- Add argparse handling of input files and columns, outputs
- Get default license headers ready and in place
- Add license headers to double star code
- Finish output of modified table in HTML and fits
- Add SAO number to parsing
- Create main github project
- Create README.md
- Write README.md section on getting your own list working
- Fix default formatting of table columns
- Fix coordinate formatting issues (SimbadIdent & astroquery)
- Make SimbadIdent consistent with astroquery
- Refactor out SimbadIdent
- Implement SimbadStarQuery class and get it working
- Better handling of corner cases, e.g. "psi Psc"
- Check it works on other examples, get correct names for other examples
- Move general utilities into separate file
- Fix remaining issues with whitespace and \n in star names
- Have SimbadStarQuery store and output original user's ID.
- Have input/output column names, hardwired for now.
- Make star name aliases user-configurable and input to SimbadStarQuery
- Add alternate txt file input possible, add input file type detection
- Fix identifier handling for two-word star names, e.g Barnard's Star
- Check input column name handling works, handles errors well
- Add Fe_H Teff columns as its available
- Script to download WDS data table directly from CDS.
- Python script to edit "bad" fits header keywords, e.g. in WDS.
- Python script to process output of star_query.py to get clean WDS IDs
- process_wds_ids to preserve user 'star' ID
- wds algorithm for selecting components
- Python script to parse WDS data to get simbad-acceptable multiple star IDs
- Modify SimbadStarQuery and star_query to allow alternate query ID.
- When using alternate query ID rationalize multiple WDS to match query
- When using alternate query ID log query id's that fail & target names
- Move common command line options to DavesAstropyUtils
- Implement ABC filter
- Create generalized table writer in DavesAstropyUtils
- Use generalized writer in star_query
- Add examples in docs
- Resolve which existing TODOs are OBE.
- BUG: B_wds.fits.gz corrupt. CAN"T FIX DIRECTLY. EMAILED CDS.
- Write conversion tool to convert text wds data to fits.
- Document methods that will be used.
- Ability to run all processing stages from one script.
- Ability to get secondary component RA/DEC from WDS primary pos + offset/PA.
- Environment variable for path to inputs like darkTable.css
- Clean up existing python related to Prieto et al data.
- Have configurable input/output column names, formats, descriptions
- Make votable fields used configurable as part of input/output column name config
- Better PEP8 compliance
- Full docstring and/or Sphinx documentation
- Unit tests!
- Possibly handle multiple distinct inputs, e.g. '42-45 Ori'
- Ability to output open astronomy log format for use with kstars
- Investigate GAIA coverage of targets.
- Use GAIA data instead of Hipparcos, IF GAIA covers bright stars.