Simple mod to add things to Mekanism
Name: mtInfuseTypes.json
: Is the name of the infuse type. (Should be all lowercase)resourceLocation
: Is the location to the texture to use for the infuse type.
"name": "stone",
"resourceLocation": "minecraft:blocks/stone"
"name": "hay",
"resourceLocation": "minecraft:blocks/hay_block_side"
- Infuse name should be the name of the infuse type. Can be the custom one you've added or ones already in Mekanism. (Should be all lowercase)
- Item should the item you want to be able to be converted.
- Worth value is the amount of the infuse you want to be created from the Item. (Should be less than 50) (Default: 5)
import mods.mekatweaks.InfuseObject;
// addInfuseType(String infuseName, IItemStack item, int worthValue);
InfuseObject.addInfuseType("stone", <minecraft:stone>, 10);
InfuseObject.addInfuseType("hay", <minecraft:hay_block>, 10);