entity_storage: !type:Container
+ showEnts: False
+ occludes: True
+ ents:
+ - 28500
+ - 28499
+ - 28498
+ - 28501
+ paper_label: !type:ContainerSlot
+ showEnts: False
+ occludes: True
+ ent: null
- proto: LockerQuarterMasterFilled
- uid: 13174
@@ -210846,7 +210905,7 @@ entities:
- uid: 28499
- type: Transform
- parent: 28497
+ parent: 11350
- type: Physics
canCollide: False
- type: InsideEntityStorage
@@ -212437,6 +212496,292 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: 35.55366,-29.443964
parent: 1
+- proto: PoweredDimSmallLight
+ entities:
+ - uid: 818
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -20.5,-17.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 2374
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 26.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 12954
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -21.5,-69.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 13158
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 10.5,-28.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 15217
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -18.5,27.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 15269
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 18.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 15288
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 13.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 15292
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -14.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 15298
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -19.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 15309
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -47.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 15326
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -62.5,-8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 15360
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -87.5,23.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 15362
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -100.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 15409
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -77.5,-42.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 15414
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -67.5,-56.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 15415
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -55.5,-67.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 15417
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -40.5,-77.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 15420
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -46.5,-77.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 15426
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -45.5,-50.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 15427
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -36.5,-36.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 15432
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -44.5,-77.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 15433
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -51.5,-73.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 15447
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 11.5,-42.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 15449
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -2.5,-41.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 15492
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -97.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 15499
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -58.5,-28.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 15501
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -50.5,-77.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 15554
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 15.5,-28.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 16378
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -41.5,-74.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 16420
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 20.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 31551
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 27.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 36312
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 27.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 41005
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 39.5,-51.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 41082
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -106.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 41135
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -137.5,-30.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 41136
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -134.5,-30.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 41138
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -108.5,-45.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 41139
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -111.5,-47.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 41140
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -102.5,-32.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 41142
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -96.5,-26.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 41143
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -116.5,-52.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 41145
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -118.5,-67.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 41147
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -111.5,-83.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 41149
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -96.5,-79.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 41151
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -90.5,-68.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 41152
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -90.5,-70.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 41154
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -78.5,-59.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 41158
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -27.5,-69.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 41159
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -28.5,-54.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 42043
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -81.5,-40.5
+ parent: 1
- proto: Poweredlight
- uid: 4066
@@ -216783,292 +217128,6 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: 23.5,6.5
parent: 1
-- proto: PoweredSmallLightMaintenanceRed
- entities:
- - uid: 818
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: -20.5,-17.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 2374
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 26.5,13.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 12954
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: -21.5,-69.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 13158
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 10.5,-28.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 15217
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -18.5,27.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 15269
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 18.5,13.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 15288
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 13.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 15292
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -14.5,11.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 15298
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -19.5,14.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 15309
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: -47.5,12.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 15326
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -62.5,-8.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 15360
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: -87.5,23.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 15362
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -100.5,15.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 15409
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: -77.5,-42.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 15414
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: -67.5,-56.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 15415
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -55.5,-67.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 15417
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -40.5,-77.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 15420
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -46.5,-77.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 15426
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -45.5,-50.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 15427
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -36.5,-36.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 15432
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -44.5,-77.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 15433
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -51.5,-73.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 15447
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 11.5,-42.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 15449
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: -2.5,-41.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 15492
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -97.5,15.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 15499
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -58.5,-28.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 15501
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -50.5,-77.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 15554
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,-28.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 16378
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: -41.5,-74.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 16420
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 20.5,6.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 31551
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 27.5,5.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 36312
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,9.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 41005
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 39.5,-51.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 41082
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -106.5,-6.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 41135
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: -137.5,-30.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 41136
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: -134.5,-30.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 41138
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: -108.5,-45.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 41139
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -111.5,-47.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 41140
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -102.5,-32.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 41142
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -96.5,-26.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 41143
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -116.5,-52.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 41145
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -118.5,-67.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 41147
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -111.5,-83.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 41149
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: -96.5,-79.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 41151
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: -90.5,-68.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 41152
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -90.5,-70.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 41154
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -78.5,-59.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 41158
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: -27.5,-69.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 41159
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -28.5,-54.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 42043
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -81.5,-40.5
- parent: 1
- proto: Protolathe
- uid: 9039
@@ -232251,21 +232310,11 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: 2.5,42.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 11350
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,48.5
- parent: 1
- uid: 11351
- type: Transform
pos: 5.5,41.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 11352
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,49.5
- parent: 1
- uid: 11356
- type: Transform
@@ -235196,6 +235245,21 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: 57.5,-37.5
parent: 1
+ - uid: 44019
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 7.5,51.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 44026
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 9.5,48.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 44027
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 9.5,49.5
+ parent: 1
- proto: RemoteSignaller
- uid: 2874
@@ -247987,7 +248051,7 @@ entities:
- uid: 28501
- type: Transform
- parent: 28497
+ parent: 11350
- type: Physics
canCollide: False
- type: InsideEntityStorage
@@ -253436,6 +253500,13 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: -86.5,-23.5
parent: 1
+- proto: VendingMachineWinter
+ entities:
+ - uid: 44028
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -43.5,-10.5
+ parent: 1
- proto: VendingMachineYouTool
- uid: 9352
@@ -268437,6 +268508,12 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: -114.5,-70.5
parent: 1
+ - uid: 28497
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 9.5,51.5
+ parent: 1
- uid: 28525
- type: Transform
@@ -270362,6 +270439,32 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: -66.5,-40.5
parent: 1
+ - uid: 44017
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 6.5,51.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 44020
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 9.5,50.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 44021
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 9.5,47.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 44022
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 8.5,47.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 44023
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 7.5,47.5
+ parent: 1
- proto: WallSolid
- uid: 301
@@ -278589,7 +278692,7 @@ entities:
DoorStatus: True
- type: Door
- secondsUntilStateChange: -38865.67
+ secondsUntilStateChange: -39100.785
state: Opening
- type: Airlock
autoClose: False
diff --git a/Resources/Maps/hive.yml b/Resources/Maps/hive.yml
index 4f410be15f6..b2e86c71e92 100644
--- a/Resources/Maps/hive.yml
+++ b/Resources/Maps/hive.yml
@@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ entities:
version: 6
ind: -3,-4
version: 6
ind: 5,1
@@ -8616,7 +8616,7 @@ entities:
0: 65039
0: 33279
- 2: 12288
+ 1: 12288
0: 61166
@@ -8715,17 +8715,17 @@ entities:
0: 39743
0: 65280
- 1: 4
+ 2: 4
0: 65416
0: 4369
- 1: 52428
+ 2: 52428
0: 48056
0: 4593
- 1: 49152
+ 2: 49152
0: 63931
@@ -8737,13 +8737,13 @@ entities:
0: 21839
- 1: 65521
+ 2: 65521
0: 4
- 1: 65535
+ 2: 65535
0: 61681
- 1: 14
+ 2: 14
0: 65535
@@ -8751,24 +8751,24 @@ entities:
0: 65535
- 1: 65520
+ 2: 65520
- 1: 16383
+ 2: 16383
- 1: 1
+ 2: 1
0: 47290
0: 65297
- 1: 4
+ 2: 4
0: 65225
0: 13119
- 1: 34816
+ 2: 34816
- 1: 30712
+ 2: 30712
- 1: 7
+ 2: 7
0: 60928
0: 53631
@@ -8778,7 +8778,7 @@ entities:
0: 57309
0: 15
- 1: 65280
+ 2: 65280
0: 65294
@@ -8909,7 +8909,7 @@ entities:
0: 63351
0: 21572
- 1: 17
+ 2: 17
0: 65501
@@ -8918,15 +8918,15 @@ entities:
0: 56831
0: 17477
- 1: 4352
+ 2: 4352
0: 284
- 1: 52224
+ 2: 52224
- 1: 23
+ 2: 23
0: 31744
- 1: 255
+ 2: 255
0: 53504
0: 57460
@@ -8971,19 +8971,19 @@ entities:
0: 65287
- 1: 65248
+ 2: 65248
0: 17873
- 1: 4096
+ 2: 4096
- 1: 65535
+ 2: 65535
- 1: 30583
+ 2: 30583
- 1: 52462
+ 2: 52462
0: 785
- 1: 204
+ 2: 204
0: 49425
0: 30591
@@ -9013,10 +9013,10 @@ entities:
0: 61160
0: 4607
- 2: 49152
+ 1: 49152
0: 196
- 1: 61713
+ 2: 61713
0: 65534
@@ -9029,48 +9029,48 @@ entities:
0: 56558
0: 141
- 1: 57856
+ 2: 57856
0: 511
- 1: 49152
+ 2: 49152
0: 12289
- 1: 35054
+ 2: 35054
- 1: 61166
+ 2: 61166
0: 55
- 1: 63624
+ 2: 63624
0: 3827
- 1: 30481
+ 2: 30481
0: 102
- 1: 65527
+ 2: 65527
- 1: 65535
+ 2: 65535
0: 15344
0: 49151
- 1: 65328
+ 2: 65328
0: 8
- 1: 8191
+ 2: 8191
0: 52700
0: 65311
0: 79
- 1: 28928
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- 2: 51
+ 1: 51
0: 63628
- 2: 204
+ 1: 204
0: 61457
0: 62702
@@ -9078,12 +9078,12 @@ entities:
0: 62347
0: 3087
- 1: 13056
+ 2: 13056
0: 13103
- 1: 34816
+ 2: 34816
- 1: 4095
+ 2: 4095
0: 61183
@@ -9091,7 +9091,7 @@ entities:
0: 53007
- 1: 273
+ 2: 273
0: 3276
0: 56575
@@ -9121,21 +9121,21 @@ entities:
0: 58976
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- 1: 52479
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0: 65281
- 1: 12
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0: 20465
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- 1: 15
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0: 65280
0: 56784
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0: 49136
0: 3
- 1: 65408
+ 2: 65408
- 1: 15
+ 2: 15
0: 65280
0: 48058
0: 4080
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+ 2: 16382
- 1: 3
+ 2: 3
0: 65292
0: 61199
@@ -9189,7 +9189,7 @@ entities:
0: 65295
- 1: 4095
+ 2: 4095
0: 54551
@@ -9197,7 +9197,7 @@ entities:
0: 33727
- 1: 4095
+ 2: 4095
0: 55807
@@ -9205,10 +9205,10 @@ entities:
0: 28783
- 1: 247
+ 2: 247
0: 10240
- 1: 248
+ 2: 248
0: 16640
0: 32767
@@ -9230,7 +9230,7 @@ entities:
0: 15291
0: 7
- 1: 61064
+ 2: 61064
0: 65535
@@ -9242,7 +9242,7 @@ entities:
0: 64796
- 1: 65535
+ 2: 65535
0: 61438
@@ -9252,30 +9252,30 @@ entities:
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+ 2: 65535
0: 36591
0: 819
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0: 49617
0: 64433
0: 783
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+ 2: 52224
- 1: 4095
+ 2: 4095
0: 48120
0: 16305
0: 79
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+ 2: 28928
- 1: 255
+ 2: 255
0: 10240
0: 47931
@@ -9283,9 +9283,9 @@ entities:
0: 33720
0: 959
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+ 2: 32768
- 1: 255
+ 2: 255
0: 16640
0: 65485
@@ -9295,9 +9295,9 @@ entities:
0: 63803
0: 15
- 1: 65024
+ 2: 65024
- 1: 255
+ 2: 255
0: 3840
0: 65535
@@ -9310,7 +9310,7 @@ entities:
0: 65359
- 1: 30719
+ 2: 30719
0: 65535
@@ -9319,20 +9319,20 @@ entities:
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0: 271
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0: 65294
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0: 63616
0: 53213
0: 4371
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+ 2: 52360
0: 1
- 1: 4044
+ 2: 4044
0: 53709
@@ -9343,9 +9343,9 @@ entities:
0: 30583
0: 7
- 1: 15872
+ 2: 15872
- 1: 3
+ 2: 3
0: 61320
0: 18190
@@ -9354,20 +9354,20 @@ entities:
0: 65535
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+ 2: 29491
0: 136
- 1: 1911
+ 2: 1911
0: 48059
0: 65419
- 1: 13107
+ 2: 13107
0: 32844
0: 13107
- 1: 34944
+ 2: 34944
0: 48059
@@ -9376,7 +9376,7 @@ entities:
0: 65535
0: 287
- 1: 1024
+ 2: 1024
0: 16360
@@ -9387,7 +9387,7 @@ entities:
0: 48059
0: 139
- 1: 512
+ 2: 512
0: 7163
@@ -9436,17 +9436,17 @@ entities:
0: 55807
0: 49629
- 1: 12288
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0: 56592
- 1: 15
+ 2: 15
0: 65435
0: 47359
0: 35003
- 1: 12288
+ 2: 12288
0: 48014
@@ -9491,25 +9491,25 @@ entities:
0: 65535
0: 61440
- 1: 238
+ 2: 238
0: 4096
- 1: 35942
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0: 28531
0: 26215
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+ 2: 26163
0: 76
0: 15
- 1: 30464
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- 1: 8743
+ 2: 8743
0: 2048
- 1: 30583
+ 2: 30583
0: 15245
@@ -9543,33 +9543,33 @@ entities:
0: 49136
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+ 2: 65534
- 1: 65408
+ 2: 65408
0: 3
- 1: 15
+ 2: 15
0: 65280
- 1: 15
+ 2: 15
0: 65280
0: 1775
- 1: 8191
+ 2: 8191
- 1: 1
+ 2: 1
0: 65422
0: 64733
0: 61439
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0: 8
0: 61699
- 1: 204
+ 2: 204
0: 4369
@@ -9577,7 +9577,7 @@ entities:
0: 61247
- 1: 58992
+ 2: 58992
0: 128
0: 65535
@@ -9585,24 +9585,24 @@ entities:
0: 65295
0: 51258
- 1: 12288
+ 2: 12288
0: 48027
0: 4080
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+ 2: 53247
0: 65283
- 1: 12
+ 2: 12
0: 47931
0: 20466
- 1: 65393
+ 2: 65393
- 1: 15
+ 2: 15
0: 65280
0: 30471
@@ -9633,64 +9633,64 @@ entities:
0: 14327
- 1: 15
+ 2: 15
0: 65280
0: 12543
- 1: 32768
+ 2: 32768
0: 65283
- 1: 8
+ 2: 8
0: 30479
- 1: 61440
+ 2: 61440
0: 191
0: 1919
- 1: 15
+ 2: 15
0: 65280
0: 255
- 1: 61440
+ 2: 61440
- 1: 1
+ 2: 1
0: 56576
0: 65309
- 1: 61440
+ 2: 61440
0: 187
0: 64511
- 1: 15
+ 2: 15
0: 65280
0: 255
- 1: 61440
+ 2: 61440
0: 4352
- 1: 34952
+ 2: 34952
0: 54721
- 1: 63488
+ 2: 63488
0: 55
0: 56541
- 1: 3
+ 2: 3
0: 65416
0: 51455
- 1: 4096
+ 2: 4096
- 1: 12561
+ 2: 12561
0: 32972
- 1: 13107
+ 2: 13107
0: 34952
0: 43688
@@ -9762,7 +9762,7 @@ entities:
0: 45311
0: 65280
- 1: 7
+ 2: 7
0: 57583
@@ -9781,7 +9781,7 @@ entities:
0: 56575
0: 65281
- 1: 12
+ 2: 12
0: 55551
@@ -9790,7 +9790,7 @@ entities:
0: 8191
0: 65280
- 1: 15
+ 2: 15
0: 45567
@@ -9799,7 +9799,7 @@ entities:
0: 36863
0: 65280
- 1: 15
+ 2: 15
0: 63743
@@ -9810,7 +9810,7 @@ entities:
0: 47359
0: 28672
- 1: 200
+ 2: 200
0: 53631
@@ -9829,15 +9829,15 @@ entities:
0: 56829
0: 4352
- 1: 35023
+ 2: 35023
0: 12561
- 1: 35016
+ 2: 35016
0: 13107
- 1: 34952
+ 2: 34952
- 1: 43694
+ 2: 43694
0: 3838
@@ -9936,7 +9936,7 @@ entities:
0: 61951
0: 13070
- 1: 2048
+ 2: 2048
0: 56559
@@ -9945,7 +9945,7 @@ entities:
0: 65523
0: 34831
- 1: 768
+ 2: 768
0: 47935
@@ -9966,7 +9966,7 @@ entities:
0: 4380
0: 4352
- 1: 19456
+ 2: 19456
0: 4401
@@ -9988,26 +9988,26 @@ entities:
0: 4092
- 1: 36608
+ 2: 36608
- 1: 3584
+ 2: 3584
- 1: 3840
+ 2: 3840
- 1: 272
+ 2: 272
- 1: 28416
+ 2: 28416
- 1: 4352
+ 2: 4352
- 1: 17
+ 2: 17
0: 43520
0: 65450
0: 65280
- 1: 14
+ 2: 14
0: 64767
@@ -10018,25 +10018,25 @@ entities:
0: 65535
0: 30464
- 1: 8
+ 2: 8
- 1: 8
+ 2: 8
0: 65282
0: 4096
- 1: 61440
+ 2: 61440
- 1: 61440
+ 2: 61440
- 1: 28672
+ 2: 28672
- 1: 498
+ 2: 498
0: 49152
0: 14206
- 1: 18
+ 2: 18
0: 56320
0: 65295
@@ -10062,26 +10062,26 @@ entities:
0: 63351
0: 32768
- 1: 17
+ 2: 17
- 1: 17484
+ 2: 17484
- 1: 34952
+ 2: 34952
- 1: 34956
+ 2: 34956
- 1: 34952
+ 2: 34952
0: 65280
0: 4352
- 1: 17478
+ 2: 17478
- 1: 8738
+ 2: 8738
- 1: 8743
+ 2: 8743
- 1: 8738
+ 2: 8738
0: 52511
@@ -10112,7 +10112,7 @@ entities:
0: 7631
0: 49425
- 1: 68
+ 2: 68
0: 61438
@@ -10166,37 +10166,37 @@ entities:
0: 47359
- 1: 3822
+ 2: 3822
0: 24576
0: 36590
- 1: 49971
+ 2: 49971
0: 273
- 1: 49152
+ 2: 49152
- 1: 3720
+ 2: 3720
- 1: 8738
+ 2: 8738
- 1: 61440
+ 2: 61440
- 1: 29218
+ 2: 29218
- 1: 256
+ 2: 256
0: 3264
0: 3822
- 1: 61440
+ 2: 61440
0: 33655
0: 6015
0: 65280
- 1: 6
+ 2: 6
0: 48015
@@ -10207,12 +10207,12 @@ entities:
0: 4095
0: 12288
- 1: 34
+ 2: 34
0: 13107
0: 273
- 1: 16384
+ 2: 16384
0: 34944
@@ -10231,15 +10231,15 @@ entities:
0: 8
0: 819
- 1: 32768
+ 2: 32768
- 1: 12
+ 2: 12
- 1: 61998
+ 2: 61998
- 1: 64719
+ 2: 64719
- 1: 61455
+ 2: 61455
0: 52701
@@ -10276,27 +10276,27 @@ entities:
0: 30576
0: 35071
- 1: 12288
+ 2: 12288
0: 207
0: 8
- 1: 48
+ 2: 48
- 1: 28672
+ 2: 28672
- 1: 61696
+ 2: 61696
- 1: 35946
+ 2: 35946
- 1: 255
+ 2: 255
0: 33536
0: 14591
0: 61439
- 1: 119
+ 2: 119
0: 28672
0: 14335
@@ -10307,13 +10307,13 @@ entities:
0: 52364
- 1: 12560
+ 2: 12560
- 1: 2246
+ 2: 2246
- 1: 3840
+ 2: 3840
- 1: 25360
+ 2: 25360
0: 140
0: 4095
@@ -10362,33 +10362,33 @@ entities:
0: 119
- 1: 16
+ 2: 16
0: 57344
0: 65534
0: 61183
- 1: 32768
+ 2: 32768
- 1: 4972
+ 2: 4972
- 1: 8030
+ 2: 8030
- 1: 32768
+ 2: 32768
- 1: 5100
+ 2: 5100
- 1: 3968
+ 2: 3968
0: 255
- 1: 57344
+ 2: 57344
0: 65520
0: 62327
- 1: 35054
+ 2: 35054
0: 28672
0: 63487
@@ -10400,18 +10400,18 @@ entities:
0: 48051
0: 255
- 1: 61440
+ 2: 61440
- 1: 65535
+ 2: 65535
0: 65520
0: 65520
- 1: 61440
+ 2: 61440
0: 238
- 1: 65535
+ 2: 65535
0: 30576
@@ -10419,7 +10419,7 @@ entities:
0: 61030
- 1: 2296
+ 2: 2296
0: 61166
@@ -10459,32 +10459,32 @@ entities:
0: 63346
- 1: 4097
+ 2: 4097
- 1: 4096
+ 2: 4096
- 1: 61299
+ 2: 61299
- 1: 62225
+ 2: 62225
- 1: 4528
+ 2: 4528
0: 65329
- 1: 8
+ 2: 8
0: 31
- 1: 4576
+ 2: 4576
0: 43955
- 1: 4096
+ 2: 4096
- 1: 34956
+ 2: 34956
- 1: 4096
+ 2: 4096
- 1: 4369
+ 2: 4369
- 1: 1
+ 2: 1
0: 48896
0: 65522
@@ -10493,45 +10493,45 @@ entities:
0: 64434
- 1: 17604
+ 2: 17604
- 1: 17476
+ 2: 17476
- 1: 12
+ 2: 12
- 1: 1
+ 2: 1
0: 64441
0: 9
- 1: 37142
+ 2: 37142
- 1: 16
+ 2: 16
0: 15274
- 1: 4496
+ 2: 4496
0: 9
0: 15291
0: 4105
- 1: 57622
+ 2: 57622
0: 1
- 1: 34952
+ 2: 34952
0: 255
- 1: 4864
+ 2: 4864
0: 4095
0: 187
- 1: 4369
+ 2: 4369
- 1: 32748
+ 2: 32748
- 1: 17
+ 2: 17
0: 3007
@@ -10550,7 +10550,7 @@ entities:
0: 40951
0: 36044
- 1: 4368
+ 2: 4368
0: 45277
@@ -10570,15 +10570,15 @@ entities:
0: 65407
- 1: 39
+ 2: 39
0: 34816
- 1: 15
+ 2: 15
- 1: 4384
+ 2: 4384
0: 51336
- 1: 4369
+ 2: 4369
0: 52236
0: 65520
@@ -10599,7 +10599,7 @@ entities:
0: 32631
- 1: 51200
+ 2: 51200
0: 8
0: 64988
@@ -10608,7 +10608,7 @@ entities:
0: 65295
- 1: 4352
+ 2: 4352
0: 52431
0: 65523
@@ -10627,25 +10627,25 @@ entities:
0: 30579
- 1: 128
+ 2: 128
- 1: 4369
+ 2: 4369
0: 34952
- 1: 817
+ 2: 817
0: 32904
- 1: 32768
+ 2: 32768
- 1: 2063
+ 2: 2063
0: 52367
- 1: 4352
+ 2: 4352
0: 26120
- 1: 7
+ 2: 7
- 1: 17153
+ 2: 17153
0: 140
0: 4369
@@ -10681,7 +10681,7 @@ entities:
0: 65280
0: 65280
- 1: 14
+ 2: 14
0: 65535
@@ -10693,7 +10693,7 @@ entities:
3: 4
0: 65280
- 1: 3
+ 2: 3
0: 65292
0: 65535
@@ -10705,7 +10705,7 @@ entities:
0: 65484
0: 65283
- 1: 12
+ 2: 12
0: 65535
@@ -10713,47 +10713,47 @@ entities:
0: 30591
- 1: 1
+ 2: 1
0: 17732
- 1: 3840
+ 2: 3840
0: 6
- 1: 29696
+ 2: 29696
- 1: 36079
+ 2: 36079
- 1: 61440
+ 2: 61440
0: 4095
- 1: 4097
+ 2: 4097
- 1: 35939
+ 2: 35939
0: 3569
- 1: 12834
+ 2: 12834
- 1: 8743
+ 2: 8743
- 1: 8866
+ 2: 8866
0: 2056
0: 3568
- 1: 132
+ 2: 132
0: 8
0: 4080
0: 19655
- 1: 9008
+ 2: 9008
0: 17476
0: 17733
- 1: 176
+ 2: 176
0: 4080
@@ -10762,19 +10762,19 @@ entities:
0: 6128
0: 819
- 1: 34952
+ 2: 34952
- 1: 34956
+ 2: 34956
- 1: 35000
+ 2: 35000
0: 771
- 1: 1
+ 2: 1
- 1: 48
+ 2: 48
0: 52416
- 1: 20208
+ 2: 20208
0: 30576
@@ -10785,81 +10785,81 @@ entities:
0: 35071
0: 13104
- 1: 52428
+ 2: 52428
0: 48051
- 1: 8
+ 2: 8
0: 48059
- 1: 52241
+ 2: 52241
0: 238
0: 48048
- 1: 17472
+ 2: 17472
0: 65467
- 1: 68
+ 2: 68
0: 191
- 1: 47872
+ 2: 47872
0: 4368
0: 13105
0: 51
- 1: 4352
+ 2: 4352
0: 3855
- 1: 240
+ 2: 240
0: 17733
- 1: 176
+ 2: 176
0: 3855
- 1: 240
+ 2: 240
0: 17733
- 1: 176
+ 2: 176
0: 3855
- 1: 240
+ 2: 240
0: 325
- 1: 17584
+ 2: 17584
0: 3855
- 1: 240
+ 2: 240
- 1: 61444
+ 2: 61444
- 1: 240
+ 2: 240
0: 3855
- 1: 240
+ 2: 240
0: 3855
- 1: 240
+ 2: 240
0: 3855
- 1: 240
+ 2: 240
0: 3855
0: 771
- 1: 35000
+ 2: 35000
0: 771
- 1: 35000
+ 2: 35000
0: 771
- 1: 35000
+ 2: 35000
- 1: 64648
+ 2: 64648
- 1: 255
+ 2: 255
- 1: 204
+ 2: 204
0: 51
0: 57344
@@ -10877,70 +10877,70 @@ entities:
0: 12526
0: 19
- 1: 29696
+ 2: 29696
0: 13311
0: 3
- 1: 36352
+ 2: 36352
0: 3816
- 1: 36608
+ 2: 36608
- 1: 234
+ 2: 234
0: 1646
- 1: 10
+ 2: 10
0: 4087
- 1: 36608
+ 2: 36608
- 1: 248
+ 2: 248
0: 238
0: 8184
0: 17
- 1: 1028
+ 2: 1028
- 1: 36608
+ 2: 36608
- 1: 248
+ 2: 248
0: 30590
0: 30706
0: 7
- 1: 36608
+ 2: 36608
- 1: 248
+ 2: 248
0: 1
- 1: 63232
+ 2: 63232
0: 30576
0: 7
- 1: 36608
+ 2: 36608
- 1: 248
+ 2: 248
0: 4351
- 1: 8192
+ 2: 8192
- 1: 63630
+ 2: 63630
- 1: 117
+ 2: 117
0: 12288
- 1: 36672
+ 2: 36672
- 1: 248
+ 2: 248
0: 52243
@@ -10959,10 +10959,10 @@ entities:
0: 3581
0: 63255
- 1: 8
+ 2: 8
0: 15
- 1: 8704
+ 2: 8704
0: 65504
@@ -10971,7 +10971,7 @@ entities:
0: 4095
0: 61440
- 1: 15
+ 2: 15
0: 34959
@@ -10982,10 +10982,10 @@ entities:
0: 2039
0: 65024
- 1: 1
+ 2: 1
0: 62225
- 1: 4
+ 2: 4
0: 29371
@@ -10994,15 +10994,15 @@ entities:
0: 65399
0: 4352
- 1: 50176
+ 2: 50176
0: 65535
0: 4096
- 1: 33010
+ 2: 33010
0: 28979
- 1: 136
+ 2: 136
0: 63255
@@ -11010,11 +11010,11 @@ entities:
0: 65535
- 1: 28672
+ 2: 28672
- 1: 240
+ 2: 240
- 1: 61441
+ 2: 61441
0: 65520
@@ -11022,15 +11022,15 @@ entities:
0: 65535
- 1: 20222
+ 2: 20222
- 1: 63044
+ 2: 63044
0: 4368
- 1: 17476
+ 2: 17476
0: 13185
- 1: 12
+ 2: 12
0: 34952
@@ -11041,561 +11041,561 @@ entities:
0: 16382
0: 3
- 1: 4096
+ 2: 4096
0: 65535
0: 3839
0: 273
- 1: 50252
+ 2: 50252
0: 61135
- 1: 61440
+ 2: 61440
0: 13107
0: 13065
- 1: 50368
+ 2: 50368
- 1: 62528
+ 2: 62528
- 1: 61441
+ 2: 61441
- 1: 36608
+ 2: 36608
- 1: 248
+ 2: 248
- 1: 61440
+ 2: 61440
- 1: 36608
+ 2: 36608
- 1: 248
+ 2: 248
- 1: 61440
+ 2: 61440
- 1: 36608
+ 2: 36608
- 1: 248
+ 2: 248
- 1: 63044
+ 2: 63044
- 1: 1860
+ 2: 1860
- 1: 248
+ 2: 248
- 1: 50246
+ 2: 50246
- 1: 17476
+ 2: 17476
- 1: 4369
+ 2: 4369
- 1: 4369
+ 2: 4369
- 1: 4373
+ 2: 4373
- 1: 30020
+ 2: 30020
- 1: 1
+ 2: 1
0: 3
- 1: 12848
+ 2: 12848
0: 43690
0: 43568
- 1: 3
+ 2: 3
- 1: 17408
+ 2: 17408
0: 30719
0: 30464
0: 17
- 2: 65262
+ 1: 65262
- 2: 15
+ 1: 15
- 1: 2048
+ 2: 2048
- 2: 61424
+ 1: 61424
- 2: 4369
+ 1: 4369
0: 52462
- 2: 1
- 1: 512
+ 1: 1
+ 2: 512
- 1: 17484
+ 2: 17484
- 1: 9011
+ 2: 9011
- 1: 12834
+ 2: 12834
- 1: 8739
+ 2: 8739
- 1: 2
+ 2: 2
- 1: 32768
+ 2: 32768
- 2: 4368
+ 1: 4368
0: 52224
- 1: 61440
+ 2: 61440
- 1: 61440
+ 2: 61440
- 1: 18176
+ 2: 18176
- 1: 3976
+ 2: 3976
- 1: 12288
+ 2: 12288
- 1: 8706
+ 2: 8706
- 1: 30498
+ 2: 30498
0: 12000
- 1: 62532
+ 2: 62532
- 1: 65252
+ 2: 65252
- 1: 3722
+ 2: 3722
- 1: 50244
+ 2: 50244
- 1: 4369
+ 2: 4369
- 1: 61713
+ 2: 61713
- 1: 36744
+ 2: 36744
- 1: 4369
+ 2: 4369
- 1: 61440
+ 2: 61440
- 1: 3976
+ 2: 3976
- 1: 61440
+ 2: 61440
- 1: 8072
+ 2: 8072
- 1: 61440
+ 2: 61440
- 1: 3976
+ 2: 3976
- 1: 61440
+ 2: 61440
- 1: 3976
+ 2: 3976
- 1: 19
+ 2: 19
- 1: 45329
+ 2: 45329
- 1: 5104
+ 2: 5104
- 1: 17
+ 2: 17
- 1: 241
+ 2: 241
- 1: 19456
+ 2: 19456
- 1: 17484
+ 2: 17484
- 1: 19660
+ 2: 19660
- 1: 19660
+ 2: 19660
- 1: 15
+ 2: 15
- 1: 36092
+ 2: 36092
- 1: 3324
+ 2: 3324
- 1: 52292
+ 2: 52292
- 1: 3148
+ 2: 3148
- 1: 61440
+ 2: 61440
0: 4099
- 1: 26112
+ 2: 26112
0: 255
- 1: 61440
+ 2: 61440
- 1: 17478
+ 2: 17478
- 1: 1996
+ 2: 1996
- 1: 3840
+ 2: 3840
- 1: 1
+ 2: 1
- 1: 16034
+ 2: 16034
- 1: 8738
+ 2: 8738
- 1: 19
+ 2: 19
- 1: 8192
+ 2: 8192
- 1: 35012
+ 2: 35012
- 1: 41728
+ 2: 41728
0: 142
- 1: 4371
+ 2: 4371
- 1: 3889
+ 2: 3889
0: 255
- 1: 61440
+ 2: 61440
- 1: 3840
+ 2: 3840
- 1: 128
+ 2: 128
0: 2048
0: 8
- 1: 8866
+ 2: 8866
0: 2056
- 1: 8866
+ 2: 8866
0: 2056
- 1: 8866
+ 2: 8866
0: 2056
- 1: 58914
+ 2: 58914
- 1: 61440
+ 2: 61440
- 1: 240
+ 2: 240
- 1: 240
+ 2: 240
- 1: 61440
+ 2: 61440
- 1: 240
+ 2: 240
- 1: 242
+ 2: 242
- 1: 3840
+ 2: 3840
- 1: 3840
+ 2: 3840
- 1: 3954
+ 2: 3954
- 1: 8738
+ 2: 8738
- 1: 8738
+ 2: 8738
- 1: 8738
+ 2: 8738
- 1: 8738
+ 2: 8738
- 1: 3840
+ 2: 3840
- 1: 240
+ 2: 240
- 1: 17
+ 2: 17
- 1: 4975
+ 2: 4975
- 1: 32768
+ 2: 32768
- 1: 232
+ 2: 232
- 1: 49152
+ 2: 49152
- 1: 61440
+ 2: 61440
- 1: 1
+ 2: 1
- 1: 61440
+ 2: 61440
0: 49344
- 1: 3072
+ 2: 3072
0: 49344
- 1: 3072
+ 2: 3072
0: 49344
- 1: 3072
+ 2: 3072
0: 61680
- 1: 3840
+ 2: 3840
0: 61680
- 1: 3840
+ 2: 3840
0: 61680
- 1: 3840
+ 2: 3840
- 1: 256
+ 2: 256
- 1: 12066
+ 2: 12066
0: 32896
- 1: 12066
+ 2: 12066
0: 32896
- 1: 12066
+ 2: 12066
0: 32896
- 1: 12066
+ 2: 12066
0: 32896
0: 61680
- 1: 3840
+ 2: 3840
0: 61680
- 1: 3840
+ 2: 3840
0: 61680
- 1: 3840
+ 2: 3840
0: 4112
- 1: 256
+ 2: 256
0: 4112
- 1: 256
+ 2: 256
0: 4112
- 1: 256
+ 2: 256
- 1: 62960
+ 2: 62960
- 1: 8743
+ 2: 8743
- 1: 62704
+ 2: 62704
0: 22355
- 1: 8236
+ 2: 8236
0: 4415
- 1: 192
+ 2: 192
0: 61166
- 1: 1
+ 2: 1
0: 22353
- 1: 8238
+ 2: 8238
0: 61166
- 1: 1
+ 2: 1
0: 12563
- 1: 49164
+ 2: 49164
0: 61166
- 1: 1
+ 2: 1
0: 255
- 1: 2048
+ 2: 2048
0: 140
0: 32769
- 1: 4382
+ 2: 4382
0: 137
- 1: 4374
+ 2: 4374
0: 24065
- 1: 41246
+ 2: 41246
0: 255
- 1: 4864
+ 2: 4864
- 1: 4512
+ 2: 4512
0: 3679
- 1: 12561
+ 2: 12561
0: 12289
- 1: 286
+ 2: 286
0: 51
- 1: 4364
+ 2: 4364
0: 19969
- 1: 45342
+ 2: 45342
0: 511
- 1: 2048
+ 2: 2048
- 1: 4528
+ 2: 4528
0: 3663
- 1: 63744
+ 2: 63744
- 1: 52360
+ 2: 52360
0: 61440
- 1: 2048
+ 2: 2048
0: 32768
- 1: 1
+ 2: 1
0: 61164
- 1: 62225
+ 2: 62225
- 1: 128
+ 2: 128
- 1: 4400
+ 2: 4400
- 1: 785
+ 2: 785
0: 61440
- 1: 61440
+ 2: 61440
- 1: 63488
+ 2: 63488
0: 61696
- 1: 2048
+ 2: 2048
- 1: 128
+ 2: 128
- 1: 785
+ 2: 785
0: 61440
- 1: 61440
+ 2: 61440
- 1: 17484
+ 2: 17484
- 1: 17484
+ 2: 17484
- 1: 17484
+ 2: 17484
- 1: 17484
+ 2: 17484
- 1: 17511
+ 2: 17511
- 1: 17479
+ 2: 17479
- 1: 59392
+ 2: 59392
- 1: 25671
+ 2: 25671
- 1: 8
+ 2: 8
- 1: 32768
+ 2: 32768
- 1: 14326
+ 2: 14326
- 1: 61440
+ 2: 61440
- 1: 17484
+ 2: 17484
- 1: 17484
+ 2: 17484
- 1: 17484
+ 2: 17484
- 1: 17484
+ 2: 17484
- 1: 17511
+ 2: 17511
- 1: 17479
+ 2: 17479
- 1: 25671
+ 2: 25671
- 1: 2279
+ 2: 2279
- 1: 2544
+ 2: 2544
- 1: 36038
+ 2: 36038
- 1: 240
+ 2: 240
- 1: 248
+ 2: 248
- 1: 32768
+ 2: 32768
- 1: 5104
+ 2: 5104
- 1: 241
+ 2: 241
- 1: 2288
+ 2: 2288
- 1: 240
+ 2: 240
- 1: 32768
+ 2: 32768
- 1: 12
+ 2: 12
- 1: 63281
+ 2: 63281
- 1: 136
+ 2: 136
0: 49344
- 1: 3072
+ 2: 3072
- 1: 62704
+ 2: 62704
0: 61680
- 1: 3840
+ 2: 3840
- 1: 62704
+ 2: 62704
- 1: 8192
+ 2: 8192
- 1: 62704
+ 2: 62704
0: 61680
- 1: 3840
+ 2: 3840
- 1: 62704
+ 2: 62704
0: 4112
- 1: 256
+ 2: 256
- 1: 50244
+ 2: 50244
- 1: 50244
+ 2: 50244
- 1: 50244
+ 2: 50244
- 1: 50244
+ 2: 50244
- 1: 4369
+ 2: 4369
- 1: 4369
+ 2: 4369
- 1: 4369
+ 2: 4369
- 1: 4369
+ 2: 4369
- 1: 62576
+ 2: 62576
- 1: 50244
+ 2: 50244
- 1: 4368
+ 2: 4368
- 1: 4369
+ 2: 4369
- 1: 17484
+ 2: 17484
- 1: 17600
+ 2: 17600
- 1: 17476
+ 2: 17476
- 1: 17476
+ 2: 17476
- 1: 16
+ 2: 16
0: 36607
0: 3822
- 1: 2053
+ 2: 2053
0: 59630
@@ -11605,7 +11605,7 @@ entities:
0: 61559
- 1: 1024
+ 2: 1024
0: 4095
@@ -11613,30 +11613,30 @@ entities:
0: 61183
- 1: 516
+ 2: 516
0: 57343
0: 825
- 1: 8192
+ 2: 8192
- 1: 80
+ 2: 80
4: 57344
- 1: 32768
+ 2: 32768
5: 28672
- 1: 16384
+ 2: 16384
0: 61440
- 1: 64
+ 2: 64
- 1: 8192
+ 2: 8192
0: 12288
- 1: 16
+ 2: 16
0: 64915
@@ -11646,36 +11646,36 @@ entities:
0: 12288
- 1: 2561
+ 2: 2561
0: 29298
0: 7
- 1: 19968
+ 2: 19968
0: 30576
- 1: 516
+ 2: 516
- 1: 3089
+ 2: 3089
- 1: 193
+ 2: 193
- 1: 12
+ 2: 12
- 1: 40960
+ 2: 40960
- 1: 8192
+ 2: 8192
- 1: 58432
+ 2: 58432
- 1: 49180
+ 2: 49180
- 1: 192
+ 2: 192
- 1: 61440
+ 2: 61440
- 1: 61440
+ 2: 61440
- volume: 2500
temperature: 293.15
@@ -11693,10 +11693,10 @@ entities:
- 0
- 0
- volume: 2500
- immutable: True
+ temperature: 235
- - 0
- - 0
+ - 21.824879
+ - 82.10312
- 0
- 0
- 0
@@ -11708,10 +11708,10 @@ entities:
- 0
- 0
- volume: 2500
- temperature: 235
+ immutable: True
- - 21.824879
- - 82.10312
+ - 0
+ - 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
@@ -14801,6 +14801,13 @@ entities:
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 81.5,-30.5
parent: 1
+- proto: AirlockExternalGlassShuttleMiningFilled
+ entities:
+ - uid: 19218
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -46.5,-52.5
+ parent: 1
- proto: AirlockExternalGlassShuttleShipyard
- uid: 6293
@@ -17380,13 +17387,6 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: 12.5,45.5
parent: 1
-- proto: AlwaysPoweredSmallLightMaintenanceRed
- entities:
- - uid: 25397
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: -62.5,-8.5
- parent: 1
- proto: AmeController
- uid: 5808
@@ -64188,6 +64188,13 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: 75.5,-22.5
parent: 1
+- proto: CrateNitrogenInternals
+ entities:
+ - uid: 20996
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -0.5,-9.5
+ parent: 1
- proto: CrateNPCChicken
- uid: 1184
@@ -64384,13 +64391,6 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: 41.5,44.5
parent: 1
-- proto: CrateSlimepersonLifeSupport
- entities:
- - uid: 20996
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: -0.5,-9.5
- parent: 1
- proto: CrateTrainingBombs
- uid: 25232
@@ -65554,6 +65554,25 @@ entities:
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 120.467674,14.534573
parent: 1
+- proto: DimLightBulb
+ entities:
+ - uid: 13934
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -7.290815,-33.503067
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 13935
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -7.551232,-33.51349
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 22745
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -17.71097,48.727478
+ parent: 1
- proto: DiseaseDiagnoser
- uid: 9894
@@ -82546,6 +82565,11 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: 58.153984,43.567505
parent: 1
+ - uid: 18827
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 76.67503,-5.5288234
+ parent: 1
- uid: 20642
- type: Transform
@@ -128438,6 +128462,16 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: 129.5,-4.5
parent: 1
+ - uid: 18828
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -45.5,-52.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 18829
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -47.5,-52.5
+ parent: 1
- uid: 19930
- type: Transform
@@ -132963,25 +132997,6 @@ entities:
rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -17.49222,48.425186
parent: 1
-- proto: LightBulbMaintenanceRed
- entities:
- - uid: 13934
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: -7.290815,-33.503067
- parent: 1
- - uid: 13935
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -7.551232,-33.51349
- parent: 1
- - uid: 22745
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -17.71097,48.727478
- parent: 1
- proto: Lighter
- uid: 4003
@@ -133607,6 +133622,13 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: 86.5,-12.5
parent: 1
+- proto: LockerPsychologistFilled
+ entities:
+ - uid: 18826
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 77.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
- proto: LockerQuarterMasterFilled
- uid: 6768
@@ -139152,6 +139174,461 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: 101.5,-19.5
parent: 1
+- proto: PoweredDimSmallLight
+ entities:
+ - uid: 680
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -61.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 910
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -2.5,26.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1032
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -5.5,26.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 3822
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -62.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 3823
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -64.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 5634
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 96.5,17.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 7627
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 55.5,-9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 14412
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 3.5,-23.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 14413
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -16.5,-38.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 14480
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 6.5,-33.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 14481
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 6.5,-32.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 14482
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 17.5,-32.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 14483
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 17.5,-33.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 14592
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 56.5,-15.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 16380
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -18.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ powerLoad: 0
+ - uid: 16949
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 20.5,-23.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ powerLoad: 0
+ - uid: 17212
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -11.5,-41.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ powerLoad: 0
+ - uid: 17214
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -14.5,-31.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ powerLoad: 0
+ - uid: 17215
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -2.5,-30.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ powerLoad: 0
+ - uid: 17219
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -35.5,-29.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ powerLoad: 0
+ - uid: 17220
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -31.5,-23.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ powerLoad: 0
+ - uid: 17223
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -27.5,-9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ powerLoad: 0
+ - uid: 17225
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -10.5,-20.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ powerLoad: 0
+ - uid: 17226
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -2.5,-18.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ powerLoad: 0
+ - uid: 17236
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -41.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ powerLoad: 0
+ - uid: 17246
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -31.5,32.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ powerLoad: 0
+ - uid: 17248
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -22.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ powerLoad: 0
+ - uid: 17249
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -26.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ powerLoad: 0
+ - uid: 17254
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -11.5,26.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ powerLoad: 0
+ - uid: 17262
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 25.5,27.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ powerLoad: 0
+ - uid: 17265
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 39.5,28.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ powerLoad: 0
+ - uid: 17266
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 49.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ powerLoad: 0
+ - uid: 17273
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 51.5,-9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ powerLoad: 0
+ - uid: 17275
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 36.5,-20.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ powerLoad: 0
+ - uid: 17276
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 40.5,-21.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ powerLoad: 0
+ - uid: 17277
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 30.5,-19.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ powerLoad: 0
+ - uid: 17285
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 29.5,-30.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ powerLoad: 0
+ - uid: 17287
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 41.5,-36.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ powerLoad: 0
+ - uid: 17289
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 41.5,-40.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ powerLoad: 0
+ - uid: 17295
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 50.5,-24.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ powerLoad: 0
+ - uid: 17304
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 89.5,-14.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ powerLoad: 0
+ - uid: 17315
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 51.5,32.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ powerLoad: 0
+ - uid: 17321
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 33.5,38.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ powerLoad: 0
+ - uid: 17322
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 39.5,46.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ powerLoad: 0
+ - uid: 17326
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -17.5,44.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ powerLoad: 0
+ - uid: 17330
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -21.5,42.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ powerLoad: 0
+ - uid: 17332
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -10.5,40.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ powerLoad: 0
+ - uid: 17334
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -31.5,27.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ powerLoad: 0
+ - uid: 17339
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 91.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ powerLoad: 0
+ - uid: 17341
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 93.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ powerLoad: 0
+ - uid: 20591
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 100.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 20603
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 91.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 20610
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 117.5,-13.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 21455
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 97.5,-12.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 22568
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 111.5,17.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 22619
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 105.5,-17.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 22620
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 106.5,23.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 22621
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 104.5,23.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 23489
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 28.5,30.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 23927
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 45.5,-13.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 25317
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 75.5,-24.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 25397
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -62.5,-8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 26840
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 97.5,-15.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 26841
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 101.5,-19.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 26880
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 113.5,-17.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 26881
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 116.5,-17.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 26882
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 95.5,-15.5
+ parent: 1
- proto: Poweredlight
- uid: 110
@@ -142400,456 +142877,6 @@ entities:
rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: -64.5,-1.5
parent: 1
-- proto: PoweredSmallLightMaintenanceRed
- entities:
- - uid: 680
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -61.5,16.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 910
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -2.5,26.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 1032
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -5.5,26.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 3822
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: -62.5,-3.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 3823
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -64.5,15.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 5634
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 96.5,17.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 7627
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 55.5,-9.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 14412
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,-23.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 14413
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -16.5,-38.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 14480
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 6.5,-33.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 14481
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 6.5,-32.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 14482
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 17.5,-32.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 14483
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 17.5,-33.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 14592
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 56.5,-15.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 16380
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -18.5,21.5
- parent: 1
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 16949
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,-23.5
- parent: 1
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 17212
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: -11.5,-41.5
- parent: 1
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 17214
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: -14.5,-31.5
- parent: 1
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 17215
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -2.5,-30.5
- parent: 1
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 17219
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -35.5,-29.5
- parent: 1
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 17220
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -31.5,-23.5
- parent: 1
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 17223
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -27.5,-9.5
- parent: 1
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 17225
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: -10.5,-20.5
- parent: 1
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 17226
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: -2.5,-18.5
- parent: 1
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 17236
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -41.5,-3.5
- parent: 1
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 17246
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: -31.5,32.5
- parent: 1
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 17248
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -22.5,18.5
- parent: 1
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 17249
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -26.5,13.5
- parent: 1
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 17254
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -11.5,26.5
- parent: 1
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 17262
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 25.5,27.5
- parent: 1
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 17265
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 39.5,28.5
- parent: 1
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 17266
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 49.5,13.5
- parent: 1
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 17273
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 51.5,-9.5
- parent: 1
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 17275
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 36.5,-20.5
- parent: 1
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 17276
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 40.5,-21.5
- parent: 1
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 17277
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 30.5,-19.5
- parent: 1
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 17285
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 29.5,-30.5
- parent: 1
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 17287
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 41.5,-36.5
- parent: 1
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 17289
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 41.5,-40.5
- parent: 1
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 17295
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 50.5,-24.5
- parent: 1
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 17304
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 89.5,-14.5
- parent: 1
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 17315
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 51.5,32.5
- parent: 1
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 17321
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 33.5,38.5
- parent: 1
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 17322
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 39.5,46.5
- parent: 1
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 17326
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -17.5,44.5
- parent: 1
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 17330
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -21.5,42.5
- parent: 1
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 17332
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: -10.5,40.5
- parent: 1
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 17334
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -31.5,27.5
- parent: 1
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 17339
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 91.5,19.5
- parent: 1
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 17341
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 93.5,22.5
- parent: 1
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 20591
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 100.5,21.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 20603
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 91.5,11.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 20610
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 117.5,-13.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 21455
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 97.5,-12.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 22568
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 111.5,17.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 22619
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 105.5,-17.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 22620
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 106.5,23.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 22621
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 104.5,23.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 23489
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,30.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 23927
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 45.5,-13.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 25317
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 75.5,-24.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 26840
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 97.5,-15.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 26841
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 101.5,-19.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 26880
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 113.5,-17.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 26881
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 116.5,-17.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 26882
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 95.5,-15.5
- parent: 1
- proto: PresentRandom
- uid: 22566
@@ -150785,6 +150812,16 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: -63.5,-8.5
parent: 1
+ - uid: 18830
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -47.5,-52.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 19217
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -45.5,-52.5
+ parent: 1
- uid: 20148
- type: Transform
@@ -165475,6 +165512,7 @@ entities:
- ActionVendingThrow
- ActionVendingThrow
+ - ActionVendingThrow
- proto: VendingMachineClothing
- uid: 1697
@@ -165498,6 +165536,7 @@ entities:
- ActionVendingThrow
- ActionVendingThrow
+ - ActionVendingThrow
- proto: VendingMachineCondiments
- uid: 1019
@@ -187675,7 +187714,7 @@ entities:
DoorStatus: True
- type: Door
- secondsUntilStateChange: -121221.1
+ secondsUntilStateChange: -121432.9
state: Opening
- uid: 5096
@@ -187697,7 +187736,7 @@ entities:
DoorStatus: True
- type: Door
- secondsUntilStateChange: -121221.1
+ secondsUntilStateChange: -121432.9
state: Opening
- uid: 5498
@@ -187713,7 +187752,7 @@ entities:
DoorStatus: True
- type: Door
- secondsUntilStateChange: -120944.72
+ secondsUntilStateChange: -121156.516
state: Opening
- uid: 8696
@@ -187746,7 +187785,7 @@ entities:
DoorStatus: True
- type: Door
- secondsUntilStateChange: -120942.836
+ secondsUntilStateChange: -121154.63
state: Opening
- uid: 18835
@@ -187758,7 +187797,7 @@ entities:
DoorStatus: True
- type: Door
- secondsUntilStateChange: -120939.836
+ secondsUntilStateChange: -121151.63
state: Opening
- uid: 23917
diff --git a/Resources/Maps/tortuga.yml b/Resources/Maps/tortuga.yml
index f7c004a8c62..37b4562d381 100644
--- a/Resources/Maps/tortuga.yml
+++ b/Resources/Maps/tortuga.yml
@@ -449,7 +449,7 @@ entities:
version: 6
ind: 3,-1
version: 6
ind: -1,7
@@ -10133,7 +10133,8 @@ entities:
0: 33791
- 0: 30583
+ 0: 14199
+ 2: 16384
0: 59630
@@ -10982,10 +10983,10 @@ entities:
0: 65473
0: 4371
- 2: 52352
+ 3: 52352
0: 56705
- 2: 12
+ 3: 12
0: 61129
@@ -10993,10 +10994,10 @@ entities:
0: 65422
- 2: 30512
+ 3: 30512
0: 8
- 2: 7
+ 3: 7
0: 13056
0: 61198
@@ -11011,7 +11012,7 @@ entities:
1: 61440
0: 65281
- 2: 12
+ 3: 12
0: 65521
@@ -11023,7 +11024,7 @@ entities:
1: 61440
0: 65518
- 2: 1
+ 3: 1
0: 65520
@@ -11063,7 +11064,7 @@ entities:
0: 30583
0: 61527
- 3: 32
+ 4: 32
0: 30711
@@ -11199,8 +11200,8 @@ entities:
0: 65535
0: 255
- 4: 32768
- 5: 8192
+ 5: 32768
+ 6: 8192
0: 30583
@@ -11337,11 +11338,11 @@ entities:
0: 26214
0: 15
- 2: 65280
+ 3: 65280
0: 30566
- 2: 4607
+ 3: 4607
0: 60928
0: 60637
@@ -11668,8 +11669,8 @@ entities:
0: 4359
0: 255
- 6: 8192
- 7: 32768
+ 7: 8192
+ 8: 32768
0: 14327
@@ -11682,7 +11683,7 @@ entities:
0: 30583
0: 255
- 7: 40960
+ 8: 40960
0: 2032
@@ -11695,7 +11696,7 @@ entities:
0: 65535
0: 255
- 7: 40960
+ 8: 40960
0: 30583
@@ -11730,10 +11731,10 @@ entities:
0: 64443
0: 5003
- 2: 52224
+ 3: 52224
0: 4400
- 2: 52428
+ 3: 52428
0: 47359
@@ -12237,11 +12238,11 @@ entities:
0: 4369
- 6: 34
- 7: 136
+ 7: 34
+ 8: 136
- 4: 136
- 5: 34
+ 5: 136
+ 6: 34
1: 65311
@@ -12255,7 +12256,7 @@ entities:
1: 29936
- 7: 170
+ 8: 170
1: 62579
@@ -12263,7 +12264,7 @@ entities:
1: 17532
- 7: 170
+ 8: 170
1: 29764
@@ -13091,6 +13092,21 @@ entities:
- 0
- 0
- 0
+ - volume: 2500
+ temperature: 293.1495
+ moles:
+ - 20.078888
+ - 75.53487
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
- volume: 2500
temperature: 235
@@ -16798,6 +16814,14 @@ entities:
rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 59.5,-20.5
parent: 33
+- proto: AirlockExternalGlassShuttleMiningFilled
+ entities:
+ - uid: 33525
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 53.5,-0.5
+ parent: 33
- proto: AirlockExternalGlassShuttleShipyard
- uid: 1495
@@ -67196,22 +67220,6 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: -45.5,64.5
parent: 33
- - uid: 8928
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: -45.5,3.5
- parent: 33
- - type: ContainerContainer
- containers:
- entity_storage: !type:Container
- showEnts: False
- occludes: True
- ents:
- - 9007
- paper_label: !type:ContainerSlot
- showEnts: False
- occludes: True
- ent: null
- uid: 18499
- type: Transform
@@ -72863,6 +72871,26 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: -47.132412,74.153694
parent: 33
+- proto: DimLightBulb
+ entities:
+ - uid: 10634
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ parent: 10633
+ - type: Physics
+ canCollide: False
+ - uid: 10923
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ parent: 10633
+ - type: Physics
+ canCollide: False
+ - uid: 17651
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ parent: 10633
+ - type: Physics
+ canCollide: False
- proto: DiseaseDiagnoser
- uid: 30498
@@ -142126,6 +142154,16 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: -19.5,-97.5
parent: 33
+ - uid: 33528
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 52.5,-0.5
+ parent: 33
+ - uid: 33529
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 54.5,-0.5
+ parent: 33
- proto: GrilleBroken
- uid: 5569
@@ -144700,26 +144738,6 @@ entities:
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 6.222972,-33.428795
parent: 33
-- proto: LightBulbMaintenanceRed
- entities:
- - uid: 10634
- components:
- - type: Transform
- parent: 10633
- - type: Physics
- canCollide: False
- - uid: 10923
- components:
- - type: Transform
- parent: 10633
- - type: Physics
- canCollide: False
- - uid: 17651
- components:
- - type: Transform
- parent: 10633
- - type: Physics
- canCollide: False
- proto: Lighter
- uid: 4387
@@ -145462,6 +145480,42 @@ entities:
showEnts: False
occludes: True
ent: null
+- proto: LockerPsychologistFilled
+ entities:
+ - uid: 8928
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -45.5,3.5
+ parent: 33
+ - type: EntityStorage
+ air:
+ volume: 200
+ immutable: False
+ temperature: 293.1465
+ moles:
+ - 1.7459903
+ - 6.568249
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - type: ContainerContainer
+ containers:
+ entity_storage: !type:Container
+ showEnts: False
+ occludes: True
+ ents:
+ - 9007
+ paper_label: !type:ContainerSlot
+ showEnts: False
+ occludes: True
+ ent: null
- proto: LockerQuarterMasterFilled
- uid: 11309
@@ -160018,6 +160072,223 @@ entities:
parent: 31478
- type: Physics
canCollide: False
+- proto: PoweredDimSmallLight
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1132
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -16.5,54.5
+ parent: 33
+ - uid: 5193
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -39.5,-19.5
+ parent: 33
+ - uid: 5930
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 16.5,6.5
+ parent: 33
+ - uid: 5936
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 28.5,36.5
+ parent: 33
+ - uid: 5937
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 17.5,2.5
+ parent: 33
+ - uid: 5938
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 38.5,50.5
+ parent: 33
+ - uid: 5939
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 22.5,55.5
+ parent: 33
+ - uid: 5941
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 7.5,72.5
+ parent: 33
+ - uid: 5946
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 2.5,35.5
+ parent: 33
+ - uid: 5947
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 2.5,47.5
+ parent: 33
+ - uid: 5949
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -16.5,56.5
+ parent: 33
+ - uid: 5954
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 36.5,-1.5
+ parent: 33
+ - uid: 5957
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 18.5,17.5
+ parent: 33
+ - uid: 5960
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 27.5,25.5
+ parent: 33
+ - uid: 9778
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 14.5,52.5
+ parent: 33
+ - uid: 9809
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 7.5,74.5
+ parent: 33
+ - uid: 9810
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 3.5,85.5
+ parent: 33
+ - uid: 9811
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 9.5,82.5
+ parent: 33
+ - uid: 12710
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -86.5,-10.5
+ parent: 33
+ - uid: 12711
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -88.5,-0.5
+ parent: 33
+ - uid: 12738
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -58.5,24.5
+ parent: 33
+ - uid: 12740
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -35.5,26.5
+ parent: 33
+ - uid: 12741
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -38.5,26.5
+ parent: 33
+ - uid: 12742
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -42.5,26.5
+ parent: 33
+ - uid: 12747
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -15.5,86.5
+ parent: 33
+ - uid: 12759
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 3.5,25.5
+ parent: 33
+ - uid: 12760
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -10.5,47.5
+ parent: 33
+ - uid: 12766
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -7.5,61.5
+ parent: 33
+ - uid: 18480
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -43.5,-30.5
+ parent: 33
+ - uid: 18501
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -92.5,-22.5
+ parent: 33
+ - uid: 18508
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -94.5,6.5
+ parent: 33
+ - uid: 20879
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -69.5,18.5
+ parent: 33
+ - uid: 26813
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -92.5,-25.5
+ parent: 33
+ - uid: 28833
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -21.5,96.5
+ parent: 33
+ - uid: 28834
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -21.5,98.5
+ parent: 33
+ - uid: 28835
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -20.5,97.5
+ parent: 33
+ - uid: 28836
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -22.5,97.5
+ parent: 33
+ - uid: 30544
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -72.5,19.5
+ parent: 33
- proto: Poweredlight
- uid: 459
@@ -163802,223 +164073,6 @@ entities:
rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: -83.5,12.5
parent: 33
-- proto: PoweredSmallLightMaintenanceRed
- entities:
- - uid: 1132
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -16.5,54.5
- parent: 33
- - uid: 5193
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: -39.5,-19.5
- parent: 33
- - uid: 5930
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,6.5
- parent: 33
- - uid: 5936
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 28.5,36.5
- parent: 33
- - uid: 5937
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 17.5,2.5
- parent: 33
- - uid: 5938
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 38.5,50.5
- parent: 33
- - uid: 5939
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 22.5,55.5
- parent: 33
- - uid: 5941
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,72.5
- parent: 33
- - uid: 5946
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,35.5
- parent: 33
- - uid: 5947
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,47.5
- parent: 33
- - uid: 5949
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: -16.5,56.5
- parent: 33
- - uid: 5954
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 36.5,-1.5
- parent: 33
- - uid: 5957
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 18.5,17.5
- parent: 33
- - uid: 5960
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 27.5,25.5
- parent: 33
- - uid: 9778
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,52.5
- parent: 33
- - uid: 9809
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 7.5,74.5
- parent: 33
- - uid: 9810
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 3.5,85.5
- parent: 33
- - uid: 9811
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,82.5
- parent: 33
- - uid: 12710
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -86.5,-10.5
- parent: 33
- - uid: 12711
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: -88.5,-0.5
- parent: 33
- - uid: 12738
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: -58.5,24.5
- parent: 33
- - uid: 12740
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -35.5,26.5
- parent: 33
- - uid: 12741
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -38.5,26.5
- parent: 33
- - uid: 12742
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: -42.5,26.5
- parent: 33
- - uid: 12747
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -15.5,86.5
- parent: 33
- - uid: 12759
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 3.5,25.5
- parent: 33
- - uid: 12760
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -10.5,47.5
- parent: 33
- - uid: 12766
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -7.5,61.5
- parent: 33
- - uid: 18480
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -43.5,-30.5
- parent: 33
- - uid: 18501
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -92.5,-22.5
- parent: 33
- - uid: 18508
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -94.5,6.5
- parent: 33
- - uid: 20879
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -69.5,18.5
- parent: 33
- - uid: 26813
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -92.5,-25.5
- parent: 33
- - uid: 28833
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: -21.5,96.5
- parent: 33
- - uid: 28834
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -21.5,98.5
- parent: 33
- - uid: 28835
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -20.5,97.5
- parent: 33
- - uid: 28836
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -22.5,97.5
- parent: 33
- - uid: 30544
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: -72.5,19.5
- parent: 33
- proto: PresentRandom
- uid: 2958
@@ -174192,6 +174246,16 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: -42.5,-70.5
parent: 33
+ - uid: 33526
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 52.5,-0.5
+ parent: 33
+ - uid: 33527
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 54.5,-0.5
+ parent: 33
- proto: RemoteSignaller
- uid: 27714
@@ -205446,6 +205510,16 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: -49.5,-41.5
parent: 33
+ - uid: 33523
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 51.5,-0.5
+ parent: 33
+ - uid: 33524
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 55.5,-0.5
+ parent: 33
- proto: WallReinforcedRust
- uid: 31423
diff --git a/Resources/Migrations/deltaMigrations.yml b/Resources/Migrations/deltaMigrations.yml
index bab6685466a..18a7472447d 100644
--- a/Resources/Migrations/deltaMigrations.yml
+++ b/Resources/Migrations/deltaMigrations.yml
@@ -123,3 +123,8 @@ VendingMachineAutomatrobe: null
# 2024-11-08
SuitStorageSec: SuitStorageSecDeltaV
+# 2024-12-17
+LightBulbMaintenanceRed: DimLightBulb
+PoweredSmallLightMaintenanceRed: PoweredDimSmallLight
+AlwaysPoweredSmallLightMaintenanceRed: PoweredDimSmallLight
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/Fills/Lockers/suit_storage.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/Fills/Lockers/suit_storage.yml
index 59f0c33f1ca..6a254afc0bc 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/Fills/Lockers/suit_storage.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/Fills/Lockers/suit_storage.yml
@@ -238,23 +238,6 @@
- type: AccessReader
access: [["Salvage"]]
-# DeltaV - Adding Paramedic Suit Storage Unit
-#Paramedic hardsuit
-- type: entity
- id: SuitStorageParamedic
- parent: SuitStorageBase
- suffix: Paramedic
- components:
- - type: StorageFill
- contents:
- - id: NitrogenTankFilled
- - id: OxygenTankFilled
- - id: ClothingOuterHardsuitVoidParamed
- - id: ClothingHeadHelmetVoidParamed
- - id: ClothingMaskBreathMedical
- - type: AccessReader
- access: [ [ "Paramedic" ] ]
# DeltaV - Adding Corpsman Suit Storage Unit
- type: entity
id: SuitStorageCorpsman
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/Fills/Lockers/wardrobe_job.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/Fills/Lockers/wardrobe_job.yml
index 13b100f8ec5..0a133d070cd 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/Fills/Lockers/wardrobe_job.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/Fills/Lockers/wardrobe_job.yml
@@ -13,7 +13,10 @@
- id: ClothingShoesColorBlack
amount: 2
- id: ClothingMaskMuzzle
- - id: ClothingHeadsetPrison #DV - Added prisoner headsets
+ # Begin DeltaV modifications
+ - id: ClothingHeadsetPrison # Added prisoner headsets
+ - id: PrisonKnife # Bread cutting knife, does 4 damage total.
+ # End DeltaV modifications
#- type: entity
# id: WardrobePajamaFilled
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/gib.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/gib.yml
index 98513a48a4a..171eb196f77 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/gib.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/gib.yml
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
id: DrGibbInventory
DrinkDrGibbCan: 4
+ DrinkDrGibbBloodRedCan: 2 # Delta-V
DrinkGrapeCan: 2
DrinkRootBeerCan: 2
DrinkIcedTeaCan: 2
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Actions/types.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Actions/types.yml
index d1c7ac7ca35..8e8218a0798 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Actions/types.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Actions/types.yml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-- type: entity
+- type: entity
id: ActionOpenRadioImplant
name: Open Radio Implant
description: Opens the bluespace key compartment of the radio implant embedded in your skull.
@@ -34,3 +34,17 @@
sprite: Structures/Furniture/Tables/generic.rsi
state: full
event: !type:ToggleCrawlingStateEvent
+- type: entity
+ id: ActionPrecognition
+ name: Precognition
+ description: See into the future to get a hint about the next random event.
+ components:
+ - type: InstantAction
+ icon:
+ sprite: DeltaV/Interface/Actions/actions_psionics.rsi
+ state: precognition
+ useDelay: 240
+ checkCanInteract: false
+ checkConsciousness: false
+ event: !type:PrecognitionPowerActionEvent
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Body/Organs/ashwalker.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Body/Organs/ashwalker.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c0388ffd0ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Body/Organs/ashwalker.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+- type: entity
+ parent: OrganAnimalLungs
+ id: OrganAshWalkerLungs
+ name: ashwalker lungs
+ description: These lungs are adapted from isolation in lavaland, capable of withstanding the low oxygen content and ash storms.
+ components:
+ - type: Lung
+ saturationLoss: 0.5
+ # TODO SHITMED: add AshStormImmune when transplanted
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Body/Prototypes/ashwalker.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Body/Prototypes/ashwalker.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..59c55e89f4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Body/Prototypes/ashwalker.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+# TODO: will need updating with shitmed
+- type: body
+ name: ashwalker
+ id: AshWalker
+ root: torso
+ slots:
+ head:
+ part: HeadReptilian
+ connections:
+ - torso
+ organs:
+ brain: OrganHumanBrain
+ eyes: OrganHumanEyes
+ torso:
+ part: TorsoReptilian
+ organs:
+ heart: OrganAnimalHeart
+ lungs: OrganAshWalkerLungs
+ stomach: OrganReptilianStomach
+ liver: OrganAnimalLiver
+ kidneys: OrganHumanKidneys
+ connections:
+ - right arm
+ - left arm
+ - right leg
+ - left leg
+ right arm:
+ part: RightArmReptilian
+ connections:
+ - right hand
+ left arm:
+ part: LeftArmReptilian
+ connections:
+ - left hand
+ right hand:
+ part: RightHandReptilian
+ left hand:
+ part: LeftHandReptilian
+ right leg:
+ part: RightLegReptilian
+ connections:
+ - right foot
+ left leg:
+ part: LeftLegReptilian
+ connections:
+ - left foot
+ right foot:
+ part: RightFootReptilian
+ left foot:
+ part: LeftFootReptilian
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Catalog/Cargo/cargo_food.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Catalog/Cargo/cargo_food.yml
index 7c4e08cfcf0..325eb6e078a 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Catalog/Cargo/cargo_food.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Catalog/Cargo/cargo_food.yml
@@ -87,4 +87,3 @@
cost: 500
category: Food
group: market
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Catalog/Fills/Lockers/suit_storage.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Catalog/Fills/Lockers/suit_storage.yml
index ab0542d0df2..b0bcd6aad9f 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Catalog/Fills/Lockers/suit_storage.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Catalog/Fills/Lockers/suit_storage.yml
@@ -15,3 +15,25 @@
amount: 2
- id: JetpackSecurityFilled
amount: 2
+#Paramedic hardsuit
+- type: entityTable
+ id: ParamedicSuitStorageFill
+ table: !type:AllSelector
+ children:
+ - id: NitrogenTankFilled
+ - id: OxygenTankFilled
+ - id: ClothingOuterHardsuitVoidParamed
+ - id: ClothingMaskBreathMedical
+- type: entity
+ parent: SuitStorageBase
+ id: SuitStorageParamedic
+ suffix: Paramedic
+ components:
+ - type: EntityTableContainerFill
+ containers:
+ entity_storage: !type:NestedSelector
+ tableId: ParamedicSuitStorageFill
+ - type: AccessReader
+ access: [["Paramedic"]]
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Catalog/Fills/Paper/manuals.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Catalog/Fills/Paper/manuals.yml
index fcb93c1c918..bafae422037 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Catalog/Fills/Paper/manuals.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Catalog/Fills/Paper/manuals.yml
@@ -23,4 +23,16 @@
suffix: Lunchbox, Unhealthy
- type: Paper
- content: book-text-lunchbox-unhealthy
\ No newline at end of file
+ content: book-text-lunchbox-unhealthy
+- type: entity
+ parent: Paper
+ id: PaperWrittenSubscriptionNotice
+ name: "subscription notice"
+ description: "Thank you for your purchase"
+ components:
+ - type: Paper
+ content: book-text-subscription-notice
+ stampedBy:
+ - stampedColor: "#850000"
+ stampedName: stamp-component-stamped-name-syndicate
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Catalog/fugitive_sets.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Catalog/fugitive_sets.yml
index 4dc38e493c2..b2e2328693a 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Catalog/fugitive_sets.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Catalog/fugitive_sets.yml
@@ -59,3 +59,14 @@
- AgentIDCard
- FreedomImplanter
- ClothingMaskGasSyndicate
+- type: thiefBackpackSet
+ id: FugitiveDisruptor
+ name: fugitive-set-disruptor-name
+ description: fugitive-set-disruptor-description
+ sprite:
+ sprite: Objects/Tools/emag.rsi
+ state: icon
+ content:
+ - Emag
+ - CameraBug
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Entities/Clothing/Head/hardsuit-helmets.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Entities/Clothing/Head/hardsuit-helmets.yml
index 6bae05ae307..1505dec5d7f 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Entities/Clothing/Head/hardsuit-helmets.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Entities/Clothing/Head/hardsuit-helmets.yml
@@ -135,3 +135,26 @@
sprite: DeltaV/Clothing/Head/Hardsuits/Combat/hos.rsi
- type: Clothing
sprite: DeltaV/Clothing/Head/Hardsuits/Combat/hos.rsi
+#Paramedic Void Helmet
+- type: entity
+ parent: ClothingHeadHardsuitWithLightBase
+ id: ClothingHeadHelmetVoidParamedDeltaV
+ name: paramedic void helmet
+ components:
+ - type: Sprite
+ sprite: DeltaV/Clothing/Head/Helmets/paramedhelm.rsi
+ - type: Clothing
+ sprite: DeltaV/Clothing/Head/Helmets/paramedhelm.rsi
+ - type: ToggleableLightVisuals
+ - type: PointLight
+ radius: 6
+ color: "#addbff"
+ - type: TemperatureProtection
+ heatingCoefficient: 0.1
+ coolingCoefficient: 0.1
+ - type: Armor
+ modifiers:
+ coefficients:
+ Heat: 0.90
+ Radiation: 0.75
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Entities/Markers/Spawners/jobs.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Entities/Markers/Spawners/jobs.yml
index 50f08716086..e9b4deae0c1 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Entities/Markers/Spawners/jobs.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Entities/Markers/Spawners/jobs.yml
@@ -92,3 +92,16 @@
- state: green
- sprite: DeltaV/Markers/jobs.rsi
state: roboticist
+- type: entity
+ parent: SpawnPointJobBase
+ id: SpawnPointCargoAssistant
+ name: cargo assistant
+ components:
+ - type: SpawnPoint
+ job_id: CargoTechnician # Change to CargoAssistant once it's mapped on every map
+ - type: Sprite
+ layers:
+ - state: green
+ - sprite: DeltaV/Markers/jobs.rsi
+ state: cargoassistant
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Entities/Mobs/Customization/Markings/moth.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Entities/Mobs/Customization/Markings/moth.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7097be16ffa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Entities/Mobs/Customization/Markings/moth.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+- type: marking
+ id: MothWingsClassicSelene
+ bodyPart: Tail
+ markingCategory: Tail
+ forcedColoring: true
+ speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+ coloring:
+ default:
+ type:
+ !type:SimpleColoring
+ color: "#FFFFFF"
+ sprites:
+ - sprite: DeltaV/Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
+ state: selene
+- type: marking
+ id: MothWingsSelene
+ bodyPart: Tail
+ markingCategory: Tail
+ speciesRestriction: [Moth]
+ sprites:
+ - sprite: DeltaV/Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
+ state: selene_primary
+ - sprite: DeltaV/Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
+ state: selene_secondary
+ - sprite: DeltaV/Mobs/Customization/Moth/moth_wings.rsi
+ state: selene_tertiary
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Entities/Mobs/Species/ashwalker.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Entities/Mobs/Species/ashwalker.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4a397caaa37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Entities/Mobs/Species/ashwalker.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+- type: entity
+ save: false
+ parent: MobReptilian
+ id: MobAshWalker
+ name: Urist McAsh
+ suffix: ""
+ components:
+ - type: Body
+ prototype: AshWalker
+ - type: AshStormImmune
+ # TODO: shitmed stuff so you can steal ashwalker lungs
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Drinks/drinks_cans.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Drinks/drinks_cans.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a7e16b8c33c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Drinks/drinks_cans.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+- type: entity
+ parent: DrinkCanBaseFull
+ id: DrinkDrGibbBloodRedCan
+ name: Dr. Gibb Blood Red can
+ description: A drink to quench YOUR bloodthirst.
+ components:
+ - type: SolutionContainerManager
+ solutions:
+ drink:
+ maxVol: 30
+ reagents:
+ - ReagentId: DrGibbBloodRed
+ Quantity: 30
+ - type: Sprite
+ sprite: DeltaV/Objects/Consumable/Drinks/drgibbbloodred.rsi
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Entities/Objects/Devices/pda.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Entities/Objects/Devices/pda.yml
index 8b4478d804c..9194afa30c9 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Entities/Objects/Devices/pda.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Entities/Objects/Devices/pda.yml
@@ -190,6 +190,16 @@
- MailMetricsCartridge
- NanoChatCartridge
+- type: entity
+ parent: CargoPDA
+ id: CargoAssistantPDA
+ name: cargo assistant PDA
+ description: It smells like cardboard.
+ components:
+ - type: Pda
+ id: CargoAssistantIDCard
+ state: pda-cargo-assistant
## Alternate Job Titles
# Passenger
@@ -310,6 +320,38 @@
id: ClinicianIDCard
state: pda-phys # - aPDA Sprite Rework
+# Psychologist
+- type: entity
+ parent: PsychologistPDA
+ id: PsychiatristPDA
+ name: psychiatrist PDA
+ description: Sterile-smelling and neutrally colored.
+ components:
+ - type: Pda
+ id: PsychiatristIDCard
+ state: pda-psychiatrist
+- type: entity
+ parent: PsychologistPDA
+ id: TherapistPDA
+ name: therapist PDA
+ description: Covered in a rubberized case in a reassuring shade of brown.
+ components:
+ - type: Pda
+ id: TherapistIDCard
+ state: pda-therapist
+- type: entity
+ parent: PsychologistPDA
+ id: SocialWorkerPDA
+ name: social worker PDA
+ description: Dented and scratched. It's been well-used.
+ components:
+ - type: Pda
+ id: SocialWorkerIDCard
+ state: pda-socialworker
# Atmospherics Technician
- type: entity
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Entities/Objects/Misc/books.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Entities/Objects/Misc/books.yml
index 012f46ae10e..b6ba4e1cac6 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Entities/Objects/Misc/books.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Entities/Objects/Misc/books.yml
@@ -44,3 +44,67 @@
color: "#2c5491"
- type: Paper
content: book-text-vulpkanin
+- type: entity
+ parent: BaseItem
+ id: BookGorlexGirlfriends
+ name: Gorlex Girlfriends
+ description: Issue 197 - Starring Operative November
+ components:
+ - type: Sprite
+ sprite: DeltaV/Objects/Misc/gorlex_magazine.rsi
+ state: icon
+ - type: Paper
+ contentSize: 12000
+ content: book-text-gorlexgirlfriend
+ stampedBy:
+ - stampedColor: "#850000"
+ stampedName: stamp-component-stamped-name-syndicate
+ - type: ActivatableUI
+ key: enum.PaperUiKey.Key
+ requiresComplex: false
+ - type: UserInterface
+ interfaces:
+ enum.PaperUiKey.Key:
+ type: PaperBoundUserInterface
+ - type: Tag
+ tags:
+ - Book
+ - type: PaperVisuals
+ backgroundImagePath: "/Textures/Interface/Paper/paper_background_book.svg.96dpi.png"
+ backgroundPatchMargin: 23.0, 16.0, 14.0, 15.0
+ contentMargin: 20.0, 20.0, 20.0, 20.0
+ - type: MeleeWeapon
+ soundHit:
+ collection: Punch
+ damage:
+ types:
+ Blunt: 1
+ - type: DamageOtherOnHit
+ damage:
+ types:
+ Blunt: 1
+- type: entity
+ id: BookLogistics
+ parent: BaseGuidebook
+ name: logistics 101
+ description: A Nanotrasen guide book for a new cargo assistant still on training
+ components:
+ - type: Sprite
+ layers:
+ - state: paper
+ - state: cover_strong
+ color: "#785214"
+ - state: decor_wingette
+ color: "#a8741e"
+ - state: decor_spine
+ color: "#a8741e"
+ - state: icon_diamond
+ - state: icon_text3
+ color: "#ffffff"
+ - type: GuideHelp
+ guides:
+ - Cargo
+ - Salvage
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Entities/Objects/Misc/identification_cards.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Entities/Objects/Misc/identification_cards.yml
index 8c93b96d4e6..193aed8af56 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Entities/Objects/Misc/identification_cards.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Entities/Objects/Misc/identification_cards.yml
@@ -50,6 +50,19 @@
- type: PresetIdCard
job: Courier
+- type: entity
+ parent: IDCardStandard
+ id: CargoAssistantIDCard
+ name: cargo assistant ID card
+ components:
+ - type: Sprite
+ layers:
+ - state: default
+ - sprite: DeltaV/Objects/Misc/id_cards.rsi
+ state: idcargoassistant
+ - type: PresetIdCard
+ job: CargoAssistant
## Alternate Job Titles
# Passenger
@@ -150,6 +163,32 @@
- type: IdCard
jobTitle: job-alt-title-clinician
+# Psychologist
+- type: entity
+ parent: PsychologistIDCard
+ id: PsychiatristIDCard
+ name: psychiatrist ID card
+ components:
+ - type: IdCard
+ jobTitle: job-alt-title-psychiatrist
+- type: entity
+ parent: PsychologistIDCard
+ id: TherapistIDCard
+ name: therapist ID card
+ components:
+ - type: IdCard
+ jobTitle: job-alt-title-therapist
+- type: entity
+ parent: PsychologistIDCard
+ id: SocialWorkerIDCard
+ name: social worker ID card
+ components:
+ - type: IdCard
+ jobTitle: job-alt-title-social-worker
# Atmospheric Technician
- type: entity
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Entities/Objects/Specific/Mail/mail.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Entities/Objects/Specific/Mail/mail.yml
index 9bb228637a3..09b3a8ae88f 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Entities/Objects/Specific/Mail/mail.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Entities/Objects/Specific/Mail/mail.yml
@@ -1741,3 +1741,13 @@
- type: Mail
- id: ClothingBeltFoamSheathFilled
+- type: entity
+ parent: BaseMail
+ id: MailGorlexGirlfriends
+ suffix: Gorlex Girlfriends
+ components:
+ - type: Mail
+ contents:
+ - id: PaperWrittenSubscriptionNotice
+ - id: BookGorlexGirlfriends
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Entities/Objects/Specific/fugitive.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Entities/Objects/Specific/fugitive.yml
index 305a9a801d3..b23f4635421 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Entities/Objects/Specific/fugitive.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Entities/Objects/Specific/fugitive.yml
@@ -13,3 +13,4 @@
- FugitiveGhost
- FugitiveLeverage
- FugitiveInfiltrator
+ - FugitiveDisruptor
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Battery/battery_guns.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Battery/battery_guns.yml
index 8885134daef..6cdeba10d4c 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Battery/battery_guns.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Battery/battery_guns.yml
@@ -262,6 +262,30 @@
zeroVisible: true
- type: Appearance
+- type: entity
+ parent: [ BaseWeaponBattery, BaseGunWieldable, BaseSecurityContraband ]
+ id: WeaponColdCannon
+ name: I.C.E.E.
+ description: It's cooler than a normal gun.
+ components:
+ - type: Sprite
+ sprite: DeltaV/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Battery/cold_cannon.rsi
+ layers:
+ - state: base
+ map: ["enum.GunVisualLayers.Base"]
+ - state: mag-unshaded-4
+ map: ["enum.GunVisualLayers.MagUnshaded"]
+ shader: unshaded
+ - type: Clothing
+ sprite: DeltaV/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Battery/cold_cannon.rsi
+ - type: Gun
+ fireRate: 1.5
+ soundGunshot:
+ path: /Audio/Weapons/Guns/Gunshots/laser_cannon.ogg
+ - type: HitscanBatteryAmmoProvider
+ proto: ColdLaser
+ fireCost: 100
- type: entity
parent: [ BaseWeaponBattery, BaseGunWieldable, BaseSecurityContraband ]
id: WeaponBeamCannon
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Projectiles/hitscan.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Projectiles/hitscan.yml
index d2420ca3bfb..f7daf83b424 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Projectiles/hitscan.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Projectiles/hitscan.yml
@@ -14,6 +14,21 @@
sprite: Objects/Weapons/Guns/Projectiles/projectiles.rsi
state: impact_omni
+- type: hitscan
+ id: ColdLaser
+ damage:
+ types:
+ Cold: 20
+ muzzleFlash:
+ sprite: Objects/Weapons/Guns/Projectiles/projectiles.rsi
+ state: muzzle_omni
+ travelFlash:
+ sprite: Objects/Weapons/Guns/Projectiles/projectiles.rsi
+ state: beam_omni
+ impactFlash:
+ sprite: Objects/Weapons/Guns/Projectiles/projectiles.rsi
+ state: impact_omni
+ heatChange: -50000
- type: hitscan
id: BeamLaser
@@ -44,3 +59,4 @@
sprite: DeltaV/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Projectiles/projectiles.rsi
state: impact_laser
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Melee/knife.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Melee/knife.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b19fa1dbfe5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Melee/knife.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+- type: entity
+ parent: KitchenKnife
+ id: PrisonKnife
+ name: prisoner's knife
+ description: A slightly dulled bread knife
+ components:
+ - type: Sprite
+ sprite: DeltaV/Objects/Weapons/Melee/prison_knife.rsi
+ state: icon
+ - type: Item
+ sprite: DeltaV/Objects/Weapons/Melee/prison_knife.rsi
+ - type: MeleeWeapon
+ damage:
+ types:
+ Slash: 3
+ Blunt: 1
+ - type: Execution
+ doAfterDuration: 10.0 # Duller knife.
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Entities/Structures/Storage/Closets/Lockers/lockers.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Entities/Structures/Storage/Closets/Lockers/lockers.yml
index d442b0cf3f5..bb388fe66d4 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Entities/Structures/Storage/Closets/Lockers/lockers.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Entities/Structures/Storage/Closets/Lockers/lockers.yml
@@ -1,19 +1,30 @@
+- type: entity
+ parent: LockerBase
+ id: LockerBaseDeltaV
+ components:
+ - type: Sprite
+ sprite: DeltaV/Structures/Storage/closet.rsi
+- type: entity
+ parent: [ LockerBaseDeltaV, LockerBaseSecure ]
+ id: LockerBaseSecureDeltaV
- type: entity
id: LockerChiefJustice
- parent: LockerBaseSecure
+ parent: LockerBaseSecureDeltaV
name: chief justice's locker
- type: Appearance
- type: EntityStorageVisuals
- stateBaseClosed: cj
+ stateBaseClosed: cj
stateDoorOpen: cj_open
stateDoorClosed: cj_door
- type: AccessReader
access: [["ChiefJustice"]]
- type: entity
id: LockerClerk
- parent: LockerBaseSecure
+ parent: LockerBaseSecureDeltaV
name: clerk's locker
- type: Appearance
@@ -25,12 +36,10 @@
access: [["Clerk"]]
- type: entity
- parent: LockerBaseSecure
+ parent: LockerBaseSecureDeltaV
id: LockerPsychologist
name: psychologist's locker
- - type: Sprite
- sprite: DeltaV/Structures/Storage/closet.rsi
- type: EntityStorageVisuals
stateBaseClosed: psych
stateDoorOpen: psych_open
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Flavors/flavors.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Flavors/flavors.yml
index 8d0d01efa0b..3dc68673b0d 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Flavors/flavors.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Flavors/flavors.yml
@@ -121,6 +121,237 @@
flavorType: Complex
description: flavor-complex-blellow
+#Delta-V additional drink flavors
+- type: flavor
+ id: absinthe
+ flavorType: Complex
+ description: flavor-complex-absinthe
+- type: flavor
+ id: blue-curacao
+ flavorType: Complex
+ description: flavor-complex-blue-curacao
+- type: flavor
+ id: deadrum
+ flavorType: Complex
+ description: flavor-complex-deadrum
+- type: flavor
+ id: n-t-cahors
+ flavorType: Complex
+ description: flavor-complex-n-t-cahors
+- type: flavor
+ id: poison-wine
+ flavorType: Complex
+ description: flavor-complex-poison-wine
+- type: flavor
+ id: acidspit
+ flavorType: Complex
+ description: flavor-complex-acidspit
+- type: flavor
+ id: allies-cocktail
+ flavorType: Complex
+ description: flavor-complex-allies-cocktail
+- type: flavor
+ id: amasec
+ flavorType: Complex
+ description: flavor-complex-amasec
+- type: flavor
+ id: andalusia
+ flavorType: Complex
+ description: flavor-complex-andalusia
+- type: flavor
+ id: b52
+ flavorType: Complex
+ description: flavor-complex-b52
+- type: flavor
+ id: bahama-mama
+ flavorType: Complex
+ description: flavor-complex-bahama-mama
+- type: flavor
+ id: barefoot
+ flavorType: Complex
+ description: flavor-complex-barefoot
+- type: flavor
+ id: booger
+ flavorType: Complex
+ description: flavor-complex-booger
+- type: flavor
+ id: brave-bull
+ flavorType: Complex
+ description: flavor-complex-brave-bull
+- type: flavor
+ id: demons-blood
+ flavorType: Complex
+ description: flavor-complex-demons-blood
+- type: flavor
+ id: devils-kiss
+ flavorType: Complex
+ description: flavor-complex-devils-kiss
+- type: flavor
+ id: doctors-delight
+ flavorType: Complex
+ description: flavor-complex-doctors-delight
+- type: flavor
+ id: driest-martini
+ flavorType: Complex
+ description: flavor-complex-driest-martini
+- type: flavor
+ id: erika-surprise
+ flavorType: Complex
+ description: flavor-complex-erika-surprise
+- type: flavor
+ id: gin-fizz
+ flavorType: Complex
+ description: flavor-complex-gin-fizz
+- type: flavor
+ id: gildlager
+ flavorType: Complex
+ description: flavor-complex-gildlager
+- type: flavor
+ id: grog
+ flavorType: Complex
+ description: flavor-complex-grog
+- type: flavor
+ id: hippies-delight
+ flavorType: Complex
+ description: flavor-complex-hippies-delight
+- type: flavor
+ id: hooch
+ flavorType: Complex
+ description: flavor-complex-hooch
+- type: flavor
+ id: irish-cream
+ flavorType: Complex
+ description: flavor-complex-irish-cream
+- type: flavor
+ id: kira-special
+ flavorType: Complex
+ description: flavor-complex-kira-special
+- type: flavor
+ id: manhattan
+ flavorType: Complex
+ description: flavor-complex-manhattan
+- type: flavor
+ id: manhattan-project
+ flavorType: Complex
+ description: flavor-complex-manhattan-project
+- type: flavor
+ id: margarita
+ flavorType: Complex
+ description: flavor-complex-margarita
+- type: flavor
+ id: martini
+ flavorType: Complex
+ description: flavor-complex-martini
+- type: flavor
+ id: mojito
+ flavorType: Complex
+ description: flavor-complex-mojito
+- type: flavor
+ id: neurotoxin
+ flavorType: Complex
+ description: flavor-complex-neurotoxin
+- type: flavor
+ id: patron
+ flavorType: Complex
+ description: flavor-complex-patron
+- type: flavor
+ id: red-mead
+ flavorType: Complex
+ description: flavor-complex-red-mead
+- type: flavor
+ id: rewriter
+ flavorType: Complex
+ description: flavor-complex-rewriter
+- type: flavor
+ id: sbiten
+ flavorType: Complex
+ description: flavor-complex-sbiten
+- type: flavor
+ id: silencer
+ flavorType: Complex
+ description: flavor-complex-silencer
+- type: flavor
+ id: snow-white
+ flavorType: Complex
+ description: flavor-complex-snow-white
+- type: flavor
+ id: sui-dream
+ flavorType: Complex
+ description: flavor-complex-sui-dream
+- type: flavor
+ id: syndicate-bomb
+ flavorType: Complex
+ description: flavor-complex-syndicate-bomb
+- type: flavor
+ id: toxins-special
+ flavorType: Complex
+ description: flavor-complex-toxins-special
+- type: flavor
+ id: vodka-martini
+ flavorType: Complex
+ description: flavor-complex-vodka-martini
+- type: flavor
+ id: vodka-tonic
+ flavorType: Complex
+ description: flavor-complex-vodka-tonic
+- type: flavor
+ id: kvass
+ flavorType: Complex
+ description: flavor-complex-kvass
+- type: flavor
+ id: mothamphetamine
+ flavorType: Complex
+ description: flavor-complex-mothamphetamine
+- type: flavor
+ id: drgibbbloodred
+ flavorType: Complex
+ description: flavor-complex-drgibbbloodred
# this is prefixed with "candy" to avoid clashes with potential future strawberries upstream
- type: flavor
id: candystrawberry
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/GameRules/events.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/GameRules/events.yml
index 9e4496cf0ab..45a6a1d0237 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/GameRules/events.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/GameRules/events.yml
@@ -30,6 +30,8 @@
volume: -4
duration: null #ending is handled by MeteorSwarmRule
+ - type: PrecognitionResult
+ message: psionic-power-precognition-meteor-swarm-result-message
- type: MeteorSwarmRule
- type: entity
@@ -44,6 +46,8 @@
minimumPlayers: 20
weight: 1
duration: 60
+ - type: PrecognitionResult
+ message: psionic-power-precognition-xeno-vents-result-message
- type: VentCrittersRule
- id: MobXeno
@@ -72,6 +76,8 @@
minimumPlayers: 15
weight: 4
duration: 60
+ - type: PrecognitionResult
+ message: psionic-power-precognition-mothroach-spawn-result-message
- type: VentCrittersRule
- id: MobMothroach
@@ -87,6 +93,8 @@
minimumPlayers: 25
maxOccurrences: 1
duration: null
+ - type: PrecognitionResult
+ message: psionic-power-precognition-listening-post-result-message
- type: RuleGrids
- type: LoadFarGridRule
path: /Maps/Shuttles/DeltaV/listening_post.yml
@@ -146,6 +154,8 @@
- type: StationEvent
duration: null
+ - type: PrecognitionResult
+ message: psionic-power-precognition-paradox-anomaly-result-message
- type: ParadoxClonerRule
- type: AntagObjectives
@@ -169,6 +179,8 @@
- type: StationEvent
minimumPlayers: 40 # it's really easy to find fugitives on lowpop
duration: null
+ - type: PrecognitionResult
+ message: psionic-power-precognition-fugitive-result-message
- type: FugitiveRule
- type: AntagLoadProfileRule
- type: AntagObjectives
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/GameRules/glimmer_events.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/GameRules/glimmer_events.yml
index dc940422f8c..2d972f9809a 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/GameRules/glimmer_events.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/GameRules/glimmer_events.yml
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
parent: BaseGameRule
id: GlimmerEventScheduler
+ - type: NextEvent
- type: BasicStationEventScheduler
min: 300
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/GameRules/unknown_shuttles.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/GameRules/unknown_shuttles.yml
index 2959bebcc0b..38ec9d0df36 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/GameRules/unknown_shuttles.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/GameRules/unknown_shuttles.yml
@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@
minimumPlayers: 20
maxOccurrences: 1
duration: null
+ - type: PrecognitionResult
+ message: psionic-power-precognition-syndicate-recruiter-result-message
- type: RuleGrids
- type: LoadMapRule
preloadedGrid: SyndieRecruiterShip
@@ -56,6 +58,8 @@
minimumPlayers: 20
maxOccurrences: 1
duration: null
+ - type: PrecognitionResult
+ message: psionic-power-precognition-synthesis-specialist-result-message
- type: RuleGrids
- type: LoadMapRule
preloadedGrid: SyndieSynthesisShip
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Loadouts/Jobs/Medical/psychologist.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Loadouts/Jobs/Medical/psychologist.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c7e252151ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Loadouts/Jobs/Medical/psychologist.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+# PDA
+- type: loadout
+ id: PsychologistPDA
+ equipment:
+ id: PsychologistPDA
+- type: loadout
+ id: PsychiatristPDA
+ equipment:
+ id: PsychiatristPDA
+- type: loadout
+ id: TherapistPDA
+ equipment:
+ id: TherapistPDA
+ effects:
+ - !type:JobRequirementLoadoutEffect
+ requirement:
+ !type:RoleTimeRequirement
+ role: JobPsychologist
+ time: 14400 # 4 hours psychologist
+- type: loadout
+ id: SocialWorkerPDA
+ equipment:
+ id: SocialWorkerPDA
+ effects:
+ - !type:JobRequirementLoadoutEffect
+ requirement:
+ !type:DepartmentTimeRequirement
+ department: Civilian
+ time: 14400 # 4 hours service
+# Head
+- type: loadout
+ id: PsychologistFrenchBeret
+ equipment:
+ head: ClothingHeadHatBeretFrench
+- type: loadout
+ id: PsychologistGreyFlatcap
+ equipment:
+ head: ClothingHeadHatGreyFlatcap
+- type: loadout
+ id: PsychologistBrownFlatcap
+ equipment:
+ head: ClothingHeadHatBrownFlatcap
+# OuterClothing
+- type: loadout
+ id: PsychologistMedicalWinterCoat
+ equipment:
+ outerClothing: ClothingOuterWinterMed
+- type: loadout
+ id: PsychologistWinterCoat
+ equipment:
+ outerClothing: ClothingOuterWinterCoat
+- type: loadout
+ id: PsychologistWinterCoatPlaid
+ equipment:
+ outerClothing: ClothingOuterWinterCoatPlaid
+- type: loadout
+ id: PsychologistCoatBomber
+ equipment:
+ outerClothing: ClothingOuterCoatBomber
+- type: loadout
+ id: PsychologistSweater
+ equipment:
+ outerClothing: ClothingOuterCoatHyenhSweater
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Loadouts/loadout_groups.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Loadouts/loadout_groups.yml
index 8b5b827e09a..c30c9a43deb 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Loadouts/loadout_groups.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Loadouts/loadout_groups.yml
@@ -71,6 +71,43 @@
- CourierPDA
- MailCarrierPDA
+## Cargo Assistant
+- type: loadoutGroup
+ id: CargoAssistantHead
+ name: loadout-group-cargo-assistant-head
+ minLimit: 0
+ loadouts:
+ - CargoTechnicianHead
+- type: loadoutGroup
+ id: CargoAssistantJumpsuit
+ name: loadout-group-cargo-assistant-jumpsuit
+ loadouts:
+ - CargoTechnicianJumpsuit
+ - CargoTechnicianJumpskirt
+- type: loadoutGroup
+ id: CargoAssistantBackpack
+ name: loadout-group-cargo-assistant-backpack
+ loadouts:
+ - CargoTechnicianBackpack
+ - CargoTechnicianSatchel
+ - CargoTechnicianDuffel
+- type: loadoutGroup
+ id: CargoAssistantOuterClothing
+ name: loadout-group-cargo-assistant-outerclothing
+ minLimit: 0
+ loadouts:
+ - CargoTechnicianWintercoat
+- type: loadoutGroup
+ id: CargoAssistantShoes
+ name: loadout-group-cargo-assistant-shoes
+ loadouts:
+ - BlackShoes
+ - CargoWinterBoots
# Security
## Brig Medic
- type: loadoutGroup
@@ -211,6 +248,38 @@
- SecurityFirearmSpeedLoaderSpecialRubber
- SecurityFirearmSpeedLoaderSpecial
+# Medical
+## Psychologist
+- type: loadoutGroup
+ id: PsychologistHead
+ name: loadout-group-psychologist-head
+ minLimit: 0
+ loadouts:
+ - MedicalBeret
+ - PsychologistFrenchBeret
+ - PsychologistGreyFlatcap
+ - PsychologistBrownFlatcap
+- type: loadoutGroup
+ id: PsychologistOuterClothing
+ name: loadout-group-psychologist-outerclothing
+ minLimit: 0
+ loadouts:
+ - PsychologistMedicalWinterCoat
+ - PsychologistWinterCoat
+ - PsychologistWinterCoatPlaid
+ - PsychologistCoatBomber
+ - PsychologistSweater
+- type: loadoutGroup
+ id: PsychologistShoes
+ name: loadout-group-psychologist-shoes
+ loadouts:
+ - LeatherShoes
+ - LaceupShoes
+ - MedicalWinterBoots
+ - WinterBoots
# Justice
## Chief Justice
- type: loadoutGroup
@@ -228,7 +297,7 @@
- ChiefJusticeJumpskirt
- ChiefJusticeFormalJumpsuit
- ChiefJusticeWhiteJumpsuit
- type: loadoutGroup
id: ChiefJusticeNeck
name: loadout-group-chiefjustice-neck
@@ -257,7 +326,7 @@
- ClerkJumpsuit
- ClerkJumpskirt
- type: loadoutGroup
id: ClerkNeck
name: loadout-group-clerk-neck
@@ -446,6 +515,15 @@
- JanitorPDA
- HygieneTechnicianPDA
+- type: loadoutGroup
+ id: PsychologistPDADelta
+ name: loadout-group-psychologist-id-delta
+ loadouts:
+ - PsychologistPDA
+ - PsychiatristPDA
+ - TherapistPDA
+ - SocialWorkerPDA
# Misc
- type: loadoutGroup
id: Scarfs
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Loadouts/role_loadouts.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Loadouts/role_loadouts.yml
index 7431e4f8a4a..d1f928d0a78 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Loadouts/role_loadouts.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Loadouts/role_loadouts.yml
@@ -14,6 +14,20 @@
- Trinkets
- GroupSpeciesBreathTool
+- type: roleLoadout
+ id: JobCargoAssistant
+ groups:
+ - GroupTankHarness
+ - CargoAssistantHead
+ - CargoAssistantJumpsuit
+ - CargoAssistantBackpack
+ - CargoAssistantOuterClothing
+ - CargoAssistantShoes
+ - Glasses
+ - Survival
+ - Trinkets
+ - GroupSpeciesBreathTool
# Security
- type: roleLoadout
id: JobBrigmedic
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Mail/mailDeliveries.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Mail/mailDeliveries.yml
index d7cd57d75bf..c8593060b70 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Mail/mailDeliveries.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Mail/mailDeliveries.yml
@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@
MailFoamSabre: 0.1
# Mainly for Glacier
MailWinterCoat: 1.5
+ MailGorlexGirlfriends: 0.5
# Department and job-specific mail can have slightly higher weights,
# since they'll be merged with the everyone pool.
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Objectives/traitor.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Objectives/traitor.yml
index 371dbba0a71..1a45300a8f7 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Objectives/traitor.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Objectives/traitor.yml
@@ -80,3 +80,17 @@
- type: TargetObjective
title: objective-condition-teach-person-title
- type: PickRandomPerson
+# Kill fellow traitor objective
+- type: entity
+ parent: [BaseTraitorObjective, BaseKillObjective]
+ id: KillRandomTraitorObjective
+ description: We have reason to believe that they have begun to question the syndicate and need to be eliminated.
+ components:
+ - type: Objective
+ difficulty: 2 # They can easily buy weapons to defend themselves if they think something is up.
+ - type: TargetObjective
+ title: objective-condition-traitor-kill-title
+ - type: PickRandomTraitor
+ - type: KillPersonCondition
+ requireDead: true # Being able to leave them on the shuttle doesn't make sense when killing another traitor.
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Reagents/Consumable/Drink/drinks.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Reagents/Consumable/Drink/drinks.yml
index d2e297f926a..ff847f2ac8b 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Reagents/Consumable/Drink/drinks.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Reagents/Consumable/Drink/drinks.yml
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@
parent: BaseDrink
desc: reagent-desc-kvass
physicalDesc: reagent-physical-desc-bubbly
- flavor: bread
+ flavor: kvass #Delta-V Flavor additions
color: "#381600"
sprite: DeltaV/Objects/Consumable/Drinks/kvass.rsi
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@
parent: BaseDrink
desc: reagent-desc-mothamphetamine
physicalDesc: reagent-physical-desc-fuzzy
- flavor: cotton
+ flavor: mothamphetamine #Delta-V Flavor additions
color: "#2fa1ef"
sprite: DeltaV/Objects/Consumable/Drinks/mothamphetamine.rsi
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Reagents/Consumable/Drink/soda.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Reagents/Consumable/Drink/soda.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..42db09785bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Reagents/Consumable/Drink/soda.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+- type: reagent
+ id: DrGibbBloodRed
+ name: reagent-name-dr-gibb-blood-red
+ parent: BaseSoda
+ desc: reagent-desc-dr-gibb-blood-red
+ physicalDesc: reagent-physical-desc-fizzy
+ flavor: drgibbbloodred
+ color: "#570303"
+ metabolisms:
+ Drink:
+ effects:
+ - !type:SatiateThirst
+ factor: 2.0
+ conditions:
+ - !type:OrganType
+ type: Human
+ shouldHave: false
+ Food:
+ effects:
+ - !type:AdjustReagent
+ reagent: UncookedAnimalProteins
+ amount: 0.05
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Recipes/Lathes/security.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Recipes/Lathes/security.yml
index 022049ccee3..b831986c3cd 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Recipes/Lathes/security.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Recipes/Lathes/security.yml
@@ -224,6 +224,16 @@
Steel: 1000
Plastic: 800
+- type: latheRecipe
+ parent: BaseWeaponRecipeLong
+ id: WeaponColdCannon
+ result: WeaponColdCannon
+ materials:
+ Steel: 1500
+ Glass: 600
+ Plastic: 400
+ Silver: 300
- type: latheRecipe
parent: BaseWeaponRecipeLong
id: WeaponBeamCannon
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Recipes/Reactions/drinks.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Recipes/Reactions/drinks.yml
index 60bb26eaa2f..e64c347e445 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Recipes/Reactions/drinks.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Recipes/Reactions/drinks.yml
@@ -100,3 +100,15 @@
amount: 1
DoubleIceCream: 3
+- type: reaction
+ id: DrGibbBloodRed
+ reactants:
+ DrGibb:
+ amount: 3
+ Blood:
+ amount: 2
+ Sugar:
+ amount: 1
+ products:
+ DrGibbBloodRed: 6
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Research/arsenal.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Research/arsenal.yml
index d604eb80568..5a0dfda8883 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Research/arsenal.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Research/arsenal.yml
@@ -52,3 +52,15 @@
cost: 12500
- AdvancedTruncheon
+- type: technology
+ id: IonizedCryogenicEmissionEquiplment
+ name: research-technology-ionized-cryogenic-emission-equipment
+ icon:
+ sprite: DeltaV/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Battery/cold_cannon.rsi
+ state: icon
+ discipline: Arsenal
+ tier: 3
+ cost: 10000
+ recipeUnlocks:
+ - WeaponColdCannon
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Roles/Jobs/Cargo/cargo_assistant.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Roles/Jobs/Cargo/cargo_assistant.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..84a6535d10b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Roles/Jobs/Cargo/cargo_assistant.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+- type: job
+ id: CargoAssistant
+ name: job-name-cargo-assistant
+ description: job-description-cargo-assistant
+ startingGear: CargoAssistantGear
+ playTimeTracker: JobCargoAssistant
+ icon: "JobIconCargoAssistant"
+ supervisors: job-supervisors-qm
+ access:
+ - Cargo
+ - Maintenance
+- type: startingGear
+ id: CargoAssistantGear
+ equipment:
+ id: CargoAssistantPDA
+ ears: ClothingHeadsetCargo
+ pocket1: BookLogistics
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Roles/play_time_trackers.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Roles/play_time_trackers.yml
index 1ebc9024823..af329817d31 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Roles/play_time_trackers.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Roles/play_time_trackers.yml
@@ -21,3 +21,6 @@
- type: playTimeTracker
id: JobRoboticist
+- type: playTimeTracker
+ id: JobCargoAssistant
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/StatusIcon/job.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/StatusIcon/job.yml
index fef4f4489a0..8c60dade5d8 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/StatusIcon/job.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/StatusIcon/job.yml
@@ -45,3 +45,11 @@
sprite: /Textures/DeltaV/Interface/Misc/job_icons.rsi
state: SecurityBorg
jobName: job-name-security-borg
+- type: jobIcon
+ parent: JobIcon
+ id: JobIconCargoAssistant
+ icon:
+ sprite: /Textures/DeltaV/Interface/Misc/job_icons.rsi
+ state: CargoAssistant
+ jobName: job-name-cargo-assistant
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/planets.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/planets.yml
index 77fbf10453f..7229f5a7917 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/planets.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/planets.yml
@@ -8,6 +8,26 @@
- MiningShuttle
+ - type: WeatherScheduler # Regular ash storms
+ stages:
+ - duration: # 5-10 minutes of calm
+ min: 300
+ max: 600
+ - weather: AshfallLight # ash starts to fall, 30 second warning
+ message: ash-storm-telegraph
+ duration:
+ min: 30
+ max: 30
+ - weather: Ashfall # 1-2 minutes of damaging storm
+ message: ash-storm-alert
+ duration:
+ min: 60
+ max: 120
+ - weather: AshfallLight # ash clears away for 30 seconds
+ message: ash-storm-clearing
+ duration:
+ min: 30
+ max: 30
volume: 2500
temperature: 353.15 # 80C
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Head/eva-helmets.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Head/eva-helmets.yml
index c38c869f2e9..6e5e61cce74 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Head/eva-helmets.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Head/eva-helmets.yml
@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@
- type: entity
parent: ClothingHeadEVAHelmetBase
id: ClothingHeadHelmetVoidParamed
+ categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ] # DeltaV
name: paramedic void helmet
description: A void helmet made for paramedics.
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Clothing/OuterClothing/softsuits.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Clothing/OuterClothing/softsuits.yml
index db13ae3cc5e..07edfa2164c 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Clothing/OuterClothing/softsuits.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Clothing/OuterClothing/softsuits.yml
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@
- type: StealTarget
stealGroup: ClothingOuterHardsuitVoidParamed
- type: ToggleableClothing
- clothingPrototype: ClothingHeadHelmetVoidParamed
+ clothingPrototype: ClothingHeadHelmetVoidParamedDeltaV # DeltaV - Added light to the paramedic void suit
slot: head
- type: ContainerContainer
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Misc/space_cash.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Misc/space_cash.yml
index 57dfb400984..5321a20fa72 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Misc/space_cash.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Misc/space_cash.yml
@@ -25,9 +25,17 @@
- cash_100
- cash_500
- cash_1000
- - cash_1000000
+ - cash_5000 # Frontier: larger denominations
+ - cash_10000 # Frontier: larger denominations
+ - cash_25000 # Frontier: larger denominations
+ - cash_50000 # Frontier: larger denominations
+ - cash_100000 # Frontier: larger denominations
+ - cash_250000 # Frontier: larger denominations (cash_1000000 30)
+ - type: PrecognitionResult # DeltaV - Precogniton
+ message: psionic-power-precognition-king-rat-migration-result-message
- type: VentCrittersRule
- id: MobMouse
@@ -76,6 +80,8 @@
path: /Audio/Announcements/attention.ogg
weight: 6
duration: 50
+ - type: PrecognitionResult # DeltaV - Precogniton
+ message: psionic-power-precognition-cockroach-migration-result-message
- type: VentCrittersRule
- id: MobCockroach
@@ -93,6 +99,8 @@
path: /Audio/Announcements/attention.ogg
weight: 6
duration: 50
+ - type: PrecognitionResult # DeltaV - Precogniton
+ message: psionic-power-precognition-snail-migration-result-message
- type: VentCrittersRule
- id: MobSnail
@@ -114,6 +122,8 @@
weight: 6
duration: 50
minimumPlayers: 30
+ - type: PrecognitionResult # DeltaV - Precogniton
+ message: psionic-power-precognition-snail-migration-result-message
- type: VentCrittersRule
- id: MobSnail
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/GameRules/random_sentience.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/GameRules/random_sentience.yml
index a2c749000a6..eec41bf45ec 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/GameRules/random_sentience.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/GameRules/random_sentience.yml
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@
maxOccurrences: 1 # this event has diminishing returns on interesting-ness, so we cap it
path: /Audio/Announcements/attention.ogg
+ - type: PrecognitionResult # DeltaV - Precogniton
+ message: psionic-power-precognition-random-sentience-result-message
- type: RandomSentienceRule
minSentiences: 2
maxSentiences: 5
@@ -22,4 +24,4 @@
id: RandomSentienceEventStrength
prefix: random-sentience-event-strength-
- count: 8
\ No newline at end of file
+ count: 8
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/GameRules/roundstart.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/GameRules/roundstart.yml
index 50de7c4b746..7982c1e2b78 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/GameRules/roundstart.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/GameRules/roundstart.yml
@@ -107,6 +107,7 @@
- RoleSurvivalNukie
- type: NukeOperative
+ - type: TargetObjectiveImmune # DeltaV - Makes sleepers unable to get nukie kill objectives
- type: RandomMetadata
- nukeops-role-commander
@@ -124,6 +125,7 @@
- RoleSurvivalNukie
- type: NukeOperative
+ - type: TargetObjectiveImmune # DeltaV - Makes sleepers unable to get nukie kill objectives
- type: RandomMetadata
- nukeops-role-agent
@@ -143,6 +145,7 @@
- RoleSurvivalNukie
- type: NukeOperative
+ - type: TargetObjectiveImmune # DeltaV - Makes sleepers unable to get nukie kill objectives
- type: RandomMetadata
- nukeops-role-operator
@@ -313,6 +316,7 @@
id: BasicStationEventScheduler
parent: BaseGameRule
+ - type: NextEvent # DeltaV: Queue Event for precognition
- type: BasicStationEventScheduler
minMaxEventTiming: # DeltaV
min: 300 # DeltaV - 5 mins, was 3
@@ -324,6 +328,7 @@
id: RampingStationEventScheduler
parent: BaseGameRule
+ - type: NextEvent # DeltaV: Queue Event for precognition
- type: RampingStationEventScheduler
averageChaos: 4.5 # DeltaV
averageEndTime: 180 # DeltaV
@@ -334,6 +339,7 @@
id: SpaceTrafficControlEventScheduler # iff we make a selector for EntityTables that can respect StationEventComp restrictions, or somehow impliment them otherwise in said tables,
parent: BaseGameRule # we can remerge this with the other schedulers, but it will silently fail due to that limitation without a separate scheduler to balance atm.
+ - type: NextEvent # DeltaV: Queue Event for precognition
- type: BasicStationEventScheduler
minimumTimeUntilFirstEvent: 2700 # 45 mins #shows up like half way through shift.
@@ -346,6 +352,7 @@
id: SpaceTrafficControlFriendlyEventScheduler
parent: BaseGameRule
+ - type: NextEvent # DeltaV: Queue Event for precognition
- type: BasicStationEventScheduler
minimumTimeUntilFirstEvent: 1200 # 20 mins
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/GameRules/unknown_shuttles.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/GameRules/unknown_shuttles.yml
index c2962e25072..e5c939edbb3 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/GameRules/unknown_shuttles.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/GameRules/unknown_shuttles.yml
@@ -59,6 +59,8 @@
- type: StationEvent
maxOccurrences: 2 # should be the same as [copies] in shuttle_incoming_event.yml
+ - type: PrecognitionResult # DeltaV - Precogniton
+ message: psionic-power-precognition-unknown-shuttle-cargo-lost-result-message
- type: LoadMapRule
preloadedGrid: ShuttleCargoLost
@@ -69,6 +71,8 @@
- type: StationEvent
startAnnouncement: station-event-unknown-shuttle-incoming
maxOccurrences: 2 # should be the same as [copies] in shuttle_incoming_event.yml
+ - type: PrecognitionResult # DeltaV - Precogniton
+ message: psionic-power-precognition-unknown-shuttle-traveling-cuisine-result-message
- type: LoadMapRule
preloadedGrid: TravelingCuisine
@@ -79,6 +83,8 @@
- type: StationEvent
startAnnouncement: station-event-unknown-shuttle-incoming
maxOccurrences: 3 # should be the same as [copies] in shuttle_incoming_event.yml
+ - type: PrecognitionResult # DeltaV - Precogniton
+ message: psionic-power-precognition-unknown-shuttle-disaster-evac-pod-result-message
- type: LoadMapRule
preloadedGrid: DisasterEvacPod
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Loadouts/role_loadouts.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Loadouts/role_loadouts.yml
index eb569b70225..c16fd986b07 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Loadouts/role_loadouts.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Loadouts/role_loadouts.yml
@@ -547,6 +547,11 @@
- MedicalBackpack
- Glasses
- SurvivalMedical # DeltaV, replaces Survival
+ - PsychologistPDADelta # DeltaV
+ - PsychologistHead # DeltaV
+ - Scarfs # DeltaV
+ - PsychologistOuterClothing # DeltaV
+ - PsychologistShoes # DeltaV
- Trinkets
- GroupSpeciesBreathTool
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Maps/hive.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Maps/hive.yml
index 9dbf90693ae..d286e879772 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Maps/hive.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Maps/hive.yml
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
Bartender: [ 2, 2 ]
Botanist: [ 2, 3 ]
Boxer: [ 2, 2 ]
- Chef: [ 2, 3 ]
+ Chef: [ 1, 2 ]
Clown: [ 1, 2 ]
HeadOfPersonnel: [ 1, 1 ]
Janitor: [ 2, 3 ]
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Nyanotrasen/Catalog/Fills/Boxes/general.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Nyanotrasen/Catalog/Fills/Boxes/general.yml
index ceb66ae1204..d45e562b962 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Nyanotrasen/Catalog/Fills/Boxes/general.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Nyanotrasen/Catalog/Fills/Boxes/general.yml
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
- id: LightBulbMaintenance
amount: 6
- - id: LightBulbMaintenanceRed
+ - id: DimLightBulb
amount: 6
- type: Sprite
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Nyanotrasen/Entities/Markers/Spawners/Random/randomitems.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Nyanotrasen/Entities/Markers/Spawners/Random/randomitems.yml
index 749a7a417f4..77c4521717a 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Nyanotrasen/Entities/Markers/Spawners/Random/randomitems.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Nyanotrasen/Entities/Markers/Spawners/Random/randomitems.yml
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@
- id: ColoredLightTubeRed
- id: ColoredLightTubeFrostyBlue
- id: ColoredLightTubeBlackLight
- - id: LightBulbMaintenanceRed
+ - id: DimLightBulb
- id: LightBulbBroken
- id: LightTubeBroken
- id: LedLightBulb
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Nyanotrasen/Entities/Objects/Power/lights.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Nyanotrasen/Entities/Objects/Power/lights.yml
index 91eff1a68ca..533fc3cea5d 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Nyanotrasen/Entities/Objects/Power/lights.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Nyanotrasen/Entities/Objects/Power/lights.yml
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
PowerUse: 75
- type: Sprite
sprite: Objects/Power/light_tube.rsi
- state: normal
+ state: normal
- type: entity
parent: BaseLightbulb
@@ -26,9 +26,13 @@
- type: LightBulb
bulb: Bulb
color: "#FFD1A3" # 4000K color temp
- lightEnergy: 0.7
- lightRadius: 1.5
- lightSoftness: 1.1
+ lightEnergy: 0.05
+ lightRadius: 5
+ lightSoftness: 7
+ - type: Tag
+ tags:
+ - LightBulb
+ - Trash
# Colored
@@ -47,7 +51,7 @@
PowerUse: 25
- type: Sprite
sprite: Objects/Power/light_tube.rsi
- state: normal
+ state: normal
- type: entity
parent: BaseLightbulb
@@ -64,8 +68,8 @@
PowerUse: 25
- type: Sprite
sprite: Objects/Power/light_tube.rsi
- state: normal
+ state: normal
- type: entity
parent: BaseLightbulb
name: black light tube
@@ -82,17 +86,3 @@
- type: Sprite
sprite: Objects/Power/light_tube.rsi
state: normal
-- type: entity
- parent: BaseLightbulb
- name: incandescent light bulb
- suffix: Maintenance, Red
- id: LightBulbMaintenanceRed
- description: A dim light bulb. These emit a red hue.
- components:
- - type: LightBulb
- bulb: Bulb
- color: "#FF6666" # 4000K color temp
- lightEnergy: 1.1
- lightRadius: 1.5
- lightSoftness: 1.1
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Nyanotrasen/Entities/Structures/Lighting/base_lighting.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Nyanotrasen/Entities/Structures/Lighting/base_lighting.yml
index f9a6007c405..1bbf28e64fc 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Nyanotrasen/Entities/Structures/Lighting/base_lighting.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Nyanotrasen/Entities/Structures/Lighting/base_lighting.yml
@@ -6,10 +6,16 @@
- type: PoweredLight
hasLampOnSpawn: BlueLightTube
+ - type: PointLight
+ radius: 12
+ energy: 3
+ softness: 0.5
+ color: "#B4FCF0"
- type: DamageOnInteract
- Heat: 0.2
+ Heat: 2
+ popupText: powered-light-component-burn-hand
- type: entity
parent: AlwaysPoweredWallLight
@@ -31,10 +37,16 @@
- type: PoweredLight
hasLampOnSpawn: LightBulbMaintenance
+ - type: PointLight
+ radius: 5
+ energy: 0.05
+ softness: 7
+ color: "#FFD1A3"
- type: DamageOnInteract
- Heat: 0.2
+ Heat: 2
+ popupText: powered-light-component-burn-hand
- type: entity
parent: SmallLight
@@ -43,9 +55,9 @@
description: "A light fixture. Draws power and produces light when equipped with a light tube."
- type: PointLight
- radius: 1.5
- energy: 0.7
- softness: 1.1
+ radius: 5
+ energy: 0.05
+ softness: 7
color: "#FFD1A3"
#Colored lights
@@ -58,10 +70,16 @@
- type: PoweredLight
hasLampOnSpawn: ColoredLightTubeRed
+ - type: PointLight
+ radius: 10
+ energy: 0.9
+ softness: 0.5
+ color: "#FF6666"
- type: DamageOnInteract
- Heat: 0.2
+ Heat: 2
+ popupText: powered-light-component-burn-hand
- type: entity
id: AlwaysPoweredLightColoredRed
@@ -83,10 +101,16 @@
- type: PoweredLight
hasLampOnSpawn: ColoredLightTubeFrostyBlue
+ - type: PointLight
+ radius: 10
+ energy: 0.8
+ softness: 1
+ color: "#00FFFF"
- type: DamageOnInteract
- Heat: 0.2
+ Heat: 2
+ popupText: powered-light-component-burn-hand
- type: entity
id: AlwaysPoweredLightColoredFrostyBlue
@@ -108,10 +132,16 @@
- type: PoweredLight
hasLampOnSpawn: ColoredLightTubeBlackLight
+ - type: PointLight
+ radius: 10
+ energy: 1.1
+ softness: 1
+ color: "#5D0CED"
- type: DamageOnInteract
- Heat: 0.2
+ Heat: 2
+ popupText: powered-light-component-burn-hand
- type: entity
id: AlwaysPoweredLightColoredBlack
@@ -136,10 +166,18 @@
state: base
- type: PoweredLight
hasLampOnSpawn: ColoredLightTubeRed
+ - type: PointLight
+ enabled: true
+ radius: 10
+ energy: 0.9
+ softness: 1
+ offset: "0, -0.5"
+ color: "#FF6666"
- type: DamageOnInteract
Heat: 2
+ popupText: powered-light-component-burn-hand
- type: StaticPrice
price: 75
@@ -158,28 +196,3 @@
softness: 1
offset: "0, -0.5"
color: "#FF6666"
-- type: entity
- parent: PoweredSmallLight
- id: PoweredSmallLightMaintenanceRed
- suffix: Maintenance, Red
- description: "A light fixture. Draws power and produces light when equipped with a light bulb."
- components:
- - type: PoweredLight
- hasLampOnSpawn: LightBulbMaintenanceRed
- - type: DamageOnInteract
- damage:
- types:
- Heat: 0.2
-- type: entity
- parent: SmallLight
- id: AlwaysPoweredSmallLightMaintenanceRed
- suffix: Always Powered, Maintenance, Red
- description: "A light fixture. Draws power and produces light when equipped with a light tube."
- components:
- - type: PointLight
- radius: 1.5
- energy: 1.1
- softness: 1.1
- color: "#FF6666"
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Nyanotrasen/Roles/Jobs/Security/prisonguard.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Nyanotrasen/Roles/Jobs/Security/prisonguard.yml
index ae458736491..a4f1af721d7 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Nyanotrasen/Roles/Jobs/Security/prisonguard.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Nyanotrasen/Roles/Jobs/Security/prisonguard.yml
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
- Security
#- Brig #Delta V: Removed brig access
- Maintenance
+ - External # DeltaV - Added external access
- !type:AddImplantSpecial
implants: [ MindShieldImplant ]
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Nyanotrasen/psionicPowers.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Nyanotrasen/psionicPowers.yml
index 4dff75d9867..145d77a245d 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Nyanotrasen/psionicPowers.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Nyanotrasen/psionicPowers.yml
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
DispelPower: 1
TelegnosisPower: 1
PsionicRegenerationPower: 1
+ PrecognitionPower: 1 # DeltaV
MassSleepPower: 0.3
NoosphericZapPower: 0.3
# PsionicInvisibilityPower: 0.15
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Objectives/objectiveGroups.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Objectives/objectiveGroups.yml
index 19e8b908762..5d7a0947c54 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Objectives/objectiveGroups.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Objectives/objectiveGroups.yml
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
# KillRandomPersonObjective: 1 # DeltaV Replaced for Teach Lesson
TeachLessonRandomPersonObjective: 1
KillRandomHeadObjective: 0.25
+ KillRandomTraitorObjective: 0.2 # DeltaV
- type: weightedRandom
id: TraitorObjectiveGroupState
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Reagents/Consumable/Drink/alcohol.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Reagents/Consumable/Drink/alcohol.yml
index 6617791a633..47e1371a41f 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Reagents/Consumable/Drink/alcohol.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Reagents/Consumable/Drink/alcohol.yml
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
parent: BaseAlcohol
desc: reagent-desc-absinthe
physicalDesc: reagent-physical-desc-strong-smelling
- flavor: alcohol
+ flavor: absinthe #Delta-V Flavor additions
color: "#33EE00"
sprite: Objects/Consumable/Drinks/absintheglass.rsi
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
parent: BaseAlcohol
desc: reagent-desc-blue-curacao
physicalDesc: reagent-physical-desc-strong-smelling
- flavor: alcohol
+ flavor: blue-curacao #Delta-V Flavor additions
color: "#0099FF"
sprite: Objects/Consumable/Drinks/thin_glass.rsi
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@
parent: BaseAlcohol
desc: reagent-desc-dead-rum
physicalDesc: reagent-physical-desc-strong-smelling
- flavor: rum
+ flavor: deadrum #Delta-V Flavor additions
color: "#664300"
sprite: Objects/Consumable/Drinks/rumglass.rsi
@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@
parent: BaseAlcohol
desc: reagent-desc-n-t-cahors
physicalDesc: reagent-physical-desc-strong-smelling
- flavor: bitter
+ flavor: n-t-cahors #Delta-V Flavor additions
color: "#7E4043"
sprite: Objects/Consumable/Drinks/wineglass.rsi
@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@
parent: BaseAlcohol
desc: reagent-desc-poison-wine
physicalDesc: reagent-physical-desc-strong-smelling
- flavor: bitter
+ flavor: poison-wine #Delta-V Flavor additions
color: "#990066"
sprite: Objects/Consumable/Drinks/pwineglass.rsi
@@ -471,7 +471,7 @@
parent: BaseAlcohol
desc: reagent-desc-acid-spit
physicalDesc: reagent-physical-desc-strong-smelling
- flavor: alcohol
+ flavor: acidspit #Delta-V Flavor additions
color: "#365000"
sprite: Objects/Consumable/Drinks/acidspitglass.rsi
@@ -486,7 +486,7 @@
parent: BaseAlcohol
desc: reagent-desc-allies-cocktail
physicalDesc: reagent-physical-desc-strong-smelling
- flavor: alcohol
+ flavor: allies-cocktail #Delta-V Flavor additions
color: "#00664d"
sprite: Objects/Consumable/Drinks/alliescocktail.rsi
@@ -516,7 +516,7 @@
parent: BaseAlcohol
desc: reagent-desc-amasec
physicalDesc: reagent-physical-desc-strong-smelling
- flavor: alcohol
+ flavor: amasec #Delta-V Flavor additions
color: "#124da7"
sprite: Objects/Consumable/Drinks/amasecglass.rsi
@@ -531,7 +531,7 @@
parent: BaseAlcohol
desc: reagent-desc-andalusia
physicalDesc: reagent-physical-desc-strong-smelling
- flavor: alcohol
+ flavor: andalusia #Delta-V Flavor additions
color: "#665700"
sprite: Objects/Consumable/Drinks/andalusia.rsi
@@ -595,7 +595,7 @@
parent: BaseAlcohol
desc: reagent-desc-b52
physicalDesc: reagent-physical-desc-bubbly
- flavor: alcohol
+ flavor: b52 #Delta-V Flavor additions
color: "#664300"
sprite: Objects/Consumable/Drinks/b52glass.rsi
@@ -618,7 +618,7 @@
parent: BaseAlcohol
desc: reagent-desc-bahama-mama
physicalDesc: reagent-physical-desc-strong-smelling
- flavor: alcohol
+ flavor: bahama-mama #Delta-V Flavor additions
color: "#FF7F3B"
sprite: Objects/Consumable/Drinks/bahama_mama.rsi
@@ -648,7 +648,7 @@
parent: BaseAlcohol
desc: reagent-desc-barefoot
physicalDesc: reagent-physical-desc-strong-smelling
- flavor: alcohol
+ flavor: barefoot #Delta-V Flavor additions
color: "#ff66cc"
sprite: Objects/Consumable/Drinks/b&p.rsi
@@ -725,7 +725,7 @@
parent: BaseAlcohol
desc: reagent-desc-booger
physicalDesc: reagent-physical-desc-strong-smelling
- flavor: alcohol
+ flavor: booger #Delta-V Flavor additions
color: "#99ff00"
sprite: Objects/Consumable/Drinks/booger.rsi
@@ -740,7 +740,7 @@
parent: BaseAlcohol
desc: reagent-desc-brave-bull
physicalDesc: reagent-physical-desc-strong-smelling
- flavor: alcohol
+ flavor: brave-bull #Delta-V Flavor additions
color: "#664300"
sprite: Objects/Consumable/Drinks/bravebullglass.rsi
@@ -827,7 +827,7 @@
parent: BaseAlcohol
desc: reagent-desc-demons-blood
physicalDesc: reagent-physical-desc-strong-smelling
- flavor: alcohol
+ flavor: demons-blood #Delta-V Flavor additions
color: "#a70000"
sprite: Objects/Consumable/Drinks/demonsblood.rsi
@@ -843,7 +843,7 @@
parent: BaseAlcohol
desc: reagent-desc-devils-kiss
physicalDesc: reagent-physical-desc-strong-smelling
- flavor: alcohol
+ flavor: devils-kiss #Delta-V Flavor additions
color: "#ff0033"
sprite: Objects/Consumable/Drinks/devilskiss.rsi
@@ -858,7 +858,7 @@
parent: BaseDrink
desc: reagent-desc-doctors-delight
physicalDesc: reagent-physical-desc-strong-smelling
- flavor: medicine
+ flavor: doctors-delight #Delta-V Flavor additions
color: "#FF8CFF"
sprite: Objects/Consumable/Drinks/doctorsdelightglass.rsi
@@ -890,7 +890,7 @@
parent: BaseAlcohol
desc: reagent-desc-driest-martini
physicalDesc: reagent-physical-desc-strong-smelling
- flavor: alcohol
+ flavor: driest-martini #Delta-V Flavor additions
color: "#2E6671"
sprite: Objects/Consumable/Drinks/driestmartiniglass.rsi
@@ -913,7 +913,7 @@
parent: BaseAlcohol
desc: reagent-desc-erika-surprise
physicalDesc: reagent-physical-desc-strong-smelling
- flavor: alcohol
+ flavor: erika-surprise #Delta-V Flavor additions
color: "#67bc50"
sprite: Objects/Consumable/Drinks/beerstein.rsi
@@ -952,7 +952,7 @@
parent: BaseAlcohol
desc: reagent-desc-gin-fizz
physicalDesc: reagent-physical-desc-strong-smelling
- flavor: alcohol
+ flavor: gin-fizz #Delta-V Flavor additions
color: "#664300"
sprite: Objects/Consumable/Drinks/ginfizzglass.rsi
@@ -1000,7 +1000,7 @@
parent: BaseAlcohol
desc: reagent-desc-gildlager
physicalDesc: reagent-physical-desc-strong-smelling
- flavor: alcohol
+ flavor: gildlager #Delta-V Flavor additions
color: "#FFFF91"
sprite: Objects/Consumable/Drinks/gildlagerglass.rsi
@@ -1023,7 +1023,7 @@
parent: BaseAlcohol
desc: reagent-desc-grog
physicalDesc: reagent-physical-desc-strong-smelling
- flavor: alcohol
+ flavor: grog #Delta-V Flavor additions
color: "#e3e77b"
sprite: Objects/Consumable/Drinks/beerstein.rsi
@@ -1038,7 +1038,7 @@
parent: BaseAlcohol
desc: reagent-desc-hippies-delight
physicalDesc: reagent-physical-desc-strong-smelling
- flavor: alcohol
+ flavor: hippies-delight #Delta-V Flavor additions
color: "#6eaa0c"
sprite: Objects/Consumable/Drinks/hippiesdelightglass.rsi
@@ -1053,7 +1053,7 @@
parent: BaseAlcohol
desc: reagent-desc-hooch
physicalDesc: reagent-physical-desc-strong-smelling
- flavor: alcohol
+ flavor: hooch #Delta-V Flavor additions
color: "#664e00"
- type: reagent
@@ -1101,7 +1101,7 @@
parent: BaseAlcohol
desc: reagent-desc-irish-cream
physicalDesc: reagent-physical-desc-creamy
- flavor: creamy
+ flavor: irish-cream #Delta-V Flavor additions
color: "#664300"
sprite: Objects/Consumable/Drinks/irishcreamglass.rsi
@@ -1170,7 +1170,7 @@
parent: BaseAlcohol
desc: reagent-desc-manhattan
physicalDesc: reagent-physical-desc-strong-smelling
- flavor: alcohol
+ flavor: manhattan #Delta-V Flavor additions
color: "#664300"
sprite: Objects/Consumable/Drinks/manhattanglass.rsi
@@ -1185,7 +1185,7 @@
parent: BaseAlcohol
desc: reagent-desc-manhattan-project
physicalDesc: reagent-physical-desc-strong-smelling
- flavor: alcohol
+ flavor: manhattan-project #Delta-V Flavor additions
color: "#664300"
sprite: Objects/Consumable/Drinks/proj_manhattanglass.rsi
@@ -1216,7 +1216,7 @@
parent: BaseAlcohol
desc: reagent-desc-margarita
physicalDesc: reagent-physical-desc-strong-smelling
- flavor: alcohol
+ flavor: margarita #Delta-V Flavor additions
color: "#8CFF8C"
sprite: Objects/Consumable/Drinks/margaritaglass.rsi
@@ -1231,7 +1231,7 @@
parent: BaseAlcohol
desc: reagent-desc-martini
physicalDesc: reagent-physical-desc-strong-smelling
- flavor: alcohol
+ flavor: martini #Delta-V Flavor additions
color: "#664300"
sprite: Objects/Consumable/Drinks/martiniglass.rsi
@@ -1270,7 +1270,7 @@
parent: BaseAlcohol
desc: reagent-desc-mojito
physicalDesc: reagent-physical-desc-strong-smelling
- flavor: alcohol
+ flavor: mojito #Delta-V Flavor additions
color: "#3ea99888"
sprite: Objects/Consumable/Drinks/mojito.rsi
@@ -1309,7 +1309,7 @@
parent: BaseAlcohol
desc: reagent-desc-neurotoxin
physicalDesc: reagent-physical-desc-strong-smelling
- flavor: alcohol
+ flavor: neurotoxin #Delta-V Flavor additions
color: "#2E2E61"
sprite: Objects/Consumable/Drinks/neurotoxinglass.rsi
@@ -1358,7 +1358,7 @@
parent: BaseAlcohol
desc: reagent-desc-patron
physicalDesc: reagent-physical-desc-metallic
- flavor: alcohol
+ flavor: patron #Delta-V Flavor additions
color: "#585840"
sprite: Objects/Consumable/Drinks/patronglass.rsi
@@ -1381,7 +1381,7 @@
parent: BaseAlcohol
desc: reagent-desc-red-mead
physicalDesc: reagent-physical-desc-strong-smelling
- flavor: alcohol
+ flavor: red-mead #Delta-V Flavor additions
color: "#bc5550"
sprite: Objects/Consumable/Drinks/beerstein.rsi
@@ -1409,7 +1409,7 @@
parent: BaseAlcohol
desc: reagent-desc-sbiten
physicalDesc: reagent-physical-desc-strong-smelling
- flavor: alcohol
+ flavor: sbiten #Delta-V Flavor additions
color: "#004166"
sprite: Objects/Consumable/Drinks/sbitenglass.rsi
@@ -1473,7 +1473,7 @@
parent: BaseAlcohol
desc: reagent-desc-silencer
physicalDesc: reagent-physical-desc-strong-smelling
- flavor: nothing
+ flavor: silencer #Delta-V Flavor additions
color: "#878787"
sprite: Objects/Consumable/Drinks/silencerglass.rsi
@@ -1511,7 +1511,7 @@
parent: BaseAlcohol
desc: reagent-desc-snow-white
physicalDesc: reagent-physical-desc-bubbly
- flavor: alcohol
+ flavor: snow-white #Delta-V Flavor additions
color: "#FFFFFF"
sprite: Objects/Consumable/Drinks/snowwhite.rsi
@@ -1527,7 +1527,7 @@
parent: BaseAlcohol
desc: reagent-desc-sui-dream
physicalDesc: reagent-physical-desc-strong-smelling
- flavor: alcohol
+ flavor: sui-dream #Delta-V Flavor additions
color: "#00A86B"
sprite: Objects/Consumable/Drinks/sdreamglass.rsi
@@ -1543,7 +1543,7 @@
parent: BaseAlcohol
desc: reagent-desc-syndicate-bomb
physicalDesc: reagent-physical-desc-opaque
- flavor: syndiebomb
+ flavor: syndicate-bomb #Delta-V Flavor additions
color: "#e3e77b"
sprite: Objects/Consumable/Drinks/syndicatebomb.rsi
@@ -1624,7 +1624,7 @@
parent: BaseAlcohol
desc: reagent-desc-toxins-special
physicalDesc: reagent-physical-desc-strong-smelling
- flavor: alcohol
+ flavor: toxins-special #Delta-V Flavor additions
color: "#665c00"
sprite: Objects/Consumable/Drinks/toxinsspecialglass.rsi
@@ -1639,7 +1639,7 @@
parent: BaseAlcohol
desc: reagent-desc-vodka-martini
physicalDesc: reagent-physical-desc-strong-smelling
- flavor: alcohol
+ flavor: vodka-martini #Delta-V Flavor additions
color: "#004666"
sprite: Objects/Consumable/Drinks/martiniglass.rsi
@@ -1662,7 +1662,7 @@
parent: BaseAlcohol
desc: reagent-desc-vodka-tonic
physicalDesc: reagent-physical-desc-strong-smelling
- flavor: alcohol
+ flavor: vodka-tonic #Delta-V Flavor additions
color: "#0064C8"
sprite: Objects/Consumable/Drinks/gintonicglass.rsi # they look the same
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Reagents/Consumable/Drink/drinks.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Reagents/Consumable/Drink/drinks.yml
index 3f9fb7b53d2..ad680a5fbcc 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Reagents/Consumable/Drink/drinks.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Reagents/Consumable/Drink/drinks.yml
@@ -562,7 +562,7 @@
parent: BaseDrink
desc: reagent-desc-rewriter
physicalDesc: reagent-physical-desc-strong-smelling
- flavor: sweet
+ flavor: rewriter #Delta-V Flavor additions
color: "#485000"
sprite: Objects/Consumable/Drinks/beerstein.rsi
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Lathes/devices.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Lathes/devices.yml
index 88ea4459dc9..368ddf7bacc 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Lathes/devices.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Lathes/devices.yml
@@ -175,16 +175,6 @@
Glass: 100
Uranium: 100
-- type: latheRecipe
- id: WeaponProtoKineticAccelerator
- result: WeaponProtoKineticAccelerator
- category: Weapons
- completetime: 5
- materials:
- Steel: 1000
- Glass: 500
- Silver: 100
#- type: latheRecipe #DeltaV - LRP
# id: WeaponTetherGun
# result: WeaponTetherGun
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Lathes/robotics.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Lathes/robotics.yml
index a4413e01ebe..36ceff065b3 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Lathes/robotics.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Lathes/robotics.yml
@@ -146,6 +146,13 @@
id: BorgModuleTool
result: BorgModuleTool
+# Mining Modules
+- type: latheRecipe
+ parent: BaseGoldBorgModuleRecipe
+ id: BorgModuleFauna
+ result: BorgModuleFauna
# Engineering Modules
- type: latheRecipe
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Lathes/security.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Lathes/security.yml
index f6f303e5e3b..ac695f314a0 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Lathes/security.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Lathes/security.yml
@@ -106,6 +106,44 @@
Plastic: 250
Gold: 100
+- type: latheRecipe
+ parent: BaseWeaponRecipeLong
+ id: WeaponProtoKineticAccelerator
+ result: WeaponProtoKineticAccelerator
+ materials:
+ Steel: 1000
+ Glass: 500
+ Gold: 100
+- type: latheRecipe
+ parent: BaseWeaponRecipeLong
+ id: WeaponCrusher
+ result: WeaponCrusher
+ materials:
+ Steel: 1500
+ Glass: 500
+ Plastic: 250
+ Gold: 100
+- type: latheRecipe
+ parent: BaseWeaponRecipe
+ id: WeaponCrusherDagger
+ result: WeaponCrusherDagger
+ materials:
+ Steel: 750
+ Glass: 300
+ Gold: 200
+- type: latheRecipe
+ parent: BaseWeaponRecipeLong
+ id: WeaponCrusherGlaive
+ result: WeaponCrusherGlaive
+ materials:
+ Steel: 2000
+ Glass: 500
+ Silver: 250
+ Gold: 250
- type: latheRecipe
id: ClothingBackpackElectropack
result: ClothingBackpackElectropack
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Research/arsenal.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Research/arsenal.yml
index c7409565dd4..a768ac45639 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Research/arsenal.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Research/arsenal.yml
@@ -1,19 +1,5 @@
# Tier 1
-- type: technology
- id: SalvageWeapons
- name: research-technology-salvage-weapons
- icon:
- sprite: Objects/Weapons/Guns/Basic/kinetic_accelerator.rsi
- state: icon
- discipline: Arsenal
- tier: 1
- cost: 5000
- recipeUnlocks:
- - WeaponProtoKineticAccelerator
- - ShuttleGunKineticCircuitboard
- # These are roundstart but not replenishable for salvage
- type: technology
id: DraconicMunitions
name: research-technology-draconic-munitions
@@ -174,6 +160,22 @@
# recipeUnlocks:
# - WeaponXrayCannon
+- type: technology
+ id: ExperimentalSalvageWeaponry
+ name: research-technology-experimental-salvage-weaponry
+ icon:
+ sprite: Objects/Weapons/Melee/crusher_glaive.rsi
+ state: icon
+ discipline: Arsenal
+ tier: 2
+ cost: 10000
+ recipeUnlocks:
+ - WeaponCrusher
+ - WeaponCrusherDagger
+ - WeaponCrusherGlaive
+ - BorgModuleFauna
+ - ShuttleGunKineticCircuitboard
- type: technology
id: BasicShuttleArmament
name: research-technology-basic-shuttle-armament
@@ -193,8 +195,7 @@
- ShuttleGunSvalinnMachineGunCircuitboard
- ShuttleGunPerforatorCircuitboard
- ShuttleGunFriendshipCircuitboard
- technologyPrerequisites:
- - SalvageWeapons
+ technologyPrerequisites: # DeltaV: added prerequesite
- ExplosiveTechnology
# Tier 3
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Cargo/cargo_technician.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Cargo/cargo_technician.yml
index 7ad883777ed..48e71198911 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Cargo/cargo_technician.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Cargo/cargo_technician.yml
@@ -3,6 +3,13 @@
name: job-name-cargotech
description: job-description-cargotech
playTimeTracker: JobCargoTechnician
+ # Begin DeltaV modifications - Add time requirement to cargo tech
+ # Uncomment once ready to deploy Cargo Assistant
+ #requirements:
+ #- !type:DepartmentTimeRequirement
+ # department: Logistics # DeltaV - Logistics Department replacing Cargo
+ # time: 21600 # 6 hrs ~3 shifts.
+ # End DeltaV modifications
startingGear: CargoTechGear
icon: "JobIconCargoTechnician"
supervisors: job-supervisors-qm
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Wildcards/psychologist.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Wildcards/psychologist.yml
index 4e69c4a3c87..00e991a2094 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Wildcards/psychologist.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/Wildcards/psychologist.yml
@@ -22,9 +22,10 @@
- type: startingGear
id: PsychologistGear
- shoes: ClothingShoesLeather
- id: PsychologistPDA
+ #shoes: ClothingShoesLeather # DeltaV: Multiple shoe options in loadout.
+ #id: PsychologistPDA # DeltaV: Multiple PDA options in loadout.
ears: ClothingHeadsetMedical
- RubberStampPsychologist
+ - BoxFolderBlue # DeltaV
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/departments.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/departments.yml
index c009181d6fd..994366a759c 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/departments.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/departments.yml
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
- Quartermaster
- SalvageSpecialist
- Courier # DeltaV - Courier, see Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Roles/Jobs/Cargo/courier.yml
+ #- CargoAssistant # DeltaV - Uncomment once ready to deploy.
- type: department
id: Civilian
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/_NF/Entities/Objects/Misc/space_cash.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/_NF/Entities/Objects/Misc/space_cash.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..cdf1710d9c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/_NF/Entities/Objects/Misc/space_cash.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+- type: entity
+ parent: SpaceCash
+ id: SpaceCash15000
+ suffix: 15000
+ components:
+ - type: Icon
+ sprite: _NF/Objects/Economy/cash.rsi
+ state: cash_10000
+ - type: Stack
+ count: 15000
+- type: entity
+ parent: SpaceCash
+ id: SpaceCash25000
+ suffix: 25000
+ components:
+ - type: Icon
+ sprite: _NF/Objects/Economy/cash.rsi
+ state: cash_25000
+ - type: Stack
+ count: 25000
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/game_presets.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/game_presets.yml
index dc5663c0882..f27d5599f5b 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/game_presets.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/game_presets.yml
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
- MeteorSwarmScheduler
- RampingStationEventScheduler
- SpaceTrafficControlEventScheduler
- - SpaceTrafficControlFriendlyEventScheduler
+ #- SpaceTrafficControlFriendlyEventScheduler # DeltaV: spam of garbage roles nobody takes every 10-20 minutes
- BasicRoundstartVariation
- GlimmerEventScheduler # DeltaV
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/weather.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/weather.yml
index a71e59354af..896df8641a1 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/weather.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/weather.yml
@@ -8,6 +8,12 @@
loop: true
volume: -6
+ damage: # DeltaV
+ types:
+ Heat: 4
+ damageBlacklist: # DeltaV
+ components:
+ - AshStormImmune
- type: weather
id: AshfallLight
diff --git a/Resources/Textures/DeltaV/Clothing/Head/Helmets/paramedhelm.rsi/icon-flash.png b/Resources/Textures/DeltaV/Clothing/Head/Helmets/paramedhelm.rsi/icon-flash.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2c0ff73c793
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/DeltaV/Clothing/Head/Helmets/paramedhelm.rsi/icon-flash.png differ
diff --git a/Resources/Textures/DeltaV/Clothing/Head/Helmets/paramedhelm.rsi/icon.png b/Resources/Textures/DeltaV/Clothing/Head/Helmets/paramedhelm.rsi/icon.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6bf3815dd57
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/DeltaV/Clothing/Head/Helmets/paramedhelm.rsi/icon.png differ
diff --git a/Resources/Textures/DeltaV/Clothing/Head/Helmets/paramedhelm.rsi/inhand-left.png b/Resources/Textures/DeltaV/Clothing/Head/Helmets/paramedhelm.rsi/inhand-left.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0201234bf39
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/DeltaV/Clothing/Head/Helmets/paramedhelm.rsi/inhand-left.png differ
diff --git a/Resources/Textures/DeltaV/Clothing/Head/Helmets/paramedhelm.rsi/inhand-right.png b/Resources/Textures/DeltaV/Clothing/Head/Helmets/paramedhelm.rsi/inhand-right.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9e87a46662e
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/DeltaV/Clothing/Head/Helmets/paramedhelm.rsi/inhand-right.png differ
diff --git a/Resources/Textures/DeltaV/Clothing/Head/Helmets/paramedhelm.rsi/meta.json b/Resources/Textures/DeltaV/Clothing/Head/Helmets/paramedhelm.rsi/meta.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d33d71b631e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Textures/DeltaV/Clothing/Head/Helmets/paramedhelm.rsi/meta.json
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+ "version": 1,
+ "license": "CC-BY-SA-3.0",
+ "copyright": "Taken from paradise station at commit https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/commit/e5e584804b4b0b373a6a69d23afb73fd3c094365, redrawn by Ubaser. vox state by Flareguy, modified by Radezolid to add light",
+ "size": {
+ "x": 32,
+ "y": 32
+ },
+ "states": [
+ {
+ "name": "icon"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "icon-flash"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "off-equipped-HELMET",
+ "directions": 4
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "off-equipped-HELMET-vox",
+ "directions": 4
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "inhand-left",
+ "directions": 4
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "inhand-right",
+ "directions": 4
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "off-equipped-HELMET-vulpkanin",
+ "directions": 4
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "on-equipped-HELMET-vulpkanin",
+ "directions": 4
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "on-equipped-HELMET-vox",
+ "directions": 4
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "on-equipped-HELMET",
+ "directions": 4
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/Resources/Textures/DeltaV/Clothing/Head/Helmets/paramedhelm.rsi/off-equipped-HELMET-vox.png b/Resources/Textures/DeltaV/Clothing/Head/Helmets/paramedhelm.rsi/off-equipped-HELMET-vox.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..52483c501ec
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/DeltaV/Clothing/Head/Helmets/paramedhelm.rsi/off-equipped-HELMET-vox.png differ
diff --git a/Resources/Textures/DeltaV/Clothing/Head/Helmets/paramedhelm.rsi/off-equipped-HELMET-vulpkanin.png b/Resources/Textures/DeltaV/Clothing/Head/Helmets/paramedhelm.rsi/off-equipped-HELMET-vulpkanin.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..002e49f0282
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/DeltaV/Clothing/Head/Helmets/paramedhelm.rsi/off-equipped-HELMET-vulpkanin.png differ
diff --git a/Resources/Textures/DeltaV/Clothing/Head/Helmets/paramedhelm.rsi/off-equipped-HELMET.png b/Resources/Textures/DeltaV/Clothing/Head/Helmets/paramedhelm.rsi/off-equipped-HELMET.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..07450df725f
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/DeltaV/Clothing/Head/Helmets/paramedhelm.rsi/off-equipped-HELMET.png differ
diff --git a/Resources/Textures/DeltaV/Clothing/Head/Helmets/paramedhelm.rsi/on-equipped-HELMET-vox.png b/Resources/Textures/DeltaV/Clothing/Head/Helmets/paramedhelm.rsi/on-equipped-HELMET-vox.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..bc97bd641ff
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/DeltaV/Clothing/Head/Helmets/paramedhelm.rsi/on-equipped-HELMET-vox.png differ
diff --git a/Resources/Textures/DeltaV/Clothing/Head/Helmets/paramedhelm.rsi/on-equipped-HELMET-vulpkanin.png b/Resources/Textures/DeltaV/Clothing/Head/Helmets/paramedhelm.rsi/on-equipped-HELMET-vulpkanin.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2a475a9e463
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/DeltaV/Clothing/Head/Helmets/paramedhelm.rsi/on-equipped-HELMET-vulpkanin.png differ
diff --git a/Resources/Textures/DeltaV/Clothing/Head/Helmets/paramedhelm.rsi/on-equipped-HELMET.png b/Resources/Textures/DeltaV/Clothing/Head/Helmets/paramedhelm.rsi/on-equipped-HELMET.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fc10c3d1f12
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/DeltaV/Clothing/Head/Helmets/paramedhelm.rsi/on-equipped-HELMET.png differ
diff --git a/Resources/Textures/DeltaV/Interface/Actions/actions_psionics.rsi/meta.json b/Resources/Textures/DeltaV/Interface/Actions/actions_psionics.rsi/meta.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e0c9ccac8c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Textures/DeltaV/Interface/Actions/actions_psionics.rsi/meta.json
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ "version": 1,
+ "license": "CC-BY-SA-4.0",
+ "copyright": "Sprited by chamomileteatime on Discord for DeltaV",
+ "size": {
+ "x": 64,
+ "y": 64
+ },
+ "states": [
+ {
+ "name": "precognition"
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/Resources/Textures/DeltaV/Interface/Actions/actions_psionics.rsi/precognition.png b/Resources/Textures/DeltaV/Interface/Actions/actions_psionics.rsi/precognition.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1bf396261e9
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/DeltaV/Interface/Actions/actions_psionics.rsi/precognition.png differ
diff --git a/Resources/Textures/DeltaV/Interface/Misc/job_icons.rsi/CargoAssistant.png b/Resources/Textures/DeltaV/Interface/Misc/job_icons.rsi/CargoAssistant.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d4c5e0d7b56
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/DeltaV/Interface/Misc/job_icons.rsi/CargoAssistant.png differ
diff --git a/Resources/Textures/DeltaV/Interface/Misc/job_icons.rsi/meta.json b/Resources/Textures/DeltaV/Interface/Misc/job_icons.rsi/meta.json
index bdbe6a6461d..d7942b8e633 100644
--- a/Resources/Textures/DeltaV/Interface/Misc/job_icons.rsi/meta.json
+++ b/Resources/Textures/DeltaV/Interface/Misc/job_icons.rsi/meta.json
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"version": 1,
"license": "CC-BY-SA-3.0",
- "copyright": "Taken from tgstation at commit https://github.com/tgstation/tgstation/commit/d917f4c2a088419d5c3aec7656b7ff8cebd1822e | nyanoPrisonGuard, nyanoMartialArtist, nyanoGladiator made by Floofers | ChiefJustice, Clerk by leonardo_dabepis (Discord), SecurityBorg recoloured from MedicalBorg by DangerRevolution(github)",
+ "copyright": "Taken from tgstation at commit https://github.com/tgstation/tgstation/commit/d917f4c2a088419d5c3aec7656b7ff8cebd1822e | nyanoPrisonGuard, nyanoMartialArtist, nyanoGladiator made by Floofers | ChiefJustice, Clerk by leonardo_dabepis (Discord), SecurityBorg recoloured from MedicalBorg by DangerRevolution(github), CargoAssistant recoloured from MedicalIntern by Radezolid",
"size": {
"x": 8,
"y": 8
@@ -42,6 +42,9 @@
"name": "SecurityBorg"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "CargoAssistant"
diff --git a/Resources/Textures/DeltaV/Markers/jobs.rsi/cargoassistant.png b/Resources/Textures/DeltaV/Markers/jobs.rsi/cargoassistant.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a347a8c4f9f
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/DeltaV/Markers/jobs.rsi/cargoassistant.png differ
diff --git a/Resources/Textures/DeltaV/Markers/jobs.rsi/meta.json b/Resources/Textures/DeltaV/Markers/jobs.rsi/meta.json
index 73c7764df0a..f5ce8ad76e4 100644
--- a/Resources/Textures/DeltaV/Markers/jobs.rsi/meta.json
+++ b/Resources/Textures/DeltaV/Markers/jobs.rsi/meta.json
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"version": 1,
"license": "CC-BY-SA-3.0",
- "copyright": "made by Floofers. roboticist.png created by deltanedas (github) for DeltaV.",
+ "copyright": "made by Floofers. roboticist.png created by deltanedas (github) for DeltaV. cargoassistant made by Radezolid",
"size": {
"x": 32,
"y": 32
@@ -48,6 +48,9 @@
"name": "roboticist"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "cargoassistant"
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+ "version": 1,
+ "license": "CC-BY-SA-3.0",
+ "copyright": "Selene wings by @bogus_0451 on discord",
+ "size": {
+ "x": 32,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "copyright": "https://github.com/discordia-space/CEV-Eris/raw/9c980cb9bc84d07b1c210c5447798af525185f80/icons/obj/food.dmi, Edit by Yuukitten",
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+ {
+ "name": "icon"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "icon_open"
+ },
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+ },
+ {
+ "name": "inhand-left",
+ "directions": 4
+ }
+ ]
+ }
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"version": 1,
"license": "CC-BY-SA-3.0",
- "copyright": "aPDA retexture by ZweiHawke @ zweihawke.net, added Hygiene Technician version by Radezolid",
+ "copyright": "aPDA retexture by ZweiHawke @ zweihawke.net, added Hygiene Technician | modified interntech and added the cargo assistant by Radezolid, added Psychiatrist, Therapist, and Social Worker versions by alterae ",
"size": {
"x": 32,
"y": 32
@@ -50,6 +51,9 @@
"name": "pda-cargo"
+ {
+ "name": "pda-cargo-assistant"
+ },
"name": "pda-ce"
@@ -104,6 +108,9 @@
"name": "pda-paramedic"
+ {
+ "name": "pda-psychiatrist"
+ },
"name": "pda-mime"
@@ -128,6 +135,9 @@
"name": "pda-security"
+ {
+ "name": "pda-socialworker"
+ },
"name": "pda-brigmedic"
@@ -137,6 +147,9 @@
"name": "pda-syndi-agent"
+ {
+ "name": "pda-therapist"
+ },
"name": "pda-centcom"
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+ "copyright": "Done by Kr8art on github",
+ "size": {
+ "x": 32,
+ "y": 32
+ },
+ "states": [
+ {
+ "name": "icon"
+ }
+ ]
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--- a/Resources/Textures/DeltaV/Objects/Misc/id_cards.rsi/meta.json
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
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- "copyright": "Taken from tgstation at commit https://github.com/tgstation/tgstation/commit/d917f4c2a088419d5c3aec7656b7ff8cebd1822e | nyanoprisonguard, nyanogladiator, nyanomartialartist made by Floofers, idchiefjustice idclerk and idlawyer made by leonardo_dabepis (Discord), idprosecutor made by Timemaster99 (Discord)",
+ "copyright": "Taken from tgstation at commit https://github.com/tgstation/tgstation/commit/d917f4c2a088419d5c3aec7656b7ff8cebd1822e | nyanoprisonguard, nyanogladiator, nyanomartialartist made by Floofers, idchiefjustice idclerk and idlawyer made by leonardo_dabepis (Discord), idprosecutor made by Timemaster99 (Discord), idcargoassistant made by Radezolid",
"size": {
"x": 32,
"y": 32
@@ -39,6 +39,9 @@
"name": "idlawyer"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "idcargoassistant"
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@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
- "version": 1,
- "license": "CC-BY-SA-3.0",
- "copyright": "Taken from tgstation PR https://github.com/tgstation/tgstation/blob/master/icons/obj/objects.dmi, modified by rosieposieeee",
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- },
- {
- "name": "closed"
- }
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+ },
+ {
+ "name": "open"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "closed"
+ }
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@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
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- "license": "CC-BY-SA-3.0",
- "copyright": "Made by rosieposieeee",
- "size": {
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- },
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- {
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- }
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+ "copyright": "Made by rosieposieeee",
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+ },
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+ "copyright": "Taken from vgstation at https://github.com/vgstation-coders/vgstation13/commit/125c975f1b3bf9826b37029e9ab5a5f89e975a7e, backpack sprite by Peptide, backpack sling sprite edited by Boaz1111, wield sprites by RiceMar1244, Resprited for DeltaV by Stop-Sign",
+ "size": {
+ "x": 32,
+ "y": 32
+ },
+ "states": [
+ {
+ "name": "icon"
+ },
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+ "name": "base"
+ },
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+ "name": "mag-unshaded-2"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "mag-unshaded-3"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "mag-unshaded-4"
+ },
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+ "directions": 4
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "inhand-right",
+ "directions": 4
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "wielded-inhand-left",
+ "directions": 4
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "wielded-inhand-right",
+ "directions": 4
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "0-inhand-left",
+ "directions": 4
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "0-inhand-right",
+ "directions": 4
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "25-inhand-left",
+ "directions": 4
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "25-inhand-right",
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+ },
+ {
+ "name": "50-inhand-left",
+ "directions": 4
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "50-inhand-right",
+ "directions": 4
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "75-inhand-left",
+ "directions": 4
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "75-inhand-right",
+ "directions": 4
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "equipped-BACKPACK",
+ "directions": 4
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "equipped-SUITSTORAGE",
+ "directions": 4
+ }
+ ]
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index 00000000000..e8e19113d9e
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/DeltaV/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Battery/cold_cannon.rsi/wielded-inhand-left.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f181078b55e
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@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ "version": 1,
+ "license": "CC-BY-SA-3.0",
+ "copyright": "Taken/modified from desertrose at https://github.com/DesertRose2/desertrose/pull/378/commits/9e081bd2a0d7614be5a9dabbca34886ce204105d, modified into bread knife by Radezolid",
+ "size": {
+ "x": 32,
+ "y": 32
+ },
+ "states": [
+ {
+ "name": "icon"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "inhand-left",
+ "directions": 4
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "inhand-right",
+ "directions": 4
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "equipped-BELT",
+ "directions": 4
+ }
+ ]
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similarity index 100%
rename from Resources/Textures/Structures/Storage/closet.rsi/cj.png
rename to Resources/Textures/DeltaV/Structures/Storage/closet.rsi/cj.png
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similarity index 100%
rename from Resources/Textures/Structures/Storage/closet.rsi/cj_door.png
rename to Resources/Textures/DeltaV/Structures/Storage/closet.rsi/cj_door.png
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similarity index 100%
rename from Resources/Textures/Structures/Storage/closet.rsi/cj_open.png
rename to Resources/Textures/DeltaV/Structures/Storage/closet.rsi/cj_open.png
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similarity index 100%
rename from Resources/Textures/Structures/Storage/closet.rsi/clerk.png
rename to Resources/Textures/DeltaV/Structures/Storage/closet.rsi/clerk.png
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similarity index 100%
rename from Resources/Textures/Structures/Storage/closet.rsi/clerk_door.png
rename to Resources/Textures/DeltaV/Structures/Storage/closet.rsi/clerk_door.png
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similarity index 100%
rename from Resources/Textures/Structures/Storage/closet.rsi/clerk_open.png
rename to Resources/Textures/DeltaV/Structures/Storage/closet.rsi/clerk_open.png
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+++ b/Resources/Textures/DeltaV/Structures/Storage/closet.rsi/meta.json
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
"x": 32,
"y": 32
- "copyright": "Taken from tgstation, added psych locker based on medical locker by Radezolid",
+ "copyright": "Taken from tgstation, added psych locker based on medical locker by Radezolid, CJ and Clerk lockers edited by Timemaster99 (Discord)",
"license": "CC-BY-SA-3.0",
"states": [
@@ -36,6 +36,24 @@
"name": "generic_icon"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "cj"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "cj_door"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "cj_open"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "clerk"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "clerk_door"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "clerk_open"
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..888ddb464e6
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/Interface/Actions/actions_borg.rsi/fauna-module.png differ
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index 2ebb6eddcf5..7fb1027c9e9 100644
--- a/Resources/Textures/Interface/Actions/actions_borg.rsi/meta.json
+++ b/Resources/Textures/Interface/Actions/actions_borg.rsi/meta.json
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"version": 1,
"license": "CC-BY-SA-3.0",
- "copyright": "Taken from vgstation at commit https://github.com/vgstation-coders/vgstation13/commit/cdbcb1e858b11f083994a7a269ed67ef5b452ce9",
+ "copyright": "Taken from vgstation at commit https://github.com/vgstation-coders/vgstation13/commit/cdbcb1e858b11f083994a7a269ed67ef5b452ce9. fauna-module.png created by deltanedas (github) for SS14.",
"size": {
"x": 32,
"y": 32
@@ -103,6 +103,9 @@
+ {
+ "name": "fauna-module"
+ },
"name": "select-type"
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index 39303046bb7..355ad48c8e8 100644
--- a/Resources/Textures/Objects/Specific/Mining/ore_bag.rsi/meta.json
+++ b/Resources/Textures/Objects/Specific/Mining/ore_bag.rsi/meta.json
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"version": 1,
"license": "CC-BY-SA-3.0",
- "copyright": "Homegrown by @ninruB#7795, inhand sprites by lzk228(discord 455630609641897984)",
+ "copyright": "Homegrown by @ninruB#7795, inhand sprites by lzk228(discord 455630609641897984) | icon_on state by @kilath",
"size": {
"x": 32,
"y": 32
@@ -21,6 +21,19 @@
"name": "inhand-right",
"directions": 4
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "icon_on",
+ "delays": [
+ [
+ 0.1,
+ 0.1,
+ 0.1,
+ 0.1,
+ 0.1,
+ 0.1
+ ]
+ ]
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new file mode 100644
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index 3b28912df0d..c81c158a563 100644
--- a/Resources/Textures/Objects/Specific/Mining/ore_bag_holding.rsi/meta.json
+++ b/Resources/Textures/Objects/Specific/Mining/ore_bag_holding.rsi/meta.json
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"version": 1,
"license": "CC-BY-SA-3.0",
- "copyright": "Taken from Paradise at https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/blob/5ce5a66c814c4a60118d24885389357fd0240002/icons/obj/mining.dmi",
+ "copyright": "Taken from Paradise at https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/blob/5ce5a66c814c4a60118d24885389357fd0240002/icons/obj/mining.dmi | icon_on state by PuroSlavKing (Github)",
"size": {
"x": 32,
"y": 32
@@ -106,6 +106,25 @@
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "icon_on",
+ "delays": [
+ [
+ 0.1,
+ 0.1,
+ 0.1,
+ 0.1,
+ 0.1,
+ 0.1,
+ 0.1,
+ 0.1,
+ 0.1,
+ 0.1,
+ 0.1,
+ 0.1
+ ]
+ ]
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index 74c9893cae3..25837047418 100644
--- a/Resources/Textures/Objects/Specific/Robotics/borgmodule.rsi/meta.json
+++ b/Resources/Textures/Objects/Specific/Robotics/borgmodule.rsi/meta.json
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"version": 1,
"license": "CC0-1.0",
- "copyright": "Created by EmoGarbage404 (github) for Space Station 14. icon-construction.png created by deltanedas (github). syndicateborgbomb.png created by Mangohydra (github).",
+ "copyright": "Created by EmoGarbage404 (github) for Space Station 14. icon-construction.png and icon-carp.png created by deltanedas (github). syndicateborgbomb.png created by Mangohydra (github).",
"size": {
"x": 32,
"y": 32
@@ -28,6 +28,9 @@
"name": "icon-cables"
+ {
+ "name": "icon-carp"
+ },
"name": "icon-chemist"
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@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
"x": 32,
"y": 32
- "copyright": "Taken from tgstation, brigmedic locker is a resprited CMO locker by PuroSlavKing (Github), n2 sprites based on fire and emergency sprites | CJ and Clerk lockers edited by Timemaster99 (Discord)",
+ "copyright": "Taken from tgstation, brigmedic locker is a resprited CMO locker by PuroSlavKing (Github), n2 sprites based on fire and emergency sprites",
"license": "CC-BY-SA-3.0",
"states": [
@@ -163,24 +163,6 @@
"name": "chemical_door"
- {
- "name": "cj"
- },
- {
- "name": "cj_door"
- },
- {
- "name": "cj_open"
- },
- {
- "name": "clerk"
- },
- {
- "name": "clerk_door"
- },
- {
- "name": "clerk_open"
- },
"name": "cmo"
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+ "version": 1,
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+ "x": 32,
+ "y": 32
+ },
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+ "copyright": "Modified by EmoGarbage404 and taken from https://github.com/goonstation/goonstation at commit b951a2c12d967af1295a3e6d33a861e7e1f21299. cash_5000, cash_10000, cash_25000, cash_50000, cash_100000, cash_250000 modified by Whatstone (Discord)",
+ "states": [
+ {
+ "name": "cash"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "cash_10"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "cash_100"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "cash_500"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "cash_1000"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "cash_5000"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "cash_10000",
+ "delays": [
+ [
+ 0.2,
+ 0.2,
+ 0.2,
+ 0.2,
+ 0.2,
+ 0.2,
+ 0.2,
+ 0.2,
+ 0.2,
+ 0.2,
+ 0.2,
+ 0.2,
+ 0.2,
+ 0.2
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "cash_25000",
+ "delays": [
+ [
+ 0.2,
+ 0.2,
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+ 0.2,
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+ 0.2,
+ 0.2,
+ 0.2,
+ 0.2,
+ 0.2,
+ 0.2,
+ 0.2,
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+ 0.2
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
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+ 0.2,
+ 0.2,
+ 0.2,
+ 0.2,
+ 0.2,
+ 0.2,
+ 0.2,
+ 0.2,
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+ 0.2,
+ 0.2
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
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+ [
+ 0.2,
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+ 0.2
+ ]
+ ]
+ }
+ ]