- SVG marker for videos
- Reply to comments
- Changed video library to plyr
- Compulsory questions
- Table of contents
- Automatic scrolling if show all comments is active
- New Learning Progress mode
- Disable toolbar setting
- Compatibility to ILIAS 5.4
- It is now possible with the use of the COPage Plugin to include interactive videos in learning modules
- Auto resume if re-entering the video
- Support for subtitles
- Block modal closing by clicking on the background
- If enabled, a modal dialogue won't be closed if a user clicks on the background.
- Autoresume after question modal is closed
- If enabled, the video will be automatically resumed after closing a the modal question dialogue.
- Display task above videos
- Possibility to create a comment (private/public) on reflection question
- Repository object as feedback for a question
- Neutral question (without scoring) creation is now possible
- CKEditor is now usable for comments and questions
- Support for Latex (Mathjax) in question and comments
- COPage-Plugin to create links to Interactive Videos
- Possibility to create plugins for other video sources
- Export of the comment stream
- Images for the question text
- Extract images for the question text from a file based video source
- Youtube as video source
- Video URL as source
- Video platform FAU as media source via plugin
- Video platform Vimeo as media source via plugin
- Compatibility with PHP 7 and Ilias 5.2.x
- Export/Import
- Learning Progress
- Setting to deactivate user comments