- Deploy the source Kafka cluster
oc apply -f mirror-maker/kafka-source.yaml
- Deploy the target Kafka cluster
oc apply -f mirror-maker/kafka-target.yaml
- Wait for the deployments to be ready and check the pods
oc get pods
- Open
and have a look at all the configuration - Deploy the Kafka Mirror Maker cluster and wait until it is deployed
oc apply -f mirror-maker/kafka-mirror-maker.yaml
- Wait for the deployment to be ready and check the pods
oc get pods
- Go to the OpenShift webconsole
- Go the the one of the
pods - Create a topic
./bin/kafka-topics.sh --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic test
- Wait until the topic is discovered by Mirror Maker
- Create a producer and send a few messages
./bin/kafka-console-producer.sh --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic test
- Go the the one of the
pods - Create a consumer and consume messages
./bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic test --from-beginning
- Observe mirrored messages
- Delete the deployments
oc delete kafkamirrormaker my-mirror-maker
oc delete kafka my-source-cluster
oc delete kafka my-target-cluster
- Open
. - Make yourself sure
are set correctly- whitelist regular expression matches your topic name
- You can and add
section to the both consumer and producer.- Optional properties are listed at http://kafka.apache.org/08/documentation/#configuration
- Source/Target
It may be confusing we are setting bootstrap servers for source cluster as consumer and target cluster as producer. See figure below for explanation.
| |
| Kafka Mirror Maker |
| |
/ \
______/_________ __________\_____
|_source cluster_| |_target cluster_|
Kafka Mirror Maker consumes messages from source
cluster and produces them into the target
- Discovering topics
By default Kafka Mirror Maker mirrors only messages which were sent after Kafka Mirror Maker dicovers appropriate topic.
Kafka MM deployed
time __________________________|__________________\
| /
topic discovered
messages are mirrored from this moment