Run command and only return Stdout
out, err := run.CMD("./command", "arg1", "arg2").STDOutOutput()
Run command and combine Stderr and Stdout
out, err := run.CMD("./command", "arg1", "arg2").CombinedOutput()
Run command and change Working Directory
out, err := run.CMD("./command", "arg1", "arg2").Dir("..").CombinedOutput()
Run command and set environment variables
out, err := run.CMD("./command", "arg1", "arg2").Dir("..").Env("DEBUG=true").CombinedOutput()
Run command and log the command that is going to be executed to os.Stderr
out, err := run.CMD("./command", "arg1", "arg2").Dir("..").Env("DEBUG=true").Log().CombinedOutput()
Run command and override the default Logger
run.Logger = log.New(os.Stderr, "", log.LstdFlags)
out, err := run.CMD("./command", "arg1", "arg2").Dir("..").Env("DEBUG=true").Log().CombinedOutput()
Run command without trapping its output
err := run.CMD("./command", "arg1", "arg2").Dir("..").Env("DEBUG=true").Log().Run()
Run command interactively by tying Stdin
err := run.CMD("./command", "arg1", "arg2").Dir("..").Env("DEBUG=true").Log().Stdin().Run()
Pass data ([]byte) directly to the Stdin of the command
err := run.CMD("./command", "arg1", "arg2").Dir("..").Env("DEBUG=true").Log().In(data).CombinedOutput()
Run a command with a cancelation context
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 50*time.Millisecond)
defer cancel()
out, err := run.CMD("./command", "arg1", "arg2").Ctx(ctx).CombinedOutput()
+ Or:
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 50*time.Millisecond)
defer cancel()
out, err := run.CMDCtx(ctx, "./command", "arg1", "arg2").CombinedOutput()
Run a command and pass a custom io.Writer to run:
// Defaults to os.Stdout and os.Stderr
err := run.CMD("./command", "arg1", "arg2").Run()
// Combined output to myCombinedWriter
err := run.CMD("./command", "arg1", "arg2").Run(myCombinedWriter)
// Separate streams
err := run.CMD("./command", "arg1", "arg2").Run(myStdoutWriter, myStderrWriter)
Run command and only return Stdout but print Stderr to os.Stderr as it happends
out, err := run.CMD("./command", "arg1", "arg2").STDOutOutput()
Run command and only return Stdout but discard Stderr for quiet mode.
out, err := run.CMD("./command", "arg1", "arg2").DiscardErr().STDOutOutput()
Run command and only return Stdout but save Stderr output to the error object if there was an error
out, err := run.CMD("./command", "arg1", "arg2").SaveErr().STDOutOutput()
if err != nil {
var exitErr *exec.ExitError
if errors.As(err, &exitErr) {
errOutput := exitErr.Stderr
log.Printf("Failed with exit code: %d, full error output: %s\n", exitErr.ExitCode(), string(errOutput))
A mocking function can be stored in the context and retrieved automatically:
Store the mock function in the context:
ctx := context.Background() mockR := run.CMD().Mock(func(r *run.RunInfo) error { r.Stdout.Write([]byte("hello world\n")) r.Stderr.Write([]byte("hola mundo\n")) return nil }) ctx = run.ContextWithRunInfo(ctx, mockR)
Automatically run the mock function if it exists in the context:
r := run.CMDCtx(ctx, "ls", "./run") out, err := r.CombinedOutput() if err != nil { t.Errorf("unexpected error") } if string(out) != "hello world\nhola mundo\n" { t.Errorf("wrong output: %s\n", out) }
Must use run.CMDCtx to automatically run the mock function if it exists in the context.
If the function doesn’t exist it runs the command as usual.
This file is part of run.
Copyright © 2020-2024 David Gamba Rios
This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at