Turning your crontab into a graph to help you identify any overlapping jobs and also find gaps between scheduled jobs.
1. Add extra parameters to your cron job description lines separated by /
# title / number of iterations a day / execution time in minutes
Example below will result in 5 unique jobs taking 1 minute to run each day
# Copy file from A to B / 5 / 1
0 5,6,7,8,9 * * * /script.sh
2. Export your cron jobs to a .txt file
3. Run the script specifying the path to the cron txt file as an argument
python3 visualize_cron.py --file cron.txt
4. Open up the result .html file to view the graph
The following input crontab
#Job A / 1 / 10
20 9 * * 1-5 <cron job command>
#Job A / 1 / 10
25 11 * * 1-5 <cron job command>
#Job A / 4 / 10
55 13,14,16,18 * * 1-5 <cron job command>
#Job B / 1 / 30
0 8 * * * <cron job command>
#Job C / 1 / 5
10 9 * * 1-5 <cron job command>
#Job C / 1 / 5
25 11 * * 1-5 <cron job command>
#Job C / 4 / 5
55 13,14,16,18 * * 1-5 <cron job command>
#Job D / 1 / 15
10 6 * * 1-5 <cron job command>
#Job D / 1 / 15
25 7 * * 1-5 <cron job command>
#Job D / 4 / 15
52 8,9,10,12 * * 1-5 <cron job command>