- Change supported command line arguments. Instead of vocalfusion for 3100, nothing for 3500, and vxf3510 for 3510, arguments are now xvf3100 for 3100, xvf3500 for 3500, and xvf3510 for 3510.
- Internal changes to support adding future products.
- Update clock dividers for RPi3 to generate a 12.288MHz clock, since the RPi4 clock at 24.576MHz has glitches
- Add support for RPi4 on I2S loader kernel module
- Add delay in loading I2S drivers needed for Buster on RPi3
- Add script compute_clock_dividers.py to compute dividers for MCLK and BCLK
- Fix some indentations and general tidy up
- Add support for 16kHz BCLK generation
- Support runtime disabling of MCLK drive to allow for I2S role change
- Enable SPI interface
- Add installation of packages for dev kit
- Use default I2C hardware
- Add installation of Py3 packages
- Added audacity installation and setup for XVF3510
- Added reset for XVF3510
- Added support for XVF3510
- Modified I2S loader to be either master or slave
- Remove BCM2708 modules that no longer exist in Stretch (#4)
- Stop on kernel module build error
- Require reinstall of kernel and firmware so kernel headers match running kernel version and we can build kernel modules (#6)
- New ALSA configurations for both VocalFusion and VocalFusion Stereo devices.
- Optional setup.sh argument to specify VocalFusion ALSA configuration.
- Updated I2C driver to be compatible with Linux Kernel v4.10.
- Moved to vocalfusion-rpi-setup repo.
- Removed the need to download Linux Raspberry Pi source code.
- Removed snd_driver/bclk_patch.